
Anonymous 85591…

>>85586Finally sent a technical article to the guy that used to send me technical articles.
I don't think he cares about me much but for the tiny chance, I'll do even that tiny step. I just don't want to be pathetic and annoying
Anonymous 85597
Who cares about no bf look at her I need her
Anonymous 85610
I’m really grateful to miners for encouraging me to dump my former bf and get out of the most toxic relationship I ever found myself in. I’m so much happier without that disgusting moid, but still trying to process all the trauma and self hate he spurred in me.
Anonymous 85618

>tfw no lesbian jackie chans daughter gf
Anonymous 85620
Who is she?? She is amazing.
Anonymous 85623
>>85620really cool aesthetic i agree
Anonymous 85644
>>85610How was he like? What did he do? Were there no/few red flags in the beginning?
Anonymous 85645

all men i know are so shit i would rather die a kissless virgin for a thousand lives lmao
Anonymous 85653
>>85645Is this a guy or a girl? Skinny…..
Anonymous 85676
Things about devops and software engineering, since we both work in this field.
I'm so fucked that even this simple act of attention is significant to me.
Anonymous 85695
Some programmers are like this but not him. He's sweet and open but also a bit awkward with words. Smart but not brilliant and haughty. I'm not even in love with him but every human connection is precious.
Anonymous 85702
He’s obviously not avoidant if he’s reaching out to her.
Anonymous 85713
I want to punch every avoidant moid in the face
Anonymous 85724
What's wrong with being avoidant?
t. am avoidant
Anonymous 85727
Tfw no bf and I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life
Let's discuss that shall we
Anonymous 85728
>>85727Have you been single for a long time or did you break up with someone?
Anonymous 85733
Yep. They’re cowards to a pathological degree. Maybe that can be cute and charming in women, but in men it’s absolutely repulsive. They will withdraw and shut down when anything gets ‘too much’ for them, which is basically any time they aren’t getting their exact way or when everything isn’t being done exactly on their terms and their terms only.
They will use stonewalling, silent treatment, ghosting to punish you when their needs aren’t met, and then repeat it or play the victim if you dare call them out on it.
They’re the moids who disappear on their spouses or abandon their families because it stresses them out too much to have any responsibility and they can’t have honest discussions like adults.
It shouldn’t even be called avoidant, it should be called bitchmade cowardly spoiled brat disorder.
Anonymous 85735
Avoidant personality is literally just social anxiety manifesting slightly differently . It has literally nothing to do with anything that has been written here. Avodiants want to be close to others. Maybe you're thinking of schizoids who want nothing to do with others.
Anonymous 85736
>>85735>avoidants want to be close to others Maybe, but they are too immature to understand that relationships are give and take and about working together to build a solid foundation.
Avoidants are too immature to understand you can’t have everything on your terms and everyone acting the way you want all the time. They refuse to accept that you can’t expect others to magically read your mind and know what you want and also kowtow to those whims and wants, constantly.
They withdraw as soon as their wants are not met or they feel overwhelmed in any way, they are scared to do anything in case people are watching them, because they are selfish brats who think everyone is obsessed with them. It’s literally just a passive form of narcissism.
Anonymous 85738
>>85736I'm with
>>85735Don't mean to sound aggressive, but is every AvPD you've met riddled with autism too? The overlap of AvPD with ASD is so absurdly high that I think a lot of them are just misdiagnosed with AvPD and just have a nasty form of autism, which often means high narcissism (esp in males). Your entire last paragraph really seems like you've only encountered a lot of lying autty moids. To compare, the worst AvPD girl I've ever met was autistic and had that higher degree of narcissism.
Anonymous 85739
I've had so many random sex dreams in the past month and they all go along a similar format. I want a bf, but I have a tiny friend circle so the only place I can meet men are through dating apps and I don't have time for those right now (plus they kinda suck). I cope by imagining what I would do and say if I had a bf right now. I imagine how we would meet and what our dates would be like and what he would say to me in response to when I need support or just want to talk about random shit. Based him off of a moid I've hyperfixated on since I was 18 (not someone I know irl don't worry). I've been doing this to cope with loneliness since I was a teen and I wonder if it's part of the reason I can't get a real bf kek.
Anonymous 85740
>>85738I’ve had bad experiences with both AVPD men and women. I didn’t find them to be autistic seeming, if anything they seemed more like covert narcissists.
Anonymous 85743
>>85741Thanks. Always hate the confusion of the two due to lack of clarification.
>>85740>>85742Maybe they're just NPD then and lying about or using another diagnosis as cover. NPDs (and a lot of other cluster Bs) will lie about their real condition and sometimes have their doctors be complicit. Known a couple to do the latter so they could get benefits and things.
Anonymous 85746
>>85743Avpd and covert NPD has massive overlaps imo.
If we boil it down to the core behaviour and thinking patterns of AVPD, anyone who is that self centred has to have at least some profound degree of narcissism in them, even if it’s not the dangerous type. Covert narcs and AVPD can still be cruel and harmful in their passive actions, like ghosting or abandoning people.
Anonymous 85750
>>85746Also the thoughts that commonly run through avoidant minds like
>I don’t want to do this because people might laugh at me>I don’t want to enter or maintain this relationship because I’m scared of the responsibility of it >I don’t want to talk to this person because they might dislike me >I don’t have the energy to interact with x loved one today so I’m going to just ghost them for a while Are all kind of passively shitty and self obsessed things to think.
Anonymous 85751
>>85746You literally have no idea what you're talking about lol
Anonymous 85753
Lol same, my avoidant ex could be remarkably confrontational when he wanted to be, but of course would stonewall as soon as he said his piece so you wouldn’t be able to counter it and he wouldn’t have to hear anything that hurt his feefees. When he was angry or he argued he literally sounded like a 5 year old child and would literally stomp off and sulk, it was truly pathetic.
Anonymous 85760
This thread is super mean, glad I will never date if this is how my s/o will see me when I am struggling with mental illness.
Anonymous 85765
>>85597This! Who needs a worthless moid when a goddess like that exists?!
Anonymous 85766
I’m bi but I never found the masculine/androgynous woman shtick that appealing. It’s in lots of manga and anime. Lots of other girls go crazy for it, it seems. Sucks for me to only like femme rezus.
Anonymous 85775
>>85728I broke up with different moids ages ago and never really went back to dating, I am ever attracted to anybody.
Anonymous 85776
>>85775Same, I find myself wanting a bf but I haven’t felt attraction to any 3D man in 10+ years
Anonymous 85780
>>85776Men are not attractive. It’s time that we, as a society, stopped pretending they are.
Anonymous 85781

>>85727this. no disgusting sweaty moid in my house making me have to wash my sheets/clean more often. no one to nag me if I eat without them or dont text/call them back in a timely manner. no more ignorant comments about my body/weight/career from a man who thinks he knows better simply by being a man and for no other reason.
now I do what I want, wear whatever, do the things I like when I feel like it. of course sometimes I am lonely, but then I just remember all of the horrible things men did and said to me and I regret nothing. tfw no bf is the feeling of freedom and peace. <3
Anonymous 85783
>>85781I genuinely don't know how women anticipate to have any other experience with moids. I mean they were always overbearing, egotistical, pushy, prone belittling women and others constantly when I was in high school. Even the chill ones were kind of controlling and kind of just assumed you would give them everything they wanted when they pushed for it. Im suposed to live with a lifetime of that? How do women convince themselves they want that even when they're young?
2d/fiction may not be better for moids, but it's miles, miles, miles better for women
Anonymous 85784
>>85783true, but media directed at teenage girls often make love seem like it will give you a sense of identity or purpose. plus loneliness will make people do retarded shit like date men. I feel like I had to experience it first hand to fully realize what a pack of shit it all is
Anonymous 85792
>>85760Don't worry anon, these women are riddled with issues themselves but bashing people online is easier than looking at yourself. I mean, read their post. It's all bitterness and unresolved bullshit.
Like the anon saying "AVPD and NPD greatly overlaps imo", yeah ok, who cares about your senseless empirical opinion though? Imagine going to a psychiatric research paper and telling them, "hey guys listen, in my opinion AVPD are narcissists!" See how moronic that sounds? Right, so don't let it get to you nona. The girl has had one (1) experience but she thinks she knows it all. Sounds like dumb people with zero self awareness thinking all their exes are narcissists.
Most people are all about acceptance about mental illness when it's their mental illness we're talking about, but as soon as it's about any other disorder it's full of terrible monsters we should kill with zero sense of nuance and empathy. I bet you most of these girls have at least one thing wrong with them like depression, anxiety, an eating disorder/any other thing, but that's ok though they can do no wrong, not realizing that they're probably as hard to get along with as the people they so criticize.
This thread is super mean because most people are in fact mean and inconsiderate about any problem that's not theirs. You have to keep that in mind. But kind people also exist.
Anonymous 85797
>>85784I guess yeah. I guess I grew up seeing my dad and his crazy and assumed guys probably put on a mask to hide tons of controlling behavior because my dad did the sMe thing
Anonymous 85798
>>85792Or just too tired to care. I don't want someone suffocating me my whole life. I'm not about to sort through 200 generic moids to find a diamond 500 other women are crazy for, when mentally I'm pushing myself to limits
The odds are against women usually. I'm OK with it, you can't win and men are uuuuugly
Anonymous 85826
>>85798I don't blame anyone for leaving someone they are unhappy with, especially not a fucking scrote. I don't even have that much empathy for scrotes even when they're mentally ill tbh, i was just responding to the nona who read this thread and was made to be self-conscious because of all the dumb claims in this thread. I dont want her to feel like a monster just because she's possibly avoidant herself, because she isn't regardless of what you all want to say. Now the scrotes who were in your life and hurt you can just die for all i care.
I just don't like how talking about mental disorders always turn in such a diabolization whenever it's something people don't struggle with. I get that you've been hurt and moids are monkeys, but you all seem to forget that mentally ill (in this case, avoidant) women are on CC too and can read your cruel senseless shit.
Anonymous 85828
>>85792We are free to express our opinions and vent about our bad experiences with avoidant types. Everyone rants about how much they hate bpd, aspd, schizo, autistic people etc all the time, AVPD are not some protected class that deserves to have all their shitty behavior to be magically excused.
Anonymous 85829
>>85735Schizoids desperately want to be close to people but can’t.
Anonymous 85830
>>85829No, you’re thinking of avoidants. Schizoids don’t desire social contact.
Anonymous 85832

>>85831Stop self diagnosing. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Anonymous 85833
>>85832>you don’t know what you’re talking about Neither do most psychiatrists, to be fair.
Anonymous 85839
>>85828You are perfectly free to do so. And i'm also perfectly free to reassure a woman who's feeling like shit because she read some dumb shit coming from women whose only evidence is their empirical experience saying things like "AVPD overlaps with NPD"
You are absolutely free to talk however the fuck you want, even saying stupid things is not against the law, but i'm free to correct you too. Your experience is what it is and you can share it, but having been hurt doesn't mean that you can say the stupidest things without anyone correcting it.
>Everyone rants about how much they hate bpd, aspd, schizo, autistic people etc all the timeYeah that's what i'm saying if you didn't understand, as long as it doesn't concern them people think they can treat people with disorders like subhumans. I don't want to protect AVPD people more than the rest, it just so happened that the girl in this thread was uncomfortable and hurt because some other anons talk out of their ass about things they don't understand about AVPD. Could have been any other disorder for all i care.
Anonymous 85847
>>85839>>85826>>85792I'm the anon you're replying to, thank you for these posts. It means a lot to see a stranger show some understanding, I often feel really isolated and like there's no hope of anyone understanding or even trying to understand, so you really cheered me up. Thank you.
Anonymous 85848
>>85750Its not narcissism or thinking "everything is about me", its extreme self hatred and a feeling of unworthiness. You can hate them for how they treat you but your analysis is shit and youre only saying this to slander them.
Anonymous 85849
>>85750You could play this game with pretty much any kind of ruminative thought, pretty lazy.
Anonymous 85881
>all mental illness is just muh narcissism
Spoken like a true normie
>abandoning people for self centred reasons
Still salty over some loser dumpimg you? If you can't handle breakups just don't date at all.
Anonymous 85885
>>85847No problem nona. I've been there too and i've always wished someone would show some compassion in my darkest moments, and it never happened. I would read things online and feel like a monster because no one would stand up to have some nuance. People are quick to be extremely harsh and when you're already feeling down it never helps. Hence why now i strive to be like that for other people struggling with mental illnesses regardless of their diagnosis, so they can see that not everyone hates them and someone acknowledges their humanity, no matter how flawed they are. I know it's a very much needed glimmer of hope.
I'm repeating myself but please don't let it get to you when you read people's rants online, they share their story with a lot of resentment (and i get it) and don't think about the consequences it can have on someone concerned by the same disorder reading it. It's not about you, it's them and their emotions.
Anonymous 85892
If being aware of yourself is how you define "narcissism" and being self centered, then every single person who has self esteem issues could br labeled a narcissist which is obviously untrue. Self awareness and self centerdness aren't the same. Keep seething because you got dumped
Anonymous 85897
isnt it a bit self centered to make someone's illness about yourself? You sound like a major narcissist.
Anonymous 85911
one mention of avpd and this devolves into a full blown shitstorm. who cares. personally I’m a little sad because the guy I like is most likely gay. it’s unfair
Anonymous 85912

>parents went out to lunch today as they usually do
>"you can go out to lunch on fridays too when you get a bf anon"
Congrats mother, you made me cry. This was from a mom who was supposedly "protecting" me by insisting I needed to focus on getting an education and career over dating and being entrapped in unhappy relationships/marriages. Why did she sabotage me so horribly if it was okay to just date and mooch off them. This kills the crab.
It also probably doesn't help that the men here are total shit. I want to leave this state/country.
Anonymous 85919
You're the one deliberately misconstruing the actions of avoidants, screaming and pounding your fists that they must fulfill your social demands. And then when they don't you start projecting your narcissism onto them. Narcissists do that projecting thing a lot.
>"sociopaths are dangerous manipulators"
Derailing tactic. Unrelated no ome ever said anything about sociopaths or narcissists
Anonymous 85924
Avoiding others isn’t nearly so selfish as feeling entitled to others’ time and affection. Have you considered that they may have left not because they are narcissistic avoidants but because of the way you act toward them?
Anonymous 85926

>>85924I mean, NTA, but it’s pretty well known that stonewalling, ghosting, silent treatment etc are abuse and control tactics. Just because someone isn’t doing them to intentionally hurt someone doesn’t mean it’s still not hurtful. You can still be passively cruel.
Many people with personality disorders don’t even realize they’re being abusive, mean or selfish and will defend their actions. That’s the scary thing. And some anons ITT are kind of doing it now.
If someone says hey, try to be a little more considerate and not such a selfish dick that runs away all the time especially when things get a little difficult, and you get angry and offended over that, maybe try to consider you’re proving a point.
Also it’s undeniable that traits of CN and AVPD
do overlap, even if you don’t want to hear this. I’d still say CNs are worse though.
Anonymous 85927
>>85919But avoidants are also demanding people must fulfil their demands too, and are passive aggressive about it. If they can’t get their way, they disappear, sulk, withdraw, use silent treatment, block, or ghost, rather than trying to discuss and resolve the issue like a grown adult. You can’t deny that’s childish and selfish.
Anonymous 85932
>>85927There is absolutely nothing wrong with ceasing communications with someone you no longer wish to talk to. If they didn’t pledge some kind of commitment to you, they don’t owe you a discussion. People can choose when to leave. If you’re upset about it, that’s your choice.
Anonymous 85933
>>85927>trying to discuss and resolve the issue like a grown adultThis doesn't always work tbh
Anonymous 85938
>>85932Problem with avoidants is they regularly do this to both friends and partners and family members, and they always want to come crawling back after their little episodes. You are free to ghost and block someone on a whim, but they’re also free to be pissed off and not want to know you anymore.
Anonymous 85939
>>85938You are projecting your negative experiences onto everyone else. Realize that a lot of people have this disorder and many of them do not act in the manner you have described.
Anonymous 85940

