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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Why are the replies so rude Anonymous 10189[Reply]

I have seen so many rude replies on this site in response to very lukewarm posts. Why is that?
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 10374

I think rudeness is just part of imageboard culture, that's why I don't take mean replies seriously. What concerns me more is how rudeness has become way more acceptable on social media apps/websites for normies. It's like everybody is competing to be the most edgy and "brutally honest" internet user ever.

Anonymous 10375

blame twitter and its ratio culture

Anonymous 10423

Welcome to your first imageboard!

Anonymous 10782

Almost all of the new users are edgy zoomers who think that being a bitch is funny, it’s very tiring to see and the neet hiki femcel larping has ruined the site immensely

Anonymous 10790


I think this is pretty accurate. It’s different from normal image board unpleasantness.
I’ve noticed this, too. Zoomers take a lot of pleasure in being mean and have a lot of righteous indignation to motivate them.


Anonymous 4434[Reply]

Why is this place so unnecessarily ban-happy? I have NO idea why I get temp banned but it happens a lot! Even if I don't break the rules..? It feels like being allowed to post here has nothing to do with the actual rules. My posts are obviously from a female, they're humorous most of the time, I don't have beef with anyone here, It is too much.

No wonder this board is slow or dead… I'm sorry but how is it conducive to creativity and humor if you constantly have to worry about getting banned for anything?

Cc needs to loosen up, because the boards POORLY represent women. You have all of 7 subtopics to represent their interests??? and then you ban-hammer those women for ANYTHING?? It feels the opposite of progressive to me. It feels as liberated as Sunday school.
108 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 10188

i literally generated conversation in several posts which is good thing for this slow board, yet i was banned bc some janny probably disliked my stances on things. smfh

Anonymous 10391

I was banned for no reason at all in february, when I'm pretty sure I didn't even post since the beginning of the year. No stated reason and the appeal was denied.
It's the second time this happens to me and I'm starting to think you have a deranged janny in your midst. I mostly post in the terf thread btw.

Anonymous 10454

this place will literally ban you for anything and this is why i think female forums will always be inferior in many aspects. still have to use it though because 4chan and the likes are shitholes

Anonymous 10766

Same here, there is definitely a rogue janny

Anonymous 10781

Rather have that than the site become the shithole 4chan devolved too


Anonymous 10177[Reply]

Men gotta stop posting

Anonymous 10178

yep, I sense m*n and AGP crossdressers posting here

Anonymous 10440

Where are they?

Anonymous 10441

Under there


I wish CC had something like a hobby board Anonymous 6087[Reply]

I frequent 4chan only because of their hobby discussion variety, but all these "will doing xyz get me a gf" or "women aren't interested in anything but starbucks you can't get a gf anon" annoy tf out of me. I really wish for a female-only hobby discussion board, but so far I haven't seen any hobby discussion in here, not a single thread (I've been on here since december). Is anybody even into some craft (except for occasional low quality drawingt) here?
30 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 8972

Holy shit do we need this. I've seen a few times suggested that there should be a board that bans discussion of moids, I think those ideas would work well together.

Anonymous 8973

admin is dead though so nothing can be done.

Anonymous 10293

right? feels so silly to have a female imageboard without having crafts… i want to share my niche hobbies with other nonas

Anonymous 10306

Am I having a fever dream or did we have one in the beginning when cc was new?

Anonymous 10435

sticker (12).png

I'd love a hobby board so much
I want to enjoy colouring with people but I'd far rather upload and talk about colouring here than instagram or some other site


Anonymous 10241[Reply]

Anonymous 10355

menacingly cute..

Anonymous 10379

eats u


Anonymous 9443[Reply]

Can crystal.cafe get an archive? Sometimes I come across a thread with bunch of replies to a deleted post and I think it'd be useful to be able to see the whole discussion in the archives.
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Anonymous 10029

No point in deleting posts if they're still visible to the users. like graffiti that was sandblasted off the school wall. the paints gone but now there's a big bright spot that still says "fuck" if you squint hard enough

Anonymous 10054

Imageboards archives rarely stock the images. That make archives loose 99% of their point.

Anonymous 10055

Anonymous 10056

does this site even have an admin

Anonymous 10102

this made me laugh. thank you nona


Anonymous 9670[Reply]

Are there any public shaming websites you guys know about? Specifically North America/Canada??? Where you can post about people

Anonymous 9671

Lolcow.farm kek
Look for the "personal cows" thread

Anonymous 9672

Under snow??? Right?

Anonymous 9788

>Are there any public shaming websites you guys know about?
yeah, i think it's called "X" now


Growing c.c Anonymous 684[Reply]

Hey guys,

as a user whose life has been largely improved by having this community around, what are you guys doing to make c.c a better place? I've been linking it to all of my smart, strong female friends who I think would appreciate this place. I've noticed everything is getting a bit slower, so I think we need to make this kind of effort. I think this is a place that's really empowering for women, and that has become more and more important to me.

Word of mouth growth is going to get us the best kind of community, imo.

Anonymous 686

Uchuu Patrol Luluc…

I'd do it if I had friends. I wish I could make it more active too.

Anonymous 689

This. I would love to make this place more active, but that is physically out of my control as I have no large social media presence and most people are normies who are instantly knee-jerking at the sight of an imageboard because they associate it with 'the hax0r known as 4chin'.

Anonymous 8933


Cc is way more active than it was before, which is awesome, but it still feels very slow, i just wish a few more people used it. Maybe we could share it in female discords, telegram groups or something.

Screenshot (2702).…

Anonymous 9488[Reply]

why does this site seem so familiar? I feel like i've posted here before but there was a different theme and more pages. Does anybody else feel like this?

Anonymous 9491


Anonymous 9534

image source?

Anonymous 9542

looks like Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion

Anonymous 9543



Anonymous 3271[Reply]

Ongoing raid, porn and gore in /b/. ignore and report. bump this when you see this.
503 posts and 54 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Mod 9375

Screenshot 2023-06…

Yep, he'll find the attention he's looking for. I think it's great that this troon warned, my contact at the federal police and interpol was very happy to know.

Anonymous 9378

How to report without having to click the nasty images?

Anonymous 9379

if you don't want to click from the front page, go to each board and find the thread that way

Anonymous 9380

Yes, but I'd still have to open the thread.

Anonymous 11444



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