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/nsfw/ - xxx


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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8535

How many time have you made a boy cum?
How many times have you made a boy cry?

Anonymous 8536


Anonymous 8539

Not enough
Not enough

Anonymous 8541

Not sure, at least 20.

Anonymous 8542

Lol no. Some degenerate will have masturbated to you.

Anonymous 8544

And how could the anons possibly know the number of men who have secretly done this to them? If you've never knowingly and willingly made a man cum your number still counts as 0.

Anonymous 8547

300 times
10 times

Anonymous 8548

dozens of times
one time

Anonymous 8550

0 but I tried.
Like five but I never wanted to.

Anonymous 8551

a lot of heartbreakers on this board

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