
lesbian thread Anonymous 9838
i couldn't find one in the catalog so i thought i should make it
post anything from experiences, preferences, current or recurrent fantasies etc… anything nsfw relating to being a homosexual female.
Anonymous 9839

i'll start.
seeing the outline of nips or pussy through clothes is way more erotic to me than literally anything else. i already posted about it on lc before to a certain extent but my number one fantasy im a virgin kek is to eat out a woman through her panties. i like the idea of clothed sex in general, the rush of it all like you couldn't help yourselves and have enough patience and time to take off your clothes.
maybe working my way to take off my girl's clothes but not mine.
im also into small chested tomboys, well small boobs in general that i can fit into my mouth i promise im not a coomer but i used to have this gif that i now lost of a girl lifting up her shirt and playing with her boobs pressing them against eachother and teasing, they looked so incredibly soft…
the two things that absolutely K.O me are if a girl bends down and i can see panties under skirts while bending down, or if a girl is braless under her shirt letting them bounce, moreso when its a loose shirt and i can only see her puffy nipples poke through and move around. those things instantly make me feel like a primal animal especially if she's being an obvious tease and taunting me.
evidently i have an oral fixation. i just want to eat out and lick a woman up and down with our clothes on.
now for the crazy part, i used to have a really big pee fetish, this time it was kind of focused on me as i like the sensation alone, but i wouldnt mind getting pissed on by an embarrassed woman that cant hold it in anymore. or holding her hand for support in public as she holds it in with her squeezing my hand everytime she feels like she's about to piss herself. cant say i wouldnt savagely eat her out right then and there in the toilet after she goes. cant say it wouldn't make me even hornier either. i used to watch videos of women pissing themselves through their clothes and underwear in my porn addiction phase but now i just use my imagination which is way hotter because i get to choose what happens. i want to eat out or maybe play with a woman's pussy while she's on my lap as she's holding in her pee on the brink of going, and not letting her as i humiliate her through it until she cant take it anymore and squirts all over me.
Anonymous 9844

>>9839>im also into small chested tomboys, well small boobs in generalholy shit, same, and I can't seem to find many women who are also into small breasts or tomboys. I think tomboys are fucking great, for me, the big appeal is the androgyny and that rougher personality. It's hard to find good porn of masculine women/tomboys because it's all gross moid shit, and the word tomboy nowadays just means a girl with short hair, and men just draw them with strangely large breasts. :/
This year is when I started to finally accept my sexuality, after many years of being in extremely homophobic communities that shitted on lesbians for existing. I'm really glad I found this imageboard to talk about stuff like this in.
continuing with my preference with tomboys, I think muscles are really fucking attractive on women. I read the anavar thread on /hb/, and it really turned me the fuck on???? Especially reading how some of the women felt even more horny while taking it, and how they'd describe the feeling of the muscles on their skins, it's so fucking hot to me. I feel like such a weirdo for being into that… Anonymous 9846
>>9844DA but now I kind of want to read that thread. I've talked to women who take steroids before on a throwaway Reddit once and I have a gym membership to become more muscular, it makes me curious what that would be like. Working out makes me feel frisky and I've straight up checked women out while at the gym, I could only imagine what it'd be like to have that cranked to 11.
(I'm not a tomboy nor small-chested, though. I find different body types attractive but I always felt like toned or muscular women are out of my league, so I'm trying to get on that level lmao)
Anonymous 10017
Sucks that this thread died pretty quickly.
Is anyone else also seeking relationships and having much luck? I don't live in a town where people are openly gay (the few actual same-sex attracted people I know are either gay men and the rest are bi women who mostly date men), so I've tried apps, and that went as well as you expected.
