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Anonymous 8097
>hate moids with every molecule in my body
>big dick worship fetish
I hate alot of things about myself but this is the worse one, I feel very ashamed about it and I know I can't tell anybody because if I did they will give me the "look".
anywas rant over whatever I will kill myself now bye
Anonymous 8099
>hate moids
>still attracted to them
I feel your pain.
Anonymous 8100
what’s so great about big dicks that makes them worthy of being worshiped?
Anonymous 8101
Stop watching porn, OP
Anonymous 8107
>>8097>hate moidsStop acting like a female incel and just do your best to find a male you can love. FDS helps
>I feel very ashamed about it There's literally nothing shameful about worshiping the body of a partner you are in love with
Anonymous 8109
>>8107>bwaaaah you hate men?? U mean femcel!!Retarded scrote or newfag. You don't have to be a "female incel" to hate males.
Anonymous 8111
>>8100They look good and they feel good. Well, sometimes they can be painful if they are too big. But even if they are huge it's possible to avoid the pain, it's just that both must be careful when moving, and lube is usually a must.
Source: my boyfriend is well endowed.
Anonymous 8119

Fucking is a basic biological need. Exploiting men for your needs is epic. Women win at this, where incels don't and instead shoot up schools and cry and consume lolicon
Stay losing, moid
Incel means "involuntary celibate", your lack of getting laid is not voluntary. You hate women because you can't get laid.
Women can be misandrists but not celibate. We hate you because you're dirty people, not because we can't get laid.
Anonymous 8121
If you're involuntarily celibate then of course you won't have sex with women… because you're involuntarily celibate. Funny how that works.
Anonymous 8131
>>8097Try to meet more varied moids and hope to god you can tolerate them better than whatever you encountered so far, if not then cry harder.
Anonymous 8133
>>8126He's noticeably larger than the average size even when he's soft, the first time I saw it I was actually a bit scared because it's also very thick and I wasn't sure if it would fit easily. I have only seen a few in my life, but his is by far the biggest one.
Why are you asking by the way? Are you OP?
Anonymous 8138
>>8126you literally sound like cheap slash written by a moid
Anonymous 8142
>>8133OP here, haven't replied to anyone in the thread
Anonymous 8144
>>8142You're not the OP, I am the OP. And I have replied before.
Anonymous 8151
The guy I'm seeing broke his tailbone as a young teen, and his butt kinda looks like he has a tail.
There is a plethora of boy butt out there, and I have no doubt you will explore them all. Godspeed.
Anonymous 8815
>>8119spoken like a true femcel. Honestly you and incels are made for each other but you're way too ugly to like each other, let alone preteding actual normal people like you
that's why they shoot up schools and you bitter nonas always post weird shit online and masturbate to creepy pedo shit
Anonymous 12425
>>8097I'm in your boat OP. Men are somewhat repulsive to me, not to the point where I hate them, but I try to avoid them if I can. But at the same time the thought of a well hung guy expecting me to give him pleasure and me getting to worship his huge dick makes me go totally crazy. I have this friend who has a kind of ugly boyfriend, and he's arrogant to boot, so I disliked him a lot and always told her that she should find someone else. Until one day she drunkenly told me and a couple of other friends that he's extremely big and knows how to use it, and since then my view of him completely changed. I can't help but steal glances at his crotch often and I even laugh at some of his stupid jokes. I hate myself for this, but when I imagine him making me worship his dick and blowing him I can cum so quickly it's ridiculous, makes me feel so disgusted with myself afterwards, I just hate it!!
Anonymous 12460
>>12448It's hard to explain, he's not actuallyy ugly, but kind of ugly is the best way I can think of to describe him. My friend thinks he's average looks-wise.
Anonymous 13407
Why does this thread keep getting bumped with no new posts? There hasn't been a new reply in months but I keep seeing it on the first page.
Anonymous 13409
>>13407>Bumps thread>Why is the thread being bumped Anonymous 13410
>>13407the bumps keep getting deleted. you can connect the dots about why that is, who's bumping it, and why this thread in particular would get those kinds of replies.
Anonymous 13416
Not OP but is their something wrong with dick worship? I like feeling submissive and small in the bedroom.
Anonymous 13419
>>13416I'm pretty sure op's problem is the combination of hating moids
and loving dick worship, not dick worship on its own.
Anonymous 13437
>>13416it's because you're a moid falseflag
Anonymous 13438

>>8097>straight people hate the things they are sexually attracted toMore news at 11
Anonymous 13439
>>13437yeah no women like wide shoulders, tall men and big penises, its just an incel psyop
Anonymous 14690
>>13416Absolutely nothing wrong with that
Anonymous 14716
>>12425this reads like fan-fiction, I don't believe you