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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #26 Anonymous 287549

Our great return has been pushed back to Thursday, 5th of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates. For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous bunkers:
#25: >>>/b/286819
#24: >>>/b/286074
#23: >>>/b/285425
#22: >>>/b/284684
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Don't engage with any bait. Just report it since CC mods are a being active and banning and deleting quite quickly. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 287551

Any of you s play DTI? I'm thinking of hosting a server for us if there's enough interest.

Anonymous 287552

I mean, all you really need for that build is a good diet and maybe creatine. T fucks up your health

Anonymous 287553


What was you’re L4D main? Mine was coach.

Anonymous 287554

>we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Question: If you think Cerbmin is a male, then why do you even want to use the site anymore? OG admin was at least honest about it but if you truly think current adminship is secretly male then why not just move on. If I saw enough reason to believe it then I would. There are enough other imageboards we could colonise with our concentrated autism or switch to an entirely new site even if it's not imageboard format, anyone can set up a forum and many have anon features, it's not that hard.

It's tiring how much nonas stomp and cry about needing their lolcow dot farm to survive yet insist it's run by moids anyway. Pick a struggle.

Anonymous 287555

i've been in love with my best friend of over half a decade for about 3 years, but i haven't been able to post about it on lolcor because she lurks there occasionally. i don't know why i never thought to post about it here instead. i think the outage was actually a good thing for me because i can now pine and cope freely

Anonymous 287556

What you gonna do when Lolcow comes back up? I bet the people we watched are happy for the vacation they get kek

Anonymous 287557

images - 2024-08-3…

Do you guys think it will come back tomorrow

Anonymous 287558

no and i hope it dies, it would be funny and cause a lot of chaos. cow watching will survive either way

Anonymous 287560

I just copied the previous thread text because I'm lazy and I noticed that the other bunker threads did the same, so calm the fuck down. I don't know if the admin is male and I haven't seen any evidence of it myself. Honestly, I do not care so long as the majority of users are female and you can generally tell that they are.

Anonymous 287561

>calm the fuck down
I asked a simple question, no need to get so upset… it's gonna be alright, shh <3

Anonymous 287562

yes it’s fun

Anonymous 287563

images - 2024-09-0…

I saw someone tinfoiling in the moid farms that the reason lolcow was down is because fanny/adrien/null and her sisters were doxed so she took action? Idk what do U guys think

Anonymous 287565

archive the interesting cow threads and move more of the /ot/ /g/ /m/ threads here tbh. lc has way too much downtime and issues and i dont think itll survive much longer

Anonymous 287566

anyone looking forward to the new BG3 patch?

Anonymous 287567

unfortunately CC does not allow archiving cows. Sad because lolcow is ran by scrotes. Wish they could sell it off to some dedicated autistic female but moids gonna moid

Anonymous 287568

Anonymous 287569


I'm so upset over arcjive.org dying I just started using it again last week to find vintage gegege no kitaro episodes. I used to love browsing random 80s magazines there back in high school. Literally a treasure trove of free media and software to explore and now it's going to disappear. I'M MOURNING

Anonymous 287570

normally i would agree but i saw a claim they have more info in the french artist that drew herself as her sister fucking her dead dad and i really wanna know

Anonymous 287571

Sooo are permabans here just handed out for funsies? Is it to keep the site population to a minimum? Was permabanned on Friday for “unspecified reason” after saying the site theme reminds me of watermelon candy. Apparently that’s a good reason for permanently banning someone, literally the most mundane non argumentative thing I could have said. I miss lolcow.

Anonymous 287572

sigh can't believe i posted my vent without realizing the other thread was about to close, i was hoping some farmers would respond

Anonymous 287573

i mean just move the offtopic stuff, theres no reason it has to be exclusive to lc like the cow threads. idk where to put cow stuff but tbh public cow communities ruin the fun anyway. private forums would be better like back when everything was on LJ locked communities and cows were unaware and kept bringing milk

Anonymous 287575

lurk more, mods explained it a few threads ago

Anonymous 287576

are you the lovelorn anon? make a /feels/ thread tbh i want to read it

Anonymous 287577


you mean it?

Anonymous 287578

I feel like I've seen this image at least five different times.

Anonymous 287579

i tried once and got overwhelmed, kek. i'd definitely play with you all though

Anonymous 287580

Can you stop using this picture they look dead inside

Anonymous 287581

Which thread? Lurking bunker threads is a bit silly when I’d been banned. I looked in meta but saw nothing

Anonymous 287582

nah i posted about being autistic >>287540 nothing that juicy. i miss the autist thread on lolcow.

Anonymous 287584

Can you keep using this picture they look kawaii as fuark

Anonymous 287585

two threads ago or something? they said the permabans without reason are system related and they can't fix them so we are allowed to evade them unless the ban says what rule you broke

Anonymous 287586

>People when they talk to me can call me smart, but don't realize the gaps in my understanding.
What are the things you don't understand?

Anonymous 287587

if you just copied it then that question obviously wasn’t even directed to you and was for whoever actually wrote it

Anonymous 287588

I hate Aspie they pornified asperger women. Also made her date pepe or apu or whatever midget frog

Anonymous 287589

Seems like the summerfags found out where the bunkers are..

Anonymous 287590

Ohh okay thank you! Unfortunate they can’t reverse it cause i don’t use a vpn, only able to post now cause I’m at a friend’s house

Anonymous 287591

I’m still dying to know what this “serious issue” is supposed to be

Anonymous 287592

there is none. faggot forgot to pay the bill and is covering his ass

Anonymous 287593

aren't you getting bored of this?

Anonymous 287594

images - 2024-09-0…

Anonymous 287595


>spends nearly 1000 on ipad pro to grind art
>uses it to play hello kitty island adventure instead

Anonymous 287596

My cousin was posted in one of those mogging looksmax retarded compilations with a famous model and I'm fucking irate.

Anonymous 287597

>t. butters

Anonymous 287598


Reminder to wish list Cardcaptor Sakura app

Anonymous 287599

how'd they get her picture? is she an influencer or something?

Anonymous 287602

My cousin is a model herself. It was a group picture with 3 other girls. That photo was also only posted by a 2 of the girls, not even by the famous model.

Anonymous 287603

i would normally post this in whichever /g/ thread would be appropriate but the farms still aren't back. so.
my boyfriend dumped me. i have never been broken up with before and he was the only person i've dated that i was actually attracted to. his reason for breaking up with me was basically that he didn't like me. i've spent the past two days in bed and not eating, or eating a purging, which is something i haven't done since high school. i knew i liked him more than he liked me but i thought i had more time, i thought we would probably break up before he moved in a couple months. i guess he really hated me. i cant focus on anything even as my last year of school ever starts. the worst part is he was kissing my forehead and hugging me while he dumped me then stayed after and kissed me and let me cry on his lap before leaving and saying he didn't want me to talk to him ever again. i still have his location and all day i've just been stalking him online basically. i don't know what to do because i have never had my heart broken before.

Anonymous 287604


it’s WHAT

Anonymous 287605

images - 2024-09-0…

I'm A fashion student and I have embroidery class and I fucking hate it so much it's so boring and hard and stupid, I wish I could pay someone to do my assignments but for my final test I'll have to embroid something in real time so I'm fucked

Anonymous 287606

Get a fucking grip

Anonymous 287607

ah shit this page also posts celebrity kids and compares them to their parents so theyre pieces of shit straight out of the butt. I'm tired of this looksmaxxing trend its so harmful.

Anonymous 287608

what did he mean by he doesn't like you? he said you have a bad personality? why is he comforting you but demanding no contact.

I'm worried mine will do the same, he's the first man in 15 years I've been attracted to and he's usually a complete angel as much as a moid can be but I sperg out sometimes and when I cross a line he gets really cold on me and every time I fear that the next time will be the final time and he loses feelings for me. I'd be willing to stick it out with him longer because I want a relationship but I'm never attracted to anyone and it's better than nothing but he would move on from me if he felt like he should and it drives me insane

Anonymous 287609


i keep checking status expecting them to postpone maintenance again

Anonymous 287610

Screenshot 2024-09…

get the fuck up now. i'm not going to tell you again

Anonymous 287611

Please dont get blinded by love that you think less of yourself its best to remain single

Anonymous 287612

man why do you have to kick me while i'm down?

he didn't say it directly. he said he needed time to himself to figure himself out without the pressure of a relationship, except the pressure i was putting was extremely minimal (even he admitted that). like i was fine with only texting a couple times a day and hanging out a few times a week. i pushed him on this because it didn't make sense and he said i was nice and cute but he didn't feel the same as when we started dating. i think he is a bit immature and avoidant and maybe expects to be in the honeymoon phase forever or can't deal with even the slightest bit of commitment. it's hard because moids are usually so butt ugly when you find one who's actually hot you just don't want to let go.

please don't tell me again because "get over it" has had a 0% success rate in making someone feel better after getting their heart broken, ever. i know i will get over it eventually but it's only been a few days and this is my first time going through this.

Anonymous 287613

is there a link for the drawing board somewhere???

Anonymous 287614

having my own designated person to come to feels good even if things aren't perfect. people who would rather be alone than working on an imperfect relationship impress me, wish that could be me, but it just isn't. same with friends, even my platonic relationships are usually riddled with friction once they become close-ish because i dont get along with people well but i also dont want to be alone.

Anonymous 287616


Do I leave my unstable office job at a small company that might go out of business within a year for retail? I have a job lined up in retail and the pay is literally the same… But I'm worried I'm being a retard, leaving an office job for retail.
But also the company in working for might go out of business soon… Idk. The writing is on the wall…

Anonymous 287617

>i think he is a bit immature and avoidant and maybe expects to be in the honeymoon phase forever or can't deal with even the slightest bit of commitment.
how long were you dating for? that sounds possible so dont beat yourself up too much over it being a you issue

>moids are usually so butt ugly when you find one who's actually hot you just don't want to let go.

this, mine is like he crawled out of a husbando fanfic written for me specifically and I can watch it melt away a tiny bit every time I lose my shit on him over paranoia and then I have actual reasons to be insecure because of course my explosive temper would make him more cautious. it's a vicious cycle

Anonymous 287618

retail is soul-sucking, why not look for another office job

Anonymous 287619

Keep applying. Wait for something better.