Ironically, my problem isn't the TIMs/men listing themselves as women (it's a problem but the one of the few good things about living somewhere conservative I guess is there aren't as many), but a lot of actual women want to settle down and are seeking true connections with their future soulmate or whatever. Nothing wrong with that, but it makes me feel moidbrained or a bad person to want to just single and mingle or maybe have a friend with benefits (not hookups, I always found those risky), ideally, since I'm at a point in my life where love isn't my priority but I still want some kind of relationship beyond friends. I personally don't have a problem with actual bi women who aren't super queer and try to date women too, as opossed to just hooking up, so I'd be fine with casually dating or being FWB with one, but a lot of them have a boyfriend on the side which makes me feel used.
I'm also trying to look online to see if I can find lesbians with my interests online since I don't relate to the wider lesbian culture, like at all, but I'm not having luck there either, when every cool girl my age I talked to is already taken.
Anonymous 10019
>>10017Can't really give tips because I'm one of these lesbians looking for something serious/settle down kek But maybe it has to do with both our age and orientation?
Straight women got a sea and beyond to play around with possible partners or to just have fun; but finding another lesbian is hard already, and one that likes you back even more, so I imagine they could be scared of not being able to find another one if they get out of the relationship, that's why they don't want to have something casual.
I don't know your age, but usually as we get older we don't feel like playing around too much and prefer stability, so that could be it too.
I wish I could swap places with you though, I got your opposite problem…
Anonymous 10021
>>10019Yeah, I'm not "old" but I'm not in college or anything either. I wish I was because maybe it'd be easier to find something casual, but I don't want to date younger women because they're immature and kind of rude and annoying. I'd prefer someone around my age and has a similar casual outlook to relationship as I do.
I wish I wanted to settle down since that's what I'm "supposed" to want, but I don't right now. I actually kind of hate myself for it. I've been demonized and had women think I just want cheap Tinder hookups with complete strangers, but I want to actually like her as a person too. I've never been in love though, so that's the POV I'm coming from.
I would be open to settling down if I met the right woman, but how am I going to figure out who that is when no one wants to test the waters and would rather jump into marriage? Maybe I'm just a sperg, even when I was a kid I never understood why marriage and kids was the goal for everyone, even lesbians.
Anonymous 10022

huh, for me it's the opposite, most lesbians are much too old for me. there's not a lot of lesbians that are uni age or anything wherever I am.
I don't want to sound like a dickhead either, but I'm really suspicious around bisexual women, because in my experience, most women I've seen who claim to be bisexual only date and are only attracted to men, and put on the bisexual label for woke points. Maybe I haven't met someone good yet, but those people gave me an awful impression…
Anonymous 10024
>>10022Ha, I wish that was me. Where I live there's a mix of ages but it's mostly the too young and way too old want to do things casually (again, not hookups, casual dating without expecting to U-Haul and get married). And the ones my age have different lifestyles and are "serious connections only". I'm sure there's someone out there but where.
I've met some genuine bisexuals, so I know they exist, but for the most part the label is treated as something trendy, so I judge them on a case-by-case basis and have my share of red flags for if they're fake or not. I don't like bi-curious or "bi-het" women who just use women as vibrators but settle with men in the end. As much as I hate how lesbian groups always devolve into "queer" politics, I remember when everyone was bisexual/"pansexual" (but actually straight) to be "cool", now they're "pansexual"/"polyamorous" and trans-whatever.
Anonymous 10028

when i was ovulating i was literally so horny i was insanely coombrained. literally all i could think about were pussy and boobs to the point where i unfortunately watched porn and damn, none of it scratched that itch except for one but then not even because a retarded moid was there so it completely turned me off of enjoying the video. im seriously not at all into whatever is going on with the speed and aggressiveness i wish so bad i had a girl i could slowly sensually fuck. not really into receiving and i honestly doubt i was even born with the ability to orgasm i just get really wet and swollen til i cant walk normal kek so i wouldnt want to disappoint anyone like in threadpic manga. i think if i were in that situation the exact same thing would happen to me with the awkward and empty feeling. the only difference is im actually so horny for women. i wish i could trib and eat pussy and play with it until she shakes and starts whining and whimpering, i want to be the reason she's wet all over… all that said i actually have zero experience KEK the farthest is ive gotten is i grabbed and gotten my boobs and felt up by other girls in highschool but that was it. ive never even been kissed so i just use my imagination for the most part and porn really turns me off and doesnt have what im actually into anyway from what ive seen. i'd like to be guided into and specifically asked for what ( the hypothetical ) she likes until she's begging for more
sometimes when im really horny and this happens especially if not specifically while im ovulating if i even see the semblance of a nipple and the size is just right it sends me into a frenzy of insanely coomy thoughts i actually spend the whole day just thinking about it and trying to get myself off expanding on the thoughts from there.
