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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 2483[Reply]

How do we draw more people to the site without attracting moids?
140 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 4250

Men are attention whores who almost always reveal themselves on here

Anonymous 4277


I think half of this site is made of moid posters

Anonymous 4278

Damn he thick

Anonymous 4280

I'd give it 25% moid, 75% actual female. Who could as retarded as a moid? Generally though, you can tell.

Anonymous 4287

i agree. tumblr users probably won't raid. just promote it to your mutuals


Anonymous 3762[Reply]

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Anonymous 4060

based based based based i love you gif anon i love you!!!!!

Anonymous 4158

Theres one rn posting his shriveled cock and another posting map shit. I wish people would just report and ignore instead of engaging and bumping the threads and the disgusting images attached to it. Users replying to them is literally what they want and they don't care how many insults you throw at them. They get off on them either way

Anonymous 4159

Users that reply to bait should be banned for at least a week. I also that hope crystal.cafe can explain to people why they get banned in the pop up box because I got banned once with 0 explanation which is a shame because it doesn't help people with accurately correcting their behavior

Anonymous 4174


Anonymous 4214

It's /v/ this time. Here we go again.


Female Chat Server: Very Serious Brainstorm Edition Anonymous 4134[Reply]

Alright anons, the private no-boys-allowed server is made (taking into consideration the vocal people who object to discord, I will tell you its not a discord server right off the bat)

What is the best way to share the link without just posting it publicly online? because that feels like just pissing efforts away into the wind.

For instance: Would we be comfortable with doing a quick video interview for access to the server, before even being sent a link to it, maybe go through a purgatory-server?
I understand the exclusivity or effort of an interview feels weird but I don’t see too many other options to ensure a safe no-boys-allowed server, hence why I’m posing. The lack of female spaces is real and now I see why

Other brainstorm ideas: (maybe an actual name for the server) info on bots, scripts, general input, suggestions, opinions, whatever you think is worth mentioning pls
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Anonymous 4149

A rather pessimistic take. I recommended the above because they were part of some of the female-only communities I am in that I had to verify for."Drama" will be an inevitable part of any community of human beings, regardless of what sex the group members have.

Anonymous 4153

not OP but i ended up making a server if anyone wants to join. just search for “female-only” servers on disboard. my server has a little banner that says new. :^)

Anonymous 4156

Voice is the only realistic option there is aside from pictures of body parts, which I'd be against. If voice changers are such a problem, just have people change their voice or sing a line. I do think that voice changers are very detectable though.

(By the way, ccanons, make sure your phone cameras have location turned off so that your geolocation isn't recorded with each pic you take. It is on by default on all phones now and it makes it easy to find you.)

Anonymous 4222

Lots of server have this tag, sadly, could you provide more information on the discord's name? Is it Me## Wr##?

Anonymous 4548

>already very slow forum
>trying to make an exclusive elite special board(tm)
no, this literally never works well for any community, small or large scale


Anonymous 4037[Reply]

Everyone says I sound like a little boy/man, I’m a female in my early 20s; https://voca.ro/1ceklQukgYUJ
Why do people say this to me
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Anonymous 4042

Thank you for being honest with me, and I get the “you sound too young l” thing all the time, nobody ever takes me seriously on the phone because of how I sound, life is hard and it’s shit

Anonymous 4043

At the risk of sounding like someone's grandmother, consider that once you hit your 30s and 40s you will sound younger and cool.

Anonymous 4044

I’ve never considered that, thanks xD I’ll remember that next time someone tells me I sound like a child or little boy

Anonymous 4045

Might be because I'm an uncultured ruralanon but your voice sounds really cool to me.

Does anyone else have a voice that doesn't match your "class"?
I had to do elocution lessons in a public library, from a kindly lady who I do not wish to disrespect when I say this: it fucked up my life trajectory wildly. People didn't understand my original accent when I moved as a kid and now I forever sound like I have rich parents hidden somewhere kek

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 4046

Moved to >>>/b/94311.


Anonymous 3911[Reply]

How do we know the admins and mods of this site are not moids or trannies? Just look at rebbit, all the female dominated subs get moderated by moids and trannies because foids are too passive and moids too thirsty for power.

Anonymous 3912

Well we won't ever be able to know for sure but they've been pretty good at banning moids and tranoids when they pop up. The lolcow tranner mods can't stop themselves from throwing snarky remarks at "terfs" from time to time.

