Anonymous 8764
Something interesthing happened a couple of days ago. I couldn't have sex with my boyfriend for some time because of a medical condition. Even tho I couldn't do anything for him, he offered to do oral on me. I had an amazing orgasm while forcing his head down on me, I could even hear him moaning. I was really happy and excited and wanted to tell him how great he was but he was kinda shy and didn't wanna look at me. After a while talking with him I found out why, a big cum pool where he was laying on bed, he had an orgasm while I was grinding on his face. I think that was really cute. I dunno what else to say about it, but I do hope it happens again, its really cute.
Have anything like that happened to your bfs/husbands?
Anonymous 8765
That shows sex happens in the mind as much as in the body. From what you say, you and your bf are both empathetic and close to each other, so that must make things more deep and intense.
I'm glad you got to experience it, nona!
Anonymous 8785
seems legit. my first ever bf jizzed in his pants when we first made out. Some guys are very sensitive like that, and it can be cool if you're not trying to get railed for 4 hours straight.
Anonymous 8787

>>8765I never thought about it but yeah, it makes sense. It was for sure! Thank you!!
>>8785He never told me, but I do think that has happened. I cold feel it pulsating really bad while we were making out. Well, now I wanna make it happen again, it is the cutest thing how embarrassed he was
Anonymous 8911
That's cute as all hell.
But don't go telling your friends, it would probably upset him.
But that right there is a keeper.
Anonymous 12758
necrobump but this is so fucking hot