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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #29 Anonymous 289405

Check status.lolcow.farm for updates.

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Previous bunkers:
#28: >>>/b/288793
#27: >>>/b/288185
#26: >>>/b/287549
#25: >>>/b/286819
#24: >>>/b/286074
#23: >>>/b/285425
#22: >>>/b/284684
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280

Anonymous 289406

First week of my new job is over and it’s finally weekend. But no lolcor to enjoy it

Anonymous 289407

Congrats on your first week! Hope it was good.

Anonymous 289408


Nice work nopplers!
What is the name of this manga? It's on the tip of my tongue. She has a friend with an egg on her hair or something right?

Anonymous 289409


this retard getting mad that shitty photoshop looks much better than his thinly veiled gooner slop (pretend im posting this on the bad art thread)

Anonymous 289410

Thank you! Actually it’s really nice.

Anonymous 289411

>It is now Friday everywhere
uhhhh so wtf

Anonymous 289413


and no update on the status page

Anonymous 289415

When is lolcow coming back

Anonymous 289420


Found it, Shimeji Simulation

Anonymous 289422

what a fag kek. also isn't pmseymour that one voice actor who trooned out a bit ago? or am i thinking of another tumblr troon

Anonymous 289423

i'm guessing the serious issue was the site getting hacked or something, probably mass data loss. i don't think its coming back, at least in the form we remember it

Anonymous 289424

If you live in a country with strict body standards for women and you think women have to be tiny and cute I guess she looks huge but to me she looks like a competitive weightlifter and not even very fat to be honest

Anonymous 289426


Made a dutch baby for breakfast today. First time ever making it and I'm not good with baked goods usually, but following my intuition with the measurements actually worked and I got the perfect batter and it turned out amazing and tasty. So fluffy and light and tasty. I'm so happy with it, a great way to start the day.

Anonymous 289427

I think out of the original 3 admins there's probably just one left who has to pay someone to fix whatever tf is going on on the technical side.

Anonymous 289428

it’s so gross, that influencer lifestyle is really only reserved for the conventionally skinny and good looking people and i honestly get why? their attractiveness makes the slop they’re peddling way more appetizing/marketable
>she looks like a competitive weightlifter
terrible bait, you have to be fucking with me right now kek. she looks fat as fuck, stop it.

Anonymous 289430

looks delicious, anon! good job!
what makes you say that?

Anonymous 289431

I just don’t get why the admin isn’t at least updating the status for us

Anonymous 289432


Anonymous 289434

Where should i talk about horrorcows? SSB9 is so scary to me that I don’t want to disturb anyone who doesn’t know about him yet

Anonymous 289435

now you have me curious, who is he?

Anonymous 289436


Anonymous 289437

holy shit will we ever get the site back

Anonymous 289442

Because if there's still 3, I doubt they'd all leave us in silence.

Anonymous 289443

Anonymous 289445

First day of period and i got cravings for sth sweet but when I look at groceries they disgust me. That’s so much worst to me than cramps or the general mess. My feelings are nuts during that time.

Anonymous 289446


I can't stop browsing 4chan's /v/ board for discussion on upcoming dragon age veilguard. Dragon age is literally the only reason I ever go on that hellboard. I'm so upset my favourite franchise is about to go the way of Concord but I'm secretly looking forward to witnessing the trainwreck. Everybody looks so fucking ugly.

Anonymous 289449

the farm is burnt and destroyed
i am unemployed
world is a fuck
fuck this shit

Anonymous 289452

Are those legit the qunari in the game? I thought those memes going around were edits.

Anonymous 289453

I've been applying and the only places that call me back are hotlines. I don't want to do first level customer support but I don't have a degree so I'm shit out of luck. My last job was backoffice in a technical field that trained on the job and all the trainers were retarded and I learned more by googling after work but eventually I stopped wanting to do that and failed so hard until they let me go

Anonymous 289454

what’s the plan if lolcor never comes back? not saying that’s guaranteed to happen ofc.

Anonymous 289455

i've discovered a lot of job listings online are fake or just up to collect personal information. whoever tells you the job market is doing fine is lying. the world is fucked once companies "hire" AI.

Anonymous 289456


Yes. The qunari is also trans and and they/them. She almost looks like a racial caricature, all of the non-white characters have such exaggerated juicy lips that it looks almost racist.

Anonymous 289457

that's true too, whenever I send out a batch of applications I keep getting AI generated voice messages on Whatsapp and Telegram pretending to be HR people and it's for task-based scam "jobs"

Anonymous 289459

Anonymous 289460


can someone tell me what pokemon this is

Anonymous 289461


>Tshirts, tshirts here!
>Free today for all farmers!
>Remember where you were when lolcow died!
I'll try add Cece and Elsie to the heads but I my photoshop skills are week

Anonymous 289462

this is true. also, there's even a store near me that has a "we're hiring!" sign on the door and the web address to apply below. turns out they're not hiring, they're required by corporate to keep the sign up though

Anonymous 289463

Pushed too hard while shitting now my blood pressure dropped a bit, why is my body so damn dramatic bitch we were just taking a shit

Anonymous 289464

Shadow lugia

Anonymous 289465

Im a burger anon and Im sad because my friend isnt very political and a friend of hers has convinced her to vote for the socialist candidate (claudia de la cruz) because that friend of hers is a PSL (socialist party) member and is going rouge this year even though she voted for biden last election. I told her the risk of trump winning and causing outright civil war is too great to be taking votes away from the dems and she said she understood but we didnt keep talking about it because I think we both felt weird arguing about it. Im not strongly political either though I would vote for bernie sanders if he had not dropped out, so I understand where she and the PSL friend are coming from. I just think its not the time . And I dont get why the PSL people want to risk that!

Anonymous 289466

Ew they look so ugly. What were they thinking with those eyebrows on the qunari? And I’m not even gonna get into the fact that all the guys in this game are uglier than sin

Anonymous 289469

it's shit like this that's going to drive people insane and to drastic measures like crime to make enough for rent. fucking bleak…

Anonymous 289470

s I feel like its joever……..

Anonymous 289472

What's the point in posting this shit over and over. Are you hoping for clarity? For anons to tell you noooo sweet lovely n0nnie it will come back! Because we don't know shit, just fucking engage with other anons and stop posting this retarded oowoo cutesy N0NNIKINS IT'S ALL OVER WAHHHHH. Like come on. Do a hobby. Start a conversation.

Anonymous 289473

hey, at least you didn't faint

Anonymous 289474

are we at this stage of lolcor deprivation

Anonymous 289475

>it's after September 2
>it's after September 3
>it's after September 5
I just want to go back I hate this site

Anonymous 289476


Anonymous 289477


imo Lucanis is passable, wouldn't fuck him if there were other attractive guys around (yes even Solas) but next to these inbred looking cunts he looks pretty sexy ngl. I don't get the thirst over the old man though, I feel like it's half performative because of current le hot old man meme, he looks busted and deformed.

Anonymous 289478

all right, fuck it. google smartschoolboy9

Anonymous 289479

Online buyers are the worst. I'm fucking over it thinking of just nuking my accounts fuck this shit

Anonymous 289480

? Take your meds kek it's the first time I've even posted something like this here. The bunkers were way worse than this during the Christmas incident and I didn't see this sperging then. Sorry I'm not engaging with the obvious baitposts moid infighting or period blood jar nonas, next time I will drag my sperging out by at least twenty posts to capture the true spirit of lolcow.

Anonymous 289481

I wore some light makeup for a special occasion about a week ago and now my eyelid has painful eczema fuck this

Anonymous 289482

Woah, here's a wacky idea, just ignore the retarded bait posters and engage with the anons who aren't baiting! Or, better yet, start a fucking conversation yourself.

Anonymous 289483

Dragon age was never good

Anonymous 289484

I watched Nick Crowley and Nexpo's docs and have felt gross ever since.

Anonymous 289486

Take that back

Anonymous 289487

It's so over, the status page isn't being updated.

Anonymous 289489

No, I can't even remember a good part of the game except some meme moments that made me cringe hard

Anonymous 289490

Fuck me, DA has been one of my fave franchises but the game looks so shit

Anonymous 289492

KEK I love seeing this after I just posted basically the same thing. Suck my left tit spaz.

Anonymous 289493

I wonder how the admin bootlickers are coping

Anonymous 289494

Lolcow is never coming back bitch time to work on your posture and water&macro intake!

Anonymous 289495

I think this shutdown may be a turning point in my life.

Anonymous 289496

that's sad

Anonymous 289498

What are you gonna do if the site never comes back

Anonymous 289500

Who's the retard constantly spamming "eeeh!! lolcor is dead!! is over!!"? Bitch quit it, damn, we get it!

Anonymous 289501

What the fuck are we gonna do?

