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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #22 Anonymous 284684

Lolcow is only planned to be back Tuesday, 3rd of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates.
For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".

Previous bunkers:
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

You know the drill, don't engage with bait/troll posts. Don't infight.

Anonymous 284686

The opposite happened to me
>chat with moid with same autistic interests
>when he voice reveals it’s super deep and sexy
>then he face reveals and I have to block him
Never trust sexy voices alone.

Anonymous 284691

I think New Wave men seem to generally be popular with farmers. I've noticed people like Adam Ant too and there's a John Taylor anon in /g/.
On the flip side you also have farmers that think liking new wave men means you like trannies though because makeup

Anonymous 284692

I wish I was born in the late 60s so I could've experienced this in full. Men should try to look cute again… not tattoo their whole faces like retards or get ugly-ass haircuts.
NTA but here you go. Obligatory reading for any otaku nona. https://gonzobrigadoon.wordpress.com/2020/05/03/article-the-castle-of-doom-and-the-lolicon-boom/
>I always used to wonder how weeb pedo coomers coopted the cutesy moe girly aesthetic for their loli shit
"Moe" always belonged to pedos. They created the term and aesthetic (by corrupting cutesy innocent characters). I think what you mean is "kawaii", which is more accurate to the sort of aesthetic of shoujo manga.
Female artists often draw innocent stuff for girls/women but also moeshit for moids other times. And sometimes the line gets blurry (sometimes on purpose to attract both audiences at the same time).
I just said the truth, it's not my fault some people are completely oblivious to the way manga artists pander to male and female otaku. I wasn't even trying to make anyone feel bad for liking a random cutesy character, someone just said she was made by a woman as if that was proof that it wasn't suspicious, but if the character is drawn moe the sex of the artist doesn't really matter. Also I said there's nothing wrong with liking that show and the anon who posted the character shouldn't have been banned. Women are free to enjoy whatever they want.
Agreed, I fucking hate Discord. It was only supposed to be for communicating with your gaming friends while playing. It shouldn't have morphed into a hub for those kinds of degenerate, often dangerous "communities" full of pedophiles.

Anonymous 284693

since no questioning sexuality thread for now: what does it mean if you find the faces of moids attractive but not their bodies (including genitals)? alternatively what would it mean if you found the faces of women attractive but not their bodies or vaginas?

Anonymous 284696

I hope theres a little cow ranch in the minecraft server with the cows named after notorious, well, cows. wish i could join you nonas have fun! xx

Anonymous 284697

Does anyone have any good resources on human anatomy?

Anonymous 284698


Could we perchance start using cute thread pictures again..?

Anonymous 284699

If youre referring to human anatomy for art purposes, I use anatomy for sculptors (PDF should be easily accessible on internet archive last I checked). Morpho is a little vague if you dont have an idea for body anatomy first (Its better for breaking down and simplifying what you already know so you can speed up body studies) + its not very helpful if you just copy whats on the pages without knowing how the subjects work first.

Anonymous 284700

get addicted to gay porn or else you'll never truly progress. unironically.

Anonymous 284702


This guy Harsh Symmetry is a modern guy with that style but if he doesn’t take out that damn septum. The only facial piercings the goth and new wave scene of the 80s had were on the nostril.

Anonymous 284706

Kek she is not wrong tho, Germans are so boxy for some reason.
I am not a new wave nona but I find young P. Lion attractive. I know he is not handsome in a conventional way, but he looked healthy and nice for me. I just hate modern men so much

Anonymous 284707


Remember fashion tier list yesterday? I was inspired on autumn green layered look and now I feel like a villager among citizens
Be normal, stay normal, mask

Anonymous 284711

Thank you but it's not for art it's for nursing but medicine resouces are good too

Anonymous 284712

I was forced to go to church but I saw two babushka best friends with matching bedazzled veils which was cute

Anonymous 284713

Hope I can maintain if not friendship at least nice reputation. Want to join book and dance clubs.

Anonymous 284716

I see, best of luck on your studies. I kek at the thought of vehemently studying to gay porn and getting through nursing school through it

Anonymous 284717

Anna's archive has a load of textbook pdfs, would that help?

Anonymous 284719


Anyone else tired of this fat busted tranny and his retarded trend? He looks like an ogre and sounds soooo annoying

Anonymous 284721


Thank you AI for reminding me how all males are failmales in comparison to our robust stacy XX chromosome. Gifting the LC bunker with manhate, ok bye again

Anonymous 284722

Thank you!
I just checked that website and they have quite a few textbooks that will be helpful. Thank you!

Anonymous 284723

There's a YouTube channel that does interviews with an inbred family in West Virginia. The women in the family look normal and are just regular stupid, but the men are very visibly disabled and severely mentally retarded, one of them can't even talk properly and communicates by barking. Apparently whatever genetic mutation they have doesn't affect the women as badly because they have a second X chromosome.

Anonymous 284724

I hated him before his trend took off, would get some of his content on my tiktok and would hit not interested every time
I thought it was weird how he would play with bratz dolls

Anonymous 284725

He is a doll collector. Has claimed to be broke but has spent thousands on American Girl dolls.

Anonymous 284726

males truly are deformed versions of nature's perfection (women)

Anonymous 284728

Me too, I can’t stand him whenever I see him on my fyp. I can’t stand that “demure” meme I truly dont get why women love parroting and egging on men who love parroting our bodies and mannerisms, it’s like misogyny inception. I guess a man becomes automatically funny if he’s a faggot or belongs to a speshul protected demographic of men you can never criticize unless you want to be sent death/rape threats
This is probably what males have but without the barking and apparent severe disability. I truly think having a Y chromosome gives them some sort of disability that increases their violence and aggression

Anonymous 284729

i was on it for years and LOVED it. i went up in dosage a couple times and the thing about the "brain zaps" is that no matter what the dosage is, the brain zaps are still the same. i stopped having nightsweats about 9 months or so into being on the medication. coming off of it permanently sucked for about a week. simply debilitating. but after that, i felt fine. i think it's an amazing little pill.

Anonymous 284730

I wouldnt mind making one in LC when it comes back, though Im worried about the lack of traction in case I have to make it on /m/. I would make a mc server containment thread for CC but I cant access it due to internet issues so I hope another n0na can do it in my stead (i hope its doing well right now and not strugging w/ raids or connection issues). If theres one already I'll bump it to the front page

Anonymous 284732

I fucking hate redscare tard thots. A woman not kneeling before any man and is enough to send them into hysteric fits of rage, boohoo we don't respect blue collar workers here and cheer when they get crushed under industrial machinery. Take your ass back to reddit

Anonymous 284733

They are the worse version of hipster tumblr bitches but also poisoned by rw 4chan brainrot. Worst of both worlds

Anonymous 284734

He looks so like Gorlock the Destroyer

Anonymous 284736

What is the appeal of this podcast? Is it for women who want to be seen as too cool for political correctness but still politically conscious, ironically? Are there enough people that exist who can actually tolerate their vocal fry?

Anonymous 284739

It’s for pickmes who like drinking iced lattes and buying $20 sandwiches in the middle of the hood with a dyed wolfcut and piercings paid by their parents who work in finance and loves hanging out with her queer nonbinary bleepboop boyfriend

Anonymous 284740


Anonymous 284741

does anyone know of online art spaces that aren't troon infested?

Anonymous 284742

I thought that redscarepod listeners made fun of gendies except the old school tims.

Anonymous 284744

there aren't any

Anonymous 284745


I haven't seen any nonas talk about this yet, but I very well could have just missed it. There's these two female pornstars who realized that they could make money by pretending to be TiMs. That's this particular video of them dancing around and they have dildos in their underwear so they look like they have dicks, and they claim to be TiMs and use the translation and shit. People in X realized they're obviously not men. So now a bunch of TiMs are raging and saying stuff like, "my gender is not your costume" and "you can't just put a dildo in your underwear and claim to be a Trans woman" and "pretending to be a Trans woman even you're not is harmful to Trans women!" And of course they don't see one bit of irony.

Anonymous 284746

Tomorrow I'm going to wake n bake and cook a big ass breakfast for myself, maybe even make a cake.

Anonymous 284747

absolutely nada, the best you can get is the art threads on lolcow and maybe CC (debatable since troons lurk on both) or the radfem side of tumblr (also debatable because the site is infested with TRAs and troons so that defeats the point of your question kek). kind of bleak in hindsight trying to think of a single space where we can post art only without having to virtue signal every second as to not get harassed. moids can literally do heinous shit and get away with it, keeping their platform in the meanwhile, but god forbid a woman only post about her art and not think about bending over to whatever troon outrage is going on in the other side of the world.

Anonymous 284748

Oh, so painfully accurate

Anonymous 284749

Based kikomis, while I dont support sex work I do enjoy seeing women larp as femboys, making TIMs seethe at something they can never attain as effortlessly as they do

Anonymous 284750

post ur reaction when lc doesn't come back on 9/3

Anonymous 284751


Anonymous 284752

honestly i'm just tired of people having characters that are troons themselves, and especially sick and tired of furries and mlpers. im an anxious fuck and figured lc wouldn't give a shit about my horse art kek

Anonymous 284754


Anonymous 284755


Anonymous 284756


Anonymous 284757


Anonymous 284758


Anonymous 284759

But how do they know they aren't trans woman?

Anonymous 284760


Anonymous 284761

why do you hate ponies anon

Anonymous 284763


Anonymous 284764

Why do you have no memes in your meme folder?

Anonymous 284765

i think she's taking umbrage with pedo bronies, not mlp itself

Anonymous 284767

If you absolutely want to post on social media, please be extremely crypto about your true beliefs and keep personal posts to a minimum for your own safety. I recall an artist getting extreme backlash from different demographics not even in her fandom circle just for being flagged as a radfem and having outwardly TERF posts + links on her account. Its a fruitless battle and you gain nothing from boosting radfem posts aside from harassment (as much as it sucks, if you post art, only post art; if you dislike seeing political sperge on other people's accounts, what makes you think your followers are going to care about your points)
I tried to support the aforementioned artist through the ongoing harassment, but it grew irritating to see her keep posting about horrific crimes against women with images when Im only trying to see her fandom posts. If I wanted to be more knowledgeable on feminist news I would follow a radfem account, not a homestuck fanartist kek

Anonymous 284769

because they go hand in hand with furries apparently. they're like plagues, clopping up all the art communities i used to be a part of. why are they so popular lately anyway? maybe i'm the retard but mlpers reek of pedo to me. and other deep seated mental issues

Anonymous 284771

You're talking about redkatherinee from tumblr, right? I recall TRAs trying to report her to the Russian police because she's a lesbian

Anonymous 284772

>be feeling lonely and pathetic
>unironically listen to those "attract a bf" subliminal videos a few times
>few days later
>find out a guy has been obsessed with me online and writing public love letters to me for like a week
man fuck this shit

Anonymous 284773

i wouldve thought she would just say bronies instead of mlpers if thats what she meant because theres a lot of really great mlp art out there made by women.
so women who liked mlp when they were kids and still make art of it reek of pedo to you? okay i guess.
on an unrelated note im craving horseradish really bad.