Anonymous 287620

Screenshot 2024-08…

jokes aside i'm sorry you're feeling bad and i really do hope you feel better soon, but at the end of the day it really is just one man. he isn't the only hot guy out there. you can and will find someone better who actually loves you.
or become a husbandofag and truly ascend

Anonymous 287623

we had dated for about 8 months and made it official about 6 months ago. and yeah, he was perfectly my type and everyone who met him thought he was hot. he was also the extremely rare moid who is not a tranny or sissy fetishist, but who was into being submissive.

thank you nona, i appreciate it.

Anonymous 287624

>>>/nsfw/3046 go wild. i hate that there is a non negligible amount of moidposters and moidlurkers because cc anons are so much nicer than de/g/ens.

Anonymous 287626


Anonymous 287627

NTA but honestly no kek, I love CC and it’s kind of seeming like whoever is overseeing LC was waiting to get paid

Anonymous 287628

a male friend dumped me in a similar way, gently saying he never liked me and was too traumatized to realize it until then. you need to get it together and stop stalking him, he's done with you. he. left. you. you need to put your energy towards grieving and crying is okay and normal, you can make space for that but also don't let it distract you from school. the pain is raw in the first few days so maybe all you can focus on is keeping track of what you need to do and prioritize to keep up with school when you can. if you have deep seated issues with food and purging that adds a whole other layer, but that again in the moment feels good but only does worse for you in the long term. i think doing some kind of ritual like reading a favorite story or watching old comfort movies could be good.

Anonymous 287629

i dont buy that tinfoil because we've had fundraisers before, there's no reason they wouldn't be able to do it again if it was about the bill. last admin even used it to pressure users iirc basically saying if she doesn't get funding she'll just shut it down and it worked

Anonymous 287630

> there’s no reason they wouldn’t be able to do that again
Ngl but I feel like nobody is going to want to put change in vermin’s pocket after everything he’s put us through.

Anonymous 287631

They have a ton of old out of print books scanned. If it goes down they will only be available in some university libraries, thrift stores, or $75 online.

Anonymous 287632

No one is saying it was from a lack of money, but rather carelessness and forgetting to pay over a holiday weekend

Anonymous 287633

it’ll be okay you’ll find new ways to quench this thirst that don’t require you to sit in front of a screen

Anonymous 287634

>last admin even used it to pressure users iirc basically saying if she doesn't get funding she'll just shut it down and it worked
that was burritomin back in 2020, not shaymin

Anonymous 287635


goodnight n0nnies, see you on the other side

Anonymous 287636

wasn’t that four years ago though? we’re under a different adminestration now nonie, and based on his track record (this isn’t the first time in recent history that the site has gone down for an extended period of time) it does feel like it can really be either or; sheer carelessness, or broke failmale syndrome

Anonymous 287637


I'm so bored. I don't even follow many threads and yet I feel lost. I barely browse any websites these days except lc and ao3. Instagram and pinterest for mindless scrolling. Idk the internet has become so souless nowadays and yet I can't put my phone down like everyone else. Bleak.

Anonymous 287638

I hope so. There are a few threads I'd like to archive before it dies for real.

Anonymous 287639

hush little baby .…

oh I’m staying right here keeek, nona’s share your favorite gifs this is mine

Anonymous 287640

You will get over it in time, I know you know that. Sometimes when you feel so awful it's because you're really feeling the pain of self betrayal. Typically this comes in the form of making little concessions over and over, giving up more of yourself and what you need and letting him take and take. I read that in the way you said it's fine that you only see each other so often, but did you want more? The way you tried to seek comfort in the one that's hurt you so badly by crying in his lap after he broke up with you. The fact that you were willing to wait for life to take him away from you via his move instead of being brave and ending the doomed relationship sooner. You do this all because it's how women are taught to behave in relationships, until you realize you did all that for nothing, he still left you. And you're hurt because you betrayed yourself in exchange for whatever you saw in the relationship, forgetting the fact that no one or thing is more important in your life than you. That's what you're really crying over, less so some worthless guy by your description of his behavior in your replies. Sorry for armchair diagnosing I just invite you to consider this perspective even if you ultimately disagree.

Anonymous 287641

Where do we go if cc goes down too?

Anonymous 287642

Anonymous 287643

Nta but where else are we gonna find vintage magazines, deleted interviews/news and paywalled sites for free? They're all on screen unfortunately..

Anonymous 287644


Autistic moids on twitter are trying to debate the morality of incest. They love the “two consenting adults” argument ignoring the fact that most cases of incest are males raping their daughters/sisters. Most incest offenders are often pedophiles and believe that they’re entitled to sex with little girls. They have an incest fetish because of the rape dynamic. But of course that’s not intrinsic to these debate obsessed autists. Of course well-adjusted normies HAVE to debate with these retards. This is exactly how troonism became mainstream by the way, i can’t believe this is actually a huge discourse right now. I hate autistic moids so bad, SOOOO BAD

Anonymous 287645

wow. i think you absolutely hit the nail on the head. i am screenshotting this and printing it out to stick in my journal, thank you.

Anonymous 287647

if you need all of those things that badly then you can seek them out irl, or pay for them

Anonymous 287648

It's so annoying that whenever LC goes down there's always some retard like "zomg guuuiiise lc is never coming back!! You guys better forgot about going back there's because it's never coming back!!1!!11" as if the site hasn't gone down and broke a million times and came back up every time. It's old. LC is a cockroach, it will never die.

Anonymous 287649

>chiding an anon mourning an online archive in a thread exclusively for prayer circles over an online archive being down

Anonymous 287650

>They love the “two consenting adults” argument ignoring the fact that most cases of incest are males raping their daughters/sisters
no one cares about the reality of incest as mostly male-on-female abuse, they're talking about their fictional porn scenarios where sister is hot for brother and if it's okay for them to get off to it in public. men have portrayed incest as mostly this forbidden choice in fiction and then normies/women end up engaging from this completely disconnected from reality fantasy of it too.

Anonymous 287651


Anonymous 287652

if you need lolcows so badly then you can seek shayna out irl, or pay for her porn

Anonymous 287653

But most of it isn't out irl and I clearly said for free nonee. You don't understand, so many Wikipedia sources are going to be gone now.

Anonymous 287654

Got an extreme tinfoil on and wondered if it had anything to do with the shaytists doxxing Ricky Delgado since there were tinfoils he got lawyers involved bc his info got taken down off LC. But idk anything enough about the law to know how that works.

Anonymous 287655

It’s dumb because said fictional porn scenarios always rot moid’s minds and make them think it’s okay to be creepy towards their sister. Porn rots the brain and has been shown to make moids think being violent towards women is okay. Fetish doesn’t exist in a vacuum

Anonymous 287656

we had other cows lawyering up and it only got their threads hidden. like shaynas sister

Anonymous 287657

brick solution.jpg

didn't this whole "debate" start because of a pair of troons were roleplaying they are sisters or some shit like that? which yeah, still fucking gross and all but i haven't seen a single person arguing that actual incest is good



Anonymous 287660

First of all, not everyone lives in the US. And besides, most of those old magazines and other vintage materials are completely out of circulation even on second hand markets.

Anonymous 287661

I mean if you can understand why troonism is harmful paraphilia you can also understand why so many troons love incest. These are fetish riddled males trying to make their fetishes normal and public lol. My point is that incest as a fetish does not come from no where, it exists because of moids wanting to rape their family members. I remember the gigglygoonclown and his buddies. He is a tranny and he had other tranny friends saying they wanted to rape their little sisters and shit. These trannies are the types shilling incest as a normal, well-adjusted fetish that nobody should comment on otherwise they’re a fascist (yes i’ve seen trannies say that).

Anonymous 287662


i miss lolcow so much im going to chew through electrical wires

Anonymous 287663

i think you’ll survive without vintage magazines, anon. if they were able to be uploaded to the archive in the first place, that means they exist somewhere

Anonymous 287664

>troons at the root of some degen argument
every damn time.
omg i cant believe hachette lurks the mines

Anonymous 287665

If you have that attraction, a fictional story or something isn't going to suddenly make you want to do it, you're going to be creepy towards your sister/brother/mother/dad/whoever regardless

Anonymous 287666

Oh dear Lord, what am I to do without my vintage magazines and deleted Gawker articles? I’m crumbling as I type this…

Anonymous 287667

I'm touched hearing it helped you in any way. Wishing you the best

Anonymous 287668

>t. doesn't read historical content

Anonymous 287670

trying to break out of neetdom, do i start with a part-time job? my sister-in-law is a manager at a cvs and can easily get me a job there.
working full-time seems scary to me. i still want free time to do all the stupid nonsense i enjoy.

Anonymous 287671


Porn addiction literally makes you seek out harder stuff likened to a drug addiction what are you talking about? Again, moid degeneracy doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You can’t tell me these troons harassing lesbians about “girldick” came out of nowhere and that it wasn’t a result of their crossdressing fetish being normalized.

Anonymous 287672


Anonymous 287673


Anonymous 287674

You sound like me. I've been single for a few years now cause my last guy left me out of no where and I can't bring myself to risk that anxiety and hurt again. I hope things work out for you

Anonymous 287675


AO3 is down at the same time for me as lolcor farm… When do I run into traffic??

Anonymous 287677

You just need to cry it out anon, there's no other way. It'll sting really hard for the time being, but trust me it will get better. I've been in a same situation where I thought I would never find a man like him ever again, and that's true, I found someone who is way better.

Anonymous 287678


I want cake.

Anonymous 287679


same nona… what’s your favorite flavor? I like chocolate

Anonymous 287681

no former neets here…?

