
Anonymous 9039
what have been the wierdest things you've masturbated to? mine was just some bdsm but im pretty sure some of you have had masturbated to worse
im curious post stories
Anonymous 9040
theres this video of a guy dressed up as a baby in diapers and everything
just going GAA GAAA every two seconds
and then his mommy comes and fucks him in the ass
pretty hot
Anonymous 9041
>>9040abdl fetish i guess right?
Anonymous 9042
SOP videos, i love to see guys jerking off watching hentai lol
Anonymous 9043
>>9039image of a new born being fucked with the mother who had gone through a c section in the background.
Anonymous 9044
watched and masturbated to dogs having sex with girls.
i like it, but it makes me feel dirty afterwards. never tried with a dog. so much out there is seems more common than society suggests. only told my therapist this and nobody else.
Anonymous 9045
>>9043That's sick. This imageboard is no different from 4chan you fucking ape woman.
Anonymous 9046
>>9044Based. Dogs are superior to men.
Anonymous 9047
>>9045She probably isn't serious.
Unless she is ( ° ʖ °)
Anonymous 9048
>>9044I wonder how widespread it is. I used to check google history on group gmail in university and there was one person who like never logged out. Besides regular searches for artsy stuff, food recipes, depression and generic maledom porn I once or twice found variations of phrase "dog having sex with woman" and day or two after search for confession times in nearby churches. I don't know why but I find it funny.
Anonymous 9049
Shota/loli and rape in doujins
I can't get off to 3D porn.
Anonymous 9050
>>9045Same highly specialized demographic. The dregs is society, or people who want to say things without consequence.
At least we’re not Lolcow farm
Anonymous 9052
I used to be a huge shotafag as a teen, so I guess it would be that.
Porn use is rare for me these days, and when I do I don't masturbate to it I just incorporate it into the wank bank. So if that's included, male limb amputation.
Anonymous 9053
Cuckquean, which isn't that weird, but it's weird enough that I don't talk about it with my irl friends.
Anonymous 9054
Nah, my sexuality just doesn't include female pain.
Anonymous 9055
Weirdest stuff I masturbated to was probably some weird video of a girl dancing and shitting at the same time
Why? I don't know. I did it a few times and then never again. I was like.. 15? I think.
I masturbated to a lot of other weird shit because I spent a lot of time on /d/ but nothing stuck with me like this did.
Anonymous 9056
I’m not sure who I’d want to be in these scenarios, and there’s way worse shit out there, but it’s awkward to have a guy you’re dating finding out about it for obvious reasons.
Anonymous 9057
>I kind of have a thing for guys feet, so some gay porn involving that :/
I watched this stuff last night, super hot.
Anonymous 9058
a 2D horse. I'm not actually interested in horses and to be honest ,I'm not a big fan of animals, but this one time I just saw the weirdest, yet at the same time most intriguing and interesting flash animation, it's still one of my favorites to this day.
And I never thought I'd like a Western character, but for a while I was quite interested in Mr Fishoder from Bob's Burgers
Anonymous 9059

my depressed digital christian bf who doesn't know im still stalking him was right again
Anonymous 9060
>>9059was he trying to get you to fuck dogs or did he state it as a matter of fact?
Anonymous 9062
Futa on male or strap-on femdom.
I did it once to a video i found of my mom masturbating and the only thought of it makes me feel gross
Anonymous 9063
A yaoi short story with some gore in it.
The gore part was a bit disgusting, I have no idea how I stomached it.
Anonymous 9064
>>9060It's just a common cultural phenomenon of white women.
love dogs.
Anonymous 9065
>>9056I'm too afraid to test the waters and bring in another woman, but I've expressed my interest in this fetish to my husband and he was supportive without being weird about it (we're lucky we have really good communication and no judgement).
I don't like the humiliation aspect of it, but I like the idea that I have a partner that is magnetic to other women. It's like… validating to me I guess? Like all these women want to sleep with him, and the idea of him giving another woman a mindblowing orgasm while she makes eye contact with me is just crazy hot. Like in that moment she has never felt pleasure like that and she just sees me and knows that this is what I get to enjoy all the time, and she just gets a taste. Getting cucked is, to me, almost like cucking the other woman in a weird backwards way, like you get to sample what I have access to all the time, and that makes ME the superior one.
We've tried playing around with me jerking him off to other womens' pictures a few times and me telling him what I imagine him doing to them, and how they'd react, and it was pretty amazing…
Anonymous 9066
>>9064might explain all the otherwise single dog moms i see walking around.
