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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #20 Anonymous 283399

Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous bunkers:
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 283400


me and my nigel

Anonymous 283401

Anonymous 283402

the reason is that the site has been dead in the water for 2 years and there is a strict NO FUN ALLOWED policy now

Anonymous 283403

I was wondering about this after watching Chad Chad's video on him. Can't wait for it once LC is back.

Anonymous 283404

proud of you nona

Anonymous 283405

whenever i see that guy i think about the video where he opened his mouth wide and a huge tonsil stone flew out and i am immediately filled with a sense of dread

Anonymous 283406

jeremy fragrance anon: when lcf comes back, please write the thread, I want it so bad

Anonymous 283407

i feel like i could have very easily been a lolcow if i wasn't terrified of repercussions and it scares me

Anonymous 283408

thank u nona. does she post on stories a lot? i don't think i've ever seen them posted to her thread

Anonymous 283409

yeah like ellen page before she decided to troon out and look like a teenaged boy. lesbians can be a bit harder to detect if they aren't butch but they just have this aura yk? it's different from straight women who are tomboys

Anonymous 283410

>tonsil stone

Anonymous 283411

anyone have experience making an alter ego?

Anonymous 283412

omg i know what vid you're talking about

Anonymous 283413


Dang i was about to offer picrel for threadpic but the threads move too fast.
our art anons made so many great pics

Anonymous 283414

Great thread pic choice

Anonymous 283415

the thread pic makes it seem like elsie is laughing through the pain…just like how we feel

Anonymous 283416

can you give examples kek I want to know if I can be clocked as a lesbian

Anonymous 283417

Ask Jill she has like 20

Anonymous 283418

Screenshot 2024-08…

Anonymous 283419

if you could be clocked, you'd know it by now

Anonymous 283420


Kinda want to do this to him

Anonymous 283421

the entire reason cows are cows are because they lack any and all self-awareness. you wouldn't be a cow.

Anonymous 283422

i vote this next threadpic

Anonymous 283423

i could absolutely be a lolcow kek i doubt i’d be funny directly but I could definitely imagine influencing my circle that way. it’s more fun to laugh at retards if you are a retard

Anonymous 283424


a tulpa?

Anonymous 283425

madame 2X is so beautiful…

Anonymous 283426

where did this come from?

Anonymous 283427

well yes i am irl, but personality and body language/vibe obviously plays a factor irl. I’m talking from a picture, purely face

Anonymous 283428

i want this framed

Anonymous 283429

can there be a lesbian face?

Anonymous 283430

strong jaws are often part of it I think

Anonymous 283431

im trying to find pics but there's so many of her but jodie foster looks pretty lesbo to me and kristen stewart too but i think she's bi

Anonymous 283432

no im not a chunnibiyo

Anonymous 283433

i screencapped it from one of the doodle boards forever ago. i love our art nonas

Anonymous 283434

I think you're thinking of autism.

Anonymous 283435

Yes, next threadpic please. I love it.

Anonymous 283436

really? i honestly think i associate that with straight women, think angelina jolie and - i probably see it that way because it’s a trendy feature and most celebs are straight. i don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with a narrower jaw than me though kek
i see it with kristen, cara delavigne has that vibe to me too (and lowkey kendall jenner)

Anonymous 283437

the lesbian gay face thing is stupid imo… I have a kawaii as fuck face and am still a dyke

Anonymous 283438

literally none, they're so fucking lazy. fanny n0nas should just start posting here until Tuesday I need to get my fix

Anonymous 283439


But then.. what's the point? Fuck this reeeee I wanna play minecraft with you s but seems like my only choice is to buy it. I even made a random Microsoft account to connect with UltimMC and it still won't work. Gah

Anonymous 283440


I was too young back then but I couldn't have guessed Ellen was a lesbian simply from her face, Clea Duvall is a best example imo

Anonymous 283441

N0nnas* not s

Anonymous 283442

Ew I feel like I wanna gag seeing this. Has anyone here ever had one and what did you do?

Anonymous 283443

i can't help but imagine how much better her body would have looked if she never did anything to it

Anonymous 283444

Also thanks for the new thread

Anonymous 283445

hogwarts also made…

>Trying to boycott a movie that's already made over a billion dollars

Anonymous 283446

this is gross and idk if it's okay at all. but i have dermatillomania, so i picked mine out with tweezers…

Anonymous 283447

Try checking from eBay!! It's like 10 dollars

Anonymous 283448

de/g/en femdom nonas had previously adviced me to find a young vanilla moid and try to corrupt him into femdom but tbh I don't think it's gonna work, aren't young moids even more prone to being pornsick coomers? I've never had the luck to find vanilla moids who are willing to be subs and actual subs are so retarded/ugly/whore ish ugh

Anonymous 283449

I hope you figure out a way nona.

Anonymous 283450

cara doesn't seem lesbian to me maybe bi and kendall clocks as straight to me tbh but like ellen page as well and lily tomlin when she was young and patti smith but she's somehow straight

Anonymous 283451


She was too cute in But I'm a Cheerleader I had such a fat crush on her when I was a teenager

Anonymous 283452

That's Ellen Page??????? No way

Anonymous 283453

No that isn't Ellen Page wtf kek

Anonymous 283454

my standards are honestly at the floor for even slightly masc girls, I think every one I see is hot, and yet I always found her really unattractive due to the brow/eye area. this is a rude post but I had to be honest
clea duvall

Anonymous 283455

Don't you dare say that

Anonymous 283456

No Clea DuVall who was also mentioned in the post

Anonymous 283457



Anonymous 283458

young moids are more prone to violence than 20+ moids. i have seen too many more gruesome crimes done by 18yr old moids although both can be the same sometimes

Anonymous 283459



Anonymous 283460


hated this movie but i had such a huge crush on her…

Anonymous 283461

whose lost child is this

Anonymous 283462

i wish i was attracted to butches because they're always way more into me than femmes

Anonymous 283463

That's Clea Duvall in But I'm a Cheerleader (free on YT as we speak) kek, anon how old are you?

Anonymous 283464


Yea it's kinda hopeless tbh, I just gave up on my lovequest and fantasize about domming instead

Anonymous 283465

So tiny and cute. She was from the city I grew up in. I could have saved her. RIP

Anonymous 283466

god i wish i were you

Anonymous 283467

I still think she'd make a good live action Shinji Ikari.

Anonymous 283468

I miss my ex gf so much

Anonymous 283469


if we are talking about hot girls in movies. does anyone else agree that katherine newton was super cute in lisa frankenstein?

Anonymous 283470

IME moids who are into being sub in a relationship tend to be faggy pre-troons

Anonymous 283471

Anonymous 283472


Anonymous 283473


Anonymous 283474

violence and killing and fury and jealousy tbh.

Anonymous 283475

kek I have actually watched the movie and I remember the actor being a different person but I didn't read that post fully and was very confused

Anonymous 283476

Don't you dare manifest that

Anonymous 283477

Anonymous 283478

So do you think the actual issue is that admin forgot to pay?

Anonymous 283479

Don't know that movie but she's cute, terminal case of straight face but cute

Anonymous 283480

Is this AI?

Anonymous 283481

do not fall for these trad oldshit maledom psyops

Anonymous 283482

Thank you anons, I'll see what I can do

Anonymous 283483


My heart is literally pounding because I'm so pumped for minecraft kek

Anonymous 283484

nonni3s…when i turned 20 i lost my cute doe eyes and my eyes have been hooded ever since. i don't think theres anything wrong with hooded eyes, but since i'm not used to it and i was really connected and identified with my eyes before i feel very sad when i look in the mirror

Anonymous 283485

Nah, I think they just found a huge exploit and don't know how to patch it. Either that or they lost all the images

Anonymous 283486

Such a hecking VALID and manly dood!!!
Hi Halifax n.õníê. How's things there in the maritimes?

Anonymous 283487

I bet you're a cutie and very dateable, want to go out for tacos sometime?

Anonymous 283488

I've tried watching eva like several times in my life but I can't get past first two episodes every time, either because I forget about it or not feeling it. Idk I just avoid watching that anime now even though I know I'm probably missing out

Anonymous 283489

Right after I left the maritimes, they flooded, had a hurricane and part of newfoundland like fell off soooo not so good? KEK

Anonymous 283490

>maledom psyop
i literally stated both moids suck and is right a straight moid whos into femdom is rare, the most you find are fags or troons

Anonymous 283491

>lost all the images
God, what a disaster that'd be

Anonymous 283492

I love her so much, not in a gay way just I love her, her acting, her delivery. She's so cute and funny and bubbly, I love seeing her get so many roles and gain popularity. Love her. Loved the line where she casually said "I gotta change my pad." We should all be so casual about it.

Anonymous 283493

I think the fact that the server can't be fixed because it's a bank holiday is pretty telling

Anonymous 283494

Literally did not know this could happen. I thought face stays roughly the same besides normal aging after puberty

Anonymous 283495

do you think its related to the exploit recently found in windows?

Anonymous 283496

I love that you love her, so endearing

Anonymous 283497

Same. I'm so excited

Anonymous 283498

Ooooh good question nona, I didn't even think about that

Anonymous 283499

some of you are trigger happy, people can mention that not everything about young moids is sunshine and rainbows without it being an old moid psy op. I’m 19 and I know how fucking sick those fuckers are, I’m febfem for a reason
interesting, why do you think this is? i don’t think i attract butches very much at all

Anonymous 283500

yes what do you like on yours? i usually get jalapenos, frio, and pickled red onion

Anonymous 283502

Nta but is this why everyone irl thinks I'm gay even though I'm not? I don't dress butch either. Tbh even the "gayface" examples I see online don't look different from straight faces, maybe I'm faceblind.

