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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

lc bunka.gif

Lolcow Bunker Thread #19 Anonymous 282862


Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous bunkers:
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 282863

Are we dropping the fujoshit now

Anonymous 282865

What should I have for lunch?

Anonymous 282866

you can never go wrong with burger

Anonymous 282867


Minecraft , could we have an ETA on the server? I don't want to make you feel rushed, I'm really grateful for you taking the time to set it up.

Anonymous 282868

Chicken sandwich

Anonymous 282869

I'm tinfoiling that it's all the same anon that keeps baiting and responding on a vpn or something.

Anonymous 282871

*Minecraft n0nnie

Anonymous 282872

proabably, we've been with 2 treads straight without a shizo, we're long overdue

Anonymous 282873

Me. I care. God I'm annoyed LC went down during her current shitstorm. Hoping her ex-gf spills all the details only after the site is back.

Anonymous 282874

Wow that's a busy snake

Anonymous 282875

If they’re smart enough to drop their catchphrases while posting it doesn’t change their mindset. So many newfags make themselves apparent by trying to justify their hatred for someone online despite being anonymous. It’s baffling to see this “justified hatred” culture when many lolcows in the site before this shift were just embarassing and ugly.

Anonymous 282877

I support your horniness but oh I do not like this image at all. not one bit.

Anonymous 282878



Anonymous 282879

if you really want the subject to die why are you bringing it up? just report - they actually take action here

Anonymous 282880

Naked Butlers was absolutely wild.

Anonymous 282881

thank you! it's silly, but your reply has made me more confident about it all. i'll do my best.

Anonymous 282882

I'm praying nona I'm praying

Anonymous 282883

I ship and I think you are very based . I love the one being choked

Anonymous 282884


it's funny

Anonymous 282885

Is that wolf going to be ok?

Anonymous 282886

Are there any goth nonas here? Do you have any artists you want to reccommend? Doesn't have to be english either

Anonymous 282887

What's the latest on Chappell Roan? Has she tried defending cancelling her small venue concerts yet? I count on the celebricows thread for things like this.

Anonymous 282889


you and me both. we can do it!

Anonymous 282890

He just need a nap

Anonymous 282891


I love these headbands

Anonymous 282892

looks like she went to emo night last night and i saw her holding three different bottles/cans of alcohol so i assume she was traaaashed because you know there's more going on behind the scenes. her ex called her an alcoholic - actually i think multiple exes have called her an alcoholic. it makes me sad because my parents were alcoholics and it led me to a very isolating and tumultuous childhoood. if she really is an alcoholic her child is most likely already suffering from depression. now add zero boundary sex work and adding new mommies and daddies constantly…

Anonymous 282893

oldfags in the know pls bless us with the lore regarding past admins

Anonymous 282895


AFAIK no. She just posted some selfies to instagram

Anonymous 282897

the original male admin from what i remember was actually pretty widely liked. i don't know if it was different board culture or not, though

Anonymous 282898

2 more hours on the road…

Anonymous 282899

Is Ely.by safe?

Anonymous 282900

asylum party, keluar, Lebanon Hanover, rosetta stone, give my remains to broadway, bleib modern, clan of xymox

Anonymous 282901

she issued a very minimal instagram post that said "sry about it, already explained it by saying schedule conflict, won't be commenting further" which is a kek for me. I think it's funny that she annoys her fans because her fans annoy me. I love the album and don't need a parasocial relationship to think her music is fun and hot.

Anonymous 282902

KEK I always wanted to play it for the lulz I still remember kekking with my discord friends about the special semen udon cg.
tbh I don't get yaoi unless it's fanfiction where it's more detailed, but actual yaoi manga does nothing for me with the 2 panel sex scenes and lightsaber penises. I think doujins are better

Anonymous 282903

Yeah the board mentality for cows should be someone to laugh at, not someone that you need to make fun of because it’s justified under whatever twitterfag logic they love using. Whenever a new cow would be introduced most newfags would question why the person warranted a thread if they haven’t done anything morally or legally wrong and then just call it bullying or milkless.

Anonymous 282905

He was yes, but that was back when lc didn't forbid men from posting.

Anonymous 282906

She has a child?

Anonymous 282907


I think it's hot but I also cry when they get all lovey dovey n shit. Anyway Matsuda best boy

Anonymous 282908

tbh I feel like mods here just ban anything reported regardless of if it actually breaks the rules or not. just because they normally don't get to since the sites usually so slow

Anonymous 282909

Based Matsudachad

Anonymous 282911

i guess i wouldnt call this the "latest" but i did just learn that only one of the songs on her new album were actually written by her, called kaleidoscope, which is funny because i haven't even heard of that one once

Anonymous 282912

reese’s and kimchi. just trust me on this

Anonymous 282913


They don't make them like this anymore

Anonymous 282914


Anonymous 282916

say more, do you mean there's only one song she contributed to, only one song she wrote entirely by herself, that her other songs were heavily reworked, or are you talking the melody vs lyrics or what? just curious about some insight into the pop music process

Anonymous 282917

yes and that's by far the worst part! there isn't a door that separates the first floor of her home (the living area) from the bottom floor (the weird sex dungeon) which is terrifying to me because what happens if the kid wakes up from a bad dream and finds something horrifying? this girl literally hosts orgies in her basement. even if the child was taken from her, the biological dad left bruises on the child's throat when they were living in florida (i think? timeline hazy) so hopefully she wouldn't go to him…

Anonymous 282918

How are these threads going so fast don't you guys have JOBS to go to.

Anonymous 282919

Current doodle board

Anonymous 282920

you know for how much fujos say paradise kind of gorey and edgey i found it tame as fuck the story is meh tooexcept for the burn body

Anonymous 282921

granted I don't lurk every board but I think the celebricows thread has it the worst when it comes to newfaggotry, I couldn't believe jannies let these tiktok fags get away with all these "umm stop making fun of lana!! she looks amazing but go off kween" and the Ariana stans. The fags calling Elon's tranny kid "she" were also astonishing, no integration whatsoever

Anonymous 282922

Me, idgaf about ships im fine with my boy getting with every other scrote in game

Anonymous 282923

you'd be surprised how many are neets here

Anonymous 282924

I'm a NEET

Anonymous 282925

It's saturday

Anonymous 282926

six figgy salaried job and it's labor day weekend baby

Anonymous 282927

it's the weekend retard
i would have to google more to find out for sure but i'm sure she contributed to the other songs but i believe this is the only one she wrote the music and lyrics to on her own

Anonymous 282928

im jobless

Anonymous 282929

>implying CC has actual mods instead of a bot banning indiscriminately based on keywords

Anonymous 282930

What happened to minecraft nona, I hope she is still working on the server because if she got my hopes up for nothing I'm gonna kms

Anonymous 282931

please give me general advice on how to get where you are in life

Anonymous 282932

Check your calendar

Anonymous 282933

You are mentally challenged if you think every anon in here has a based corporate job that has weekends off.