Anonymous 287683

part time work will help a lot and you can spend money on your hobbies. the time will fly fast if you have 4 hour shifts. it also sobers you up a bit kek i hated going to school and wanted to drop out but once i worked part time i realised it would fucking suck to do it for the rest of my life full time. if you struggle with social interaction it helps with that too

Anonymous 287687

I have 2 hours of interviews tomorrow and I get so nervous talking in front of people. I've been too anxious to eat all day today thinking about it. Pure dread. Haven't had to do an in person interview in so long

Anonymous 287690

i think it matters less what you start with and more that you actually start getting out and engaging with the world more, and keep trying to even if attempts don't work out. you may or may not like the specific job but trying it out is a good idea.

Anonymous 287692

it’s semtempber 5th what the fuck is taking him so long

Anonymous 287694


I need some advice for class stuff n0nnies. I accidentally missed last class due to a miscommunication, I reached out to the professor and she told me what I missed. Made it up. Tuesday class was cancelled because professor was sick and tomorrow’s class will be remote. In the announcement for the Thursday class being remote she mentions how we will begin student demos.

I have no idea what this is and text an acquaintance in class about it. Apparently in class last Thursday we chose topics that we would present on. Nothing crazy just a five minute presentation. The list to choose from is accessible and the professor mentioned we were going to be going in order of the list. Except I don’t know which topics have been claimed.

She didn’t mention it when I originally reached out to her. I’m not sure if I am expected to… do anything for class tomorrow now. I feel dumb sending another email since this announcement was at midnight on Monday but it didn’t really click until now what it meant. What would you do?

Anonymous 287695

> What would you do?
Email the professor again, if I felt it was needed, I’d apologise for having to email again.

Anonymous 287696

I want to eat kimchi

Anonymous 287698

You also already have those interests or parts of those interests within different kink genres. Conditioning is the only way to develop a kink and I don't think fiction works hard enough to brainwash to that degree unless you are hypersexualized at a young age to identify these things as arousal for you.

Anonymous 287700


Whenever I try to seriously learn how to draw, I always get a headache.

Anonymous 287701

I just dumped my bf of one year and I wanted to tell lolcow because I received support from nonas there. But instead I'm down here in this weird bunker instead. Anyway, no more drunken antics to be embarrassed by and no risk of him ruining my sister's wedding by being a choad. Also found out that all my irl friends secretly hated him but didn't tell me?? Because they didn't want to hurt my feelings?? Nonas, if you hate your friend's boyfriend, please tell them, it might save her months of wasted time.

Anonymous 287703


Thanks non I sent an email. Hopefully I haven’t fucked up too bad this early in the semester.

Anonymous 287704

i was a neet fand now work and i do not talk to anyone at my job, its not very different socially from neetdom except you get paid, if you get a park/manual labour job you can also just listen to music/audiobooks the whole time which is what i did when i was a neet anyways. hours don't really matter

Anonymous 287705

Same. I also hate when pickmes online sexualize their supposed autism, and wear those hats intended for children to infantalize themselves.

Anonymous 287706

i just watched the notebook for the first time. boring

Anonymous 287708


I wish I had a gf so I could her this and say "us"

Anonymous 287709

I don’t understand why you brought fiction up when that is not what i’m talking about at all, I brought up porn and you keep bringing up fiction so I think you’re assuming i’m taking some sort of anti-fiction pro-censorship stance when i’m not lol. I also think that you think that I’m talking about some 18 year old girl’s incest yaoi when i’m not, I couldn’t care less. I’m discussing what intentions these moids have when in relation to their incest fetish. I’m also talking about why they have these fetishes. There is no reason for it to exist if not for the misogynistic dynamic of most cases of incest or wanting to fuck their little sisters. The reason the debate started was because of two trannies larping as sisters. If it was truly about “two consenting adults” and not about being attracted to the manipulative nature of incest then why LARP as sisters in the first place? The purpose of LARPing as siblings is completely null if no dynamic is attached to it. This goes for age play too, fetish does not just exist in a vacuum. There is an implication of rape that is attached to both the fetishes of incest and age play. If not for the dynamic why would one be attracted to it? Trannies larping as young girls that are sisters with sexual intention is similar to trannies who cross dress as little girls they know in real life. It’s all paraphilia, and to play anybody calling it weird off as somebody who thinks “fiction” is the cause of it is insanely dumb lmfao because that wasn’t my point at all. I do agree that conditioning is used in the development of kink, but porn IS a form of conditioning and it has been proven to be one. I’m not talking about fiction, I’m not talking about vidya or anime, but I am talking about porn, yes, because porn DOES play a role into the development of fetishes in moids and women but i’m not talking about some teenage girls yaoi stash because that I do not really give a fuck about.

Anonymous 287710

this is how i feel with a walk to remember, it’s confusingly underwhelming

Anonymous 287711

NTA but even if it doesn't literally give someone a kink it certainly normalizes the idea of it, for example how there was a sudden increase in people trying dangerous bdsm shit when 50 Shades of Grey got popular

Anonymous 287712

I need lolcor to come back tomorrow or I will decay into a more reactive daughter element

Anonymous 287713

Olivia Lufkin is better than Taylor Swift

Anonymous 287714

I don't have social media except for an instagram that I mostly use to find new music and keep track of a few friends. So I feel your boredom. I use lolcow the most out of any website by far. This weekend I went camping and when I came back it was gone. I was really looking forward to catching up on whatever stupid milky shit happened in the last 4 days

Anonymous 287715


screenshot from an attendee of the Bunker Server Fireworks Show!!! May our ritual bring back our beloved farms! death to cerbmin!

Anonymous 287716

I'd ask this in the vent thread or some advice thread normally. I have a housemate who's a diagnosed bpd and whenever she splits she accuses me of doing or saying all sorts of heinous shit in the past. But if I dare ask her for proof that I did or said anything, she screeches that I'm gaslighting her. How is that gaslighting?? And what do I do? My other housemates would probably take her side because she screams abuse and ableism whenever anyone calls her out.

Anonymous 287717

Is anyone else's IG feed suddenly showing disabled people? I keep tapping the not interested button, but it keeps showing me disabled people.

Anonymous 287719

I am very ugly but is it possible my boomer boss is into me? I like him because he’s very nice to me and he always wants to shoot the breeze with me and he tells me he thinks about me outside of work. But then again he also talks to his wife about me which would be weird if he is into me. He doesn’t do anything inappropriate either. Maybe overshares but he’s been like that since day one. But anyway I know moids don’t act that friendly and kind without ulterior motive. I’ve been working there over a year now though and nothing has happened. And again I am very ugly and people tell me this all the time. Am I paranoid for being nervous about this still? He seems way too friendly with me. I enjoy talking to him a lot and would think of it as just being work friends but I know moids don’t operate like that! Ugh

Anonymous 287720


I miss lolcow sm im having withdrawals i need my milk!!!

Anonymous 287721

> And what do I do?
I’m sorry, Nona, that sounds hellish. If you cannot confront her and have no support from your other roommates, I’d say try to stay out of the way as much as possible and document everything in case things escalate. Personally, I’d move as soon as the lease was up.

Anonymous 287723

Why do you think she seems to be targeting you in particular? I think eventually she'll split on a different roommate and they'll realize the truth. But also, not everyone is susceptible to reeeeeing about ableism and abuse, I hope your roommates are more aware than you give them credit for.

Anonymous 287724

I don’t understand the idea of media existing in a vacuum. I don’t care what people consoom but when they start excusing the nasty vile shit moids get off to that’s when it gets annoying. This shit doesn’t exist in a vacuum, especially in the case of moids. Nobody is completely malleable by fiction but moids most definitely seek out lolishit incest rape hentai for a reason. I hate the “fiction does/doesnt affect reality” because it reeks of morbidly obese yaoi addicted ex-tumblrite screeching “PURITAN!!!” at a retarded xitter addicted 12 year old. Also said discourse only focuses on how fiction affects females because said discourse happens in female dominated communities. But what i will say is that male’s intentions are much much much different than women’s when seeking out more explicit media. I’m so tired of people ignoring that. Males see nasty shit in fiction/porn and will actually want to act it out on women. I don’t think it’d be wrong to say that male sexuality is much more malleable and violent compared to women’s.

Anonymous 287725

i'm getting whiteheads on my nose i think it might be over for me

Anonymous 287726

what's the best retail job one can get?

Anonymous 287727

The admin/s are yanks so, it won’t be until tomorrow.

Anonymous 287728

are certain terms just an automatic ban here? wtf

Anonymous 287729

Wine store?

Anonymous 287730

What do you mean?

Anonymous 287731

Now that you say it, aren't most people paid on Thursdays?

Anonymous 287732

i used to be a neet but i went to beauty school and now work a job and am surrounded by wonderful ladies everyday

Anonymous 287733

Unfortunately yes if you say the N word you get autobanned. At least I did on the first day of this whole fiasco

Anonymous 287734

how come?
was it hard to adjust? something in me just deeply does not want to work. don't know if it's fear or laziness.

Anonymous 287735

I'll keep participating in threads here as long as it continues to be active even after LC goes back up. But this site is pretty slow and seems like only a minority of s thought to come here when the site was down.

Anonymous 287736

I wouldn’t work at shop that exclusively sells alcohol, where I live they have to deal with aggressive, violent people that steal and will try to attack the employees. An employee was even killed by a thief while trying to get away from him. It’s not safe, especially for women as they just see us as easy targets.

Anonymous 287738

I at least remember when I was a wagie I did get paid on Thursdays so that’s the executive producer to my tinfoil kek

Anonymous 287740

i just posted this >>287725 and tried to speculate on why the site went down (i'm just assuming staff wanted a break) and for some reason got a 'you have been banned' message.

i didn't say the n word

Anonymous 287741


(Would normally post this in the celebricows thread but here we are)
Alexander Skarsgård in the latest campaign for Calvin Klein

Anonymous 287743

I'm her fp, probably, that's usually the reason.

Anonymous 287744

This is the most attractive Miley Cyrus has ever been to me.