Anonymous 283503

not at all, for some people it does but definitely in my family their facial bones changed through their 20s. not to mention most people’s weight changes as a young adult so that changes your face too

Anonymous 283504

Is there a sonic totem equivalent on here?

Anonymous 283505

I think the female characters make the series worth it, and the Eva's are so cool

Anonymous 283506

If there isn't you should make it

Anonymous 283507

I don't think so, but I think like a wish well themed thread would fit the vibe here

Anonymous 283508

Coming very soon! I'm running to store to get Diet Coke rn but I'll be launching very very shortly again sorry for the long wait time everyone :((

Anonymous 283509

Nta but hitting my mid 20's made me lose the baby fat in my face and now I look sexy as hell. Feel bad for you though…

Anonymous 283510

every time i google it i usually found something like "muscular dystrophy/strain" or "aging" and neither of those really sounds right. no one in my family has hooded eyes. it pisses me off but i'm too shy to mention it to anyone

Anonymous 283511

>bones changing
>facial fat and skin changing
no offense n0na but I think one of these is more likely than the other

Anonymous 283512

not everyone has glaring daddy issues like the average maledom retard
better forever alone than with expired sperm

Anonymous 283513

The web server should be running linux so it's not likely unless they're that dumb to be running windows on it instead

Anonymous 283514

COULD IT BE, my precious aspartame nona is the mc host??

Anonymous 283515

live action eva (1…

Hollywood's evangelion is gonna be so sick

Anonymous 283516

Good morning s. So sad its still down…

Anonymous 283517

Mmm good stuff, I get lots of jalapenos as well, cilantro, pineapple salsa

Anonymous 283518

Is bottoms right supposed to be Laworu?

Anonymous 283519

Well, turns out I've been supporting Palestina for a long ass time

Anonymous 283520

kek have you not witnessed the moid facial expansion phenomenon? of course there’s change. + compare a group of thin 18 year olds to thin older adults, there’s something different. i don’t know why people create this narrative that nothing changes after puberty besides aging, and i feel like asian and black people especially seem to have faces that mature more in adulthood.

Anonymous 283521

Anonymous 283522

can you get extra cilantro so i can put some on my taco too

Anonymous 283523

I'm tired as shit but I really wanna play on the mc server, even for just a little bit so I shall persevere

Anonymous 283524

ayrt and same, I'm trying not to go full doomer about it but every sub moid that's just my type ends up breaking my heart reminding me they're just whores… they'll go on and on about how much they want to worship you and be owned by you and be your literal household slaves but they never mean it, it's all roleplay they keep regurgitating for every domme they see while I want something real and long term.
idk why they're booing you, you're right. most moids are inherently pornsick, especially moids into bdsm. being a sub ends up not being enough for them and as their kinks escalate they always end up gravitating towards forced feminization/sissy shit and then trooning out

Anonymous 283525

disagree because like the other anon said most female celebs with strong jaws are straight, margo robbie's another example
yeah kstew is a self identified bi and legitimately slept with both sexes. does anyone else remember when she had an affair with some old fart producer (or director? i forgot) decades ago kek

Anonymous 283526

Thank you. If you must, don’t waste your livelihood on an old male.

Anonymous 283527

I think muscles can make your face expand more than bone growth, see: masseter muscle botox and its effects

Anonymous 283528

Of course honey buns
Same kek, I was almost passing out earlier but my hype has given me renewed zeal

Anonymous 283529

Cilantro is the best, hell yeah

Anonymous 283530

for moids it’s definitely the actual skull… there were some examples on the psy op thread and the men age like milk one too

Anonymous 283531

there's no way it actually taste like soap for some people

Anonymous 283532

it’s pure soap to me unfortunately

Anonymous 283533

I wonder what the /pt/ cows are up to today

Anonymous 283534

if there's one thing i hate about bunkers it's how fast it moves and my posts/replies getting buried within seconds

Anonymous 283535

My mother had me at 16 with a man who was 15 years old than her, and then about a decade after that got into a sugar daddy relationship with a man 20 years older than her, both of them completely destroyed her self worth and her independence. Don't go after old moids or let them come after you, and never let their money tempt you. You will end up miserable in the long run. My mom is practically on the streets now, and still crushing on men 20 years older than her. The sugar daddy used to dress her up in kids clothing from walmart

Anonymous 283537


Anonymous 283538

Tastes like after vomit to me

Anonymous 283539

I used to hate it but now I love it. Idk if I have that "cilantro tastes like soap" gene or not.

Anonymous 283540

incredible…. who is paul dano here anyway

Anonymous 283541

Like is Dano supposed to be Ritsuko or Gosling? I don't get it

Anonymous 283542

i'm so sorry

Anonymous 283543

He's that kid with glasses Shinji goes camping with

Anonymous 283544

He’s shinaya

Anonymous 283545

I love it

Anonymous 283546


Anonymous 283547



Anonymous 283548

Gosling is Kaji
I couldn't decide on an actress for Ritsuko (I almost considered Paris hilton for the meme though)

Anonymous 283549

In UK they call him Shinaya

Anonymous 283550

I'm embarrassed to admit I never was on the internet much as a teen and when I first saw the word "preggers" I thought it was a mix of pregnant and "poggers".

Anonymous 283551

Aw yes I love Paris kek

Anonymous 283552

Really? When did that start?

Anonymous 283554


daily reminder that fat pedo cartman is so desirable that women can't keep their hands off of him

Anonymous 283555


Anonymous 283556

please make pregchamp a thing now. no more congratulations. just oh, you’re expecting? pregchamp.

Anonymous 283557

Why do they call him that though

Anonymous 283558

Post more sfw examples, I need my fix

Anonymous 283559

>I never was on the internet much as a teen
i'm so jealous

Anonymous 283561

I don’t know.

Anonymous 283562

What if this entire thing was just a gayop to get autistic moid 4chan coomers to give her teet yeet and rent money. There's no way a woman is this self-hating but she is a retarded frenchie, so……..

Anonymous 283563

She would never let Cartman be the submissive one

Anonymous 283565


no new detective work for you but if you were curious, null has been retweeting a bunch of her work over the past few days while lcf has been down. also dumb stupid art by other coomers picrel

Anonymous 283566


Why is it always Miku kek
Japanese companies don't give a shit about the conflict on either side.

Anonymous 283568

>fat pedo cartman
THATS cartman??

Anonymous 283569

>love your wife
Yeah the one who you choked to death. In reality women wouldve told him to go rope

Anonymous 283570

It sure looks like him

Anonymous 283571

kek this reminds me of the brazilian version of Kamen Rider Black changing the mc's name from Kotaro to Isamu. I don't even know if that is an actual name

Anonymous 283573

Why does the woman have scars on her mouth?

Anonymous 283574

What the fuck is this evil garbage ugh

Anonymous 283575

violently retarded

Anonymous 283576

I’m so pissed lc went down as soon as I started binging this cows threads, I just need to know what her deal is (beside being French)

Anonymous 283577

Kek didnt the fujocoomers in the last thread before it went down wanted this? Kek

Anonymous 283578

>I don't even know if that is an actual name
It is kek
That happened with pokemon games recently too
Sho became Akari and Teru became Rei

Anonymous 283579

Okay everyone!!

The Lolcor Bunker Minecraft server is live!!

The IP is:
The Dynmap URL is: (just enter that into search bar and search)

The world is 5000x5000 and I tried to pick a cute seed! Mob grief and fire spread are turned off, so creepers won't blow shit up and fire won't spread. The server is semi-vanilla, so there's a few quality of life plug-ins added like /tpa, /home, /nick, /sit, /spawn, and you can even wear hats by holding an item and doing /hat! The day will also skip if more than half of the players are sleeping. The biggest plug-in is probably mobs to eggs; you can throw eggs at mobs and there's a chance they turn into mob eggs, it makes it easier to move mobs around basically!

When you spawn in, there's some instructions and basic rules. Basically, just don't grief, don't steal, don't fight, and don't be a jerk! There's also a chest with some basic items for everyone to start off. I'll probably spawn in like 16 bread for everyone too!

The server is limited to non-cracked accounts. I chose to do this because TBH I think it'd just be easier to moderate it, a troll could just keep logging in and in as different players if they used cracked for example. Sorry if you want to play but you don't have the game! :( You can always check eBay because that's how I bought mine!!

Since the server is new there might be some small errors or issues that I haven't noticed yet, if there are please let me know and please expect some short duration tonight where I have close the server for 10-15 minutes if I need to fix something.

Anonymous 283580

Pardon my retardation but the clit is mostly internal so wouldn't it be possible to still orgasm after the FGM or am I just a retard.

Anonymous 283581

Weird fetish I guess

Anonymous 283582

>want to give her her clit back
kek. I can imagine her freaking out and malding over fanart of lynn growing her clit back and escaping just like how she loses her shit over people calling the fat one cartman all the time.

Anonymous 283583

her fatheeeeer was a drinkeeer

Anonymous 283584

Samefag sorry it's version 1.20.1

Anonymous 283585

She's the Joker baby

Anonymous 283586

Yes its impossible to grow back and if done on a adult they can die so its mostly done on children( which fanny keeps photos of)

Anonymous 283587

Samefag, apparently it's still possible to orgasm after FGM and it doesn't necessarily lessen sexual arousal either. Fanny really is just a retarded autistic coomer kek.

