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Horny Thread #2 Anonymous 14614

Post in here when you're horny and state what you want to do and/or have done to you!
Previous thread: >>3046

Anonymous 14615

Ever since getting off birth control and taking better care of my body my horniness goes off the rails when I'm ovulating

I want a bisexual orgy so badly please. I've never been with a girl but I want a cute girl to sit on my face while I get railed by a guy, girl, whatever it doesn't matter. My bf is bisexual and the thought of him being there with me makes me go insane it's so hot

Anonymous 14617

I'm supposed to pretend to be normal when I want to bonk my bf on the head like a cavewoman and drag him into my fuck cave, fuck obligations, fuck this gay ass earth, need sex nao

Anonymous 14618


Whenever I'm turbo horny I start texting with my ex. We're still on very good terms and only broke up because of extenuating circumstances. Have a bf though, so usually it doesn't go beyond flirting, but god that man lives in my head rent free.
When my mind wanders I think of different scenarios where my bf catches us fucking, but is too dumbfounded/weak/sad to stop us and it makes me wet enough to drown a baby elephant. The thought of being taken away from an otherwise loving relationship by him and fucked into the mattress with my hands pinned above my head like an animal drives me up the walls. After that I either regain my humanity and feel guilty, or immediately go to my bf and have sex with that fantasy in my head.

Anonymous 14627

My boyfriend hasn't wanted to have sex with me in a month and I'm dying.

Anonymous 14630

Should I accept to be invited by some friends into a nudist club? Seems very horny but also very risky as well

Anonymous 14641


I can't sleep I need this image injected into my veins

Anonymous 14642

According to my housemate's ex, he's incredibly good at oral. I just want to lie in bed, call him and have him strip me naked, kiss up and down my body and lick me to orgasm, then leave and make me waffles.

Anonymous 14645


I want to hold her hand whilst we’re walking and then very quickly bring it to my lips, look her in the eyes, kiss it, and let go. we would go on as if nothing had happened but as soon as we get back to hers she would, hurriedly lead me somewhere, turn around, and kiss mine, all over. Then we’d kiss each-other everywhere

I also love to imagine untying her hair and letting it cascade down her shoulders and breasts, then playing with it and drowning myself in it, because she almost always wears it tied up. Whenever she lets it down I go fucking crazy, it is thick , long and wavy, but I want to be the one to do it.
If I imagine intimacy with her too strongly it takes me hours to stop. It would probably be too much for me if it ever happens

Anonymous 14646


Do you ever fantasize about someone else masturbating you?

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