Anonymous 287745

>i didn't say the n word
I think she means n0 nny

Anonymous 287748

Anonymous 287749

NAYRT but can speak from my own experience (in and out of hikkiNEETdom multiple times, have been permanently out for a while now and don't see myself ever going back) it's hard at first and it takes finding meaningful things you actually want for yourself. But thr pros of not feeling like I'm wasting away slowly each day vastly outweight the cons and make it easier to get through a rough day of "normalcy" than it is to get through the daily dread of being a NEET.
Go for it! Any experience is helpful, even if it's just one or two days out of the week. My first job out of my last and longest stretch of hikkineetism was a retail job a couple times a week that just got me used to like… being around people again and having a place i need to go, even if it was a shitty job. From there you can slowly branch out to other experiences as the unknown becomes known and therefore less scary. I went to a full time but dead end office job after that and even though I wanted to die constantly in the beginning, it similarly gave me the necessary experience to find my next prospects less daunting. It's a step by step process, take your time with each step but make sure to be taking it.

Anonymous 287750

Fuck I wouldn't wish being the fp of a borderline on my worst enemy

Anonymous 287751

i think it could be costco, they have good benefits

Anonymous 287753


what are some good shops for cutesy punk clothes? picrel, i basically want to dress like amu. preferably shops or resellers that are in the eu, but I'll happily take band reccs too.

Anonymous 287754

every time i post a question to reddit i want to kill myself. what a terrible website.

Anonymous 287755

former neet anon, I started slow, first i worked like two 4 hour shifts a week and now i work four 6 hour shifts a week, Im still not quite full time but I'm working my way there since I was a neet for so long. try to get a job atleast somewhat related to what you like. I've always loved make up so I work at a makeup store. it could be a book store or a craft store. I work for a big corporation so I get lots of good benefits too. where jobs i've had with small companies tend to be less patient with autist and weirdos.

I still hate to work but the more you do it the easier it gets. Also i've met every friend in my new city from a job

Anonymous 287756

I saw some korean woman playing it and was wondering if I could try it someday, thanks for making my day anon.

Anonymous 287760


Do any anons ITT listen to the Redfem podcast? It's sort of similar to Red Scare except actually quite good and made by lesbians. They just did an episode about how kink is "fake" and just a way for ugly OnlyFans using women to try and attract moids for the purpose of starting a relationship which I don't fully agree with but thought was an interesting point

Anonymous 287763

asking for recs to be like amu & living in eu, doesnt even listen to punk music, addy found the bunker kek

Anonymous 287766

kek, I just wanted to make the tween me happy..

Anonymous 287767

It got discussed relatively recently in the LC podcast thread if you want to check that out when the site goes back onlind

Anonymous 287768

probably unpopular opinion but weekday opening shift cashiering at the grocery store. No one except nurses getting off night shift come in at 6 am and you don't start getting lines till like 10 so half the shift is empty as hell.

Anonymous 287771

My sister works as an Instacart shopper at a grocery store. Basically she gets an order on a computer, goes and collects that order, and delivers it to the car of the customer. She says it is really easy and there is minimal actual customer service involved, except for seeing them briefly when you load up the car. Really low stress

Anonymous 287772


Anonymous 287773

This is making me tear up kek

Anonymous 287774

Those were the same person and she barely even tried to hide it tbh

Anonymous 287775

Why can’t they just stay, I like them.

Anonymous 287776

I tried to listen to them but they're just too spergy for my taste and have some really retarded takes like young people drinking less being a bad thing because you're not 'cool' if you don't spend your twenties drinking to blackout every weekend, so I stopped.

Anonymous 287777

Anonymous 287778

>this isn’t the first time in recent history that the site has gone down for an extended period of time
When did it happen last time under cerbmin? This is the first time judging by the fact that the last bunkers I can find before this was when cerbmin was only being reinstated.

Anonymous 287779

so they say kink is for ugly women to try to get into relationships? that's pretty catty, i don't think it's entirely untrue but sounds like pretty shallow analysis of kink scenes. women develop full blown paraphilias less than men but they do develop masochistic tendencies and feel attractive that way from means of social messaging in society. women in general are bombarded with messaging to be self-sacrificing and masochistic, kink shit is only the epitome of it. It would be interesting if they talked to someone like Nina Paley about this stuff, who was into kink scenes when younger.

Anonymous 287781

Praying this direct deposit hits my account soon. I have shit I need to do ugggghhhh.

Anonymous 287782

I would be frank and say that I'm not going to entertain her mental illness episodes and walk away. You're not obligated to deal with that shit.

Anonymous 287783

Jen's overall vibe is "I am very very cool and know a lot about the world unlike [whoever is being discussed]" Hannah seems vaguely more chilled out

Anonymous 287784

From these posts, they sound like fake-radfem farmers kek

Anonymous 287787

Screenshot 2024-09…

Holy keks yes, The Curse is one of the most uncomfortable shows I've ever seen. Buckle up. And anything sexual between Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone is so fucking awkward. Let me know what you end up thinking about it at the end

Anonymous 287789

I found the weeniest turtle hatchling that was likely airdropped by a bird who has now gone hungry on my walk today. Took baby turtle to the local pond it was sniffing out and wished em' the best. Also saw a swamp rat. Hell yeah.

Anonymous 287792

Got home from work and "borrowed" a hard drive with my work in it so I can stay up all night finishing this fucking thing. Hopefully nobody at work notices that the HDD's missing before I'm able to return the it in the morning. Wish me luck, nonners [insert funny reaction picture of a tired, depressed person smiling and giving a thumbs up here]

Anonymous 287793

Will a mime costume still look good without white face paint? I am having a hard time making it nice and smooth. I am practicing for Halloween, I know this might be cringe but I am hoping to look cute on Halloween.

Anonymous 287795

you could probably use white face powder instead, no? you might end up looking like tom cruise, though

Anonymous 287796

I just woke up and still nothing…

Anonymous 287797

I guess the white paint is pretty essential to the look, huh? I did try a thinner layer and it came out okay. I’ll keep practicing, I still have two months! I’ll try the powder too!

Anonymous 287798

it's what makes a mime, a mime! otherwise i'd probably just think you were french

Anonymous 287799

Nonas, I think that even when lc comes back we should keep on with the colonization of cc.

Anonymous 287800

Can't we just become allies rather than that?

Anonymous 287801

These bunker threads fill up so fast. Twice I've been stuck staring at an old thread wondering why everyone is quiet not realizing it's full

Anonymous 287802


I think it'll look fine without the white. Maybe just do some dramatic eye and lip makeup to compensate

Anonymous 287804

why stop with cc, we need to colonise all female-only imageboards

Anonymous 287805

isnt there like only three of them

Anonymous 287806

what are the other 2

Anonymous 287807


Admin said the site will be back up on the fifth of September, but she didn't say what year…

Anonymous 287808

im gonna be honest i dont even know what the 3rd one is

Anonymous 287809

mehron white paint stick, easy and smooth cheep, you can even set it with cornstarch or use the lightest foundation you can find and set it with corn starch

Anonymous 287810

fujochan, this place and presumably lolcow itself.

Anonymous 287811

you forgot kpop…mumsnet and ovarit kek

Anonymous 287814

its already 5th of September for me.. why is the site still down..

Anonymous 287816

They're retarded like the Red Scare pod women lol

Anonymous 287818

She didn't specify what time and timezone, could end up being september 5th 11:58pm or something kek

Anonymous 287819

i dont think mumsnet and ovarit really count as imageboards

Anonymous 287820

images (1).jpg

so that was a lie…sep 5th my ass

Anonymous 287822

Still the 4th for me

Anonymous 287823

wtf just go to sleep already, you're ruining everything

Anonymous 287824

CC started because of discontent with LC.
Instead of doing the 'colonize' bit, they just moved on and made their own space. Stop being a parasite on other people's boards and make your own if you feel like you need to own it.

She's using a lunar calendar instead of the regular one. She needs Taurus in rising before chief big areola can raise lolcor again again.

Anonymous 287826

im in the future …and it sucks

Anonymous 287827

They're a lot more appealing than Red Scare

Anonymous 287829


>fanny went to a emca art school in france
>still draws worse than nemu

Anonymous 287830

>Stop being a parasite on other people's boards and make your own if you feel like you need to own it.
…i don't think that anon was being serious kek. geez

Anonymous 287831

Okay, mom! Geez

Anonymous 287832

personal tinfoil is the site was put down because of a new wave of cp spammed by trannies

Anonymous 287833

Maybe you remind him of his dead child or something

Anonymous 287835


i genuinely think that the site mightve been ddosed or found a exploit by troonoids and they leaked users ips so admin is trying to fix the issue…or it was a fed site all along

Anonymous 287836

Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, put up a pronoun pin

Anonymous 287837

it's the 5th…lolcor please….

Anonymous 287838


Minecraft nonas

The server has been whitelisted for the night! If you already logged onto the server anytime in the past few days and were playing for more than an hour or two, you will have been whitelisted so you can join back whenever.

Thank you to all the farmers that joined, we've seen over 40 players join in the past few days and to them I just want to say thank you so much for playing and making the server so fun! It was so amazing to see all farmers come together in our love for Minecraft and LC and start a new server for our community. I really feel thankful and happy that everyone has had a blast so far!

Since LC is hopefully returning tomorrow, I don't think I'll be turning the whitelist off tomorrow. We've been accepting new players for the last 4 days, and I think that everyone that wanted to join has joined by now. I don't want to share the IP on LC in fear of raids, moid infiltration, or other retarded bullshit, so I think that the IP will stay here in the bunker.