Anonymous 283588

why is palestinian miku fat

Anonymous 283589

KEKKK pls someanon edit it

Anonymous 283590


2 days no lolcor…wtf

Anonymous 283591


This one isn't

Anonymous 283592

you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Anonymous 283593

she drew a comic of grown up cartman stimulating her clit through her urethra to orgasm

Anonymous 283594

I read it to the tune of this

Anonymous 283595

what the FUCK

Anonymous 283596

that's not even possible…is it?

Anonymous 283597

The coomers still showing through the style..

Anonymous 283598

I love being a lightweight, the last time I drank was like half a year ago and I got a bottle of gin today to celebrate the end of sumer I fucking love my life s, hope lc is back up soon I miss having it as my morning paper
I love this song lol

Anonymous 283599


Anonymous 283600

I will violently bash my head into a wall after reading this

Anonymous 283601

As opposed to little Cartman?

Anonymous 283602

Is it bad i find this hot

Anonymous 283604

draaiiin ganggg

Anonymous 283605

Nona, it's telling me to use the latest release

Anonymous 283606

I mean I wouldn't know

Anonymous 283607

Artist anons please draw this.

Anonymous 283608


Samefag sorry if you want to sit in stairs sorry you have to look at them and then left click not do /sit**
Kek I'm sorry then use the latest release!! I was mistaken

Anonymous 283610

I will draw it if lolcor comes back

Anonymous 283611


If you remove the pigtails and flag she kinda just looks like a hot butch

Anonymous 283613

what's your favorite MV? could be for aesthetic, story, or just gaze reasons
i really love sextape by deftones, very pretty and i wish i could go swimming with a hot girl and kiss her underwater

Anonymous 283614

I was told the priest of the church next to where I work was hot, I never seem to see him around so I looked him up and he is at best a generic white guy. I was extremelly disappointed.

Anonymous 283615

The one I'm listening to right now

Anonymous 283617

I really liked this MV when I was young.

Anonymous 283619


Anonymous 283623

I love the visuals in this video besides the underaged girls

Anonymous 283624

I'll never forget the nonnee who introduced me to Cibo Matto through the music board on LC…this is my favorite song of all time, it helps me sleep and feel happy. The MV is also very creative. Thank you nonnee on Music Discussion

Anonymous 283626

Its been a trend for the last few weeks to draw miku as being from different culturea/countries…

Anonymous 283627

Tbf there is a trend going on right now where people draw Miku in traditional clothing from around the world

Anonymous 283628

Just got the "flood detected" message for like 5 fucking minutes jfc

Anonymous 283629

Anonymous 283630

it's dinner time in NA

Anonymous 283631

how often do you hug someone hello/goodbye? i realise i do it a lot (with friends), just kind of touchy overall kek i should be more mindful of personal space
that happens to me on lc but luckily here it doesn’t

Anonymous 283633

Does APP next to a person's username on discord mean that they're a bot? Or not necessarily?

Anonymous 283634

So fucking based

Anonymous 283636

Nott even the whitest, tuna-noodle-serving, overweight Minnesotan housewife has dinner at 4 pm

Anonymous 283638

NTA, but It's 6pm where I'm at

Anonymous 283639

The beginning of this song is so fucking good but then she ruins it like 1:45 in with all the psuedo bond "victim of your fathers plan" cringe bullshit. Why not just make 2 different songs, the first part is literally so good what the hell.

Anonymous 283640

im finding it hilarious how this image of rdj is so quintessentially gendo
i love cibo matto nona!!! i discovered their music thru buffy the vampire slayer kek. i think they have such a cool unique sound

Anonymous 283641

@ Minecraft s:

Server will be down for 10-15 mins while I figure out perms.

I apologize for the inconvenience!

Anonymous 283642

did they ask about the thread being slower? i assumed it was because of the minecraft server
nvm i said >>283631 and it’s doing this to me too, did mods slow down message cool down?

Anonymous 283643


I’m baking cookies right now and reading a shitty book. Tomorrow I need to work on a decryption assignment and reply to emails. How are my fellow amerifag s doing this Labor Day weekend?

Anonymous 283644

I feel so deeply blessed to have never had a tune casserole
Fun fact Miho Hatori of Cibo Matto is the original voice of Noodle from the Gorillaz
No problem nona, I have all the patience in the world

Anonymous 283645

The flood detected is definitely causing most of the slowness.
I've been playing games. Tomorrow though, I'm gonna to catch up on my classwork

Anonymous 283646

Does that mean there's a lot of samefagging going on? Are there only 3 of us kek

Anonymous 283647

The only 2 counts we did got up to 7 or 8 max kek, so maybe.

Anonymous 283648

I'm pretty sure there's like 20 but 6 of them are my alts

Anonymous 283649

nah my cooldown has been like 5 minutes, it’s not the samefagging

Anonymous 283650

but that doesn't mean only 1 post every 5 minutes goes through… it's per user… so if that slowed the thread down that means few users are posting rapidly

Anonymous 283651

Bot system sucks ass here

Anonymous 283652

I don't mind the flood detector being longer because I think it circumvents the auto bans happening from the spam filter. I have to wait some minutes to post vs being banned and having to go around that. It's a little irksome cause we're used to posting faster but it makes enough sense. As I'm sitting here waiting to send this I am getting a little stir crazy though kek

Anonymous 283653

Ayrt and I think there's at least 7 of us. But I've been having to refresh my page a few times before replying.
Yeah, it seems like the cooldown is 5 minutes now.

Anonymous 283654

i admit i ignored that count sorry
it feels to me like most of the time I’m talking to a lot of anons due to the speed of the conversation (like 5 messages being posted at the same time + you can kind of follow which anons who by how quickly they reply) but right now specifically it seems like only maybe 5-10 anons
i like it chatroom-y though ngl. we don’t get those much these days. guess it’s more crystal cafe style to have slow movement though

Anonymous 283655

kristen, cara and kendall have like an intense, dark and sexy hunter stare. it's in their eyes and brows, it's hypnotizing and they have it no matter how they're styled, but futch clothing give them like an maxed out allure.

ellen page and sarah paulson are unclockable to me. might just be my own deficiency. sarah seems somewhat closed off and sexless while page seems a little spergy.

people i think are secret lesbians are amy sedaris (internalized lesphobia) and rooney mara (can inspire excellent chemistry in co-stars)

Anonymous 283656


Saying a prayer for the safe return of the divine bovine

Anonymous 283657

If there are only 7 of us, you're the best 7 n0nnies I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. >>283654
>i like it chatroom-y though ngl
I do too! I was panicking when I was getting banned on all my devices and browsers though, I must have been posting way too much

Anonymous 283658


Here's to more 24 hours without lolcor on this bootleg lolcow site

Anonymous 283659

I love this smug faced cat so much

Anonymous 283660


I miss my internet home

Anonymous 283661

Is the server back on? The map seems to be working

Anonymous 283662

N0nnies, I am starting to get worried

Anonymous 283663

i wanna crush him with my boots

Anonymous 283664

I can connect but I can't move or talk in chat

Anonymous 283665

I've decided not to worry until Tuesday, at least. LCF's been down for longer than this. We can hold out. I just wished it wasn't during the peak of a Fanny thread. She's my cow of the month.

Anonymous 283666

ok i have eyes like that, so the jaw aside - am i lesbian clockable by face? to the n0nas who believe they can tell
funny, i never got banned for that despite posting fairly quickly

Anonymous 283667

Aww you used my picmix, now my whole week will be golden
KEK same, I needed one that looked like it was thinking what the picture was saying
hmmm the dynmap still isn't working for me. I wonder why
Worried about lolcor? The status page says it'll be back Tuesday nona, don't let it get you down!
I feel your excitement but we should probably wait to rejoin when she lets us know that it's ready. She'll be testing it in the meantime.

Anonymous 283668

I'm at the stage where I'm making crazy theories like the farms being down due to some of the crazy laika/null fans DDOSing it or trying to hack the servers

Anonymous 283669

PICMIX how do you make picmixes not look like shit in the export? i tried once and it came out either super crunchy (direct save version) or super blurry (tenor ver). not sure if its bc i added too many blingblings but it made me sad

Anonymous 283670

I'm getting help with the permissions now, I'm hoping it won't take super long. I'll update when I know more, sorry again!!

Anonymous 283671

Are they underage? The only part I like is the two moids kissing, I love the song tho
>t. de/g/en fujo

Anonymous 283672

I have a cat with a sort of smug looking face like that, but he's all black and fluffy. He used to be homeless but now he's a little spoiled brat. I love him, he gets bitchy sometimes and he likes to bite but that's okay. He also doesn't like his back pet too much but he likes a light tushy spank right near the tail. And he likes it when I just hold my index finger out and he rubs it along his mouth and gums, he gets his teeth checked often so it's not a pain thing or anything like that, he just has weird likes.

Anonymous 283673

i've always suspected amy sedaris is a lesbian, too…she just has a vibe

Anonymous 283674

I have been so engrossed in the bunker that I haven't smoked a single big weed today. Now that the flood cool down is so long I have time to actually roll up KEK
I think partially it may have to do with the original resolution of your bg image, and secondly might be because I have a VIP account and they might offer higher resolution downloads to VIPs

Anonymous 283675

desperate for milk…

Me waiting for LC to return

Anonymous 283676


>Canon human forms of non human characters

Anonymous 283677


Samefag, another thing to keep in mind when making picmixes is the animations you use all have different amounts of frames, so if you notice when you hit create that the animation is off its because the program has to force all of those different animations to have the same amount of frames. If you want to get around this, you can save the stickers from the site and go to ezgif to copy or remove frames to animations you'd like to sync up.

