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Drugs/susbtances Anonymous 7637

Are these NSFW material?
Do you have any experience with any of them?

Anonymous 7641

daily weed user since it helps my add and damn if your doc ever recommends Gabapentin that stuff is addictive

Anonymous 7646

I just drink wine now and then to destress. I am kinda normie as far as drugs go. I am prescribed adderall too.

Anonymous 7648


Yeah unfortunately I'm a former multi-substance user and addict, including meth and heroin. Severe depression sucks, emotionally abusive moids suck, and drugs made it feel better for a while

Anonymous 7664

Dont do meth or heroin whats wrong with you, that garbage even makes you ugly. Stick to weed, coke or the other softer drugs if anything. Alcohol is also bad long term but if you only drink socially you will be ok.

Anonymous 7672

I use to do meth/heroin. I was on the street for about a year and a half and it pretty much ruined my life at the time. It's been about 2 years from heroin, 1 from meth since I had a relapse binge after getting my shit together, finding a job and getting my own place. My back teeth are fucked from smoking since I couldn't snort it / iv use almost killed me. Getting work on them lately, but still it sucks. Wish I never got into that stuff, but got into them for similar reasons.

Now, I drink habitually, but I'm trying to stop. I'd like to go back to smoking weed with high CBD and doing shrooms occasionally. Been thinking bout growing both since I hate going through dealers / don't live in a state were they're legal.

Anonymous 7674

I dont do that shit anymore anon, it's been like five years. and believe it or not it didnt make me ugly or age me, I was very fortunate. No one can tell I used to do that stuff. I only do kratom, kava and phenibut occasionally now. I never really liked alcohol tbh, and I used to smoke hella weed but it gives me anxiety if it's too strong now

Stay on the wagon anon! It gets better with the more time that passes. Wish I could give you advice on the drinking, but that was never my self destructive cope of choice lol. But high CBD weed and shrooms sounds like a great combo to stick to (wish I could find some high CBD myself, the high THC shit gives me anxiety and that's all I can find.) Growing for yourself sounds like a good idea. I've grown shrooms before, they're very easy to grow and in most states it's not illegal to buy the spores.

Anonymous 7707

OT, but how much kratom do you take? And how often? I can't seem to find any legit info on how much is TOO much so I rely on personal experiences.
So proud of you for being able to quit the heavy stuff btw.

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