Anonymous 9067
>>9065>I've expressed my interest in this fetish to my husband and he was supportiveOf course he was, idiot.
Anonymous 9068
>>9067Eh, it's not as simple as that. He's a really traditional guy and while the idea of getting to have sex with other women might be exciting, even VERY exciting to him, I think he would be afraid of hurting me.
Anonymous 9069
E-RP in the goldshire tavern (world of warcraft) now and then a few years back.
Also send nudes to the other fuck ups in this "community" to masturbate to the idea of them jerking off to me.
Not my proudest moment(s) ever but well if you haven't fingered yourself to your badly animated 3D avatar of a gnome standing in front of the badly animated 3D avatar of a worgen played by a guy pretending to be a girl sexting "hot" lesbian stuff, you probably haven't lived.
Anonymous 9070
>>9069This is painfully relatable.
If you haven't been choked and held under the water of a moonwell by a mage while getting fucked from behind, what even is the point of living.
Honestly, I'm still kinda ashamed.
It was a weird time.
Anonymous 9071
This is really specific, but I've had a lot of situations where a guy has pretended to be uninterested in me to play "hard to get" or tried to make me jealous by showing interest in other women or flirting in front of me. They do it to try to make themselves appear they can leave at anytime to be with anyone else, thinking that it will make me more open to having sex with them because I should be thankful I'm with them. They say things like, "[Insert name] is SO hot. You should try to be more like her. I could be doing [so-and-so] with her." I fantasize about saying, "Go ahead, be with her then." At first, for a few seconds, he would be hesitate because it's not the response he wanted, but he goes ahead and goes to her house. When he comes back, he finds me in his bed fucking a man I paid for. I get off to the idea of seeing his face, knowing I would literally rather pay for sex, then give in to another one of his manipulation tactics. After dealing with an abusive asshole for so long, lowering my boundaries and doing what he wants sexually, but receiving no affection in return, I finally cut off his supply in front of him and give in to every desire with the man I'm on top of.
Anonymous 9072
>>9071Well, you seem just as manipulative, so you and 'abusive asshole' seem like a match made in heaven.
Anonymous 9073
>>9072>Taking pride in not giving into abuse tactics and fucking someone worth her time is manipulativeDid MGTOW decide to raid crystal cafe again? Do you even know what manipulative means?
Anonymous 9074
>>9073Since you don't even see how this is a sure sign of you being abusive, there is no point in arguing with you.
Maybe take a second to reflect upon yourself, instead of cheating on imaginary boyfriends.
Anonymous 9075
>>9074>Going to your significant other and gushing about how hot other women are and how your SO should be more like them isn't a sign of abuse and anyone who says otherwise is manipulativeGet out of here incel
Anonymous 9076
>>9074If the roles were reversed there would be a fucking outcry about how evil women are and you know it, they're already shitting thems over women having preferences, but because it's a woman pointing out clear abuse tactics and having revenge fantasies but not doing them somehow she is the abuser and manipulative even though she did no manipulating at all
Everything is women's fault, never men's
Anonymous 9077
>>9076The 'imaginary man' is disgusting, sure, but so are you for having revenge fantasies.
Both parties deserve each others misery. That's all I said.
>>9075Who are you quoting?
I implied that the man in this case is disgusting, but that the person having these dumb revenge fantasies is disgusting as well.
Both deserve each other. Rotten souls.
A good person wouldn't have such fantasies, and would deserve a boyfriend that doesn't emotionally or physically cheat on her.
Anonymous 9078

>>9077>Wanting to get back at an abuser is disgustingSeek help
>good person wouldn't have such fantasies, and would deserve a boyfriend that doesn't emotionally or physically cheat on her.Guess everyone who's ever been abused deserves to get abused then because literally everyone I know who's been abused has fantasies of getting back,gtfo with this "reverse abuse" bullshit
Are you American as well? Only an American would get this offended about someone even fantasizing about revenge against their abuser
Anonymous 9079
There is no point in arguing with you.
I hope one day you may manage to reflect upon yourself, and become a better person. I guess this is impossible for you though.
And no, I'm not american.