>>85939Lol this isn’t ‘my experience’, blocking and ghosting is something almost all avoidants do, often to partners and friends, and plenty of them will admit it. Expecting someone to still want to have a relationship after you disappear on them or block them is the height of arrogance. AVPD people are not low self esteem, they actually have enormous egos, and their behavior and expectation of others to accept their often unreasonable behavior proves it.
Anonymous 85942

>>85941Very mature and reasonable behavior.
I wonder how these AVPD people would feel if the people they ghosted rightfully told them to fuck off?
Anonymous 85943
>>85942Notice how none of these posts really talk about what a shitty thing it is to do to other people or concern over how the other person might be feeling and how they might have hurt them, but rather ‘How can I convince these people to forgive me and make them come back into my life now that I feel like it and I want something from them again.’
Ridiculously self absorbed and narcissistic mindset.
Anonymous 85944
>>85940All I see is that they stopped talking to former friends, which is completely reasonable. Where exactly are all the avoidants arrogantly demanding the people they ceased communicating with talk to them again? You are blindly generalizing and seem to have no empathy for people with social difficulties. No one here was claiming that someone who was ghosted is selfish for not wanting to reconcile, you were the one claiming that avoidants are selfish, off-topic, in a thread where many women happen to have avoidant tendencies. Why?
Anonymous 85945

This dude literally gets ghosted for weeks/months by his avoidant girlfriend, then when he tells her they should break up, she cries and says no.
Try and tell me this isn’t emotional abuse and shitty behaviour.
Anonymous 85946

>>85944Lol okay, go have a narc avoidie meltdown and ghost this thread, you’re an annoying twat.
Lol, even avoidants are sick of each other’s shit.
Anonymous 85947

>cuts everyone off
>wHy aReNt tHeY oBsEsSiVeD wItH mE?????
>wHy aReNt tHeY cHecKiNg uP oN mE?????????
Anonymous 85948

I suspect the user above ragging on about AVPD is a moid from r9k. They screenshotted this thread yesterday and are trying to manipulate women here into relationships and seemingly dislike women who are avoidant. Note that the user above is discussing how women are emotionally abusive towards men by leaving relationships.
Anonymous 85949
>>85948Nah I’m not a moid. I’m a femanon who hates AVPD and especially avoidant men, who are bitchmade cowards, and I suspect half of r9k moids are ‘avoidant’ too.
And the woman in
>>85945didnt leave or break up with her boyfriend, she wants him to wait for her while she intentionally ghosts him for weeks on end, and throws a tantrum when he says he wants to break up. Thats shitty emotional abuse, and would be just as bad if a guy did it to a woman. Other nonas have also shared their experiences with avoidant moids and I 100% agree with them.
AVPD has an amazing aversion to personal responsibility, it seems to be something they shirk all their lives. Like I said, feel free to ghost this board.
Anonymous 85951
>>85949If you are a woman (x), then go start your own thread to complain about people with mental disorders and stop derailing this one.
Anonymous 85953

>>85951It’s a bf related thread, I am allowed to talk about bfs/exes and warn nonas who want bfs never to get into a relationship with an avoidant moid.
Anonymous 85954

love the avpd slander keep it up nonas
Anonymous 85956

>>85924>isn't nearly so selfish as feeling entitled to others' time and affectionWhat is a relationship if not entitlement to another's time and affection?
Anonymous 85957
>>85956I will let you know when I get a bf.
Anonymous 85958
>>85933Maybe you would know if you tried it sometime.
Anonymous 85960
>>85949Holy shit I’ve been shitposting about how fucked and self centred people with avpd are too. Solidarity. There’s so much discourse about violent or obsessive men and not nearly enough about the kind who abandons families. We need to educate girls to just drop avoidant people the moment they see signs of them. No pitying them, no rationalizing how you can save them, no justifying their selfish irresponsibility by blaming their shitty personality (thats what a personality disorder is in the end - a personality so bad its a straight up disorder) just leaving them to die alone, which they seem to want so badly anyway
Anonymous 85961
>>85924if you get in a relationship they are entitled to your time holy shit you self absorbed twat
Anonymous 85976
All this talk about avpd seems to be coming from just one nona talking to herself about an ex. You even write the same way. You arent fooling anyone.
Anonymous 85979
Avoidantfag here. It does hurt to be called worse than a rapist/domestic abuser and tbh that doesn't make much sense to me. I'd have rather my father run away than do the things he did to my mother (she almost definitely feels the same), but that's personal preference.
We are absolutely selfish people, similar to those who repeatedly give in to their social anxiety and never leave the house. It is our first instinct to run away and without effort it's easy to give in to that again and again and again. If it provides any comfort, we're also having a terrible time. For me at least, it is never purposeful and isn't silent treatment or an attempt to control or anything. There is no deep meaning or manipulation, I'm just terrified of messing up and have chosen to be weak in the past. In fact (and this is insane), I deeply love and respect everyone I have abandoned. To this day I stalk their social media and track their lives because it is less painful to observe and obsess from afar than to interact. The time I'd used to talk to these people is now spent watching them, so they're more free than I am now.
Despite this explanation and bit of insight, I do agree it's our responsibility to fix the way we act. Just like BPDfags need to reign in their overreactions and extreme decisions. I certainly never felt "in the right" when I ran away from someone. An old friend once basically gave me a "fuck you" after I disappeared for a time and I'm glad he set that boundary for himself. There's no doubt that this is terrible behavior, it's just difficult to overcome. This past year I've made leaps and bounds to fix it, so it is possible at least. We aren't destined to be evil.
Anons against avoidants should definitely avoid (heh) us, hats off to you for loving yourselves and setting boundaries. But I hope you can understand we're not all sadists or something.
Anonymous 85988
>>85976it reminds me of the schizophrenic tranny who constantly talks to himself across multiple imageboards
Anonymous 85993
>>85979The anon hating on us should just be ignored, she's a shitsack herself and the more she talks the more i understand why she's alone. Do your best with the cards you've been dealt with in life, try to be a good, reliable person and try to heal from your avoidant ways, and that's enough to be proud of you. The inconsiderate bitch should just talk to her therapist about her anger. (if it isn't a scrote, which i suspect. funny how often when an anon is disgustingly annoying and angry, it turns out to be a larping moid, they can't escape their nature even when they try)
Anonymous 85996
>>85979Same, I’m avoidant and can admit we can be really selfish and shitty.
Anonymous 85997
>>85993Damn, you really are having a narc meltdown now, going for personal attacks, calling women bitches and erroneously calling anyone who doesn’t defend selfish inconsiderate behavior a man. That’s funny as fuck.
Remember as another nona mentioned AVPD is classed as PERSONALITY DISORDER, literally a personality that’s so bad it’s classed as pathological and a disorder by psychologists.
Even AVPD people don’t want other AVPD people in their lives and talk about how avpd friends and partners suck, that’s how fucked up your personality disorder is. You hate a dose of your own medicine.
Truly evil, selfish, narcissistic bunch.
Anonymous 86002
Man, fuck everyone ITT playing armchair psychologist rn. My problems are genuinely related to proximity, not avoidance. If I moved to where my current online friends were, we could all unironically get together IRL and be normal. Instead, I live around a bunch of married people in a pro-lifer religitard state where liking anime or games is frowned upon, so it ends up breeding extreme degenerates like furfags, misogynistic NEETcels, and gays.
I would be so happy if I could just afford to physically leave. I would even consider dating one of my friends if we could physically see each other.
Anonymous 86006
AVPDoids seething screaming and farting rn…
Anonymous 86007
>>85695Your mileage may vary. My bf is in compsci and we discussed and bonded about a common hobby of ours. He was very open and social at the start.
He got really emotionally obtuse and distant later on the closer we got, shutting himself off from me. Later he agreed it was childish that he wanted a relationship but icked out of the intimacy. We're doing way better now but I honestly felt so deceived by the world for that and I'm not sure if it's something I want women to risk themselves experiencing. Lot's of sleepless nights crying.
Anonymous 86009
>>86002…ok? Then you obviously don't have this personality disorder you tard, which means literally no one is talking about you.
>>85927An "abuser" that runs away from you…How scary! How could one EVER get out of that situation…so trapped.
Not all relationships that went wrong are abusive in nature. You're just incompatible, please get over it already.
>>85945>>85947Looks more like BPD behavior and considering redditors in general they all love to erroneously self diagnose.
BPDs do things to push boundaries of loved ones to see if they're still cared about.
>>85949>Nah I’m not a moidI kinda doubt this is a conspiracy or psyop to get us to be single forever but your use of "nah" and other stylometric oddities makes me think you're a male, at best incredibly low IQ zoomer.
Anonymous 86023
>>86009>Then you obviously don't have this personality disorder you tard, which means literally no one is talking about you.I have questioned it before tbh, because mental health care here sucks and there's no way I could safely go see a therapist without uprooting some of the deeper abuse that's gone on in my family, jeopardizing my living situation. I think the matter of fact is any seemingly "avoidant" behavior in me is rooted by a sense of guilt, fear, and discomfort that my parents have caused me.
And also sometimes I am just lazy. It's not even personal, I'm just being sluggish and not a good friend.
Anonymous 86031
>>86009>An "abuser" that runs away from you…How scary! How could one EVER get out of that situation…so trapped. This. It's actually crazy to me. How is the person who simply doesn't have the energy to talk to you (and isn't doing anything out of malice), or who is worried you'll dislike them the selfish/narcissistic one? How is it not you, when you have zero regard for other people's emotional energy or self-esteem, and judge others as monstrous for not communicating or carrying themselves the same way you do? You're literally sitting here claiming they're doing it to punish you, even though you consciously admit that they just don't have the energy. Just move on, find someone you connect with fully.
Idk, I saw those anti-AVPD posts yesterday and didn't think much of them, but coming back to them, they almost sound like things an actual abusive person might say. Maybe you just don't get along. There doesn't have to be a villain. Or worse, maybe the anon who "hates AVPD people" literally abused someone, tried to bait them into a meltdown, and instead they just disappeared?
Anonymous 86032
>>86031Samefag: Now that I think about it, I remember saying something in a friend group about getting out of a small community with some people who said fucked up things to me and constantly treated me like a punching bag, and one person (she was an actual, diagnosed NPDfag) went ballistic on me and said I was abusive. It was wild. She tried to tell me it was my fault for "attracting" abusive friends, that leaving them and being proud of myself for it made me a narc and that she "could tell" because she was one, etc. She admitted it was projection, but she couldn't see an issue with that and just kept going. She stopped after other people told her she was in the wrong, but sometimes I look back on that interaction and it's actually mind-boggling. I think narcissists must really hate the idea of losing control over someone, or even just not getting an emotional reaction out of them.
Anonymous 86034
I genuinely wouldn’t have a problem with AVPD people if they kept to themselves and stopped establishing friendships, partnerships or other commitments, knowing that they’re going to abandon those people on a whim one day.
The problem is they need attention despite protesting that they don’t, and so they’re usually never genuinely able to ‘isolate’ themselves long term. They crave attention and validation, and so keep on establishing flakey friendships and relationships that they know they’re gonna bail out on eventually, and expect others to tolerate this fairweather push and pull treatment without ever confronting them about it or asking them to be more considerate. They want others to be emotionally and psychologically available and supportive when they need it, but have zero interest in returning the favor.
And then they wonder why even the people with their own disorder don’t want to know them by the end of all this.
Anonymous 86035
Those are all things I didn't say, but congrats on bolstering my point that this is actually crazy behavior. If you know someone has mental troubles that make them unable to approach relationships the same way you do, and they are not attempting to manipulate or cause you harm, them going quiet is not even in the same ballpark as being a rapist or a domestic abuser (not saying you're the anon who claimed that, but either way, what the actual fuck). It just means you're incompatible. If you managed to get married and they somehow didn't exhibit those avoidant habits until that point, then something else is probably going on than "AVPD".
And no, I'm not alone. Are you?
Anonymous 86036
>>86035 With that mindset you can argue that nobody has a commitment to anyone, that people who walk out on their sick partners aren’t selfish or that people who abandon their kids aren’t cruel and irresponsible.
What if every deadbeat dad just has AVPD hmm? Should the judge and society be understanding that ‘ugh, I just don’t feel like doing this today’ is a good enough excuse for parents to walk out on their kids and abandon them? Ah yes, we should be understanding of that, because the world revolves around however AVPD-chan feels in the moment.
Keep on being an irresponsible piece of shit nona, you’re going to end up alone, that’s what your ilk always claim to want anyway, so godspeed.
Anonymous 86037
>>86036>With that mindset you can argue that nobody has a commitment to anyone, that people who walk out on their sick partners aren’t selfish or that people who abandon their kids aren’t cruel and irresponsible.Maybe you would argue that. Reasonable people would not do so. Someone with a personality disorder does not represent most of the population, and should not be emulated, but also should not be demonized. By your logic, recognizing that someone with something like schizophrenia has a mental problem instead of shaming them or accusing them of trying to ruin the lives of their loved ones until they act normal means the same thing as entertaining any delusions they might have.
The "Deadbeat dads and people who abandon their own children just have AVPD" excuse is something you said in your now-deleted post, and that I've only ever seen coming from this thread in general, so again: If you managed to get married and they somehow didn't exhibit those avoidant habits until that point, then something else is probably going on than "AVPD".
I never said "The world revolves around people with this disorder", I said twice now: Find someone you actually connect with.
Being an actual hateful piece of shit doesn't help you, and it just drives people away from you on instinct alone. That might actually be good for you, not even being rude - I get the sense that you've been hurt and could do with some personal/alone time.
Anonymous 86038
>>86037Why wouldn’t people who abandon their kids be overwhelmingly AVPD? AVPD is a tendency to run away when faced with responsibility and a desire to escape from intense emotional or psychological intimacy with others, I guess most men who abandon their families should be excused on account of their AVPD now ^_^
Anonymous 86041
>>85948After seeing this, I think the same thing. It's a man who's trying to manipulate women into continuing to talk to him and other men, even outside of the women's own comfort or emotional capacity.
He's using other moids' behaviors (abandonment of sick partners, fathers ditching their children and wives) as scare tactics and fake analogs.
E-girl #69343 not replying to your texts anymore isn't the same thing as a piece of shit scrote running out on his family, stupid male. Fuck off. It's extra annoying to me because of course an internet-addicted man who already has low empathy would insist it's all the same. Since women are significantly more at risk for abandonment during ailment or getting fucked over when it comes to child support or raising kids, he's incapable of understanding what those things are like outside of hypotheticals. I'm sick of the shitty attempts at psyops on "the feemoiiidsss". Gonna enjoy my weekend and not bother trying to talk sense to LARPing y-chromosomes thinking that using emojis makes them sound like true and honest girls
Anonymous 86044
>>86041>brings up e-girls and scrotes to deflect >denies people who abandon their families due to psychological or emotional overload have anything to do with AVPD, despite the exact same mechanisms present in both types I’m a girl and I think your kind are pieces of shit, but whatever helps you sleep at night nona.
Keep being arrogant enough to think anyone would want your fuckin time, you waste of oxygen lmao, please do me a favor and ghost this thread, stop replying to me, all you’re doing now is samefagging and screaming scrote at anyone who calls you pathological cowards out on your bullshit. Learn to accept that not everyone who hates you is the boogeyman you invent to cope with in your head. Thanks for confirming my already solid suspicions that AVPD ‘people’ are a virus that should be avoided at all costs.
Anonymous 86046
>tfw your personality is so bad it’s literally officially classed as a disorder, but somehow you’re the good person and everyone else is evil
>tfw everyone on the planet who has ever had to interact with your kind hates you, but you’re the one in the right and everyone else on the planet is wrong
Ah yes, not deluded or pathological narcissism at all.
Anonymous 86047
>>86034another day, another ragie avoidant loser having a meltdown. yawn.
If these folks want to be left alone so bad, why can’t they go fuck off and be alone then. kek.
Anonymous 86050
>>86047If only there was an island we could send all these assholes to so they stop ruining society.
And nothing on the island would work, because everytime anyone had to a responsibility or job to do, they would just bail out on it, and nothing would ever get done. LOL. That’s the kind of society these pricks deserve to live in tbh.
Anonymous 86051
Still not a moid, seethe and project all you want, troon. You did him a favor btw. Avoidants are cancer and everyone who gets out of a relationship with one is blessed.
Anonymous 86053
Still samefagging, still calling women scrotes, still telling others to get help when they have a dx personality disorder, still vagueposting. Can’t make it up. This is why psychologists hate them. Still waiting for ‘her’ to go enjoy her weekend (read: cry because I BTFO her and all avpd fags) and gtfo off my board lel.
Anonymous 86058
>>86031what part of ‘you have a personality disorder that is formally recognized by psychiatry’ don’t you understand?
Anonymous 86059
>>86044You can't "ghost" a thread, pyscho kek. No wonder you've been ghosted, I'm not AVPD but anyone would become one surrounded by so much mental illness and projection. Dilate, 41%, etc.
Anonymous 86060
>>85960>Holy shit I’ve been shitposting about how fucked and self centred people with avpd are too. Solidarity. There’s so much discourse about violent or obsessive men and not nearly enough about the kind who abandons families. We need to educate girls to just drop avoidant people the moment they see signs of them. No pitying them, no rationalizing how you can save them, no justifying their selfish irresponsibility by blaming their shitty personality (thats what a personality disorder is in the end - a personality so bad its a straight up disorder) just leaving them to die alone, which they seem to want so badly anyway100% this. also you can tell that they weaponize it and get off on it too. the idea of people being devastated by them leaving is a power trip for themselves. nothing more or less. any psychologist or relationship counsellor will tell you this is an abuse tactic commonly used, especially by moids and especially moids with npd. the discard and then hoover. also notice all the DARVO by avoidants ITT. if anything this thread is just making me even more sure in my original conviction that avoidant people are just a different side to the same narcissistic coin.
Anonymous 86061
>>86060>the idea of people being devastated by them leaving is a power trip for themselves. nothing more or less. any psychologist or relationship counsellor will tell you this is an abuse tactic commonly used, especially by moids and especially moids with npd. This just reminds me of the person ITT sperging, calling anyone who doesn't agree with them avoidants and fantasizing about them being alone like they probably are
Anonymous 86062
>>86059it’s like you’re literally proving their point now. just stop nona. you really aren’t doing yourself or others with this mental illness any favors
Anonymous 86063
>>85979thank you for at least being honest nona! <3
it would help so much if more people could admit when their behavior is problematic. unfortunately most people can’t which is why the world is so shitty! recognizing when you’re being crappy towards others and trying to heal those behavior patterns and become kinder to others is the first step. that goes for all of us.
Anonymous 86064
>>86062What point? E-diagnosing anons with the disorder you're obsessed with because they don't believe it's the source of all evil is a sign of mental illness and undue fixation. It's actual deranged moid behavior, like multiple people have been trying to tell you.
Anonymous 86065
good points raised! i think being an adult is about realizing relationships are about giving as much as you take. at the end of the day, every relationship humans have is a contract of sorts, and a healthy mature relationship requires mutual consideration and kindness, agreeing to support each other, not running away when things get tough etc. if you cannot deliver a certain positive trait in a relationship yourself, i don’t think u should expect it from others. treat others the way u wanna be treated. simple as. not sure why it’s so hard for people to understand.
Anonymous 86066
well if someone was making you that miserable i think u should be grateful that person is out of your life now. sometimes people removing themselves from your life is the kindest thing they could ever do for you, especially if u weren’t compatible. a bullet dodged is nothing to be sad about. a mature relationship with a man requires maturity on both sides, slippery characters are no good to build a life with, it’s like the saying goes, the fool who built his house on sand. onwards and upwards.
Anonymous 86067
>>86065This is also why the one samefag/poster who's been posting mouth-foaming diatribes about avpd made me pause. I feel like a lot of people lack that understanding and become very entitled, unable to comprehend a relationship that doesn't go their own way, then project that outlook on others and wonder why it doesn't work out. The solution in situations like that are to get the fuck away from the person who doesn't share your values instead of trying to drag things out or punish "the world" - it doesn't care. I don't know about others, but IMO it's a good thing when someone I can't bond properly with might disappear whether because of their mental disorder or something else. I'd rather move on, or only be with them when they're ready for an actual relationship. Bashing disordered people just seems petty and very sad.
Anonymous 86068
>>85740yeah i actually dont get that overlap either tbh, apart from maybe the tendency to live in your own little world? and do their own thing whenever they want. however i find avoidants tend to gush with emotion and offload a lot of feelings then bounce, more randomly whereas autismos seem to stay a bit more level. then again most of the autistic ppl i met and dealt with were the reserved and quiet types not the loud ones who have outbursts so idk
Anonymous 86069
>>85722lol i love nic, her and avril are aspie queens
Anonymous 86070
>>85780based but in all srs bznz can we get this thread back on track and talk about tfw no bf again, kthx
Anonymous 86071

