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sensitive spots.pn…

Which spots are your sensitive spots? Anonymous 7928

in green on the diagram is where my more sensitive spots are. (though the light green ones don't feel like anything unless the clit is stimulated at the same time).

since i'm sensitive at the back, i hate it when i accidentally push my cervix with the dildo -_-

when i have a lot of time for a masturbation session, i try to get at least one orgasm arising out of each spot.

i think the front wall might be sensitive too, but all the dildos i have now are curved, and have difficulty pressing on that wall's length. (don't feel like using the hairbrush handle to see if the pressing the front wall still works for me.)

which spots are your sensitive spots?

Anonymous 7929

>i try to get at least one orgasm arising out of each spot.
ain't nobody got time for that

Anonymous 7938

go back to 4chinz

Anonymous 7957

I find that touching just around the clit feels better than touching right on it. It feels more tickly.

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