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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3271[Reply]

Ongoing raid, porn and gore in /b/. ignore and report. bump this when you see this.
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Mod 9375

Screenshot 2023-06…

Yep, he'll find the attention he's looking for. I think it's great that this troon warned, my contact at the federal police and interpol was very happy to know.

Anonymous 9378

How to report without having to click the nasty images?

Anonymous 9379

if you don't want to click from the front page, go to each board and find the thread that way

Anonymous 9380

Yes, but I'd still have to open the thread.

Anonymous 11444




Comments & Complaints Pt. 2 Anonymous Admin 3347[Reply]

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Anonymous 9203

Can someone explain to me how deleted posts work? Some times random replies, that don't break any rules just dissapear in threads. I can only guess that maybe the user was banned for something else and all their post history was removed or something. But in a site as slow as this it's just demoralizing. I'm trying to have some sort of interaction and suddenly the thread replies are cut to ribbons. Which kills any interest of continuing to contribute to discussions

Anonymous 9205

Because of /r9k/ we have moids larping as women here, but they slip up once in a while and get banned.

Anonymous 9218


Took a break from imageboards for a while and now that I'm back we have captcha! Thank you staff :) Really appreciating CC today after checking out a cow thread on LCF, I'm glad CC is alive and well after all

Anonymous 9233

Has this been fixed yet?

Anonymous 9234

My home IP has this error (I'm posting from my phone). When will it be fixed?


why miners? Anonymous 8917[Reply]

im new to this and figuring a lot of things out here. just wanna know why you call yourselves "miners"? thx <3

Anonymous 8921

Our site's name is crystal cafe, so we're miners (mining the crystals?). We have a miner board-tan too, I can't find an image of her right now though.

Anonymous 9000


TAYRT, sorry? The name came from a thread maybe in /b/ or /meta/ (don't remember exactly) early on. Nonas speculated on the ideal name for the userbase and decided on miner. Pic related is miner-tan


Anonymous 7596[Reply]

As entertaining as it might be I wish nonas would stop replying to obvious moids because it encourages them to come back to cc and breaks the comfy atmosphere this IB has. There's this weird sudden influx of moids lately and nonas can't seem to report and ignore
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Anonymous 7747

It was him samefagging, he talks to himself.

Anonymous 7772

That makes more sense

Anonymous 8715


I’m a month late so I’m a retard but it could’ve been due to frenschan scrotes

Anonymous 8774

100% a moid made that "raid" thread on here. Cc anons don't raid because we aren't men.

Anonymous 8775

yes, obvious false flags. it happened 2 or 3 times and immediately after the post calling us to raid, we got raided.


fbi watching Anonymous 8897[Reply]

what are the site's connections to the fbi or some other higher authority? i've never modded an imageboard site so i don't know the process, but when blatantly illegal shit gets posted here, after the mods cleanses that presence out of public view, do those people get tipped off to the fbi or some other place? what's the process when that stuff happens?

do you reckon it's the same people continuously posting that material to the cafe, that if a few were somehow rid, then the website would be a lot cleaner. Or do you reckon there's unfortunately a lot of people who want to ruin this website, so ridding the problem of illegal shit will always be a constant problem for the mods?

Anonymous 8898

It's usually reported to FBI, yes.


Thread request thread Anonymous Admin 5610[Reply]

As requested, as long as image uploads are still being sabotaged by the CSAM spammer, I'm going to be posting new threads for you if you post ITT. For the OP image you can either post a link or if you don't specify an image I will use a random one. This is only a temporary measure for this weekend. Thank you so much for your patience, as always.
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Anonymous 7309


where can i post about jerma pls

Anonymous 7310

Take a guess dumbass. On /media/, check the catalog and make a Jerma thread if there isn't one already

Anonymous 7312


sorry, thank you

Anonymous 8782

Is there any art/drawings thread? There seems to be a few scattered throughout the boards.

Anonymous 8854

I’d like to see a group drawing thread where we can draw together


Board suggestions and feature requests Anonymous Admin 9[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss future improvements.

Current topics:
Should crystal.cafe remain as our domain or does anyone have a better idea?

Staff titles (Admin, Moderator, Janitor) can be replaced with custom titles. Please suggest some if you like.
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Anonymous 9998


Should radfems be celibate or should they have as much kids as possible and teach them how to be radfems, including moidlings.

I think that if we cant get rid of them, we should outbreed them but I don't want to breed with a moid or take care of many children on my own.

Anonymous 9999

She is not trustworthy, she has made it clear that she dated a p*do male and finds nothing wrong with it.
You can be right on a podcast but not right in your other morals though. Just have your wits about you when you're listening to someone like that.

Anonymous 10141

Yeah. I am fucking tired of men wanting to be women. It’s already hard for us.

Anonymous 10814

I love you all

Anonymous 11847

hobby/craft board with an inbuilt oekaki feature but i understand if that can not be done especially since this is a slow moving website


Discord Anonymous Admin 364[Reply]

Our Discord mods will enable and disable Discord invitations as needed whenever they experience too much workload in verifying new members or when there's an influx of trolls. They will edit this post whenever anything happens.

Current status as of November 15th, 2018:

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Anonymous Admin 2552

For the time being I'm not going to make or encourage any group chats.

Anonymous 2629

Can we get any new discord invites?

Anonymous Admin 2631

I deleted the server a long time ago and don't have any plans of making a new one. Sorry.

Anonymous 2702

>Discord has never not ruined an online community
This. I don't know a single general on /vg/ that hasn't gone to shit because people decided the gen needed a discord server

Anonymous 7364


Can we get an app or something? Anonymous 2381[Reply]

I usually browse this site on mobile, and it's not very good on mobile

Pic unrelated

Anonymous 2395

I'll let management know

Anonymous Admin 2407

Our new platform will be much better for mobile browsing. It should be ready in a few weeks.

Anonymous 6946

Are you sure about that?

Anonymous 6947


Anonymous 3958[Reply]

what is wrong with /b/? i get that it's the random board, but the recent quality of threads has been especially low. a lot of the op's could go in the shower thoughts thread instead.
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Anonymous 3961

I’ve been wondering the same. My initial thought was that it was all one anon spamming the board but I guess the jannies would’ve done something about it by now. Regardless, even though I enjoy how chil the CC mods are compared to LC, I feel like they should crack down on low quality posts even if they’re not necessarily inappropriate or against the rules. At least redirect the users to the proper threads.

Anonymous 3966

I think it's one person and hope they're okay tbh

Anonymous Admin 4025

Sorry, there is indeed a very, very dedicated poster running around making all the disjointed schizo threads. They're also very dedicated to ban evading, so we're just playing whack-a-mole until they get bored.

Anonymous 6758

> be male
> come across site for female users
> sweaty hands touch keyboard
> avatarfag x100 samefag x1000000
> sit in dark, empty room
another day well spent anons

Anonymous 6797

>be male
>come across women's website
>hm, i think i should spam interracial porn and a suspicious link that literally no one will ever click
>this website that discusses women's issues, relationships, and mental health will SURELY give a shit!

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