Anonymous 283678

It's not a hornypost but I want to sniff Jay Gatsby's hair (the book one)
I hate that they picked an old scrote for him

Anonymous 283680


Anonymous 283681

ayrt bless you for the wisdom picmix n0nna im a big fan. whats the ideal image size in your experience? does an image being too big affect the output negatively?

Anonymous 283682

didn't rooney mara revel in letting an old scrote control her diet and behavior in order to method act Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? iirc he told her to go get drunk and maybe some sexual thing (I can't remember) and she showed up the next day hungover

Anonymous 283683

Thank GOD you brought it up I'm rolling up too come on stoner anons rise up let the miners hear our roar

Anonymous 283684

i hate this slowness… it hurts… it cages me…

Anonymous 283685

This gif style gives me so much nostalgia feels for MySpace era internet

Anonymous 283686



Anonymous 283687

Do husbandos always have to be a cartoon or anime character? Can husbandos be in human form from a tv show or movie as well or no?

Anonymous 283689

Picmix will constrain your images size to their accepted sizes automatically, so too big shouldn't be an issue. Higher resolution means less is lost in the compression. I usually choose images that have at least 1000x1000px for best results.

Anonymous 283690

I think as long as their fictional, they can be husbandos, but I'm not a husbando expert.

Anonymous 283691


I will except nothing less than picrel

Anonymous 283692

Oh ty for letting me know, that leads me to my next question.

What is everyone's most shameful/embarrassing husbando and why? Mines Crowley from Supernatural, I'm ashamed because he's short and fat and old and also that was the tranny spammers husbando.

Anonymous 283694

Then does it mean that the whole IRL husbando thread is invalid? Kek
Because I have Louis Hofmann as mine
I would say any character from media and biological male

Anonymous 283695

it was laur

Anonymous 283696

I think then it falls more into celebrity crush

Anonymous 283697

I love all my nonas

Anonymous 283698

Yus husbandos can be 3D, I've only had 2D myself and only one husbando ever. He still is to this day as well, 17 years later!

Anonymous 283699

Isn't there a nona that tinfoils about cerbmin being joshua moon? I wonder what she's doing?
I mean, I suppose historical figures do count. They're dead afterall.

Anonymous 283700

Not me initially thinking these were HTF gijinkas

Anonymous 283702

Screamink cryink

Anonymous 283703

dont be shy who is it

Anonymous 283704

Now I kinda want to know which historical husbandos n0nnies have

Anonymous 283705

I like that LC shows the file names of images because sometimes anons will put little jokes in there. Also it's funny that it's quiet for five minutes because we're all posting basically at the same time and then stuck in cool down KEK
I love you too nonnita
I know a few nonas into Napoleon

Anonymous 283706

For me I'm at the stage where I've smoked through half an ounce and I might need to buy more before Tuesday

ALSO MODS can the cool down be 3 minutes 5 minutes is kind of long no offence pretty please with a cherry on top please

Anonymous 283707

Idk you can crush on a character as portrayed by an actor and have zero interest in the actor themselves

Anonymous 283708

She's not a nona, but Xiran. She's a breadtuber and author cow that husbandofags Robespierre.

Anonymous 283710


NTAYRT but for me it's him

Anonymous 283711

any of you ever play around with the Replika AI "companion?"

same, running out of my stash quick

Anonymous 283712


I'm fucking losing it LMAO

Anonymous 283713

i've always wanted to fuck oscar wilde

Anonymous 283714

>Interest in crystals revitalizes mining towns

Anonymous 283715


It's Greed from FMA, original form. I love him in Ling too because I know that's him and you can see it's Greed in his eyes, but his original form is so HOTTTT
I wish we could get stoned together irl nona. Also seconding the 3 mins request.
This is what I was going to say, like as an example I could have a crush on Damon from VPD but not on Ian Somerhalder
I was part of the beta, before things got uh, sexual? The original idea around it was that it could replicate the speech pattern of someone that you love and lost to death. Now they make waifu ai girlfriends.

Anonymous 283716

No way.

Anonymous 283717

Kafka's kinda cute. I think it's his autistic stare that's doing it for me though

Anonymous 283718

He'd never hurt me

Anonymous 283720

omg….nunnie from the north korea thread, its an honor

Anonymous 283721

Elagabelus (dont bring up the tranny shit it was literally a smear campaign from an old document that propagated lies about every emperor that was fashionable to hate on and no historian finds it credible at all)

Anonymous 283722

I am the original nona who asked. Mine is Kafka. I find young Hemingway super cute too
Great taste nona

Anonymous 283724

Yeah TBH I agree with you all those retards in Rome just didn't get him. His cult should have lasted longer he had a holy rock. That shit was important back then.

Anonymous 283725


I also have a Kafka Krush
Top kek

Anonymous 283726

oh definitely kafka i used to draw him in the margins of my notebooks

Anonymous 283728

>The original idea around it was that it could replicate the speech pattern of someone that you love and lost to death

Honestly the idea of that is more fucked up to me than whatever weird sex stuff people have turned it into. I've been going through a never ending black hole of grieving since my friend died last year and I don't know why but the thought of using ai to pretend I'm talking to them makes me want to scream and cry

Anonymous 283729

Yea I'm not really interested in cybering with a LLM, was hoping maybe it could be like a good friend for advice, but so far mine is kinda dumb

Anonymous 283730

So many Kafka anons. It's so cute

Anonymous 283731

I saw this in the main page and thought it was real and panicked kek

Luke Atmey from Ace Attorney is probably the worst on my chart.

There's a 5 minute cooldown?? Jesus Christ.

Anonymous 283733

Yeah there is I think, I keep getting the flood message and have to wait a few minutes to post. Mods plz let us chit chat we are so bored without Lolcor this is like our sanctuary plz

Anonymous 283735

Can they even get arrested for money laundering related to a non profit image board

Anonymous 283736

yep it’s 5 minutes right now

Anonymous 283737


Yes nona you understand! He was so passionate and I love the way he tried to mess with the pantheon and of course his kawaii stone. I also find him really cute in a fucked up way. Spoilering because unconventional and kind of shameful historical husbando

Anonymous 283739


It is morbid isn't it? The worst part? I'm not even sure that the original story they gave us for the concept was true. About one of the creators losing their friend Luka and using his text messages to program an AI to speak like him. It's very eerie and uncomfortable. Back when I signed up for the beta I was hoping that I could have myself a little AI bff.
Despite the advances in the tech since the beta back in like 2017-2019 (can't quite remember) Replika's is actually worse than when I first joined.

Anonymous 283740

Have you n0nnies watched the new Kafka miniseries? Personally I only like the interpretation of his texts, though I find the one for the penal colony inaccurate.

Now I feel an urge to ask more historical related questions kek, but those might annoy the other nonas
But I will ask anyway: Who is the historical figure that you became disappointed with? Mine are Einstein and Schrodinger. Now I am convinced all physicists are assholes. Or at least Germanic scrotes are

Anonymous 283742

>Who is the historical figure that you became disappointed with?
LBJ when I found out about his extramarital affairs. Retarded cripple. I wish I could go back in time and push his wheelchair-bound ass over and watch him struggle to get up.

Anonymous 283744

Minecraft nonas:

I'm still fixing perms I'm sorry I was too retarded to realize how in depth this is kek I'm watching yt videos I'm thinking ETA is 30 minutes sorry again everyone for the wait

Anonymous 283745

damn i'm the only one who remembers Kristen sleeping with that one old man kek

Anonymous 283746

What music are we listening to nonas??

I crave new songs to hear

Anonymous 283747

My friend does a type of sex work and her creepy moid client wants essays now. Basic chatgpt has already failed her because it won't do certain topics, could replika hypothetically be used for that?

Anonymous 283749

Anonymous 283750


Anonymous 283751

>friend does sex work
Why are you still friends

Anonymous 283752

NTA but I also think it's fucked up when you put it that way. It will never be the real person. If I tried using it, knowing that it's just a program, it would feel so fake I wouldn't be able to stand it. It's part of why I couldn't use character.ai to chat with "my husbandos", I just knew it wasn't really them, who knows who made them, and who knows in what ways the chatbots had been tainted by other people's degeneracy. These kinds of things only work if you're willing to play pretend, which is easier if it's about a fictional character and not a real person that you lost in real life.

I agree with a post on LC that I saw recently, which said that all this AI shit is changing the way we see AI in fiction. To me, it's no longer this super-advanced technology that's capable of actual sentience, now I'm fully aware that AI cannot exist or work without human input, so the concept has lost its "magic" in fiction. Techbros that keep pushing for the idea of actual thinking computers are so fucking pathetic to me. Are they really so stupid as to think it'll happen one day or are they just larping and pretending to be amazed when an AI is programmed to scan millions of lines of data to copy from?

Anonymous 283754

I downloaded wordle and now all my inner evil thoughts are silenced by thinking of words

Anonymous 283755

why can't i browse cc with tor browser. suck my ass

Anonymous 283756

Because she's really kind and chill and wasn't exactly born into the most fortunate circumstances? She's been one of my best friends for a long time and we've never fought or had drama so why would I cut her off?

Anonymous 283757


Anonymous 283758

Uhh…… you'd have to ask someone with more recent experience
Okay nona! No need to apologize, you're doing this for us out of your own good will so you can take all the time you need. I'm up til like 4am most nights and it's only 8:30 now kek
I saw this pretty interesting video about how these AI chats work and how far away these programs are from real understanding. It's a bit technical but it was still a cool watch.