Anonymous 289502


Time to take up the pilates and get on my hydrationmaxxing
Schizoid, someone take this nona back to the nursing home

Anonymous 289503

idk get a life?
i only browse it at work during downtime so i'll just find another site. i came for the cows and that's been dying anyway. on the other hand, retards can be found anywhere. these days i have the best cow discussions when i send funny retards to my friends one on one or in group chats, lolcow has long gotten too big for its britches and it was not that fun anymore anyway. too many farmers use it as a content aggregator like reddit where they just come to get conveniently summarized ragebait and the original, more entertaining spirit has been lost long ago.

Anonymous 289506

You need a life, I need cows to laugh at and chit-chat with random women online.

Anonymous 289507

ikr ive already the entire cormoran strike series since it went down

Anonymous 289508


my sleep has been disturbed ever since. i wake up multiple times in the night and i have to lie down with my back to the wall. i’ve never in my life seen something online that was so distorted, and horrific. what really affects me is how articulate he is. he writes poems in english, latin, and french. he has a very strong grasp of metaphor and imagery. very humbert humbert esque. i keep thinking i see his face or hear his giggles when i walk around and i haven’t slept with the lights off in a week. never in my life has something online chilled me to the bone in this way and i’ve been reading about true crime since i was 14 or 15 years old. never in my life

Anonymous 289509

I’m sure he’ll be too gay for my tastes but he’s an option because I’ll need a fallback if Lucien is cringe.

Anonymous 289510

Well they didn't specify 5th of September 2024. See you next year

Anonymous 289512

There are lots of us, you need to touch pasture

Anonymous 289514

>idk get a life?
Nyart but I like my barely functional online addict half life thank you very much.

Anonymous 289515

I hate when I see women thirst over men on public social media, it's disgusting. Keep it in the group chats with your friends, you look desperate and it helps no one.
>but he might see me, you never know
1. Delusional
2. If he does and you're his type, congrats, now he knows you're just one of millions of clowns

Anonymous 289516


God I hope not, I can't have another repeat of Dorian (which on hindsight looked much better than everyone in this cast and I'm sure was better written) I hate flaming faggot characters and I'm saying this as a hardcore fujoshi who played both DA2 and DAI with male PCs. All depends on their personality I guess, DAI managed to sell me on Solas at one point and that was even before Trespasser. There's something about that egg. On a related note I'm not sure how people romance Astarion in BG3 (granted have not played).

Anonymous 289519

what no lolcow does to a mfer.

Anonymous 289520



Anonymous 289523

There's KF for cows and you can talk to women online on hundreds of other sites.

Anonymous 289524

Some of you talk like Tumblrtards and it's genuinely infuriating

Anonymous 289526

Dutch babies are my favorite “special occasion” breakfast. They’re so easy to make and SUCH a crowd pleaser!! They’re great savory too. I always use Chef John’s recipe from foodwishes. Yours looks wonderful, anon!!

Anonymous 289529

Not anti-troon women my age who aren't into kpop and know about the same media/books/subcultures/etc. Like it or not, Lolcow has a certain "culture" of women who are diverse, but similar in ways that are hard to find elsewhere.

Anonymous 289530

It's because the influx of newfags came from Jill's tiktoks and they literally are tumblrfags and tiktokfags. They refuse to integrate and they use their retarded uwu speak as grown women. That's why sperging about hating trannies is the best thing you can do to combat them. They either argue against you and get banned or they remain silent to avoid getting banned.

Anonymous 289531


>be me yesterday
>dad mentions he's close to death
>think about my parents in the 90s and early 00s, how they were young and full of life and dreams
>Starts crying copiously, to the point of hiccups, which is rare
>Period today

It makes sense, although I am still upset about everything.
I miss my childhood not because I miss being a child, but because my parents had so much life in them.

Anonymous 289534

why are so many of you like this

Anonymous 289536

Just woke up from a dream where I met a girl on lolcow and she came over and we had sex and then ate dinner together. Fuck my entire life

Anonymous 289537

Is it ever bad news for me all the time? Damn

Anonymous 289538

Swlling sunset s 8 is out bye cc

Anonymous 289539

never too late to make your dreams a reality nona

Anonymous 289542


some mtg lands that bother me

Anonymous 289543

Why is he balding? Are balding men a minority who deserve representation?

Anonymous 289544


Go through the five stages of grief all at the same time

Anonymous 289545

why did the Rena thread die? It was hilarious seeing her sperg out and threaten to sue lc lol

Anonymous 289546

leave society behind and become a wandering hermit

Anonymous 289547

are the top 5 AI generated? they look like it, lame

Anonymous 289550

Why is there always some anon who comes in to say "Hmph, Lolcow deserves to be shut down anyway! Stupid site, the whole userbase sucks and you're all losers! If I were admin, I would've closed it down long ago" like they're not posted up in the bunker like the rest of us? You can leave alone and forget about it, but you keep coming back. If it's so terrible, why? Weird "n-not like I like you or anything" mentality.

Anonymous 289551

why is it always dated tumblr memes with you people

Anonymous 289552

its called processing

Anonymous 289553

What was the longest lolcow was down?

Anonymous 289554

>I miss my childhood not because I miss being a child, but because my parents had so much life in them.
you're not alone anon. some tough shit happened in my childhood too due to external factors, and I wonder if because of that I had a big part in aging them and taking their life away. My dad is tough but it feels like my mom's given up on life. maybe life just looks different because I'm in my 30s

Anonymous 289555

Update status hasnt changed since saying the 5th. Welp.

Anonymous 289556

This the exact same thought process cows themselves have when they seethe about their threads

Anonymous 289557


Just have some fun in the goofy bunker thread anon. You're going to die ten years earlier than you should because you've built up so much negative energy, not even joking. Tell me about some music you've been listening to a lot lately nona.

Anonymous 289558

not stupid.png

i don't think so, they're just allergic to making nice full arts

Anonymous 289559

oh these are really pretty!

Anonymous 289560

I read that as Shadow Luigi and now can't stop laughing

Anonymous 289562

Lolcow has been down several months before, back then there was a temporary website I can only imagine would be 10x the shithole it was then if they made another today. A lot of the worst aspects of lc today were either foreshadowed or birthed by tempcow.
They are ex or current tumblrtards trying to relive their sad unfunny peaks

Anonymous 289563

If LC is essentially one big cow thread, why would you want to lose the laughs? I don't want most of the cows I read about to disappear, I want to watch them make clowns of themselves because it's funny.

Anonymous 289565

There's four black birds hopping around my yard right now. I wonder if they're ravens or fries or something else? Anyway, I'm so glad fall is coming. It's starting to feel so nice outside as opposed to scalding hot.

Anonymous 289566

morning sickness is fucking intolerable i feel like i am dying

Anonymous 289567

My mom's 67th birthday was a while ago and it really, really fucked with me that she's nearly 70.

Anonymous 289568

Went to my usual Starbucks after work to treat myself for not doing shit this week and getting away with it and my refresher is so diluted in water I can barely taste the mango and orange. And I can't even complain on lc. BECAUSE IT'S STILL DOWN! Fuck…

Anonymous 289569

>implying some of the most obvious and least integrated tumblrtards of all the posters here aren't the radblr users
>implying religiously sperging about troons and moids is going to help anything at all

Anonymous 289570

Noo anon you don't get it!! Let's infight other women over moids again it's so fun!!

Anonymous 289571

Starbucks has been really shit quality lately. Local coffee shops are where it's at.

Anonymous 289572

sorry about the sickness but congrats !

Anonymous 289575

I'd like to say it was one event that made me what I am like a movie but it's been a slow burn over my life and two big events added petrol to the fire. Even if it wasn't for that I'd probably still withdraw from life and end up om the same position I'm in now. I'm trying to get better but modern conveniences mean I can still exist without being forced to. At the end of the day it's still just me. It's all me.
Can't speak for other n0nnas though, maybe they are retards.

Anonymous 289576

>implying no tiktok/tumblrfags know what cc and lc are
You're retarded. Also calling troons trannies is not fighting over moids with anons, it's making fun of a retarded post-modernist fad. Interesting choice of words here.

Anonymous 289578

i wish i had a girlfriend or just someone to hold…

Anonymous 289580

t. posting with a face full of makeup and palate contusions. also there are slim few places on the internet (or even irl) where you can talk about these things. much of the “sperging” you see is anger that’s been bottled up over weeks or months.

Anonymous 289581


My dressup game is getting a body customization update and this is what it'll look like. Needless to say, I'm quite excited.

Anonymous 289584

Exactly. I like to have the freedom to shit on men even 1% of the degree they shit on us. I don't really want to be in a space full of women who'll resent me for that, or be put in constant fear of banning/deletion/suspension if I do find other women with the same views.
The rest of the internet treasures transgender emotions and lets men bash women of all demographics freely. Why can't I sperg about men and trannies on even one website?

Anonymous 289586

these are the body proportions of someone's trans xe/zim furry oc

Anonymous 289588

while most of the moidhate is justified, it gets old reading genuine meltdowns. sometimes the insistence on muh safe space to vent about how everyone's out to get me is downright cowish. there should be a place for that but not on lc necessarily and even here they delete it when it gets too spergy. what happened to asheras garden?

Anonymous 289590

Organize a new one with stricter bans on moidshit.

