uwu Anonymous 993
I just want an older woman to hold me, comfort me, and make me feel good down there. How do I make this longing stop? It hurts that this is so hard to achieve.
Anonymous 995
how old are you? maybe a woman in her thirties wouldl work for you?
Anonymous 996
>>995That'd work, I'm 21. I guess I have to be less shy about trying to go to gay bars. At this point, it's more of touch deprivation than anything. Even if it's fake, I'd rather have that than nothing.
Anonymous 1002
Ugh, OP, are you me? This is literally all I want in life. A beautiful older woman to take care of me and make me feel good, who I can also do the same for. It feels impossible though because I feel like this sort of woman doesn't exist. And where would you find them? They aren't the sort to frequent gay events. It's the one thing I want in life.
Anonymous 1755

>How do I make this longing stop?
get a mommy gf, duh.