Anonymous 9080
>>9079You're the one trying to police people's thoughts lmfao, and it's revenge fantasies against their abusers, out of all things
Anyone who's been abused most likely has revenge fantasies against their abuser, it's your actions that count, the fact you're trying to claim a victim of abuse that wants to get back at their abuser deservers to be abused because of their fantasies they don't even act upon says a lot about YOU, actual good people don't excuse abuse or try to claim completely normal mental reactions to abuse somehow means that person deserves to be abused
Anonymous 9081
>>9079You also claimed the victim was manipulative and try to claim basic emotional abuse wasn't emotional abuse… All because of someone having revenge fantasies against their abuser which is completely normal
You still can't admit you used the word "manipulative" wrong,and have yet to tell me how you would react if this was a man talking about how his girlfriend abused him and he wanted to get revenge by cheating on her after she cheated on him, and let's be honest now, with how much people coddle men and how you're even coddling them, we all know what would happen
Anonymous 9083

What a fucking shitshow. I didn't think my post would even get a reply. Did I do good OP?
Anonymous 9084
>>9083OP here, that was fun to witness for sure.
Anonymous 9085
>>9039I masturbated to this video once which was half animated and half a real woman. there were sentient dildos and vibrators flying around the room and little like elf men (iirc) all around her. some licking her nips and touching her and others fucking her with a dildo. it was actually pretty funny and I couldn't help but laugh at myself and the video afterwards
Anonymous 9086
>>9080>>9081You know, fantasizing about having someone evil to purge is pretty mentally ill. There's wanting justice when it needs to come, and then there's just wrath. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, you know.
Anonymous 9087
Anonymous 9088
>>9086No one was "purging", it was an emotional abuse victim who fantasized about cheating, revenge fantasies are a natural response to getting abused, I even linked a psychology article unlike you who just keeps screeching about how evil and mentally ill abuse victims are if they think their abuser was uwu too pure to hurt, but yeah it's them who was mentally ill, right
Anonymous 9089
>people deserve to get abused if they have thoughts of revenge against their abuser that they don't even act on
Lord have mercy, are we going to start having to read people's minds now to determine whether or not they deserved to be abused?
What kind of Catholic school nonsense is this? "Even your thoughts have to be pure or you deserve pain!"
Anonymous 9090
Maybe this is my history coming out but nothing rustles my jimmies more than someone who plays the “you’re just as bad as the abuser!!!” card whenever someone doesn’t act like the perfect damsel in distress.
But speaking of porn, one time I got off to some weird lesbian wrestling stuff
Anonymous 9091
>>9090Same, and to top it all off it was thoughts and fantasies the anon didn't even act on, not even real life, just thoughts. Remarkable the lengths people will go to in order to victim blame
Anonymous 9092
>>9078Wanting to get back at an abuser isn't disgusting but it isn't healthy. I think the sperg here was trying to say that it isn't healthy to live your life wrapped in revenge fantasies let alone intertwine it into sex. That can really do some weird shit on deep psychological levels that are just…. weird.
Like this is coming from a person whose been the person in your image there. It would piss me off immensely that a bully would get sympathy and I was treated like the problem child because I wanted to fight my bully but the bully had no daddy so a single parent home justifies being a bully. You just can't spend your life on revenge fantasies or try to mix sex into that. Gotta let go and move on, dwelling just puts your life on hold and stunts you. I'm still holding unto shit people have unjustly done to me and it's fucked up my personal life super hard.
Aside from that, a lot of these are fucking hilarious. I thought I was weird doing the whole loli/shota thing. I enjoy the aspect of the purity of two younger people who know NOTHING about sex learn together. It always feels fake when they are an 18 y/o virgin doujin. Like who goes until the age of 18 and never seen a dick or a vagina and not know the basic mechanics of sex.
Anonymous 9093
>>9092>Wanting to get back at an abuser isn't disgusting but it isn't healthy.It's a perfectly healthy and natural reaction to getting abused, as I proved from psych articles unlike you, if anything not feeling like your abuser deserves anything or shouldn't get any sort of punishment isn't healthy, in fact if everyone was like you claim a healthy person should be abuse would be rampant and there would be little to no consequences for abuse, you know since wanting to get back at someone for that is so unhealthy
What's unhealthy is you refuse to understand psychology and spew out pearl clutching nonsense, what's unhealthy is that you claim a victim of abuse deserves to be abused because of thoughts of revenge that they didn't even act on for fucks sake, any psychologist would tell you victim blamers are more mentally ill then people who naturally have revenge fantasies against their abuser that they don't act on, especially if your victim blaming revolves around what the victim thinks mind you and not their actions
>I wanted to fight my bully but the bully had no daddy so a single parent home justifies being a bullyNot even a fair comparison dude you're first of all
>a, using a situation where the victim actually does act on their thoughts, unlike the anon you're victim blaming>b the victim was hurting innocent people, unlike that anon who literally just wants to fuck some other dude to get back at her abuserNot a fair comparison at all and you're extremely mentally ill if you think a bully with daddy issues is anything like an anon fantasizing about getting back at her abuser, but yeah it's them who's mentally ill apparently
>You just can't spend your life on revenge fantasies or try to mix sex into that. Gotta let go and move on, dwelling just puts your life on hold and stunts you. I'm still holding unto shit people have unjustly done to me and it's fucked up my personal life super hard.It's not good but it's natural, not everyone is a perfect little forgiving fairy who can just "forgive and forget and move on uwu", and if people actually do have that mindset then again, abusers would get no shit for what they did,sorry but it's true, it's perfectly just to think negatively towards people who did you wrong
And for someone who's "been through so much!!" You sure do have an easy time victim blaming an innocent person because of their fucking THOUGHTS they don't even act on against their abuser, then later compare it to a bully hurting innocent people like ???
