
is rape normal to any other anons Anonymous 717
i think rape's wrong and i don't want anyone else to go through it. but personally, i don't really care if it happens to me.
My history: i was abused for 2-3 years as a kid by my brother and my parents and brother blamed me for it despite the fact it was done in such a manipulative way. i've been raped since by my bf of 3 years several times while i'm asleep, anally, with pictures, etc.
overall, it's like stealing or any other "sin" to me, it's wrong, but not necessarily worth breaking off all contact with a person because they do it.
and no, i'm not talking about rape as being romanticized or as a fetish. i don't think it's hot or arousing.
Anonymous 718
I was wondering if I should even warrant this a reply, but NO. I don't know how you can compare stealing with rape. I hope that your bf hasn't normalized this behavior for you, because it isn't right, sorry. I'm kinda upset that now your bf will probably do the same shit to another girl after you until he learns…And I'm sorry you were abused, anon. I also used to say things like "I wouldn't care if I was raped" but this was when I was in middle school and hated myself and really didn't care what happened to me. Now that I'm MUCH older, I realize how psychologically damaging it is and how messed up and sad it was for me to think that way. I also know someone who was abused by her brother, and it's deeply scarring but she got therapy to help some.
Anonymous 719
>>718I'm insecure about how immature my original post must make me seem, I don't want to get raped. I'm just looking for other people who feel the same way, but thank you for the response.
Anonymous 720
>>719Yeah I understand, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty about it since it isn't your fault
Anonymous 722
>that includes the men in my family who abused my mom as a child
Oh yeah, I think anyone who abuses children should not get a pass whatsoever. I'd be happy if my brother and his apologists died. I should have specified I wasn't including children in my definition.
Anonymous 723
I would say it's fair to say that it's normal in the sense that it's very common. But that is also why it's wrong, because we shouldn't let it continue to exist like this due to the harm it causes to people. I see what OP means about not completely cutting off ties with someone who has raped, but I would only be OK with that if they show genuine understanding and change. Like other crimes, there should be emphasis on repentance, but for sex crimes the issue is that so many perpetrators are not even brought to justice to begin with.
Because like
>>722 said, fuck abusers they can die.
Anonymous 725
i'm the opposite. it's never happened to me but thinking about it makes me so upset i used to think i would kill myself if it ever happened. other than the obvious physical suffering, when i think about it happening to me it makes me hate myself and feel like i deserve to suffer even if i know that's not true.
i actually wish i was more like you. i want to just see it as a bad thing that can possibly happen like any other, instead of having so many awful emotional connotations.
does anyone know how to change this?
Anonymous 726
>Rape is pretty much normal. It's a lot more common than most people think
i'm not sure if that's true anon. what makes you say that? if anything it seems like the opposite to me with movies and porn and media being so obsessed with it.
of course it depends on where you are as well.
Anonymous 728
>Rape is pretty much normal. It's a lot more common than most people think and half of society doesn't seem to give a single fuck about supporting victims or fixing social attitudes.
As someone who just spent her last 5 mins in tumblr I can say that is downright false
Anonymous 731
It's never seemed bad to me either. I don't see why it would be traumatic for anyone, and when hearing about people coming out with emotional stories that they've supposedly carried for years, it's just like, oh, okay. Someone stuck their doodle-do in your hoo-ha.
Anonymous 743
>>731i wish i could feel this way wtf. it's usually incredibly physically painful and turns something that's normally fun into something really degrading and sad. how do you just not care but still have self esteem? i'd really love to change
Anonymous 760
After personal experience with having a rape fetish and actually being raped. I can say with 100% confidence that most don't actually have a rape fetish. They have a rough sex mixed with humiliation with someone I know fetish. The fetish tends to go away when it is some junkie forcing raping you at gun point.
Anonymous 761
>>760" Just because I ate pizza and you didn't I can say for sure you will not like it and are talking out of your ass".
Anonymous 762
>>760I don't understand where this is coming from, I stated in my OP that I wasn't into the fetish at all to stop confusion over what I was trying to say.
Anonymous 764
>Someone stuck their doodle-do in your hoo-hawtf?
It's not like it's regular sex, are you mental or just an incel? It hurts, it bleeds, it's humiliating, downgrading, it usually makes you hate sexual contact for a while and you end up blaming yourself because people don't support you.
I also feel bad for OP because she probably been through this so often that she is desensitized to it. And I hope that the bf is now an ex.
Anonymous 770
>>762I was pointing out how women who romanticized rape as a fetish. Have no clue what real rape is.
Anonymous 772
>>764This is a female-only site. It's funny how anyone who has an opinion you don't like must be an incel, though. I don't respect those who wallow. That includes those who can't get over temporary pain. Those who cry, those who put their problems in front of other people.
Anonymous 773
>>772You're delusional if you think all the effects of rape can be controlled by the victim. You can't decide what dreams you have, you can't decide whether you develop conversion disorder or PTSD, etc. from rape, there are a lot of things you can't control about rape, including whether you get raped in the first place. Crying isn't necessarily wallowing, neither is dealing with one's own problems before others.
Incel or not, you're being plain rude. Also, wtf is with >This is a female-only site
No shit, but like, we've had men on this site before. Once they out themselves, they get banned. There are probably a few men who regularly browse here yet don't out themselves.
Anonymous 778
>>761>Just because I ate pizza and you didn't I can say for sure you will not like itYou… You think that anyone in their right mind would like getting raped?
Anonymous 779
>>778There is a subreddit called rapekink where they talk about this
Anonymous 784
Fantasy rape is nothing like the real thing. An idealized partner, crossing only the lines that you want them to, with no real physical pain or danger to your life?
It shares the word with actual rape, and that is the only similarity between the two concepts.
Anonymous 1098
I meant that he's raped me and has taken pictures or videos during the act.
Anonymous 2275
>>717>overall, it's like stealing or any other "sin" to me, it's wrong, but not necessarily worth breaking off all contact with a person because they do it. This where you're wrong because clearly stealing or any other sin is exactly enough reason for you to break off any kind of relationship with the person who does this to you, that is, you value yourself enough not to be acquainted with shitty people, which tells about you a lot actually.
Anonymous 3708
>>717I do, but I want to get raped. I've been sexually assaulted in the past.
Anonymous 3711

>it's like stealing or any other "sin" to me, it's wrong, but not necessarily worth breaking off all contact with a person because they do it. the fuck? stealing is nothing compared to rape.
stealing is you take an item that doesn't belong to you. an item doesn't feel anything, well, the person that the item belongs to does, but it doesn't cause them physical pain and long-lasting mental (and physical too!) trauma. rape does.
>>3708i'm sorry for you anon, but why do you want to get raped again? wasn't it horrifying? or do you just crave control over the situation so it won't be that damaging?