Tbh after taking another look about the symptoms of AVPD, now I'm even more confused about why the thread was derailed:
>People with avoidant personality disorder have chronic feelings of inadequacy and are highly sensitive to being negatively judged by others. Though they would like to interact with others, they tend to avoid social interaction due to the intense fear of being rejected by others.>Avoidant personality disorder>Too sensitive to criticism or rejection>Feeling inadequate, inferior or unattractive>Avoidance of work activities that require interpersonal contact>Socially inhibited, timid and isolated, avoiding new activities or meeting strangers>Extreme shyness in social situations and personal relationships>Fear of disapproval, embarrassment or ridiculeThis all just seems like the average person wouldn't have met or established a full-on relationship with an AVPD person to begin with, let alone multiple. This sounds like the quiet person in the back of the room who is awkward and afraid of being judged for everything. Maybe there are NPDs who claim to have AVPD because it makes them seem more "innocent"? NPD is cluster B while AVPD is cluster C, categorizing them the same way seems like a stretch
Anonymous 86073
>>86071time to stop derailing pls, this topic should never have been brought up outside of a few nonas mentioning their exes
Anonymous 86075
>>86009>Looks more like BPD behavior and considering redditors in general they all love to erroneously self diagnose. >BPDs do things to push boundaries of loved ones to see if they're still cared about. I think the moment personality disorders became a known thing outside of the psychiatric industry, people started milking them as an "aha" for every shitty ex, and also turning them into steretoypes and aesthetics, often for the exact same actions or behaviors. First, it was BPD as a trend, then NPD, now AVPD, and then it'll probably be schizoid. On LC, I even saw some people bash autistic people, including autistic women and say they're like people with BPD. Just makes things confusing, I wish we'd just go back to naming people's dumb behaviors for what they specifically are and agreeing they're bad instead of…this kek
Anonymous 86077
>>85979I like the insight of this post and wish you the best in doing better, anon, but at the same time, whoever's been having meltdowns in the thread about this disorder for days seems like one person, and likely a scrote. They're not here to listen or help others who've been abandoned or even those with AVPD, just antagonize, project some of their own toxic viewpoints to feel less guilty, and to try to manipulate girls and women so they can slap them with "fuck off avpd cunt" if the next one they talk to don't reply to their DMs fast enough.
Anonymous 86078

>>86075I disagree, because these pathologies were heavily underdiagnosed until now and caused immense damage in society unfettered. Their behaviour patterns are abnormal and also incredibly similar and easy to predict, so it helps others avoid them, understand that they’re not paranoid and that this person truly is mentally sick, and helps victims of these types see red flags and leave before it’s too late. Countless women have been saved from relationships with NPD scrotes because of the increasing awareness of that disorder.
Sidenote: I love this quote by Orson Welles tbh. Shy guys and self deprecating types are the worst. Most shy people are arrogant. You have to be arrogant to think everyone is looking at you and concerned with what you’re doing all the time, enough for it to make you self conscious and shy in front of others.
Anonymous 86079
>>86077NTA. It’s not the same person making the AVPD hate posts, I made a number of them but certainly not most of them, and I’m not sure why you keep repeating this error. I already know which posts I’ve made, I made them a few days ago and left then came back, and then saw I had a surprising amount of nonas agreeing with me, as well as what seems like one or two people (I’m assuming that’s you?) who got very upset about people sharing their experiences and sperged here
>>85839>>85792Anyway the jannies can see the different anons too and I know I wasn’t samefagging so idc.
Anonymous 86080
>>86078Shyness itself does not make someone a narc IME, it's everything else coupled with it. Awareness is good, but armchair diagnosis (not actual diagnoses) whenever things go bad with some asshole just forces people to feed into self-fulfilling prophecies and oversimplification of situations and individuals that tend to be complicated. Like I don't need to say some piece of shit must have borderline to say they are a piece of shit and I'm not the problem, in fact, I've known diagnosed BPD people who have been kind and helpful
Anonymous 86081
>>86079Also I’m not sure why the angry whiteknight (who totally doesn’t have AVPD) still keeps trying to accuse me of being a moid or tranny. I already shared my opinion that I despise scrotes and trannies ITT, and also most people with AVPD who refuse to analyze their behavior or work on themselves. Why aren’t these dislikes of all 3 groups allowed to coexist? Lmao.
Anonymous 86082
>>86080>armchair diagnosis Most of the people here who shared their negative experiences with AVPD people seemed to have mentioned the person having an official diagnosis though.
Anonymous 86083
>>86079>>86081Unless you're the person who was baiting like an hour ago and making aggressive posts, I'm not talking about you. If you actually are and you're not a scrote…uh, stop. You've been saying the same things and a bunch of people said you sound like a tranny or scrote, unless you're saying they're all the same 1-2 people, truly AVPD and simultaneously ghosting and bullying ITT?
Anonymous 86084
>>86083>a bunch of people said you sound like a tranny or a scroteOne person who has been posting at the same time as you. And you thinking it doesn’t make it so lol.
And yeah I hate AVPD people who don’t try to be better, I am one of the first people who mentioned dealing with AVPD moids ITT.
Anonymous 86085
>>86083>bullying Lmaoooooooo. Grow up.
Anonymous 86086
>>86084People have been saying it for days
>>85976>>85988>>85948Are you the actual person being referred to, or just someone else who felt attacked for some reason, and got oddly defensive? Weird either way, but you're allowed to hate whatever, just let the thread heal already lmao. We talk about our exes and tfw no bf in this thread
Anonymous 86087
I’ve genuinely surpassed the need for a bf and it feels good. 3D moids do nothing for me.
Get on my level, miners.
Anonymous 86088

>>86085Did you misread? I didn't call it "bullying" unironically lmfao, sit down
Anonymous 86089
>>86086All I see is a person mentioned a scrote from 4chan (I don’t browse that scrotey cessboard) then another (samefag?) mentioned a troon that has been spamming child pornography on here for weeks. I’m not either of them and I don’t think those nonas were even talking about my posts specifically, rather the nona who replied to me, so I’m not sure what else to tell you. My IP has stayed the same and jannies can see my posts, I have nothing to hide. This is also why ID posting should become a thing on this board. Anyway, this drama is stale and boring and so are you.
Anonymous 86090
>>86089Not reading all that but you seem very pissy, and I don't get why because I don't know who you are and am obviously not talking about you if you're not the scrote in question
>Anyway, this drama is stale and boring and so are you.Cool, so move on already like I said
Anonymous 86092
>>86091Google "unironically" and study sarcasm/context clues, hope that helps nona
Anonymous 86093
>>86090Ofc I’m pissy that you accuse me of being a pedophile or a scrote from 4chan. I accept your concession anyway.
Anonymous 86094
>>86087Based, 2D moids seem kind of generic to me though. Is literature any better?
Anonymous 86095
>>86092You didn’t use it in an ironic fashion lol. Are you the smug moidposter I’ve seen people complaining about? Condescending as hell.
Anonymous 86106
>>86078I've been in denial about being AvPD for awhile. I gotta admit a lot of this toxic behavior describes me to a T. And this screenshot makes me lol, I do simultaneously loathe everything about myself but somehow think I'm better than people. And I act timid-I genuinly am shy though. I'm scared.
Anonymous 86107
>>86106It’s okay if you’re a girl. Shy guys are evil.
Anonymous 86159
>>86095But I did, that's what I was trying to tell you that you missed. Sorry you miss social cues, but that does not make me a man lol
Anonymous 86175
>>86159Let it go tranny. Let it go.
Anonymous 86177
>>86175>drags out an infight from 9 hours ago to say "let it go"Not sure if this is just the seething troon from before, but very pathetic
Anonymous 86178

>>86007I'm sorry for what you had to go through. Must be awful to be in a relationship with someone who can't even express that they like you. I hoped he learned from that.
I don't know if that's my case, but even if it is I'd give anything even for an emotionally distanced relationship. But it's just not meant to be.
And to all the people hijacking this thread to fight about emotional illnesses, please stop
Anonymous 86179
>>85645This actually makes perfect sense with the absolute state of most men. Sex with them seems like more trouble than it's worth and emotional relationships seem like a crapshoot
Anonymous 86209
its honestly insane to me that anyone would defend avpdemons. then again, im not surprised as ive seen bpdemons come out of the woodwork and defend their equally monstrous personality disorder when someone criticizes them LMAO. they also love to play the victim in a similar fashion!! weaponized victimhood seems to be the main defense mechanism of all the clusters and that’s what makes them so fcking insufferable :))
if a guy ever tells you he has avpd, run the fuck away from him as fast as you can nonas. unless you like a bf who leaves you on read, disappearing for days or weeks, going incommunicado whenever he feels like it, told you’re being demanding and high maintenance when you ask to spend an hour together, and the 99% chance of him walking out on you and your newborn baby if you ever have a kid together (god forbid, if you’ve ever made a child with a avpdemon then that kid is royalty fcked, not even joking). hell, avoidants are the type to not even show up on their goddamn wedding day.
think of the fact these people ghost and disappear at the drop of a hat as a bullet well dodged. it’s actually one of the few good traits they have. just like how suicide is a fortunate comorbidity for trannies and bpdemons, voluntarily ejecting themselves from your life is a nice perky upside to avpdemons. think of it as the trash taking itself out :)
>INB4 some butthurt avoidant fag replies to me
stay malding and farting, ugly stinky avpdemons.
Anonymous 86210
>>86209meant for 86208 and all my points still stand
Anonymous 86211
>>86209just seconding this. I dated one with avpd for 6 years. he bought a house with me and got engaged and dumped me and disappeared a month before the wedding. I've been seeing someone now without it and it's sooooo much easier. he actually helps me out, messages me regularly, doesn't make me feel anxious or demanding, and actively contributes to the relationship.
please don't let pity ever make you waste time on anyone (friend or partner) with avpd. they really aren't worth it.
Anonymous 86212
>>86211correct and im sorry that happened to you. avoidant men should be gassed lol.
Anonymous 86213