Anonymous 284774

I love saying sexually explicit puns in a totally nonchalant way and no body knows I know what I'm saying, because they all think I'm like an autistic mennonite.

Anonymous 284775

AYRT but no its a more recent artist (iirc redkatherinee doesnt make homestuck fanart) and I wont post her @ incase theres troons lurking however she is on Xitter. What happened to redkatherinee was horrific though and I hope shes doing okay to this day

Anonymous 284776

Left some blindboxes at my ex moids house, he came drop them off the other day. Damn I picked out some good boxes. Lil embarassed panda, a shrimpcat a banana seal

Anonymous 284777

right, one site i have a profile warning that politely tells furries and mlpers to fuck off but thats about all i can do. my art has nothing to do with politics or gender crap or even being a terf i just want to meet other artists who also dont give a crap about those things
no no i mean artists who draw only mlp and get…a little too into it ig. the art is fucking ugly every time and like i said i'm seeing it everywhere now, majority of their profs mention being troons or having neopronouns anyway. i'd be surpised if even half the artists are women

Anonymous 284778

oh okay i see, i mostly just see the pieces that my friend retweets and they all seem normal and are very cute so i guess im just really disconnected from whats going on in the mlp art sphere these days.

Anonymous 284780

>stoney baloney
oh my god, when youre at the computer you know to cover up your webcam, but when youre using your phone theres a cam literally on you the whole time!!

Anonymous 284782


The rule is that if a mlp artist has he/him in bio it’s a female and vice-versa.
I remember finding out about her from LC, long after she had been reported to the police. I found it a little disheartening that some anons said that her self-insert persona looked like it should be the one representing a tif because she has short hair and unshaven armpits like picrel.
How did you find out about the account and how did you know the love letters were targeting you?

Anonymous 284785

Normally I'd post this in the News Stories That Fuck With You thread but I can't so I'm posting it here, I might post it to lc if I remember too when we get back.

But this story made me so fucking sad, I remember hearing about it years ago but I didn't know the depth of how fucked in the head everyone involved is. I know there's a lot of mental health issues at play but I just can't be sympathetic, everyone failed these kids. And what's worse is how Tylee was treated like she didn't matter, even her stepdad when talking to the police was like "I just wanna see my boy again." Like what about your daughter? You raised her for 14 years but you don't care if you see her again? I'm so mad, fuck everyone involved. I don't care that the ex husband died, he seemed like an uncaring piece of shit and I'm so sick of everyone pretending he's some saint cause he got murdered. Everyone failed this girl, and JJ too but at least he knew people cared for him and were looking out for his best interest right up to the end. Tylee had no one, even her own mom chose a moid over her. Sorry to shit on the mood I just needed to vent, ignore me.

Anonymous 284787

sometimes i forget that tradthots post on lolcow so its always a jumpscare to see anons sperge about GNC women being tifs/fakebois in denials just because they dont follow insane beauty standards or bow down to nigels.

Anonymous 284790

>my delusions isn’t a costume you can wear!!111
Pure irony, I wish they would do the world a favor and all 41% so they can stop raping women and praying on children. I’m so tired of dealing with these tards, reading that tweet unironically makes me want to fly into a rage because they’re all so fucking narcissistic, manipulative, self-centered and borderline evil if I didn’t laugh at their stupidity most of the time. Based bio women (real women not fake imitators like troons) scammaxxing tranny chasers in denial of their homosexuality and another bonus point for trolling trannies who lack deep self-awareness. I hope more women do this en masse to piss off troons, didn’t some other ethot do this where she shoved a sock in her panties and trannies got mad at her too??? kek

Anonymous 284791


Minecraft nonas!

I'm gonna keep the server whitelist off for another hour or two, and then I'm gonna switch it on for the night! I think the server will be down for around 2-3 hours tonight sometime while I reconfigure all the plug-ins and add some new ones for QOL. Hopefully by tomorrow morning all plug-ins will be working!

Thanks to everynona that joined so far! It's been so much fun seeing everyone and playing together. Cowtown is becoming a booming metropolis, and we're soon to construct a temple to the lolcows.

Anonymous 284792

I don’t think doing this en masse would be good for women. At the end of the day, pornsick men will just have more fodder.

Anonymous 284796

kek can you share some examples? I also give off those vibes and like to use it to my advantage.

Anonymous 284797

They already do it with generating AI images, not like that concern matters now anymore.

Anonymous 284798

Oh how the time flies. I didn’t realize how late it was when I logged off

Anonymous 284799


ordered pizza, cheesy bread, and tater tots. when it gets here i'm gonna eat a little for enough energy to wash my hair and use this fancy hair mask i got. hope you nonas had a great day today!!

Anonymous 284801

they're cool with male trannies and but tifs are gross and lame. they're basically female MRA coolgirls

Anonymous 284802

dominos? they're my favorite takeout

Anonymous 284803

But is he cute?

Anonymous 284804

Which cows do you think are upset because of the lack of attention they're getting due to LC being down?

Anonymous 284805

Screenshot 2024-09…

makes the best leftovers!

Anonymous 284807

he messaged me
meh and i think hes like 30+ too

Anonymous 284809

Addy harajuku

Anonymous 284810


Anonymous 284811

debating if i should take a shower or not

Anonymous 284812

my favorite orders are an alfredo pizza with chicken and spinach, or the specialty bbq bacon boneless wings with the cheddar bacon loaded tots! enjoy your dinner and your hair mask!

Anonymous 284813


Anonymous 284814

Damn faustian bargains

Anonymous 284815

If you take one I will too
And I really need to so please say yes

Anonymous 284816

do it stinky

Anonymous 284817

How many n0nnas have joined the server so far?

Anonymous 284818

I just realised that the 3/9 date is in America, so lolcow won’t be back tomorrow, it’ll be the day after…

Anonymous 284819

I think something like 12-16

Anonymous 284821

I had a brain fart and forgot about CC bunkers for the outage and was just…not online for the last few days.

Anonymous 284822


FUCK my weakness is being responsible for others, alright we shower now GO GO GO
i am!

Anonymous 284823


Anonymous 284824

lillee jean is seeeeething

Anonymous 284825

milk maid chudcel soyjack with butter churn, words millions must butter

Anonymous 284826

Laur is probably not happy that she can't argue with farmers like she does every time she gets drunk

Anonymous 284828


i will too after my hair mask !!!

is it just me or this thread is kind of comfy. it feels more like a chat room compared to the "forum-ness" of LC

Anonymous 284831

you're doing a hair mask too, huh… i feel connected in this bunker tonight

Anonymous 284832

Everytime I try do do something good for my skin's health it ends up looking worse than when I do nothing

Anonymous 284833

this happens to me too. do you have CoMbInAtIoN skin like me?

Anonymous 284834

it really does especially for me during the historical crush and music talk last night, even the 5 minute cooldown gives me the feeling of my dialup cutting off randomly.

Anonymous 284835

Is touching grass as good as everyone makes it out to be?

Anonymous 284836

I'm doing hair oiling. Warm argan, jasmine and olive oil massaged into my scalp and wrapped in a towel before I wash it later.

Anonymous 284837

i miss the bechdel thread i’m having such weird anxiety that if I cough too hard or stand up too fast I’m gonna kill my baby

Anonymous 284839

i used to do this with amla oil! shit grows your hair super fast

Anonymous 284840

I don't have minecraft and know very little about it. Can you chat with text boxes there or is it all Vchat? I'd like to join the server and hang with n0nnies but I don't want to seem like a pathetic noob

Anonymous 284841

what hair mask have you been doing ? i'm doing the olaplex 3
has hair oiling paid off for you? i been wanting to get into it but after trying coconut oil and $10 down the drain it did nothing for me

i hope we can have this type of chat somehow even when LC is back. afaik there's a discord server but i've never tried it and have seen weird trauma dumping anons or a lot of ghosting in the friend finder thread

Anonymous 284842

no matter how far along you are, that's not going to happen. you're doin great anon

Anonymous 284843

If anyone is struggling, questioning, or wondering about their sexuality all you have to do is ask yourself:
>Do I ever, of my own choice and volition, think about women sexually or romantically?​
>Would I ever, of my own choice and volition, eat out a woman?​
>Would I ever, of my own choice and volition, date a woman?​
>Would I ever, of my own choice and volition, marry a woman?​
>Would I ever, of my own choice and volition, spend the rest of my life with a woman?​
>Would I ever, of my own choice and volition, do the aforementioned with a man?​
If you truly and honestly answer all six with a yes, you're bi. If you truly and honestly answer only the first five with a yes, you're a lesbian. That's literally it.

Anonymous 284844

I feel like people aren't as mean for no reason here

Anonymous 284845

Screenshot 2024-09…

i'm >>284799
the "fancy" mask i mentioned is picrel, it's no olaplex as it's $20 but i love how it makes my hair feel, and especially how it makes it smell. the scent lasts about a week!!

Anonymous 284846


thank you nony this made me cry kek

Anonymous 284847

It’s so lame that lc admins won’t do a Laur post reveal already. I try and tell myself they are waiting for her to say something so over the top damning and don’t want to pull the trigger before she’s thoroughly embarrassed herself…but I know it’s really because they don’t love us

Anonymous 284848

Me neither because I don't bother checking vent threads anyways but… okay? womp womp, I don't really care if nigelfags don't get to complain about their Nigel's, shouldn't you have your own friends and family to talk to rather than expecting random neets on a forum to kiss your booboos? imagine caring about getting "bad rep as a femcel board" KEK nigelfags are so moidbrained
the way they all reacted to >>284519 simply saying she doesn't relate to grown ass married women whining about their Nigel's proves why you're all so annoying. face it, discord and imageboards aren't really your average middle aged housewife with a Nigel and kids activity, most of us have no interest engaging with that, take your nigelposting elsewhere.
>Most bans have a ban message with an explanation
lies kek I haven't gotten a single ban with an explanation nor an appeal option, I had to go on incognito every single time to get it. Your system is shit and obviously a bot based on half the words commonly used on LC, not what a proper bunker should be.