Anonymous 289592


Would you speak to her like that irl?

Anonymous 289594

sounds sad. hope you get better eventually.

Anonymous 289595

They all close way too early for me to go there after work and they tend to just have like 2 or 3 tables and less than 10 chairs where I am. I don't drink coffee anyway so they tend to have nothing for, I usually go to Starbucks to have a place where I can sit down. I got unlucky today because my usual Starbucks is usually calm but there's a horde of teenage girls screaming as loudly as possible in front of me god I hate kids so much.

Anonymous 289596

samefagging but i think the same counts for swooning over (fictional) moids, just stop making them such a center of your life, let's talk about literally anything else.

Anonymous 289597


no ma'am sorry ma'am

Anonymous 289598

shatna flashbacks

Anonymous 289599

QUICK drop your favorite song i need something to listen to

Anonymous 289600

i feel like i need to scream at the top of my lungs

Anonymous 289603

>swooning over (fictional) moids, just stop making them such a center of your life
you have plenty of other moid havens to read how much they want to rape and murder (sometimes) fictional women, but when we do it in this corner it's bad? fuck off with this self-important attitude.

Anonymous 289605

Death and Vanilla "Find Another Illusion"

Anonymous 289607

This and the past year have been so damn horrible for the internet.

Someone is feeling the /meta/ withdrawals already, I see.

Anonymous 289608

Whoa. This was one of the first images I saw on the internet, 20 years ago. Except she was holding buckets.

Anonymous 289610

allen street by pretty sick!! or any other song by pretty sick they're underrated as fuck

Anonymous 289613


Be honest with yourself and your life on general: who wrote you, a man or a woman? I'd say I got written by a woman, most specifically a 60yo boomer woman who writes weirdly tragic but hopeful romantic novelas

Anonymous 289614

it doesn’t, they’re not real. don’t be stupid

Anonymous 289616

Men are a minority these days haven't you heard

Anonymous 289617

>Why can't I sperg about men and trannies on even one website?
You have very little self awareness. There's appropriate places to have a meltdown about men. There's /2X/ and various threads on /ot/. Just because you have an opinion that doesn't mean that anyone else wants to read it.

Anonymous 289618

It's just a troon mad that we're complaining. The fact that it keeps calling simple criticism "screeching" and "meltdowns" and that these kind of posters don't stick to the bechdel threads who are specifically made for them should tell you enough about their true intentions.

Anonymous 289619

Same. I'm gonna do it when I get my vehicle to leave.

Anonymous 289620

Baby Baby no Yume by TANUKI, literally changed my life. It's like Sprite and happiness on music form

Anonymous 289621

You know these American sitcoms where only horrible, statistically unlikely events just keep happening to the MC over and over again and everyone laughs at the characters' misery because it's so horrible yet unrealistic you can't take it seriously? Like Malcolm in the Middle or Everybody hates Chris? I have this kind of writer.

Anonymous 289622

what's asheras garden?

Anonymous 289623

Katy Perry Unconditionally

Anonymous 289624

fc is the only other imageboard i use so stay there and lurk kiwifarms for milk. though kf fucking sucks to browse because the moids sperg way too much inbetween actual informative posts

Anonymous 289625

Are you sure you're not projecting re: self-awareness? I am talking about /2X/ and /ot/, and that's where I'd be other than lurking /snow/ if LC was not down, kek. I'm against morons complaining about "radblr" on LC as if it's a real problem, or like you can't go literally anywhere else online (including "radblr", ie tumblr, which has male, trans and gendie mods banning anything against that in spades) to avoid them.

Anonymous 289629

Mayhem freezing moon

Anonymous 289630

てふてふ/tefutefu by plastic tree, it's kind of moody though in case you're feeling happy. (please no flood detection this time)

Anonymous 289631

>woman doesn't want to talk about men
>must be a tranny
The low IQ logic behind this thought pattern is extreme.

Dead feminist image board.
Burritomin created /2X/ for feminist discussion and then closed it because retards wouldn't stop calling her troon. Apparently making a feminist board is tranny behaviour or some shit, who knows. So a asherah's garden was created which was supposed to be an image board exclusively for radfems. No one posted on it so it died.

Anonymous 289633

Currently sitting in my car, dreading having to walk out because it’s raining and the place I’m walking too has flooding. Why can’t this university invest in better flood protection? We rain every two weeks over here, they should really use their money to invest in pavilions and fixing the areas with severe flooding issues.

Anonymous 289634

i'm ayrt and this will get me made fun of but i have a mayhem tattoo KEK

Anonymous 289635


When LC comes back I'm going to make a new dumbass shit thread every hour until the current thread is taken off of auto sage. I have all fucking day and not even VPN ban would be enough to stop me. NOTHING CAN STOP ME. I know how to circumvent these things and I am finally putting my foot down. I. Want. My. Dumbass. Shit. Thread. And I will fucking get it.

Anonymous 289636

Kekkk I thought I was the only one that loved this sign.

Anonymous 289638

U smile by Justin Bieber

Anonymous 289640

Haha love you n0nna I’m wearing a mayhem shirt right now

Anonymous 289641

Developing an eating disorder as a fucking adult is the most embarrassing thing to happen to me

Anonymous 289642


My Boo, Hitman's Club Remix

Anonymous 289643


Anonymous 289644

It's either that or yet another loser who got replies saying ">she" or ">he" in one /snow/ thread for trying to pull a hecking gender respecterino on a cow two weeks ago, and never got over it.
>"Guys the man hate has gone too far!! Stop talking about men!!!"
So post about other things, and ignore posts you don't like. Others will follow suit if you're correct. I don't only or mainly post about men, but I value a general atmosphere that lets you say whatever the fuck you want about them and hear out other women without having to "be fair to men" or take someone's boyfriend into account or whatever. We've all somehow figured it out but you, why?
They act like men are the only thing we discuss, when in reality, that's just the only thing they pay attention to because it triggers them.

Anonymous 289645

He introduced me to the dish! I did his recipe but had to skip the vanilla and replace it with cinnamon because I forgot where it was kek. I also tried to use stevia instead of powdered sugar but that didn't work, so I ended up using powdered suagr anyways lol. I added some banana slices but thought they didn't look as nice as when it had berries only, so I took a separate picture with bananas after I added them. The only special occasion is that it's the weekend kek.

Anonymous 289646

Screenshot 2024-09…

is asheras garden related to this store's website in any way? they have a section on their website about its chat rooms and forums, or is this just a coincidence

Anonymous 289647

do you guy think we'll get any status updates

Anonymous 289648

dress by buck tick

Anonymous 289649

enjoy having dumbass shit and all other topicless threads banned entirely rather than just autosaged. pls continue with your plan

Anonymous 289650

I made sure to wake up early today so I wouldn't miss the FedEx person, it's been 2.5 hours and he still isn't here. Hurrryyyyy uppppp.

Anonymous 289651

can't you just stick to bechdel thread?

Anonymous 289652

Hitherto by Cocteau Twins

Anonymous 289653

God, I've peoplepleased, pussyfooted, cowardly and passively gotten into the worst fucking relationship ever and I don't know what to do. I need help and a kick in the face.
It was created by a scrote and got handed over to a woman, I remember? That's why anons were hesitant to use it.

Anonymous 289654

I think I have cavities

Anonymous 289655

Had a dream LC returned and it had a new ugly 2000s layout and everything was very blocky and sqaure, with borders making everything look like a bunch of tables. And the homepage had an announcement about AI being added to the site and the ability to create accounts a la kiwifarms but it was optional, and someone was already namefagging and personalityfagging with their account name and spamming the entire website. And the website had a space and rocket ships theme everywhere because the admin is a techbro who's obsessed with AI and space kinda like Elon Musk. Hilarious but horrifying.

Anonymous 289656

absolutely not

Anonymous 289658

Maybe try getting a remineralizing toothpaste. It probably won't fix the cavity but it should at least stop it from getting worse and prevent you from getting more

Anonymous 289659


i miss the troon threads.. the insightful nonas there both regaled and enlightened me… lolcow pps come back, you were the site that peaked me, no www. can ever compare to that…

Anonymous 289660

how would you feel like if cerbin added ads to lc to keep it alive?

Anonymous 289662

Is that you cerbin? I use an adblock so I wouldn't see the difference.

Anonymous 289663

go to the dentist, please don't wait on these things. Teeth are damn expensive

Anonymous 289664

The funniest part is how it is literally so easy to ignore the shit you don't want to see on the internet now. Troons and handmaidens and TRAs will dox you and try to get you fired from your job if you are gender critical with any identifying information. Throwback to redkatherine who was reported to the Russian authorities for being a lesbian because she was making anti-troon comics. LC and CC are the only sites where women can come and let loose on their gender ideology hatred without suffering unnecessary real life consequences. If other womwn hate reading about troons they can just download a browser extension to change "troons" "tranny" "moid" and "scrote" to some other noun and just fucking ignore the women frustrated with society as a whole. Like it's literally so simple.
The "stop sperging about trannies and moids" thing follows the same sort of pattern that many societal issues face
>oppression oppresses
>the oppressed are upset and fed up
>some time passes
>suddenly retards who have been surrounded by the rankings of the oppressed and have little to no contact with outside world are annoyed
>push back against the oppressed for hating oppressor
>meanwhile the oppressor still oppresses the oppressed and benefits from the shut-ins who "just don't want to hear it anymore!!"
>then the oppressor creeps in
>suddenly, trannies and TRAs and handmaidens everywhere

Anonymous 289665

Just saw a video of a wild Tawny owl (Luna) with unviable eggs that were swapped with two orphaned owlets. Her joy as she walked in and saw them and how she embraced them had me crying for a bit.