Anonymous 282934

images (2).jpeg

Me jobs paying me to be here (am on sick leave. no arm)

Anonymous 282935

wht keywords do you think are banned

Anonymous 282936

Be born fortunate

Anonymous 282937

Right now I'm loading the chunks so that way we don't lag and so that Dynmap can show us everything. I'm gonna probably be done in like another hour I'm hoping, but it should definitely not take more than 90 minutes from here.

It's annoying but I really like Dynmap so I want to wait it out that way no lag happens kek

Anonymous 282938

damn mommy

Anonymous 282939

I rarely listen to modern music but I been listening to her lately

Anonymous 282940

Really? Are you alright? Story pls

Anonymous 282941

Thanks so much for the update!

Anonymous 282942

i think part of it is that celebricows are by far the easiest "cows" to access because you already have background knowledge just from the liquidity of the culture. the other cows you'd have to do a significant amount of research and reading the archives since a lot of them arent even that active online anymore. as for calling elons kid "she" i think that peoples politics are evolving in that direction no matter who they are - not necessarily newfags. it's also fun because elon is CRUSHED by this and he's the worst so it's nice to spite him

Anonymous 282944


lol I didn't find it either of those things either, it's mostly funny and mega retarded. Hongou cunnilingus scene made me actually ill though kek

Anonymous 282945

so aggressive for no reason

Anonymous 282946

Thank you!

Anonymous 282947

Retards are indeed everywhere, doesn't make them the majority

Anonymous 282948

Anonymous 282949

you lost your arm?

Anonymous 282950

That anon called me a retard. You can nibble on my clothes too while you're at it.

Anonymous 282951

By clothes I mean clit.

Anonymous 282952

nothing funny just broke my arm kek

Anonymous 282953

you're on an imageboard dude

Anonymous 282954

NTA but now you’ve made me wanna chew on a blanket corner. thanks nonie

Anonymous 282955

I miss getting drunk

Anonymous 282956

Not everyone is a hoarder of quarters.

Anonymous 282957

based angelposter

Anonymous 282958

your cloth clit?

Anonymous 282959

>as for calling elons kid "she" i think that peoples politics are evolving in that direction
delusional theyfab spotted, did you not see the massive sperg caused by a female Olympic boxer that just looked masculine?
>it's also fun because elon is CRUSHED by this and he's the worst so it's nice to spite him
implying it's based to give a tranny gender euphoria just to make another male autist mad? you know u can be against Elon's retarded ass without calling trannies she, don't you? it's not like he's gonna read his LC thread kek

Anonymous 282960

based and goatpilled

Anonymous 282961

No I'm unemployed

Anonymous 282962

The March Violets
The Naked and The Dead
Minimal Man
Virgin Prunes
Double Echo
Modern Eon
Kas Product

Anonymous 282963


Post funny screencaps

Anonymous 282964

she’s made of linen

Anonymous 282966

poopy! .png

kek a classic

Anonymous 282967

you want me to bite it?

Anonymous 282968

this might hurt to hear but not everyone on lc is a terf even if they wouldn't say it

Anonymous 282969


Anonymous 282970

Thank u!!

Anonymous 282971

I bet that anon was a Jill DID cake tiktok refugee.

Anonymous 282972

I’m a chem major…

Anonymous 282973

Holy shit just fuck off nonbinary retard.

Anonymous 282974

lalalalalala i can’t hear you

Anonymous 282975


Anonymous 282976

can we talk about how the cc /nsfw/ board has a lesbian fantasies thread that plagiarizes the /g/ female fantasies thread.

Anonymous 282977


I can't believe I haven't played that yet. I was planning on playing Enzai next because of how awful I heard it was. Honestly what's the most fucked up yaoi vn?

Anonymous 282978

Then learn to integrate because validating trannies bring them to the boards. We already had issues with them spamming cp and shitting up ot, make it a safe haven and they’ll take it

Anonymous 282979

this might hurt to hear, but most normal people are "terfs" hence why it's against site rules to bring your tranny retardation into LC or CC

Anonymous 282980


Anonymous 282981

…you arent esl are you

Anonymous 282982

Can we talk about using cc instead of takling shit about it

Anonymous 282983

please move to a hub city, plan to move to a hub city, or look into interning at a nearby relevant companies so you don't graduate jobless. the job market is brutal out there.

Anonymous 282984


I'm going to bed. Hope I wake up to lolcow being back.

Anonymous 282985


Anonymous 282986

why do people think hating trannies suddenly means you're a terf as if you have to be a radical feminist when i just think these people are mentally ill freaks

Anonymous 282987

No I'm an amerifag.

Anonymous 282988


Anonymous 282989


From the old bunker threads

Anonymous 282990

This is not the place for you, you can coddle and suck tranny cock everywhere else on the internet we don't want your smegma sniffing ass

Anonymous 282991

I'll be honest, I'm not talking shit at all, I just think it's kinda weird and I'm disappointed it isn't more active in its own right kek.

Anonymous 282992


She made an Instagram comment that basically says "sorry something cooler came up :/"

Anonymous 282993

because slightly criticizing a tranny is enough to get called one

Anonymous 282994


Anonymous 282995

if you're going to bait at least know grammar faggot.

Anonymous 282996

This kek

Anonymous 282997

We genuinely need to start bullying the retarded tumblr/tiktok tranny loving refugees. I don't want to see "cis" used unironically on my based tranny hating boards. If you like trannies go validate the nearest AGP and leave lolcor.