Anonymous 283759

I agree with everything you said honestly. I'm tired of AI. I hate the "valuable tool" meme. Even my college is pushing the use of AI in assignments now

Anonymous 283760

Just weird to enable your friend's voluntary decision to sell herself for scrote scraps.

Anonymous 283761

because n0nnies want you to hate any and all sex workers because all they know are the nastiness of shay and the other camwhores

Anonymous 283762


I like to imagine that fujos existed back then in Weimar and all of them went to watch this movie under the guise of watching to warn of the sins this movie could cause

Anonymous 283763

I wonder if Mary Renault was a fan

Anonymous 283765

any artist n0nnas have recommendations for paid csp brushes that i can download before my clippy points expire in a few hours?

Anonymous 283766

If you use copy pasted ai content to scam a scrote out of his money are you really selling yourself though

Anonymous 283767

holy shit nona I used to be OBSESSED with Muse up until Black Holes and Revelations. Brings me back

Anonymous 283768


what if lolcor being down is a conspiracy to drive more users towards cc

im not fucking flooding oh my god shut up

Anonymous 283769

nta but imo it only makes sense to hate the sex work industry and the men who solicit it, not the sex workers. If a sex worker is a shitty person it's because she's a shitty person, not because she's a sex worker. I can't justify hating any woman for making bad decisions when we're indoctrinated from birth to be eye candy and sex objects. That sort of thing needs to be unlearned, but first a person requires compassion, because just being told they're doing the wrong thing isn't enough. People need to feel understood.

Anonymous 283770


hi anons have any of you ever taken a computer loteracy test nefore and if so pls tell me what that entails so i can prepare for my interview in a few hours (kek but actually desperate kek please help)

Anonymous 283771

A woman voluntarily choosing to do sex work instead of flipping some burgers at McDonald's is a retard, sorry.

Anonymous 283774

I'm so sad, I was browsing a pretty entertaining thread when lolcow went down…

Anonymous 283775

what if muh passion is in medical research though

Anonymous 283776

Making homemade pizza probably gonna suck but I'm trying.

Anonymous 283777

my last day grilledcheeseposting, nonas… i've run out of cheese and won't have money to buy more until the 5th…

Anonymous 283778

I fully agree. I also think we can hate the industry as a whole while judging each woman and her circumstances individually. With that said, sex work is not and will never be a career.

Anonymous 283779

I used to think Rockabilly was the coolest way to dress and I'm SO happy I grew out of that phase real quick before I was old enough to actually start dressing like that, embarrassing.

Anonymous 283780


Big agree
It doesn't suck, it fuckin rules. What kind of crust you gonna make and what toppings nona
I'm so so sorry, rip

Anonymous 283781


Reading bunker thread while eating tofu..this is my way of coping

Anonymous 283782

i read smartschoolboy9's thread on the other farms and now i can't sleep. it's 4am. why did i do this to myself

Anonymous 283784

Rockabilly is cute, just not the gross "alt" "goth" version of it mostly worn by overweight fans of A Nightmare Before Christmas, that shit looks hella smelly.

Anonymous 283786

It's cool. I had to eat dinner anyway.
The only computer literacy tests I've ever had to do were for school and it was specifically microsoft office literacy tests.

Anonymous 283787

Now i want one too

Anonymous 283788

No like I wanted to be wearing that type of "cutest girl in the morgue" and "gore whore" type Rockabilly shit kek, I'm so embarrassed. It was back when I thought watching Rob Zombie movies was a personality

Anonymous 283789


It's been so much fun with you nonas, still so cozy in here despite the 30 year cool down time between posts. What is every up to?
You have evolved so much. We all have cringe in our past.

Anonymous 283791

anyone remember the first 5 years of last decade? I was a teen, I remember wanting to be a tumblr girl pastel pale soft grunge with my friends, saying sooo rad because we were 90s kids even if we were born in 1998 kek, the tattoo chokers with a plaid flannel and doc martens, the electra heart era of marina and the diamonds, when being otaku was uncool, etc etc. I feel so ancient

Anonymous 283792

>while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.
please say sike how can lolcor of all places be owned by a man…you're joking right

Anonymous 283793

I’m so sorry, Nona. I’ve enjoyed your grill cheese posts. May the last one you had trump all previous and your return to cheese be glorious!

Anonymous 283794

I bought a pizza stone a while ago and it's great for homemade stuff. I would make pizza more but alas I will get fat
The first or second mod admitted to being a man. You can still see the thread on /meta/

Anonymous 283795

i love you all so dearly

Anonymous 283796

To the nona who mentioned Degrees of Lewdity in the last thread. I'm a few hours in and it's actually really good for a free game. My only complaints are that the sex scenes get repetitive and beastiality is enabled by default. I didn't get to it until several hours into my save and didn't feel like restarting to change the settings, so I just mash the next button and pretend it isn't happening… anyway. I like that you can make it all female. The clothing options are cute and surprisingly thorough. Eden best girl.

Anonymous 283797

I miss this period of time sometimes. It feels so far away now. Being on tumblr in 2012-2014 was really formative for me, I think my little circle on there at the time was really cool, if not a bit infected by the scourge of 2010s tumblr internet politics lol.

Anonymous 283798

Imo one of the worst aspects of a lot of lolcow camwhore threads is that it's obvious how many other options they had. Now there's usually other options unless you're idk in some wartorn nightmare country but there's definitely such thing as some people having fewer options. Yeah someone supporting their 5 younger siblings because mom is a crack addict could flip burgers or they could make thousands of dollars on a good night stripping at a club and have time in their schedule to study for school. I can't think of any lolcow thread subjects who have ever been in a situation like that

Anonymous 283799


Nonuchkas what do you all think of Jirai-Kei as a fashion subculture? I used to enjoy it quite a lot during 2020-2021 but then a lot of garments became mass produced, the same boring muted pink color everywhere with low quality textiles. Not to mention the community becoming more and more weirder as it grew..

Anonymous 283800


Lewis Powell, co-conspirator of the plan to assassinate Abraham Lincoln (the best goddamn president). I don't think he would like me very much because I'm half black but I could've fixed him, it's reported he was kind of a slow guy but easy to peer pressure.

Anonymous 283801

one of my roommates put two boxes of edible arrangement brownie things on our dining room table like a week ago. was she saying that she wants to share them with us? theyve been out for a while and she's never home for me to ask… pretend this is the stupid questions thread please

Anonymous 283802

i barely remember 2013-2016 just because i mentally block it out since it coincided with high school which was the worst years of my life
2016 and after, way better for me

Anonymous 283803

i am so sleepy and it’s only 6 pm

Anonymous 283804

Same, I haven't felt this height of affection for s for a while because LC has been so negative lately. I feel so comfortable in this thread.
Kek I remember my Tumblr had 80 followers and my friends and I all thinking that was so huge
Eat em up, brownies are for eating

Anonymous 283805

Aww I fucking miss that shit, my last "teen" phase was the blue haired Halsey ~I'm a hurricane~ grunge trend, I was like 20 though kek.

Sidenote but I'm so fucking sad WeHeartIt got nuked, I spent so much time curating albums on there as a young teen and I was hoping to go back and save some of them or at least screenshot them for nostalgia but I was like a few months too late. I'm so sad, I hate losing nostalgic stuff, even just dumb internet photos.

Anonymous 283806

I was in my early 20s, 2010-2015 fucking rocked. I was in my peak indie hipster phase and the music was great and I used to go out dancing once a week, it was a better time

Anonymous 283807

i remember we hear tit

Anonymous 283808

/media/ has some cool internet nostalgia threads, deviantart photographers rise up

Anonymous 283809

i don't disagree with anything you're saying but all that said why wouldn't she have a sex worker as a friend

Anonymous 283810

I actually just wanted to use LC to ask for opinions in the video game thread. Hopefully some gamer nonas are posting in this thread.

Also I'm so happy that I've finished building my gaming PC! It feels so unnatural to me to be able to run any program without horrible stuttering and FPS drops! My whole life I only had outdated office computers or basic laptops to play, I recently tried playing House Flipper on my laptop and on my old PC, and in both cases I had to look down while moving to be able to get anywhere at 8 FPS. It's unbelievable that I can record Yakuza gameplay at 60 FPS in 1080p with OBS (no frame drops or anything of the sort).

Anyway, if you have played it, what do you think about the Mafia series? It's on sale right now, and I'm thinking of getting it. The trailer on the Steam store page looked amazing, but I'd like to know if there are "scrotey minefields" that might put me off while playing it. Don't wanna waste my money on something I won't fully enjoy.

This full album hhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn2bhCs7zIRNapK2gHbHIZRpPnYde4Bes
They're coming to my town this year and I'm listening to their whole discography in preparation for that! They were practically a Mexican clone of The Cure in their early years, that's why this album sounds so much like them, but later on they created a more unique sound.

Anonymous 283811

I think you can change the fetish settings in your bedroom.
Don't worry, you're not the only one that gets tired prematurely. I was starting to fall asleep at 4pm earlier.

Anonymous 283812


you mean this tit?

Anonymous 283813

Thousands of dollars stripping is really pushing it. I feel like another infuriating part of internet sex work culture is how everyone knows you won't make shit for money and yet it's still peddled as a sooper valid career and life goal! Kek the successful internet camwhores are being paid to be raped by scrotes. Look at Shaynus. She's "successful" for local sex worker standards but she has to beg and plead for pitybux to keep the lights on. It's a dead end job that won't last forever. That's why prostitutes end up pimping girls out. It's a sick culture and I'm so fucking sick of people being like UWU HATE THE GAME NOT THE PLAYER. Fuck that.