Anonymous 3914


I'm confident the admins are female since they do not mind pinkpill and terf threads. Just like >>3912 mentioned it, compared to lolcow it's easier to trashtalk troons here.

Anonymous 3927

The overall quality of the posts and threads. Moids are incapable of making so many good posts.


Anonymous 2632[Reply]

When can crystal cafe have a zine? All the cool hipster imageboards are doing it, why can't we?
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 3722

I want i want i want
If more people knew about this website that would be super cool

And then finding a sister to make graphics, another for art, another for writing, another for publishing, another for publicity
There would have to be a platform to discuss and organise on. Like on a discord server, over mail, or even on skype?

There aren't enough magazines made by normal girls, it all feels like corporate shilling over current trend #613 and 'edgy' popular opinions. Like something made by real and normal people, I would appreciate that, and I know many sisters would feel the same.

I'm not skilled tbh but I know lots people here are, so I hope this thread gets attention too.>>2677 has a good idea, it would make it a very human made zine
Even if we don't have it now, I hope we have this soon. More people on this board would be awesome.

Anonymous 3790

I totally agree with this! I am an artist and I would LOVE to draw out something related to crystal.cafe! I would also love to see other mommies post about their own experiences through art and writing!

Anonymous 3837


I’m down for this if there is still interest. I took part in a few zines for a different community about a year ago - each zine was based on the season, and included essays, artwork, recipes & collages.

Anonymous 3908

I'd participate!

Anonymous 3921

please I'd like to write a shitty haiku


I did not know there was a nsfw board on this site Anonymous 3903[Reply]

i dont know where to ask this question so i am just gonna post it here for now but how do you access the nsfw board on cc? are there any other hidden boards? how do you find them? pic unrelated btw
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Anonymous 3905

wtf is this legit
i just went on the nsfw board right now, it was just hidden what is this talk about a mailbox

Anonymous 3906

It seems you are not yet ready.

Anonymous 3907


Anonymous 3909

jokes aside just enter the url manually, the name of the board is "nsfw"

Anonymous 3910

Just replace the board name for /nsfw in the url. Word of warning though. It's more of a /feels/ 2.0 focused on sex talk than a lewd board in case you were expecting something like 4ch's nsfw boards.


Crystal.cafe improvements? Anonymous 3789[Reply]

I personally think a search option would be nice. I have also thought of a possible gender related board where terf and mood discussion is the main focus. What do you guys think? Do you think we need more boards?
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Anonymous 3806

It would increase the speed because the site would be more nucleated, that's the whole point. Rather than schlepping to deader boards, things would be more centralized, which does encourage activity and the speed of posting. Chill, turboautist.

>If there are people discouraged by the very concept that no one will respond to their posts then I don't understand why they're posting in the first place.

What are you even talking about? You think people come to imageboards to… not be social at all and just post into the wind with their feelings and questions? Like, what?

Anonymous 3824

I think a section dedicated to debate threads could be entertaining. Like, actual debates with articulate arguments, not just the standard stuff lmao.

I got the idea from the conversation going on with a moid in the terf thread rn. Debates can actually be really fun

Anonymous 3825

This would also be fun as long as it's absolutely against the rules to fling accusations of the other party being moids or troons. Flinging accusations is used as an easy way to shut down an argument you don't like on this site. If you believe the other person is a moid or troon, report and move on, stop engaging.

Anonymous 3826

Are you the anon who made the rape fetish thread and are still salty about it? We have raids literally every day, it's hard for Spidey senses to not go off when such things are spoken on.

Anonymous Admin 3828

Locked because all these things get discussed on a monthly basis and so far nothing has changed about my stance. Please check the catalog before making redundant threads.


Anonymous 3812[Reply]

how do you see the green texts? i see green ids but nothing to go along with it i feel like im missing something here?

Anonymous 3813


>young lass comes into the surgery
>says she is having trouble seeing green text and would like me to fix her vision
>give her a lethal dose of morphine instead

Anonymous 3815

Anonymous 3816

Kek the green ids are deleted posts anon you're not missing anything.

Anonymous 3817

ty wise one


Non english threads & posts Anonymous 3782[Reply]

Is it forbidden to use non english languages on this website? I've seen no such rule. Btw this thread >>87668 is unintelligable.

Anonymous 3785

I remember some time ago some anons tried to make a turkish thread but it got shut down for not being in english. I think, I'm just talking based on my memory.

Anonymous Admin 3831

Posts that aren't in English are impossible for us to adequately moderate. I'll add this to the official rules during the next update.

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