
What body do you prefer your moid to have? Anonymous 7355
I've seen pic related going around but I get the feeling this was engineered by a moid to have such results if it's not straight up fake
Anonymous 7359
2 is literally perfect
Anonymous 7365
In that order, with the top being 10/10 would fuck everyday and bottom being vomit inducing.
Anonymous 7372
12, obviously.
>only 0.5% preferredMust be fake or answered by gay men. I see female skelly lovers everywhere to the point that I believed we were at least 30% of women.
>>7359Based thicc boi enjoyer.
Anonymous 7380
4, my beloved
a well-developed chest + a nice amount of body fat to soften things up makes for immaculate grope-able boy-tiddies
That plus the jacked arms makes for delightful hugs. 12 is only situationally appealing to me, basically only when I'm feeling rather sadistic and want to enjoy the physique of a man I feel I could overpower (I work out, but my lifts are still pretty shitty), but in terms of a man I'd actually want to have relationship with outside of my femdom fantasies I love more muscle than none. I dunno, there's something very hypnotizing about how soft muscles are when relaxed vs how hard they are when flexed. I am very thankful my bf indulges my perversion by flexing his arms and stuff when I grope them, I can't get enough of the contrast u_u
Anonymous 7382
agreeing with
>>7380 that 4 is the best. anything that looks like a lumberjack will make me weak.
maybe with a little more hair though, I just like them hairy
Anonymous 7393
>>7355All except 9 are ugly af wtf is this
Anonymous 7395
god: 9 or 3
gold: 14 or 7 or skeleton 12
roiders that went way too far or obese people stay out. I dont want home violence.
All of them must have 10/10 angelic faces, quote angelic not CHAD or something. Like something original that is extremely beautiful to look at and wants me to risk my life for them.
Anonymous 7396

At some point in body building I'm certain because of all the crap I have read in moid forums like 4chan or other places is that: moids are trying to impress mods rather than women.
Yes, go exercise it's pro-active its attractive that men are willing to put of WORK but not over do it especially if you are not going to freaking compete for fucks sake. If you can't look good in a well tailored suit, naked or with whatever ;lstest Saint Laurent Paris fashion clothing items you aint a 10/10 in my book I'm sorry.
I FUCKING know moids read this goddess forsaken board.
>pic related
that is good enough just get a strong chest and abs. And I will lick your pecs, abs and maybe your ass and balls if I'm feeling someway.
Anonymous 7397

This dragon from drangalia lost is so hot and he doesn't have a human face. Because he has muscle in the right places and he is stylish he moves with grace. That's all a man needs to be attractive superficially. The rest relies on his personality.
Moids complain so much about looking good but literally this body type requires 1 year of effort in the gym but they never like doing abs or pectorals. All they care about is curls. They hate body weight excersise. This is why Martial Artists always look hotter near naked than body builders. All the hot guys tend to be in the UFC (the pretty faces like Stephen Thompson) not in Mr. Olympia.
Anonymous 7406
>>7397>Stephen Thompsonwow i had never seen such a qt in that sport before
Anonymous 7412
>>7397You masturbated to that dragon, didn't you nona?
Anonymous 7415
4, 7: look soft and squeezable, unlike the other fit ones that look like plastic
2, 6: I unfortunately have a chubby fetish (but find morbidly obese bodies absolutely disgusting)
8: an average body type that I'm fine with
Are you a scrote? Where'd you get that pic? And what do the percentages represent?
Anonymous 7416
>>7397Kek I love how so many women like fictional males with nice bodies and non-human faces or masks more attractive than regular males with normal human faces. I wonder if it's because to them anything is better than having to see a hideous male face?
Sadly there aren't many men in real life with that gorgeous body (nice waist and legs).
>>7396>If you can't look good in a well tailored suit, naked or with whatever ;lstest Saint Laurent Paris fashion clothing items you aint a 10/10 in my book I'm sorry.Based
>and maybe your ass and balls if I'm feeling someway.Cringe
Anonymous 7420