Anonymous 284849


i'm definitely bi and have come to that realization after coming out of a relationship with a man

i have no clue how to try having sex with a woman casually, should i try going to gay night clubs? there's not too many in my city and the idea of going alone horrifies me. my idea of lesbian sex has also come from moid porn so i have no clue what to do even if it actually happens…

i will have to give this a try! i've been really into the idea of smelling good like i want to get some new soaps and body creams to smell like food scents i like

Anonymous 284850

>get bored and try to post on 4chan
>immediately pulled aggro from a spergposter trying to infight
>one-worded reply until they stopped responding/banned
I remember why I hate that place.

Anonymous 284851

i'm tinfoiling that something weird and legal would happen if they did a reveal like they did with keeks and other selfposters. i don't know what it would be and i'm retarded but i feel like the admins are legit scared of something

Anonymous 284852

i'm feeling a little emboldened by the minecraftnonas
do any of you play street fighter by chance

Anonymous 284853

It’s a text box. And a lot of nonas are noobs. One of us didn’t know how to pull up the chat to type it’s the “T” button

Anonymous 284854

No voice chat! I have a server rule for not asking for Discord or personal info. All the communication happens through text box!

Anonymous 284855

Haha could be. I guess I wouldn’t blame them. The Truemans are unemployed with nothing to their names. They have all the time in the world and nothing to lose, so if a post reveal is legally questionable for whatever reason, best not to do it. I do wish they wouldn’t delete her comments though.

Anonymous 284858

even if they're being litigious just to be litigious and there's actual no real reason it would be punishable i'm sure even going through the motions is way too much for the admins to deal with. i've been through legal shit, i would not wish it on my worst enemy (not true i definitely would and worse but for the sake of the idiom…)

Anonymous 284861

>imagine caring about getting "bad rep as a femcel board"
LC was never created as a NEET and femcel site, it was created for cataloging /cgl/ drama. The initial userbase was from 4chan and were weebs, most of which were involved in j-fashion, lolita, cosplay and anime cons. Having a melt down because someone mentioned a moid on /ot/ is post-pandemic newfaggotry.

Anonymous 284862

Imageboards are generally for people who have nobody else to talk to or want to talk about something anonymously because they don’t have a person close enough in their life to open up about it. I’ve never dated men, but shouldn’t you be able to go to your nigel for anything? If you looked at the nigel brag thread on LC it affirmed the belief that there’s really nothing you’re missing out on. Posters on lolcow are a more niche subset of women who are quite aware of the extent of male behavior and even jaded about them, they shouldn’t be surprised that the majority of posters don’t want to pursue hetero relationships, straight or not. I can’t think of a good analogy for this that hits the same, but it’s like being in an alternative subculture and being surprised that other people don’t share your conservative beliefs.

Anonymous 284863

>womp womp
zoomer detected

Anonymous 284864

What would you do if a friend confessed they did something morally wrong? They're not directly harming anyone, but it was wrong.

Anonymous 284865

how good of a friend is it?

Anonymous 284866

You’re going to have to be more specific there. But if they truly aren’t harming anyone then I would imagine it’s not a big deal? Did they ask for your advice? Or were they just venting? If they were just venting, probably don’t say anything? But that largely depends upon what they did

Anonymous 284867

some people weren't taught to have a real moral compass. it may seem elementary but when ive been in this position i've tried to tell them exactly why what they've done is wrong. if they don't eventually acknowledge "oh, that was wrong" let them go

Anonymous 284868

We're quite close. She's been sweet to me
She asked for my advice but was also venting. I tried to advice her well but I don't know if she going to repeat that mistake. I'm not gonna tell anyone, but it does make me see her in a different light especially when she's very religious.

Anonymous 284869

Realistically do nothing because nobody likes a preach and we all do morally questionable shit at some point. Depending on the context, sometimes I egg friends on if I feel it was warranted even.

Anonymous 284871

>but it does make me see her in a different light especially when she's very religious.
Let me guess, she posted nudes?

Anonymous 284872

Yes and no? She did send nudes but the problem is who she was sending them to

Anonymous 284873

uhhhhh she's not sending nudes to minors is she? a married man? an incel?

Anonymous 284875

>i’ll be dead in 10 years
>mfw that’s when lolcow will be online again
kekkkk this vid is a classic

Anonymous 284876

No, not a minor. To a family member in a relationship. She likes him but he's family and family is a big NO.

Anonymous 284878


Anonymous 284879

Normie twitter is finally noticing how many white troons have incest fetishes.

Anonymous 284880

As in actually blood related?

Anonymous 284881

What? She sent nudes to her own family member? I'm very sick right now so I might be reading this wrong

Anonymous 284882

What is their familial relationship…

Anonymous 284883

are you retarded kek I never said it was designed as a neet/femcel imageboard, you oldfags bring up this shit every two seconds, we know it was started by lolita and jfashion communities. I was pointing out how retarded nigelfags are to care that we get "bad femcel rep", lurk before chiming in because nobody had a meltdown besides nigelfags
and proud, I love being young

Anonymous 284884

If this was Fanny you’d tell her off, right?

Anonymous 284885

Anonymous 284886

I'm watching the first episode of celebrity and I'm enjoying it and all but it keeps reminding me that I have no idea how people can enjoy hours of Instagram scrolling and keeping up with this boring shit.

Anonymous 284887

I mean, the fact she knowingly sent nudes to someone already in a relationship is enough reason to chew her out.

Anonymous 284889

KEK what?? is it a cousin? I was disturbed to find out how common it is amongst some normies to have crushes/flings with their first cousins, disgusting
pls post caps I miss laughing at trannies

Anonymous 284891

Hate when I see someone posting cool pics of say, north korea on tumblr and I go onto the blog and it’s a dickheaded tranny posting about his rape fantasies, is nothing sacred anymore?

Anonymous 284892

i was about to post "i just ate enough food to make an anachan cry" but then i realized that wouldn't be that much food at all

Anonymous 284893

I'm so goddamn sick of that "I just wanna be part of your symphony" new meme trend with the rainbow dolphin picture

Anonymous 284896

Is it something that she has continued to do or something that happened once in the far past? (I'm trying to find something to work with here)

Anonymous 284899

I don't get how some anxietyfags carry "emotional support plushies" out in public. I have severe anxiety and as a result of it I wouldn't be caught dead with any type of plushie outside kek

Anonymous 284901

i would have anxiety about it getting dirty kek

Anonymous 284902

tranny incest coll…

Apologies for the shitty collage. Here's the post that kicked things off https://x.com/halomancer1/status/1830080261326848471

Anonymous 284903

Yeah. This is my third friend that's been involved in some incest shit but the other two did not go that far. It's disturbingly common and I think porn has to do with it.
It's been going on for a while. They haven't had penetrative sex because she's scared of getting pregnant. She is feeling bad about it and seemed really upset so I am sort of willing to look past it.

Anonymous 284904


i do that but it's one of these and it stays in my purse because i'm too anxious to actually be seen carrying it.

Anonymous 284905

I keep finding farmers' Tumblr accounts and I know this because they post about lolcow on their blog and/or post their own edits that I've also seen on lolcow. I also found a couple through artfight by seeing their art multiple places. I've found like five farmers on Tumblr so far, I'm not doing this on purpose either I think we just gravitate towards similar things. Some of the Tumblr ones are annoying though

Anonymous 284906

We need to boost the fuckkkk out of posts like these. Like block every single tranny who tries to counter or call people transphobic so the algorithm doesn’t favor them bc of engagement. Don’t give troons engagement online. Screenshot them but nothing else. Love how normies are waking up

Anonymous 284907

Today's episode of "are the stomach pains anxiety or is it caffeine or both".

Anonymous 284908


What do you think of plushie keychains?

Anonymous 284909

Why does Tuta take days to receive emails? I just wanna be using KiwiFarms already tbh

Anonymous 284910

sometimes i steal edits from there and repost them on LC, i wonder if i'm gonna get mistaken for them now kek

Anonymous 284911

Cute, perfectly fine, small enough. I'm scared of them randomly dropping off due to the chain breaking though

Anonymous 284912

I keep finding farmers on tumblr who say they hate LC.

Anonymous 284913

Kek, I've never heard that term before but I love it. I do what you're talking about but with a gatorade in my bag not a plushie, for some reason when I start getting anxious taking sips of gatorade really curbs it, maybe it's the sugar

Anonymous 284914


that shower was very refreshing

Anonymous 284915

Yeah Radblr is filled with women who hate lolcow because they usually got called in the tumblr hate thread or the radfem cows thread, Menalez is the main one who can I think of but there are a few others.

Also I don’t know how many of you follow the art commentary community dramas but JustARobot (one of the more prevalent creators in the ACC) made a video basically doing a full analysis/recap/whatever about all the drama that’s been going on in it for the last few years. I haven’t watched it yet but knowing JAR’s history I’m really not looking forward to this

Anonymous 284916

I don't care if it's tacky I love being decked out in leopard print.

Anonymous 284917

well it sure is tacky, so

Anonymous 284918

Eh the ones I'm referring to have like zero notes and are untagged so I'm sure you're fine

Anonymous 284919

lolcow dot farm.jp…

I finally have the time to socialize and wanted to post on the friend finder thread but then realized LC is still down. Hope I befriend lots of cool nonas when it's back up, I haven't made new online friends in a while

Anonymous 284920

I wasn’t referring to radblr, more like the people on the outskirts of radblr who lean more gender critical. Usually their main issue with farmers on LC are the men posted that they find unattractive or fujo hatred. I knew one tumblr user that was lurking the old idubbbz milk threads and she was annoyed by farmers thinking he was cute.

Anonymous 284921

There's one on cc as well

Anonymous 284923

I miss the MTF thread bad, no matter how much though I will never go to the other farms. Kiwifags are such annoying fagggooootts

Anonymous 284924

It feels bad to have a mtf friend and being active in these spaces

Anonymous 284925

i was always a bit nervous, but now i'm inspired to, too! being in these bunker threads made me realize how cool some of you all are. i hope i can find some good friends with similar interests

Anonymous 284926

There’s a big influx of lolcow users going to KF now so hopefully that will balance it out

Anonymous 284927

I was gonna complain about their use of "white" trans women as if it wasn't enough to hate them for being creepy agp trannies, but tbf it's true most black trannies are way more normal hsts and rarely are into all that puppygirl/incest/loli shit
farmers though idubbbz was cute? we're fucking doomed

Anonymous 284928

willingly admitting that you're friends with a tranny scrote is insane

Anonymous 284929

Wait this isn't Gorlock???? Whatever factory that keeps making these needs to be shut down, jesus.

