Anonymous 7268
Is it just me or there are a concerning amount of men who are into stepping/crushing/feet/heels shit nowadays? Or do I just attract lots of sexual degenerates
Please I need an answer, why do moids find this hot and want me to wear heels. I fucking hate heels and tired of explaining why when its obvious to any woman
Anonymous 7273
>>7268do they just want you to wear heels, or do they specifically ask you to crush things in them?
Anonymous 7280
>>7268where on earth are you meeting these weirdos?
Anonymous 7284
>>7280So far I've seen them pretty much on every social media platform
Anonymous 7288
>>7284there's your problem. get off the internet and meat real people.
Anonymous 7291
>>7288I am surrounded by ugly men
Anonymous 7944
dr katz.gif

Neurologists have observed that there is neural proximity between the part of the brain that processes feet, and the part of the brain that experiences sexual pleasure. In people with poor myelination (neural insulation), chemical-electrical signals bleed over from the feet area, into some of the more sexual areas of the brain. It's either genes, or brain damage from things like poor health and drug use, that are causing the lack of myelination (white matter). No one really knows why people have fetishes, but that's one of the theories for foot fetishes. Early childhood experiences, classical conditioning, or "no, no, I was just born this way" are also explanations that people throw around.