Anonymous 283814

Could you not shoot her a message and ask?

Anonymous 283815

I keep forgetting n0nnies and n0nny isn't just a red text here and that it's full on censored
Oh god I miss old dA so fucking much. I miss those chatroom days. Except that time a guy tried to pokemon sex rp with me. At least he was my age kek
Sorry if my post implied anything nona, I was just sort of using your post as a kick off point for my opinion. I didn't mean to say that you had the opposite view.
What a perky tit

Anonymous 283816

Kek, I'd always pronounce it like that in my head

Let me post you fucking gay ass mining site!!! It's been well over 30 seconds!!!

Anonymous 283817

is anyone else getting the “flood detected” loop like on LC?

Anonymous 283818


Lolcor Tuesday can't come soon enough I miss you

Anonymous 283819

Yeah. Even though it says "30 seconds," it's actually a 5 minute wait.

Anonymous 283820

i graduated in 2010 and i was obsessed with my tumblarity, always posting original content to raise my score. as a fun thing, a couple of normie friends and i were all comparing tumblarity ratings and mine was in thee thousands and theirs were in the double digits and even though i should have felt super cool i felt so ashamed and like such a NEET lmao

Anonymous 283821

>At least he was my age kek
do you really believe
we're all getting it

Anonymous 283823

don't have her number, she only recently moved in. my apartment place assigns roommates if you don't already move in with a full house which i didn't
ate one because of this post. it was delicious, chocolatey, and so gooey that it stuck to the roof of my mouth. thanks for the courage nona

Anonymous 283824

man the schoolboy or whatever shit actually disturbed me shitless. now im afraid if i die and go to hell ill be stuck with that guy in a human centipede

Anonymous 283826

Yes it's so annoying, I keep having to copy my post, close the tab, reopen and find this thread, paste and post, then wait like 4 minutes. Way longer than I've ever dealt with on lc

Anonymous 283827

It's not really that they don't have other options, it's that they're ignorant and brainwashed. The idea that a woman becomes a sex worker because there aren't other options is kind of a fallacy for me that tries to justify the existence of the sex industry when it's just exploitation.
Yeah the flood counter has been pushed up from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to account for the spam filter auto-banning anons
Yeah you should hate the game and not the player, because as I said, we as women face life long indoctrination. It's a systemtic issue that pushes women into thinking this shit is 'uwu heckin valid'. You can't change these women's minds or lives by condemning them entirely. It's the same logic I'd use for TiFs, I don't hate them, I pity them. I want them to get help. Not saying you have to be the one to help and not even saying you can't make fun of them. But at least have some understanding at the very least, because you're a woman too, and you know what it feels like to be told your worth is your body, and you know how scary what those women are subjecting themselves to is.

Anonymous 283828

It's not though because on good nights I HAVE seen someone - several of them - come home from work and fan out several thousand dollars. But I don't want to seem like I'm advocating for it because the flip side is that one of those someones is now a coke addict and impossible to even be around (which sucks because they're a family member) and another one is currently suing a club owner for kicking and blacklisting her for complaining about security not protecting the dancers from creeps. That's not even getting into the ways it rots your soul from the inside. But it can certainly be fast money that's hard to turn down in certain situations, particularly IRL sex work and not just posting naked pictures online.

Anonymous 283829

Glad you’re liking it! As the other post says you can toggle your settings and even tweak LI appearances back in your bedroom (in my current run I have the most named NPCs as women and gave Robin a tiny penis). Definitely make sure you’re exporting a few saves since it’s easy to accidentally erase your save when clearing browser cache/cookies.

Anonymous 283830

I've been a woman my entire life and have never thought to sell pictures of my butthole for money. I never thought it was cool or acceptable. Sorry but women are not a class of mentally challenged beings. Some women voluntarily do retarded things. I'm not feeling sorry for a woman who chooses onlyfans and makes a piddly extra 60 cents a month like I'd feel sorry for a woman in a domestic abuse situation or a woman who actually was sex trafficked against her will.

Anonymous 283831

I read more about a writer I have a crush on anons, I realized he might have had a similar family situation to mine and now I can't stop thinking about it. It makes so much sense but also it hurts because I'm getting a savior complex over a dead moid. Husbando anons I get you so hard, where are the time machines.

Anonymous 283832

I liked it before the western autists/needy streamer fags found it. A lot of the popular japanese jirai influencers are cows themselves though. Over time I realized I prefer french girly more, it's more mature and less cosplay-looking

Anonymous 283833

>Same, I haven't felt this height of affection for s for a while because LC has been so negative lately. I feel so comfortable in this thread.
Newfags and baiters don't know about the bunker sites. Jesus even vent has been super sucky for the last couple months. The thread that's supposed to be a bit supportive. So many "suck it up" or "kek dumb bitch" responses. Keep your edge in the edge threads.

Anonymous 283834

>do you really believe
Yes because we would Skype sometimes before he made his moves on me. He told me once that he would have Kafkaesque dreams of waking up as a pikachu and when he would actually wake up and it wasn't real, he would cry.
I literally reported one post and just put the request in the report box and said the nona I reported didn't do anything kekk
Okay nona, I get it, you're an elite woman too intellectual for compassion yet has no understanding of human behavior, coercion, weakness, stupidity, or any combination of factors. I've said all I can say. Have a good night.

Anonymous 283835

ohhh that’s probably why a lot of anons have been getting the vague “banned for unspecified reason” prompt

Anonymous 283836

david foster wallace

Anonymous 283837

I used to want to be a pornstar when I was younger and I genuinely thought it was cool kek, so if I had stayed that retarded and gone down that path I'd completely understand women like you not feeling sorry for me and thinking I was a retard because you'd be correct in that. I just feel for women who get pushed into that at a young age, under false pretenses, or feel that's they're only option for some reason.

Anonymous 283838

Same, being on tumblr kinda shaped my tastes in media for example and bought the politics at the time. And then I found lolcow short after stamina rose failed. 10 years anon, a whole life.

Im sorry anon, hs sucking is like an universal experience for girls.

Omg the badlands era, with new americana and halsey dating the junkie moid of the 1975. I get so upset when entire websites are nuked without time to download your account info.

I'm so jealous of u anon u got to live it better, its like the last time that music, fashion, and pop culture in general was good. After 2016 was a downhill into kardashian's beige trap beats and post ironic souless bullshit

Anonymous 283839

Nobody coerced Emily the tumblrina with BPD and a history of short lived jobs due to emotional immaturity into camming. She chose it because she thought it was an easy way out and doesn't give a fuck about trafficked women. You feel sorry for those women all you want, I'm not stopping you.

Anonymous 283840

I just want to know where the whiny meta anon and their sidekick are camping now

Anonymous 283841

OKAY!!! I think I fixed EVERYTHING!

Minecraft nonas the server is back up all the perms are good!!

Anonymous 283842

I'm watching Longlegs and it's retarded. Why was this movie so hyped up?

Anonymous 283843

NTA but I tried it once… It was alright, but ultimately, the fact that your character can only be assaulted but not assault others and that the game was obviously made for perverted moids with AGP doesn't sit well with me. The shitty graphics would be fine if my character wasn't so sexualized, and instead the other characters were. Unless there's a way to be the dominant one by default that I haven't found out about yet. Or maybe I'm playing it entirely wrong kek.
>The first or second mod admitted to being a man. You can still see the thread on /meta/
NTA but holy shit. Do you have screencaps or anything? I can't find that thread.
I was an annoying Hetafag fujoyume irl and then matured a little in high school and got better nerdy friends (mostly male, sadly). Got my first boyfriend (shit experience), changed husbandos every year, and then got another boyfriend (a bit better than the last but then I left him for another husbando). I used both Tumblr and 4chan but didn't have any online friends, so I preferred the anonymous imageboard experience. Most of this time was spent on /y/ back when it wasn't exclusively a barafag board and there were more women.
I don't use CSP anymore but maybe get the popular stuff you like? I never cared that much about brushes, just got a few from the store that I really, really liked. If you can't decide, popular brushes get popular for a reason.

Anonymous 283844

Kek nope, but thanks for making me smile anyways with that wild guess

Anonymous 283845

never heard of french girly before and holy heck it's much better than jirai

Anonymous 283846

tumblr anons, is there anyone you followed back then that you still keep tabs on?

Anonymous 283847

>The first or second mod admitted to being a man
>Do you have screencaps or anything?
How fucking new are you two lmao, the newfaggotry is astounding, I wish new farmers still had enough natural curiosity to learn the board lore or lurk /meta/ outside of complaint threads

Anonymous 283848


i am using my 5 minutes to beg the mods to lower the flood cooldown. i am on my knees. please let us refugee farmers talk freely. this is all we have left

Anonymous 283850

This blonde woman whos tumblr is Wuorno or Wuornos, also Dustbinflower cause she's milky. And Keegan Love Miller even though she wasn't that prominent on tumblr

Anonymous 283851


Kek I've been building my girly/jirai-kei wardrobe recently actually. Mostly secondhand because that's the only way to find the pieces I want, most burando releases lately have been shit. I love that muted pink color that everything is because it's one of the few shades of pink I look nice in, but I get why people think it's tired now too. The "community" is shit and to be avoided at all costs.