There have been a few recurring questions that I wanted to address:
>"How long will the server last?"
This is dependent on how many players continue to actively use the server. Right now, it's definitely lasting until October, and if anons are still regularly playing by then I will be renewing the server so that it stays up. If the server ever does shut down, I'll be sure to upload a dropbox link to a file of the world save so that everyone that played can keep it for memories.
>"I want to play, but I was busy this weekend! How can I join now?"
I'm aware that some anons have expressed their desire to join the server but for some reason or another were unable to play this weekend, in that case, here is my plan so far: I'm going to keep whitelist on during the majority of the week, but on Saturdays or Sundays for the next month, I'll turn the whitelist off for a few hours in the afternoon so that new nonas can join, play, and be whitelisted. I will not be sharing the IP on LC, so you will have had to be aware this was going on through being in these bunker threads to look back in them and find the IP. If the IP is shared on LC once or twice, I will be permanently turning whitelist on and won't be accepting new players as a defensive measure.
>"Where will we post about the server on LC?"
The majority of players seem to prefer posting server hijinks, updates, screenshots, etc., on the General Minecraft thread in /m/. I'm not 100% if there is one already, but if not we can make one so that all anons interested in Minecraft can post there whether or not they'd like to play on the server or not. I think a Minecraft general would be a nice addition to the other video game general threads.
>"I played on the server for a few hours, but I wasn't whitelisted! What gives?"
I most likely accidentally missed your username while I was configuring the whitelist! If you were playing for more than an hour or so but your name still isn't whitelisted, please reply to this post with the FIRST TWO characters and LAST character of your username, and I'll check through my configuration files to add you.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to reply to this post and I'll try to answer them for you.
Anon that is vacationing in Scotland for 2 weeks and wanted to join, if you're comfortable with this: please drop your username in a reply, I will whitelist you on the server because I know you wanted to play but couldn't make it in time. If you don't feel comfortable with that, you will sadly have to wait for a Saturday or Sunday afternoon EST to join the server and be whitelisted.

Anonymous 287839

gotta be my sweet darling baby boy ellis

Anonymous 287840

On behalf of your imaginary girlfriend I’m here texting “kekkk” back to you

Anonymous 287844

I'm still reading threads about food and restaurants on LSA. There's one about how there are more solo diners in the US these days. Do you guys go to eat out by yourselves from time to time? How are you treated? Usually I'm either treated very well (especially in Asian restaurants with Asian staff) or treated like a deranged weirdo who's going to dine and dash with horrible service and wait times (sage to assume the staff is usually racist and think I don't have money), no inbetween.

Anonymous 287846

Noooo I’m so sad I missed it! Damn irl stufff

Anonymous 287847

I know this was said in jest, but it made me think about it for a few minutes. I think the reason this ib is dead is because it doesn't have a main "pull factor" to get new people to check out the site. LC is good at catching women that like drama or gossip, myself and others found it from following notorious cows, and I suspect that's still how most anons find the site now. FC appeals to fujos so it brings in a lot of new anons that way, and the KpopIB naturally gathers k-pop fans. CC doesn't really have a pull factor. I think maybe that's why this ib is so dead, it's just not reaching enough people. I know everyone hates newfags, but everyone was a newfag once. If there's no newfags on an ib, there's a problem.

Anonymous 287850

Forgot I was banned from a subreddit a year ago for saying men don't belong in women's spaces and interacted today and got my current Reddit account permabanned. Damn

Anonymous 287851

Ayrt I will! It's kinds fascinating to see Nathan playing a character that's so dislikeable, I didn't think he had the range.

Anonymous 287852

i feel like the pull-factor of cc is that its chill and a lot less toxic than other imageboards, i used to like cc more than lc bc nonas on lc seemed a lot more intimidating (also i dont think fc is that active)

Anonymous 287854

Is L4D really that good? I'm not into this genre but wouldn't mind playing Valve's games if they're actually engaging/funny

Anonymous 287857

it is really fun. i'd love to run with n0nnas here

Anonymous 287858

It's also because the random deleted posts makes it hard to follow and continue conversations

Anonymous 287859

are you being retarded on purpose

Anonymous 287860

Omg me too, that would be awesome. It's been a looong time since I last played though

Anonymous 287861

where is lolcor i need /m/ reeeeeeee

Anonymous 287862

Is it straight behaviour to be conscious of literally any male walking past me, feeling like a piece of meat for them. Or am I just going androphobic

Anonymous 287863

the resemblance is uncanny

Anonymous 287870

lolcor hello it is the fifth of september did some troonoid ddos the site or wat

Anonymous 287871

where were u when lolcow is kil?

Anonymous 287872

The waiting is killing me

Anonymous 287873

just go to bed already.

Anonymous 287874

what if its morning where i am at

Anonymous 287875

nap time.

Anonymous 287876

i see your point, but im also not sure fc is that much more active than regular cc (cant speak for the kpop board). i personally think one of the main issues might be cc having somewhat of a bad reputation regarding unsavory content (cp especially) and how long said content might stay up. i know that's why i avoided the place up until now. a shame, because it's got a lot of potential and i really like the atmosphere >>287852 mentioned (i had the exact same impression too kek).

Anonymous 287879

nta, cc also used to have a bad reputation for being infested with larping trannies and regular scrotes from scrote boards

Anonymous 287881

And posts getting fully deleted without explanation (even if they don't break the rules) rather than redtext.
I used to love CC, I prefer the more slow pace of posts, but there are many reasons of why most of us had to move out eventually

Anonymous 287882

Still has a male/tranny problem tbh, there was literally a scrote thread linked in the first bunker thread (for this downtime) and there are definitely others that got/get banned and try to brigade this site.

Anonymous 287884

Lolcorrrrr pls it's sept 5th noon already in my country

Anonymous 287886


no context lolcor minecraft server report 2#

Anonymous 287887

It's late evening where I am and I'm still waiting

Anonymous 287888

Where are the admins from? Like timezone wise? I guess it'll probably be the 6th for us Euros by time LC is back up.

Anonymous 287890

LC is still down, monster hunter world servers are still down, what do I do!

Anonymous 287892

What would the feds even want with lolcor though? Track down the worst infighters?

Anonymous 287893


hey anons. i havent visited lc in 3 years because of the amount of tiktokfags and trolls. i thought of checking it today (purely out of nostalgia reasons), and it seems to be down? is the website gone for good?
>tell me all the cool (or bad) things that may have changed on lc if you'd like. im curious!

Anonymous 287895

I think all the websites do. Men love invading women's spaces, so it's no shock.

Anonymous 287896


We don't know yet. It's supposed to return today but…

Anonymous 287897

i'm sorry that happened. reddit is really stupid. but given who the main user base is (men and men who are 'women') it isn't a surprise.

Anonymous 287899

What exactly happens when they leak the IP's? Like what can they do with it besides maybe finding out your area? I'm technologially retarded

Anonymous 287900

I got banned from r/askreddit once for replying “He was also a man.” to someone who mentioned a “woman” pedophile getting fired from Reddit (Ashton Challenor).

Anonymous 287902

They're working on some unexpected issue, that's all. It's expected to be back up today (5th)

Anonymous 287903

nothing really. ip address leaks are scarier than they sound, but yeah all anyone could do is find your (very general) location if that. people have dynamic ips, they use proxies and vpns, and whenever i've been bored and checked mine it's always in the largest town over to me where my internet company's main tower is lol. since i have a macbook i have private relay turned on as well, and i've got it set to show only my general location and time zone in the usa, not my approximate location.

Anonymous 287904

Does anyone else have to force themselves to eat enough fruit a day? It's not even tbat I don't like fruit, it's just inconvenient to eat.

Anonymous 287906

Thank you for remembering me! This is my username NyxaMs I'm looking forward to it, since i havent played minecraft in a while.

Anonymous 287907

Do we know admins are from NA though? For all we know they're all on different continents.

Anonymous 287908

Literally nothing. 1 IP means jack shit. Now if, for example, 200 of your last IP adresses got leaked, maybe people could pinpoint your general area (town, county), but even then your exact location would remain unknown. IP =/= the adress of your house. IP is an address your Internet provider gives to you and all of its other users from your area, meaning that you and the neighbour two streets down might have had the same IP address at different points in time - if you share the same Internet provider.
Sometimes I even get IP addresses located 400km away from my home so it really means nothing except who your ISP is and which country you're from.

Anonymous 287910

I dont think you have to eat a specific number of fruits a day, just eat some plants like grains, veggies, tubers etc, they're pretty easy to incorporate into meals. I mostly eat fruit if i crave something sweet. Lot of veggies have the vitamin c

Anonymous 287911

whens the forum coming back?

Anonymous 287914


i think MLP characters are cute, but i can't watch the show without feeling embarrassing because of ugly fat neckbeards dominating the culture/fandom for years

Anonymous 287915

i saw a few neocities n0nnies posting in this thread/the previous one and honestly i miss the oldweb thread so bad, i need to know if there's been any new retards discovered and have a desperate need to hate on the fact that status updates are now included in the global update feed for some reason

Anonymous 287916

is your name Jen?
if so, uh, yeah sorry I'm not interested

Anonymous 287918


There are lots of girls who grew up watching mlp that still enjoy the show to this day. Don't feel bad about it, anon. MLP was made for us first and foremost.

Anonymous 287919

At least lc being down gives me something to look forward to

Anonymous 287920


Aw, this makes me sad, I wish I could say something that would push you to watch it. Truthfully the series (FiM specifically) does pander a little to that crowd, there's an episode that focuses on the fan-favourite background characters for example. I am obviously a little biased but I do think this show is much more than it's fandom and worth giving a good chance. Think of all the women and girls who have taken part in the fandom over 40 years, they deserve to be the face of the fandom, not some scroids who are closeted pedophiles. The show is fun and cute, it has good songs too! The Equestria Girls spin-off movies were hated among the scrotes so that might make it easier to enjoy.

Anonymous 287921

Whyyyy? Now these retards will definitely use the activity feed like Twitter now more than ever. This is giving me the motivation to finally find a new webhost

Anonymous 287922

I watched it in my teens and found a mlp community on r/mlplounge, dark times
I've just looked at that sub there out of curiosity and it's a bit different now. It used to be people posting random things like what tv your watching, how you were doing etc but now its just pics.

Anonymous 287923

I've wanted to ask this for a long time but never wanted to ask in a forum for MLP. I remember as a really little kid watching the old MLP either on tv in syndication or maybe my grandmother had recorded it from the TV, possibly even for my aunt, and it got passed down. I have no idea how long MLP was on tv. Is there an archive of the old series somewhere?