Anonymous 289666

aw nona, i think i saw the same video you're talking about, it was adorable. cute owl mama.

Anonymous 289667

I saw a video yesterday of a cat who only birthed one baby and her roommate cat giving birth a month later to two babys. They we’re always helping each other out and sharing custody basically it was so sweet it made me tear up too

Anonymous 289668

I feel you, similarly I didn't have any desire to cut myself until adulthood and I had to keep telling myself "edgelord, you were supposed to get this out of your system as a teen like everything else". Take care

Anonymous 289669

Okay well it's kind of mean of you not to include the video because now I really want to see it

Anonymous 289670

For real, it's downright humiliating. I developed severe ARFID in my mid 20s which is an already dumbass diagnosis that nobody takes seriously. I legit dropped several kgs over untreated anxiety regarding food, had to rawdog my way out of it by forcing myself to eat basic stuff again. I'm seriously considering that I may be autistic because wtf

Anonymous 289671

mother cats giving me baby tears fr

Anonymous 289672


Anonymous 289673


Either a dramatic woman or a gay man who was trying to prove a point.

Anonymous 289674


I went on a date to the park and he just burped and farted loudly in front of me because he believes in just "letting everything out". Mf also had to pee every 30 minutes. Wtf

Anonymous 289676

God I love animals

Anonymous 289678

I support you, when clowns need our spaces too
I'd legit beat a moid senseless if he dared to do that shit in front of me

Anonymous 289679

XqC creates the most worthless sloppy content and is a fucking retard. I NEED to fuck him

Anonymous 289680

teen girl writing an angsty metamorphosis rip-off

Anonymous 289681

BLESS YOU ANON, even the CC mods are against my plans, they've banned me and refused my appeal. What did I do wrong exactly? I SPOKE THE TRUTH, just like Jesus. They'll get what's coming to them.

Anonymous 289682

I think the address of asharah's garden was asharsgarden.net. It was years ago now so I may be misremembering. I know it wasn't a .com address so probably not.

Anonymous 289683

Definitely a man trying to prove a point about how life is only hard if you make it that way or some dumb shit. My life is like a fable. I’d say maybe a guy who read Tom Sawyer and said “I wanna write like that” but chose to make his character female and retarded

Anonymous 289684

One of those writers who can’t pick a genre, cause I’m on like my 4th life now.

Anonymous 289685

Whoever wrote "girl, interrupted" kek
Don't you mean "I need to fuck him up" or something? Do you want to fuck him??

Anonymous 289688

I'll post in all your threads and tell the the mods to go to hell

Anonymous 289689

Dealing with this now myself. I kind of zone out when I do it and regret it afterwards.

Anonymous 289690

Oh wow I had completely forgotten about Asherahs Garden. Why was that taken offline?

Anonymous 289691

N0nnas do you know if cerbim is looking for help? Im willing to give a hand now that's the weekend

Anonymous 289692


That's what you get for willingly procreating with a moid

Anonymous 289693

My tinfoil ass would think he's recording his actions and your reactions idk

Anonymous 289694

Nta, girl, interrupted is originally an autobiography. It was the actual life events of the book author. The movie twisted it a for dramatic effect though.

Anonymous 289695

How do you break up with someone very unstable and emotionally dependent on you, who will definitely not leave you alone even if you try to break up cleanly and will keep begging to you to take her back and slander your name later down the line? And to who you've been lying that everything's okay. I can't take it anymore, it's taking such a huge fucking toll on me, I feel so exhausted and drained.

Anonymous 289696

I don't think he was recording but I also had no reaction at all. I just kind of froze up and all I could think was "Is this really happening right now?"

Anonymous 289697

I thought this was the SF6 character creator for a solid second

Anonymous 289698

Hey at least he's showing you his nasty early on.

Anonymous 289699

Steebie blink thrice the next video if that's you

Anonymous 289700

i’m still drunk at 10am. i need to get my shit together. that being said, i am looking into therapists in my area since i just moved but i have had many therapists i’m simply not compatible with in the past and it makes finding one feel like a fucking chore. i just need someone to talk to.

Anonymous 289701

KEK anon, she definitely has whatever jilly has, she's also claimed something did-adjacent.

Anonymous 289702

Late reply, but fuck this looks so bad it's like they want it to fail… if you start with a cartoony look with your franchise it's fine to start leaning into realism as you go, but you should never ever do it the other way around.

Anonymous 289703

This is the most beautiful digital art piece I've ever seen, who is it by

Anonymous 289704

IIRC nobody was using it and server costs were too high for what was essentially a dead imageboard. I think they also had issues with CP/gore raids

Anonymous 289705

It's time to admit that a lot of the troon hate on lc is performative. I've talked to so many farmers who will eventually come out with "I don't hate all trannies, just the over the top AGP ones" or "one of my best friends is a trans woman and she's ok but I hate the misogynistic ones" or just that they don't care/police what other people do (on lolcow of all places)… what gives.

Anonymous 289706

usually they post the google form for farmhands but they chose not to do that before shutting down, so i guess they must be ok
it’s worth it i know i feel like shit now but it’ll be worth it later
it sounds more like he has a thing for flatulence

Anonymous 289707

The bad part here is he doesn’t seem to have manners. It’s not more enlightened to burp and fart at your whim it’s just part of being alive, you do it and you say “excuse me”. Men who are too repressed to burp or fart in front of you are weirdos, I know guys like that and they suck, they always have issues. Same goes for women honestly, loosen up.

Anonymous 289708

Screenshot 2024-09…

woke up and it's still not back. with no new incident report.

Anonymous 289710

I know women like this too. They simply don't give a shit about women's rights or wellbeing, they're too retarded to understand that the ENTIRETY of gender ideology is misogynistic and homophobic. They think oh… so Jimmy in a skirt is actually nice which means some gender ideology is okay, rather than acknowledging Jimmy in a skirt is a retarded misogynistic scrote who fell for the new-age misogynist lobotomy fetish cult. They cannot separate and okay person from the ideology said person follows, they think surely if a scrote in a skirt is a GOOD scrote in a skirt the scrote in a skirt gang can't be TOO bad. They fail to see the bigger picture.
They're mentally weak, essentially.

Anonymous 289711

Anonymous 289712

>Loosen up
Why the fuck would you allow a scrote to release their gas wastes in front of you? Just to pretend to be chill? Wtf

Anonymous 289713

i miss it. i hate these shit ass reddit snark pages but it’s filling the void for now.

Anonymous 289714

Maybe it’s our fate

Anonymous 289715

When I said “loosen up” that was directed at women who are too scared to burp or fart in front of anyone ever. I was not suggesting she loosen up about this scrotes farts if she didn’t like it (he sounds gross to be honest)

Anonymous 289716

Thank you so much

Anonymous 289717

I hate troons but I have a couple of aquaintances from my handmaiden days that I genuinely enjoy as people the few times I see them, it just fucking sucks that they are trannies and I hope they wake up one day. They were already so deeply intermingled into my life before I peaked and honestly cutting them off completely just because they happen to be retarded would fuck up a huge part of my social circles since most of them overlap and I'm not gonna ruin any social gatherings I'll get invited to over a couple of tifs. But I would never develop a friendship with any new trannies that might enter my life no matter how friendly they might be I don't even let them touch me whenever I meet any. I'm always looking out for other women in my circles to peak the moment I smell them questioning the current state of things.

Anonymous 289718

Being friends with TIFfanies is genuinely not a problem, some women are just retarded and have a cult-susceptible mentality. Being friends with a TIM on the other hand is just pure pickme handmaidenry.

Anonymous 289719

Looking down on burps and farts is just westernized upbringing and its hate of normal body functions like periods

Anonymous 289720

Early In The Morning by Harry Nilsson

Anonymous 289721


I miss the ugly man psyops thread and the suifuel it's causing fit fags

Anonymous 289722

Screenshot (3276).…

Anonymous 289725

I need you to go back to twitter, now

Anonymous 289726

little people big world scared me as a kid

Anonymous 289727

Not really and I can't believe some of you are defending a nasty scrote, in every conversation about scrotes on this tranny website you guys are determined to use "if the roles were switched" mentality

Anonymous 289728

Somehow most of my friend groups have managed to avoid befriending tims. I only know one girl that actively hangs out with several tims out of her own free will, but she was also legitimately dropped down the stairs twice as a baby so…

Anonymous 289729

>westernized upbringing
I hope you guys can comprehend how weird and tone-deaf it is to act like everyone but "western people" are just running around farting, burping and shitting in front of eachother and don't think that sort of thing is gross too lol

Anonymous 289730

the only troons i hate are tims but that's because i despise men and don't see tifs as men (as much as they try to be one)

Anonymous 289732

> I’m not a TERF
> Not burping is westernized upbringing

Where are you people coming from?

