
Does anyone like reading erotica? Anonymous 7341
I do but it's hard to find good stuff or something more niche about a specific pairing or situation. Do any of you have good website recommendations?
Anonymous 7344
I'd prefer not to say what exactly I'm looking for in regards to niche things as it's kinda embarrassing. Would just like some general rec's for good erotica sites so I can look for myself
Anonymous 7346
>>7341AI story games could be exactly what you need. Free version of AIDungeon is the best one there is to test them out atm, and if you do like it, you should sub to NovelAI or HoloAI.
I mean, AIDungeon used to be the best by far, but it had a huge pedo problem few years ago, and when they fixed it, the algorithm broke a little, and recently their primary supplier of code disallowed all violent content (even swordfights with a dragon), so they had to write their own stuff for the paid version, and it’s even shittier.
Their free version should give you a good feel on how these games work in general, but it forgets/contradicts itself a lot, and the text is pretty bland compared to the paid competitors.
Anonymous 7348

>>7346This looks like a good idea but I'm paranoid about my story being saved somewhere to make the AI more powerful…
>>7347>I do writing commissions so I've seen everything. I'll keep it private but thanks for the offer
Anonymous 7349
>>7348>This looks like a good idea but I'm paranoid about my story being saved somewhere to make the AI more powerful…Well, that’s a good reason to not to use them (I use them anyways, because I have a very spesific fetish).
Most of the companies say they don’t use the data to do that (opt-out in AIDungeon), but there’s no way to verify their claims.
Anonymous 7351
Dwarves and elves taking turns genociding and/or enslaving each other for pleasure.
Anonymous 7356
Well, it’s complicated, but there are three main reasons
>was accidentally exposed to graphic footage of Balkan wars, Punakhmer, and the Holocaust when I were a tween and I were so startled by it, I felt a rush of blood flowing downstairs, which horrified me even more, and since it was so similar to arousal, and since I was new to the hormonal changes my body was undergoing, I had difficulty telling the difference between the two, which led to me overfocusing on it when stuff was brought up, consciously trying not to think of it as hot, which did the opposite
>(christian upbringing certainly didn’t help lol, no Sex Ed, combined with detailed descriptions of Hell)
>had a LOTR fujo phase, simple as
>revenge plot arches are fascinating
Anonymous 7362
You’re welcome. Good thing this is an anonymous imageboard, since it’s definitely something I’ll take to my grave lol.
I suspect there’s some kind of trauma behind most fetishes that people have, tbh. It’s a good way for a person to mentally regain control of the situation they were put in, I guess.
And yeah, rubbing off to real people would be infinitely worse, since they’re real and it actually happened.
Anonymous 7364
>>7362> It’s a good way for a person to mentally regain control of the situation they were put inYes exactly. It's a shame this aspect doesn't seem to be discussed academically, even now that trauma is recognized as something more serious and pervasive than just old war veterans' problems.
Do you want me to write something for you?
Anonymous 7384
>>7364Sorry if it’s a bit late, noticed your post just now.
>Yes exactly. It's a shame this aspect doesn't seem to be discussed academically, even now that trauma is recognized as something more serious and pervasive than just old war veterans' problems. This, so much this. For so long, the general public has just either tiptoed around the subject, or even outright ridiculed it. When they think of trauma, they tend to only remember that scene of Rambo getting the Vietnam flashbacks, or visualize a strawman feminist writing a blogpost about moldy bread. This society has a long way to go, but maybe there’s hope.
>Do you want me to write something for you?Sure! I would love to. Go ahead.
Anonymous 7386
>>7384I think there are reasons to be cautiously optimistic. Things are moving forward in regard to mental health. Not so long ago, for example, autism was just "lol rainman so quirky" and was thought to be caused by cold mothers (now we know it's caused by 5g towers and vaccines >:) ). Likewise, you won't see as many people with depression getting told to "wtf have you tried thinking positive".
>Sure! I would love toNice! Do you have any preferences for things like point of view, setting, events, style? Are there any specific details that especially turn you on?
Anonymous 7392
>>7386Good point, some progress has certainly been made in the recent years. Hope it doesn’t stagnate.
