
Anonymous 2653
How do I stop hating my labia
Anonymous 2654
This goes in /hb/ also idk you just deal with it. Think about it this way the more you got exposed the more you can feel of it. If you take it away with some surgery it's the equivalent of circumcision. Don't do it.
Anonymous 2655
1. Grow a bush.
2. Most guys won't care anyway.
Anonymous 2656
I also hated my lips because they stuck out. I stopped when a Chad saw them and didn't care, so no man uglier than that should complain.
Anonymous 2658
Accept that genitalia will always look gross and that eroticism allows others to overcome this natural repulsion.
Anonymous 2660
>>2655Most guys do
Hell pubic hair is just disgusting
I wish more guys would shave
Anonymous 2661
get a man to lick them in bed. feels great. most men don't know to do it though.
they are more hygienic, as in less things will enter you.
saggy balls look a million times worse yet they are barely mentioned.
men never comment on it irl, only 4chan cares about this.
btw, from google search data it has been shown that men are a lot more insecure about penis size than woman are about their bodies. if a guy ever does say something about your labia, tell him "well, since we're honest about these things, your penis is as big as i would have liked". watch smile be ripped off his face.
Anonymous 2662
>>2660i don't understand people like you who hate the natural way of your body. full public hair was very common up until 30 years ago or so. you've been brainwashed by porn.
Anonymous 2663
Who the fuck cares about how natural our bodies are, virtually nothing we do is natural
Hell having showers and being clean could be considered unnatural
And no I haven't been brainwashed by porn, going down on a guy only to be greeted by a massive stinking bush is not a nice feeling
Guys with pubic hair don't get sucked is my general rule
Anonymous 2664
Men don't really concentrate on a vulva's appearance in the way women think they do, and women don't really concentrate on a penis's appearance the way men think they do. For each sex, their genitals are the focus of their sexual pleasure so they naturally assume that their own genitals will be the visual focus of the other partner. Men generally don't find a vulva sexy at all, I think they are thinking about boobs or hips or suchlike more. But as
>>2568 said when you're turned on you will get past it in order to make your partner feel good. Don't get a female circumcision (labiaplasty) anon
>>2663You find natural body hair disgusting, to the point where you can't be with someone who has it, and you hate your natural pussy lips too. Definitely influenced by porn…
Anonymous 2668

My labia is ok but I hate how it and everything around it are of an ugly dark color. I wish I was white and had a pink pussy and pink nipples. It's a million times cuter.
Anonymous 2670
>>2669I can't change my whole race
Anonymous 2677
>>2664Yeah totally influenced by the thing I don't watch
Tell me do you shave your arm pits? Or legs? Do you cut your hair?
All of that is changing your "Natural body"
Besides I didn't say I wouldn't be with someone with pubes, merely that I wouldn't suck them off
Anonymous 2678
>>2677one thing to change, another thing to be disgusted
and no, i don't do those things
Anonymous 2683
>>2669>>2668I personally want to bleach mine, but there's just so much options and I have no idea where to start. Thing is, for real and fast results that won't be a gradual thing it's probably best to just look into lasering for it.
Anonymous 2692
Incels are the only ones that care about labia size, and romanticize a perfect tiny labia otherwise they considered her a "loose roastie," or whatever.
I have an "innie" (aka no visible labia standing up) and yet when I sent a nude to my bf, he said my vagina looked "fat" and he said it as a compliment, but it made me really insecure, lol. Like, does he think my inner labia is going to be big???
Anonymous 2696
I wish I had a pink anus :(
Who here /analbleach/?
Anonymous 2697
>>2695I doubt it, Australians are not obsessed with body hair removal in the same way Americans are
T. Australian
Anonymous 2698
>>2697Neat, you can think that
You can keep your hair, but I won't stop removing mine
And I'll keep encouraging guys to remove theirs
Anonymous 2710
>>2698What are your thoughts on anal hair?
Anonymous 2834

>>2653https://www.mamamia.com.au/let-it-all-hang-outie/Read this article, it's pretty fun. Something like this actually happened to me. I have an outie and never thought about other girls vagoos until I read somewhere about the innies and the outies. I was self-conscious for a while, specially because I was a steady /pol/ lurker, and then again I'm over it. The article also talks a little bit about pubic hair (I always liked keeping my bush) which turns out it's also a complicated topic for many young girls, specially American ones I think. I hope you like the article!
Anonymous 3297
>>2697I'm also Australian… I agree with
>>2698, wouldn't suck a guys dick if he had pubic hair. Also prefer to keep myself fully shaved. Where are you getting the idea that Australians don't like to shave?
Anonymous 3870
>>2662I cant believe you wouldn't ingest poison, it's
Anonymous 5932
>>2653It is fine. The roastie thing was just picked up by incels because they recognized it as a way to antagonize people. Men don't really care. Mine hang out a little bit and I think it's pretty that way
Anonymous 5935
>>2668Lol I'm white and some places on my skin (including around my vag) is darker than the rest of my body. White women don't have an even skin tone
Anonymous 5953
Instead of worrying about what you can't change, worry about what you can. Keep it cleaned and trimmed, though you don't need to keep it porno shaved.
In fact, if he's expecting a porn set down there, rethink the guy.
Anonymous 5962

I like my man with a bush and i love his amrpit and leg hair. And he doesn't mind my body hair either (he even prefers it cuz it's comfier). Literally don't get the people that negatively obsess over body hair. As long as it's clean and not stinky beyond recognition, i don't see the problem. Shower your pubes and armpits every evening and you're literally good to go
Anonymous 5963
>>3870Pubic hair cant kill you lol