Rape Fantasy Anonymous 7757
For ever since prepubescence I have had rape fantasies, at first I tried to repress but when I got into my teens I started to indulge in them.
It startes in a nonsexual manner when I was as young as maybe 7 or 8, I would kidnap women in certain videogames and self insert as the women I was kidnapping in a way, not sexually, I don't understand why.
Then rape fantasies when I was 11 or so.
Now its the main thing I get off to.
Wtf is wrong with me? I get rape fantasies or normal but this shit started when I was SEVEN. No, I was not molested or sexually abused in any way. I wasn't introduced to sexual content t a young age (apart from very crude humor in adult TV programs my parents let me watch, but nothing explicit or graphic)
I also have hypersexual tendencies since puberty. I started masturbating at 11 and would sometimes masturbate 6 hours a day if I had nothing to do. I would watch tv while I did it, I wouldn't even think of anything sexual at the time (I would not masturbate to the rape fantasies and refused to indulge in them and attempted to repress them).
Now its usually 30-120 minutes a day spanning at least a couple sessions, I only miss days if due to yeast infection of some sort.
WTF is wrong with me???
Anonymous 7768
>It is a competitive evolutionary instinct. You don't just want to get raped yourself, you want to see other women get raped, abused and destroyed.
what. why would that be an evolutionary instinct?
Anonymous 7769
moid hands typed this
Anonymous 7770
>>7769>moid hands typed thisI mean, look at his fucking pic, kek.
>>7768scrote applying evopsych male logic onto female sexuality.
Anonymous 7776
>>7757What do you enjoy about it
is it noncon you fantasize about specifically, is it a must, or just maledom
Anonymous 7780
>>7768>what. why would that be an evolutionary instinct?NTA and I don't agree but I guess because reproduction rates would be higher?
Anyways to that poster who was deleted (I read but didn't have the energy to reply at the time), thanks for the retarded rant but I know rape fantasies are normal and incredibly common, my concern is the age of onset which was very young and also the hypersexual tendencies I discussed, you fucking retard.
>>7776I'm assuming noncon stands for non-consensual, its that and maledom and I dunno
Anonymous 7781
>>7780>and I don't agree but I guess because reproduction rates would be higher? and how would having other females raped by the same male benefit you exactly?
Anonymous 7784
>>7781>and how would having other females raped by the same male benefit you exactly?I have no idea the thought process behind this, I'm taking a guess.
It doesn't benefit you as an individual but humanity as a whole. More rape means more sex, more sex means more babies, more babies means humanity shall prosper.
Idk I have no urge to watch other women get raped, thinking of others getting raped is kind of upsetting, I just want to be raped LMAO
Anonymous 7785
>>7780>my concern is the age of onset which was very young and also the hypersexual tendencies I discussed,is that a weird thing? I don't understand why you have rape fantasies since I can't relate, but I started thinking about lewd stuff at a very young age, before I got my period even (7-8)
I don't think masturbating lots is weird either, seems most people fall into that when they are idle and not occupied by a hobby
I only started masturbating at a later age because I didn't know how to cum, if I knew
I could rub my clit to cum I would have probably started at the same age as you
what are you concerned about? because I'd be surprised if majority of people didn't start having lewd thoughts that young
Anonymous 7791
I started having lewd thoughts because I got exposed to sonic porn on google images by doing an innocent search "sonic and tails friends". I was around 8 years old. I don't think i even had those lewd thoughts sexually, it was more because of curiosity. I do think this might have fucked me up in some ways, I don't see how having lewd thoughts as a kid is normal. Especially since you can only have them if you are exposed to sexuality in some way or another. And we know that children should not be exposed to sexuality because it fucks them up.
Anonymous 7792
>>7784evolution doesn't work that way. every individual has an instinct to pass on their own genes and nothing more, there is no concept of "benefitting humanity" on an instinctual level
Anonymous 7793
>>7791>Especially since you can only have them if you are exposed to sexuality in some way or anotherI wasn't even exposed to porn or anything lewd when I started having "naughty" thoughts as a kid, just like OP. Stuff like casual nudity and making out wasn't suited for TV where I grew up.
The most lewd thing which may have "corrupted" me is kiss scenes on dramas which weren't even that common. Kids obviously should not be exposed to explicit content or anything lewd, but obviously some people start having "funny feelings" earlier. If anything the fact that I wasn't exposed to porn (or even taught how babies are made, except that making babies is "naughty") only proves that sexuality manifests at a young age. It's creepy but I don't think it's rare. Though unlike OP my fantasizing only went as far as "I wanna kiss lots > get married > do the babymaking thing (whatever it is) > have baby like a good adult"
maybe what you need to start thinking "lewd" things as a kid isn't exposure to sex but rather being taught taboos. I distinctly remember being excited (at the same time embarrassed) about adults kissing on TV, but also, in my environment that kind of contact was super taboo!! super inappropriate!!!
Anonymous 7800
>>7784Do you really want to be raped as in brutalized or "cute moid forces me to have sex with him and in the end I enjoy it" kind of way?
>>7791Lol, same, except I was 10 years old and it was my little pony
>>7793I mean it really depends what you consider to be "too young". Exposed by adults? Anything below 16 would be disturbing. Willingly seek out sexual stuff? It varies from person to person, really.