And as for your question, well, let’s see… Like I said, vengeance plays a part in the text I build with the AI. And corruption, usually of both sides.
For example, a gradual erosion of dwarven warrior pride, as they keep getting repeately humiliated in their helplessness.
And a once a virtuous elf, now giving in to their primal desire, becoming the animal within.
And vice versa.
It tends to become a feedback loop, where they both push each other deeper down the stairwell of depravity, step by step.
The tormentor usually takes the initiative of course, but also pays the price for it. In some stories it’s sheer guilt that gnaws their soul. Sometimes, it’s love that’s forming between them. Sometimes, the victim flips the power balance around and becomes the tormentor. All kinds of outcomes are possible. Even forgiveness, to break the cycle and set them both free.
As for the setting, I’d say high fantasy or scifi would be the best, because it’s so far removed from real life. The fujo phase made me realize that I’m a dyke lol, but I don’t mind a story about het/gay male pair, if you don’t feel comfy writing about lesbians. I’m trying to say, feel free to take any direction you’d like.
Anonymous 7402
>>7392Oh no, not fujo, what am I to do
laughs in bisexual. But even leaving that aside, my goal when writing is to realize someone's fantasies so I generally don't mind even if they're very far from what I would normally enjoy.
I think I'll give it a go with a sci-fi revenge plot for now, because I just realized I have no idea how female dwarves actually are. I'll post an introduction sometime today or tomorrow so you can quickly stop me if you don't like where it is going.
I gotta say though, I'm really impressed with how you managed to not only regain agency by turning your trauma into a fetish, but also to go further by adding beauty and the possibility of reconciliation. It's strong stuff. I'd be very interested in reading some of your work on AIDungeon; of course I understand if it's too sensitive to share.
Anonymous 7413
>>7402>laughs in bisexualMandatory WLW high-five!
Oh, and glad to hear that writing such scenes isn’t a problem for you. It probably a vast imagination to pull off.
I mostly generate genocide scenarios with AI, but they start to feel a bit repetitive if no one gets out alive to interact with. And then, the interrogation/torture/whatever prompts tend to turn erotic in most cases, for more obvious reasons.
>scifi revenge plot for nowThat sounds rather interesting, can’t wait to read it! Haven’t tried scifi in a while. It’s not as limited as fantasy sometimes is, but if I don’t micromanage the AI, it might trail off describing engine functions and such.
>I gotta say thoughI’m flattered, anon. Thanks! I will gladly share it with you.
Though my stuff probably isn’t as good as it could be, since I write that stuff in my native language, and then turn it to english, and then feed it to the AI, and finally, I save the good bits coming from the AI at the end of the day, translating it again, back to my lang.
Anyways, I could email them to you if you’d like, my throwaway address is
[email protected].
Anonymous 7414
Off-topic but why did you have to post an Encanto pic OP?
I've been horny for Bruno lately goddammit
Anonymous 7419
>>7413Wow that's a lot of pre-masturbation work. I'm quite impressed by the dedication. How often do you go through that routine? Hopefully, my writing will let you forego the AI managing hassle and relax a little for once.
>it might trail off describing engine functions and such.Well, it's not exactly surprising that this is what would arouse an AI, is it?
>I could email them to you if you’d likeYay! Guess I should make a throwaway email then. Is protonmail nice and safe?
Anonymous 7424
>>7419>Wow that’s a lot of pre-masturbation workT.b.h it kind of is. Sometimes AI spits out interesting twists, but certainly not always. There are ways to goad the output more effectively, to ”harden” the AI, but that’s also a pain-in-the-ass to implement correctly.
>How often you go through that routine?About every few weeks or so, when I’m in the mood.
>Hopefully, my writing will let you forego the AI managing hassle and relax a littleI really appreciate your effort for a stranger such as I. You wouldn’t have to do this, yet you do. So thanks. And it’s okay if you don’t want to, after all, because I get it, writing might be surprisingly laborous. I don’t wish to push you fren.
>Well, it's not exactly surprising that this is what would arouse an AI, is it?LMAO guess it’s becoming self-aware (implying it already hasn’t).
>Is protonmail nice and safe?It should be, since it used to get shilled on 4chins, and those guys are paranoid about privacy and transparency.