(Ignoring Blainefag/troon posts and samefagging)
To the anon who talked about her ex-bf and deleted it: I just want to say I agree with you and that you have an actual sane take. Don't ever let a partner make you think you're crazy even as they're abusing you. Congrats on finding an actual good partner/relationship.
Anonymous 86214
>>86213weird how you near instantly reply to anyone who posts itt: lol it’s so obvious yoi just leave threads up in an open tab for days and check them obsessively until someone posts. hmm that sounds exactly like what a certain mentally ill schizophrenic tranny mentioned doing on here a few days ago, i might grab the screenshot of him admitting it if i saved it, made a whole lotta sense.
Anonymous 86216
>>86211lol im sorry sis this coping moid is going to keep accusing anyone who agrees with me of samefagging, so pathetic
Anonymous 86218

Literally, this mentally disabled scrote is going to agree with, vaguepost and fight with himself til the end of time. All anyone can do is ignore him, kek.
Anyway: Are moids who are very affection-focused a red flag? I feel like it's kind of good, but in some cases it's an energy vampire sort of thing.
Anonymous 86219
just thinking it would be funny as fuck if me and every other nona who hates avpdemons posted timestamps itt showing we are in fact real women and not the samefagging tranny schizo that the samefagging tranny schizo is accusing us of being. if any nonas can be bothered i will happily join you, it’s about time this retards schizo moids delusions were publicly deboonked and he gets humiliated. hating avpdemons is healthy, natural and beautiful.
Anonymous 86220
>>86218lmao dude you’re fooling no one, literally keeping threads open in tabs for days waiting obsessively for someone to reply 2 you, that’s how sad your life is. the troon even admitted to doing this last week, and it was so ducking funny and pathetic i tried to take a screenshot of him saying it. that was you, wasn’t it. LMAOAOMOAOA. this is the last reply you’re getting from me. gtfo off my board, scrote.
Anonymous 86221
>>86218if you wanna disprove the mounting evidence you’re the samefagging tranny who leaves tabs open for days waiting for replies, post a timestamp with your jaw and Adam’s apple in front of this board, scrote. we know you’re not a woman, tranny until proven otherwise.
Anonymous 86223
>>86221Mods can check my post history to see I'm not a tranny or scrote. It's really telling (read: obvious) how you're trying to get nonas who agree or disagree with you to selfpost while offering absolutely no proof that you aren't the troon yourself. It's like you don't even care about abusive shitty partners, you just wanted to hijack the thread, create an aggressive atmosphere like on your garbage home board, and then later save pictures of anons to share with the other Discord trannies.
Who except a scrote gets mad at anyone who says to ignore moids, specifically the one who tries to derail a thread for days? You're not even trying to hide that you're samefagging anymore, I don't know who you think you're tricking
Anonymous 86225
I know who this is. Holy shit. Kek.
Anonymous 86226
>he admits he’s a tranny i knew it lmfao
Anonymous 86227
>>86225Post him so we can all laugh
>>86226Exactly the reply I expected from a malding tranny. Keep coping and projecting, actual women will always sniff you out
Anonymous 86230
>>86227It’s the condescending moidposter.
Anonymous 86231
>>86227>still hasn’t provided an iota of proof he’s actually female exactly the reply I expected from a scrote who has just been exposed, suck my labia you failed scrote lmao.
Anonymous 86232
funny thing is im dying to prove im female and this scrote thinks getting pissy and defensive will make him seem more womanly or convincing. lol blend harder you failed scrote, i just exposed you.
Anonymous 86236
>>86223Your post history proves nothing tbh. Some long term male lurkers may have learned to refer to men as moids after being here long enough and call female posters trannies in an attempt to blend, that still doesn’t make you a woman though.
Anonymous 86237
>>86230Makes sense lmao. I can't believe he's still at it. Praying he'll have a breakdown and finally post his ugly mug with a timestamp or something, if he's "dying" to it should be easy.
Anonymous 86238
>>86237I made that post, anon. And I was referring to you. Other nonas have noticed your posting style and have mentioned you in other threads before too. It’s kind of an open secret now that you’re a long term male lurker.
Anonymous 86239
>>86236Which ones? I've never heard of this, all the moids I've seen have been incapable of blending in without having a breakdown attacking women and outing themselves.
>"female posters"Suspicious
Anonymous 86240
>>86238What exactly have I said that sounds tranny or moid-like? Are you the tranny himself samefagging?
Anonymous 86241
>>86239>>86240>>>/b/147993Numerous nonas called you out for being male in this thread.
Anonymous 86242

>I have been accused of being a troon or a moid in multiple threads
Yeah, I wonder why. This is him if anyone is wondering, and I certainly wasn’t the only one who smelled a scrotum.
Anonymous 86243
>>86241Except that's not me, I only lurk the pinkpill thread on the other site on/off and I've never argued about whether it's good to be fat or not. Again, mods can look at my history. Going by you saying you made that post, and replying to both my posts at the same time, I guess you just admitted you actually are the samefagging tranny going back to back. You're not going to fool me into selfposting or potentially self doxxing lol, you're so disgusting and pathetic for trying to gaslight here.
Anonymous 86244
Shame, I really thought we got rid of the smug moidposter once and for all, but just like herpes he always comes back. Anyway, I’m going to bed.
Anonymous 86245
>>86243>doubling down on his larp Come on anon, multiple people have called you out for being male and your syntax and smug speech patterns are the exact same.
Keep schizzing out about being doxxed, we know it’s really because you’re a moid with an Adam’s apple the size of a baseball. Goodnight.
Anonymous 86246
>>86244Yes, please let this thread be free of your bullshit moid schizoposting and spamming so actual nonas can post again.
Anonymous 86247
>>86246>still doubling down on his larp YWNBAW, and multiple people have called you out for being a man by this point. Give it up dude.
Anonymous 86248
>>86245>>86247>you're this anon I swear>let me reply twice>you're a man>still not giving proof I'm not a man, but you post yourself! BTW other femoids–I mean NONAS, post yourselves too!!!>reply to me roastieI guess it's retarded of me to even keep responding after you've proven yourself the troon, but I've never seen an attempt this autistic or shitty. You keep saying you'll go to bed just to come back and try to actually double down on this LARP/false-flag.
Here's a deal: If you're so sure I'm a man and you're not, post a timestamp with your hand first and I'll do the same. You won't and can't because you are Blaine the schizotroon, please 41%.
Anonymous 86249
>>86248Oh dear anon. The ‘lady’ doth protest too much.
It’s funny because I’m part of the cc discord where we all had to verify we are female in order to join. I would invite you to join and continue this discussion on there my good man, but I have a sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t pass the first elimination round. Hey ho.
Either way, It’s clear you are male and that you spend hours fishing for replies in these threads, and I’ve no interest in interacting with a moid for that time length. Thanks for conceding and admitting that you’re the annoying moidposter twat himself I guess. Congrats on pulling a few replies out of me, and have a scrotey evening.
Anonymous 86253
>>86249>still no timestampThe same CC Discord that fell apart because incels asked their sisters to do voice verification, and then they shared all the miner's pictures on /r9k/ to mock them? Again, pathetic attempt, tranny.
In general, though: Sure, keep trying to pull rank using Discord on an anonymous board and insisting you're totally not a man with zero proof, that sounds like something a biological woman would totally do. Good luck "passing" by samefagging, degrading threads and trying to attack actual women. Your life must be so empty you can't even sleep.
Anonymous 86255
>>86248>handHands aren’t good enough proof. I’ll go a step further and suggest we duke it out, lady to lady. You could join the cc server and I’ll talk with you there, I’ll even videocall with you tomorrow if you want. Let’s prove that we are both real ladies once and for all. Provided you can pass the verification first ofc. You up for it, ‘nona’?
Anonymous 86256
>>86253I literally just offered to videocall with you and prove I’m a woman lol. You chicken?
Anonymous 86258
>>86253No need to get so defensive. I asked you to provide a timestamp first. I’ll do it if you do it, you’re probably an incel with a weird hand fetish though.
>incels provided pictures of their sisters as timestampsWhich is why I’m offering to videochat with you if that’s what it takes lol. I trust a fellow real woman wouldnt doxx me. Are you up for it anon? What’s wrong? You afraid of me posting your tranny mug everywhere? I promise I won’t do that. Well, what do you say?
Anonymous 86259
>>86256>literally just? I posted before your second/samefag reply. Go ahead and post the link. I won't bother if the admin of CC isn't there to prove it actually is a CC discord and not just a troon server, by the way (if you don't even know her Discord account, don't bother). One on one. I'm not videocalling for an internet argument with a tranny, though.
Anonymous 86260
>>86258>incel with a hand fetishHand timestamps are how anons and mods have proven they're female for years now on LC because no one's going to self-dox for an argument. You're either a complete newfag or an actual incel/tranny trying very hard.
Anonymous 86261
>>86259Why do you have to go and make it so complicated. Its not scary, just a video/voicecall, lady to lady. The server link is still up in /b/. Let me know your first and last username initial after you joined so I know who I’m going to BTFO.
Anonymous 86262
>>86260Hand timestamps are useless and defunct, boomer. I’ve seen users here post hands that looked suspiciously male.
Anonymous 86263
Sleeping now. Goodnight, scrotes.
Anonymous 86265
>>86261Where in /b/, and what's complicated about posting a link? You're not even allowed to make a Discord thread. Again, ridiculous LARP.
>I know who I’m going to BTFO.BTFO with what? You're a tranny accusing women of being you and you can't even make good on a single one of your claims
Anonymous 86266
>>86264Only Blaine would try to convince people LC is associated with him in any way.
Anonymous 86268
wow this is sad, two trannies fighting lol
Anonymous 86269
>>86262he who shall not be named is 31 tbf, he probably thinks it’s still done like how it was done in his days of 4chan
Anonymous 86271
>>86268i want snail to be the ref, we shall see whose jaws and voice boxes are manlier
Anonymous 86272
>>86270I’d be down for it too tbh. I think you replied to me before but some weirdos started shrieking and accusing us of being samefags, sad!
>>86265It’s literally right here retard
>>>/b/152132 Anonymous 86273
God this will be really funny if it turns out he really was a troon all along, bet he doesn’t join.
Anonymous 86274
I find voice notes are also pretty good way of verification btw, you don’t have to worry about your pics or exif being doxxed that way either. And tranny voices are very easy to spot imo. Even a husky masculine female voice is easy to discern from a high pitched troon voice, you can always tell.
Anonymous 86275

>>86268First time I've been called a tranny/moid, especially for saying to ignore them
>>86272>old thread>sketchy email system>deleted your own post where you accidentally leaked that you were a moidI'll pass. Maybe post your Discord name and then change it after I add you.
Anonymous 86276
>>86275>old threadThe discord server update is literally from a week ago
>sketchy email systemProtonmail is literally one of the safest and least doxxable mailboxes you can use lol
>deleted your own postI did no such thing and didn’t even reply to that post, I simply emailed her.
>admitted you are a moidMe and my XX chromosomes are heartily chucking at how silly and mentally ill you are anon.
Anonymous 86277

>>86276So it literally is just a scrote/tranny server and you've been spamming the site with it and getting banned (explains your deleted posts you're claiming you didn't delete), thanks for confirming my suspicion.
If you're actually a woman, I can prove I am too via voice verification. You aren't, you tried to get me to selfpost, waffled when I offered that we could both do it, admitted to samefagging, and now you're being cagey about it even after I agreed to join and gave you my terms. Weird.
>me and my XX chromosomesThings you say when you only have one X chromosome and are malding about it
Anonymous 86280
Gave the moidposter my discord and he still hasn’t added me. Tranny confirmed.
Anonymous 86281
>>86277What does your username begin with
Anonymous 86282
>>86278BTFO me how again? If we're both women, what's the war about? I added you btw, it ends with an "f".
>>86280You're ignoring my add and still reeing and samefagging lol
Anonymous 86285
The tranny added me but is still refusing to videocall and prove hes a real woman. Also revealed hes flat and aspie. Typical.
Anonymous 86286

>>86285I said I could VC right now, as in right this minute, you refused and said "My tits are bigger than yours" like an actual moid/troon.
Anonymous 86288
anyone else super creeped out rn by how this argument between two people is clearly the same tranny schizo talking to himself. now he’s even adding himself on discord and posting screencaps to try and make his larp seem more legit. my sides. these people need to be burned alive.
Anonymous 86289
>>86286>2:27AMWhat timezone is that? Lol.
Anonymous 86291

He kept trying to push me to videocall with him specifically and accused me of using a voice changer right off the bat (because he knows he is full of shit and no proof will be "enough" for him unless he has the chance to catfish or dox me). Unironically creepy, and he probably has some girl he has do these weird ops for him, I'm glad I never e-mailed him or anything close. He had his posts deleted by a mod and was banned for a reason, I'm sure.
>>86288I'm still not a tranny, I've said before mods can check my post history most likely. I am a sperg for letting this go on, but it's Sunday so whatever
>>86289And you're still trying to dox, bit by bit. Keep at it
Anonymous 86292
>>86291You said you live in europe and are using Brazil time? LOL.
Anonymous 86293
Colombian tranny confirmed.
Anonymous 86294
>>86292>using the same timezone for your PC as your location when phones existI thought you said you were going to bed? Thank you for proving my point about trying to doxx, and hiding because you couldn't get the girl you use for these things.
Anonymous 86295
>>86294Ok Ernesto, tu ey muy stupido.
Anonymous 86296
>>86293>>86295>You're a tranny and I'm not, but I can't prove I'm a woman because I just can't!! Show me your face btw!!!Keep samefagging and deflecting, tranny. If you were an actual woman, you would've heard my voice and my accent by now
Anonymous 86297

I was gonna go to bed but now I can’t stop laughing at how I’ve been talking to a Brazilian tranny with a mustache called Carlitos the entire time.
Anonymous 86298
Mate, I didn’t doxx you, you doxxed yourself by trying to doxx me and post our chats. Fuckin hilarious.
Anonymous 86300
>>86297>>86298>>86299>still can't prove he's a woman>samefagging hard>"Y-You're from Brazil!!">thinks posting Discord DMs is "doxxing"Exposed. Keep being scared, I'm still actually female and YWNBAW. You probably would've heard me speak my actual language if you had been able to play your cards right.
Anonymous 86301
>>86267Notice how "everyone" supporting one side in the argument stopped posting the moment the one coping scrote gave up and went to bed. Tomorrow, he'll probably start the drama and sperging again, even if actual nonas beg him to stop so the thread can get back on topic.
Anonymous 86304
>>86301I did notice that, yeah. I just feel bad for OP and anyone else like me who read the OP and thought it'd be a nice thread, only for this shit to happen. I just wanted to post about >tfwnobf not all this trash.
Anonymous 86311
>>86285>>86291>>86286I think its an underage pickme, not a male, either way report ignore & ban
Anonymous 86350
So whoever that is doesn't even have a server? That's extra creepy
Anonymous 86385
What a fuckig shit show.
Anonymous 86390
>>86363>>86203This is also the same psychotic, samefagging scrote
Anonymous 86392

from /media/
Absolutely relentless bullshit.
Anonymous 86409
>>86408NTA but the person who made the post in the screenshot literally is a personality disordered moid kek
Anonymous 86412
>>86409is the personality disordered moid in the room with us right now?
Anonymous 86413
>>86311i saw the "ccisdumb" discord name and number before he deleted it, sent a friend request to see if it worked, and the pfp was some coomer picture. likely a tranny or gay scrote
Anonymous 86414