Anonymous 282998

maybe because it's hidden and most don't know about it? idk really

Anonymous 282999

Yeah I was confused about that, who the hell is crossposting their horny posts lmao

Anonymous 283000

Spoiler your stupid shit

Anonymous 283001

we are guests here be nice

Anonymous 283002


The most fucked up BL I've ever played was Shitoku no Gyokuza. you will never experience something of this level ever again

Anonymous 283003


This is what I look like btw

Anonymous 283004

Threadpic makes me kek thank you anon

Anonymous 283006

This one

Anonymous 283007

Lolcow isn’t coming back until september 3rd nona, I’m sorry to break your heart

Anonymous 283008


Anonymous 283009

fujos get off on displaying their coomer fantasies to normal women

Anonymous 283010

they need to group all normal people who don't buy into their perverted autism bullshit into this evil category so they can feel like its only one group (terfs) agains them instead of literally everyone with common sense. hence why almost nobody who gets called a TERF is an actual radfem and they end up not even knowing what radfems believe in because they group tradthots and conservatives all under the same made up label

Anonymous 283011


marry me anon lets live our best hamster lives

Anonymous 283012

encore encore!!!.j…

Picrel is my vibe toward the PicMix thread pics god I love the Lolcor community this is my country Lolcor is my homeland

This thread pic is soooo good it's excellent

Anonymous 283013


Anonymous 283014


told my parents what i wanted to pursue and they yelled at me to "more normal" and get a normal job in law
mfw they want me to work a soulcrushing job for 20 years and then pursue my passion

Anonymous 283015



Anonymous 283016

Anonymous 283017


Anonymous 283018


The fucking moral grandstanding is so irksome. If you need to feel better about yourself and your choices go to reddit not my precious lolcor

Anonymous 283019

>what's the most fucked up yaoi vn?
Probably room no 9

Anonymous 283020

What's the difference between someone who's gender-critical and someone who's a TERF?

Anonymous 283021


Anonymous 283022


it’s the number of replies that got me

Anonymous 283024


Anonymous 283025

Chieftain Crack eagle communicating with lurch always makes me laugh. I wonder what Tuna is up to. Probably fucking nothing as per usual

Anonymous 283026

Terfs follow RADICAL FEMINISM which has roots in marxism. Gender critical means you think tranny ideology is retarded but you don't explicitly follow a political ideology.

Anonymous 283027

what's your passion n0nny? we support you

Anonymous 283028

level of intensity ig

Anonymous 283029

reviewbrah if he was less greasy and had a better hairline

Anonymous 283030


Rly want to get high but I can’t rn. Life is suffering.

Anonymous 283031

youre a autist arent you

Anonymous 283033

fuck i meant artist

Anonymous 283034

omg…i'm gender-critical

Anonymous 283035

a terf is basically radical feminists who excludes trannies since they're men while gender critical types think that gender is a rigid box to label people and is socially constructed but that sex can't be changed and is immutable

Anonymous 283036

"TERFS" aren't even real, newfags. radfem doesn't exclude tifs, only male trannies. radfem is MALE exclusionary but still fights for tifs despite being insufferable retards who want us to be called birthing bodies and chestfeeders

Anonymous 283037


Lets do this!

Anonymous 283038

I'm manifesting this as hard as I can for the two of us.

Anonymous 283039

this art rules and is so adorable

Anonymous 283040

Better? What's better about this? This is worse! Don't talk about my boyfriend that way!

Anonymous 283041


Ryoji a cute

Anonymous 283042

I make my own schedule as a personal trainer and take Fridays and Saturdays off bc all my friends have those days off and it’s no fun sitting home on a Tuesday with no plans/doing my own thing EVERY off day.

Anonymous 283043

I don't think that was an honest mistake, n0na

Anonymous 283044

I had a dream where a farmer was revealed to be a horrible degen artist, worse than Null in every way, and we made a thread about her but it was locked halfway through because that farmer was a farmhand and was trying to suppress any talk about her and everyone went to meta to complain about it and the degen farmhand started having a tantrum and banning people for no reason. And then I woke up, lolcow is still down and now I am sombre. Anyways my dreams have mild prophetic qualities so everyone should be wary if there's a farmhand that's got a thing for the Wiggles band.

Anonymous 283045

oh my god, her statement is infuriating, especially the :,( and xoxo. i feel so bad for the fans who spent money on travel and hotel costs that they can't even get refunded due to the short notice. she didn't even bother to get one of her assistants to write a notes app apology kek.

chappell's a wannabee fag hag who clearly hates her fanbase because it's like 99% female and is too stupid to realize that parasocial relationships are what keep new artists afloat in this day and age.

Anonymous 283046


Which one do you think happened to LC

Anonymous 283047

imagine being so retarded that you want to become a man lol

Anonymous 283048


it wasnt and im not sorry

Anonymous 283049

Terfs, as in trans exclusionary radical feminism is real. Just because it's been co-opted by trannies to throw at any woman who doesn't suck their cocks doesn't mean it's not a thing. And many radfems hate TIFs, radfems are not a monolith. Try harder.

Anonymous 283050

holy shit, two cakes.png

Anonymous 283051

I think his persoality is cute but his slicked back hair makes him look like he has a receding hairline

Anonymous 283052

writing and art, thank you nona i just feel a bit lost since they ignored me in any creative endeavor now all of a sudden they can't stand the fact i'm passionate about doing what i want
i'm probably that too unironically, i need to get checked out

Anonymous 283053


Its bio-chan, a cc creation that was made to piss off trannies and she has fan art threads here. Love that troons tried taking her but all it did was make her more popular

Anonymous 283054

OIP (25).jpg

i regret to inform you this but your spouse is cheating

Anonymous 283055

if you dream about forums you post on everyday then it's over for you i'm afraid

Anonymous 283056

unfortunately a genuinely realistic dream

Anonymous 283057

How could a chem or bio major graduate and not get a job? Physics I understand, but medicine is incredibly lucrative, and both fields are essential to it.

Anonymous 283058

I dreamnt I was playing sims 3 on my ps3 when I haven't touched it years, what does it mean?

Anonymous 283059

I don't think she's a wannabe faghag. I think she's very adept at being a faghag. also this will get me pilloried but I think she is genuinely attracted to women because even zoomers know that regular straight girl popstars get the gay male fans and you don't need to pretend to be gay out of solidarity for that.

Anonymous 283060

she's soooo fucking condescending

Anonymous 283061

>not get a job
because everyone else wants that job too and the market is oversaturated

Anonymous 283062


Anonymous 283063

N0nna we support you, go do whatever you want to do because it's your career, not their!

Anonymous 283064


It's charming to me

Anonymous 283065

I miss all of her old junkie I Spy pictures of dirty pastel object arrangements they were autistically soothing in a way I can't explain

all good things come to an end feels bad

Anonymous 283066

it means you're based don't worry

Anonymous 283067


how to style a jacket like picrel? thrifted something like this and haven't worn it out once because idk what to do with it.