I use it as a dumping ground for newsletters and coupons and whatnot (since I don’t have to hand it my address, mom’s maiden name, my retinal scans, and soul) and nothing malicious has slipped through yet.
Anonymous 7430
>>7424>tbh it kind of usThat sucks. Does that mean you cannot find enjoyment out of things unless they specifically cater to your fetish? How does it work with a partner?
By the way, do you self-insert in what you write? If so do you generally go for the victim or perpetrator or both (asking for my writing).
>it's okay if you don't want toI like to please + I've been in kind of a writing slump recently so anything that helps me get out of it is welcome!
I'll send what I wrote so far in the next post. Kind of a slow start, so see it more as an appetizer. Don't hesitate to point everything you're not a fan of.
And I made a proton so I'll say hi there too!
Anonymous 7431
The dry road unfolded gently as Az walked. Giant birds circling in a lavender sky, dragging their shadows like lazy flattened dogs at her feet. A crater opening like a cold sore in the cracked soil - a ship crashed there long ago, maybe - and pale worms at the bottom, waiting for rain. The backpack sawing her shoulder a little bit with each step, and ringing a tocsin wail each time. But most of all the overbearing smell of ash filling her nostrils. First, she thought it came from the encampment downhill, but there was no wind to carry it.
The smell had carried Az all the way from her native marshlands twelve lightyears away. She had breathed it on so many alien soils, beneath so many alien suns. For 23 years, she had only known the little sun of her homeworld shining a little liquid light painting a life of soft angles and watercolors. But then the little sun shone through the ashes of Abel and Frei and Ley and Lanice and so she went away with them all in her nose beneath impossibly large suns that flattened perspectives so that Az was a paper-thin figure walking in cardboard cutout landscapes, beneath blindingly bright suns dressing everything in razor-sharp contours and Az squinting and stumbling on strange shores, beneath dream-like suns twitching through clouds of Mercury and Az's skin coated silver walking amid silver gilded trees. And now Az was looking at a purple sun, locked in an endless twilight by the unspinning planet.
Az had carried the smell all the way from her homeworld, stowing away with green manure in the cargo holds of interplanetary transports; highjacking old slavetrader vessels stained in cum and fear; hitchhiking in the gaudy corvettes of golden boys from the galaxy core, pungent with perfumes distilled from the brains of winged snakes. But throughout it all, the smell overpowered everything. Once, she had almost thought she could quit running, that she could rest in the arms of that girl mining ceruleum in the quarries of Bellerophon IV. Az had traded three of her months for a few canteens of blue flame, refined ceruleum. And they met and her hardened skin and anchored arms in a planet without consistence, spongy rocks and feet sinking in the ground like in the belly of a beached whale and her voice deep and grounded saying beautiful things in a few raw words just like she extracts little chunks of ore from the barren rock wall and Az nuzzling her face close and the comforting smell of sweat and mud but it had not been enough and so Az left with blue flame and the smell of ash.
Anonymous 7435
>>7430>That sucks. Does that mean you cannot find enjoyment out of things unless they specifically cater to your fetish? How does it work with a partner?Thanks, well, now that I think about it, I do have the ability to experience sexual pleasure in things that aren’t related to it, vanilla stuff, but it’s not as overwhelming kind of feeling. I can orgasm, but it doesn’t make my knees weak and so on.
As for the partner, that’s a mystery. Due to christian parents and relatives, I were prepared to stay in the closet for life, but then, I were recently outed to them (by accident). Haven’t paid it much thought before, so it’s hard to say. I assume that it’d be somewhat similar to my masturbation habits, except way more vanilla.
>By the way, do you self-insert in what you write?Yup, I do. As the victim, because the thought of ending up as one scares the living shit out of me. Always has. And arouses, too. Very much so. And as for the element of revenge, I think it is because the sins crawling on my back was a familiar concept in the christian household. The fear and the guilt because of sinning was ingrained into my mind. Threat of Hell looming over, and all that.
>I like to please + I've been in kind of a writing slump recentlyHa! Glad I could be of help in return.