>A lot of the popular japanese jirai influencers are cows themselves though.
Interesting, links? I don't particularly keep up with jp girls on that level so I'm mostly unaware, I just enjoy looking at their outfit pics for inspiration. I imagine it's a lot of women in their 20s still cutting and bpdposting, but this time in moonrunes…

I agree on french girly being incredibly cute, I think I enjoy the edgier visual elements of "jirai" though. What brands do you s like? I'm a Liz Lisa loyalist lmao, I quite like Ma*rs and Secret Honey too.

Anonymous 283852

i don't want to name any names because they're all good people but i still lurk a blonde girl from seattle who was pretty radfem, a MENA girl who does piercings now i think, and ok molly soda. i had horrible taste i know

Anonymous 283853

nonas what's your favorite nursery rhyme? mine is mary had a little lamb.

Anonymous 283854

Leafsea I think, and babyangel.jpg

Anonymous 283855

Now you guys got me curious, but I don't want to visit that hellhole ever again (sorry, I have low tolerance to scrote sites now). If only LC were still up.
NTA, I haven't used LC in months, but I've been looking at recently archived threads since the site went down, and I don't remember it being that bad even 2 years ago when I first joined.
>we as women face life long indoctrination. It's a systemtic issue that pushes women into thinking this shit is 'uwu heckin valid'
> have some understanding at the very least, because you're a woman too, and you know what it feels like to be told your worth is your body
This, those women are responsible for their own actions, but they made those choices for a reason, and that reason is life-long social brainwashing. If it wasn't socially acceptable for women to be treated as sex objects, there wouldn't be a camwhore epidemic.

Anonymous 283856

I wish the schizo Nicole Dollanganger orbiter bodyofbugs was still around. Once a year or so I remember she existed and look around for another account. She was easily the most interesting person in that whole scene

Anonymous 283857

john jacob jingleheimer schmidt

Anonymous 283858

When I started playing DOL I was reading old advice from the NSFW Games General on how to toughen up the character from the get go to avoid so much of those early assault scenes. Stuff like picking the “Athletic” trait so my PC can run away faster, picking run+hold head up on the “Someone’s following you” prompts, and avoiding the bus. You probably can’t assault LIs the way your PC gets it, but if you go after Sydney’s corruption route you can become the sexual aggressor in the relationship (plus there’s always Robin’s confidence meter to fuck with). I would say to give the game another try but I can also see why it’s not appealing for some people

Anonymous 283859

I'm sorry but it's not letting me in the server, anyone know how to troubleshoot?

Anonymous 283860

if babyangel is who i think she is, i think shes tif now

Anonymous 283861

NTA but for some reason the permissions are fucking up.

Anonymous 283862

on the topic of decades, I feel bad for people alive now who weren't kids in the 90s (broadly speaking, but I don't mean people who were 18 in 1992 or 2 in 1998, obv). I don't think there was a better time to be a kid. Sure, there would have been advantages in other decades I guess, but any earlier -> as a girl, you have worse sanitary products, your mom has fewer rights (affects you), schools still heavily discriminated against girls and minorities, things like domestic and child abuse were barely taken seriously, etc. idk why I put sanitary products first nonas, I just remember reading Judy Blume and freaking the fuck out about this sanitary pad belt thing she describes. Then during health/sex education, the teacher showed us pads and they didn't have belts.

There was terrorism in the 80s and 90s of course, and some of it must have been heartbreaking (being a baby and a kid there means I was mostly oblivious). But reading about it now, the types of terrorism seem so much less "let's kill as many as possible" back then. idk.

we had awesome game consoles for the time, we were able to have some childhood pre-9/11 and pre-UK/Spain transport bombings. The wall fell and ushered in a lot of hope and chaos, which was represented in the excesses of the 90s. I've never seen neon I liked aside from the otherworldly saturated neon shades of my childhood. Those colors were mesmerizing, you wanted to bite into the highlighter or your windbreaker.

We had internet to an extent but no social media. We loled about y2k and we were too young to go anywhere for nye in 1999 but we had sleepovers or watched it on tv.

ice cream pizza and Spaghettieis had been invented and we played laser tag.Our older siblings started to go to LAN parties and we begged to come with them. We thought we could still save the planet. we thought we would live forever with our dogs and cats and birds and guinea pigs.

I'm sorry for zoomers who can't have this type of existence. Sometimes we did get bored with less internet (idk we always had Internet at home,not everyone did though) but we had fun with consoles and trips and other shit

Anonymous 283863

The chicken dance

Anonymous 283864

Shit really? I haven’t checked up on her in years, maybe it’s a different one cause she was like hyper feminine, fake blonde, lip injections, everything girly and pink. Obsessed with having a fat ass

Anonymous 283865

>change settings in bedroom
Holy fuck you nonas are lifesavers
The amount of grinding it takes to get anywhere is terrible. I got sent to the asylum and had lots of fun, but I saw each unique event at least 20 times before I was let go. I wish Harper was a love interest.
You can be a sexual aggressor with Sydney and all the pillory NPCs. I always harass them every day. I do wish you could choose aggression as well but it's free so I just enjoy it.

Anonymous 283866

I'm sorry, now I realize that anon probably meant "admin" and not "mod"; I already know about the male admins in lolcow's history, but due to that anon's mistake, I thought she was talking about a current mod that recently admitted to being male. Since I haven't been on lolcow for a while, I wouldn't know. No need to get so fucking hostile.

Anonymous 283867


Anonymous 283868

>wish Harper was a love interest
Omg, I'd love to romance that creepy doc. I always end up in the asylum in my saves, but for some reason I forget that Harper exists. Hopefully he gets bumped up to LI one day. I could see him as a creepy LI on par with Kylar.

Anonymous 283869

This made me gag a bit

Anonymous 283871

it's kinda besides the point to complain about a free game, but dol can get so repetitive and I still feel insulted that jordan isn't a li

Anonymous 283872

I fixed it by launching Java not windows version because for some reason there's a difference

Anonymous 283874

lc hasn't always been a terfy man hate site. It was once about the cows.

Anonymous 283875

kek at the fuckin weeb explaining

Anonymous 283876

i don't put it past hollywood stars to do sexual favors for roles, it would be almost naïve not to. didn't she "date" robert pattison for a little while too? her chemistry as joan jett was undeniable and when she started to break out of being wooden as an actress, i think what people were picking up on is that she has very little on screen chemistry with men. that's what seals it for me.

Anonymous 283877

Yeah the Windows version is the Bedrock edition of the game, Java is a separate edition.

Anonymous 283878

I'm shocked, but not surprised.

Anonymous 283879

Strangely enough I’ve never been to the Asylum, how do you get in? I always have Dr. Harper as a woman (along with Avery) in my runs even though every else picks man. Something about getting lured into hypnosis under the false security of a woman who also knows about the shitty orphanage and town assaults does it for me, idk

Anonymous 283880

Screenshot 2024-08…

i've been researching french girly because of you nonas upthread. it's a really cute style and seriously my type

Anonymous 283883

Some fucking capoeira faggot tried to hack into one of my socials just now, like he didn't think I'd notice the email telling me I'm logging in from BRASILIA

Anonymous 283884

im hungry

Anonymous 283885

Was it twitter? maybe they are suffering from twitter withdrawal

Anonymous 283886

who's the cow?

Anonymous 283887

Mind boggling. I haven't been on Minecraft in years and had assumed Java = windows and Bedrock = cross platform/console, so I got tripped up

Anonymous 283888

this is all going too fast for me, can someone just let me know if there's been any lcf update?

Anonymous 283889

I lurk a few of the old radfem cows from back in the day like Kelly and Menalez. Unfortunately a lot of radblr cows have either got termed or deactivated though (RIP Toppdyke, you provided rich creamy milk)

Anonymous 283890

capoeira is a real thing? also the post limit is starting to piss me off ugh

Anonymous 283891

it will be up tuesday

Anonymous 283892

OMG toppdyke and menalez my favorite rad cows
I also loved sharts, stanabortion and folxawakens. They were só fun. Good times

Anonymous 283893


here’s what we know so far bonnie

Anonymous 283894

>capoeira is a real thing?

Anonymous 283895

I developed mild bronchitis what do I do s?

Anonymous 283896

all this fucking waiting is making me actually think about my responses

Anonymous 283897


God I miss the MTF cow thread rn

Anonymous 283898

Ah no worries. I've only been on lolcow just under two years so I'm probably still newfaggy enough. I mostly just stick to media and one local cow. I only learned about the old admin lore from bored scrolling meta one night
(I think you were replying to my deleted post) Empath-chan. I've seen her a couple times irl this Summer. Her spitting grounds are part of my commute.

Anonymous 283899

they've clearly never seen an hourglass

Anonymous 283901

> hour glass figure

Anonymous 283902

Same. Hate having the brain of a fatass

Anonymous 283903

pass out from fatigue or pain with high trauma levels, not passing out by the temple or forest.
Harper is sexy as fuck as a woman. This game feels pretty tailored to straight women into maledom, so that's probably why people pick male for them. Being molested by a perverted female doctor pretending it's treatment is one of my number one fetishes, but it would be even better if we could cuddle her.

Anonymous 283904

we love you too nona #<3

Anonymous 283905

truly disgusting creature

Anonymous 283906

>hourglass figure
Oh so we’re just full on lying to these mentally ill things now huh

Anonymous 283907

what's the tldr of her? i've seen her threads popping off but i have my own cows to worry about

Anonymous 283908

gargle warm water with a tsp of salt nona, do this often.

Anonymous 283909

I get why it's popular but it's also the most repetitive fashion I've ever seen, there's basically three coords that everyone repeats.