The last time I searched, I just found the movie with the smooze(?) and then one where Mimic is fading and the ponies have to go on quests for the golden horseshoes

Anonymous 287926

I like CC, but I can't deal with this terrible autoban system. Why are posts that don't even argue with anyone, have any cursing or anything about sex getting the "You have been banned" pop-up? How in the world am I supposed to know what magic words to avoid? Are these bans permanent? It just seems so unfair and antithetical to board usage. And how is it that moids are just evading it to post nasty things daily? I hate it so much. This and the lack of certain threads and topics are what make me miss LC the most

Anonymous 287927

>CC started because of discontent with LC.
wrong, snail has debunked this so many times

Anonymous 287928

Since the paralympics started my feed has been full of retards too.

Anonymous 287929

woke up to no lolcor, guess i go back to bed.

Anonymous 287930


waiting for our beautiful farm to return from the war

Anonymous 287932


I had a look around for you and couldn't find much. There's a movie on youtube that's been uploaded in parts (TheCartoonArchive channel), and this season of episodes, you should use an ad block though. I tested two random episodes and they both worked, quality is okay but no subtitles option.
Wikipedia will likely have a list of all the existing episodes that might help you find some more, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful, I haven't yet gotten into the 1st generation.

Anonymous 287933

Why don't they come and 'debunk' it again.
Don't take my word for it. Look at the threads here and why there is only 3 or 4 regulars here.
I watched it happen, way back when.

Anonymous 287934


Anonymous 287935

Just look at the initial thread when lc is back up, the one where the whole thing started. She always said it's not meant to exist in competition with lc but to supplement it

Anonymous 287936

Anyone else find that when you're in a good mood, music that sounded complete shit to you before starts sounding okay or even good?

Anonymous 287937

Still says it's down for me. Come on, the lies are getting tired.

Anonymous 287938

I’ve been to this pop up shop and got two of the blind box badges and both were the same character I don’t give a shit about. I hate japan

Anonymous 287940

Come on, please come back lolcor

Can we say it's dead already or nah?

Anonymous 287941

Btw I vote serbmin for best communicator award

Anonymous 287943

Part-time first, yes. Full time will destroy you if you haven’t done it before. Saying that with love. The full time jobs I’ve had have given me panic attacks and I liked both of them. But the need to be “on” all day every day just broke me down and burnt me out.

Anonymous 287944

The feds are probably on there infighting too

Anonymous 287946

Yes and the opposite is true as well.

Anonymous 287947

Relax anon it’s gonna comr back soon

Anonymous 287948

probably stupid question but how did Stephen Hawking fart? kekkk

Anonymous 287949


I miss lolcor so much. I wish we could all be cringe together in peace without any fight and moids. I miss you guys.

Anonymous 287950

you dont have to eat fruits at all you can just eat veggies for nutrients

Anonymous 287951

nona, thank you so much! I was just curious about whether the new gen adopted anything from the original or not. I am definitely going to watch some this weekend. You're an angel!

Anonymous 287952

>be cringe together in peace
I swear some of you have forgotten what lolcow is about kek

Anonymous 287953

Don’t do full time right off the bat. >>287943 is right. Plus, once you feel like you’ve got the hang of things, you can probably pick up some more hours here and there if you want, like covering people’s shift when they have something come up. I think if you ease yourself into the transition from neet it might be easier, and you’ll have more success not getting burnt out right off the bat. Sometimes you can find short shifts like >>287683 mentions, and people either love or hate those.
(actually that’s what I need right now due to health issues, if any nonita has any tips/knowledge on where one might find 4-6 hour shifts)

Anonymous 287954


lolcor coming back is the best birthday present i could ever ask for

Anonymous 287955

it makes sense, you might be more willing to try new sounds. i don't think it's quite when i'm happy but more bored i try listening to new music, my autistic ass usually hates it.

Anonymous 287956

i think the trannies are behind this. its been too long

Anonymous 287957

nonas, i can't believe it's been a week already

Anonymous 287959

holy shit you're right, one whole week without lolcow. Fuck trannies, fuck jannies, and most of all fuck cerbmin.

Anonymous 287960

i hope they go more into detail about the issue if the date gets extended (knock on wood)

Anonymous 287962

tbh if I was admin i would just shut it down at this point. i dont even recognise the board anymore and the users are more retarded and ungrateful than ever. judging by the posting style it feels like the average age is around 13-16 now and sadly I know that's not even true. there are some truly insufferable creatures among you that screech the loudest and it's no wonder every admin so far has just lost it and/or ghosted at some point. why would anyone want to pay out the ass for one of the internet's only spaces for this unique group of women just to be spammed with childish insults all day

Anonymous 287963

You can leave on your own, then.

Anonymous 287964

I don’t feel like the posters are that young. I still want it back to discuss the cows. If you don’t like lc anymore maybe you can stay on cc. I’m planning to probably use both from time to time.

Anonymous 287965

Yes! I found these powdered fruit/veggie smoothies that get me my recommended 5 a day much easier. I'm terrible at eating fruit/veggies before they go bad. Brand is called Kencko, they make fruit snacks too!

Anonymous 287967

Really, some anons are overreacting, I know a place like lolcow can be addictive even, but it's basically a small break, even a neet like me has other stuff to do, like suffer from period pains and try to sleep so I don't feel pain.

Anonymous 287968


I wish we could be told wtf the issue is.

Anonymous 287969

my favorite are the posters camped out in the bunker threads who are like "im glad its down, im never posting on lc again" like they aren't actively refreshing this page and desperate for farmer engagement

Anonymous 287970

I have no where to talk about shayna losing weight, it feels so bad

Anonymous 287971

Trying college again and having all my classes midday or later makes me want to die. I'm so nervous being idle in the morning.

Bg3 has such an unbelievable grip on my and I don't know why. I laugh at the old men and cringe at the numale writing yet I can't turn away…

Anonymous 287972

Wait she is? Idk if anyone was following Alicecookie but she deleted her instagram a while ago kek

Anonymous 287973

Why doesn't CC have a search engine implemented in the site?

Anonymous 287974

guys maintenance is until thursday the 5th. that means the site will come back tomorrow, friday the 6th

Anonymous 287975

Please no

Anonymous 287976

>>287967 i think it's just the uncertainty of it all. like if they said what the problem was farmers would probably stop freaking out.

but they might extend it…..

Anonymous 287977

I spent 3 hrs cooking hope its worth it

Anonymous 287978

Will I catch a ban if I post some moid I think took a pic of me

Anonymous 287980

>"i was banned mutiple times and now im salty"
i mean..you could leave yourself too you know? why should the site die for you?

Anonymous 287981

I don’t think she has lost as much weight as her pictures make it seem. She has given herself an entirely different face and body,

Anonymous 287982

excellent reading comprehension on your end, proud of you

Anonymous 287984

A roach is fixing to fall inside. Make sure to cover the pot, bowl or what-have-you.

Anonymous 287985

Kek I remember being in that thread

Anonymous 287986

I think agps are so obsessed with stilettos because they know it's the perfect example for female oppression.

Anonymous 287987

I know she hasnt, not more than 10 lbs, but you can see her rib cage in the boating collage. It makes sense that weed was making her overeat constantly

Anonymous 287988

I hope when lolcow comes back admin will have added a smell-o-vision feature

Anonymous 287989

They don't like stilettos for their own sake. They enjoy the humiliation of not being able to walk in them, the idea of falling to the ground, feeling miserable, and being in pain. So you are right.

Anonymous 287990

idk why so many of you ask for this like you would understand what it meant if they told you. you'd just continue to scrotefoil and shit on them for their supposed incompetence whether the long wait was justified or not

Anonymous 287991

Maybe you wouldn't understand.

Anonymous 287992

>posts this
>turns around and infights and ban evades as soon as lc is up again

Anonymous 287993

she’s insulting the ungrateful userbase, not the mods

Anonymous 287994

>admin: we were having technical difficulties due to X Y and Z
>certified oldfags who discovered lolcow in 1998: heh. nice try, tranny jannies! tfw you spent all the server bill money on bathtub synth horse piss cocktails and had to spend a week making a new dickgirl onlyfans to scrounge up the cash. now give me back my shaynatorium, i have pussy pustules to post PRONTO!

Anonymous 287995

Sorry for dumb question but has she finally stopped with the weed? I remember her having to be in the hospital for something

Anonymous 287996

jesus christ relax, the more information the less uncertainty. the few schizos who attack cerbmin for literally everything will do so regardless, but the rest of the user base will appreciate it and be thankful

Anonymous 287997

Would you eat human meat?

Anonymous 287998

Depends on the human

Anonymous 287999

Same. But you should never eat the brain because that’s how you get Kuru.

Anonymous 288000

Who's the human? I'd try a lab-grown sample of my own flesh, especially cooked.

Anonymous 288001

I feel like our meat tastes awful after being alive for so long and having all those microplastics and other pollution in our bodies.

Anonymous 288002

No, I wouldn't even eat a cat or a dog, let alone a human.

Anonymous 288003

am web dev, try again
Kek, the people posting about this every 200 posts (and shitting on admin in the same breath) are the ones who need to relax. i'd like to know, same as anyone, but i think most of the people bitching just want something new to complain about

Anonymous 288004


what fictional characters do you think would be farmers or cows?

Anonymous 288005

I've been thinking of cutting a piece out of my arm or leg and cooking it for a while now. Should I?

Anonymous 288006


Creeps in the area

Anonymous 288007


Anonymous 288008

>am web dev
Then why would you assume everyone else would shit on them and not understand? Bit silly

Anonymous 288010

Anonymous 288011

no, take your meds instead

Anonymous 288012


Helga Pataki would be a farmer.

Anonymous 288013

Can you just write your own study session into your mornings? Like say 10am every day you write up your notes from yesterday.
There was a satirical documentary on this recently, a load of people thought it was real

Anonymous 288014

If it was ethical, sure, why not. Would have to be someone who consented to it before death and who died of natural causes.

Anonymous 288015

I bet my ass they will extend the maintenance again

Anonymous 288016

Is this the guy who took a pic of you?