> I'll send what I wrote so far in the next post.Hot. Damn. I’ve got no complaints about this tidbit, quite to the contrary actually. Been reading it again and again since I woke up, and let’s just say that I’m definitely relishing on this one. Please, keep going!
>And I made a proton so I'll say hi there too!Awesome, I will. As soon as I’m able.
Anonymous 7436
>>7435Damn, it must have been brutal to be outed like that, to lose agency in something as important as the coming out. I hope you'll be able to come to terms with it.
> I assume that it’d be somewhat similar to my masturbation habits, except way more vanillaThe fact you'd be interacting with a real human being instead of an AI should compensate a lot and have you weak in the knees even with more vanilla stuff imo. Also nothing stops you from progressively going more and more kinky as time goes by!
> As the victimAh nice! I'm more of a top, so this should be fun to write: looks like Az is gonna get in trouble. How rough do you enjoy it on a scale from cute tickle torture to Saw-like stuff? And how sexual?
> the christian householdAh I get that. I dated a muslim girl for a while and there was very much that mix of repressed things pouring out and overwhelming guilt. And so it lead to the wildest sex I've had but also the most draining. And at the end, I lost the battle with Allah and we broke up. I hope she's found balance since.
>I’m definitely relishing on this oneOh, thank you! That's very flattering, and a little bit exciting to imagine you reading it with blushing cheeks and faster breathing.
Anonymous 8662
I am looking for Western literotica
Anonymous 8691
Honestly most of the time i'll just write my own. AO3 tagging system does wonders for me too, though it's obviously a fanfic site, so sometimes i have to dig for hours looking for something that fits my tastes and sometimes i also have to ignore the actual characters because i don't know or don't care about them.
If your tastes are really that niche, your best bet is really joining some community dedicated to it.
Anonymous 8703
>>8691AO3 also has a section for original works.
Anonymous 8713
>>8703This is my go-to, but it's so hard to find anything that is readable on that website. The writing is usually horrible. I wrote a program that auto enters filters for me, so I can avoid the really moronic stuff, but it still takes me hours to find anything.
Do you nonas have any tags you'd recommend?
Anonymous 8719
There's obviously Literotica, which I'm sure you guessed by now. There's the smilemakerscollection, which is by women for women. There's also asstr and leslita, if your tastes run a little more towards things like incest and young people.
Anonymous 8725
>>7341I read it quite a lot, but I now draw the line at audiobooks. I used to drive a lot in the late night/early morning for work and once I decided to listen to a high school sexual revenge fantasy. I was fine right up until I was in line at a store, listening to a sexy voice describing how she drugged, tied down and violated her abuser, when I was approached by a guy in line because my knee was weak and shaking, I was salivating and my breathing was getting heavier. He was genuinely concerned I was having some kind of episode.
Now I just read them, where I can consciously monitor myself to ensure I don't look like I'm about to collapse into a fit.
Anonymous 8727
>>8725Why the fuck are you listening to porn in public, nona?
Anonymous 8728
>>8725where do you find stuff to read? or listen to?
Anonymous 8729
>>8719>there's obviously Literotica, which I'm sure you guessed by now.yeah, most stories are awful however
Anonymous 8733
>>8727Weird part of the story, but I had surgery on my leg and spent over two months with absolutely no libido, then suddenly it kind of switched back on after snapchatting a guy I had a crush on. I was suddenly horny nonstop and very sexually frustrated, so I wanted to really work myself up before I got home for some stress relief. I discovered that very night that from then on, the knee on the leg that had surgery would suddenly become weak and start shuddering if I was too excited.
>>8728I usually just scroll through book rating sites like Goodreads to find specific ones, and either look through secondhand book stores or online for paperbacks and audiobook resources like Audible or audiobookbay if they're ridiculously priced. Seriously, some authors are delusional and will ask $50 for an audiobook, but luckily audiobookbay is filled with some good and even great erotica.
Anonymous 8736
>>8733That became a permanent thing? Must be a bit awkward if you risk falling whenever you get turned on.
Anonymous 8739
>>8736It requires me to be actively aroused, so it's not like I'll collapse if I see someone attractive. I now just have to be fairly strict with myself and any kind of intimate touching is done sitting down.