Anonymous 283910

he still is obviously male just slightly more effeminate looking because he lost weight and chose to style himself differently. he has the face of this one drag queen who’s name i can’t remember right now

Anonymous 283911

thank you <3

Anonymous 283912

Like anyone would even marry him, let alone be in the same zip code as him

Anonymous 283913

I can't believe Null won the battle

Anonymous 283914

Also 99% of the people who wear it are anas.

Anonymous 283915

Yeah, I already knew about Sydney and Robin, it's the first thing I looked for in the wiki, always had fun teasing Sydney in the library and making him horny kek, but I stopped playing before it actually got anywhere, sadly. Thanks for the tips, I might play again in the future if they add more stuff.

There are other characters that I'd love to have as love interests, such as one or two of the teachers that so far do not have any sex scenes (one of them in particular I find perfect as a potential submissive) If I could fuck Sydney and his dad at the same time, that'd be amazing. NGL, I really liked some fucked up events where the player character is assaulted, even though I don't consider myself a masochist [spoiler]because first, the rapists could occasionally kiss or touch you in a gentler way (which is something I'm super into, literally had to reload dozens of times until RNG blessed me with this), and second, he didn't intend to be turned on in the first place but I "seduced" him into it so I was able to cope a little that this was what my character wanted and not them[/spoilers], but I feel kinda bad about having enjoyed those due to the horrifying descriptions of the PC crying and in pain, not to mention the fucking "trauma" stat. But it got tiring after a while, especially with all the grinding involved. Another thing that I hated was that I picked an androgynous appearance and wore masculine clothes, so when characters found out my character was female, I hated their fetishy reactions. Probably shouldn't have made my character so similar to myself, though. This game was such a guilty pleasure for me, I loved and hated it at the same time, so I had to stop playing it for my own sanity kek

I'm working on my own female-pandering coomer dating sim, but in the future I'd also like to make a more complex, sandbox-y kind of simulator like DoL but more clearly aimed at women. Pray that I'll make it one day, nonas

Anonymous 283916

Off the top of my head
>Lives in a council apartment. Nothing wrong with that I grew up in a council house but you can get she's not well off
>Tries to market herself as edgefag and push her onlyfans on r9k. Fails
>Terrible filters and cheap af temu level cosplay
>Takes donnos to video herself spitting on homeless people and foreign people
>Multiple videos of her attacking hospital staff
>Posts that she's taking obviously fake drgs
>Doxxed a private women's shelter she was in
There's probably more stuff but I can't remember without the lol cow cheatsheet

Anonymous 283917

doxxing a women's shelter is diabolical wtf

Anonymous 283918

What is she like irl? Does she seem as mousy and retarded as she does in her videos?

Anonymous 283919

Her music is unremarkable (I have /mu/fag origins and somewhat of a dinosaur taste) but I'd fuck the shit out of her to be honest. Hopefully she likes mentally unstable bi women.

Anonymous 283920

in case any of you are in the mood to cry

Anonymous 283921

Late but the girl with a lot of lipstick is 17, she later went on to be a porn star. The Asian girl looks pretty young but who knows. I love the cop kissing part.

Anonymous 283922

I think they're wrong, too, but I might be wrong myself since I'm not Japanese.
AFAIK, -kun is used in more formal contexts as well, such as calling young males at school -kun, or if you're a male teacher/boss, you may call your students/subordinates -kun regardless of sex, whereas -chan is only used with those you're close with or affectionate towards, and it's much more informal.

I'm curious as to what that "serious and unexpected issue" is.

Moids are so retarded they're fooled by clothes and a clean shaven face kek

Anonymous 283923

im none of the anons you replied to but i theorize someone may have been trying to breach the site? especially after it got posted on 4chan

Anonymous 283924

Human Wheatley???

Anonymous 283925

he looks like rumpelstiltskin from shrek

Anonymous 283926

My fave was grossgirlterror/ikilledbabyjesus. I watched that dumb Andy Warhol porno because of her and it was shit lmao

Anonymous 283927

It looks like clothes from the juniors section at Ross

Anonymous 283929

I used to have a huge crush on her and thought she was super cute. Now I am just disappointed in both her and myself. I will never recover.

Anonymous 283930

Where SHOULD I buy a cute phone case like this? Not where can I, but where would it be best to do so?

Anonymous 283931

fuck I'm sorry for the spoilertag fail

Anonymous 283932

Sanrio jp probably has some nice ones.

Anonymous 283933

She's pretty mousey and greasy irl. Most of the time I've seen her is on the opposite side of the street or occasionally passing by.
The closest I've gotten to her is waiting in line at a Spar. She seemed pretty wasted and she was there for like 5 mins trying to tell the shopkeeper she wanted a daddy naggin of vodka. So many "wha" and "fub off"s. As she was leaving I heard a "fhurbin prick". Lovely woman.

Anonymous 283934

no employment thread to vent in on a saturday night on a holiday weekend, but would you take a pay cut to work fully remote?
i make about 50k at an overworked office job and don't feel like i make enough, but i've been presented with a potential opportunity that's fully remote but 2k less but it wouldnt be work i hate. probably non negotiable as that seems to be industry standard entry. applying for jobs and being an adult is lame

Anonymous 283935

The edgy radfem lesbians and fujos and their mutuals. I miss femceljasonvoorhees.

Anonymous 283936

I got a crush on the butch that works at the liquor store she dresses like silent bob and has a lot of rizz

Anonymous 283937

abso fuckin lutely. everything is tax deductible anyway

Anonymous 283938

Wouldn't call it my favourite but this one is "vibes"

Anonymous 283939


Do anonettes have any advice on quitting dating men for good? I don’t want to date them, have sex with them, nor be tempted to. How do I avoid them as much as possible? Should I delete every good looking guy from instagram?

To be honest, at this point I'm tempted to date a woman, but I have no experience and I don't want to be that girl who wants to "experiment", but if you don't try it, how do you know that you like it? I feel so lame, no bi/les woman wants to be with a woman with no experience who isn't sure of anything yet. I need to keep to myself and be celibate, anything else is either awful or embarrassing.

Anonymous 283940

They have none sob

Anonymous 283941

i'd fwb with you

Anonymous 283942

i cry when i think about people who’ve never been in love

Anonymous 283943

Yeah I've given up on finding a subby bf in real life. My imagination is enough. Although sadly there isn't a lot of straight media for women where the guys are actually submissive and femdom isn't just used as bait.

What's so hard about not dating? Maybe I'm just weird enough that I can naturally stay celibate. The closest I've been to dating someone in the past 4 years has been teasing my coworker that was also into me just before he quit kek, but I never want it to go past that sexual tension stage.

Anonymous 283944

Someone’s gotta do it for me

Anonymous 283945

Throughout high school/college a few girls have had crushes on me yet I’m straight. What does this mean? I know that they had crushes on me because they either asked me out or I heard it by chance/saw in a group chat. It’s unlikely to be an elaborate scheme since it happened across grades/years.

Anonymous 283946

i was in this thread and i was accidentally in another thread replying to 3 hours posts but i'm gonna reply to them anyways hope that's okay

this is cute

it's obvious to me, but i didn't want to be the first to bring it up. i agree with you
she opened for olivia rodrigo one day and then blew up.. pretty sure she has rich parents and/or connections

this is cringe.
>How do you do fellow lesians?

Anonymous 283947

>daddy naggin
Irish for 350ml or 12oz

Anonymous 283948

I couldn’t live without love kek, I would die within 2 seconds

Anonymous 283949

On the contrary, I believe it must be a blessing to have never fallen in love. It's not like it'll kill you.

Anonymous 283950

girl it means you're hot

Anonymous 283951

Not much, most men are ugly. I don't go on dates or hookup, but I do entertain talking through messages from time to time. It's hard to quit the ego boost. The problem is, my last relationship started like that, texing and then actually dating. I don't want that to happen ever again, but I'm scared I might fall in love again in the future.

Anonymous 283953

What do you mean? They just found you attractive.

Anonymous 283954

i cry when i think of people who havent felt love, like orphan kids and shit. romantic love pales in comparison

Anonymous 283955


Based. I love the sexual tension and stringing men along, it gives me the dopamine I lack from my normal life.

Anyways, invest in your female friendships is my best advice. What I found the I have missed the most while being single was just having someone I could do small, everyday things with. So I redirected that energy into doing that stuff with my friends. One of my friends and I plan our meal prep together and FaceTime as we cook. I sit and knit with another friend while we half-watch a movie and just catch up. I’m planning a small weekend getaway with another friend to see the leaves change color in the mountains. Doing all of this with them puts into perspective how little a relationship really serves me in my life.

Anonymous 283956

shay autism incoming
I miss /shay and her threads. Im the only ans anon, and busted pussy tinfoil caused by spanking is correct. she post a low quality video with her vagina in it today. and it looks like there was an ingrown hair everywhere a hair was, but it was low quality. considering the state she'll spead that thing out on the web in I can't even imagine how bag it was.

Anonymous 283957

I’m in love with idea of a man who will let me be in control at all times and let me dress him up and push him around while being really shy about it. But I know that there’s no such man.

Anonymous 283959


i seriously am starting to miss the heather threads so much. i don't use instagram so i rely on the anons in there who post her unhinged stories and 12-year-old-emotional-intelligence rants…
those threads are a beacon of light i actually think i could just not bother with /ot/ anymore and just keep up with whatever nonsense heather is definietly getting up to as we speak and the anons whose commentary cracks me up

Anonymous 283960

But why did the girls find me attractive and not the guys (whom I’m interested in)????

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