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Anonymous 11669[Reply]

Official request for an lolcow board or an ecelebrity or online personality board to discuss streamers, YouTubers, and internet drama?

Anonymous 11670


Anonymous 11713

We don’t want any drama

Anonymous 11775


the farms already exist and this site is good because it has nice cute pictures instead of every thread being a hateful dump of ugly pics of ugly people and boring details about their ugly lives


why cant we say "n0nny"? Anonymous 8776[Reply]

:( i will delete if i get an answer. i really liked this word.
26 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11471


CC and LC userbases used to be hostile towards each other. I haven't been here in months (maybe a year) but it seems to me that's starting to change

Anonymous 11473

i've always called everyone anon

Anonymous 11474


CC help a LC out in her time of need. I will always love CC

Anonymous 11770

why do some of you like cutesy babyspeak so much? just say anon

Anonymous 11772

it's an omicron just paste it into google


picrel ruined an entire generation of men Anonymous 11752[Reply]

>So get this
>There are these websites called image boards that look like they're from the 90's right
>Now there is one called CC that gets as many users a day as I have fingers alright
>Like a magical, exotic place where only women can go to like vent their feelings and shit right. Without men like fucking it all up laughs chudly real shit
>Jamie pull it up
The future is grim babes

Anonymous 11753

Ok zoomer

Anonymous 11761

Wait so, did joe rogan actually say that?

Anonymous 11765

This really did happen

Anonymous 11818

>Jamie pull up some feminist literature and conspiracy theory debunking videos


Board is being flooded with moids again Anonymous 11731[Reply]

Because of the “femcel”/“radfem” girl, annoying snarky moids seem to be flooding here.

Anonymous 11746


Imagine having an entire website like this one dedicated to moids and you STILL flock over to a smaller community for girls and women.

Men truly are the weaker sex and so needy for fem attention. It’s embarrassing.

Anonymous 11747

dedicated to moids? do you mean kohlchan or what?

Anonymous 11751

It's a weird thing, they cry and claim to be better than women and make all these changes because they still can't live with the fact that some chick rejected them lmao women live in their brain despite how much they claim to hate us

Anonymous 11756



Anonymous 11758

>Because of the “femcel”/“radfem” girl

Screenshot from 20…

webp upload fails Anonymous 11757[Reply]

lol fix this shit

apt get install libwebp6 or whatever


Anonymous 11725[Reply]

/b/ got raided with child abuse material again.

Anonymous 11745

So you're a moid then?

Anonymous 11754



Anonymous 9781[Reply]

Is anyone else having a problem with uploading images with an imgur link? For me it says
>server failed to handle your upload
I don't have a problem with uploading directly from my pc though.

Anonymous 11734

late reply, but I get the same error as well


Anonymous 11382[Reply]

why does crystal cafe leave up such old posts? how far back does the site actually go in terms of currently-surfable content?

thank you

Anonymous 11383


also: how does this board feel about posting in years-old topics??? i am not sure how talking to someone in the past is supposed to go, it seems a lil schizo (but i love it)

Anonymous 11709


I don't know, I think forums are supoosed to be like bathroom walls, scummy.
But some people don't like necro'd threads? Much confuse. Just think of it like leaving a little stinky for someone else to find.


future meet up? Anonymous 4997[Reply]

I acknowledge the potential dangers to this, especially considering we’re a women’s board, but is there ever a possibility of a crystal cafe miner meet up happening? preferably in texas because that’s where i am <3 hehe
i’d be willing to set it up (location, time, etc) if people would come (i’m in Houston fyi, but we can have multiple in different places).
where would we have it? i was thinking a park or coffee shop…
what do y’all think?!
65 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11178

Glowing hard, OP.

Anonymous 11682

god dammit we should be the ones most likely to cause a shooting.

Anonymous 11684

>Be me
>Show up to nona meetup at designated time/place
>See a large group of men and trannies.

Anonymous 11707

This its like asking to be raped

Anonymous 11710

Yes anon there are other nyc metro users here


i want a technology board Anonymous 11631[Reply]

im a compsci freak especially cyber security but i wonder if a technology board will ever be added, i only used 4chan for the technology board but i got ip banned for using a vpn -_-
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11653

we have a board for makeup and other het women bullshit but no hobby related board. feminism is dead and cc admin is too schizo to get mods for all the CP raids

Anonymous 11699

We need a tech board bad.
So true. /g/ IS the worst and it's mostly bots now anyway.

Anonymous 11702

Make a general

Anonymous 11705


4chan vpn bans are STINKY
Every other month or so I come in and a bunch of moids are raiding with hard core, beastiality, rape or underage shit or something worse. I don't know why they waste their time but it makes me sick knowing they can just look at that and not feel a thing but twisted pleasure. I try to browse anyway but it makes me skittish.

Anonymous 11708


Would love to have a tech board here. Every other female dominated tech space is filled with troons and/or filled with incessant complaining about moids instead of, you know, technology.

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