Anonymous 284930

I know I know. He is nice to me and has done a lot for me. In my defense, I thought he was a woman at first since he's short and has kids (which are his). I went to his kids' birthday party too. It feels very conflicting.

Anonymous 284931

proud of you nons

Anonymous 284937

apparently even the creator of Salad Fingers remembers him from his neighborhood, allegedly stalking a girl iirc

Anonymous 284938

They definitely exist, just in smaller amounts. I think it's because black families tend to tolerate the tranny stuff less, so it's not like they could lean into their degeneracy without getting shit for it

Anonymous 284939

they exist but they tend to go after studs/butches for some reason…..

Anonymous 284940

what the fuuuucckkkkk

Anonymous 284941

> my third friend
Is this common in your country/culture? I don’t mean to start anything with that statement just that I’ve found some cultures are more forgiving (?) about it.

Anonymous 284942

tried to strike up a convo with my mom but she brushed me off so she can watch dante's peak…

Anonymous 284943

lolcow barn.png

The Lolcor Bunker Minecraft Server is whitelisted for the night! I will turn off the whitelist tomorrow morning when I wake up, I'll make a post to announce it. If you already logged into the server sometime in the past 2 days, your username should be whitelisted so feel free to play!
If I didn't include your name, sincerely I apologize, it was an oversight! I think I got everyone though.

Thank you to all the nonas that joined today! Cowtown is looking fantastic! It's been so much fun playing together with everyone. It always reminds me of how great nonas are when we get to have fun like this together. Our community is amazing and this is why, no matter how long outages last, Lolcor is unstoppable. Picrel is a fantastic architectural feat accomplished by one of our skilled builder nonas.

The server may be down for 2-3 hours sometime tonight while I reset all the plug-ins, if anyone is online during this time I'll log back on to let you know in advance before the server goes down.

Anonymous 284944

Stupid question, why do so many people spell "choke/choking" as "chock/chocking"? Is it just a super common typo or some kind of internet joke because the latter would sound out in the same vein as "chocolate" and it doesn't make any sense to me

Anonymous 284945

i've never heard of chocking? is it a british thing?

Anonymous 284946

really happy that you share screenshots of the server. it been so cute seeing you all have fun!

Anonymous 284947

This version is way too squeaky

Anonymous 284948

i clock those spelling it "chocking" as ESL

Anonymous 284950

No. One of them was chinese. The other one was half mexican. The third is a local though. I just attract weird people.

Anonymous 284954

Side note, I wish the Hispanic lolcows thread on LC was more active, I feel like this group of prostitute tranny cows (las perdidas) and it's orbiters would be pretty hilarious. I'll admit they've unironically made me laugh at times, but there's still some extremely cowish behavior in their lore, like the closeted fags with wives and kids they have sex with and end up giving tons of money to in hopes they'll leave their wives and they never do, when the one who's still a prostitute currently said an old man pays him to collect every used condom he finds in the corners they work at so old guy can suck the cum out of them, when one of them fucked one of his closeted fags on Facebook live, how botched their surgeries they got done on some mexican basement where they straight up injected them with cooking oil are, etc.

Anonymous 284955


>gen is a troon
KEK I need the lc manga thread right now

Anonymous 284956

Yeah I'm of the opinion that gender dysphoria mental illness is real but nowhere near as common as the fetishists/predators are trying to claim and that the answer shouldn't be to just take someone at their word that they feel like a woman when they were born with a dick. I have a very dear cousin who's FTM and I'm even torn on how to feel about that. She's got A TON of trauma and unresolved issues stemming from growing up with a religious nut father, and she's always been more of an autistic tomboy who hated dresses and makeup, but then again I remember even as kids she'd say stuff about not feeling like a girl or even telling me I should take one of her hairbows because "you're more of a woman than I'll ever be" which was really fucking weird to hear at 12

Anonymous 284958

You clearly haven't met the ones working in tech as software engineers

Anonymous 284959

Yeah I recently watched Nicks video about it, and then Nexpo's I think? They did a collab video, I'm pretty sure is was Nexpo. The part that always disturbs me most about creeps like this is the hyper specific details. Like larping as a young blonde boy and then a 13 year old Asian girl, almost like he's using real life examples of children he's known and possibly victimized. Also the fixation on red cheeks, pale white skin, swollen lips and slack jawed open mouthed sucking sounds. As well as the weird "heeled school boots" or whatever. Even creepier how he has multiple fake accounts calling out his other fake accounts, almost as if being preyed on pedophiles as a fake child is part of the roleplay for him. I saw a n0nna in the earlier bunker threads mention it and she said she saw someone online saying how the swollen lips and red cheeks combined with pale skin would almost mimic a drowning victim, as well as the sucking sounds. The video of him chasing an actual child was so fucking creepy, and then him photographing some random isolated trail. If he hasn't hurt someone already he will eventually, men like that should just be put down.

Anonymous 284960

i love you

Anonymous 284961

gender dysmorphia is definitely a mental illness, the treatment for it changing so drastically has not been beneficial to society.

Anonymous 284963

Believe me it was a whole thing when it happened kek
I miss this series already. Life isn't the same without my weekly melodrama in manga form

Anonymous 284964


I can't find the quote I wanted (the one about the gov not paying for a BBL if you're depressed) but this one is well said too lol

Anonymous 284967

So i wanted to post this in the vent thread, but our holy land is offline so.
I fucking hate intrusive thoughts. Starting last year, i have been having the same thought about the same terrible thing every now and then. I will spare you the details but i read something someone on lolcow posted about. It was something terrible that they saw online and the description of it it horrified me. I didn't even see a video of said thing or have experienced said thing, hell i dont know for sure if it was even true, but the the description alone disturbed something deep within me. Sometimes ill be listening to music but then i will suddenly think of that thought and then i have to stop listening to that song or ill think of that thing when i listen to the song and end up ruining it. Sometimes ill stop eating a food or ill think of the bad thing when i eat a certain kind of cookie. Its so fucking stupid that a description alone has me so fucked up and the only thing that would make me fee better if i could prove that person was making shit up.

Anonymous 284968

NTA but I don't think she was talking about those kinds of trannies who have careers

Anonymous 284969

what does that even mean

Anonymous 284970

interesting bits f…

Same anon, I realized that article I linked isn't the one about lolifags invading female-dominated conventions (although that article links to the correct one since they're adjacent topics). This is the article: https://www.kaorinusantara.or.id/english/2199/women-and-yaoi-in-japanese-dojinshi-culture
And picrel is where Patrick Galbraith the lolicon apologist directly quotes Hideo Azuma about the creation of lolicon art, with sources. I also included interesting excerpts from one of the books, for example, in one of them we can see that some lolicons already exhibited tranny tendencies back then ("he is the girl who is raped in his manga" kek) and that Comiket was originally organized by male shoujo manga fans but most attendees were female, among other things.

Anonymous 284974


I wonder why is Azealia pushing Slayyyter so much lol. Ngl though I kind of agree with her

Anonymous 284976

azealia would be so much more based if she wasn't so obsessed with appearance and plastic surgery

Anonymous 284977

Aww fuck n0nna I'm really sorry, I used to get intrusive thoughts and they're the worst. I don't know if this will be helpful at all for you, and my first suggestion would be to see a therapist if possible. But I can tell you what I did to help get over mine, and maybe within that there could be something useful to you in overcoming yours. I used to get intrusive thoughts of gore, mostly stuff to do with organs and brain stuff. Relating to something a loved one went through before I was born, I found out about it as a kid, and then started getting intrusive thoughts similar to the event. So I'd be looking at someone and suddenly imagine they're scalp pulled back and their brain showing. Or I'd be looking at my cat and imagine him with his belly cut. It was so upsetting to me I essentially became a recluse in my bedroom and avoided anything that could bring about those thoughts, I'd just sit in bed reading all day. So one day I had the idea to sort of "face my fears" and instead of recoiling and avoiding when I got an intrusive thought, I faced it, I stayed doing what it was that gave me the thought and let the image/thought ruminate in my brain. It was extremely unpleasant at first, but after a while the thought became less scary and intense. And after a long time it wouldn't debilitate me anymore, and I just stopped getting them. I'm not sure if that would work for you, and I don't want to give you any advice that would make it worse. But intrusive thoughts sort of "feed" off the reaction it gets, so it'll pop up, upset you, make you avoid the thing that caused it, and then because it got the reaction it was looking for, it'll keep doing it. Once you're able to cut off the negative emotion you give it, it lessens and eventually stops because it's not getting the reaction it wants. It sounds weird but it really does help, it's like exposure therapy. Once you face the thing that scares you, willingly and continuously, it'll lessen that fear response.

Anonymous 284978

Gender dysphoria/dysmorphia comes from social issues (religious family, sex-based discrimination at school or anywhere, media influence, some kind of obscure early childhood trauma, etc.), and in the rare cases it is neurological, well, that means that there's literally something wrong with your brain (like brain trauma or something). So yeah, it's a mental illness, but it's not like the person was born in the "wrong body" as they like to claim, it's that they don't understand that being man or woman has nothing to do with stereotypes, they've been internalizing those ideas about gender forever, to the point that they think certain behavior or personality traits are what decide the "gender" that your brain was born with, and not that humans created those standards based on biological sex.

Anonymous 284979

Agreed. I also wish she was less of a pickme but ig that's the part of the package. She's right about Charli, she's trying way too hard to appeal to the ketamine fags but it's not in a good way. Slayyyter's sound is better (not that it's amazing but her tracks fit that scene better).

Anonymous 284980

Seriously, it's so cringe, especially seeing how cute and feminine she looked pre-boobjob, though I think she removed her implants already and looks infinitely better. I also hate how despite having said many based terfy things she still sucks up to trannies sometimes and calls them "the dolls". I know she's still a faghag deep down but she's so unapologetic and honest I expected her to be fully transphobic

Anonymous 284982

honestly i think she only gets mad at trannies when she thinks they aren't "trying hard enough" with their looks, i still love when she rips into them though

Anonymous 284984

I'm glad to say that on popular stuff that I follow on Instagram, everyone calls his ass a moid and is sick of the demure shit. It's refreshing, of course there's retarded handmaidens telling people to respect his fetiah identity, but the vast majority of comments says that the trend is utterly retarded.

Anonymous 284985

I think she gets mad at the agp reddit trannies and the sjw ones. She likes the HSTS fashion ballroom tranny types.

