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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 9670[Reply]

Are there any public shaming websites you guys know about? Specifically North America/Canada??? Where you can post about people

Anonymous 9671

Lolcow.farm kek
Look for the "personal cows" thread

Anonymous 9672

Under snow??? Right?

Anonymous 9788

>Are there any public shaming websites you guys know about?
yeah, i think it's called "X" now


Anonymous 9781[Reply]

Is anyone else having a problem with uploading images with an imgur link? For me it says
>server failed to handle your upload
I don't have a problem with uploading directly from my pc though.


Growing c.c Anonymous 684[Reply]

Hey guys,

as a user whose life has been largely improved by having this community around, what are you guys doing to make c.c a better place? I've been linking it to all of my smart, strong female friends who I think would appreciate this place. I've noticed everything is getting a bit slower, so I think we need to make this kind of effort. I think this is a place that's really empowering for women, and that has become more and more important to me.

Word of mouth growth is going to get us the best kind of community, imo.

Anonymous 686

Uchuu Patrol Luluc…

I'd do it if I had friends. I wish I could make it more active too.

Anonymous 689

This. I would love to make this place more active, but that is physically out of my control as I have no large social media presence and most people are normies who are instantly knee-jerking at the sight of an imageboard because they associate it with 'the hax0r known as 4chin'.

Anonymous 8933


Cc is way more active than it was before, which is awesome, but it still feels very slow, i just wish a few more people used it. Maybe we could share it in female discords, telegram groups or something.

Screenshot (2702).…

Anonymous 9488[Reply]

why does this site seem so familiar? I feel like i've posted here before but there was a different theme and more pages. Does anybody else feel like this?

Anonymous 9491


Anonymous 9534

image source?

Anonymous 9542

looks like Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion

Anonymous 9543



Anonymous 3271[Reply]

Ongoing raid, porn and gore in /b/. ignore and report. bump this when you see this.
503 posts and 54 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Mod 9375

Screenshot 2023-06…

Yep, he'll find the attention he's looking for. I think it's great that this troon warned, my contact at the federal police and interpol was very happy to know.

Anonymous 9378

How to report without having to click the nasty images?

Anonymous 9379

if you don't want to click from the front page, go to each board and find the thread that way

Anonymous 9380

Yes, but I'd still have to open the thread.

Anonymous 11444




Comments & Complaints Pt. 2 Anonymous Admin 3347[Reply]

504 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 9203

Can someone explain to me how deleted posts work? Some times random replies, that don't break any rules just dissapear in threads. I can only guess that maybe the user was banned for something else and all their post history was removed or something. But in a site as slow as this it's just demoralizing. I'm trying to have some sort of interaction and suddenly the thread replies are cut to ribbons. Which kills any interest of continuing to contribute to discussions

Anonymous 9205

Because of /r9k/ we have moids larping as women here, but they slip up once in a while and get banned.

Anonymous 9218


Took a break from imageboards for a while and now that I'm back we have captcha! Thank you staff :) Really appreciating CC today after checking out a cow thread on LCF, I'm glad CC is alive and well after all

Anonymous 9233

Has this been fixed yet?

Anonymous 9234

My home IP has this error (I'm posting from my phone). When will it be fixed?


First post ever! Anonymous 8880[Reply]

Hello! I posted in lgbt that I was a cis lesbian looking to chat with other cis lesbians. I was told to come to this website? So hello! I’m really new to all of this but I’d love to make some friends!! I’m 22, female, a scientist, and I love seals! It’s nice to meet everyone!! :D
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 9131

What kind of scientist are you?
Sounds cool

Anonymous 9132

I love seals and science!

Anonymous 9133

shut up dumbass

Anonymous 9134

why cant you be happy

Anonymous 9383

because they're probably XY or lolcow


Anonymous 7202[Reply]

Is it possible to make crystal cafe work with 4chan X?

4chan X (despite the name) enables a thread watcher across a bunch of tiny imageboards across the internet:

I've found this functionality to be pretty useful and would like if I could use 4chan X on crystal cafe as well.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 7270

>And there's a list of errors that pop up sometimes when I open a board, not sure why that happens but it's super annoying having to see that shit fill half of my screen space randomly and then having to close them one by one.
it's because of thread watcher. disable it to get rid of the error pop ups

Anonymous 7275

Thanks, anon!

Anonymous 7380

>that there's already an old thread with instructions on how to use 4chan X here
can you pls post it

Anonymous 7399

Nta but there's info here https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x

Anonymous 9115

Super late reply but I hope someone is still around. Can you help me set up 4Chan X to work here on CC? A thread watcher would be amazing ;__;


why miners? Anonymous 8917[Reply]

im new to this and figuring a lot of things out here. just wanna know why you call yourselves "miners"? thx <3

Anonymous 8921

Our site's name is crystal cafe, so we're miners (mining the crystals?). We have a miner board-tan too, I can't find an image of her right now though.

Anonymous 9000


TAYRT, sorry? The name came from a thread maybe in /b/ or /meta/ (don't remember exactly) early on. Nonas speculated on the ideal name for the userbase and decided on miner. Pic related is miner-tan


Anonymous 7596[Reply]

As entertaining as it might be I wish nonas would stop replying to obvious moids because it encourages them to come back to cc and breaks the comfy atmosphere this IB has. There's this weird sudden influx of moids lately and nonas can't seem to report and ignore
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 7747

It was him samefagging, he talks to himself.

Anonymous 7772

That makes more sense

Anonymous 8715


I’m a month late so I’m a retard but it could’ve been due to frenschan scrotes

Anonymous 8774

100% a moid made that "raid" thread on here. Cc anons don't raid because we aren't men.

Anonymous 8775

yes, obvious false flags. it happened 2 or 3 times and immediately after the post calling us to raid, we got raided.

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