bf asked me if I would be interested in cucking him Anonymous 8022
Not a shitpost, I've known that he watches weird porn for a while and last night he finally broke and brought it up. We were getting hot and heavy and all of a sudden he says he has something to ask me about, I ask what it is and he asks if I would ever consider letting one of his friends come over for a threesome. This then turned into a larger discussion and he admitted he just wanted to watch another guy fuck me. We had a bit of a back and forth and he said that if I do go through with it even if it doesn't end up living up to his imagination he wouldn't judge me for it and we can go back to normal but that if we both like it we could make it a regular thing. I voiced my concerns that it's not so easy to go back to normal after something like that and he just brushed it off as something we could just pretend never happened. On the one hand I want to try whatever he likes and make him happy and being able to hookup with whoever I want on a regular basis does sound like a good deal. On the other hand I'm not naïve enough enough to think this wouldn't completely change our relationship completely and potentially alienate him if it doesn't go how he thinks it will. From an outside perspective is this something worth pursuing or should I shut him down now?
Anonymous 8023
Open relationships don't end well, it isn't something you can brush off and eventually he'll realize having your GF fuck other guys isn't a hot porno, its plain depressing and lonely. Eventually he'll turn into a jealous and needy monster and your relationship will fall apart.
Anonymous 8025
>>8022just the fact that he brought it up is a red flag on its own, are you okay being used as real breathing fap and fetish material, anon? cause this is all this is.
Anonymous 8027
I imagine cuck fetishes are born out of pornsickness and immense insecurity, massive red flag either way.
Anonymous 8031
Absolutely disgusting scrote pic
>I've known that he watches weird porn for a while
You should've dumped him since you knew about this
>On the one hand I want to try whatever he likes and make him happy
>being able to hookup with whoever I want on a regular basis does sound like a good deal
It does sound like a good deal if you don't give a shit about your relationship, yes. If that's the case, I wouldn't judge you, because your boyfriend is an absolute retard anyway.
>On the other hand I'm not naïve enough enough to think this wouldn't completely change our relationship completely and potentially alienate him if it doesn't go how he thinks it will.
That's absolutely what will happen.
>From an outside perspective is this something worth pursuing or should I shut him down now?
It depends on whether you actually want a relationship and genuinely love your boyfriend, or just want to take advantage of a pornsick scrote to have threesomes with men you find attractive.
In either case, your coombrained moid isn't even worth having as a boyfriend, so I suggest just bearking up now.
Anonymous 8034

>>8022Thank your boyfriend for his honesty in a matter that could potentially be embarrassing, but one that he ought not feel ashamed about. Make sure that he doesn't feel judged for opening up to you about it. Then tell him that you are personally not so adventurous; and therefore not interested in swinging, cuckolding, threesomes, polyamory, or any kind of open-relationship. Not now, nor in the future. Then start cheating on him secretly.
Anonymous 8036
Exposure to moids really isn't healthy in the long term
Anonymous 8039
>>8022time to dump him and get a new bf whose brain hasn't been fried to a crisp by porn
Anonymous 8049
>>8022i agree with everyone else itt, you should not participate or encourage this. that stuff neve turns out right, and is the product of a very unhealthy mindset. if i was you, i'd tell him that you aren't into this and the fact that he is makes you feel concerned for him. it might be a good idea to try to get him off of porn as well, since that's probably going to make him worse.
Anonymous 8050
He will post about it on 4chinz to prove a point, dont do it.
Anonymous 8064
>>8022You’re right, the relationship dynamic is going to change, someone is going to get emotionally hurt. It’s best to keep things like that as a fantasy.
Anonymous 8091
>I want to try whatever he likes and make him happy
Sorry but
Anonymous 8114
>>8091Pickme alert! Pickme alert!
Anonymous 8425
asking your partner to engage in those kinks with you
while in a horny state? he isn't thinking with his brain. all of that shit he told you about brushing it off? it's horny logic talking. he's viewing you as a tool to get off, not as his human partner.
try having this conversation after he's had his nut. see how much his opinions change, then…
Anonymous 8441
>>8022>is this something worth pursuing or should I shut him down now?shut him down now
you will not go back to normal if you do this
and tell your bf to stop watching pornography
it is not good for him