damn i wish i could just try. what i would do for a girlfriend or a wife.
can't post this anywhere else or i'd probably get labeled as a perverted moid but i just have to put it out there somewhere and besides im tired of lesbians being regarded as a solely "wholesome" puritan "lifestyle". bring back loud proud and dirty lesbians
Anonymous 10030
>>10028>i honestly doubt i was even born with the ability to orgasmIf you have a clit that isn't physically damaged, then you can orgasm. Have you tried vibrators or those clit-sucker things?
Anonymous 10043
This is a tranny thread be careful
Look at the imagery
Its the shit they draw
Anonymous 10048
>>10043The thread pic is literally from a diary manga written by an actual lesbian. Stop being a paranoid schizo thinking only men/male trannies can be sexually into women and talk about it.
Anonymous 10051
>>10043im the op threadmaker and currently on my period if that helps.
Anonymous 10055
Anyway, does anyone have any spicy media they like? Original content, indie or mainstream, anime or western, or made up fanfiction is fine. I literally don't bother watching a lot of shows or bother with fandom anymore because it's infested with woke shit and dicks. Basically every good fanartist I like, even the women, does this now and I miss the old days when we knew what a woman actually was.
Anonymous 10149
>>9846if you haven't already found it yourself, here it is: >>>/hb/12533
Anonymous 10196
I'm ovulating and all I want to do is eat out a short Mexican butch, specifically.
>>9839>>9844Based small chest enjoyers.
I used to be very interested in women with larger busts when I first hit puberty, but over time I've become flat4flat. Unsure of what changed.
Anonymous 10201
>>10196NTA, but that's interesting. I do wonder what the source of a lot of individual physical preferences are and how/why they change. I have a large bust and tend to be more attracted to women who are busty too, I wondered where that came from besides familiarity. I do have memories of staring at women's busts when I was a child, LMAO. Maybe I willed myself into developing that way, since a lot of the women in my family aren't.
Anonymous 10206
>>9839I'm a butch with a small chest and practically nobody has ever wanted to touch it, or even touch me back in general, even though I can literally orgasm from just nipple stimulation somehow.
>>10017>but a lot of actual women want to settle down and are seeking true connections with their future soulmate or whatever.and they want to move fast too, get into a serious relationship before you even meet up. I wish I could just meet a woman organically like before when I was a teen and have things be more spontaneous, but that just doesn't happen anymore. It feels like there's something wrong with me for making sex such a priority and caring so much about it. I know it's pretty scroteish. I'd be fine with being dragged aside by most women and be used for sex, please hit on me, sit on my lap, touch me. I'm always game and ready to go. If I could find someone equally sex obsessed for casual dating I'd be so happy.
>>10021>I've been demonized and had women think I just want cheap Tinder hookups with complete strangers, but I want to actually like her as a person too. I've never been in love though, so that's the POV I'm coming from.I had the same fwb for years, was pretty loyal to her, I did court her and did romantic stuff with her, brought her a little gift every day. A de facto relationship without ever doing to whole social media parade and using labels. My friends knew about her and I did show a lot of PDA. She wanted to get married and have kids though and that's not something I'm ever up for. I just don't want kids and I view marriage as bringing the court into things. Just because it's a right we fought for, doesn't mean I HAVE to use it, especially when I don't feel like having to spend at least a year in court if we ever break up. The lesbian divorce rate is abysmal, worse than that of straight people or gay men, mostly because of the jumping into it early. Most never remarry and choose for a legal partnership instead, which is the saner option imo.