Anonymous 9094
>>9093>You sure do have an easy time victim blaming an innocent personHoly shit, I literally went out of my way to fucking fully explain that I too have lived as a victim and THROUGH PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND DESIRES OF REVENGE THAT IT ISN'T HEALTHY OR PRODUCTIVE WAY OF LIVING.
IT's very clear you didn't understand anything I fucking wrote at all because
>Not a fair comparison at all and you're extremely mentally ill if you think a bully with daddy issues is anything like an anon fantasizing about getting back at her abuser, but yeah it's them who's mentally ill apparentlyThis mockery of a fucking statement doesn't even correlate with anything I said. It's a one for one comparison because I've been abused for many years of my life growing up, from lovers, from peers, and from family. To even think for a god damn second, FOR ONE GOD DAMN OF AN IOTA OF A NANOSECOND that I don't understand god damn abuse and this is somehow fucking different than my entire life of living you are fucking brain damaged and need to fuck off back to woke twitter. I've had my own father hold a knife to my throat and threaten to end my life for me if I didn't stop having suicidal thoughts. I will make this into the god damn victim olympics if you start downplaying my life as if fucking OP's shit is valid and my shit isn't. I fucking LIVED in revenge fantasies I'm not fucking victim blaming, you know what I'm doing you fuckwit? Providing actual advice and sound life EXPERIENCE into these feelings and trying to back the idea that while that other person was saying it incorrectly, it isn't healthy to do that shit with revenge fantasies, it fucking ruins your life and any kind of interpersonal interactions with others you have. Because you will start to believe that everyone acts that way and you will start to become delusional into a fantasy world that isn't real anymore as your visions of revenge fantasies become more warped. And this is going far beyond the scope of just flicking yourself to a chad getting sad that he didn't get laid after playing mind games. This is now it's now inherent topic that you're trying to defend as OK which it isn't.
Let me put it this way for your small brain, going to the bathroom is completely healthy. Sitting around in your own waste and playing with it isn't, even if it's a natural byproduct of your body. Revenge fantasies are a natural but harmful byproduct of abuse, just like depression is. Just because something is natural doesn't make it good for a healthy frame of mind or productive lifestyle. It has nothing to do with fucking victim blaming and the fact you are going this far to defend a toxic lifestyle that does nothing but hinder someone in the long run makes me wonder if you know what the fuck you are talking about at all and you aren't some dumb ditzy SJW who speaks out of their ass on everything and will defend anything as long as their is a victim as if they are some white knight. Am I saying the abuser is right? No, but living in revenge isn't either and I'll defend the previous stance that it isn't good, but they worded it very poorly and that's what they were trying to say.
>tl;dr you're fucking stupid, holy shit, stop talking about something you don't understand and using the buzzword victim blaming doesn't work on someone whose also a fucking victim and has been through the victim healing process. Also being a victim doesn't give you a free pass to live a personally destructive life, actually being a victim makes you at incredibly high risk to living a highly self-destructive life because of the traumas you faced. It's not blaming a victim to tell them that because of their past issues that their future actions can cause damaging lasting effects and they need to be careful of that they are more prone to. Just like you're not fat shaming a diabetic when you tell them they shouldn't be overweight, it will make managing their diabetes much harder and challenging and it has nothing to do with their weight or any morals of their weight, it's the fact that what they live with will fuck them up if they don't keep it in check. I know a thing or two unlike you.sage'd because god damn you are fucking stupid and ignorant, nothing I hate more than internet bullies who act tough online and try to downplay everyone else while encouraging toxic lifestyles. To actually attack me for putting in actual input and life experience and then put words into my mouth like victim blaming and how my life is different than a mind game playing chad? Fuck you.
