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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 11281[Reply]

who is the admin of this imageboard

also is do you guys datamine?

Anonymous 11351

there are google trackers here

Anonymous 11359

the admin used this boards tracking software to find out where i live and she paid me a visit randomly about 4 weeks ago.

you won't believe who she is even if i tell ypu

Anonymous 11360


I believe you, nona


Do you ever spot people you think use this site? Anonymous 9614[Reply]

I see women all the time and wonder if she might use CC. Have you guys ever experienced this?
12 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11315

I don't think the women who use this website would act in a particular way that might show that they use CC

Anonymous 11350

wait just got here is cc like 4chan but for women?

Anonymous 11352

no, cc is not "4chan for women".

Anonymous 11353

you're right, links to CSAM wouldn't have been left up for 45 minutes on any other chan

Anonymous 11354

not every imageboard is 4chan


crystal cafe discord Anonymous 11284[Reply]

i used to be in the crystal cafe discord years ago, but i can't find it anymore. does it still exist? i'm trying to get in contact w an old friend from there :(

Anonymous 11285

nvm just saw that it got deleted like 4 years ago. okay:

hello [blank],
you were a teacher in brazil and moved to canada to be with your e-bf (his online handle started with a B and ended with a N, 6 letters long). i'd love to get in contact.

Anonymous 11301

Anonymous 11342

Lies, it is full of creepy /soc/ people, lots of violent incels, chuds and everything in between

Anonymous 11343

I hate that we can't have cool stuff like that because there's that many moids lurking. Just frustrated about it rn.

Anonymous 11345

Males keep spamming their shitty groomer discord servers in here


Anonymous 4776[Reply]

How can we grow this community while avoiding moids?
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Anonymous 10078

hire ex-nsa counter-intelligence to keep men out

Anonymous 10101

Tell your girl friends about it in person, put links to it in women's bathrooms

Anonymous 10145

Same for me. Moids on 4chan actually made me discover CC

Anonymous 10775

true but i hate having my identity tied to a specific tag/account

Anonymous 11330

Trannies go in women's bathrooms. Be careful where you write stuff, it stays a long time.


Sites like Crystal Cafe Anonymous 2957[Reply]

Are there any more imageboards or forums like this? Im pretty new to CC but it seems like its not very active so I was wondering if there are some other sites only for women and with little to none lurking moids
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Anonymous 9522

yes it is true and dont go on that site or post on it he loves to malware the shit out of anyone who calls him out. hes 100% the same faggot who spams awful shit everywhere too. BEWARE

Anonymous 11314

What is LC?

Anonymous 11317

You really shouldn't be replying to a necro post but it's an women's image board like this but more geared around gossip for internet disasters.

Anonymous 11319

this isn't lc you can reply in any thread lol

Anonymous 11320

thank you mods for removing the recent soishit shill ITT


Board mascot Anonymous Admin 223[Reply]

We're looking for a board mascot! As is traditional for imageboards, our mascot should be an anthropomorphic representation of our community. You're free to interpret this in any way you like, as long as it results in a visually cohesive character design.

All submissions to this thread will be put up to vote in 10 days. We'll vote on the design of the character, not the artwork itself. Have fun!
214 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 1933

stfu your ugly design is a ripoff. Proud to say I never voted for such trash

Anonymous 1934

There's no reason to be a bitch about it .

Anonymous Admin 1936

I'm sorry your favorite didn't win, but there's no need for this. You're welcome to use any of the other designs, but the majority vote has spoken.

Anonymous 1959


Rip off? Of what? Although it wasn't the one I voted for, it is cute too.

Anonymous 11297

i missed when people did that, website mascots where such a treat, i hope it makes a comeback someday


Oekaki board? Anonymous 11305[Reply]

Would there be an oekaki board for this site?

Anonymous 11306

if admin wakes up maybe?


Anonymous 4871[Reply]

Make it so when a moid is banned, they can't appeal their ban and don't even get a notice of the ban. It seems like they are able to posts, but their posts don't actually show up so it takes them longer to realize they are banned.
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Anonymous 4964

Same. I made a joke post about deepfakes on my work wifi and got my entire work banned, lel.

Anonymous 4966

Can you link some?

Anonymous Admin 4967

You made a joke about hoping to create deepfake pornography of people you're into, that's a ban even when it's just bait. Read the room, you know where you are.

Anonymous 4968

Based admin

Anonymous 4996

Yikes, ban evasion.
I guess that sounds really disturbing, but wouldn’t that technically be allowed on x or nsfw?


Anonymous 4812[Reply]

Every single thread on page 1 of /b/ right now is about moids or moid relationships in some form. Can we please get a containment board specifically for moid discussion because it's fucking tiresome and gay. I come to a women only space to escape from moid bullshit for a while only to find constant moid centered chatter.
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Anonymous 10791

The newfags ruined the site, when it was extremely slow at least the posts were quality. Now it’s newfags larping as what they think imageboard users are like this explains the influx of those cringe femcel posts

Anonymous 10817

Crystal.cafe is a woman's image board that couldn't pass the Bechdel test.

Anonymous 10818

i’m tired of hearing about moids and the femcel larping from newfags. i wish we had a containment

Anonymous 10881

not to invalidate your point but this is an anon board how the hell would there be >2 women with names

surely you cant be advocating for tripfagging

Anonymous 11262

true and too many fucking troons. I wish they would fuck off


Mod appreciation thread Anonymous 1908[Reply]

Thank you mods for putting in your time to destroy the male invaders and keep this place nice. I see you and I love you. This thread is for good vibes to the mods only. Put complaints elsewhere.

Pictured: Me hugging a mod
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous Moderator 1935


Thank you! <3

Anonymous 10310

asked mods to delete something i posted for privacy reasons and they did. thank you mods i appreciate it <3

Anonymous 11175


Mods usually remove CP and other NSFL things fairly quickly after reporting them, though sometimes I see posts I make disappear; I guess they think I'm oversharing and being annoying or something idk but idrc Mods are still better here than on LC

Anonymous 11189

thank u mods for the work u do, last time i posted here was yrs ago before i reverted to lurking but even then they came in clutch <3

Anonymous 11257

Mods, thanks for deleting spam pretty quickly, love u <3

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