I feel like my opinion is fairly nuanced, but it doesn't matter. I'm supposedly a fuckboy with a rotation, even though I've not had sex in years. Listen I would dress up in a knight suit and sing under your window and bring you flowers everyday, but sex is important to me and I don't like the actual pressure of being in a serious relationship immediately on the road to marriage and kids.
Anonymous 10208

>>10196im one of the ayrt and
>I used to be very interested in women with larger busts when I first hit puberty, but over time I've become flat4flat. Unsure of what changed.exactly. i used to be really into busty women as a teenager
though that probably stemmed from feelings of inadequate motherly love. and coincidentally this has been fixed in my life. i was also a coomer back then and pornbrained so that might have influenced part of it. i'm not saying this is the reason for anyone but myself btw and now im strictly flat4flat too. there's nothing in this world hotter to me than a small chested girl especially if we're the same size.
>>10206>Just because it's a right we fought for, doesn't mean I HAVE to use ityeah, i hold this sentiment too about a lot of other things as well.
i wish so bad that i could move to a non thirdie country to join in on a real lesbian community. i'm with you with the meeting up organically thing but i have really intense cravings especially during hormonal periods
no pun intended. seriously that it drives me insane that i physically can't do anything about it
Anonymous 10210
>>10208I've got one of those moments atm too. With organically I mean more that I used to be in a band and it was the time when being bicurious was cool, so a lot of women would throw themselves at me for a one time thing and it was really hot even though it was also probably not completely healthy for me mentally. It was legit easier and faster than anything you could get via an app, but that completely dried up as apps gained popularity. The lesbian community here (in first world country) is completely obsessed with settling down, asexuality, marriage and kids, so I don't exactly expect to ever find another lesbian again like my exgf/fwb who is okay with such an arrangement (I didn't sleep with other women while with her btw).
Plus butches/mascs/tomboys are extremely detested anyway here in general and considered very unattractive and automatic fuckboys, which is a fairly recent image change. Bicurious women don't show much interest either, so all I can do is steam in the really intense cravings. I'm planning on moving to a second world country almost, because mascs are more popular there, still have some rights and protections and less of a troon problem. Other wise I might be desperate enough to sign up to lesbian escort agency kek not even for the money. Kinda a joke, I think.
Anonymous 10220
>I had the same fwb for years, was pretty loyal to her, I did court her and did romantic stuff with her, brought her a little gift every day. A de facto relationship without ever doing to whole social media parade and using labels. My friends knew about her and I did show a lot of PDA.God, I'm so jealous, except for the part of her wanting marriage. I've been more up front with women about how I want a FWB or just a casual physical relationship with no pressure of anything long-term since I don't feel strong romantic feelings in general, and I've had no luck. I wish I could be a hopeless romantic asexual lesbian that wants to settle down and adopt kids, but it's not the lifestyle for me. I've never really been in a relationship or gone on a date, so I envy women who could just easily hook up in the past in their teens/20s. I'm not butch, but a lot of same-sex attracted women say I'm cute, but I just can't give them what they want and vice-versa.
Anonymous 10226

>>10220The marriage thing came out of nowhere and I didn't lead her on after that or anything like that. She's now marrying a bi woman 10 years her senior who already has three kids from several previous marriages with men and constantly has to drive them around town. I don't get how it's worth it just to play house.
>I wish I could be a hopeless romantic asexual lesbian that wants to settle down and adopt kids, but it's not the lifestyle for me.Same. I can be romantic, but I'm really not looking for the "traditional" lesbian relationship. I feel like even if you marry someone who isn't completely asexual, the routine, being stressed from kids and always being busy and having everything be super serious takes away any eroticism or fun. As soon as it even moves into that direction, I get flashbacks like Shane. It's annoying, because I've come across enough straight women who don't want to settle down and just have kids, but it seems like every lesbian does want that.