>>7355I'm sorry but I'm legitimately attracted to 2D men only. I cannot have feelings for real men even if I wanted/tried to. Hypothetical perfect moid is picrel but real life will never achieve this.
Anonymous 7421
>>7420That body is just a 9 on the scale.
Anonymous 7426
>>7396>that is good enough just get a strong chest and absYou can't possibly believe pic related is a good definition of "strong chest and abs".
Anonymous 7432
>>7426how is it not? what exactly would be a good example according to you?
Anonymous 7434
>>7396Can confirm, moids like that are usually competitive and can't fathom you showing attraction to anyone who doesn't look like them
Anonymous 7437
In ancestral times the way moids got women was more about pushing other moids out the way rather than attracting them.
So in the moid brain "muscles = get women" but in reality women usually prefer androgynous male bodies.
Anonymous 7439
Guy 1 is the hottest.
Anonymous 7446
That Kangaroo pouch would cover the dick even if he is hung if he goes too fat.
I'm skinny so I go for skinnies.
Anybody notice that trend Skinnies have a higher preference for skinnies and chubs for chubs. or fats for fats. Makes sense. matching is part of a relationship.
Anonymous 7447
>>7439Pretty sure he roids but I get it. thats too low body fat for that weight. Unless he got incredible body genetics I dont believe that is natural, he must use steroids.
Anonymous 7449
>>7448Nah, he is just built like Wario, Putin-like whne he was doing Judo. You can get that natural.
Anonymous 7450

>>74202D men that are not even human master race.
Anonymous 7453
>>7450oke i do have to admit he's pretty hawt
Anonymous 7454
>>7453 If your moid is skinny but lazy just tell him to do 100 push ups and 100 abs everyday, he will get there. In some months. In 1 single month you will notice his chest will be harder different.
Anonymous 7460

>>7446I don't think it's so much preference as it is no one finds fatties attractive. The only people who are wiling to date fatties are other fatties because skinny people don't want anything to do with them.
>>7447>>7448They're both roiding. While it is possible to look like that without steroids, the vast majority of people who do look like that are using some form of PED.
Anonymous 7462
>>7460this boyo looks like a final fantasy character
Anonymous 7464
>>7447I agree he could be on roids as his muscles look a bit off but that body naturally is not unobtainable. My bf is like that pic, but he does go through periods of having a little more fat, such as during quarantine when he couldn't go to the gym. He has had people as what he's on but it just takes going to the gym everyday over a long period and eating a diet that is pretty much only one bland meal a day of salad and chicken breast or meat.
Roids make you gain muscle faster but they don't affect your body weight. You still have to make an effort, just the muscles grow faster.
Anonymous 7465
>>7464Oh, and protein shakes too.
Anonymous 7469
>>7464That's why I like 3 the most I don't care if he is skinny as long as he doesn't risk a heart attack due to roids.
This is peak attractiveness to me
>>7460 Also his peepee looks larger when skinny I like that slap my face with it all you want. He is also not afraid of flamboyance cuteness which suits him well while also not becoming a cringe borderline tranny groomed "femboy". Would make him my personal toy if I saw him irl.
Anonymous 7470
>>7468I posted one chubby guy and got banned Anonymous 7480
>>7470Might be one of the new mods tbh, unless it was an explicit pic and you didn't spoiler it, or something like that.
Anonymous 7500
>>7432>how is it not?It's just not, lol. That's skelly.
>what exactly would be a good example according to you?OP's 1, 3, 4, 5 (too much), 7, 11 and 13 (have in mind some of those don't have both).
Anonymous 7501
>>7500Actually, the paint is confusing me. It might be just normal instead of skelly.
Anonymous 7507

>>7501Not even skelly, just fit. This is what skelly more looks like.
Anonymous 7514
I just want to his eat ass if it is hairless smooth.
Anonymous 7517
See, this is what an attractive skinny man looks like. Not the one in the OP pic. It baffles me when other women say that they prefer skinny men and post motherfuckers who look like they're starving to death or have a deformity. Imagine being attracted to that shit.
>>7514>eating assDisgusting as fuck.
Anonymous 7536
>>7517>post motherfuckers who look like they're starving to death or have a deformity.Or guys who are skinny fat. I think skinny fat guys are even worse than regular chubby guys because it's deceiving (they can hide their flab), and they don't have that bit of strength that chubby guys have.
Anonymous 7537
>>7536AYRT I
actually have a chubby fetish too and hate skinnyfat bodies kek
Anonymous 7551
perfect: 12
decent: 9, 7
acceptable: 1, 3, 11
everything else is disgusting
Anonymous 7553
>>73559, except I'd want there to be a bit more softness/suppleness, it's fine if he had less abs.
>>7450he needs to fin-ish me.
not a pun. I swear.
>>7397….ok let me actually be a male emphasizer for the first time in my life. this body isn't obtainable for most men–why? because his bone structure allows for it. look at
>>7460obviously I wouldn't be surprised if he actually trains for aesthetic's sake in a way similar to, say, how women on IG have targeted exercises to bring out their thighs, hips, booty, etc., which is extremely rare for a guy, but half of it is genetics.
For example I think 13 and 12 in OP are extremely unappealing for different reasons and could never really look as aesthetic as this character.
8 too; it isn't like this is a dealbreaker or anything but 100% he looks like a fem-male hybrid, even his nips are feminine.
Anonymous 7554