>>86413Reminder: if they refuse to vc or try to lure you into sending pics, they are male.
Anonymous 86417
>tranny still arguing with himself and pretending to be multiple people
>thinks anyone gives a shit about his schizo trannycord drama and conversations with himself
yawn, sage and ignore sisters
Anonymous 86418
>>86415removed him and don't care lol, believe it or don't. the schizo tranny talking to himself is one thing, but at least it reminded me what
>>86414 said is true, glad i don't trust any discord freaks. anyway i'll do what the last anon said and ignore any and all tranny damage control efforts or schizoposts
Anonymous 86432
>>86414can you please send the link?
Anonymous 86438
>>86414They always make themselves so obvious that way. I feel like this exact Discord thing has actually happened in the old friend finder threads too. They can never hide their aggressive nature and call women cunts, foids, etc when they don't get what they want.
Anonymous 86446
>>86438The friend finder thread was disappointing. Only one person added me and it was a moid who I told off, and 20 minutes later my post was deleted for no reason. (I suspected he had somehow snuck onto the moderation and wanted to get back at me for snubbing him.) The reality is that there are too many psycho males who lurk here for it to be safe adding people.
Anonymous 86474
>>86446>The reality is that there are too many psycho males who lurk here for it to be safe adding people.This is sad because I like the idea of making friends off CC. Men really ruin everything, whether it's unfunny autismo spamming and lowering the quality of threads, or more sinister things like stalking or harassment. I don't know if it's true, but I've heard about some mods in the early days having boyfriends they'd let delete posts and stuff, so your theory might not even be wrong
Anonymous 86506
I’m tired of seeing OP pics mean mug in the catalogue every day
Anonymous 86539
>>85713no wonder they've been avoiding you
Anonymous 89596
The barista smiled at me and wished me a good day today. I think I love him.
Anonymous 89610
went to a chiropractor today and got a massage. the guy is twice my age and married but it felt so extremely nice to have physical contact with a male human being. i am so goddamn single
Anonymous 89651

>>89596>cashier (or equivalent) smiles at you and wishes you a good day>imagine life together with them for the next few days Anonymous 89658
idk it's not really a sexual thing and i feel like it would be interpreted that way on a dating app. thanks for the suggestion but i'll probably just pine until i can find a bf my own age lol
Anonymous 89915
What's the point of dating as an unattractive woman? Men's "love" is mostly predicated on looks so men just settle for you, even if you truly love him, despite him also not being conventionally attractive, it'll never be reciprocated.
Anonymous 89927
>>89915This thought frequently passes my mind whenever I start finding a guy interesting and it's one of the reasons why I don't want to give dating a try. For women a lot of other factors that make up the whole person are important, too. For most men, looks seem to override everything and be the most decisive factor. There really doesn't seem to be a point to dating as an unattractive woman.
Anonymous 90332
I don't think I'm that exceptionally intelligent or extremely ambitious, but in general it seems to me that the way I think about things, my ambitions/goals, my interests/hobbies, my beliefs, etc. keep intimidating the men I will be interested in and I find it so incredibly frustrating. it just feels like when men realize I'm not an airhead or someone who is going to just blindly agree with everything he says or I 'actually' have a personality it turns them off and I hate it.
though at the same time I wonder if it's because of the way I interact with people…I'm generally a bit shy when it comes to meeting a new person and I definitely hold back a little bit and have like a 'polite new person' persona before I relax a bit and show my full self. I don't go full autist or whatever but I think that could affect it too - if men assume they're getting a quiet shy girl or something and then suddenly I'm busting out the sarcastic banter that could turn them off. likewise if I start off quite extroverted but then have my moments of introversion they might assume I dont like them or whatever….I just feel like when it comes to men I can't win and I'm constantly swinging between extremes or something. can anyone else relate
Anonymous 90351
>>90332Everyone acts differently at the start of a relationship when you're trying to impress, then as things cool off you both start to actually see what the other person is like. So you kind of just have to keep trying until you both find someone that actually likes each other once the shine has rubbed off and you're both acting natural.
It sucks that you have to waste time and emotional effort to get to that point but I don't think there's much a way around it.
Anonymous 90531
moids can’t love especially ugly women
Anonymous 90533
There's research on how looks matter more to men on average; that their treatment of others depends more on it, that they're likelier to have a more hostile reaction to unattractive members of the opposite sex, are happier being looks hypergamous, associate looks with status, etc. It goes on and on.
It's just disingenuous snakes like you have an obsession with dissolving all intimacy into simply being a matter of "getting" someone–nevermind compatibility, having social skills enough to make emotionally deep and rewarding platonic connections with women and men, etc. The "love" of socially bankrupt men is akin to that of that towards an object that he wanted solely because it had the correct parts. Creepy shit.
Anonymous 90537
>>90533i agree but do you have links
Anonymous 90823
>>85597She's more gorgeous than any moid could hope to be!
Anonymous 92141
I just fucking want a cute gamer BF to carry me in video games, watch Netflix with me and just hang out and cuddle all day. Is it really too much to fucking ask?
Anonymous 92143
>>92141you deserve better than a loser gamer
Anonymous 93028
I was actually closer (in my eyes lol) to getting a bf this year. Im going to be a little bolder next year!
Anonymous 93083

Maybe next year would be the good one. I want a sweet boyfriend soon, I'm so lonely.
Anonymous 93152
im old at this point, never having a bf is making me legit suicidal. the women i talk to irl arent helping, they kept talking about their stupid moid. i dont really want to end it, but its hard not to get over it. do i seriously need to be in a fucking relationship like everyone else???
Anonymous 93162
>>93152I don't belong in this thread bc have bf, but honest answer, no, you don't need one, it's not a state of being and nothing about you would really change, nor does it confirm or deny any aspect of you. Plus it might happen when you least expect so try to live in the moment, for that reason and many others
Anonymous 93201
>>93152how old are you?
perhaps it's not too late
Anonymous 93252
>>93083best of luck to us both for next year noni
Anonymous 93385
I feel as though the types of men I am attracted to and the types of men who are attracted to me never overlap. Because of this conundrum, I don't know if I'll ever get a bf. And no it's not that my standards are too high, because it's not as if I think the men who are attracted to me are too ugly for me or something. It's more the way they act that I find unappealing or not my type.
Anonymous 93388
>>93386I think my type is kind of all over the place at this point, so I'm sorry I can't be more specific. I guess sometimes a man will just do or something and I'll think "aw, that's cute" and that's how I know I'm attracted to them. I'd give an example but it's honestly the most inane shit that I would be embarrassed to say.
But I will say all of the men who I notice have been attracted to me are the types who always present themselves as as soft or vulnerable or shy in some way. It's not that I dislike introverts, but the men who've been into me all just seem so… meek. I guess I probably attract that energy because I'm sure I come off as really closed off and anxious myself. I guess I'm not one to talk. I guess I'd be more attracted to someone who seemed more confident in themself. Not cocky, but not like I have to be the one to assert my presence and have enough confidence for the both of us in public. Especially since, as I said, I'm already pretty anxious as is (although I at least make an effort of trying to mask it).
Anonymous 94096
I wish I knew what it felt like to be loved. Beyond surface level attraction, but for someone to actually like who I am. And for them to care about me. It makes me a little sad to think that I might not ever know what that feels like. And of course it would only matter if it went both ways. To know that someone you really like and admire cares about you too sounds way too good to be true. I don't know if most men are capable of something like that. I don't even know if I'm capable of something like that. Guess I'll just stick to daydreaming. I don't meet men organically in any situation anymore so the only option I have is to meet them through dating apps, so no thanks.
Anonymous 94109
>>94102I guess it still wouldn't be an organic situation though right? Essentially I'd be talking to a stranger who might only care for me on a superficial level the same way it'd be if I met someone on a dating app. Although I guess I never tried it so I couldn't say for sure. I did make a friend off of an imageboard, but I think I really lucked out with that one.
Anonymous 94110
>never seen a 3d moid i found physically attractive>heart skips a beat every time i see >>85586 in the catalogAm I gay or is this normal
Anonymous 94112
>>94109there're definitely guys online who're in the same situation as you, but the problem they tend to have is it's highly difficult for them to reach out; reason being, is males on the internet with good intentions who just want someone to talk to platonically, while potentially keeping romantic motives as a sideline are outnumbered 100/1 by emotionally-burnt-out creeps who don't care how they act towards others because there aren't any real social consequences for acting like arseholes towards someone on the other side of a screen. luckily the majority of those guys you're trying to avoid aren't avoiding dating apps like yourself, or those rare few guys.
the trick is being able to tell the two types apart.
in my experience, you can end up having an organic experience meeting a guy online, through:
>imageboards>online games>blogs/social mediaif, when you have your first interaction, they immediately place you on a pedestal, start acting overly douchey or just generally don't treat you like you're a normal human being like anyone else they might happen to meet, be very careful about continuing on with it.
it's easy to feel self-conscious if he doesn't fall in love with you right then and there, but honestly, that sounds like what you're trying to avoid. guys who let their heart run wild immediately tend not to work out in the long term. the only relationship i've ever had that has ever lasted was with a guy who was just kinda doing his own thing and was happy enough to take me along for the ride. was a bonus we met online too, 'cos it meant our first interaction was through a topic we were both already interested in: music.
Anonymous 94122
How do I get a high IQ boyfriend whose white, at least 8/10, takes care of his body, has hobbies that aren’t gaming and is in STEM? I want at least an IQ of 135 because that’s what I am. All those things I listed are characteristics I have, so it’s not like I have unrealistic standards. I think men and women should looksmatch and intelligence-match anyhow.
Anonymous 94123
>>94122Because I haven’t met anyone of this type, I am pathetically lonely and a virgin. Sometimes I wonder if I should lower my standards but I know I wouldn’t be happy if a guy is dumber than me or if I wasn’t physically attracted to him. Do any nonas here have a boyfriend who is both smart and above average in looks??
Anonymous 94126
>>94112Thanks for giving me genuine advice. It seems daunting to meet someone off an imageboard. Now that I think about it, I think I did try to add one or two people a few years ago in college but the conversation fizzled out pretty quick. How did you manage to meet people online? I don't play multiplayer games so I feel my best bet would be blogs or imageboards. But as I said, even meeting my online friend was by sheer luck.
And you're right that part of the reason I don't like using apps is because when you meet someone they're automatically assessing you as a potential gf/hookup and I hate it. I've tried it before, but I don't think I could be attracted to anyone in a situation like that. Those are the exact kinds of encounters I want to avoid, even though it seems counterintuitive since I guess I do, eventually maybe at one point, want to date someone. Again thanks for the advice. It's really easy to get down on myself and think I'll be alone forever. It still might be true (and not having a bf isn't the end of the world), but you rekindled some hope that at least I don't have to throw in the towel now.
Anonymous 94127
>>94122I know a guy like this. He’s a rarity though.
Anonymous 94128
>>94127What public spaces and spots does he hang out at? Did he join any school clubs? If so, what clubs or extra curricular activities?
Just trying to find a guy like this, is all.
Anonymous 94129
>>94127 samefag but what type of girls does he like?
Anonymous 94130
You ever had a dream of someone really cute, and they mention something to you, so you ask them to explain it to you but they just tell you to look it up while giving you the middle finger. So you wake up and you look it up and it’s totally interesting and helps you fix a part of your life that’s been bugging you for a long long time?
God I wish I could marry my dream. I’m both really happy and extremely lonely.
Anonymous 94131
>>94126i believe in you!
>How did you manage to meet people online?steer clear of 4chan hookup boards like /soc/, etc. if you're going to try and meet someone on an imageboard, try and make some contact on a board about a specific interest. like i said, in my case, it was music; more specifically, just got into a discussion about my favourite band and it went really well, so i posted a throwaway e-mail and we got talking from there. once he realised i wasn't another guy, he didn't freak out and we just kept talking.
what're some of your interests?
Anonymous 94132
Boyfriends seem like too much work + responsibility. I prefer being by myself. I don't find many real life boys to be attractive, anyway, so it works out.
Anonymous 94133
>>94131Kek thank you noni I won't give up! I appreciate you for talking to me and giving me support. I actually used to go on /mu/ a few years ago when I was in college. I was always a little self-conscious participating because I don't have diverse music taste and just obsess over the same 10-15 artists. I also feel like I'm too old to be on there now. I'm happy it worked out for you and you were able to meet someone cool!
What was your favorite band?Hmmm for me I guess I'm into reading, watching horror movies, listening to music (I like a lot of 80s stuff- synthpop, new wave, darkwave, etc), and true crime. Pretty basic stuff.
Anonymous 94239
>>86291wait, not related but are you from turkey?
Anonymous 94540

s is dating men worth it?? I’ve been confessed to and gone on dates but every single one bored me, even when i liked their faces.
Except for the men in my family and my coworkers I don’t really interact with men at all. I just find women way more interesting and my female friends have richer inner lives than any man i’ve met, but i am tragically still physically attracted to men.
The moids around me are already hitting the wall (i’m mid 20s….), and i think i’m mostly just curious? Are they really all just npCs??
Anonymous 94541
Having a crush on a moid is strange because one moment I'm like "My very own forbidden fruit, how I long to taste the sweetest sin of all…" and the next it's "That's an actual fucking sewage rat". I want off this ride
Anonymous 94543
>>94541That is the conundrum of being a heterosexual woman.
Anonymous 94592
I made myself the promise that my next bf will not be from online. I will meet them in real life. I am an extreme introvert; I'm in this for the long haul. I've made some great personal growth in my 30's and I'm proud of who I've become so I'm not going to settle for less than that in return.
Anonymous 94624
>>85912Parents are just always saying random putdowns without stopping to consider if they align with the other putdowns they've said to you and powermoves they've made on you. It's rare, if not nonexistent, for a parent to have a unified view on what they actually want from you.
Anonymous 94656
So somehow I managed to arrange a date. This will be my first date in years. I was super happy, our chemistry while texting is great.
The date is tomorrow. I've had a lip herpes outbreak since yesterday.
Just kill me.
Anonymous 94709
Moving from an avoidant to a more secure avoidant attachment style is hard as a woman. There is so much to be avoidant about. I'm trying to be less cynical about men. I only need to get along with one man.
Anonymous 94710
I really want to try going on an online date just to practice a date.
Anonymous 94714
I lost my best friend for these last few years, who was also my crush, all because I'm a mess. He was into me, we got close but things didn't work out because of me. I always have to be impulsive when it comes to these things.
We stayed in touch despite everything and we were doing fine. We weren't as close as we used to be, but it was good enough because he was an amazing friend to me. But I had to be retarded and I went for a kiss when we met again, only to regret it. At first he thought I wanted something more once again, which it was true, but at the same time I was scared to get close. He got upset and we stopped talking.
I don't believe in "the one", but I think he was my best chance for a happy and healthy relationship.
Anonymous 94758
>>94710i could be your love receptionist
Anonymous 94774