Anonymous 283068

stop saying monolith

Anonymous 283069

She comes off as a tryhard straight woman. Gay men like a specific type of straight woman. The desperate, tryhard, eager to please and impress type of straight woman is the type they encourage just to laugh at her behind her back.

Anonymous 283070

"Trans exclusionary radical feminism" was literally coined by trannies, retard. I'm fully aware many gendercrits also hate tifs, myself included, but according to radfem IDEOLOGY, radical feminism fights for all women regardless of what they identify or how retarded they are. Trannies are the ones who push this "they want ALL OF US dead!!" narrative knowing fully well our problem is with male trannies in order to prevent female solidarity

Anonymous 283072



Anonymous 283073

G force wedding

Anonymous 283074

Ok before I answer tell us what your passion is

Anonymous 283075

kys reviewfags I hope he gets outed as a pedo soon

Anonymous 283076

>Physics I understand
Explain why?

Anonymous 283077

what fucking field isn't oversaturated. serious question.
>haha useless liberal arts major should've done STEM
>haha science major should've done compsci
>haha compsci major should've done software engineering
>haha software engineer should've done civil engineering
no wonder everyone is nursemaxxing

Anonymous 283078


Anonymous 283080

biotech and pharma are going through a lot of layoffs recently because they expanded R&D drastically in the covid era, and now those projects that they invested R&D resources into are coming into fruition and the jobs needed are less on the benchwork side of things and more in the office side of things. all the laid off scientists are associates are thus competing for open jobs. also, a lot of job listings are not actually open positions for a number of reasons I won't get into. but seriously, ask around in your network if you have one and I think people will tell you the same

Anonymous 283081

did she cancel because of her "REEE leave me alone I need my privacy stop asking for pictures I'm a random bitch u don't know me" TikTok sperg? I hate when nobody industry plants try so hard to get famous and when they finally do they throw a shitfit over having to take a couple pictures. she'll be craving these 5 mins of fame when they're over

Anonymous 283082

Anon I'm a fujo too but wtf is picrel

Anonymous 283083

OIP (26).jpg


Anonymous 283084

Physics is just less broadly applicable to real jobs. Engineers end up being the ones actually designing cars and shit. Physicists who work at NASA are a small group and rare and it's an underfunded field.

Anonymous 283085

Anonymous 283086


anachans are so mentally ill

Anonymous 283087

can you be a terf without hating all tims or can you tolerate some of them on a one to one basis?

Anonymous 283088



Anonymous 283089

something plain and simple underneath. a black shirt/turtleneck, maybe some silver jewelry

Anonymous 283090

i may be autistic but do the organs slim down too? or do they drop off?

Anonymous 283091

nta what does this face mean?

Anonymous 283093

they shrink because they're dehydrated and malnourished

Anonymous 283094

AYRT I wish I had more lolcow dreams because they're really funny, beats the natural disasters and nuclear war ones for sure. Although I do agree it is loser behaviour

Anonymous 283095

Long story short just do whatever you want

Anonymous 283096

Can't a chemistry or biology degree apply to lots of jobs, not just medicine? Food testing, environmental stuff… Asking because I'm a chemistry major, and I saw countless different types of jobs from product testing to medicine to chemical plants. Plus jobs that send you to grad school.

Anonymous 283097

a bit off topic but does anyone else notice how chappell tries so hard to be edgy? Like she thinks being a lesbian is just being an edgy straight woman. Also that concert where she was like “YOURE NOT FUUUUUNNNN!!!!”. I feel like it’s there in the makeup too, she tries so hard to seem experimental but it really just misses the mark, there isn’t really any rawness to her music/looks. I don’t know, the edginess she tries so hard to omit just doesn’t do its thing and feels really fake.

Anonymous 283098

she got some kind of late night tv gig or something

Anonymous 283099

Not wearing proper PPE

Anonymous 283100

she apparently cancelled so she can perform at the vmas, which makes her sperging even stupider because she clearly cares about fame

Anonymous 283101


i hate all tims i will curbstomp a tim i will knee kick a tim i will blood eagel a tim i will use a airgun on a tim but i will slap a tif and sit her down and explain where she went wrong no mercy for tims

Anonymous 283102

Nta but I don't wanna do anything, I just want cash

Anonymous 283103

In radfem ideology there are no exceptions to TIMs. They all follow the same sexist neoreligious dogma. They all have male privilege. They are either gay or they're fetishistic straight males. You can tolerate them in person but if you follow radfem ideology you understand that they are all males trampling on women's rights.

Anonymous 283104

You can’t be a terf or radfem if you don’t understand the tenants or theory. Radfems can befriend tims, gc people can befriend gendies. You can have different ideologies that are an antithesis to the people you hang out with. I’m on good terms with tims and tifs in my life but I keep my beliefs to myself because I need to be a functioning adult.

Anonymous 283105

I don’t know where a hub city is but I do live in a large city

Anonymous 283106

Personally don't understand how any woman can like TIMs, you're probably a massive faghag already blinded to gay moids misogyny. Even if I met the nicest funniest least annoying fag the fact that he thinks he has the right to appropriate female oppression would immediately make me disgusted with him

Anonymous 283107

do you get banned for sperging about cows on here or no

Anonymous 283108

are we talking about lolcow dreams now? I had a dream empathchan RATted me after I RATted her and posted her nudes (which I have never done obviously kek), stole my SSN, went to the US and used my information when she got a UTI, billing me over $1,000. One of the funnier dreams I had recently

Anonymous 283109

it can depend on the context.

Anonymous 283110

based but also really cute pic, who's the artist?

Anonymous 283111

if you look at the music she was making and the way she looked before she got famous, she was extremely basic. she's trying so hard because it pays off and people buy it because they're idiots. none of it is real, though.

Anonymous 283112

Anonymous 283113

you get banned for breathing here, just get a vpn and do what you want

Anonymous 283114

You are wildly mistaken if you think most TIMs are gay men and not autistic coomer straight males hoping for lesbian pussy.

Anonymous 283115

it makes me sad that you guys will all leave once lc eventually goes back up. it feels weird seeing cc this active

Anonymous 283116

i get where you're coming from, but imo she wants to be a part of the community because that's what she sees as the popular kids table. and if she was adept at being a fag hag she wouldn't be using words like "mama" nor would she quote rupauls drag race on live tv. like >>283069 said, she tries way too hard. it actually gives me second hand embarrassment. only a straight girl who sees gay men as caricatures will use this strategy to try to attract them. stan twitter gays will never like her no matter how hard and desperately she tries.