Anonymous 289733


You guys keep talking about dress to impress but whenever I play people are too young to get certain themes and end up turning it into a custom server. Do you guys play on VIP or regular?

Anonymous 289734

Not sure about ayrt but I wasn’t defending him, you just took it that way. Her date sounds like he was crass about it. I was just advocating people should be polite about it not make a big deal out of it. Personally I think burping isn’t gross. Farting usually isn’t gross unless you have GI issues or you eat too many eggs. say “excuse me” for making an involuntary noise and be done with it.

Anonymous 289735

im just saying hey mona lisa come home you know you can’t roam without caesar

Anonymous 289736

nonitas how do i start going to the gym? there's one at my apartment complex but im kind of scared of other people being there and where to even start

Anonymous 289737

>muh western colonialist hot take
Shut up you dweeb

Anonymous 289738

Do you also shit out in the open on the streets then?

Anonymous 289739

I have dumped a scrote for being too burpy, he was constantly belching like a drunken dwarf also was literally a midget so that didn't help his case. I would offer him tums and he would go uhhh no. Take the fucking tum

Anonymous 289740


i dont believe in manifestation but i need to admit i sent out a wish that i could find the willpower to stop bypassing my website blocker (to access lolcow and feed into my addiction) the night before lc went down. i accept my fate of being lynched this evening in the town hall.

Anonymous 289741

What is it called?

Anonymous 289742

I just sent so much money in scared of checking my bank account

Anonymous 289743

Won't anyone think of the males!!!!

Anonymous 289744

nice choice! i like how melancholic their music is. i also like when the vocalist does the half-screaming/half-crying thing, like in 3月5日.

Anonymous 289745

>Farting usually isn’t gross
It's literal body waste on gas form, are you on crack or a fetishist of sorts?

Anonymous 289746

whats fc

Anonymous 289747

i know that when it does actually come back online well most likely all be busy talking about something else to notice for a good while kek

Anonymous 289748


thank you

Anonymous 289749

When i started they gave me an instruction round with one of the trainers. That didn’t help me much so i memorized what machines they got and figured out a little plan for myself

Anonymous 289750

faggotchan and the autist mods dont ban me this time im not calling the poster a faggot

Anonymous 289752

if your nervous id pick out a few times/days you think you'd be able to fit in a workout so you can check how busy your buildings gym is during those hours

Anonymous 289753

someone on omegle told me i look and sound like the female xqc so hey (just kidding)

Anonymous 289754


but what do i know?

Anonymous 289755

I was bored without LC so I started watching old videos of the queen. What used to be funny back then just seems sad now and I actually feel bad.

Anonymous 289757

flashing lights (lights)

Anonymous 289758

looking down on the gas version of excretion is basic human decency dont you fucking dare compare it to the literal shedding of the uterus wall

Anonymous 289759

On the other hand, you have a bunch of anons who couldn’t give less of a shit about women’s rights and only hate trannies for edgelord reasons, which is worse imo

Anonymous 289761

is this repurposed gendie art because its ugly

Anonymous 289762


The first thing I think I'll do is reread Steph's thread. God she's genuinely fucking hilarious.

Anonymous 289763

>i aM iN hYsTeRIcS bEcaUsE pErIOd
Are you sure you're not a tranny?

Anonymous 289765

ntayrt but dude

Anonymous 289766

Is that that one tranny who used to live with albin something together?? What happened to him?

Anonymous 289767


>so i was like like posting on the lc chat like you know the farmthe lolcow farms chat like uhm and there there come cerbim fucking up everything chat and i-i went beserk chat yknow like like uh a chimp and i went to uh cc you know the site no one uses chat? and there i went got ..uh..posting..anf they chat they banned me for no fuking fuking reason chat no reason chat

Anonymous 289768

tbh, i dont really notice the effects of my period besides cramps. am i just oblivious to it?

Anonymous 289769

Who??? Stephanie is the Arya Stark "official cosplayer" with a rare debilitating blindness disease (a lie) turned into neglectful horse hoarder turned furry wolf thespian.

Anonymous 289770

Anons… I think it might be over after all. How long as it been since lolcow went down?

Anonymous 289771

I sometimes fantasize about dying and being reincarnated as a baby, except i get to keep all of my memories, and can have an try at life again and avoid making the long lasting mistakes i made as a child and teenager. I would be the smartest and most talented person on Earth. I will spend hours lying in bed imagining my different life stages.

Anonymous 289772

>wow you get emotional on your period? i only get cramps

Some of you really love to make yourself sound like troons just for fun, don’t you?

Anonymous 289773

Nta but that thread bans dumbass shitposting, like multiple times

Anonymous 289774

I sometimes fantasize about dying and being reincarnated as a baby, except i get to keep all of my memories, and can have an try at life again and avoid making the long lasting mistakes i made as a child and teenager. I would be the smartest and most talented person on Earth. I will spend hours lying in bed imagining my different life stages.

Anonymous 289775

the only other instance of this i can find of this image is in a cc thread kek. so busted for being an ex tumblerina cuz i enjoy this art style.

Anonymous 289776

It's been 5 hours and I'm still not hungry at all, this is not okay…what happened? My schedule got all fucked up after getting the shits over a burrito

Anonymous 289777


Found this site by accident, and it's so nostalgic.

Anonymous 289778

This is such a mean way to respond to this post. wtf is wrong with the kids who come here

Anonymous 289779

Steph Sanjati

Anonymous 289780

Congratulations, you are normal.

Anonymous 289782

Nta but how is not getting ~le emotional~ on your periods in any way troon behaviour kek

Anonymous 289783

status update is up

Anonymous 289784

it’s not debilitating it just makes you ugly as fuck, if he’s claiming that it’s “debilitating” that’s definitely a lie kek

Anonymous 289785

I've PCOS so I barely get periods anyway, much less any symptoms, guess I'm a tranny now kek

Anonymous 289786

How is that troonlike? Periods are just different for everyone. I personally don't get emotional and barely have cramps. In fact, a lot of troops play up the whole emotional and hungry thing for their "periods" so it wouldn't make since for someone to say that if they're a troon

Anonymous 289787

It's not the Steph tranny, /w/ Stephanie is a female. The tranny Steph never cosplayed Arya Stark or hoarded horses and watched them die afaik.

Anonymous 289788

kekking at the idea that easterners love burping and farting openly like it isn't frowned upon there

Anonymous 289789

Anon, these don’t work because when there is an actual update; you just post a screenshot of it. Because this is an imageboard. >>289785
Being purposefully obtuse is not going to change the fact that the rhetoric is what sounds troon like. Reacting to an anon posting about how she’s suffering from anxiety and crying a lot during her period by accusing her of posting like a ‘troon’ is the issue. Responding to posts like that with facetious comments like
> pffff i only get cramps
Is shitty rhetoric.
I know a lot of you guys are little kids, but you really need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

Anonymous 289790


Why do you fucking lie you whore

Anonymous 289792

why would you believe that post without even a screenshot attached

Anonymous 289793

No one's being obtuse, you're just grouping together two different posts for whatever reason. This post
Is dumb too but it's not fair to then try to sub
And call them a tranny when they weren't even being judgemental or rude to anyone. And how is saying that you don't get cramps even any sort of rhetoric?

Anonymous 289794

The duality

Anonymous 289795

Maybe im retarded but i still dont understand why dumbass shit thread was banned?

Anonymous 289796

Whatever happens, at least we all made it here.
Once Lolcow comes back, please make sure to archive all useful threads n0nnies.

Anonymous 289797

Don't try to reason with these vain tards ITT. I'm tinfoiling it's one person writing multiple replies to try to infight

Anonymous 289798

read it in his voice good job

Anonymous 289799


Anonymous 289801

Definitely not frowned upon in shitholes like India
Reread my post where I explain that the rhetoric is the problem, in detail.

Anonymous 289802


Noñitas, can you hold my hand? I just want LC back up, there’s a huge heatwave this weekend and I’m feeling stretched so thin, I just want some good cringe to help me cope.

Anonymous 289803

>Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Anonymous 289804

I've seen too many Chinese tourists burping just a few cm away from my face to not believe it. It's never Chinese exchange students, immigrants, or expats for work, it's always tourists.

Anonymous 289805

If that was what you had to say about that post you might be subhuman

Anonymous 289806

I would simply get a job before that happens.

Anonymous 289807

you're in LA too?
the heatwave makes me feel kind of alive not gonna lie

Anonymous 289808

The apple part is really smart I always bleed back there and lots of pads are just empty and it easily leaks off

Anonymous 289809

This isn't even an appropriate use of the word rhetoric. You could've literally just responded to >>289763 and called them retarded instead of trying to pick with other anons.