>I'm not butch, but a lot of same-sex attracted women say I'm cute, but I just can't give them what they want and vice-versa.I'd probably bang you
Anonymous 10227
>>10226>I've come across enough straight women who don't want to settle down and just have kids, but it seems like every lesbian does want that.It's weird how a lot of lesbians have internalized straight standards more than straight people have. I talk to straight women in my daily life who talk about how marriage is a trap, and they're happy to be unmarried, but most lesbians locally are just "I want a wife" "where is my soulmate" (while refusing to do anything "icky" to find someone like go to a gay bar or use an app) "I'm single and I'm [insert age between 21-30+], is my life over?" etc. I know these standards are hard to unlearn (I personally still have a lot of Christian damage despite haven't gone to church in decades), but it's weird how these same women will act like they're enlightened feminists but then have their life revolve around being a girlfriend or wife in the future.
>I'd probably bang youHa, I appreciate that sentiment.
Anonymous 10229
>>10227>just go to a barI can't fathom going to a bar alone and talking to stangers.
I have no idea how anyone can actually do this, but I guess I'm the odd one out.
Anonymous 10230
>>10227ayrt I understand not wanting to go to a gay bar if only gay men show up. It does feel awkward and like you don't belong. If there were lesbian bars I'd have no problem with it though. I went to "queer" parties (since normal lesbian ones don't exist anymore) and I've not had much luck, since there are so many spicy straights and straight TiFs who go now.
Anonymous 10231
>>10229>>10230AYRT. I'm mostly quoting what other women say. Not everyone is a bar person, obviously, but I tend to be surrounded by "romantics" who expect their true love to just manifest instead and refuse to even look into their gay scenes. Mine has a ton of "queers" and spicy straights but I'm not going to give up. I've never been to a lesbian bar, I'd love to even if most have been made inclusive for everyone, but I'd go to a gay male one if only because it would scare off 99% of straight men. I like bars, but not straight bars and getting hit on by men.
Anonymous 10233
>>10231I'm worried that in the current climate they'd think I'm an annoying straight TiF trying to fit in with gay men if I'd go to a predominantly gay male bar, instead of just a butch lesbian kek. And I wouldn't have to worry about men hitting on me in a straight bar. The only time it happened was at one of the queer parties, because they were hunting for impressionable and easy straight TiF's. I'd still consider going to the parties though, probably still my best shot.
Anonymous 10579
it's a pity that a thread is dead but i wanna post anyway
i really want to eat a woman out, like, my sexual experience is very limited and ive never done it but id like some girl just to put her pussy on my face and let me eat her out till she whines and moans in pleasure i also find dry humping and things like that very sexy especially with clothes still on it gives "they were in a hurry and wanted each other so much that they didnt care about undressing" type of energy
Anonymous 10582
>>10579I think it's because this site is mostly populated by straight girls, and there tends to be a lot of paranoia that anyone who posts about liking women sexually is a man pretending to be a lesbian. A lot of female homosexual spaces I find also tend to be heavily feminist/radfem-oriented (sometimes bordering on political lesbianism), so they also get squeamish or angry over sex talk even if it's among verified real women. I kind of just lurk at this point lmao
Anonymous 10634
I want to find a gf so bad. I have a lot of geek interests, and I need to share them with another person with which I can actually have a conversation with…
Anonymous 10635

>>10582yeah I noticed some homophobia in some of the threads here… it makes me feel like I'm not welcome, and I get scared to post. I tried getting into some radfem discords a while back, and while I did get verified in some, this one specific one for dating lesbians was really damn strict for some reason. They didn't want to verify me by voice, and they had me write about two or three paragraphs on english. I actually didn't get in, and got ghosted by the admin because I briefly mentioned I drew furry art. I even offered to show the admin my pages online and examples of my art to show it wasn't gross fetish shit, but she didn't bother looking at it.
That honestly put a bad taste in my mouth… so I just write fanfiction or stuff for myself. Or, I go on ao3 and pretend that I'm the reader, but most of the stuff on there is hetero.