Anonymous 283117

lolcow anon

Anonymous 283118


Anonymous 283119

Half of them aren’t even autistic, just coddled males with no true passions except their fetish

Anonymous 283120

agreed, I'm gonna post more often on CC, it seems my posts don't get deleted as often now

Anonymous 283121


we will be back considering cerbmins track record

Anonymous 283122

The fact she was sperging about not caring about charts/fame just to cancel a show at a smaller venue for the VMAs is so ironic

Anonymous 283123

Even vpns alone don't work you have to use a whole new browser with no info with the vpn. Sad.

Anonymous 283124

Who cares if she sees faggots as caricatures. We should be talking about her faking being a lesbian thanks to the comphet masterdoc.
Comphet is such a fake shitty trend.

Anonymous 283125

NTA but as far as I know you can

Anonymous 283126

Clear cookies

Anonymous 283127

if you have small boobs you have no idea just how good you have it

Anonymous 283128

The main reason why I stay in lc is exclusively because of the art talks and discussion. I like cc and it’s casual feel but there’s not a lot for me to grab onto and stay sadly

Anonymous 283129


Anyone have pics of people posing their plushies at theme parks

Anonymous 283130

I never said most were gay kek I know it's about 50/50 when it comes to agp and hsts but I assumed n0nna meant befriending hsts considering no one would want to befriend an agp

Anonymous 283131

This argie under band if you are bored of listening music in english. The video is old so the audio isn't the best, you'll listen them better on spotify, but man, their aesthetic and lyrics are the good combinations between a good gothic atmosphere and subtle social comment.

Anonymous 283133

ignore the troon baiting

Anonymous 283134

good thing that reading gay butt sex doesnt stop me from being a lesbian :)

Anonymous 283135


I'm gonna goes bananas if you don’t stop immediately

Anonymous 283136

Well, I think layoffs in chem/bio fields might still affect you if you're planning to go into food/environmental science just because laid off people might try to compete for those jobs as well. but if you have experience that will funnel you into one of those fields, you'll have an advantage over those who tailored their experience and education for biotech or pharma for sure. I actually might be entirely biased because my network is pharm focused.
I love her just like I loved grimes: unfiltered art school/theater kid nerds who are not polished at all kek.
it just embarrasses me so much that she won't admit she's bisexual when half her album no longer makes sense if you pretend she's never dated men…

Anonymous 283137

why not go on LC, n0nna? I know it has its issues but I always found CC cute yet way too slow. plus the autistic ban evading moids were unbearable, I still remember the retard obsessed with black cock

Anonymous 283138

Are Benzos better for Anxiety disorders than SSRIs? I don't want to take SSRIs anymore. I saw some N0nnas talking about it in earlier bunker threads.

Anonymous 283139

The comphet masterdoc is actually so funny like how come the only thing these women needed all along to know what their sexuality is was an autistic manifesto.

Anonymous 283140

Also I’ve been randomly banned here both on my phone and computer for some reason and I’m only evading through a free trial VPN. I haven’t done anything ban worthy I just think I said a keyword the system doesn’t like.

Anonymous 283141

They are but they’re addictive

Anonymous 283142

In an Uber rn and it smells so nice

Anonymous 283143

The Beachstie Boys

Anonymous 283144


kek this would’ve been so perfect for the MTF thread. The way they’re seething so hard and saying “My gender isn’t your costume” even though they pretend to be female… how the tables turn

Anonymous 283145

I wonder how anorectal violence guy is doing

Anonymous 283146

Kikomi chan real

Anonymous 283147

what's comphet?

Anonymous 283148

probably getting ass fucked

Anonymous 283149

How about a lab instead of NASA? I mean, it's not like NASA is the only one that hires physicists kek

Anonymous 283150

i do go on there sometimes but cc tends to be my main ib. i like it here a lot despite how slow it is

Anonymous 283151

I'm going to start coming here more frequently than LC tbh, every time I visit LC I leave feeling angry or annoyed. That doesn't happen here.

Anonymous 283152

So they think being a tim is a separate gender than female?

Anonymous 283153



Anonymous 283154

Anonymous 283155

This looks fucked on mobile

Anonymous 283156

same, it's been so pleasant here these past couple of days

Anonymous 283157

i really wish i didnt unspoiler this

Anonymous 283158


Anonymous 283159

This is old as fuck but I still congratulate these based kikomi chans form making trannies seethe kek. I remember they were obsessed with her at first pestering her about how early she started transitioning only to have their tranny dreams crushed knowing they'll never be able to look like a petite cute passing girl with a massive cock and are stuck with their ugly mugs and micropenises instead

Anonymous 283160

shes the worst character why

Anonymous 283161

she's fake as fuck and people are going to start realizing that real soon because she's incapable of covering her tracks

Anonymous 283162

what happened to him anyway he was so dedicated kek

Anonymous 283163

Samefag, *I’m going to go, seems I’m already bananas

Anonymous 283164

There are no bad mahou shoujos in Madoka

Anonymous 283165

Her butt looks backwards

Anonymous 283166

pivate browser and vpn

Anonymous 283167

ot but I'm suicidal over the Walpurgisnacht Madoka movie getting delayed again. I need more homura NOW

Anonymous 283168


i always admired his passion

Anonymous 283169


I just wish CC was more active

Anonymous 283170



Anonymous 283171

I have a theory that some bisexual women would rather be lesbians because it sounds like you're more dedicated to the cause that way.
there just aren't as many reasons to run pure physics labs, and I think physicists get really specific job experience that doesn't translate across subfields easily without a lot of effort based on the fact my my physics phd friend hates where she's at and also has a really hard time job hopping.

Anonymous 283172

I'm not following the convo but chemical engineering has very good job prospects and if youre smart enough for chemistry youre smart enough for chemical engineering. The engineering related coursework isn't that much harder imo. Pay is very good

Anonymous 283173

n0nners help I'm using VPN super unlimited proxy and it works except I can't add pictures for some reason

Anonymous 283174

These bunker threads have been so much fun, I feel like I'm at a sleepover kek. The absence of newfags is wonderful

Anonymous 283175

It's something like societal pressures and internalised homophobia forcing lesbians into straight relationships, which can be a actual thing but it's a term taken over by spicy straights and annoying terminally online bi women.

Anonymous 283176


When did it get delayed to?