Anonymous 284986

I’ll just ask here since there’s no ‘help me find’ thread or German thread atm, does anybody know the name of the satchel that’s popular in Germany? Especially among German women?

Anonymous 284989

Scientists need to figure out what is in the brain that determines if a mentally ill person is going to just get a weird fetish like the berry girl or to be horrorcows like him.

Anonymous 284991

there was an article that was posted on lolcow around a week ago i think talking about how autistic males have insanely high chances of developing paraphilias

Anonymous 284992

it's simple, the xy chromosome

Anonymous 284993

What is this dumb shit?
This gal gets it.

Anonymous 284994

Kek I used to know an online sex worker that hated autists because they always were into the most hyperspecific weird shit.

Anonymous 284995

I watched the videos last night and it all screamed male autism to me but normies are too afraid to say it

Anonymous 284996

Why do male autists end up being pedophiles so often?

Anonymous 284998

i think the mechanisms are pretty similar to how they gain obsessions/hyperfixations on weirdly specific shit, but with an added sexual element

Anonymous 285001

An observation but many autistic scrotes seem to be into childish paraphilias or paraphilias with puerile elemements. Like yoshi pregnancy shit. As well as >>284996

Anonymous 285002

Thanks nona. Im glad you were able to overcome yours! I'll give it a try

Anonymous 285004

its really interesting because female autists have the same level of paraphilias as nt women which is very low so it really is a male specific illness

Anonymous 285005

little boys/childhood is their special interest. look at pamperchu's videos for a case study (if you have excess mental fortitude)

Anonymous 285006

is anyone planning to see beetlejuice 2? I think I'll buy tickets for the opening weekend and just go in blind hoping tim burton goes back to his old visual style for this one… I wish I could go see it with one of my parents since they liked the first one.

Anonymous 285007

Well, then again, regular moids also commit most violent and sexual crimes.

Anonymous 285009

nah tim burton peaked with pee wee's big adventure. shoulda stuck to the chaotic colorful kitsch instead of the boring dark goth kitsch. he had a brief return to form with charlie and the chocolate factory

Anonymous 285010

Honestly i don’t think this specific case is just autism, there’s DEFINITELY more at play. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was a schizo or bipolar.
Most males are, male autists just aren’t aware of the social implications of being one i guess.
I’m autistic myself, I actually remember as a teenage lesbian who didn’t really have any irl community that I was never into super weird immoral child-like moidy slop but there was some weird shit I liked that I’m obviously not going to list, it went away the less I entertained it. A lot of these moids are different and have other disorders that are comorbid with their autism so they spend their entire days entertaining their weird fetishes and it just gets worse and worse. Like someone said, it’s like a hyperfixation. Autistic women are very normal compared to autistic moids, I’ve definitely met other autistic women who have weird fetishes (again, not pedophilic scrotey ones) but they’re never like david over here who chases little kids around with 10 snow filters on. Autistic women are normal people, autistic moids literally go out of their way to be useless burdens.

Anonymous 285011

i find it funny that LC went down just as soon as Null got exposed.

Anonymous 285012

>Wouldn’t be surprised if he was a schizo or bipolar.
AYRT, yeah, now that I think about it, it also seemed to be schizophrenia.

I missed it. Exposed for what?

Anonymous 285014

i mean yeah obviously, its just that based on the fact that autistic male paraphilia stats are so much higher than non autistic males you might think that autistic females would be at least slightly higher than non autistic females but they arent because women are just normal while men are deeply deeply sick. i just think its super interesting that autism in males can actually make you subhuman when in women it just makes you very hard on yourself and kinda awkward/oblivious.

Anonymous 285015

How? i havent seen anything on kf about null being anything but obese and retarded but maybe his jannies have been cleaning up

Anonymous 285016

Do they? The majority of pedophiles are just average scrotes. You lc nonas also call all female autists fujos and shotacons.

Anonymous 285017

Schizoautism needs more recognition. The DSM says you can't be diagnosed with both but they can definitely bleed into each other and overlap

Anonymous 285018

Do you suck your teeth when something annoys you?

Anonymous 285019


Kek I'm happy you enjoy the progress pics! It's been a lot of fun so far, we even have a turtle farm going. I'll try to upload better pictures of Cowtown tomorrow kek, we've been progressing so much it's a bustling place.

If any nonas have questions about the server reply to this post and I'll try and answer when I wake up.

Sweet dreams nonas we only have 1 more sleep and then LC is back!! I'm excited to catch up on milk!! I'm feeling calcium deficient.

Anonymous 285020

Exposed for what? I cant find shit. You're not baiting are you?

Anonymous 285021

a cow who goes by null online not josh
squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares

Anonymous 285022

Yeah, I agree. I don't know of many cases (if any) of female autists that are as bad as autistic scrote horrorcows.

>You lc nonas also call all female autists fujos and shotacons.
No, it's the other way around, they call all nerdy or socially awkward women autists.

Anonymous 285023

She doesn’t like the ones she feels are cramping her style like Kim Petras.
The Asian tims near me are literal demon spawn. They’re Filipinos for the most part, they brag about their body being so cute and petite and better than biological women’s, when they look like anorexic fridges. My personal cow was selling his “weight loss secrets” to local women in my area, when it’s so easy for him to be thin because he’s male. It was some Asian diarrhea tea btw.

Anonymous 285024

no but i furrow my brow unconsciously so everyone knows when they're on my nerves for better or for worse lol

Anonymous 285025

Yeah. For example; Pixyteri is much more human than CWC. Pixyteri is just really attention seeking and pathetic now while chris is a literal mom rapist. Pixyteri can be really weird but she’s still more human than the average autist moid

Anonymous 285026

>t. jamaican

Anonymous 285027

I'm not saying all male autists are pedos, but you can't deny that male autists end up being weird paraphile freaks much more than autistic women do.

Anonymous 285028

Hi Jamaican nona just wanted to say I love jerk chicken thank you to you and your country for your cuisine

Anonymous 285029

Also samefag just to say to the anon that used the cowtown picture as thread pic:

I fully laughed for like 5 minutes when I saw it KEK I was surprised the server took off like it did!

Anonymous 285030


the next time you have a beef patty, slice it open and put some cheese in it!

Anonymous 285031

These troons are actually paid shills by the CIA to make Liberated Korea look bad. DON'T fall for it. Any troon that posts about Korea is only doing it to sow division and hurt the workers' movement. Fuck troons. Fuck troons that try and mess with Free Korea especially.

Anonymous 285032

Fuck you you had me all excited thinking kiwi null trooned out or something kek

Anonymous 285033

Do you also do the tshhh sound with your lips and teeth?

Anonymous 285034

Not kiwifarms null, the fat chick null that gets off to FGM.

Anonymous 285035

i wasnt that anon kek it actually really bothers me when people call her null because it just confuses people

Anonymous 285037

I still can't believe Null's real name is Fanny. I feel like that's worse than naming herself after her nullification (FGM) fetish

Anonymous 285038

i used to when i was 10

Anonymous 285039

like blowing through clenched teeth to make a "tch-!" or "cho!" sound? you know it

Anonymous 285040

I don't want to go to work, just end my miserable life already.

Anonymous 285041

Comfort Zone.png

Hey real quick does anyone have experience with depotting powders into Z palettes? I'm trying to be low/no buy since I realized my magpie ass has been sitting on a bunch of gems hidden in palettes I hardly reach for (or the palettes are just arranged boringly). Today I challenged myself to dupe this palette I wanted back in high school with stuff I already had and it was a lot of fun. It'd probably be more cost effective to just get the shades I absolutely can't dupe as singles anyways right? I guess my main questions are 1) Is depotting worth it in the long run and 2) Is it relatively easy? I have some BH Cosmetics shadows I wanna rearrange but I heard the mattes break when depotting and they're sadly a defunct brand

Anonymous 285042

Out of all Null discussion, I find anons' constant laughing at her name to be the most retarded, most Anglo thing ever. You do realise that words don't mean the same in every language?

Anonymous 285043

I’ve seen the onomatopoeia “mmcht.”

Anonymous 285044

your name is fanny isnt it

Anonymous 285045


Anonymous 285046

yeah that one. there was a challenge that went viral last year that used that sound and people thought it was a kiss sound lol

Anonymous 285047

i think its a cute nickname but it doesnt sound like a real name. its like writing tommy or billy on your childs birth certificate.

Anonymous 285048


Anonymous 285049

Lmao thank you for bringing her up, I was about to derail >>285004 to mention thats why she's such an interesting cow, she has such a moid type of autism right down to the fetishizing everything shes unhappy with (being obese, unable to coom, having ruined her body with T, being a pedo, etc) as a cope; but i didn't wanna fannysperg
it's just so wonderfully ironic that someone obsessed with chopping her clit off is basically named pussy

Anonymous 285050

Agree, most Latino AGPs I've encountered have been the "no sabo" types who are overcompensating their disconnect with Latino culture. I used to be friends with one (pre-transition) who made shitty folk music. His whole image now is that he's a "struggling trans Latina" despite having a white last name and coming from an extremely privileged background. It's hilarious but he's the quintessential example of a half white Latino AGP

Anonymous 285051

What, her name is Fanny? It's normal in France but it's short for Tiffany or something like that iirc. I know a few women named like that and it's seen as a normal name here but yeah it's like >>285047
said, it's not a full name.

Anonymous 285052


I miss them

Anonymous 285055


Anonymous 285056

How did you guys manage to build such impressive buildings so fast??

Anonymous 285057

There’s students meeting, and I sat right in front of teacher stuff, I’m curious is that a reason why sitting place was vacant
I feel mortified and anxious and stupid, I just need my student pass card I can’t even watch at the guys cause they have males

Anonymous 285058

I wish n0nnas from the fanny discord logs were here so we could speculate about which tranny she could be e-dating, wonder if its the same who fingerbanged her in her sleep after she told him it'd be hot

Anonymous 285059

However, I knew many latino agps online. Usually they were half-black half Mexican. Usually they trooned out after a sex predator accusation.

Anonymous 285060

im the anon from the paraphilia post and i think shes fascinating, ive definitely been wondering how much of her fetishizing has been cope. women with extremely deranged fetishes are like a trainwreck you cant look away from, theyre such captivating cows because theyre so rare. i wish i knew what made them like that, her brain needs to be studied.
theyve done so much in such a short time, if you play i highly recommend joining tomorrow when the servers open even if just to look around.