I probably mentioned this before, but my sex drive has honestly been very low lately, mostly because moid content is just…. so fucking bad. The art is abhorrent and repulsive, the fanfictions make me gag… it's hard to find good stuff made by women for women. Moid shit is everywhere. I would love to try dating in real life, but I'm not even sure how to start that. The last app I used was full of trannies or straight men constantly hitting on me because I was like a unicorn to them.
how is everyone else holding up?
>>10634what kind of stuff do you like? I have a trouble finding other girls who are into the games I love, haha.
Anonymous 10636
>>10635Yeah, even if I agree with Radfems more than Libfems, a lot of spaces for them are pure "no fun allowed" and borderline depressing. I wish there were politics-free real lesbian spaces where I can just sperg over my interests and simp over my favorite characters, without having weird porn addict moids see it. My experience on apps is roughly the same, except a lot of the real women are flaky and borderline prudish. I'm basically learning how to draw better, so I can channel my sexual frustrations creatively, lmao.
Anonymous 10686
>>10579i feel exactly the same way. my go-to thing to fantasize about is teasing to dry humping and eventually eating my woman out, starting through her clothes
Anonymous 10745

>>9844Same anon as here. Holy crap, tomboys are so fucking perfect, and like I've said, it's a shame they've been corrupted by moids now.
I really like the androgynous appeareance that they tend to have, and that more "rougher" personality. It comes off to me as usually being more honest, which is a big plus. I have a thing for women who are blunt and can come off as a bit rude at times. I'd LOVE to have a girlfriend like that in real life, but unfortunately tomboys are being erased by either transing them or the girls become "enby".
Just… why couldn't they accept themselves the way they were? I tend to also dress in a masculine fashion, and it's a huge shame I can't seem to find many women who do the same. Literally the only thing keeping me apart sometimes is looking at nicely drawn art of such women, but it's been getting more difficult lately. Moids seriously draw a woman with breasts larger than her head and short hair and call it a "tomboy", like no, get that shit out of my feed.
Anonymous 10748
>>10745Different anon, but as someone who was pressured to almost trans due to body issues, it's a form of social contagion than just being self-hating. I've known girls who were more full-on butch, and they told me that being asked their pronouns and having their butch friends go trans made them feel like they had to do that too. It's like a subtle pressure when everyone around who is similar to you is deciding that they're no longer women anymore, and it makes you question yourself. It's really sad.
Anonymous 10842
I have fantasies about women mainly ex gfs
God I wanna be topped so fucking bad. i especially wanna be eaten out until i start whining and moaning from the pressure i literally throb the the thought of being eaten out my sexual experience is very limited (however its not none).
i literally do not have a type either i find beauty in all women unless they have a pixie cut or buzzcut
I do not mind small tits or big tits although perky tits are my favorite i just like to feel boobs tbh
being kissed constantly while the stimulation im getting is making me numb except for my clit is a common fantasy i have
the shit i would do for a girlfriend right now
i love affectionate sex i cant handle anything thats cold or degrading the most i can handle in that area is being tied up because its kinda overstimulating and i like that
anything straight actually disgusts me too im sure it does for alot of other people here but oh my fucking god when i hear "my bf" or "my boyfriend" I PUKE
Anonymous 10852
I would really like to try the free use policy with someone. Don't really care if I'll be giving or receiving. I find the sheer idea extremely fucking hot.
Anonymous 10938
Almost 23 and still haven’t kissed a girl, lmao. although there is this girl I’ve been talking to lately.
I’m more dominant but I do feel kinda embarrassed being an inexperienced dom (even though obviously everyone starts off inexperienced)… ugh, I really just wanna top a girl and love her and take care of her.
Probably doesn’t help that I’m horny all the time due to not really being able to get off properly (too long to explain)
Anonymous 10941
>>10938Eh, I tend to feel left out from other lesbians since I have a high sex drive, and getting off doesn't satisfy me at all. YMMV though.
Anonymous 10943
>>10941>I tend to feel left out from other lesbians since I have a high sex driveSame. I've been called pornsick, predatory, insatiable, a male, yadda yadda. All because I actually, actively want sex, and many girls treat it like I want to do something bad to them. God, sometimes I understand men.