Anonymous 288017

im sorry wtf is the context?

kek she would have a arnold husbando thread in /m/ and shit up other threads mentioning him like boyegachan

Anonymous 288018

Did he try to take a picture? I swear why are scrotes triple as insufferable as soon as they enter public transportation? Half of my bad experiences with them happened within one.

Kek I'd love to read her /g/ posts.

Anonymous 288019

You sound like a disgruntled jannie, is everything okay anonita?

Anonymous 288020

God I hope farmhands aren't this fragile.

Anonymous 288021

So embarrassing to have a feminism bag when you can hear a women yelling at the phone "baby! I had to ask for money! to send you the letter something prison why did you have to leave babyy I have no money why are you laughing love you baby"

Anonymous 288022

I’m not home atm, if lolcow is back by the time I'm home I will keep you updated there. We have a food thread iirc. I will let you know the flavour

I don’t take any medication. Should I really not?

Anonymous 288023

>In Japan, Melia has been used for cancer treatment of solid tumors as well as using it topically on skin cancers[9, 10]. It has been used successfully to treat malaria as well as vitiligo, and has been reported to increase brain serotonin levels thus having anti-anxiety properties [11, 12, 13]. Melia has also been shown to lower cholesterollevels [14]. In insulin dependent diabetics, melia has reduced insulin requirements up to 50% [15].

>One interesting effect is that without decreasing libido or sperm count, neem has been used effectively as a male contraceptive [16]. In parts of Africa women use it also for the same purpose (so you may not want to use it if you are trying to get pregnant). I could keep going but you can see how it merits its name “the healer and illness reliever”.


Anonymous 288024

i would but i probably wouldn't like it. side note, i read somewhere that shit like biting your lips and eating the skin that comes off counts as auto-cannibalism, so most of us have already eaten human flesh.

Anonymous 288025

>as well as vitiligo
but isnt that a normal genetic issue and not a disease?

Anonymous 288026

…it literally started on a thread on there

Anonymous 288027

Yes you shouldn't hurt yourself and then eat your flesh, what the hell. The other two are just messing with you.

Anonymous 288028

i finally accept that im a scumbag. im done playing queen of cognitive dissonance and i will admit i am pathologically selfish and a lying cheating cunt. maybe im even admitting this to give myself an excuse to go off the rails and completely self-destruct. that would also be pretty in character. i dont think im going to kms but the idea of just slowly sinking into my shitbag behavior like quicksand until maybe im miserable enough to do something drastic to myself is kind of peaceful. i wish i was there already but im not yet, im still at the point where i experience pleasure from life’s experiences. but i think that will run out eventually.

Anonymous 288030

Can't you channel your selfish shitbag energy to do something good?

Anonymous 288031


She really ticks all the boxes kek

Anonymous 288032

so bored. going to nap and hope lolcor is back when I wake up

Anonymous 288033

its not coming back

Anonymous 288034

Be honest, how many of you are relentlessly refreshing the page?

Anonymous 288036

i have a job classically associated with “doing good” but the people i take care of are strangers to me, it’s easy to not destroy relationships with a stranger.

Anonymous 288037

it's fine being terrible just make sure to target terrible men

Anonymous 288038

My boyfriend asked me yesterday what kind of pills I am always taking so early in the morning. I lied and said that they are just the iron pills (I have an iron deficiency and take those too so technically I am not lying) but they are actually antidepressants. The appointment I am always going to from 4-5 pm is a real therapist and not a the physiotherapist. I don't want to tell him because I am scared that he might leave me

Anonymous 288039

images - 2024-09-0…

This one

Anonymous 288040

Ok, thank you anon

Anonymous 288043

I don't think he's the man for you if you're scared he'll leave you because you're trying to take care of your mental health. Realistically he's eventually going to find out the truth.

Anonymous 288044


If they don't, you will have to give your ass away, how will you take the harvest back home?

Anonymous 288045

such a strange thing to lie about. he shouldn't find you less attractive for trying t

Anonymous 288046

Lol everyone is on antidepressants or Anxiety meds nowdays. You dont' need to fear his judgement unless he's from a super fundie anti med family, and if Thats the case why even date him?

Anonymous 288048

It's september 5th…. why no up

Anonymous 288049

its so over n0nnies

Anonymous 288050


i think i just found a farmer in the wild, but im not 100% sure. there was some anon who posted a similar set of these figures in previous bunker threads, and i tried to find that post to compare, but i think it got deleted. this could've also been just a random collector because the person behind the account had 'he' pronouns (girly-looking tif, btw) who collected sonico figures as well

Anonymous 288051

Will you be posting here on the weekends when you open the whitelist?

Anonymous 288052

If he'd leave you for going to therapy your relationship has an expiration date, sorry. Every single moid would benefit from therapy because of their fucked-up upbringing under patriarchy, and those who consider asking for help something shameful even when it concerns their partners instead of themselves are a ticking time bomb. What if marry him and have a kid one day and develop PPD?

Anonymous 288053

happy birthday!!!

Anonymous 288054

Am I shadowbanned? No one ever replies to me here

Anonymous 288055

happy birthday dearest nona <3

Anonymous 288056

This looks like an alternative universe ichigo mashimaro with more lolicon. I don't get animu tards they have the same face same hair different eye color

Anonymous 288057

Go back

Anonymous 288058

I guarantee your Nigel could improve himself with therapy. Who gives a shit what you take or where you go? If he's got a problem with it he's not the guy for you.

Anonymous 288059

i feel the same way n0nna but i think it's just because there's so much shit constantly moving in these threads. either that or we're both losers and everyone hates us

Anonymous 288060

Those look cute, I wish they weren't made by perverts and resold by Japanese moids who came on them.

Anonymous 288061

To lolcor? I'm TRYING

Anonymous 288062


Loooolllcoooow spsppsppspspspspspspspspsps looooorrrrrrcoooweee sppspspspspspspspspspspssps

Anonymous 288063

He looks like he's got 7 STIs and tells 16 year old girls they're so mature for their age.

Anonymous 288064

This set of figures is just incredibly common among animecore tards in general. Unless the background and such also matched up, the likeliness of it being the same person is very low.

Anonymous 288065

animecore girls have no personality and all share the same taste

Anonymous 288066

Believe me, you do not want to be with a man who has a problem that you take medication and want to fix your psychological issues to feel better

Anonymous 288069


Anonymous 288070

You must believe deep down that he's either unintelligent or a shitty person if you think he'll be upset about it. Only an undesirable person would have those feelings about it. I can't imagine anyone I know being judgmental about someone on antidepressants, it would be so weird to feel that way. So you probably shouldn't be with him?

Anonymous 288071

So now they're even making a Minecraft movie huh? And with Jack fucking Black in it. Jeez….

Anonymous 288072

Jack Black and Chris Pratt are in almost every single new movie and it's made me not watch any. I hate the repetition of actors in hollywood just because they're recognizable

Anonymous 288073

I wonder is it suited to lolcow caps if it was posted on cc yet lolcow bunker

Anonymous 288075

i wish i could add fellow nоnnies on the browser games i play but i'm still scared from the artfight incident

Anonymous 288077

I used to like Ryan Reynolds 10+ years ago but now I can't stand the sight of his face, he's literally everywhere to a creepy degree

Anonymous 288078

I used to like Jack Black but now idk anymore lol
Especially after finding out that he apologized for that Trump joke, allegedly just because a bunch of rightoid moids cried about it online.
Still like him as Bowser though.

Anonymous 288079

>the artfight incident
What happened?

There's no need to refresh, it updates automatically. I am constantly refreshing the board index, however.

I feel like she would be more of a miner who occasionally visits /g/.

Anonymous 288080


Anonymous 288081

general art salt thread made a tag on AF to identify eachother and everyone using the tag and even people who didnt use the tag but attacked others from it got mass banned for ~twansphobia~.

Anonymous 288082

tl;dr nonas made their own tag on artfight to recognize eachother, some fag on tumblr caught wind of it and made a callout, artfight staff banned users using the tag en masse. i wasn't there at the time but reading the threads after it was a shitshow. gendies can't handle the fact women who aren't doormats exist even when they keep to themselves and don't go after them.

Anonymous 288083

are co-ed gyms really that bad? i need desperately to get a new gym membership since my womens only gym closed down a few months ago. there's only one co-ed gym in town that has a womens only section but the membership is insanely expensive, more than my work allowance covers. i'm considering just going to like anytime fitness because its cheap but im nervous about sharing the space with men.

Anonymous 288084

A bunch of things happened last month that have resulted in me being late on rent this month. I've never been late on rent before in my life. I understand there is a late fee (that I will be able to pay by the end of the week) but have any of you ever been penalized in some way (like not being able to renew your lease) for being late on rent? I'm a bit nervous. For context, I rent from a big property management company in my town that doesn't even have the option of talking to a real person on the phone, and when you email, it seems to go into the void.

Anonymous 288086

I give it until noon EDT.

Anonymous 288088


Anonymous 288089

Just get a trial membership and test it

Anonymous 288091

I don’t think there’ll ever be a way to safely have a tag on artfight for lc nonas. Like even if you all voice verify in a discord server or some other way to verify before making a secret tag, there’s always a chance one of them is a secret tif

Anonymous 288094

The women's only section in my gym was always man-free, even though I was worried about tims getting in there. The worst part was having to walk through the huge main area to access it, where men definitely exist and will probably look at you. Once inside the women's only area, it was safe

Anonymous 288096

I don’t get how there are so many retards claiming they can’t spy on lolcows/drink any milk without the actual website…? Makes me question how many legitimate farmers we have who contribute to those threads

Anonymous 288097

true, but i think you're giving most tifs too much credit. ask them any questions about radical feminism or gender critical ideology that aren't surface level and 90% of them won't know shit kek

Anonymous 288098

Hello I'm awake why isn't lolcor back up

Anonymous 288099

you do realize lc has been dying for a while now? of course there's less actual farmers.