Anonymous 285061

i think washing water bottles is a scam. why would i need to wash something that only ever has water in it? the government has played us for fools

Anonymous 285063


lolcor, now I know I was wrong
I messed up, and now you're gone
Lolcor, I'm sorry I neglected you
Oh, I never expected you to run away and leave me
Feeling this empty
Your milk right now would taste like music to me
Please come home, 'cause I miss you, lolcor
Lolcow, come home
(lolcor, come home)
lolcow, can't you see I was blind?
I'll do anything to change your mind
More than a site, jannies my best friend
Too autistic to forget
Come back 'cause we are s
And forgive me for making your status unknown
And now my heart is beating like the saddest cow on /snow/
Somewhere I hope you're redtexting
My latest three-word post
lolcor, come home
lolcor, come home
(lolcor, come home)
lolcor, come home
(lolcor, come home)
lolcor, come home
(lolcor, come home), ah
lolcor, come home

Anonymous 285064

>theyve done so much in such a short time, if you play i highly recommend joining tomorrow when the servers open even if just to look around.
I managed to take a peek, it's so impressive!! Wish I had time to play more

Anonymous 285065

zos .JPG

Nonitas with long curly hair, how do you keep it from tangling it at the nape while you have it up for several days in a row? Or just in general how are you keeping it untangled? My nape and crown are so difficult to keep from knotting. I don’t know what else to do other than re styling every other day.

Anonymous 285066

is it java or bedrock?

Anonymous 285068

Anonymous 285069

>it's just so wonderfully ironic that someone obsessed with chopping her clit off is basically named pussy
I keep wondering about this when s say it– is that a common meaning of fanny? I've only ever known it to mean butt, and not necessarily in a particularly vulgar way.

Anonymous 285070

im in the mood for a movie night

Anonymous 285071

At the nape? You mean the hair's tangling closer to the roots? Haven't heard of that happening but it sounds annoying

Anonymous 285072

It's brit slang.

Anonymous 285074

It's common in the uk yeah

Anonymous 285075

Host it

Anonymous 285076


Fuck, now this too

Anonymous 285077

Yeah. Korean for demographic purposes since I didn't know this was apparently a cultural thing?

Anonymous 285078

Yes, the back of the neck. It’s tangling more than usual and I suspect it has to do with winter wear. Perhaps an incorrect term? ESLfag, sorry!

Anonymous 285080

water bottle mold

Anonymous 285081

dont bother, the mold has her.

Anonymous 285082

another government psyop as i've never experienced it ever. i even went about two weeks without touching my bottle and STILL NO MOLD!

Anonymous 285083

the mold usually occurs if you use your water bottle while eating as the food particles get stuck in the nozzle. some water bottles are more prone to mold varying from material to intricate pieces .

Anonymous 285084

thats because its inside you

Anonymous 285085

Anonymous 285086

Sickening if true

Anonymous 285087

I'm playing crime scene cleaner and its worth a pirate, fun!

Anonymous 285088


i made the mistake of getting really invested in something new instead of some esoteric shit from the 80s, and the only critical analysis anyone seems to have is how it's totally a tranny allegory and the main character is a tranny and it's totally a story about tranny validation. i'm about to scream so loud the britbongs will hear it. even normie milquetoast takes would be better than this. i am in hell.

Anonymous 285089

Minnie's voice was so angelic and lovely

Anonymous 285091

what is it?

Anonymous 285092

I suck the roof of my mouth right behund my teeth to make a clicking sound. Is that the same thing? t. finn (ketään muita suominyymejä täällä?)

Anonymous 285093

What is it? Be less vague and maybe you'll get some other n0nnies in on it instead of troonshit.

Anonymous 285095


2 hours of sleep and sick as fuck but it's work time

Anonymous 285096

You don't necessarily see the mold. Mold toxicity also builds up over time in your body over decades, you rarely see the effects right away. At least air out your bottle in between uses if you don't wash it.

Täällä ollaan

Anonymous 285097

>air out your bottle in between uses
Wouldn't THAT introduce mold?

Anonymous 285099

Nta but ngl that makes him even weirder. American girl dolls look so much like kids.

Anonymous 285100

I mean, sure, the air is filled with mold spores. You are breathing them right now. But if you air out the bottle, it dries and the mold doesn't actually grow.

>It’s when the interior stays wet that bacteria and mold are most likely to multiply, so the interior really needs to dry.

Anonymous 285101

I miss the tranny threads. I know CC has one too but it's slow and not the same.

Anonymous 285102


idk what kind of mood this guy is i just know this is my current mood trying to understand my uni home assignment; dumb, blank stare and yellow

Anonymous 285103

Hmm well according to humoral theory, this means you have an excess of yellow bile (hot, dry). So, you should combat this by consuming foods that will stimulate phlegm (wet, cold) like cool soups, jello, or another semi-solid dessert perhaps like a milkshake. If you decrease your body's production of yellow bile, it will most likely solve your homework problem!

Hope you feel better nona good luck on your assignment!

Anonymous 285104

I have a hate/love relationship with going down Pinterest rabbit holes. I end up lurking through peoples’ accounts most times then their followers and so on. I just saw a girl with the saddest harem of husbandos.
>Anton Chigurh
>Trevor from GTA
>Postal Dude
>Bob Velseb
>The fat broadway beetlejuice
>Reverend Putty
>fat bastard from Austin powers

Anonymous 285106

This is the average "weird" tif husbando harem. The girls that don't like anime boys gravitate towards characters like these. I've so much tif art of postal dude it's insane

Anonymous 285107

who is that? looks pretty

Anonymous 285108

The thing is she isn’t even a tif. She has ‘she/her’ in her bio. She posts pictures of her mirror selfies and she’s decently chic and pretty. It was the most obvious case of low self-esteem just radiating from her profile alone.

Anonymous 285109

fat bastard, really? This has to be a parody

Anonymous 285110

Anonymous 285111

I find it funny that half of her husbandos are obese and the others are not. They’re all old though so that’s the common theme. Her user is disgusting and very obviously pick me. Maybe fat bastard is the safe choice because there is absolutely nobody else who would want him.

Anonymous 285112

>match with cute butch on tinder
>she has a dog that looks like a shitbull but it is small
>ask about the dog
>it is actually still a puppy

Is it worth to possibly get mauled? I have been single for a long time.

Anonymous 285113

No never nona if she owns a shitbull think about what other ways she's irresponsible in life. What's next? She sleeps with her front door open? She doesn't look both ways before she crosses the street? She is not a suitable and secure partner and that's what we all need. It's anarchy, don't engage.

Anonymous 285114



Anonymous 285115

Reported for ban evading

Anonymous 285116

Fanny Lu

Anonymous 285117

I don’t mind women owning them because they are usually very responsible about them, in my experience. If she’s single and living alone she probably uses it as protection. I think it would be smart for me to own a female pitbull if I needed to commute on foot in a large city, it’s menacing-looking enough but is much safer than a male one. Not defending fighting dogs, but pitbull is not a breed, just a label. Does it actually look like it could mess you up if it bit you? Or is it just a dog with a body head and cropped ears? I had a neighbor call her white Labrador with cropped ears a pitbull and people believed her, she did this to mislead them.

Anonymous 285118

Women who own pitbulls are dumbasses sorry, I don't believe for a minute that they can control them like they claim.

Anonymous 285119

Can you post her username? Pop in some leet so it doesn't show on Google. I need to see this

Anonymous 285120

>Bans without a ban reason are system bans due to the wordfilter, sometimes they misfire and we can't easily undo them, sorry. Evading these erroneous autobans (permanent bans without a reason) is fine
Weird narc.

Anonymous 285121

I tried searching for her since the app refreshed and the Pinterest search sucks for searching usernames. I never got the ‘true’ user but her Pinterest user name was “I love man boobs”

Anonymous 285122

I wasn't serious kek. The automod here is very strict. I got banned for replying to a comment that had keywords.

Anonymous 285123


I'm so nervous for my exam. Pray for me s, because it dictates my future

Anonymous 285125

>for seasoned artists only
will do, I know you’ll do great!

Anonymous 285126

do you have herpes? not a bait question genuine curiosity.

Anonymous 285128

You'll nail this noppers

Anonymous 285129



Anonymous 285130

good luck, you got this!

Anonymous 285131


Anonymous 285132

Good luck , we love you

Anonymous 285134


My n0nnies, you are my source of power and give me the strength to go on. Thank you

Anonymous 285135


Anonymous 285136


You’ve got this!

Anonymous 285138


One of /ic/'s crossposters us one of the worst ban evading trolls on /m/ and /ot/ and she would constantly bring over /ic/'s culture and pyw shit. Are you her?

Anonymous 285139


Anonymous 285140

Anonymous 285143

Is this about the girl who'd draw those half cow half human anime boys that got banned?

Anonymous 285144

I just realized I have 9 different types of flour in my kitchen.
I actually use maybe 3 of them, the rest are "just in case"s…

Anonymous 285145

So thecoffemonsterzco has ADHD now. With a successful business running for years, monthly and daily tasks all organised and done in time, I wish I could have that

Anonymous 285147

You're going to get bread borers if you're not careful. Sighhhhhh

Anonymous 285148

You mean flour beetles? Most of these special types of flours are in sealed plastic packaging, and I regularly check the ones that aren't or are opened. Nothing so far, let's hope I didn't jinx it now!

Anonymous 285149

unfortunately yes, I have the cold sore variety that appears on my lips and around my mouth. 99% sure I got it from sharing drinks with a family member when I was a kid

Anonymous 285152


Legit jelly that kids get to have cute shit like these leggings, so unfair

Anonymous 285153

Those leggings look really mundane I think you could definitely find an adult sized of those

Anonymous 285155

Nyart but big knee hearts are kinda weird outside of concerts or festivals. If it was smaller or on the hips it would be ok.

Anonymous 285157

Someone in a previous thread mentioned having a lolcow discord again. Even without the threat scrotes it had some of the most vile people on there. One of the old discord mods has a thread on her on discord, she made the vibes extremely unsettling and she was active the whole time

Anonymous 285158

Unsettling how?

Anonymous 285159

Some people are just evil and you can sense it even through a screen

Anonymous 285160

>haven't had my ends cut in a while
>look up prizes
>45 euro just for getting the ends cut, nothing else

Anonymous 285163

can you sense my kindness anon?

Anonymous 285164

I fell asleep cuddling with my cat last night and it was the best sleep I've had in a long while

Anonymous 285165

I get so jealous of people with ‘adhd’ that have unlimited hobbies they can endlessly work on and are super social and just so happen to struggle with school or office work. My adhd makes me sleep 13 hours a day and I can’t even motivate myself to play video games half the time let alone work on a creative hobby.