Anonymous 7848
>>7757I'm a very similar case.
I remember watching a news report of a girl who was raped when I was around six, and combined with telenovelas, it made me think that rape and abuse were signs of love.
For the longest time, I was depressed that nobody would molest me because it made me think I wasn't worthy of love. I also had a crush on this boy from school, and when we played at my house I would ask him to pretend he kidnapped me, but since he was way too innocent I basically had to tell him where and how I wanted to be touched.
Then when I was a teenager I wrote hundreds of rape fanfiction, and on top of all this shit I developed an "ugly bastard" kink thanks to hentai.
At some point when I was fourteen, I would purposefully go to parties with older guys and walk back home taking the "ugly" streets in hopes I'd get raped. I must have the hardest working guardian angel because it never happened.
So not only I was fantasizing about rape since I was six. I was also forcing a boy to molest me at eight and actively seeking to get raped at fourteen. Oh, and I love loli and shota hentai.
What worries me is that as an adult, I have fantasized about having my way with a minor. I hate to admit it and it's fucking disgusting.
Anonymous 7862

>>7848>I have fantasized about having my way with a minor. I hate to admit it and it's fucking disgusting.tbh most teenage boys are horny and degenerate and woud feel pride if an older girl "put the moves" on them
unless you're talking about diddling kids, in which way it is disgusting.
Anonymous 7863
>>7848go to therapy go to therapy go to therapy IMMEDIATELY
Anonymous 7866
>>7862if its fiction and imagination who cares. just never reflect it to irl.
Anonymous 7868
The amygdala, the brain nucleus responsible for the onset of sexual salience, is also responsible for potentiation of emotions of fear, aggression, violence.
The amygdala communicates with the hypothalamus proper, because sexual arousal and motivational salience is a complex process. There have to be threshold potentials in the Anterior hypothalamic nucleus for thermoregulation, sweating, shorter breathing, the Paraventricular nucleus & Supraoptic nucleus for oxytocin and vasopressin release (depending on the gender), Pituitary gland main/posterior for oxytocin, vasopressin, gonadotropes, lactotropes release, and even the Tuberomammillary and Posterior nucleus for pupil dilation, alertness, increase of ATP production. To name a few notable regions.
The amygdala also communicates with the nucleus accumbens of the reward system via the D1 motivational salience dopaminergic system, to facilitate gratification anticipation, and the 5-HT system for contentedness and reward.
The amygdala also communicates with the somatosensory system of the parietal lobe to initiate sympathetic, autonomous, and parasympathetic processes that facilitate proceptive and receptive mating behaviors.
The amygdala also communicates with the orbitofrontal cortex to inhibit lateral decision-making, compartmentalization, and risk-aversive behaviors.
Women, due to neuroanatomy and neurochemistry, can experience dissonance and due to the effects of neural facilitation, conflate sexual arousal and salience with the emotions of helplessness, threat, loss of control, aversive salience(D2 system) to being subjected to violence, et cetera.
There is some preliminary work being done on supposed selection pressures for the trait, predisposition, and manifestation, but there is a lot of stigma, unsurprisingly. The zeitgeist is that women experience rape fantasies because it frees them from the patriarchal/misogynistic stigma with regard to female sexuality, and also rids them of the agency of having sexual thoughts and an active sexuality. It's flimsy and isn't rooted in neuroscience, but it is inoffensive.
One lazy argument is that the women that were able to cope and internalize being raped, were more successful in replicating their genes, which eventually morphed into strong genetic associations through hundreds of generations. The women that were aversive to the point of resisting and fighting their aggressors, tended to suffer injury, get murdered, or get ostracized which translated in a loss of protection, access to resources. That means such traits were selected against over the span of hundreds of generations.
The counter-argument is that human beings have not been under a tournament-selection paradigm for many hundreds of thousands of years. Anatomically modern humans pivoted to extended family units, where rape was disincentivized, for at least the last 120,000 years, and have operated under loose systems of socially enforced monogamous paradigms for tens of thousands.
Conversely, men, have had selection pressures for aggression, domination, mate-guarding, risk-seeking. Again, the amygdala is responsible for the conflation of aggression and sexual salience. Again, men that were aggressive and risk-prone tended to be more successful in replicating their genes.
Psychosexual development is very complex, and it is widely known that stressor events during early development, or exposure to paraphilias or overt sexual content during early development, is extremely deleterious. The biggest drive for dopamine is novelty. If you are exposed to novel stimuli of sexual content before your brain has had the chance to sufficiently develop its neural pathways and networks, you run the risk of creating pathways of motivational salience through stimuli that are axiomatically detrimental to your overall wellbeing and further development.
All that "sex-positive" obsession directed at children, all that pornography on the internet, all that erosion of the moral fabric, have real consequences on the psychosexual development of people, and their mental health in general.
Anonymous 13400
>>7862thats absolutely true. Once boys are around 12, most of them wanna fuck older women(though mostly 16-25 year olds, not like 50 year old moms unless theyre milfs i guess). All my male friends said so, so who am i to not believe them
Anonymous 13401
>>7848>What worries me is that as an adult, I have fantasized about having my way with a minor. I hate to admit it and it's fucking disgusting.as long as you dont do anything in real life, who cares. We arent at the level of technology where the government can arrest you for thought crimes lol