Whichever one looks closest to pic related.
Anonymous 7555
>>7554Did you mod and play Skyrim so you could design your own dream kitty daddy?
I respect the dedication.
Anonymous 7577
>>7554As a semi furfag I have never been attracted to the feline furries for some reasons.
Anonymous 7587
>>7577Me neither, and I love cats.
Huh, maybe that's why lol
Anonymous 7592
>>7577You have to play Skyrim modded to get it I guess
Anonymous 8226
9 is literally perfect all the other ones suck
Anonymous 8233
>>823112 looks so gross to me. I'm surpised so many of you like it
Anonymous 8240
Anonymous 8267
FYI, Paimon's Chin…

>>7355I mostly care about boy butt, about 75% of the time.
But by looking at this picture, the best candidates for nice boy butt IMO are
>1>3?>5 because of his legs, but there is a risk he may not have much>8, but he needs to work out more>9's a bit small, but can get better easily
>I get the feeling this was engineered by a moid to have such resultsIt does not take into account the fact that women have multiple preferences at the same time and do not like a single body type like most men do. Sum up all percentages, what do you get?
Not to mention that I feel I have seen 4 before around /fit/ and he coincidentally has the biggest % number; it is not some instagram model's photo, but an anon's.
Anonymous 8270
3 and 13 are literally almost the same.
The best ones are those no steroids needed just determination to stick to a routine. The face matters much more anyway.
Anonymous 8288
>>8268Are you also one of those tards on lolcow who accuse any anon with a beefy husbando of secretly being a gay scrote? Shut the fuck up.
Anonymous 8310
>>8296>>8309t. underage, tranny or underage tranny
Anonymous 9734
>>7460If 4 was on some kind of drug he'd be way skinnier and more cut. Steroids in that aspect make you look more like 1, 5 and 13.
Anonymous 9735
images (60).jpeg

>>9734>If 4 was on some kind of drug he'd be way skinnier and more cutyou know nothing about steroids but then again most people don't
Anonymous 9742
4, but that's probably because it's the same body type as my bf
Anonymous 9790
I particularly like 2 and 6 because they look a bit like my bf, except he's hairier. I'm one of those people who only really find men sexually attractive AFTER developing serious feelings for them. And boy, do I love my bf.
Anonymous 9792
>>9787Cause it's lean enough but with a bit of soft fat that feels very nice to touch and when cuddling.
Anonymous 9797
>>9795No, I'm really thin. Weight 53kg.
Anonymous 9798
>>9795Nope. I'm actually slightly underweight.
Anonymous 9825
I can't believe other women prefer more heart attack-chan over a skelly moid
Anonymous 9910
All these moids are on the wrong side of 10 BMI.
Anonymous 9911
>>9910based anakun appreciator, a moid can’t be physically abusive if he can barely stand up
Anonymous 9925
ITT: different appreciations of the universal experience concerning heat and energy interconversions
Anonymous 10543
2 would be perfect but only for the moids who have pretty faces, which is really hard to find these days
Anonymous 10554
Anything except for 10 and 12. 12 because I don't want my moid to weigh less than me. Also i changed my mind, 6 is repulsive. Reminds me of a wife beater. 8 is the cute twink body type, and i would feel jealous so not that.
Anonymous 10584
2 and 6.They seem very warm to hug and soft, plus I have a daddy fetish.
Anonymous 10637
He used to be thinner (still had the belly though) but he gained weight and I kinda wish he would lose weight again.
Anonymous 10665
>>7355Any woman who picks 10 should be sent to a mental hospital. Anyways, I pick 1, 4, and 11.
Anonymous 12202
>>7355Somewhere between 9 and 12, although 12 doesn't look that healthy I'd have to force feed him a bit. Also this chart was definitely made by a 'bodybuilder' moid, why would you have 3 thin guys, 2 fat guys and 9 pointless variations of gym bros.
Anonymous 12247
>>8233>a normal mans body looks gross to me9, 12 and 7 are how the vast majority of young men have looked throughout history, you're either a gay moid, or are mindbroken by microplastic tainted, fast food eating and steroid taking men.
Anonymous 12288
whats wrong with the 8th ones nipple the fuck
Anonymous 12334

4 is probably military. Guys I've seen like that usually are.
1 and 5 is straight up bodybuilder. Too muscular for me. 4 is the most muscular I'd go.
The rest are cute. Except 10…what the fuck.