Anonymous 285166


How funny isnt that theres always one icfag cgsg shill whereever anons gather as if it isnt common knoweldge they let in pedo coomers and troons

Anonymous 285168

cut them yourself, it's actually pretty easy

Anonymous 285169

Discord attracts the Regina George complex type of people who for some reason want to brag and belittle strangers. It becomes clique-y and high-school like.
This is true.

Anonymous 285171

That isnt adhd thats depression n0na

Anonymous 285172


but i like to pretend that all my problems aren’t my fault

Anonymous 285173

>Just let us know what site you are coming from so we know to give you said exception.
Like that would ever end well

It HAS to be a moid larping as a woman or stealing another poster's art. There's no other reason why they would try to shill it so many times.

Anonymous 285174

N0nnies, can you please give me fashion advice? I saw a very pretty dress in one store but when I tried it on I didn't like the way it looked on me. My shoulders are broader than average and my breasts are pretty small so I felt like it looked too masculine on me. Should I not buy it and look for something that makes me feel 100% confident while wearing it or should I buy it and try to style it in a way that will look good and stop trying to make everything absolutely perfect (and also work on my insecurities)? What would you do?

Anonymous 285175

I spent a portion of my life in denial of my body and bought a lot of clothes that didn’t really work on me. I don’t recommend it. Especially if it’s expensive. I recommend you focus on what you like on you, than what you like on a mannequin.

Anonymous 285176

if it makes you feel insecure about how you look, do not get it. its likely it will wind up collecting dust while you discover other clothing you feel is more flattering. there are so many options of clothing in this world, it is not worth collecting the pieces that make us question ourselves over the ones that make us feel confident.

Anonymous 285177

You mean Rena?

Anonymous 285178

Anonymous 285179

it's not subtle at all.
>trying to advertise a discord server both on here and lc despite that being against site rules
>said server is also mainly advertised to a website filled with misogynistic pedophilic coomer scrotes (4chan) but is somehow totally "predominantly female"
>claims server is for seasoned artists yet the pic posted from the servers artists looks like it was drawn by deviantart-tier novices
>server does not require voice verification so chances are high most of the "females" are just failmales playing pretend

Anonymous 285180

Try reading the book How to Get Dressed by Alison Freer, IIRC it has a chapter with dress shapes and bust size

Anonymous 285184

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely check it out!
Thank you! It's not expensive (it's less than 10$) but even then it's still wasted money if I don't actually wear it after I buy it. But something else is bothering me too: how can I differentiate between clothes that are genuinely unflattering and ones that only I perceive that way as a result of my insecurities caused by extreme beauty standards? Because I also asked my mother and my sister for opinions and they both said the dress looks nice on me. This makes me wonder if I'm really right in not liking it or I'm just brainwashed by media and expectations in general…

Anonymous 285185

I want to rant but not in here. Ffs where's my lolcor

Anonymous 285186

>in server for gatekeepy nerds
>sometimes they shitpost and tear down the looks of others in hobby
>ignore and sponge info
>one day someone says something that I think is relevant and mentions they are in my local scene so I reply
>excited to talk to someone about something finally
>annoy this user with my response for being "new" even though I have lurked for years and accuse me of cringe
>guess I didn't know my place and how dare I try to talk to a le superior
>don't really understand why they couldn't ignore me but they were not backing down from attacking me for it
>link back to previous post tearing down a fattychan "This you?"
>reeeeee that I am a bully and get a hurl of specific insults back
Should I have just ignored the initial reply and did I go too far? Hypocrisy pisses me off but I do feel bad when I get accused of being mean.

Anonymous 285187

I think it’s a matter of learning the shape language of clothes and using it to your advantage. For example I think an open soft jacket or cardigan works well to soften broad shoulders but not everyone like the look. As a general rule if clothes are tighter the area will look bigger and vice versa. I don’t think you need to follow the rules all the time but knowing them will help you understand what will look good on you vs what you like

Anonymous 285188

are you on meds n0nnie? I find that ADHD people who use vy are usually the ones who get a lot done

Anonymous 285190


We're hitting US time. I'm not saying we're great or euro snons are unique amd amazing but the trolls come out of there cave around now. Prepare for pety and baiting comments

Anonymous 285191

you could have just said to not scroll gdi

Anonymous 285192

>blaming burgers
Are there any non-males really up in the AM posting cp and pol memes?

Anonymous 285193

Good point n0nna, I know some basic rules but I'll read up on it more. Thanks!

Anonymous 285194


Anonymous 285196


Need my lolcr. Things are starting to get weird

Anonymous 285197


Help me I had to take a course of antibiotics and despite taking probiotics consistently before it and during the course I'm met with the most vile diarrhea and gas.
It doesn't help that I ate the cheesiest pasta yesterday too.

Anonymous 285199


I want to ask a life advice question but I know the answer I get here will be different than the answer I get at home in the farm

Anonymous 285202

Anyone that continually baits and ban evades just to continue baiting. They suck out the fun out of a thread for everyone except for themselves. Bait is only amusing when you drop a bomb and leave, otherwise it just shits up the place.

Anonymous 285203

The ones in the dog hate thread and the blackpillers.

Anonymous 285204

I swear they're everywhere. At least the cat hate posters don't bring their shit outside that thread at least, not that I've noticed

Anonymous 285205

we should play skribbl one day

Anonymous 285207

Or right now! I'm going to host a game!

Anonymous 285210

WOO i was playing with randoms but i'll ditch them for the lc one
also is anyone else sick of this flooddetected message

Anonymous 285211

Ugh, just found out that Canvas, the software that some colleges use, gives you the option to use pronouns in the settings and they show up right after your name on any class forum/discussion post. Only found out just now because most of my classmates are normies.

Anonymous 285213

Either cope or bait

Anonymous 285214


15 players max! No custom words

Anonymous 285221

Go ahead and ask.

Anonymous 285224

No? It's cute, on the hips it would look retarded or make no sense if you wear anything long like a sweater or anything that isn't a crop top.

Anonymous 285225

We're starting the skribbl game! If anyone else wants to join this is the last call

Anonymous 285226

nona, don't be a buffoon. getting medicated is easy and can help prevent the overwhelmingness of ADHD. unless you have depression too, then it's extra tarded.

goodluck, nona! hoping u find something that helps u with ur adhd, from another adhdtard.

Anonymous 285227

Everyday I hope my country descends into total lawlessness so I don’t have to go to work, pay for anything. I honestly rather fight for my life than fight just to be a wageslave and feel tired/stressed/unhealthy all the time.

Anonymous 285230


Gonna have my fucking CAWFEE anons with pumpkin spice creamerrrrrrrr

Anonymous 285231

I need to get a haircut soon as well, but the idea of going to the hairdresser to cut my hair drives me nuts, it's expensive as fuck even if I go there with my hair washed.

Anonymous 285232


Thanks for the support nona! Getting diagnosed late means I have of mental baggage to work on but I feel like I finally have some control of my life.

Anonymous 285233

>dog/cat/monkey/any animal hate freaks
im convinced half of them watch animal gore or are zoo sadists themselves

Anonymous 285245


Pumpkin spice lattes are so nice. I wish stuff like this was available in my country.

Anonymous 285248

when I worked with a bunch of other women and hung out with my stacey sister's friends they admitted to drunk making out

Yeah you fucked up there. If you ate processed cheese it might have contained a type of sodium citrate that's used in laxatives, and soft cheeses like mozzarella will upset a sensitive stomach

Anonymous 285251

Nona, best of luck to you!

Anonymous 285257

Hey if any anons here are programmers interested in gamedev reply to my post.

Anonymous 285265

Can't believe I came here to ask where the fuck is lolcow

Anonymous 285266


In the last 10 minutes all posts that aren't replies are just rapidfire bait tier why can't you n0nnies stop baiting about sexualities for one day I'm going nuts

Anonymous 285267

So many faggots is my guess. Lolcow back tomorrow bye

Anonymous 285270


Sorry , you're right. Really missing the farm right now

Anonymous 285275

For me it's the tards who spam their ugly blvns in the bl thread. They're really autistic about it and make super long posts and constantly bring it up. The vns don't even look good.

Anonymous 285278

As someone who has played some of those vns I can confirm most of them are shit. VNfags tend to be annoying anyway since their hobby is dying in Japan

Anonymous 285280

Are VNs really dying? I feel like there's always a new one coming out. What's killing them?

Anonymous 285281

Just one more hour before I'm done with work, I feel like I spent a whole week in there instead of a day.

Anonymous 285282

Minecraft nonas!

Server maintenance is going to begin shortly, so I've cut access to the server. It should take between 2-3 hours at most. I'll make another post here when it's back up. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Anonymous 285283

Mobile phones killed them. There are still a few companies around and doujinge always exist eternally but compared to the peak of early 2000s they’re ded, especially bl

Anonymous 285284

I wanna join so bad, but I don't wanna change my MC username cause a quick search said it might fuck up my info on other servers

Anonymous 285288

Me wanting to post my husbando but I know trannies use this site and I don't want them knowing who he is or even laying their eyes upon him, so I'll wait patiently for lolcor to come back.

Anonymous 285293

I know right, I feel self-conscious posting in this place knowing that there's moids of many flavors in here, at least in lorcor there's this sense of security in which you know it's less likely to have moids actively posting.

Anonymous 285294

Whenever she posts I boo loudly and if I could I'd throw rotten tomatoes on her whenever she posted.

Anonymous 285295

Kek this game is great.

Anonymous 285296

Yeah, it's the same feeling those characters in horror movies get when they feel like they're being watched, kek

Anonymous 285298

I'm so use to the comfort of home that I forgot about the tranny population here. So much is making sense now

Anonymous 285299

Kek what did they say

Anonymous 285304

>My adhd makes me sleep 13 hours a day and I can’t even motivate myself to play video games half the time let alone work on a creative hobby.
God same. And it doesn't help that I'm not a creative person in the first place but I wish I was

Anonymous 285310

Same. Bought a sewing machine to actually TRY and now I have no idea where to start. All the projects I want to do require more skill than I have and I hate the idea of wasting fabric and thread just to practice and make stuff I don't want to make

Anonymous 285313

i had to hide the cat hate thread because i saw someone say “no wonder people throw glass bottles at them and kick them” like how are you alogging a cat right now? at least the dog hate thread is mainly about dogs that actually maul people.

Anonymous 285314

I just bought one too. You just gotta start with stuff that you do want to make. First thing I made was a cover for my machine. I wanted to make it because I needed it.
I used the cheapest fabric I could find and shitty 1 euro thread.