Anonymous 283177

ultimate yuri couple

Anonymous 283178

yeah it's very chill

Anonymous 283179

this is actually fucking me up so bad. why the fuck if i'm in college if i'm doomed regardless of what degree i graduate with. i entered compsci with the hopes of making a comfortable life for my self 6 years ago and now the job market is fucked. kill me

Anonymous 283180

agreed this remind me of pre summer time lc

Anonymous 283181

At my school, chemical engineering is the easier path than pure applied chemistry

Anonymous 283182

maybe clear cookies and refresh

Anonymous 283183

There’s so many different conversations happening I don’t even know how to start but I love the diversity kek

Anonymous 283184

like 2025 I think OTL who's your favorite magical girl n0nnie?

Anonymous 283185

Technically we're all newfags in this site unless you were already here before

Anonymous 283186

i miss the birth chart thread
i need to know how my love life will be

Anonymous 283187

I hope the retarded aggro newfags leave lolcor forever and never come back

Anonymous 283188

Everytime a mid male posts a selfie there’s a faggot gassing him up in the comments. Pisses me off. They’re all such cockhungry simps creating ego monsters. Blind retards

Anonymous 283189

agree with you for sure
hub cities are cities with a lot of companies you can find work at. boston, san fran, the NC research triangle, philly come to mind for chemistry. I'm not saying move to one of the most expensive cities in the US just to find work if you can find jobs in your own big city, though!

Anonymous 283190

I think most of us just got of CC at some point in favor of lolcow full time

Anonymous 283191

i have been on cc for a few times before since i am a retard who likes imageboards (dont use russian ones just a tip)

Anonymous 283192

Madoka and Tutu are my favorites.

Anonymous 283193

I'm not suprised at all.

Anonymous 283194

that's kind of what happened to me kek

Anonymous 283195

If you're not a newfag to LC you've definitely been at a CC bunker before kek

Anonymous 283196

gay is okay.png

i wonder if confirmed farmer doja cat is in this bunker with us

Anonymous 283197

most anons post on both cc and lc but the newfags on lc don't know about cc probably

Anonymous 283198

i like homura and mami the homumami ship is nice too

Anonymous 283199


Don't wanna go to bed

Anonymous 283200

The posters in the bunker thread probably would have never found this thread if they were not aware of CC beforehand.

Anonymous 283201

I love shitting all over scroteboards but never touched the Russian ones. Do they have entertainment potential?

Anonymous 283203

and i hope they wont. i dont wish that plague on cc too

Anonymous 283204

Agreed. I’m so happy with how comfortable these threads are, it makes me a little upset knowing that when the site comes back the retards come back too.

Anonymous 283205


>the homumami ship is nice too
You can honestly ship any mix of Madoka girls.

Anonymous 283208

>(dont use russian ones just a tip)
Why? Never been on one anyway, I'm just curious why

Anonymous 283209

cringe all around

Anonymous 283210

she was a scrote obsessed tinychat user, no chance

Anonymous 283211

yeah i don't really notice any newfags here and i dont think cc appeals to them but i hope so too

Anonymous 283212

what is it that makes it impossible for the new generation of newfags to integrate? why are all of the retarded?

Anonymous 283213

if I started this by posting that the job market is brutal for chem/bio people in medicine-focused subfields specifically, then please don't get discouraged because of that. the job market waxes and wanes, and people still find jobs! I do think that if you've never applied to an adult job in your life, you need to be ready for more applications and more rejections/no responses than you probably anticipated, and know that connections will go further than resumes sent out through linkedin or indeed, and my advice probably doesn't even apply to your field so just make sure you talk to your advisor about how to transition from school to work before you graduate so you can prepare well.

Anonymous 283214

they do but its full of trash streamer threads and ethots putting cum into their lips although you find some good ones here and there i like the artcows they have

Anonymous 283215


Anonymous 283216

>no chance
You’d be surprised.

Anonymous 283217

if lolcow is down where else am i going to be an antinatalist childfree bitch

Anonymous 283218

i dont know i mean im a zoomer myself (maybe because i never used tiktok?)

Anonymous 283219


Tutu and Chocolat

Anonymous 283220


i knew of CC before but every time LC was down i just went on different sites, this is my first time being in the bunker since posting on LC in 2017 am i turbo newfag or semi newfag?

Anonymous 283221

same, it's so chill and cozy

Anonymous 283222

they think they're too good to follow the rules and the site culture should change to fit them rather than the opposite

Anonymous 283223

i love the teeth

Anonymous 283224

images (1).jpeg

Oh boy it's been one hour

Anonymous 283225

you're literally an oldfag? the dementia must be getting to you

Anonymous 283226

God she's so fucking cuuute

Anonymous 283227

I chuckled

Anonymous 283228

It depends on the newfags really. For example the ones that can't/won't integrate are the tiktok ones that continue to use that shitty app. Genuine retardation

Anonymous 283229

Anonymous 283230

one time i dreamed that my entire post history was printed out, stapled together and shown to my family. another time i dreamed that lc was a huge college dorm and every thread turned into an individual room. i also have intense nightmares about infights sometimes.

Anonymous 283231

great take, n0nnie. they need to be permabanned and banished to reddit snark threads kek

Anonymous 283232

How would you do that if you don't know Russian, I presume?

Anonymous 283233

That's all I can hope for

Anonymous 283234

Anonymous 283235

i think it is

Anonymous 283236

I swear to god no tranny supporters, tranny cocksuckers, trannies themselves will be in Jill's thread once lc goes live. I swear to god they will have given up like the spineless retards they are. They will all go back to purity culture politics on tumblr. They will go back to camwhoring for pennies. Amen.

Anonymous 283237


Anonymous 283238


I'm so hyped for this figure to come out btw

Anonymous 283239

google translate has gotten better i go on japanese image boards all the time too

Anonymous 283240

I think we just don’t notice the unintegrated posters. Some zoomers go crazy when they taste freedom for the first time, no post history and anonymity lets their inner demon out. But that’s just a theory. An imageboard theory!

Anonymous 283241

I don't follow Jill, were trannies whiteknighting for her?

Anonymous 283242

are they very rancind? i'm aware of 4ch's origins and ib culture on the 2000s so i'm wondering how is it now?

Anonymous 283243

in a way i wish this would last longer to purge all the newfags

Anonymous 283244

I had a dream that ethan ralph and meigh were trying to have a threesome with me and that made me log off for a while lol

Anonymous 283245

my little sister started an art high school a couple of weeks ago and apparently everyone said what their pronouns were on the first day of school, but we live in finland and finnish doesn't have any gendered pronouns KEK so they must have said them in english or something

Anonymous 283246

I personally think it’s because moderation doesn’t do anything about how they speak. The farmhands only start taking out the redtexts at the users that complain about them.