Anonymous 289810

genuinely wondering about what the hell the problem could be like what on earth causes a site to be down for more than a week

Anonymous 289811

You’re right anon I should just ignore them….
I think you’re still misunderstanding the post, so I’ll be generous enough to explain things to you again since the cogs in your brain do not work. The word Rhetoric essentially means “the way you’re speaking”. The rhetoric of saying things like both of the anons said (assuming there were two), like accusing her of being a troon for being emotional, or cutting in and saying that you don’t even notice your period, are both rhetorically crude and inappropriate responses, both verbally in their actual words used and in the timing of the responses.

Anonymous 289813

Thread #29 and still non0nny has confessed their love for me…

Anonymous 289814

I want you.

Anonymous 289815

i do…i would love to punt you into a well

Anonymous 289816

You're just beyond sensitive.

Anonymous 289817

Whatchu spend it on

Anonymous 289818

I know autistic people don’t always understand verbal or social cues but wow I had no idea that there were some people who had it this bad kek…goodness

Anonymous 289819

But can you match my schizo tranny/moid hating freak?

Anonymous 289820

Why was dumbass shit thread banned

Anonymous 289821

im not sure how to articulate this without coming across as sympathetic to a monster, but does anyone else struggle with the sadness they feel not only for the victims of violence but the victims that were also part of the cycle of hurt? i dont think any of it is an excuse for murder, im sure most of us here have dealt with a form of trauma and we dont dare think of, say, shooting up a school.

but i feel bad for the very little child that shooter once was. apparently his home life wasnt great at all and he was bullied very often. i wish these cycles could be broken. i think monsters are made not born. but its difficult, because they still made that decision to hurt others and take their lives. im glad the father is being held accountable. i wish people could stop having kids.

Anonymous 289822

they're playing danganronpa 2 goodbye despair and doing all possible friendship paths

Anonymous 289823

Or she just might be who Schopenhauer wrote about. If her parents are old enough to die, she is certainly old enough to learn some elegance.

Anonymous 289824


>DoL finally gets a new update
>You can now no longer seduce Bailey

Anonymous 289825


Anonymous 289826

I take this as a compliment, being sensitive to others and to the temperature of conversation are both virtues; and being able to articulate it properly is crucial.

Anonymous 289827

Does anyone here wear a fake wedding ring to ward off men, and what does it look like? I'm going to be starting a simple cashier job soon and I'm unnecessarily terrified of being approached on the job.

Anonymous 289828


Anonymous 289829


Open up lolcorrr I need to vent about this stupid youtuberrrrr dude who ended up being a perrrv but I still like the idea of him why am I so retarded why cant I let go of the idea of him im such a parasocial retard ffuuuuuuuuu

Anonymous 289830

Not when you start being an annoying asshole and trying to infight with anons who more likely than not didn't even have bad intentions. Being so sensitive that you automatically take something as aggression isn't being mindful of other people, it's just you looking to be offended.

Anonymous 289831

KEK even tho i've been having calcium withdrawals, i feel like camping in this bunker has brought me closer to all of you n0nas

Anonymous 289832

it's never coming back the data was wiped by hackers

Anonymous 289833

Sorry I don't spend 24/7 crying my eyes out. Guess I'm a tranny now. Jesus

Anonymous 289834

i feel the same way. i know the dad is guilty for buying his kid a gun and he deserves the punishment but i cant imagine what he must be feeling and thinking

Anonymous 289835

If you miss the drama you need to watch Selling Sunset

Anonymous 289837

we all know why

Anonymous 289838

Are you sure that's not a bug?

Anonymous 289839


(Lolcow is dead)
(Pack his bags)
(Rest yourrr head)

(Today we gather)
(To celebrate)
(Holy union)


Anonymous 289840

I came after it was banned so i dont

Anonymous 289841

It’s ok my husbando is literally a sharia supporter and our parasocial relationship is going strong! Don’t let the allegations beat your delusions

Anonymous 289842

Oh this isn’t an infight, this is a discussion which is also presenting an opportunity for you to grow, after being verbally told by others that responding to a post about an anon who is experiencing anxiety over the life of someone she loves by saying
>are you sure you’re not a troon?
>i don’t even notice my period
After she mentioned in her post that her period had an influence on her reactivity was, and is, crude and inappropriate. If you consider this conversation a fight or any kind of shitfling against you as an individual, I think you could really benefit from opening your eyes a little wider and possibly reading out loud.

Anonymous 289844

I can, let's make this real

Anonymous 289845

Anon, you’re choosing to misunderstand the post. Unless you simply haven’t lurked and don’t understand what this is in reference to either.

Anonymous 289846


It's literally in the update log. The argument kinda makes sense and you will be able to seduce him again in the future but who knows when that will be, sigh.

Anonymous 289847

ayo wtf

Anonymous 289848

youre trying way too hard kekkk

Anonymous 289849

What about the Discord, wasn't there a Discord??

Anonymous 289850

>>289841 Thanks nona! Sharia supporting husbando? Tf is that? Aladdin? Hamas-kun? Kekkkk

Anonymous 289851

No because you just can do ANYTHING else but shoot people. Run away whatever but why do people have to die? Hope the shooter killed himself.

Anonymous 289852

is the new season out???!!!!

Anonymous 289853

Who is he? That MaskedArab guy?

Anonymous 289854

>Oh this isn’t an infight, this is a discussion
This is also an imageboard where anyone can give their thoughts and input about said topic. Nothing is crude or inappropriate about sharing your own experience.

Anonymous 289855

i miss the earlier bunkers so much before the cranky n0nnikins arrived

Anonymous 289856

It doesn’t require much effort to type up my thoughts

Anonymous 289857

no, some people are simply born evil and beyond saving. women need to stop being empathetic towards xys. you think males who commit crimes like this feel any remorse? they don't. this kid planned everything out and went through several meticulous steps to be able to accomplish his sick plan. school shooters are literally beyond saving and i'm saying this in the nicest way possible but get a grip.

Anonymous 289858

I completely understand and agree with you, anon. It's a very delicate subject, but yeah. Sometimes I just wish the world was super black and white, it would be easier to navigate.

Anonymous 289859

It is crude and inappropriate to perpetuate the idea that women are hysterical infants with no self-awareness because of their cycle.

Anonymous 289860

Giving them too much credit, it's probably the same incompetent shit that happened during shaymin era because shaymin and cerbmin are the same person.

Anonymous 289861

If lolcow got wiped and we had to start over i wouldn't be too mad. Sure we would lose a lot of history but we could build it back up.

Anonymous 289862

>Nothing is crude or inappropriate about sharing your own experience.
You’re right, that’s also not what I said. I said the rhetoric they were using and the timing at which they chose to make unnecessary, cruel responses to OP were crude and inappropriate. Did I say they break the rules or should be banned? Certainly not. All I said is that their responses were shitty. I’ve explained this a few times by now.

Anonymous 289863

Yesss watching right now it’s insane

Anonymous 289864

It would be fucking terrible wtf, my facking COW threads would be gone. My laughs. My smiles. My goofs and gaffs. Wiped. It would never be the same again.

Anonymous 289865

well this was supposed to go on lolcor but here it fucken is: met a guy while abroad, on vacation. went on two dates, and now we're soon gonna meet again (he's travelling like 15 hours to see me). i'm scared for some reason.

Anonymous 289866

I keep having Indian moids reach out to me asking me for career advice or to be a reference for some job at my company and I ignore them kek. Am I going to hell for this or should I feel based in my decision considering how Indian scrotes treat women? If a woman reached out instead I would probably help her.

Anonymous 289867

we barely have any milky cows besides few, are you sure about that?

Anonymous 289869

ahhh my day just got 10x better. i can't wait to get home! thanks for the reminder nona

Anonymous 289870

probably a man with a bpd fetish, hate to admit it

Anonymous 289871

Screenshot 2024-04…

i'm gonna miss threads like the one about embarrassing stories so much and be sad that none of them are archived tho

Anonymous 289872

Considering men are far more likely to lash out violently I'd argue monsters are definitely in large part born, the circumstances just coax it out.

Anonymous 289873

i hope he treats you well, nona

Anonymous 289874

If you care so much about not being crude and inappropriate, then get the fuck off of an imageboard

Anonymous 289875

Should we make a confessions thread I have something I need to say

Anonymous 289876

What's Selling Sunset, I've never heard of it. Is it reality TV?

Anonymous 289877

happens to me all the time on linkedin. why would you feel bad? you don't know these weirdos

Anonymous 289878

i think it just hits close to home because i witnessed my innocent, intelligent, full of life cousin endure daily abuse from my uncle and aunt and now he knows nothing about the real world or that he even needs help because the same man that chokes him funds his life/tells him he loves him after the abuse. nobody was able to intervene. what if he was exposed to that shooting stuff at a young age? its really scary. i just feel bad for the little boy that the shooter once was thats all. i know he is sick and deserves to rot, but he never had a chance and the kids he murdered wont have one either. its a terrible cycle.