Anonymous 285316

This sounds more like depression than ADHD. Which isn't to say it's completely unrelated since it so frequently occurs as a consequence of growing up with ADHD, it's just better to identify separate things like anxiety and depression for what they are. Because it's a slippery slope of frustration when you expect ADHD medication to treat their symptoms and it doesn't work.

Anonymous 285321

I hid that thread too. I'm too desensitised to be triggered by much these days but cruelty to cats does make me upset

Anonymous 285322


im not coping well

Anonymous 285323

but not to a dog?

Anonymous 285324

I can understand the dog hate thread since it's 90% about pitbulls who hurt people. But violently hating a non-dangerous animal who won't attack you and can't defend itself against you is psychotic. That's moid behaviour. Having violent thoughts towards any animal is crazy behaviour. I don't like pitbulls and think they should be euthanized, but I don't wish them a painful death or suffering.

Anonymous 285325

All the stuff I want to make is using stretchy fabric, which is a bit advanced so I need to figure out what to make with other fabric first and specificially learn to sew in a straight line. But there's nothing basic I want to make

Anonymous 285328

im PISSED i missed that skribbl lobby

Anonymous 285329

this picture is so funny
is this suppose to be euros

Anonymous 285330

Well then don't do basic stuff. Learn to sew straight by practising on paper/scraps, and then do stuff with stretchy fabric. It won't come out nice but there's nothing preventing you from trying. It's better to try and fail than to not try at all. Enough faills will eventually lead you to success.

Anonymous 285331

yeah i used to be very sympathetic to pitbulls and thought it was due to them being untrained, but then my boyfriends uncle had one who was honestly very sweet toward women but it ended up eating his girlfriends cat so he had to get rid of it and that really changed my perspective on them. i think maybe it couldve been different if he had been trained from the time he was a puppy instead of abused by a man but its just too risky in my opinion especially if you have other pets or children. there are lots of other “scary” breeds you can get for protection that are much easier to train because they werent bred for fighting.

Anonymous 285332

every planner girls now have mention of bible study it's so creepy

Anonymous 285333


I miss when musk didn't own twitter

Anonymous 285334

You can just make another one n0nnie

Anonymous 285335

Anonymous 285337


do you think nuns are just higher tier husbandofags

Anonymous 285339

What cows do you guys think should just get the ax, like the thread is dead, lock it?

Anonymous 285341

Maybe a few of the /w/ 'cows.' In general our cows are kind of out-dated.

Anonymous 285342

they're pretty based

Anonymous 285343


Jesus is the reason i don't give 3d men time at all. all i need is his guidance and my husbando

Anonymous 285344

I miss moo’s thread so bad she’s being retarded on twitter and I need to talk about it with my girls

Anonymous 285345

i agree with >>285341 but specifically mickey moon, she hasn't done anything except be fat and stinky for years. it's over imo

Anonymous 285347

there are so many of those threads like micky moon, lori is so boring, but at least she posts new things to make fun of. terry too i guess. pixie should be moved to /pt/ IMO. taylor and tom have the most boring active thread i've seen in a while so maybe her and micky yeah

Anonymous 285348

Anonymous 285350

…i think i want to make a shrine of Jesus merch now, nonas… i just got really excited about the standees and keychains i could draw

Anonymous 285351

R (11).jpg

but can you defeat the biggest husbandofag of them all? Brazil

Anonymous 285352

when i see tall, skinny, pretty guys i get violent thoughts. not because i hate them, they just look like they deserve to get gut punched

Anonymous 285353


i will concede and become one of those husbandofags that share their husbandos. it is inevitable in this situation

Anonymous 285354

I think she meant blvns

Anonymous 285355

same nona, recently i feel like smashing a random moids face in

Anonymous 285356

Taylor R's should be autosaged, just by virtue of the fact that it gets bumped way too often and the only people left there are nutjobs because there's nothing notable about her. Glass houses and all but you have to have some serious problems if you're still regularly about someone years after the well has run dry for reasons other than nostalgia.

Anonymous 285357

Empath chan. Im like 99% sure most of the posters are her self-posting and she isn't very interesting outside of shooping her ugly face.

Anonymous 285360

I just checked twitter and I love the backwards thinking Moo has that a clothed woman being cute and sexy to her husband and bringing him some food is more degrading than Moo shoving a horse dildo into her pussy and peeing everywhere to pretend she can squirt. i cant wait for the thread

Anonymous 285361

I've become addicted to warm lunch it's just so good, can't wait until it's cold again.

Anonymous 285362

Me too, he ruined the whole thing so fast.

Anonymous 285363

I also wanted to add that her new thread was recently bumped and the entirety of the new thread is old milk from the previous thread kek

Anonymous 285364

Nonas I'm gonna miss the bunker threads KEK this was such a fun weekend

Anonymous 285365

My grandma died last week and I kind of broke down today at work. One of my coworkers saw it and asked me if I was even close with my grandma. Like wtf is wrong with you dude

Anonymous 285366

her updates are so funny but it's not funny because it's from her, it's funny because the anons who keep posting what they think is milk are way more cow-like than her

Anonymous 285368

i bought knitting needles and yarn so i could start knitting but every time i get stuck, i put it away and forget about it for 6 months. i've done this with so many other hobbies i feel like a hoarder.

Anonymous 285370

me too, they were so cozy this time

Anonymous 285372

Some people really don't know or care about their grandparents but that was the worst question to ask given that you were crying at work.

Anonymous 285375


seeing cloudflare reinstate baarag is proof enough they fucking protect pedos…picrel unrelated

Anonymous 285377

>moid I used to know once told another moid I knew it was ok to coerce his gf into sex when she was sick
>today I find out this moid's dad had a chronic, terminal illness and is about to die
So despite living with a sick person, he still told people it was ok to coerce sick people into sex. Probably did it himself too. Moids have no empathy and it's astouding to me. I wonder how he would've felt if his mom had coerced his sick dying dad into sex. I hope he suffers a lot when his dad passes away.

Anonymous 285378

ETA: 2 hours
Okay, I'm still working on the plug-ins but I'm nearly done. After that I'm gonna play test for a while to make sure everything is working functionally. I still haven't found an Elsie pic to use for the server image, but once LC I'll look through the Elsie media threads for one. So far I don't think any server data has been lost, but if you were playing this weekend you MAY have to reset your /homes. Our server limit right now is 25 players, but since 15+ anons have joined I plan to increase the player limit soon.
This is a good idea I think I will build this kek
Once the server goes back online I'm gonna make another post with the IP in case anyone wants to join but hasn't seen yet, in the post I've included tips to how to anonymize yourself more, so stay tuned.
Sorry repost I fixed an error

Anonymous 285380

going to throw up my cornflakes cause I have to take an exam which I barely prepared for. Deserved if I'm being quite honest.

Anonymous 285381

is throwing out cornflakes a ritual for good luck?

Anonymous 285382

You can't be jesus wife and not share, didn't he teach you anything?

Anonymous 285383

make yourself sneeze and make a wish when you do

Anonymous 285384

Struggling with my uni assignment so I'm doing the only thing I know when I'm lost: cook and bake pastries and bread.
My roomie is over the moon about the luxury I serve at the moment kek

Anonymous 285385

So they dropped kiwifarms for booling troons, but pedo art is ok?

Anonymous 285386


Thank you thank you for your service I haven't joined yet and I'm excited to. I hope maybe we can continue having a Minecraft server even after the farm opens back up…

Anonymous 285387

omg do we have any nuns scrolling? nuns are the true jesus husbandofags

Anonymous 285388


i explicitly said i would in the post you're quoting
but however i am my husbando's wife alone… Jesus is my savior and oshi…

Anonymous 285389

What makes her boring to you? imo she has one of the most raging cases of cluster B of any lc cow.

Anonymous 285390

most of the users are troons there also the owner likes toddler porn and has ties with the company itself most cp sites are registered on cloudflare too

Anonymous 285391

Lolcor isn't some feminist hangout, it's just a place where moids get banned.

Anonymous 285393

I'm the ayrt. My plan right now is to keep the whitelist off for the rest of the day after I launch it back up with the fixed plug-ins. After LC comes back I'm gonna turn whitelist on until I can figure out if a thread for the server would be allowed on /m/, and then figure it out from there. I was sort of surprised by how many anons joined so far kek, I didn't know there were so many Minecraft anons on LC! I know there are some anons that said they wanted to play but they can't yet shout out to that one nona in Scotland? kek so I'm trying to figure out how to accommodate that, I'll most likely post another update about it tonight when I go to bed and turn the whitelist on.

The server will be running for at least the next month, and if it's still active by then I'll most likely renew it for longer.

Thanks to all the anons that have been patient with me while I figure out the plug-ins, I'm hoping it'll be ready to go back on online by around 3 EST.

Anonymous 285395

What does Banned mean? (Am I unbanned check)

Anonymous 285396

you have very good reading comprehension, i see.

Anonymous 285397

Next thread can we add back in the thread description blurb that got deleted about the one resident infighter or baiter and the samefagging? I think some anons need the notice.

Anonymous 285398


I like husbandofags but to be honest I could never ship myself with the characters I like. I always end up seeing a bit of myself in the male characters and then shipping them with other characters. All the fandoms I'm in now have loads of character/reader fics and I can't read them, a type of joy I'll never understand. All I have is Jesus but that doesn't really count

Anonymous 285399

You're just weird, don't assume anyone who uses lolcor is automatically some extreme feminist nor that everything is about feminism.
Anons just don't want moids to be aware of media that's female oriented.

Anonymous 285400


Anonymous 285401

her party being vegeta themed is so cute. even down to the color of her clothes! i love husbandofags

Anonymous 285403

It means to be officially or legally prohibited from doing something.

Anonymous 285404

what warm lunches are you making, anon?

Anonymous 285406

All that "cut your own hair" talk made me finally take the plunge and cut it. I'd been meaning to since before summer, but just kept procrastinating. I trimmed a little shorter than I wanted, but otherwise I'm happy with it.

Anonymous 285407

How to develop a disinterest in eating? I want to eat to survive, not because I like it.

Anonymous 285408

I hope she's very happy and that she still has her dragon ball husbando.

Anonymous 285409

God I wish you could do this.

Anonymous 285412

If I may be honest, I'd prefer to have the minecraft server stay on CC simply because of the amount of tards that are on LC right now. Maybe not posting it on lolcow would be the best idea.

Anonymous 285414

Does anyone know when lolcow will be back?? I read that its supposed to be back on monday but its still not working

Anonymous 285415

NTA but everything about her comes off as sad and try hard. She'll never be a memorable lolcow like Soren, doesn't matter how many randoms she spits on in public.

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