Anonymous 10944
See I can’t even relate to that because I haven’t actually had sex, so I don’t know if my sex drive is high. All I know is that I want to top women and I fantasise about that, but even with the girl I’m talking to, I’m too reluctant to make a move, mostly because I don’t even know whether she’s gay.
Does it count as having a high sex drive if I want to sleep with women everyday even if I don’t get off? I want to make women feel good. It’s all I can think about sometimes
Anonymous 10945
>>10944AYRT. I never had sex either since it's hard to find lesbians IRL, which is why I tried out toys and realized masturbating doesn't satisfy me. I guess "sex drive" varies from person-to-person, I always thought I was on the low end, but when talking to some other lesbians I notice I'm a lot more "sexually focused" when it comes to attraction and what I want in an ideal relationship.
>Does it count as having a high sex drive if I want to sleep with women everyday even if I don’t get off? I want to make women feel good. It’s all I can think about sometimesYeah, sex drive is about how much you want sex, not how often you orgasm.
>>10943Yeah, it's hard to find spaces full of actual women where it's okay to talk about it. I have a hard time finding someone similar IRL, so I tend to cope with drawn/written stuff (I hate real porn) and try to make my own artwork, which makes me feel like I'm just as bad as a pornsick scrote sometimes. I tend to hesitate to posting sexual things here or other female spaces since I don't want to be accussed of being a man or make women uncomfortable. The last time I vented about wanting to have sex in another thread, I got a rude reply so I decide to keep it to myself.
Anonymous 10946
>>10945>makes me feel like I'm just as bad as a pornsick scrote sometimesUm… Why are you letting the pearl-clutching part of the internet guilt you into feeling bad about your sexual needs? It's your business, they can fuck off.
Anonymous 10947
>>10946It's only sometimes and I'm trying to work on my confidence/self-esteem about it. I don't talk to logged-on prude types anymore, but it used to be the only kind of lesbian company I could find, and it's common for lesbians to feel or be made to feel guilty for wanting to be sexual, in my experience.
Anonymous 10948
I moved to another city and I swear, none of the women here are my type. All I want is to suck breasts and hear a woman moan.
Anonymous 10950
what are your thoughts on period pussy? i would eat
Anonymous 10951
>>10950AIDS aside, I don't mind the blood. Especially knowing how horny most girls (myself included) get during the first 24 hours.
Anonymous 10952
>>10950I get super horny during my period so I'm into the idea.
Anonymous 11041
>>9838I need a big strong woman to do me until my brain stops working puh lease
Anonymous 11138

>everyone here seems to be attracted to mostly/only flat-chested women
Feels bad having a bigger chest
Anonymous 11140
>>11138Small boobs reads as cute, innocent, dainty, submissive. Big boobs reads as mature, experienced, horny, dominant.
Anonymous 11142
>>11138Don't feel bad about yourself nona, I have a lesbian friend who is very, very busty and she's always had a very busy love/sex life.
Anonymous 11149
>>11138Same, I grew up having a complex that only pornsick scrotes or gen z girls with mommy issues would find me attractive. I know lesbians who like naturally bigger busts exist, I just wish I knew where to find them.
Anonymous 11157
Is it weird that I'm a virgin even though I'm 21? I keep falling for straight girls and I'm too much of a shut-in to put myself out there.
Anonymous 11160
>>11157No? It'd be weird if you were straight, but lesbians are a minority population. It's not like we're all over the place.
Anonymous 11171

I love pubic hair on women.
Anonymous 11196

>>11171I find slight leg hair on women rlly hot for some reason, especially if they are athletic and fit
Anonymous 11215
just saw someone call themselves a lesbian while also being into beastiality, I could understand slightly if it was just seeing other girls doing it that turned them on but they also seem to thirst over the dogs themselves too.