Anonymous 9095
>>9094>REVENGE THAT IT ISN'T HEALTHY OR PRODUCTIVE WAY OF LIVING.Completely natural and healthy, I have given my proof as to why it's normal and healthy, you have done nothing but victim blame
Until you give proof as to why you believe people are unhealthy if they even think of having revenge fantasies against their abuser, everything you say will be disregarded
Anonymous 9096
>>9094Also it's you who claimed the victim was manipulative, it's you who claimed it was a "match made in heaven" with an abusive asshole, it was you who claimed she didn't deserve a partner that wasn't emotionally abusive towards her because of her THOUGHTS, mind you
Quit backpedaling
Anonymous 9097
>>9096So, let me make this clear. I hinted at this in my two messages now, but I am a completely different person from
>>9077 and that whole chain.
I kept using the post being referenced in a very third person subjective manner to make it clear that I am not that person. I even used the term "that person" a few times. Anything they said, is not what I said. I have posted
>>9094 and
>>9092. So lets get that straight before you start throwing more accuastion or claims at me that I didn't personally make since you can't read and comrepehend that when I said "I think the sperg here was trying to say" was a clear indication that I'm not the person you are replying to and I am someone separate trying to give a new view point.
>>9095https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.1176/ajp.2007.164.1.24Here is a hypothetical, but realistic process of someone wrapped in revenge fantasies. Clearly they couldn't disclose someone's personal case so they used this as an example on how most psychotherapists deal with revenge fantasy obsessed people. It damages people internally at a fundamental level and it runs their lives. People try to validate revenge fantasies in the same way people validate smoking weed. "It causes no lasting permanent harm and it makes me feel good." The more you use it, just like personal revenge fantasies, the more complications you get that can seriously complicate your emotions, and what's going on inside. Yes, revenge fantasies have always been around, I'm not saying that are unnatural, just like depression isn't unnatural either but being depressed and allowing yourself to live in depression isn't healthy.
So revenge fantasies also give the person a higher risk to feel motivated to actually commit these acts in real life. The good feelings you get from a revenge fantasy become higher and higher motivation to commit acts of revenge in real life the more you think about it. And there are studies that show people who carry out revenge, often feel worse after carrying out the act of revenge but this is a person on person basis, sometimes if they lose all morals they feel great in doing it but that's over a long period of time where the revenge fantasy feel good effects completely mute any morals that stopped them from enacting such a thing in real life.
To put this in the most blunt way also as a core fundamental level that I don't even need any medical research to say this, living with hate is never good. Revenge fantasies feed off of hate and making the victim feel powerful where once they felt powerless. Feeding hatred has never been good, ever. Give me one good time hatred has actually been used in a positive light, even woke twitter using hatred they became ignorant and just became the alt-left, just awfully toxic humans who turn a blind eye and demonize fellow humans, removing all compassion just like the alt-right does. It turns you into a toxic as fuck person and it does nothing good but gives you a temporary rush of power and dopamine that can intoxicate you if you aren't aware of how it can impact you.
My life is literal proof of this, I was the most volatile person I could know when I was a teen, filled with the most vile venom imaginable at every living thing around me. Thinking about revenge against everyone, causing harm to people who never caused me harm but never stood up for me either. Honestly I was a basic school shooter archetype of person who allowed years of adolescence power fantasies to fuel my teenage years of how I viewed the world and people around me. If I can't even use my own god damn personal experiences with revenge fantasies and how they can warp someone then clearly no matter the proof I'd provide you would stand on this hill that because it can make you feel good, it's clearly good for you.
Also you missed my point here
>Let me put it this way for your small brain, going to the bathroom is completely healthy. Sitting around in your own waste and playing with it isn't, even if it's a natural byproduct of your body. Revenge fantasies are a natural but harmful byproduct of abuse, just like depression is. Just because something is natural doesn't make it good for a healthy frame of mind or productive lifestyle. Anonymous 9098
>>9097The example you used it
1)a case where nobody was abused, but an accidental death
Again with using yet another example where fantasies got out of hand and the person actually acted on it unlike the anon who did not
You'd be valid if you can find an example of someone explaining how someone NOT and I repeat NOT acting on their fantasies as I've explained several times, but you have not and probably never will
I do however think it's sick of you to claim a victim is manipulative, sick, deserved to have an abusive partner, for fantasies they've never acted on that literally harms no one but the abuser doing exactly what the abuser did to her
Why, in your mind, telling an abuse victim that they deserve an abusive partner, but acting as if ones fantasies she doesn't even act on at all means somehow she's acting on them, comparing them to cases where people harm others even though you know nothing about this anon outside of her fantasies, why is that? Why is it okay to tell an innocent person they deserve to get abused but having fantasies of cheating on an abusive partner is "SICK, DISGUSTING, MENTALLY ILL, DESERVING OF ABUSE"
You seem like the only mentally ill one here
Anonymous 9099
>Revenge fantasies are a natural but harmful byproduct of abuse, just like depression is. Just because something is natural doesn't make it good for a healthy frame of mind or productive lifestyle.