Anonymous 283247

where did the sept 3rd deadline come from?

Anonymous 283248


>But that’s just a theory. An imageboard theory!
Can't believe matpat is in here with us

Anonymous 283249


I knooow (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ

Anonymous 283250

thank you, i'll do that!

Anonymous 283251

this is exactly what it is, they've never posted anonymously before and they go full retared

Anonymous 283252


Anonymous 283254


Anonymous 283255

oh well, at least we have a date. until then, chill bunkers

Anonymous 283256

My favourite theme here is Pink, what's yours

Anonymous 283257

that retard who plugged cc in the fanny kf thread fuck you bitch why are you exposing the site to a bunch of loli coomers

Anonymous 283258

I still think ransomware got it

Anonymous 283259

women who use kf need to get lobotomized there's 0 hope for them

Anonymous 283260

girltalk is pink's stacy older sister

Anonymous 283261

dark crystal (old)

Anonymous 283262


How can you still be like this at 27

Anonymous 283263

ask them

Anonymous 283264

thats prob a moid writing fanfic

Anonymous 283265

>tfw you have pretty extreme depression but have never physically self harmed

Anonymous 283266

If you're still a pickme cutfag as a 27 year old, then there's no hope for you

Anonymous 283267

Uhhh wow I don't know, maybe she's depressed?

Anonymous 283268

same heres a tip for healthy self harming buy clay make things then break them

Anonymous 283269

im on dark right now, classic

Anonymous 283270


Look what I found.

Anonymous 283271

What are you supposed to do if your favorite cows wouldn't ever have a thread on lolcow

Like some of my fav drama right now is the lawtube drama and nobody's gonna be talking about it on girlcow boards

Anonymous 283272


Anonymous 283273


Remember. Ignore and report scrotes. Especially KF faggots. Above all kill all men

Anonymous 283274

girltalk gaslights me into thinking im on lc

Anonymous 283275

Kek I don't want to be rude but you didn't find anything, we've known about this announcement

Anonymous 283276

dark crystal

Anonymous 283277

go tell "her" that

Anonymous 283278

N0nna, i'm saying this in the most loving way possible: are you slow?

Anonymous 283280

same and wintery

Anonymous 283281

It is low iq behavior to try to attract or be attractive to men as a woman past the age of 25 unless it's the bare minimum required to be respected as a human being cmv

Anonymous 283282

write it up, be funny about it. bring us into your world, n0na

Anonymous 283283

are they here? i didnt notice or maybe im not keeping up with all the posts on here kek

Anonymous 283284

we found out about this last thread nona but thank you for the update

Anonymous 283285

lawtube? who's that cow of yours?

Anonymous 283286

I wish I had prophetic dreams. I keep dreaming that an online friend who hasnt logged on in two months comes back recently and wake up and feel miserable.

Anonymous 283287

Ugh you're ruining the vibes with your jackassery, no one gives a shit if you lick pussy or suck cock

Anonymous 283288

Screenshot 2024-08…

is everything okay br*t posters?

Anonymous 283289

Crystal, it's the least eye-straining one to me

Anonymous 283290


Anyone else collect doujins

Anonymous 283291

>doesn't like men, must be a lesbian

Anonymous 283292

That was already in the OP of this thread… And the last one

Anonymous 283293

Anon I just want you to be chill, just be chill

Anonymous 283294

work a normal job and have normal friends and I think you'll see that women can have totally normal relationships with people they meet after 25. my condolences if you're surrounded by men who listen to manosphere podcasts though.
please don't blame pussyeaters for what appears to be a blackpill post

Anonymous 283295

>kawoshin doujins

Anonymous 283296

shes talking about the person posted upthread

Anonymous 283298

R (10).jpg

its what they deserve

Anonymous 283299

Anon I'm not blaming pussy eaters, I clearly put cock in there too because my point is the discussion is stupid.

Anonymous 283300

fucking hell not you again

Anonymous 283301

oh, I thought you were thinking the post was saying "if you're not gay yet? just grow up already" kek

Anonymous 283302

Nah it's very much fuck who you wanna fuck and stop telling others that their sexual preference is wrong/bad/retarded

Anonymous 283303

Lawtube is the sphere of youtube where lawyers explain legal shit I guess. The king of lawtube nick rekieta got caught out with 26 grams of cocaine and cocaine accessories after a 4 hour drunk coked out stream that got used as part of probable cause for a warrant to raid his house. Everything that people had been speculating was happening for months and months has been coming out as true including a swinging relationship with another trashy public couple and it's been a wild ride

Anonymous 283304

I wish wintery was just a blue version of the default theme but it just looks like a different variant of Yotsuba

Anonymous 283305


let's all just get along ok?

Anonymous 283306

These fruit flies in my room keep flying around my face and it's actually making me crazy. I am NOT rotten fruit bitch, I JUST showered, LEAVE ME BE!

Anonymous 283307


om nom nom nom

Anonymous 283308

Chubby kitten

Anonymous 283309

buy a chameleon

Anonymous 283310



Anonymous 283311

how bad would it be to eat those effervescent vitamin c tablets like a snack

Anonymous 283312

They're very cute but I'm way to lazy to keep an enclosure for them

Anonymous 283313


Shayna furfag arc?

Anonymous 283314

Dark crystal (old)

Anonymous 283315

Kek it's fine nona, but the gummies are better

Anonymous 283316

I have like two hibike euphorbia doujins despite having never watched that show. I just like the art in them

Anonymous 283317

at least kiwifags seem self aware that they're not bringing in any milk but I hate them for it, fuck you fags you were my only hope for fanny milk with lolcor down and you're not delivering

Anonymous 283318

internet slooooow

Anonymous 283319


I'm gonna launch the Minecraft server in like 10-15 mins!!

Picrel is preview of the little start up I built for us. I though it'd be fun to build an island town!! No pressure if you wanna base somewhere else tho!

Anonymous 283320



Anonymous 283321


i think its funny i cant be gay in my country but i can buy gore bl in stores

Anonymous 283322


Anonymous 283323

>26 grams
that's a lot right

Anonymous 283324

share screenshots please, I don't trust you guys enough to join an imageboard server but I am missing minecraft so bad

Anonymous 283325

wait so is everything in finnish gender neutral? that's interesting

Anonymous 283326


Anonymous 283327

kek wtf

Anonymous 283328


Samefag heres my photo of my meager doujin collection

Anonymous 283329

Im far from home… and I forgot my laptop… Oh please be kind to the latefags. I’ll be there by Sunday night I promise.