Is that even a thing? That doesn't seem like being lesbian to me, even if it's not a human male
Anonymous 11221
>>11215Disgusting, I lose faith in humanity every time a woman is into the same degenerating shit as men. Hope a dog mauls her face.
That aside, I don't think the bestiality rules out the lesbianism (as long as she is actually is into human women) since it's a paraphillia. Dogs aren't humans, so think of it as if she attracted to cars or something at the same time as humans, though I don't know if that is possible.
Anonymous 11253
>>11215Gross. I know nothing about this woman (if that is an actual woman), but unless she's into female animals or something (that's also disgusting, don't get me wrong, but it would be consistent), I'd write her off as just a porn addict or desperate.
>>11221Male animals still have male genitals, however I noticed with paraphilias it tends to be a heavy compartmentalization and far from actual healthy attraction. Men into that kind of shit see the animal as similar to a living fantasy dildo or focus on the taboo/degrading aspect.
Anonymous 11329
>>11138I like all kinds
I had quite a crush on this girl I worked with who had fake tits
Anonymous 11330
>>11329NTA Interesting, I'm honestly not sure if that's something I've considered. Were they obviously fake looking?
Anonymous 11333

>>11330I never saw her topless so I didn't know until she mentioned it in conversation. I thought she just wore push-ups. Usually I can avoid crushing on obviously straight people but she was very nice, goofy and down to earth despite being super good looking. I felt very comfortable around her which is rare for me. Oh well life goes on.
Anonymous 11677
>>11138I don't really care about the size, I care about nipples specifically. I like it when women have sensitive nipples that get hard and perky, it's so hot.
Anonymous 11723
Had sex for the first time recently, I'm 27 and she's 22. I really thought I was a top based on all my fantasies, but she has so much more experience so she took control and oh my God.
Anonymous 11864
>>9838i want a woman to feel my lower area, it turns me on so much. sometimes ill hump my pillow because i love how it feels against it. id love to be cooking with a woman and then i start to feel up on her and i start to rub my pelvis against her ass, i dont know why its just so hot to me. especially on my period i just get the urge to hump women god
Anonymous 11966
i dated a bi girl who ended up being into beastiality. after we broke up she got called out for fucking actual dogs. i hope she's in jail. i'm lesbian4lesbian now. never again
Anonymous 12679
Anyone else have a cnc kink? I want hot girls to be mean to me
Anonymous 12704
I'm so horny all the time but i'm literally undateable due to my many psychological issues. I don't even truly want a girlfriend because every lesbian i meet wants to marry and i really don't feel like making any big commitments, especially because i am so suicidal. I honestly wish i could have a friend who i could just have sex with every now and then, and be able to stay just friends with her
Anonymous 12737
>>12704same I don't want a woman to have to deal with my mental illness in a long term relationship I wish there could be grindr for lesbians without it being overrun by tr*nnies
Anonymous 12931
Rereading this thread is awkward because I see my own posts about being single posted almost 2 years ago, but then I got a girlfriend who understands how I feel shortly after. I stopped caring about these sites because there's too many lurking trannies + lesbophobic straight women + gen zs but there is hope, I just had to exit the blackpill/doomer mindset.
Anonymous 12976

>>9838When I saw the cover I thought it was the hottest drawing I had ever seen. I love her perfect white feet
Anonymous 13453
dating fucking sucks as a femme attracted to femmes
nobody makes the first move gaahhhhh its so frustratingggg
Anonymous 13454
>>13453Just mame a first move yourself, lo, what's the problem? You don't need to cosplay straight women waiting for a guy to write first
Anonymous 13457
I have the worst luck in the world always getting crushes on bi girls who prefer men
Anonymous 13465
>>13454i would but im too shy, autistic and scared of rejection to do so. also what if she isnt gay, or even if she is she only likes butches (majority of femmes do unfortunately). i dont really want to embarrass myself, also im not exactly outed yet either.
sometimes a cute girl would make a slightly prolonged eye contact with me and my autistic gay brain gets confused, is she checking me out? is she trying to tell me something? or do i have lint on my face?