I'm again referring to the disgusting fact you were bashing the everliving shit out of the victim for fantasies, you even admit yourself was natural, you don't know shit about the anon, you don't know if they "play around in waste" all you know is that they have these fantasies, not if they act on them, not if they're getting help, not if they know how to handle themselves, literally nothing, but somehow that was enough to go on a sperg rant about how it's her that's manipulative, that her and an abusive asshole, is, and I quote "a matchmade in heaven", that people with these fantasies you admit yourself is NATURAL, don't deserve partners that don't abuse them, are we forgetting all that or? It's YOU who's mentally ill, not them
Mentally stable people don't tell abuse victims they're evil and deserve abuse for their fucking THOUGHTS they don't even act on
Anonymous 9100
>>9099>>9098Okay so, you are literally shoving words into my mouth I never said, you're clearly fucking mentally ill and didn't even read past the first paragraph of what I sent you. There is a whole section talking about victims of revenge fantasies and how many people are affected by this.
You are either a really good troll, or the dumbest fucking person alive. I can't tell which. Half of this post
>>9098 is shit I've never said. You are the mentally ill one if you somehow even after clarifying WHO I AM AS A POSTER AND MY STANCE on this subject and you are still jumping to those conclusions and going back to this victim blaming thing. I truly believe you don't read anything I say, you read the first three sentences think you understand what I said and then do this shit.
All I fucking said and I will reinforce this one more time.
Anonymous 9101
>>9100>my mouth I never said, you're clearly fucking mentally ill and didn't even read past the first paragraph of what I sent you. There is a whole section talking about victims of revenge fantasies and how many people are affected by this.And you clearly didn't read a word I said either
Read this before you reply, and if you keep repeating the same thing where you clearly didn't read a word I said, I'll just give up
I'm referring to when you, as I even quoted you, called the victim manipulative, claimed she deserved to have an abusive partner as well as everyone else if they have fantasies you yourself admitted were natural
The other thing is that you keep using situations in which the victim acted on the revenge fantasies and didn't get help, you didn't know if the anon did or did not get help, you don't know if the anon plans to act on it or not, you just know they have these fantasies and decided to claim her and everyone else deserves to get abused whether or not they act on it, and called her manipulative which you have yet to explain, that's what we are talking about, mk?
Now reply to that and explain yourself or just leave, theres no point in arguing with someone who goes into a sperg rant throwing insults after insults, ignoring the basis of my argument, ignoring literally everything I said, denying saying things I've copy and pasted from your own replies because you want to backpedal and not own up to what you said
Anonymous 9102
>>9086>>9100Also since you wanna deny what they said and make fairy tales where you pretend to know if they're actually indulging on it when you literally do not know Jack shit other than the fact they have fantasies
Let's look back at with uwu you poor abuse victim who wants everyone to get better said
>>9072>>9074>>9077>"A good person wouldn't have such fantasies">and would deserve a boyfriend that doesn't emotionally or physically cheat on her.Such a poor victim of abuse uwu attacking other victims and making tall tales when you literally know nothing outside of the fact that they have revenge fantasies that involde cheating on the abuser and that's it
Anonymous 9103

This isn't bad as in dirty but Markiplier's FNAF gameplay circa 2015.
I was a confused virgin who didn't know why the deep voice made me tingly on the inside. Also his fear from the jump scares turned me on.
Anonymous 9104
>>9103glad to see that the thread is back on track!
Anonymous 9105
ugh, i used to masturbate to 3D Futa chicks and 3D monster porn. idk why, futa really does it for me. I used to search up 3D futa porn on tumblr all the time before they banned everything. I don't have great relationship with men, so I guess that's where my love for futa stems from….dick but minus the men…hah.
>>9103speaking of FNAF, they had futa porn of this as well and just the dark atmosphere of it got me going.
