Yaoi Anonymous 871
Post all things yaoi.
Anonymous 878
Not being judgemental, just a serious question: why is this hot? Because of two penises?
If a guy is gay and likes dicks he isn't interested in women, so I don't feel interest in them either. Or is this attraction based on something else?
Anonymous 882
>>878Imagine a cute guy. Soft skin, shapely muscles, handsome face, good hair. He's hot. Now, imagine cuddling up with or even fucking him, that's hotter. Unfortunately, you can't do that since he's an anime picture. That said, he can cuddle another anime picture. It could be a cute girl which would be fair game, but what if you had TWO cute hot guys?
Anonymous 886
>>882Eh, this isn't really an accurate explanation. I'm not that anon, but I could relate to everything you said up until you said two hot guys probably because it's easier as a girl to self insert with a girl character paired with the hot guy instead of imagining two guys doing anal. Ugh
Anonymous 999

>>991YOI makes your everyman stock Japanese main character look so unique and adorable.
Anonymous 1106

I read to see men get fucked, but instead I got fucked up.
Anonymous 3722
>>1083is this visual novel any good?
Anonymous 3967
>>3966Thats sexy and all but moid's nipples dont work like that, the nipples are a turn off but the ass and balls is a turn on I guess if I focus on the action in front of the frame more I can make this work for me.
Anonymous 4083
How do you even find yaoi and not ugly bara shit? Do you have to just sift through it? Is there somewhere else yaoi and similar images that are actually intended for women tend to be posted?
Anonymous 4084

>>4083There's a lot of sifting through stuff. It helps if you have a guy or pairing/ship in mind.
Anonymous 4085
>>4084I'm not even strictly into yaoi (as in pairings) per se as much as "artwork sexualizing a male that is clearly intended for women and not men."
Partially I think the characters I'm searching for are not especially popular but I was hoping there was some secret women only hentai site I didn't know about.
Anonymous 4440
>>4083So is yaoi really for repressed lesbians after all?
Anonymous 4443
>>4440What do you mean by repressed?
As far as I know, many fujoshi happen to be lesbians as well because yaoi and BL is a way for them to explore sexual scenarios without the rigid gender roles inherent to het relationships. Meanwhile yuri and GL is overwhelmingly made by men for men and is very male gaze-y so that only leaves BL. Don't take my word on this though, I'm not a lesbian myself.
Anonymous 4444
>>4440Thats normal.
Every anime otaku woman likes yaoi if they dont they must be trannies that fap to roleplaying being some kind of bimbo being shagged by a chad or a futa slut or something. Why because Blanchard was right. Simple as.
Anonymous 4459
>>4440I feel like its more of a neoteny thing for me
i prefer their cuter and younger and pretty looks compared to the grotesque godawful faggy shit moids like
Anonymous 4527
Why is the OP image deleted?
Anonymous 4535

>>4527No fun allowed.
It's not like you can post shotacon in male-dominated spaces without being called for being a woman or a fag.
This was the only place I could be myself with my Shota shit anonymously but rules are rules right.
Anonymous 4543

>>4535while i know you said you want to be anonymous,
your best bet would be unironically be joining the ranks of the pro-ship/pro-fiction people on twitter. while it personally isn't my thing, shotacons have a positive and surprisingly tight knit community there. make sure to use a vpn when posting though