Anonymous 289879

Yes it’s reality and about real estate in LA but it mostly has a lot if drama which is really fun

Anonymous 289880

100% based we need more peoppe like you. Men already got it easy enough

Anonymous 289881

my dad was about to drop me off at the metro this morning and before i got out the entire place was taped off with police tape/active crime scene. then i saw cluster of police around a body (covered up behind some kind of shielding thing) on the train platform

i looked online for info but the metro alert update just marked it as a "auto incident" and that's why trains are delayed…

Anonymous 289882

You guys are right, but we do have archive sites. A wipe of the cow boards might actually fix the whole dry milk situation we're having right now. I imagine having to repopulate the boards would encourage anons to post about new cows and bring more interest to the milk boards that a lot of anons have lost. Or at least that's what I would hope, although of course lolcow not getting wiped would be the best outcome and I doubt anything like that has happened to the site.

Anonymous 289883

Do it hear n0na, I'm listening.

Anonymous 289884

how come the admin in 2016 managed to switch domains with pull for april fools but cerbmin don't manage to fix a 521 error?

Anonymous 289885

When is this thing getting a decent update? Like letting you fuck Jordan or actually making Avery interesting

Anonymous 289886

Me fucking too girl. He's been so nice. Went as far as to clarify he'll book us separate rooms so there's no weirdness or expectations. The two dates were great. He's very…accommodating to my particular type of weirdness. God only knows what the fuck attracted him towards me. Or what compels him to travel to the other side of the world for one more date. I was autistically ranting about shit I'm into 10 minutes into meeting him.

Anonymous 289887

Wish they'd wipe the moderation team

Anonymous 289888

Female socialization is cancer.

Anonymous 289889

Its an xy so he probably wouldve grown up to be porn addict or just misogynist by nature. Stop having so much damn empathy for some scrote who wouldve killed you if you were there. This is women always get fucked over.

Anonymous 289890

If there really was three of them, I imagine one or two of them have lost interest and ghosted the others and they were likely the one with the most experience. Now they're fucked and probably looking at YouTube tutorials and reddit threads trying to fix whatever they fucked up.

Anonymous 289891

they're literally all scammers and rapists, dont feel bad. they want some of what you got and they deserve none of it.

Anonymous 289892

I have to work in less than an hour and I'm still waiting for a delivery driver to pull up to my house to take a package and I have to shit but I can't even do that because I have to sit by the window and wait for the driver!!!!! Im gonna be so pissed if they pull a Cerbmin and I end up sitting here all day just for them not to come, OR if I have to get up in the middle of work to hand off a package.

Anonymous 289893

I told my husband about lolcow a few days before it went down and now I’m nervous that he shut it down to get me to stop going on there all the time

Anonymous 289894


I hope her threads aren't lost.

Probably because eight years later the code base for the site software is outdated and is spaghetti code after being altered by numerous admins. Burritomin was right.

Anonymous 289895

tbh most people are online addicts nowadays. either just watching shows or scrolling tiktok but still always glued to a screen.

Anonymous 289896

i think you're onto something, i wish she'd swallow her pride then and just ask for help. do we have any farmhands on here with inside info about the situation?

Anonymous 289897

Well yeah but she still wrote it

Anonymous 289898


Lmao you little retard. I doubt it. You fucking goof.

Anonymous 289899

Why the hell would you tell a moid about lolcow

Anonymous 289900

No farmhands would out themselves, they're not allowed to.

Anonymous 289901

How would they be able to tell on another imageboard?

Anonymous 289902

isn't it so weird seeing your parents become addicted to social media apps/smartphone?
i remember growing up addicted to the computer my parents would always ask me what i'm laughing at, what could possibly be funny on the internet?

and i hate that i'm addicted to mindless scrolling too. i wish i could just stop

Anonymous 289903

But if there's no more lolcow, there's nothing for them to lose…

Anonymous 289905

I got a murmur dress for 30 dollars. I've never heard of the brand before but I looked it up and it seemed fancy so I'm happy

Anonymous 289906

ayrt. there are children who experience worse abuse than him, yet they don't shoot up schools. trauma is not an excuse to murder your classmates and teachers. and imagine how many children he has traumatized with his actions? it's not uncommon for survivors of mass shootings to take their own life due to severe trauma and survivor guilt. like >>289889 said, this guy would've killed you without hesitation.

Anonymous 289907

i remember your post, bitch. you still aren't forgiven

Anonymous 289908

Not sure if you're baiting but swapping domains is really simple, whereas we don't know what's wrong with the site right now

Anonymous 289909

Marriage is low iq so im not surprised you did that. The microchimerism got to you.

Anonymous 289910

this is why we keep telling anons to stop telling their nigels about lc but you guys never listen. we could make a bingo card out of it at this point.

Anonymous 289911

> why would you tell your husband about something you do every day
Oh I don’t know nonie maybe because he was sitting right next to me and could see over my shoulder what I was watching kek? Get over it

Anonymous 289912

Nonas how do I get into haircare/looking after my hair, my hair is breaks so much

Anonymous 289913

Tims can die the tifs I can change

Anonymous 289914

Why do bitches like this even go on lc kek.

Anonymous 289915

Unlikely. Did he take down sites before?

Anonymous 289916

It is the 7th of September and still no lolcow

Anonymous 289917

By responding to a post that's specifically asking for farmhands to give inside info and giving inside info. I mean I guess they wouldn't face repercussions for it but still they probably wouldn't do that unless they're a former farmhand. Plus you guys talk shit about the staff all the time, mods probably don't want to even say anything out of spite kek.

Anonymous 289918


Eww get well soon you're clearly brain rotted

Anonymous 289919

Learn what hairtype you have. Like texture and porosity and then read a little about the appropriate hair care. I got low porosity haur so it take a lot to take in moisture, so I use light products. Don’t use too many products though!

Anonymous 289921

thankfully this will never be me! i don't have any troons in my friend group because i have self respect and try to bully them as much as i can if i happen to interact with any of them in my day to day life. i might need to up my bullying to make up for the behavior of the spineless not-all-troons farmers.

Anonymous 289922

I found this place by total accident LOL I wanted to check if the farms was talking about Kelsey Rhae

Anonymous 289923

So are you saying you consider inceldom to be high IQ?
I don’t know I didn’t ask him
Anon I know this may anger you but the majority of lolcow is hetero women, many of whom are married.
Ntayrt but is this really the best you could come up with?

Anonymous 289924

Why do you hate terfs?

Anonymous 289925

Nta, but I imagine to laugh at cows. A lot of you seem to forget that lolcow didn't start as a man hating terf site, it was about laughing at weirdos. I know a lot of oldfags and many of them are in long term relationships or married to men, the other half are lesbians kek

Anonymous 289926

You're also underage so nobody cares

Anonymous 289928

Hope your husband troons out as you expect his baby.

Anonymous 289929

it's gauche to call memes dated when we've reached escape velocity on the irony cycle, everything and nothing is atemporally funny, cringe is dead…get with the program and deterritorialize

Anonymous 289930

Some school shooters came from non-abusive backgrounds though like the columbine shooters. They really are just born like that.

Anonymous 289931

terf 5.png

yeah, we should totally ignore these fucks

Anonymous 289932

idk care what the tranny is i hate all troons equally

Anonymous 289933

The fact that some retarded anons even entertain tranny company to begin with (tifs, enbis, etc) should tell you enough about their mental health state and IQ. I would just kill myself if I had to interact with a tif for longer than 2 minutes just by the sheer madness of their existences in itself

Anonymous 289934


stop responding to obvious bait you retards, jesus christ.

Anonymous 289935

Ntayrt but I don’t think the troonluvr is the same as the irl husbandofag

Anonymous 289936

I got desperate and checked 4chan and I feel gross every time I go there. /cgl/ isn't even safe anymore, it used to be maybe 50/50 or at least more women than men. All moids now. There isn't a single board that doesn't have someone mentioning some weirdo's lust for hurting women.

i'm glad at least i'm aware of this site now, which is somewhat less toxic than lc but also more slow. i long for the forum site hype of the late 2000s every day. remember when even youtube had forums? things are so different now.

Anonymous 289937

I hope to God you're baiting.

Anonymous 289938

Shut up kakarrot

Anonymous 289939

Is it the 5th for anyone anymore or have the admins just lied?

Anonymous 289940

The idiots taking the bait itt are the reason why we need to have a dedicated paragraph about the bait in the thread OP. The 1 sentence "don't reply" doesn't cut it.

Anonymous 289941

Based based based spitting straight facts nona. I am pickin up what you are laying down.
Tifs are still women and they deserve compassion to get them out of a their cycle of self hatred, but just because I choose to take social responsibility for another woman doesn't mean that you have to nona.

Anonymous 289942

everyone is mad at you but i told my bf about this place…but he browses 4chan so i dont think it’s a big deal. lolcow/crystal cafe aren’t secret sites and i bet half the s mad at you only found out about lolcow in 2022 l

Anonymous 289943

What do you mean? We were in bed he could see I was reading unpopular opinions, he asked what I was looking at and I answered honestly.

