attempting to make homemade vibrator/dildo Anonymous 9956
So I'm a broke college student and I lost my vibe by leaving it at home on accident so recently I've taken to trying to build my own from duct tape +glass soda bottle+phone with vibrating app. Has anyone else ever tried this? Any tips? Also, any recs on which phone apps I should try? all the ones I can find have the settings turned down really low unless you pay them and obviously I don't wanna do that.
Anonymous 9958

>glass soda bottle
ever since the internet traumatised me with one man one jar im just not gonna ever think of sticking something made out of glass inside of me no matter how sturdy it looks
Anonymous 9967
>>9958What is one man one jar? Is that the reddit story of the dude who got his intestines pulled out by suction from a glass bottle? I made sure to put duct tape over the top so that won’t happen
Anonymous 9972
>>9967no it's a video of a russian dude putting a glass jar in his ass and it explodes inside so he had to dig out the shards one by one and it was a horrible bloody mess
Anonymous 9973
I feel like you're better off just getting a video game controller and putting the rumble function on. Or the shower head. Or vibrating toothbrush (cover the top with something). But creating a makeshift dildo just feels like something potentially dangerous.
Anonymous 9975
>>9973I think I actually have a vibrating toothbrush… What should I cover it with? It has a detachable head so I could just take that off so that way I can still use it as a toothbrush, but underneath the brush is just a sharp metal thing… hmmmmm
Anonymous 9979
>>9975I dont know what you could over it up with but I do think if you plan on using this toothbruh you'll need to get yourself another one for actually brushing teeth then.
Anonymous 9989

>>9956True story:
The first time I used a "vibrator" was a playstation 2 controller that had rumble everytime you fired a bullet in the Jak 3 video game. I already finished the game and I had the infinite bullets cheat enabled so while playing I just machine gunned the air with the blue gun and I put one of the handles of the controller against you know what. I remember it very very well no moid has ever made me feel that good ngl, but the romance is cool you can't love a ps2 controller.
Anonymous 10574
>>9989IIRC there was a "the tower is crumbling! escape with your life!" section in one of the BG Dark Alliance games. The screen was shaking, there was debris falling everywhere and the controller vibrated a lot. I had a well-beloved save in that section.
Anonymous 10578
trying not to picture the russian moid pull broken glass out of his ass, but then all i see is a hillbilly nona duct-taping a busted coke bottle back together for insertion, and another putting the top back on her "vibrator" so she can brush her teeth.
Anonymous 10638
I always used handle on a hairbrush, and I also have a vibrator app. Maybe if you hold your phone/tape your phone to the hairbrush? Idk, it sounds better than a glass bottle.
idk what the app I have is called, here I will link haven't tried many, I just use this one because it has different patterns. Idk why constant vibration doesn't do anything for me.
Anonymous 10764
I just bought a cheap Chinese toothbrush online and the vibrations are so intense it makes for a really, really fucking good vibrator. It even has rounded, soft edges.
Anonymous 10777
>>10764Well? Tell us which model it is, nona.
Anonymous 10778
>>10764Was just thinking about this thread yesterday after I encountered an electric toothbrush (not mine, I cant get off with it). Recommendations pls?
Anonymous 10865
>>10778If you're going to buy something online anyway just buy a proper vibe from some shop like eden fantasies. They aren't that expensive.