Anonymous 283330

i am not a shayfag but wtf was she thinking with those bangs

Anonymous 283331

Yeah even ppl with a coke problem say 26 grams is still a whole lot of coke

Anonymous 283332

i love the green color so crystal

Anonymous 283333

>Reeses brownie mix and cereal inbetween books
What does it mean

Anonymous 283334

>reese's brownie mix

Anonymous 283335

goodness those legs

Anonymous 283336

I wish the internet was age segregated. I don't want to face a new generation of 12yos calling me old for being 12 in 2014

Anonymous 283337

i need to know if luna has posted any selfies but i would never bring myself so low as to check her ig

Anonymous 283338

My bad, didn't catch up with the previous threads yet.

Anonymous 283339

Also what was the version of the server?

Anonymous 283340

i'm making fun of you right now for being 12 in 2014 but i'm 30

Anonymous 283341

Kek it's okay I appreciate that you found it before looking and came here immediately to tell us. It was very nice of you even though we already knew.

Anonymous 283342

>12 in 2014
i was 13 i feel your pain

Anonymous 283343

>12 in 2014
Omg same. But yeah, I wish children in general weren't allowed on the internet.

Anonymous 283344


I'll do it for you. Just a stories, showing her meaty claws

Anonymous 283345

remind them they will never know what's like to have a life before quarantine

Anonymous 283346


Her body is so strange

Anonymous 283347

It means I only have one shelf

Anonymous 283348

I want you

Anonymous 283349


Man she is genuinely not cute

Anonymous 283350

i didn't even know about it nona so you're good

Anonymous 283351

aw thank you oldie raisin dinosaur (actual words i've seen used by 12yos online)

Anonymous 283352

dead or alive?

Anonymous 283353

Kek I was 19 in 2014, these kids call me a dinosaur, I'm sorry you are feeling old when you are awfully still very very young. Dont mind them kids, just block and move on. You'll live, I have.

Anonymous 283354

Samefag give me 10 more mins!! Dynmap is so slow fml

Anonymous 283355

Where tf do you live?? MENA? i tought porn was banend there

Anonymous 283356

>mods already deleted the post I reported that sounded like a moid
Maybe it's not so bad here…

Anonymous 283357

She looks like the quirky best friend in a disney channel original movie in that pic

Anonymous 283358

I refuse ssris, sorry. They scare me because I've got suicidal ideation. I was one of the benzo-chans on the earlier threads. I don't abuse them and have been taking them for years. Yes you can and will build up a tolerance but on days when I'm literally not doing anything at home or am actually doing a project I like I won't take any. I feel it kind of resets my system.

Anonymous 283359

which comment was that? i probably missed it

Anonymous 283360

Not a chappell Roan hater but her lesbian larp is so funny, she lacks any form of gay face at all.

Anonymous 283361

She types like Jillian kek

Anonymous 283362

Aiden smirk

Anonymous 283363

Kek someone needs to draw fanart of the mods protecting us here they are doing a really good job

Anonymous 283364

i don't get how people can't see she's an industry plant

Anonymous 283365

doing an evil mystical ritual please support me

Anonymous 283366

Anonymous 283367

Benzos will legit ruin your life and you probably won't even realize it's happening until you're well past the point where withdrawal can kill you. Don't go down that rabbit hole if you can help it

Anonymous 283369

What is a gay face?

Anonymous 283370

any ugly moids you feel personally triggered other women find attractive? for me it's the red letter media fatass. he's such a fucking disgusting uggo with zero redeeming qualities that I wish I could slap the autism off of every self esteem lacking woman whos thirsted after it

Anonymous 283371

I support you anon

Anonymous 283372

pakiland its banned here too but i got both volumes of madk in store kek

Anonymous 283373

I don't even care if she's straight or an industry plant. I think it's so unbearably hot that she's a round faced dork with big fluffy hair and she's not exactly super smart and posts stupid goofy shit on tiktok that is not even funny and attention whores with her horny fake gay pop music. I wish so desperately I wasn't the only one on all of lcf to understand this feeling kek

Anonymous 283374


+1 support

Anonymous 283375

Sending my spirit energy to you

Anonymous 283376

I'm not picky

Anonymous 283377

Can you tell us what it is or will that ruin the intent?

Anonymous 283378

You are just so fallen and gay

Anonymous 283379

(lurk moar)

Anonymous 283380

Megadosing vit c long term isnt good (carcinogen). Periodicallyit'sfone. The acid might be bad for teeth

Anonymous 283382

nta but how is life over there?

Anonymous 283383

I just noticed that /2X/ isn't hidden on the status page

Anonymous 283384

I dont know if you’re straight or a little slow but gay face is just a common face pattern you can find with gay men and lesbians. I’m pretty good at clocking lesbians and Chappell Roan definitely didn’t ring any bells despite trying to look like a cringey butch.

Anonymous 283385

down bad

Anonymous 283386

Uwu lobotomize me mommy

Anonymous 283387

Well in this post at least. I know she’s incredibly femme.

Anonymous 283388

gays just have this face where you can tell if they're gay like it's subtle

Anonymous 283390


Anonymous 283391

any kiwifags know if there's new fanny milk?

Anonymous 283392


Anonymous 283393


Do you think Sigourney (right) is a lesbian? She's been married for 40 years to a man

Anonymous 283394

12 in 2014 is still pretty egregious
i was 15

Anonymous 283395

shit and i hope i can leave soon im slowly reaching being married off to a moid age and i want to rip out my womb i dont want to marry a moid

Anonymous 283397

I have an image in my head for moid gay face but like what's an example of lesbian gay face? Like Ellen Page?

Anonymous 283709


Anonymous 283727

I'm going legitimately crazy without snow.

Zoloft literally saved my life. I haven't had any suicidal ideation in the year and a half I have been taking it. I feel like a completely different person. I feel like I have walked out of a dark tunnel that I was wandering through since about 10 years old. I was in my mid 30s and my depression got much worse after having kids and some traumatic life events that I just had to do something because I was getting so close to ending it.

Anonymous 283738

The good news is that in patriarchal cultures a lot of husband's drop dead under mysterious circumstances particularly when they are violent assholes.

Do they have antifreeze in Pakistan?

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