Anonymous 289944

straight bitches are fuken retarted

Anonymous 289945

I understand not wanting to lie to your husband, but that's why you scroll lolcow in private….loser.

Anonymous 289946


Are nonas so pent up from not being able to shade and gossip about cows you're now baiting and infighting each other? No wonder lolcow is staying down

Anonymous 289948

should i buy airpods

Anonymous 289950

back home these retards are forced into containment threads that you can hide. here we are trapped with them.

Anonymous 289951

you could write an entire essay about not responding to bait and anons will still not care

Anonymous 289952

back when i was in psychosis i became convinced that a troon was living out his fantasies of being a woman by creating me in a simulation and i became really suicidal
it didn't help that almost everyone around me had at some point described me as a man in a woman's body even if they weren't into gender ideology (i thought this was the simulation hinting to me the reality of the situation)
fucking kikomi psychosis….

Anonymous 289954


Anonymous 289955

I just want to say that all your husbands and boyfriends are ugly. Unless they are 2D.

Anonymous 289956

Ignore the bait pls

Anonymous 289958

No they are overpriced TBH. I had the AirPod Pros, but I ended up buying Jabra Elites that were half the price of airpods and they have double the battery time and a way better microphone. Don't let the brand name hype fool you! There are better options on the market for cheaper.

Anonymous 289959

tim spotted

Anonymous 289961

So fucking dramatic, why can't you just post goofy memes and be fun

Anonymous 289962

Where are all of these troon-coddling handmaidens coming from kek

Anonymous 289963

people blame trannies for everything that’s ever gone wrong with them. lolcow used to be kinda different back in the day like less PC as in you could shit on minorities but it’s woke now except you’re allowed to hate moids and trannies. idc because i’m not a tranny but the influx of radfems (and no, most women on lolcow were not radfem lesbians) has ruined the site in the sense that you can’t have serious conversations about women anymore. unless you post in the blackpilled radfem thread but the women there are insane so i prefer to avoid it. you try to discuss something and get called a moid/tranny. reasonable discussions aren’t a thing anymore it’s irritating

Anonymous 289964


I think I manifested the LC shutdown…I finally broke my years long lurking streak and contributed some milk to a couple threads, found myself getting too obsessed and wished the site would implode so I could touch grass again a wk ago…sowwee

Anonymous 289965

Oh I don’t like being lumped in with troonlovers one fucking bit. Don’t blame housewives for whatever 14 year old gendie that came across CC

Anonymous 289966

Only if you have multiple other apple devices. If you have an iPhone and Mac, sure. But if you just have an iPad you don't need it.

Anonymous 289967


ignore the rotholes

Anonymous 289968

you don’t pass

Anonymous 289969

because transgender ideology is the biggest threat to women's sex-based protections and rights in the west and is an inherently regressive belief system that reifies sex-based stereotypes

Anonymous 289971

This bunker managed to be worse than bunker #27 holy shit. I want to alog everyone ITT including myself I want to die

Anonymous 289972

i despise all men. simple as

Anonymous 289973

Sketch for summer - the durutti column

Anonymous 289974


Do 3d husbandos count?

Anonymous 289975

I understand the "woke" rules of LC are there to avoid attracting males, specially because of racebait. But as a latina, sometimes I be complaining about my own ethnicity and I get banned for racebait, I don't like that Americans treat us like these sensitive babies who can't take jokes or criticism. I literally don't give a shit if an anon calls me a beaner because I'd prolly call her white trash back, that's how things should be

Anonymous 289976

S. I need help. Hypothetically, what would happen if a flying bird doesn't preen itself? It's for a fanfiction.

Anonymous 289977

no, he looks like a frog

Anonymous 289978

i watch girls who come from abusive households immediately shack up with an abusive moid and get knocked up and live in poverty for the rest of their tragic lives and i think its infinitely even more sad how women just harm themselves to cope with abuse instead of rapeapes who make it everyone else's problem.

Anonymous 289979

FeuOcywaMAICG2t (1…

Please rate this picture of Greed from 1-10 be honest with yourself but also accept that anything below 10 is the wrong answer and you're certified retard (no offense, I am using science)

Anonymous 289980


Lolcow is staying down because de admin is a lying retard that is so incompetent that she let the moderation take reins and do whatever they wanted and this included banning people the most retarded reasons and letting obvious male troll in meta and ot, but as long as he was asskissising the moderaiton it was fine. It is obvious admin abandoned the site shortly after taking it.

Anonymous 289981

Who is this shmelly twink and why does he get posted here

Anonymous 289982

the rules were made to keep the black anons happy plus the old owner was an arab lesbian who i presume was raised as a muslim

Anonymous 289984

what the fuck is that

Anonymous 289985


nta but fucking excellent choice, what kind of artists do you like besides the durutti column (i love vini reilly so much)

Anonymous 289986

Anonymous 289988

I'm so glad this wasn't my fate. Being abused and not working on yourself afterwards really does make you gravitate towards abusive people (and makes them gravitate towards you) when you escape. Eternally grateful I somehow never attracted any psycho moids

Anonymous 289989

I would put him on a leash and make him starve.

Anonymous 289991

I'm pretty sure he's already nutrient deficient anyway

Anonymous 289992

same nonners

Anonymous 289993

>I'd just insult her back
that's exactly it's banned. it just leads to infighting.

Anonymous 289994

it's the same for me. it's actually so strange to me because, at least several years back, /cgl/ was relatively trans friendly, or at least cross dressing friendly, with lots of regular threads about it. then if you wanted to talk drama, you come to lc, and maybe you have the same ideology you had on the other site still but all of a sudden people expect you to hate trans people, and you dont, so you have to pretend to either hate them or avoid talking about them at all costs.

Anonymous 289995

Which is ironic because its women whose most problems are external. Dont women feel anger? Dont women feel rage? Dont they feel entitled to respect and how what happened to them was unforgivable? If anyone should be externalizing their unjustice its women. Why do they choose to be endlessly empathetic? Havent they noticed their needs are always put in the back?

Anonymous 289996

Because of lolcow I can't see moids with facial pubes the same. I experience such a disgust for them especially when they're in my vicinity. It's not a bad thing I feel like I've peaked in this way

Anonymous 289997

Trannies have a long history of being lolcows online. They were hated for being horrorcows and perverts. During gamergate this hatred took on a political bent because a lot of trannies were anti-gamergate and were either outed as pedos or spammed CP on sites that were hosting gamergate discussion. LC avoided becoming political, where as the majority of moid image boards that were involved in gamergate became right wing. It wasn't until around 2018 that the site took in refugee GC and radfems from reddit and tumblr that the tranny hate on the site became political.

Anonymous 289998

that's because back then trannies weren't as much of a problem as they are today

Anonymous 289999

>not hating troons
>not believing modern gender ideology is misogynistic pos-modern neo-religion
Literally go on any other site to dick suck trannies. Just not on LC and CC. How is this so fucking hard?

Anonymous 290000

It would get gross gross looking and not be able to fly well as preening helps with distribution of oils, keeps feathers aligned properly, and also aids in removal of pin sheaths from new feathers (aka they wouldnt properly unfurl into feathers). It'd also be uncomfortable.

Anonymous 290001

>they rather be endlessly empathetic and sacrificial with nothing in return
ISFJ as a personality is literally poison we're feed by scrotes. You get literally nothing on return from developing its qualities, yet it's the most common type for women which explains a lot because it's convenient to men and society as a whole

Anonymous 290002

women are like jesus basically
you can go suck "girl" cock on your snark subreddits. no one cares

Anonymous 290004

Thank you Anon, I swear I could barely find a straightforward answer on Google.

Anonymous 290005

If lolcow never returns I hope cc can get actual mods so this place becomes more active. The auto mod is killing me

Anonymous 290006

Enter Shikari - Sorry You're not a winner

Anonymous 290007

this feels discriminatory

Anonymous 290008

I've had enough of the baiting troon talk. TOPIC CHANGE: How did you discover lolcow, nonas?

Anonymous 290449

i was a PULL user and mostly followed the kiki thread. someone linked to her thread on lolcow and when PULL shut down i migrated here. how i found PULL i don't remember, i think i found guru gossip first which i heard normie youtubers like trisha paytas talk about

Anonymous 290515

Holly brown. No she didn't recommend lolcow or anything. Found her thread by chance and the rest was history.

Anonymous 290695

oh wow he's very qt there… i like a lot of diff stuff but i really love disco inferno, thinking fellars union local 282, gbv, polvo etc etc check out dif juz if you want some durutti esqe music..

Anonymous 290870

i think i first stumbled upon lc when lil peep died which was in 2017? maybe even earlier with the venus angelic threads but i could be mixing that up with pull. then after more or less frequent visits i got hooked in late 2019 on the shayna threads and also plasticnproud.

Anonymous 291053

i was searching for drama related to this random shooping asianfishing tiktoker and the first result was her being mentioned on lolcow. i stuck around for the shayna threads.

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