>>85926>Personality "disorder"These things are not disorders, they're characteristics. Arguing about whether or not avoidants are narcissists (they clearly are not) is like arguing about if the quiet kid in your class is going to be a murderer. Psychiatry is a scam, don't @ me.
Anonymous 95361

I've waited for him for so long and now he doesn't want me anymore, probably never did in any meaningful way. I don't know how to stop thinking about him. I don't want any other boy. I know there's a lot wrong with me but I feel like the only thing I can do is love people and it's been a disheartening and depressing experience so far. I'm way too sensitive and I can't stop crying over him no matter how many months and years pass.
Anonymous 95375

>>85912>Look, E, you can't stay with friends after school because it's dangerous to go outside as a child>Look, E, I know that having extra lessons 3 times a week is tiresome but you have to do this in order to get into university>Look, E, I know that you want to go to that trip with your class but right now we just can't afford it>Look, E, you're still a teen, you need to focus on your studies instead of wasting time in a relationship>Look, E, I know you want to go with your high school friends to the same university, but you can apply to a much better place and start over>Look, E, I know that you're at university, but you need to get a job as well since we won't be able to support you>Look, E, i know that you're working and studying from home and are so isolated you want to die, but you need to stay indoors until this pandemic is over>Look, E, you just got your degree and are now working full time, but you should come home evey weekend and spend some time with us>Hey E, your older brother introduced us to his Girlfriend last week, when will you introduce us to your Boyfiend? You don't want to get too old or nobody will marry you! Anonymous 96037
>>85912Why do mothers always do that? I hear so much about abusive mothers but abusive dads are somehow less frequent
Anonymous 96039
>>96037Hmm, I don't know about that.
Usually when a dad is abusive he's an absolute nightmare. I've read many horror stories on here and lc, have my own experience with a nightmare father, and have friends and family with equally terrible or far worse dads.
That said, I think mothers who will belittle, manipulate, and control their children are a bit more insidious because it's less obvious to the world. Of course, ideally a child wouldn't have a father who rapes her OR a mother who insults her daily, yet they often go together.
In the end, many people just aren't fit to parent. It's not a gender war, we just don't care about kids enough.
Anonymous 96051

No because when I was younger I did not worry about not having a boyfriend, I thought that I would have bf at some point and it was inevitable, but after couple years passed I realized that you won't magically just get a bf. you have to be pretty, social and other stuff and I'm autistic asf (don't have any idea how to approach or socialize with moids) and have big ass nose. like I don't have any good qualities. why would anyone like me when there are better girls out there, so I just lost all hope. I can't imagine anyone loving me for what I am.
Anonymous 96137
>>96051When I was younger I used to believe that I don't need anyone and that I'm perfectly fine with being alone.
I really wish I could turn back time and socialize more as a teen.
Anonymous 96201
>>96137This is me now! I always tell myself I am okay with being alone but honestly I really hate it
Anonymous 96243
>>96201Down the line loneliness is going to only hurt more and more. I thought that since all the things I like doing i do alone, I don't need anyone to be happy.
But now I know I won't ever be happy and alone.
Anonymous 96360
I live in nz and the men here are trash and I hate it I'm going to die alone. There's more women over men in there 30s. Men here don't eat pussy. They're so heavily entrenched in toxic masc and would rather blow their brains out than talk about their feelings, they expect you to do all the house work, child rearing and work full time. FUCK IM SO FUCKING SICK OF BEING HORNY.
My life is great, I have my shit together, I have friends, I work I just want someone to love and to hold who isn't a complete piece if shit I swear to god.
Anonymous 96456

>>94122I know a guy like this, i see him at work every once in a while. Literally looks like pic related but with shorter hair and a full face of stubble. He's got to be 6 feet tall. Has this deep voice that doesn't fit the way he looks at all. He hardly speaks to anyone, but is always really polite when he does. Most of the time he just sits by himself staring off info space. Always smiles at me when he sees me. He has the most beautiful eyes, but there's this sad look in them too. I get the feeling that he doesn't have many friends, and doesnt have much experience with women.
I want him so bad, but I have this fear that he's secretly a 4chan user, or some kind of wierdo and that's why he's always by himself.
Anonymous 96467
>>96456What do you think he does off work?
Anonymous 96475
How do I get over a crush whom I know I have no chance with
Anonymous 96478
>>96360unironically take a holiday to nsw
Anonymous 96491
>>96456he sounds almost perfect. pray he doesn’t use 4chan or is severely autistic
Anonymous 96502
>>96456ask him what he's thinking about
Anonymous 96558
>>96475I just had to do this. Block them, block all their friends, leave any servers or friend groups you share. Take a an everything shower, you MUST full body exfoliate, wash your hair and oil, and a new skin care product of some kind. Your internal monologue needs to be stern in telling yourself that he will not care that you have left his life, because he doesn't care about you. You have no interest in someone not interested in you.
Repeat this over and over and over again until you eventually start to believe it. Don't underestimate the power of mantra
Anonymous 96627

I’m a hopeless romantic but I’ll never have a bf so what’s the point. Love is one of the things I want most in life. I feel like shifting just to experience it
Anonymous 97075
>>85586Im confused: you hate men but want a bf?
Anonymous 97088
>>97075I hate men that I have seen and met, but in the hypothetical ideal, there is a man who can be my boyfriend or husband
Anonymous 97096
>>97088there most definitely is, the problem is how to even find him.
Anonymous 97126
>>97088are you sure you wouldnt be better off alone?
Anonymous 97130
>>97126I don't think that a lot of people would be better off alone. It's in human nature to want ot be with other people. I used to think that I should be alone, since I feel the best when I'm by myself. But loneliness is just making me feel increasingly worse
as the time passes.
Anonymous 97145
>>97130sure, but if you're not in a right state of mind when you date, you'll just lead yourself to getting hurt.
even if you find your dream BF, if you're not in the right state of mind the relationship might not work out
Anonymous 97175
im so horny i feel like it is causing me to become neurotic and ill. when i see people in public who are dating i get so angry sometimes. i wish i could just have a boy fall in love with me, and that i could feel like a normal girl.
Anonymous 97201
>>97175Whenever I see a happy couple, or just people who are clearly in a relationship I just get sad most of the time.
>i wish i could just have a boy fall in love with me, and that i could feel like a normal girl.Definitely can relate. Sometimes I don't even feel like a human when I see how detached I am from normal people.
Anonymous 97313
there's this boy in my econ class who is basically my dream guy looks wise and every time i see him my heart feels like it's going to explode. the catch is he's 29 y/o. he looks so young i could never tell until he said so. we were paired up for a major assignment so i slipped in some interview questions to find out why he's almost 30 and in an undergrad program, turns out he was a drug addicted NEET for most of his 20s and started getting his shit together late in life
i want to be more direct and tell him i'm interested but im so scared and the semester is ending soon i'm worried i won't see him again. there's a 9 year difference between us so i'm concerned we're just not going to click even though our conversations were so natural and easy plus he's hyper focused on improving his life and i'm worried he might just see me as a dumb kid. idk what to do but i'm so attracted to him
Anonymous 97317
>>97313If you actually want him, ask him on a date. If the age gap is a deal breaker he'll tell you.
Anonymous 97320
>>97313Ask him out and see what happens otherwise just accept it as a fleeting crush
Also if you do go for it please be careful, I know there isn’t much of a power imbalance if hes a student but he also has a decade of life experience on you
Anonymous 97321
>>97320>power imbalancemaybe he's into being dommed. who knows?
Anonymous 97620
>>97320>he also has a decade of life experience on youdon't know if I would call being a junkie NEET to be "life experience"
Anonymous 97630
>>97620If someone's able to maintain junkie status then they're hustlers. Selfish, retarded, broken hustlers, but hustlers just the same.
Anonymous 97688
>>97630then he just seems like a terrible person.
Anonymous 97907

I think there was a dating apps thread but I can't seem to find, so bear with me, this seemed like the least inappropriate thread for me to post. I've created a fake tinder account, a name that isn't mine and random stock pics that don't even show people, just lurk, I never swipe right on anyone. The thing is that, the profiles are so shit. Even if I had a serious profile and was seriously trying to meet someone, most people put fuck all in their descriptions and I would have no idea how to start a conversation because I'd have nothing to go by, meaning the odds that I'd feel like quit talking after a couple of messages because I learned something that is a deal breaker for me, would be very high. I guess that's not that much of a big deal, but it's frustrating to even think about. I'm almost friendless and I never go to bars or clubs (not that I'd get a bf from those places either), something like tinder would be one of my only scarce options to meet someone, but that seems hopeless as well.
Anonymous 97908
>>97907Tinder is a manwhoring site. Any guy you talk to there is talking to ten other girls and trying to get into their pants.
Anonymous 97910
>>97908I mean, yes, you are 100% correct. But I feel pretty indifferent about it, maybe because I too would be talking to several people, tho not out of intention to be promiscuous, but because the odds for something going wrong, like ghosting or never bothering to meet irl, are too high, so talking to several people would increase my chances of not completely wasting my time. On top of that, I live in a place where "trying to get in your pants" is the standard form of approaching, unless you are meeting potential partners literally in the church you go to. So it's just the same thing as irl. Shit? Yeah, but more of the same.
Anonymous 97911
>>97907> I'm almost friendless and I never go to bars or clubs […] something like tinder would be one of my only scarce options to meet someone, but that seems hopeless as well.I feel the same way. I genuinely feel like something like a dating app is my only chance, the only issue is that the only people who use them are not the kind of people I'd ever be interested in. Even people who look for a relationship are probably hooking up with others in the meantime.
Anonymous 97917
>>97907Yep. Yep. This is the reason why after years of trying it out, I've just given up and decided dating apps aren't for me. Firstly, as the other anon said, I've realized that the types of guys I'd probably be attracted to and get along with are not the types who would use a dating app. Secondly, even if I did miraculously meet a guy on there who was compatible with me I think the nature of a dating app would ruin the connection. The way you're supposed to present yourself on a dating app is just inherently unattractive to me. I think people are the most attractive when they aren't trying to be and are just being themselves. The whole point of a dating app is to 'advertise' yourself so people will want to swipe right on you, so therefore you are obviously trying to appear attractive. And that goes for me too. I'm terrible at flirting and all of that shit- I don't think I could represent myself in an attractive way on a dating app at all. I think those apps work (and I've seen them work), but just not for someone like me.
Anonymous 97919
>>97917Yeah, seeing people advertise themselves is kinda cringe and instantly makes me dislike them more than I probably would in any other situation.
Anonymous 98017
>>97917>The way you're supposed to present yourself on a dating app is just inherently unattractive to methis tbh
It just feels like by using the app you have to objectify yourself somewhat and sort "appeal as a good deal". This makes it feel very unnatural.
Anonymous 98089

I'm going on my first date in ages, with a guy I've known online for awhile now. Even though he's only what I look like, like only once so far. I hope he isn't disappointed with how I look and/or never talks to me again because of it. Or more importantly, that I don't blow it by being a scared and awkward autist, like always. Wish me luck bitches.
Anonymous 98090
>>98089have fun
you're living my dream
Anonymous 98105
>>98090Thank you I did. I met up with a group of other people afterwards and one of them actually suddenly asked if I am autistic, because she is. Oh my god. I just called myself an autist ironically, but apparently I have sunked so low I actually am getting mistaken for one now. Well shit.
Anonymous 98111
>>98105Glad to hear it. That you enjoyed it that is, not that people assume you're autistic.
Anonymous 98125
no boyfriend Yet! holding out hope and manifesting. keep your spirits high n0nas!
Anonymous 98165
going to a major family event in a couple weeks and am not looking forward to being asked why i'm not married or have a boyfriend by aunties. as much as i want one, i'm so jaded when it comes to moids.
Anonymous 98181
has anyone else gotten to a point where they dont care so much about not having a bf
i used to care a lot but as time passes i care less and less, the only awkward thing is having to admit that you are boyfriendless around normies.
i feel like this cope only works because im in my early 20s and theoretically have a good amount of time to find someone, but the relief of telling myself "who cares" has helped a lot.
also if you notice, normies care a lot about boyfriends and girlfriends because of social posturing reasons. a lot of it is bs. and im not gonna participate in their game more than i have to.
Anonymous 98199
>i feel like this cope only works because im in my early 20s and theoretically have a good amount of time to find someone
wish I could feel the same way.
Also in my early 20s but I already feel like I don't have much time. I used to think this way for most of the time. But since recently I'm beginning to panic. I just think: "If nothing has changed in the past few years, what makes me think that something will in the next few years?"
Anonymous 98220
>>98181For me I never cared about what other people though I just want to be able to experience having a young and innocent romance and if I get someone when I'm in my 30s then my youth is already gone. I want to experience young love and it also takes a while to find someone so I don't want to put it off until I'm already about to be 30.
Anonymous 98221
I wish I could be spiteful and hateful. I wish I could bemoan the fact that he's no longer checking up on me. But something prevents me from using that as fodder to fuel my self pity. Yes I feel so lonely it's physically hurting now, but I'm not so delusional to forget all the reasons it did not work out. Would I prefer him stringing me along? Or me stringing him along? Neither, really. I just feel a little lonely now. And I'm scrambling for some way to cope. The litte artificial community on tiktok isn't doing me any favors. Maybe I should just fly back home? No. That chapter's gone and passed. My best friend will get her residency placement in a few days. Even if we have each other it'll only still be temporary. Best learn how to be alone. It hurts but with time it'll hurt less.
(fuck him I hope his anhedonia is worse than mine fuck him fuck him)
Anonymous 98233
>>98181I don't want a bf as much as I used to do. But at the same time I have the same crush after more than 2 years. Back then I wanted a bf so bad that I lost one of my best friends because I was jealous of her bf because I knew how good their relationship was.
I think I lost the interest because nothing will ever happen with my crush, but even if it something happens, I don't know if I want to sacrifice some of my personal goals for a relationship. I could fulfill some of my goals even with a bf, but others are just impossible with a bf. Especially my goal to leave my country make it hard to want a bf, because for some reason I feel like the countries I would like to live, the moids are even worse than here.
Maybe in 10 or 15 years I will regret this, but I think I'll stick to it
Anonymous 98402

All I ever wanted was a bf who likes art and music, with whom I could go to cafés and have long talks as I stare into his eyes, who would dress nice and we would be kind of elitist but also somewhat edgy but there is no guy like this. All they can talk about is vidya and anime. What's worse is that I also struggle to meet girls who share my interests, I always feel overdressed and overqualified for any social situation I am in. Mfw. Settle for mediocrity or be lonely forever.
Worst part is, I have metguys like that, but they are always already taken. The latest one I met is seriously the perfect guy, 9/10 (he would be a 10 if we had the same music taste but he did not mind me talking about my favorite artists) but he was already taken…he is in an LDR, they got together a MONTH before I got to know him, and they meet maybe 3-4 times a year. I really can't. I dream about him every day. I cannot even study cause I imagine how perfect our life would be together all the time. He has shown hints of being into me but I am too scared of ruining our friendship cause he is an amazing friend too and if he just wants to be a close friend then I do not wanna scare him off forever and be even lonelier. And I feel like, if I do not get a bf in the next 2-3 years then I will become a spinsteress forever. There are just way too few guys I am interested in, and when I meet them (rarely) there is always some auxiliary problem… 98403
>>98402what music is he into?
i know the pain nona. i guess the good men (if any) are all alreay taken
Anonymous 98404
>>98403Honestly I do not exactly remember, I think he listens to somewhat generic radio-tier music although not
too normie, like pop rock and some less terrible pop singers. He kinda dodged my question when I asked him
Anonymous 98450