Anonymous 9106
>>9039>>9104same honestly, it was becoming a shitshow.
Anonymous 9108
>>9107that's actually the first thing I would search for on porn websites before I found out about Futa (or hentai for that matter)
doesn't have the same energy for me
Anonymous 9110
>>9105What is stopping you from doing so now. There is a board on 4chan named /d/ickgirls as a meme for a reason… futanari is very common place.
Anonymous 9111
>>9101>explain yourselfOkay so once again the person who was doing all the name calling was another poster for the 5th time. I dont know how many more times I need to say that. I was providing insight on an unhealthy habit that could lead to damaging results if left unchecked and how you sitting there calling it natural makes the process okay which it isn't.
I'm providing another side where while the other person was spouting dumb garbage that didnt make sense I provided something reasonable as to why that's bad instead of garbage conclusion jumping and personal attacks to say something is bad. Which was my fucking point when I interjected and you refuse to look at what in presenting as another view point as to why this is bad and you are focused on this one pointless part that I'm not even arguing and never did from my first post. Christ. It's like with a message board people input into topics with different view points on the topic and dont hold a stance with previous discusses shit in this case crazed insult slinging that i'm sure some fucking /biz/ tourist threw around in a fit of rage. You need to realize validating toxic behaviors on the internet even if it's against a screeching autist whose approaching the whole thing wrong isnt right either. Two wrongs dont make a right and you trying to validate that revenge fantasies are okay to have and do shit like this in isnt healthy and shouldn't be encouraged. Theres already too many idiots on the internet encouraging toxic behaviors and I'm not going to sit by and not say anything because you are arguing with a neckbeard about other pointless shit that I didnt bring up when I interjected. I said my part and why it's wrong to say it's okay to do that. So you can kindly fuck off becsuse you have willingly ignored my points this entire time and my whole point of this conversation to only focus on insults I didnt sling and I wasnt defending.
Fuck you… read a book spend some time doing something productive in your emotional health than trying to white knight other women on the internet and dying on hills of horrible advice to stick it to a angry bitter scrote.
Anonymous 9112
>>9111>Okay so once again the person who was doing all the name calling was another poster for the 5th time. I dont know how many more times I need to say that. I was providing insight on an unhealthy habit that could lead to damaging results if left unchecked and how you sitting there calling it natural makes the process okay which it isn't.They are natural not only did you, the article you posted but my evidence as well all agreed they were natural…however if they anon acted on it, it would not be
For the billionth time all you know is that the anon has these fantasies, not how they handle them and unless you can find out there's no point of sperging about hypothetical situations in which you somehow know the anon and how they handle revenge fantasies
>Fuck you… read a book spend some time doing something productive in your emotional health than trying to white knight other women on the internet and dying on hills of horrible advice to stick it to a angry bitter scrote.Oh this is gold coming from the person who took the side of someone screaming about how an anon deserved to be abused and claiming someone is "just as toxic" as their abuser over their fucking thoughts you don't even know if they act on
Anonymous 9113
>>9110Okay, i'm guessing
1) because my libido has been shot since I finished puberty (PCOS) so I don't masturbate as much anymore. Only 3-4 times a year.
2) I remember telling my other girl friends about masturbating to Futa and they thought that shit was super weird and I got roasted for it
3) I guess you can tell I'm new to imageboards because I've only been on 4chan like 3 times? I've only been to one porn board and they drew futanari dicks excessively big and it was a huge turn off to me idk i'm a mess, soz
4) i'm guessing from all this interaction i'm a basic hoe
Anonymous 9114
When I was young and wasn't very aware of sex, I'd masturbate to odd things because I knew how to masturbate as a baby. Like once I masturbated to the thought of a veterinarian performing open-heart surgery on a tiger, I think I was like 10 then. I'll also masturbate in general to random stuff, like horse racing, etc. Now I only masturbate to sexual stuff.
Anonymous 9115
Furry erotic drawings
Anonymous 9116

I'd say cuckquean but I don't consider that weird anymore.
>>9065>I don't like the humiliation aspect of itIt's a pretty common misconception that cuckqueaning has to involve humiliation. The humiliation-driven folks are louder about it because broadcasting their humiliation adds to it, but there's plenty of cuckqueans who enjoy it because they get off on how good their men are feeling (compersion-driven) or as a demonstration of superiority over the other woman as you describe (dominant-compersive).