Anonymous 288101


lolcor up pls i need null backdoorho milk and more pixielocks wedding fanfic

Anonymous 288102

I'm farming cows but it's more entertaining to talk about them with n0nnies than just me sitting here chuckling alone

Anonymous 288103

whats up with null

Anonymous 288105

a lot of us here only hang out in /g/ and /ot/ like idrc about cows i just wanna talk to nonas

Anonymous 288106

I don’t know if you were present during hellweek but I wouldn’t call a website with like 6,000 users “dead”, of course it’s actually dead right now because the owner killed it but that’s besides the point

Anonymous 288107

The number of active contributors in any given gossip thread is magnitudes smaller than the total number of people who use it. For most threads you can probably count on one hand how many users do any real archiving.

Anonymous 288108

Lots of farmers get blocked by cows for just watching their stories. Or they won't let a new account follow them. I think it depends on the cow, but the ones I check on lolcor are extremely block-happy

Anonymous 288109

just watched the trailer and I’m so pissed. Why couldn’t they just animate it like Minecraft story mode? lol

Anonymous 288110

Oh I totally get that nony, everyone has their board that they’re native to! I was just referring to /snow/fags who’d been claiming they can’t check up on cows at all because LC isn’t working

Anonymous 288111

what do you mean by dying?
it just changed

Anonymous 288112

same but I feel like it's taboo to admit this

Anonymous 288114

That’s a cute ass.

Anonymous 288117

N0NNAS How do I search for something specific on CC without the search function. I want to search for a term… I'm desperate…

Anonymous 288118

doesn’t control + F work? that works for me

Anonymous 288119

lolcor it's 5 pm already please come back……….

Anonymous 288121


How it feels to use anything on the computer when you set a custom scaling to play 2000s pc games without modern resolutions

Anonymous 288122

nonas, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? i like cake batter

Anonymous 288123

Admin must be a PNWfag if it’s taking them this long to get the website up, that’s the only part of Burgerland where it’s still early kek

Anonymous 288124

Is it a red flag if someone doesn't have fitted sheets on their bed?

Anonymous 288125

Yeah but I don't care about most cows in the first place, so I don't complain about not being able to see the milk. The ones that are complaining are the anons who actually use the cow boards regularly. Like >>288110 said

Kekk, of course. Artfight is probably run by trannies, hence the amount of gendies there. Thanks for explaining.
Sadly the best way to make a tranny-free website/game or at least one that doesn't ban you for wanting female-exclusive clubs would be making your own.

Anonymous 288126

There is a sense of entitlement with newfags that I have never understood. LC is a small privately owned website that is run by volunteers. The admins pay for the hosting out of their own pocket. The screeching retards on /meta/ act like their fighting a righteous crusade and the all powerful and oppressive mods when in reality it was a two hour ban handed out by a volunteer janitor dealing with 200+ reports, while trying to stop a thread derail.

Anonymous 288127

Anyone who browses /meta/, whether a cow board user or off-topic board user, is likely aware of the fact that the website essentially consists of two communities which have virtually no overlap with each other, leading to competing interests when discussing matters of the farms.
You should assume that the farms is running on some US timezone, so it will probably come back up while it's nighttime where you are.

Anonymous 288128

that's for searching a specific word in a thread, I want to search for a term in every boards and every threads, just like the LC search function

Anonymous 288130

Yes, it's the second time it happened I should take a video next time I love when they squirm, I guess you don't like that uh? Right after they did the same thing, lowlifes.

Anonymous 288131

on linux wget all of cc (you can drop media files) and then grep all files for your search term

Anonymous 288133

i fucking LOVE green apple
"flood detected" shut up fag

Anonymous 288135

I know people are saying anti depressants etc. are no big deal but do you happen to be from a country that it is a big deal in, like somewhere in eastern europe? Either way, I'm not sure this is a good thing to lie about because he'll happen to find out by accident or something and then it could turn ugly.

Anonymous 288136


At least we have wayback machine lolcor kek
Also, remember when we had a Matrix lolcow chatroom?

Anonymous 288137

You could Google site:crystal.cafe + whatever term you're searching for in between quotation marks "", but the results depend on which threads Google has fetched (recently made threads might not appear in the results yet)

If it were up to me, I'd just ban the underage-sounding retards on the spot. I don't give a fuck if it's "authoritarian".

NTA but thanks, I might do it. I wonder how big the website is with media files.

Anonymous 288138

The wayback machine is going down soon

Anonymous 288139

Butter pecan

I think so

Anonymous 288140

Dulce de leche

Anonymous 288141


Anonymous 288142

Dark chocolate or coffee.

Anonymous 288143

If you've been on LC for more than 2 years, then you'd know why anons are constantly suspicious of and dogpiling on the staff. We get that the website is volunteer-run, but that doesn't mean they get to be shady and dishonest to the community, which has been a major problem for many years now. Many of us are also suspicious of "cerbmin's" identity and believe that it is still Shaymin under the guise of three people.

Anonymous 288144


Anonymous 288146

OP, thanks anons I'll try to search for the term those ways
shut up it won't go down

Anonymous 288147

real stalkers use third party story viewers cause these cows be crazy

Anonymous 288148

i just saw a pharmaceutical advertisement on tv that was clearly AI generated people

Anonymous 288150

Won't that ruling just affect the books on Archive.org? Shouldn't the internet archive still be available or is there some other news on this that I'm missing

Anonymous 288152

Blue moon with rainbow cookie dough chunks otherwise known as playdough ice cream

Anonymous 288153

I’ve been so upset ever since the weekend and I don’t even have lolcow to distract me so I’m stewing in misery and pain. My parents are mad at me because I am visibly upset which just makes it all worse.

Anonymous 288154

What are telltale signs that immediately tell you someone is faking autism?

Anonymous 288155

uh oh.jpg

the fact that big companies are in on it and that so many people can't even recognize ai generated content is making me scared for the future

Anonymous 288156

Anyone remember PULL? I just got a flashback to how obsessed they were with Kenna

Anonymous 288157

Cookie dough, pistachio or some kind of a sorbet. This one sorbet with raspberry, licorice and chili was my fave of all time but they don't make it anymore, so sad

Anonymous 288158

Ahh yes I remember reading about Emma over there keek

Anonymous 288159

I swear to god I saw an AI generated cereal commercial years ago and nobody believed me when I showed them. It was unsettling

Anonymous 288160

Cotton candy or bubblegum
They could be in Hawaii too, where it's currently 5 AM kek

Anonymous 288161


Anonymous 288162

You are the worst person here

Anonymous 288163

I hate you

Anonymous 288164


Fuck you very much

Anonymous 288165

idk what jurisdiction you’re in, you must be in the future

Anonymous 288166



Anonymous 288167

Cerbmin coming here to fuck with us

Anonymous 288168

guys it's ok she is the western time zone

Anonymous 288169

Posting themselves (selfies or videos of themselves) on social media. Also bragging about having autism on social media

Anonymous 288170

these are command line tools. they work on linux but they should also work on mac out of box


is something you type into the google search bar to limit your search to the specified site

Anonymous 288171

90% of the time they don't fidget (stim, I guess), they're able to recognize the subtleties of sarcasm in both comprehension and use, and they don't sperg out when they talk about their favorite things. 10% of the time they stim and sperg, when it's convenient for their larp. Source: I have a friend who is exactly this

Anonymous 288172

How is posting selfies and videos of oneself a sign that they do not have autism? Not that I disagree but I am interested in the reasoning.

Anonymous 288173

i gotta respectfully disagree cause autists can be super self important and obnoxiously post about themselves and update the general public on their lives unnecessarily

Anonymous 288174

Vanilla, strawberry, and cookie dough.

Anonymous 288175

Why do people fake autism? As an autist I can't understand it, why would you want people to think you are retarded?

Anonymous 288177

strawberry shortcake icecream

Anonymous 288179

>able to recognize the subtleties of sarcasm in both comprehension and use
This isn't always true, some uses of sarcasm can be more obvious than others, and everyone has a different level of understanding. It is also possible for an autistic person to be sarcastic. IMO using sarcasm is easier than understanding it.
It's not, plenty of diagnosed autists have no problem posting selfies and can be very outgoing (the autistic part is that they don't know when to shut up KEK)

Anonymous 288181

Nick, I liked his suit.

Anonymous 288182

ayrt, yeah I know I have linux! Thanks again for the suggestion anon

Anonymous 288183

This year I learned I apparently love burnt butter flavor, it's the trendy flavor here right now and I understand why now kek

Anonymous 288186

Ayrt, many use it as an excuse to act in ways that others find socially unacceptable and get a free pass from criticism. My friend, for example, used to drive people away by being overly sensitive and self-absorbed. When she started watching media about autism, she self-diagnosed and now when she notices she's getting on people's nerves she says, "sorry, it's my neurospicy autistic brain" and immediately starts to fidget obsessively with something to prove it. Then she immediately pulls out a rubber band to "stim" with, which only appeared in the last year or so and I've know her for over five. Also she is always late to things, and instead of blaming it on being disorganized like she used to, it's now because autism, so that if you're frustrated with her you're ableist

Anonymous 288188

Unironically dressing "alt" especially with a lot of accessories, having no sensory issues at all, mentioning their oowoo autism any chance they get because they're obsessed with how people perceive them but not in the actual autistic masking and fitting in way but in the phony needing validation for their self-diagnosed identity way.

Anonymous 288189

I have a friend like this too. Self-diagnosed autism after watching too many "Do you have autism?" TikToks. Mainly uses it to excuse her shitty behavior.

Anonymous 288192

how does burnt butter icecream even taste? is it sweet somehow?

Anonymous 288193

Holy shit do we all have the same friend? Mine says she has ADHD, OCD, PTSD, BPD, and autism. She hyperfocused on autism and conveniently forgot the rest of the bullshit she was claiming to have because it's the perfect excuse to not go to therapy and improve. At this point I think autism LARPing needs to be under the cluster b list of symptoms in the DSM because it's so commonplace.

Anonymous 288201

why do I feel like it would taste greasy

Anonymous 289050

Do you mean browned butter?

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