>>98402Oh god that is so me. I live in a pretty city but what really is the point if I'm alone so often. I want to go to cafes, I want to try out new restaurants, museums, go to the theater, cuddle, talk about our day.
Everyone I meet is comically stupid and boring. I do not blame them. Most of them were numbed by work. There is no more room for beauty, we fucked it all up.
Anonymous 98454
>>98402If you are in your 20s you still have time. Once you hit your 30s dating is way harder from what I've seen.
Anonymous 98470
I started a new job a while ago and I've been repeatedly partnered with a guy because we work so well together. We hit it off immediately, became friends, started taking the train together to work and back home, then carpooling, then hanging out almost every day after work, even staying the night and we both had segments of our bathrooms set aside for each other. We'd only ever held hands, but we'd seen each other undress, slept in the same bed and I kissed him once when he was asleep, so he was than just a friend. I was safe and secure because he's refused to start any relationships for over 3 years, so when he was finally ready all I had to do was kiss him and boom, instant-boyfriend. Yesterday he tells me he's met a girl and they're now dating. What the fuck!? There's a line here and I was at the front, but now a rude, directionless, uninteresting foreigner gets to jump the queue because she complimented him? They've been on precisely one date and she's already using him for his money, meanwhile I'm still nobf because I respected his need to deal with his feelings in a healthy way, while this fucking interloper targeted his every weakspot like a predator going for the jugular.
Anonymous 98471
>>98470your slut monkey branched.. F.. i pay my respects..
Anonymous 98501
>>98470Waiting on a man who immediately fucks the first woman who lets him? Cringe.
Anonymous 98506
>>98501He hasn't so much as kissed a woman in 3 years after his last breakup and she's an extremely talented manipulator. In just a few days, she pinpointed his every weakspot and seems to have adopted a completely new personality to play to those vulnerabilities and is extremely sexually aggressive to boot. I really do love him, but he's a man and useless with women. He didn't stand a chance.
Anonymous 98507
Not getting a bf anytime soon and I'm so lonely in every way possible that I'm trying some boyfriend asmr stuff in the meantime and they are almost all cringe. Do any s have recs pleaseee
Anonymous 98509
>>98470> They've been on precisely one date and she's already using him for his moneyAhahahahaha, awesome. Am I supposed to believe this guy is good for anything else? You should be thanking her for taking such a worthless guy away from you. Tho I bet he'll go to you for emotional comfort as soon as he gets bothered by anything she does. He isn't a kid, stop infantilising him.
Anonymous 98514
>>98470>respecting mens feelingsthere's no value in this if their feelings are immoral, baseless, irrational, or superficial (which is always true with moids)
Anonymous 98552

Man, coming to think of it, sometimes it is a bit of a sad feel to have no bf, but then I see my friends, who had "tons" of experience, and have been with "tons" of people, and it seems like it's always utter shit. They seem to always be in situations that personally, I just see them as annoying and unbearable. For example the relationship he's in now is a completely toxic one that is doing physical harm to him and he still's at it. Even after all of his friends told him to get out of it.
So yeah I guess I'll be on my room, and let time go by, no worries, if things have to be forced, eventually it will all go south. Surely if the miracle happens, we'll both be the happiest people on the planet.
Anonymous 98556
>>98470>We'd only ever held hands, but we'd seen each other undress, slept in the same bed and I kissed him once when he was asleep, so he was than just a friend. I was safe and secure because he's refused to start any relationships for over 3 years, so when he was finally ready all I had to do was kiss him and boom, instant-boyfriend.He sounds like one of those gentle non toxic masculinity redditor—male feminists. And once he got over it, now he's a "bro." lmao
Anonymous 98565
I am turning 31 soon and my most frequent destinations are work and home and morning gym. No bf. Suffering so much loneliness that I try to stamp out with my creative work.
I don't think I'll find a quality guy on dating apps…and going to a bar? Alone, feels pathetic. I don't have any friends in this new town I moved to jeez, like 6 months ago or more? They all blens together.
Anonymous 98566
>>98565Ever tried language classes?
You might get someone good, all things considered
Anonymous 98572

I’m 20 years old and I’ve never been in any sort of relationship before. I’ve been trying to be more positive and focus more on actually liking myself before going out on the dating scene. So now that I’m medicated and don’t hate myself as much, I wanna go out and try to meet people. I have no idea how to do that though. I just don’t want to be single anymore.
Anonymous 98581
>>98470>There's a line here and I was at the front, but now a rude, directionless, uninteresting foreigner gets to jump the queue because she complimented him?>like a predatorWhy are you jumping on the girl like a fucking desperate, pathetic pick-me? You weren't exclusive, she did nothing wrong, it's "your moid"'s fault. The end.
Anonymous 98749
I love being single! I have so much time to focus on my hobbies and do things I like without having to cater to another person. I don't have to worry about being perceived in public with a (cringe) man who doesn't have any idea as to how he's being perceived (and that's all of them that I've met at least… they really lack that kind of self-awareness). And I might be an outlier for saying this, but the general pleasures of domestic life don't appeal to me anyway so truly what could a man ever do for me? Sometimes I go through hard times and it'd be nice to have some support, but men are shit at emotional labor anyhow so that's not happening. I used to worry about being single for the rest of my life, but at this point I don't see how having a boyfriend could contribute to the quality of my life in any way. No longer having to worry about either being lonely forever or settling for someone I don't care for. It feels good!
Anonymous 98799
>>98749Somehow I can tell you don't have a father.
Anonymous 98800
>>98799nta but my dad's pretty awesome, so I tend to compare the behaviour of most moids to his and they're all such shit that it makes me want to stay single. like, if my dad sucked more maybe I'd have a lower bar
Anonymous 98802
>>98470You are never going to find a decent advice on this forum.
After all the experiences you've had with your "friend" you are indeed "safe and secure". The likeliest way to explain this situation is that in the mind of the guy, you are friends and this is the line that if one of you were to cross - you'd no longer be friends and all the problems that any relationship can bring up - would become a certain possibilities.
One may think that the guy used you to emotionally prop himself, but the other way to explain is that the guy would rather choose to die than to lose you as a friend.
If you want to ruin his current relationship - use your "friend" disguise to give him friendly unbiased relationship advice. Expose his current love interest for the scumbag they are. This may take a while…
Then after they break up, if you get the chance to confess, you are to lie (hide the truth) to him that you never had feelings for him until after his last relationship ended, otherwise the guy would suspect you ruined his current thing for your selfish reasons. Also do not try to get him in the rebound phase (shortly after relationship has ended), don't be the 'short term fling' he uses to forget his ex.
Anonymous 98806
>>98799Genuinely curious how me having/not having a dad has anything to do with my post. I'd love to hear the psychoanalysis.
Anonymous 98807
>>98802if nona has to work this hard just to get a guy to ask her out then he probably doesn't like her that much to begin with
Anonymous 98829
any aussies in here? gets so goddamn lonely in small towns…
Anonymous 98846
anyone else obsessed with getting deluded as fuck by tarot readings abt your crush
Anonymous 98862
>>98846Hell yeah
I used to watch tarot videos on YouTube and would immediately click off it if they reading didn’t have the things I wanted to hear I.e., Youre the light of his life, you’ll build your empire together, he’ll say I love you etc
Anonymous 99004
>>98846do you honestly believe in magic?
Anonymous 99013
youre not using sway words correctly
>um just chinese y'know..
this is how i know youre a moid. kys
you can cope but chinese moids still suffer from hitting the wall. men overall have more collagen in the skin but lack the estrogen needed to preserve it. this is why even chinese men despite higher oil skin type still lose what makes them attractive in their youth
Anonymous 99018
kek, why are you so predictable? reacting angrily to a moid hate post, wow, almost like youre a moid yourself.
kys, scrote.
testosterone is suppose to make suicide easy, so why dont you go through with it?
Anonymous 100421
I have the lowest of physical standards and still no bf. I’m into nerds over chads but I have yet to reap a bf. The last guy I liked and I’m getting over never even spoke to me. I think he hated me? To be fair, I held strong feelings towards him and never spoke to him. In the end, it doesn’t matter because the feelings weren’t returned/mutual. I hit him up w an Instagram request and he just ignored it. This was at 8PM, I took it back by 11. I don’t need to be desperate. I would just like to feel someone reciprocating my feelings.
What kills me about my peers is that they all seemingly, across the board and regardless of the social group they fall into, date. I can’t even get to the “someone asking me out” part. No guy is asking for my number.
Anonymous 100470
>>100421same. even nerds are above me at this point. I’ll take anything at this point. Anyone that isn’t heinous. I just need someone to hug and bury my head into their arms.
Anonymous 100513
>>100421In my experience ugly moids are meaner and pretty moids are chastised by other moids and generally easier to deal with. My best advice is to date men that other men can't stand. Ugly men always wanted to bring my self confidence down with theirs. Sage because rambling.
Anonymous 100573
>>100421>>100470Is there something about you that they don't like?
Anonymous 100980
Tfw no innocent naive bf to warm my cold heart. Tfw no bf to cuddle into my bosom. Tfw no bf to sit between my legs for me to hug him from behind and rest my chin on top of his head. Tfw no bf who I can be the big spoon for. Tfw no bf to tkae care of and dote on. Tfw no bf who will smile and laugh at me. Tfw no bf to be young with and experience the adolescence I didn't fulfill.
Anonymous 100983
>>100982I just have a manlet fetish and most of my fictional crushes are manlets too not shotas, but I do like innocent people just because I'm jaded and it seems most men are inherently predatory or dangerous. I just need someone with a beautiful soul with a warm and bright heart to hold in my arms peacefully. Maybe it's because I never grew up too so I like guys like that.
Anonymous 100985

>>100980>>100983I want a bf like this too, but I have never met any moid who was so sweet and innocent. If they exist, where are they? If they don't exist, why do I want one so badly?
Anonymous 100993
>that no longer exists
Did it ever exist to begin with?
Anonymous 101005
Ah. I've never played NieR: Automota.
>the actual nature of moids is closer to that innocence.
I disagree. If moids were naturally good, where did the evil patriarchy come from? Not that Patriarchy creates evil moids, but that Patriarchy was created by evil moids. Therefore, moids are evil by nature.
Anonymous 101039
>>101005Hundreds of years of human history with wars violence and ideas that were developed naturally and later twisted through societal changes. It’s a long story nona.
Anonymous 101043
>>101005Look its not like most men are anything more than cannon fodder but obviously sexual competition is bretty aggressive if at some points there are 8 female ancestors for every male. Dicks are only good for being plows and fork lifts, they like building stuff. I think most guys wish they could be innocent but realize if they don't keep up they are going to be slowly murdered by everyone.
Anonymous 101047
>>101041so why can't you get a boyfriend? Are you just fat or are you a tranny?
Anonymous 101049
>>101043>they are going to be slowly murdered by everyone.It's the moids doing the murdering. How can the murder be widespread unless most moids are inclined toward malice?
Anonymous 101051
Then why are supposedly innocent moids so scared of it?
If murder is widespread, it's caused by moids, implying moids are naturally evil.
If murder isn't widespread, then nothing can cause moids to lose innocence and become evil, implying moids are evil to begin with.
Anonymous 101054
Murder is uncommon and remains an abstract for the common person. The fear derived from the mere idea of murder is a shallow fear, incapable of paralysis, never as frightening as seeing a cockroach.
Anonymous 101057
>>101056I'm not. It's
>>101043 who claimed that murder was common. I'm saying that, hypothetically, even if murder were widespread, moids would still be naturally evil.
Anonymous 101073
Every moid I meet is selfish and arrogant and narcissistic. This is either because moids are intrinsically evil or because they are cultivated for evil by a patriarchal culture. But a patriarchal culture can only be created by evil moids, and these evil moids were evil before and without an evil culture, hence these evil moids were intrinsically evil. Therefore, moids are naturally evil.
Not necessarily, because women commit like 1000 times less murders than moids, and because a patriarchal culture could be what drives a woman to commit murder.
Anonymous 101193

>never been asked out
>was the school meme
>never even held hands with anyone
>never kissed
>never had sex
>most touchy experience is a moid forcing me against his bulge as a joke in high school, i fucking ran away
>treated like subhuman at my job
>got plastic surgery
>still not taken seriously
>coping with kpop parasocial relationship
>have to see retarded incels online cry about how only old women and non virgins approach them while they act like femcel women are whores for not just dating a 70 year old virgin
i wanted a bf bad all my life but seeing how moids act online makes me never want to touch one. also why can ultra retard incels have standards yet when neet autistic women do it’s bad
Anonymous 101263
the odds are stacked against the average woman because there's very few attractive men and hundreds of gorgeous women competing for them
The competition is fierce even if you're young and pretty so your best bet is to go for men 10+ years older than you and to not exclude bald men/manlets/chubby men
Chances are you'll have to let go of the trait you most value, in other words if you like a nice hairline and thick hair the universe will most likely give you someone with the opposite of that
if you value youth, you'll probably have to choose someone much older than you
if you like lean men, the one for you will likely be overweight
not sure why life works that way but that's the reality of it
Anonymous 101280
>>101263This is retarded moid logic just shut the fuck up
Anonymous 101281
>>101280not a moid, just being realistic and aware of how life works
Anonymous 101283
>>101280just go outside and see how many men are NOT old/fat/balding/short/ugly. It's a tiny minority and thousands of women are competing for each one of them
Anonymous 101288
Has anyone here tried making the first move? Seems like moids are scared to do so.
Anonymous 101289
>>101263If you only pay attention to celebrities, what you say might be true.
But most normies and even non-normies usually end up with someone who's around their age, give or take 5 years, and on their attractiveness level. Young and fit women tend to date young and fit guys, fat nerds with band t-shirts tend to date fat nerdy women with goth t-shirts and so forth. The internet likes to exaggerate the existence of mismatched couples but in reality I rarely see incredibly young women with 10+ year older husbands or bald manlets with a hot girlfriend. It probably all depends on your location though.
Anonymous 101290
>>101288they don't want to fumble the first interaction and have whatever they write appear on social media, I can't blame them for that
Anonymous 101291
>>101288I made the first move on my husband, gotta fight for what you want.
Anonymous 101292
>>101263t. groomer trying to convince young women to date post-wall spoiled goods moids whose wurstie is probably shrunk after years and years of masturbation and masturbation with a warm body (it's not sex, they don't care about their partner's pleasure)
Anonymous 101395
>>101292young men are commitment phobes
Anonymous 101398
>>101263Competition is a cope. If he is into you there won't be any other person that enters his vision, also vice-versa.
Anonymous 101402
By being compatible as people
Anonymous 101404
what's so strange about that lol
Anonymous 101406
I did find one though. Treating relationships like a job competition is soulless and sad.
Anonymous 101407
people, especially men, aren't as selective as jobs when it comes to picking a partner, so that's a bit of a false equivalence.
scrotes don't really have all the choice women have when it comes to potential partners. lots of men struggle to find even a single girl interested in them, let alone for a relationship, so i can hardly see all this competition.
Anonymous 101408
>>101406sounds like a r9k scrote. they seethe over the fact it's easy for women to get everything from male attention to one night stands all the way up to a relationship and cope thinking we have to go through their same sending cv-like experience.
very typical of a man to view relationships transactionally too, must be all the porn they watch.
Anonymous 101410
good job outing yourself as the filthy little scrote we all knew you were. enjoy your ban, plus refer to the bf thread to seethe more
Anonymous 101411
>>101408Yeah moids act like a partner is like a possession like a car or a computer where the goal is only to get the highest spec one possible or something.
Anonymous 101414
the more I see men come here to share their retarded takes and lingo and project the stupidest worldviews and generalizations of women the more I come to despise men and see them for the superficial shallow creatures they really are.
Anonymous 101417
>using this website as an example of non-mentally ill women
Anonymous 101424
>>101263I know this is either a complete schizopost or bait but this is such retarded logic meant to absolve you of keeping any real standards for yourself. If your standards for men are a Chris Evans or a Henry Cavill then sure no one can compete but I've never had any issues going outside and seeing 7/10 dudes that are perfectly cute and dateable(atleast looks wise). Mind you this is despite the fact that men put virtually no effort into their appearance whatsoever(seriously, most guys ik use facewash for their skincare and that's it). So no, you don't have to settle for some retard. Physical attractiveness doesn't last anyways. All of us look like shit when we hit our 40s anyways so you should only place weight on that metric sparingly compared to other things such as are they actually fit to be dating another human being?
Anonymous 101425
>>101424Yeah it's probably a moid, but in some cultures women may have to go lower especially if you're not western in some non western cultures women date down but for many posters on this site it probably is not applicable.
Anonymous 101426
>>101263I mean yes if you're, God forbid, a woman in some third world shithole with arranged marriage customs then you're pretty fucked. But having this mentality of "men are shit therefore women must settle" is a purely misogynist exercise in exonerating men of any effort on their part. Im in uni and I see decent looking, responsible men with their shit together everyday. My male friend who always bemoaned his unattractiveness, once he found a girl he liked, immediately hit the gym and started working nn his appearance and has actually gone from undateable 4/10 to kinda cute 6.5/10. Who knows what's going on behind that facade of theirs but its not an excuse for men to go "oh trust me bro hes an exception bro most men cant be like that i swear so you should fuck me". In my experience, making it a point to highlight the quality men serves to keep other men on their toes.
Anonymous 101427
>>101426(me)forgive my retardation i meant to reply to
>>101425 but you get the point
Anonymous 101429
>>101424most men I see around me are overweight or don't have hair. My standards aren't high at all. Young attractive men are commitment phobic 99% of the time. The 1% that aren't fuckboys have been in a serious relationship for years already
Anonymous 101442
>>101429yup, this is my experience living in a city. men talk about getting "friend zoned" as if they wouldn't "friends-with-benefits" zone every woman if it were up to them.
it's good to vet men right away to find out what they're looking for before you waste time on them, but it can be hard when they straight up lead you on
Anonymous 101454