>We've tried playing around with me jerking him off to other womens' pictures a few times and me telling him what I imagine him doing to them, and how they'd react, and it was pretty amazing…That's how we started. I closed my eyes and imagined he was moaning while in someone else and it just clicked somehow. We started exploring from there. Taking it really slowly and carefully is the best way of exploring it because there are quite a few nuances.
>>9068>He's a really traditional guy and while the idea of getting to have sex with other women might be exciting, even VERY exciting to him, I think he would be afraid of hurting me.It's something you have to feel out. We've nearly mis-stepped a couple of times but he was attentive enough and I was communicative enough that both times we avoided any real hurt. It's definitely not anywhere as simple a fetish as people imagine and I'm really happy that it's something that's gaining enough terminology that it can be talked about properly now.
There's a pretty decent (but slow) /cuckquean/ board on 8chan where some pretty good advice and experiences have accumulated over the years.Anonymous 9117
I once got off to both "The Caterpillar" and "Rose Colored Monster" which were ero guro horror mangas by Suehiro Maruo. They were somehow uploaded on some hentai site that I normally use, and since I was some teen trying to be edgy back then I decided to schlick to it. Wasn't a bad schlick tho, and I even found some parts of it hot.
Anonymous 9118
>>9112You are fucking ignorant and possibly retarded. I've said it 20 times now but you cant understand that something that is natural isnt always healthy there is no helping you. You are the cancer to society and you are the type who encourages toxic behaviors because you cant understand fundamental differences between something natural and healthy. Let alone the realistic concept of "preparing for disaster" all your arguments are "well they arent doing these bad things now so theres no point is bringing them up." This is the mentality that allows school shootings to keep happening, the inability to see we need to take preventive action before such a catastrophe occurs rather than when its occurring and then demanding action at that point.
This is why you shouldn't give advice. I'm giving advice on a possible future if they keep on this path which can cause them harm in the future. You are enabling them because they arent actually doing the harmful things yet which isnt good. You want to PREVENT POSSIBLE HARM. You dont wait for a kid to shove their hand into an open flame to do something about it, and you shouldnt wait until they start hurting themselves to show concern for a possible harmful outcome that could have lasting effects that could have been avoided if someone with enough hindsight from the outside perspective provided them with some insight. You gotta get your head out of your ass and stop knee-jerk defending people like an SJW because they use toxic language and attacked someone dying on a hill with an incorrect defense. If you left it at simply calling the tourist a dick hole and retarded it would be one thing but starting to validate toxic behaviors for the sake of putting an ass in their place is never okay. Its ignorant and harmful to the person you're trying to defend and protect.
Anonymous 9119
>>9118Ah yes comparing school shootings to someone who has fantasies cheating on their abuser, makes sense
Come back when you start using accurate comparisons of reality and not a "what if" situation
Since you know so much about how having fantasies cheating on your abuser is just like shooting up schools, how do you know this anon isn't trying to get help? Oh wait you don't, you just sit there and spazz about how me and her are just as evil and bad just to compare us to school shooters, for fantasies mind you, not ones that hurt innocent people, not ones that involve violence, but hey I guess fantasizing cheating your abuser is just as evil and bad as a school shooter huh
You sound just as bad and like you have skeletons in your closet if you're trying this hard to sperg about how the victim is "JUST AS TOXIC!!!" Because of fantasies that hurt no one but the abuser that involve no physical violence, that the anon doesn't act on and you don't even know if they're trying to get help
Anonymous 9120
Nice copypasta
Anonymous 9121
>>9069Hey I erped my fair share in TERA and ended up dating a guy I erped with. Funny how that works.
Anonymous 9122
>>9119Move on from your abuse, and quit being a ticking time-bomb for whoever's unfortunate enough to try and get close to you.
Anonymous 9123
>>9122Any proof that this is what I'm doing, that I've actually been abused or if I did or did not get help? Name me one quote me or the other anon said that hinted we did or did not try to get help
Oh right nowhere, I suggest you get help if you're sperging this hard about how the victim is evil and at fault when you can't even prove your own claims
Imagine being so sociopathic to the point you try this hard to take focus off the abuser and focus on how evil and toxic the victim is for their thoughts
Anonymous 9124
>>9103>Also his fear from the jump scares turned me on.That gave me a good laugh. Thanks for sharing anon
Anonymous 9125
>>9103you would probably enjoy gun/knifeplay
Cleanup Crew 9126
>>9039Moved to >>>/nsfw/9031.
Anonymous 9127
…This is a thread that hasn't been bumped in 3 years? Also why was this even moved atp