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Anonymous 8433

I like men but I don't like to be submissive and get fucked, nor do I want to peg. What is wrong with me? I feel like I'll never have a satisfying sexual life. How can I learn to enjoy being submissive like gay male bottoms?

Anonymous 8440

you do not need to be submissive
if you want a man, you probably would want a good one who is also not too masculine
let's use chinese terms for this kind of polarity; yang being male and yin being female
if you are about 60% yin and 40% yang, he should probably be around 60% yang and 40% yin

Anonymous 8445

I mean submissive in sexual contexts only

Anonymous 8446

I think that a lot of women feel that way. If you find a guy who isn't porn-sick (less than 10% of guys probably), you can have sweet passionate sex with lots of kissing in the missionary position.

Anonymous 8449

so you're fine with being submissive in all other aspects? cringe

Anonymous 8693

Being submissive is almost like a kind of self harm. If you're not into it, congrats for the great self-esteem. Find yourself a normal man or a man who you can lead around and have normal sex with him. If you're not into PIV then just don't do it, there are many other ways for men and women to have sex.

Anonymous 8762

maybe find a guy who wants a sex life that is just cunnilingus, and nothing else.

Anonymous 8767

There’s nothing wrong with being penetrated, that’s female biology. Sex doesn’t have to be submissive vs dominant or humiliating or whatever nonsense men have made it into. Free yourself of male ideology and don’t play into it.

Anonymous 8779

Maybe it's even the wording of "being penetrated" (passive voice) that turns many women off. What if we reframed it as "enveloping a penis/dildo" for example?

Anonymous 8790

recently ive been almost completely turned off to the idea of being penetrated with a penis, though i still want to cuddle/kiss/do hand stuff with a man or a woman. sometimes i even think about strap-on stuff, but the flesh and blood penis going into my vagina is starting to skeeve me out. it just seems so gross and unnecessary and unappealing. i wonder if you can relate or others can?
ive also noticed that the less i watch porn, the less ive been interested in penetration.

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