>>101263Cope, seethe, and rope scrote. Plenty of young women are in relationships with young men who aren't old and repulsive looking.
Anonymous 101463
>>101429Are you american by any chance? I visited there some years ago and was, almost immediately, struck by how much larger everyone was. I feel like everyone there is overweight, really, especially in the big cities with their hectic 9-5s and junk foods. I live in south west europe so going outside and seeing fairly attractive, 5'11-6'1ish men with kempt beards isn't unheard of.
Anonymous 101465
I want to finger a cute guys ass and make him orgasm but so many of thems seem to be against it.
Anonymous 101472
>>101465Men can orgasm from their ass?
Anonymous 101476
This article is so obviously fake lol
>His 29-year-old significant other said he phoned her and remarked “hasta la vista” and that was the last time she heard from him
Anonymous 101527
>it's probably nice
What does it physically feel like, though?
Anonymous 101533
absolute moid moment
Anonymous 101564
It's hard to describe honestly. It feels pretty much exactly like your own but there's about a quarter sized area that's firm and spongy that's part of the wall itself. It's a ways up there and hard to reach if you have small hands. It feels a bit like pressing on the meaty part of your thumb, if you have your thumb and index finger pressed together in an 'okay' sign.
can confirm it's nice
Anonymous 101571
I’m not even sure I want a bf anymore. I’ve been reflecting and I have realised that I have so many hobbies and I’m the most mentally stable I’ve ever been. Every bf I’ve had has been a vidyagame addict with mental health issues (which I always seem to have sympathy for because I get them as well, but I always try to do everything in my power to get rid of them through exercise, self care etc.- most guys just wallow in it and make it a “deep” personality trait). Most men do not even want relationships, just to feel “saved” or accomplished
I love being on my own and having my tidy apartment. I love my fresh bedsheets. I love not feeling guilty when I think someone is hot. I love to flirt with guys and then walk away before they pull out any manipulation tricks. I am so happy, though I’d let the right one come along if he shows up
Anonymous 101572
>>101571That's probably the most level-headed take in this thread. I hope you continue to thrive nona <3
Anonymous 101574
>>101571> waiting for someone to come alongthat's a very passive approach to relationships and there's literally nothing wrong with making things happen.
Anonymous 101617
>>101574Nothing wrong with it at all! Tinder is my favorite phone game at the moment. I like talking to cute boys. I just feel like dating so many of these guys I attract is just way too exhausting and not even beneficial half the time
Anonymous 101631
>>101571I think it's a good mindset to not stress so much on the importance of a bf. I've noticed people who are usually very desperate become magnets for abusive and weird moids who only care about having a woman to control and usually women who are much happier in their own element and have a lot going on in their life will attract much nicer and good moids who also want to enjoy life together. It's like men can tell and sniff these things out, the abusive ones can always sniff out the low self-esteem ones to prey on and misery loves company. Although the idea of true love is so romantic, I also decided not to feel depressive over no bf or deseprate about it and just focus on my passions but also be sure to put yourself out there and just keep an eye out for any opportunities.
Anonymous 102242
I want a bf who smells good. I want to sniff him all over with glee. I imagine myself frantically running around his neck like a ferret, or as a dragon hoarding him. Rubbing scent, exchanging scent, scent mixxing! Sniffsniffsniffsniffsniffsnifffffff!
Anonymous 102248
>>102246Sorry I just feel giddy and I wanted to share my fantasy I thought was cute. I like to imagine having a bf and us cuddling and sniffing each other like little kittens.
Anonymous 102249
>>102248Nono it's pretty cute. Are you talking about body odor or perfume?
Anonymous 102250
>>102249Body odor, I was actually thinking about this the other day but I think body odor would need to be really important for me to feel compatible with someone. I wouldn't be able to hug and cuddle someone if their odor repelled me. It's something I don't see people often bring up when it comes to ideal partners but I think the appeal to the senses is important and apart of chemistry.
Anonymous 102251
>>102250I agree. I'm kinda jealous animals can communicate stuff like "go away", "I'm horny", "I'm relaxed" through smell while we don't have that immediacy. It would feel much more intimate if we could share that with our loved one.
Anonymous 102269
>>102251>I'm kinda jealous animals can communicate stuff like "go away", "I'm horny", "I'm relaxed" through smell while we don't have that immediacy.We can communicate all of those things with much great immediacy by SAYING THEM lol.
chadanon 102270

>>101263omg shutup, literally everyone ive met online is plauged by the thoughts of "oh i only want a 10/10 chad with a huge 12 inch cock" or "omg i want a qt virgin 10/10 trad stacey waifu who cooks and cleans and is basically my mother"
if you actually go outside and talk to normies (yeah yeah i know they are fuck awfu) they can socialise properly and its not all this bullshit, sure you got the fuckboys and the slags but honest to god love, you just gotta find someone you genuinly like. weed thru the shit and find your nugget lmao
Anonymous 102272
>>102270>Chadanon>Reviewbrah gifKEK i like you already
Anonymous 102276
I'm a 28yo kv and never had a bf, even online. Last night my sister's ex stopped by to help with moving furniture and fell asleep on the couch next to me. He rolled over in his sleep and his hand slipped onto my arm. I'm so cringe that I shuffled down so we would be spooning and moved his arm to hold me. When he woke up and apologised, I gushed about how we must just be compatible and sought each other out in our sleep. I never realised how lonely and desperate I am until that moment of intimacy.
while we were spooning he slid his hand under my shirt and touched my boobs, so I count that as second base
Anonymous 102281
>>102280If it's not a larp, it's pretty close to sexual assault, you know.
Anonymous 102289
>>102251That does sound nice in a way, like being able to read each other without words. I was referring more to human body odor. I don't know if it's just me, maybe I'm sensitive to smell but I can't stand interacting with some people for too long if they have a very strong scent I dislike or being in certain environments so to me the thought of be intimate with another makes me think that it's really important I like his scent or he doesn't have a weird body odor. Having someone to snuggle with a pleasant or lack of scent would be nice, like with a stuffed toy.
>>102269That's true but a lot of people are awful at verbal communication and being honest about their own feelings and thoughts. I wish more people were better in that regard, being able to communicate and express themselves to others.
Anonymous 102291
>>102289>I don't know if it's just meIt's not. Though my favorite thing is not smelling directly, but noticing my own smell on him or vice-versa.
Anonymous 102293
>>102291You and your bf sound really cute it sounds cozy and sweet. I'm surprised you are aware if your own yourself I thought most people can't detect their own. I can't smell myself so I had to ask a friend to know what I smell like. I haven't dated yet so I'm not sure if I would be able to learn to smell myself on someone else.
Anonymous 102298
>>102293>your bfNo longer. The smell is long gone.
>I'm surprised you're awareI can't smell it on myself either, so maybe it wasn't my smell but the combination of the two? I dunno, let me dream.
Anonymous 102300
>>102298Oh, I'm sorry nona. I'm sure you will find someone else in the future, that is a nice dream!
Anonymous 102301
>>102300Same to you. I hope you find someone to hoard like a greedy dragon.
Anonymous 102484
>>102270Im not settling for someone under 6/10 or someone balding considering the amount of effort I put into my appearance
Anonymous 102485
>>102276I'm pathetic enough that I could definitely see myself doing something like this, just to feel less lonely.
>I gushed about how we must just be compatible and sought each other out in our sleepI took emotional damage from that.
Anonymous 102488
>>102276>Your sister's ex>He grabbed your boobs without asking>You liked itYikes
Anonymous 102500
>>102276Your sister's already confirmed for you that you're compatible with him, right? What's stoping you from taking things further with him? You can still play the virgin card to take things really slow, don't you think?
Anonymous 102506
I just need to vent because the future seems bleak. I can't talk to normie guys and am not interested in them because we have nothing in common. But then when I talk to guys who I do think I'd be compatible with (similar interests, whatever), I'm not attracted to them at all. I know that if you want to find someone, you have to put in effort to put yourself out there, but for who? I'm not judging at all, but I don't understand women who are serial monogamists. How is it so easy for them to find someone they'd want to date? I'd rather be happily single than in a relationship with someone I'm not attracted to, but of course I still wish I could find that one guy who I enjoy spending time with. How the fuck do I even find him? At this point, I wouldn't even care if he didn't like me back or already had a gf. I just want to know there are guys out there who I'd actually want to date.
Anonymous 102507
>>102506What would your perfect bf be like? What kinda relationship would you want to have?
Anonymous 102512
>>102506To be fair, I genuinely think a lot of women just eat up the whole societal narrative that "you'll fall in love with him once you get to know him" and "women enjoy sex less than men anyway", plus the whole normie compulsion to get married, have children etc. by a certain age, which makes them go into relationships with men they're not attracted to and put up with things they normally wouldn't.
It's better to be aware of your own feelings and follow your true desires, than to silently suffer because society said so. Anyway, for that you'll just have to keep trying. Attraction is an odd thing, once it happens, you don't have to think about it, it'll just click. Whether it's from physical looks or personality or pheromones, or whatever.
Anonymous 102515
>>102506this sounds like you might need to lower your standards, by attraction do you mean like to their personality or what they look like? because attraction towards looks isnt good to base long term relationships on anyway
Anonymous 102531
>>102507I guess at the baseline it would be someone who I look forward to talking to. I don't care about fancy dates or being provided for or even living together (nothing wrong with if you want those things), but it'd be nice to have a companion to enjoy things with and occasionally chat about life, current events, etc.
>>102512This makes sense. I used to think that if a guy was nice enough, had the same interests as me, and didn't have any red flags that I could essentially gaslight myself into liking him. But I realized pretty quickly that I'd rather do things on my own than do that. So in that sense I'm fine being single forever, but part of me still wishes for the ideal that I could enjoy stuff with someone I care about.
>>102515I mean their personality. I don't know how to explain it well. I do a lot of things on my own, but I think it'd be fun to share the experience with someone. But whenever I meet men, I never feel excited to invite them to do things with me (the same way I would with my friends). That made me realize I felt very ambivalent about spending time with them, which I assume is not how I'd feel if I was attracted to someone. How am I supposed to lower my standards in that aspect?
Anonymous 102581
>>102578I dunno. Hiking, going to concerts, reading, watching horror movies, maybe other things I can't think of right now. I've met guys with similar interests to me. I know I'm not special. But it's weird because I just never hit it off with them. Like I'd go along with them if they invited me to watch a specific movie or I'd read whatever books they recommended me and give my thoughts, but when it came to movies I wanted to see I realized that I'd rather go alone than have them come with me. Or I never felt compelled to recommend them any of my favorite books. You might think I'm just a solitary person, but I'm not that way with friends. If I had friends who liked the same type of movies as me, I'd invite them to come with me in a heartbeat. And I never hesitate to recommend books to them if I've read something I think they'd like. I don't get why it's like this.
Anonymous 105503
>>98470He probably thought you weren't interested in him honestly.
Anonymous 105504
>>101263Literally go outside and you'll see 1000s of ugly men in relationships with good looking women retard.
Anonymous 105505
>>102581you can't think of what hobbies you have?
Anonymous 105509
>>101263Fucking gross id rather off myself or be single with fantasy and girlfriends than settle for the typical and so appallingly bad
It's fucking insulting to even consider it
Anonymous 105510
>>105504Nta but try to remember how many single miserable males there are compared to women who want nothing to do with hetero relationshit
Anonymous 105512
>>105510Because they're pornsick and coombrained, they don't even want companionship or love. They'd rather watch porn than put in the effort to lose weight, have hobby or a normal conversation with a woman.
Anonymous 105513
>>105512Lmao, I just saw this video a few hours ago. Manchild aesthetic.
Anonymous 105524

Coworker asked me if I want to text her boyfriend through her account because I'm so alone that she pities me. Ouch.
Anonymous 105527
>>105524>text her boyfriend through her accountYikes, that's weird.
Anonymous 105535
>>105524That is weird. It sounds like she wants to use you as some kind of cucking expirement for her relationship, because I don't know what kind of monogamous adult woman would be okay with this.
Or just a way to look down on you. She probably considers you so low in terms of attractiveness, that she can even get her boyfriend to have cheating behavior and be okay with it.
Anonymous 105536
>>105535>>105524Yeah this is 100% a cucking thing, please don't get drawn into these freaks' lives.
Anonymous 105545
You do not need a BF and a BF is not the solution to your loneliness.
Anonymous 105546
>>105545What's the solution to loneliness?
Anonymous 105548
>>105546Being enough with youself, or a bf
Anonymous 105711
>>101049You could argue that it is a self fulfilling prophecy, with men becoming violent in response to existing men of violence, and, thus hardened, enacting violence onto new, non-violent men causing them to become violent, and thus perpetuating the cycle.
If every one else on an island has a pointy stick, it is a fool who does not themself make
Or maybe I’m looking at this far too philosophically and they just like to kill each other.