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sunscreen recs Anonymous 20613[Reply]

i’m looking for a good facial sunscreen
>no white cast or pilling
>wont break me out
>under $20
i’ve been using neutrogena hydro boost bite it would give me a new zit every day. any good recommendations?
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Anonymous 20629


Non-oily sunscreens market themselves as non-comedogenic
For avoiding white cast, look for chemical sunscreens since they don't use whitish minerals to absorb and deflect UV rays, but if they irritate your skin too much, then avoid products with oxybenzone in the ingredients
Picrel seems good
If you have to use a mineral sunscreen, then avoid products with titanium dioxide since that's worse for white cast, and apply sparingly

Anonymous 20630

my rec is don't use it. only stay few minutes in the sun when it is hottest and learn your safe window.

where i live, when i avoid the sun from 2 hours before 12:00 noon and 2 hours after 12:00 noon, i'm fine. where you live most likely you can find a similar window.

with disappointment i see that again crystal cafe is a breeding ground for victims of consumerism. i wonder which brand of sunscreen the wild animals buy from the wild animal convenience store🙄

Anonymous 20632

Living on the equator my only safe zone to go outside without sunscreen is when there is no sun or very slight sunrise/sunset (MAYBE up to 6:00 am and starting 6:00 pm if i'm not anal about being exposed to residual sunlight but even 5:30 pm sun is still too bright)
Putting on sunscreen is always a hassle though so I just walk out with a cap when the sun is already halfway past going down/is still weak going up. I'll only apply it if I really have to go out in the middle of the day

Anonymous 20634

la roche poosay

Anonymous 20636

i'd try a parasol


Parental controls for myself Anonymous 20562[Reply]

Hello everyone.
I have an android phone and I would like to add parental controls for myself to add blocking of impurity and bedtimes, etc, but every app I see is meant for actual parents and kids so they ask for two phones, the parent's and the child's. Any reccomendations? Thank you
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Anonymous 20590

Everything about phones and the apps on it is designed to be addictive so it isn't a shocker that you are.

is just a stupid, wasteful approach. human life is short. transcend the desire to flee this place, this mindlessness that addiction needs to survive. fight it. if you shelter yourself from it, you will spend your life fleeing from it when you can just learn to ignore it. it is not hard but it takes time that the addiction convinces you you don't have. all these dumb young people saying "doesn't matter what i do, i'm not gonna be old anyways" and then they turn old and their whole basis for existence turned out to be invalid.

the first part of the fight is the hardest, that's when the addicted is still the weakest. but with every little success, the decision muscle grows and the fight becomes easier and at some point it is guarenteed victory over addiction every single time, reidentification with free will, transcendence of the desire to flee into illusion.

Anonymous 20592

>human life is short.
Yet you are here, on an obscure image board you would only know if you're pretty addicted to screens yourself. Don't act like you're above it lol.

Anonymous 20606


this place isn't even real. it is carefully curated.

Anonymous 20610

truth this place is just pixels on a screen, made up of triads, made up of atoms, made up of mostly nothing, nothing exists. yet everything exists, curated by god himself. god created cc.

Anonymous 20633

if you have an android phone you should have a digital and wellbeing tab in your settings where you can put time limits on apps and control when you can access them. you can easily turn them off so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for though


forums/sites like this and r/vindicta Anonymous 20437[Reply]

are there any forums or sites that are exactly like this board or r/vindicta? i don’t mean something like makeupalley honestly

Anonymous 20474

vindicta is shit girl get off there now

Anonymous 20495

i’m not on it much i mean sites that follow that theme

Anonymous 20499

What theme are you referencing?

Anonymous 20624

Why would you want something similar to r/vindicta though? It's extremely retarded, their advice is basically to kill every shred of individuality you have and get plastic surgery for any flaw nobody except for them would even notice in order to fit male fantasies (and their idea of what men want is very narrow and only really applies to wealthy men from New England with country club passes)


Ray Peat Anonymous 18376[Reply]

Is anyone here into Ray Peat? Do you follow his philosophies? I only started down the rabbit hole that is his website but I find his ideas pretty interesting.

As a coffee-drinker, I enjoyed his article on how coffee is a vitamin.

I'm going to start incorporating some of his ideas and eat more fruit but I'm not sure how deep I'll go.
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Anonymous 19735

i followed his advice a few years ago but there is too much contrary evidence to me. i wish i had a strong background in physiology to do more of a deep dive but from the research i can do too much of it just doesn't hold up.
increased vaginal discharge, higher libido, better masturbation. i stopped taking it because when ever i took it i got purple dots on my skin (petechiae?)…it was supposed to be bio-identical progesterone.

Anonymous 20435

i love his principles mainly because i get to eat whatever i want lmao

Anonymous 20460

Ever tried cod-liver? It isn't for gourmets either but I imagine it tasting better than regular canned liver

Anonymous 20464

not really anything. you have to stay away from pufas which is in pretty much anything processed. i love cooking with coconut oil though and eating haagen dazs every day is a bonus haha.

Anonymous 20465

yeah i know, but tbh i don’t take the pufa avoidance super seriously, esp because i really don’t think it can be avoided completely. i’m more mindful of just eating more saturated fats + avoiding things that cause inflammation in the body, like most cooking oils, preservatives, additives, etc.


eating disorder thread Anonymous 4629[Reply]

eating disorder thread - its time for another

do you have an eating disorder?
which one?
are you attempting recovery?
how long have you had it?
what caused it?
how does it disrupt your daily life, if it does?

i have a purging disorder.
i kind of want to attempt recovery sometimes, then i see something like my crush looking happier talking to another girl thats skinnier than me, i think about how much better i could look/how i could compensate for my stupid ugly fact, and i think about the comments my dad gives me when i 'eat bad' even though im 19 bmi/skinnier than him (hes overweight, i think.) ive had mine since i was 13. i was a fat child growing up because my parents didnt know how to feed me, and instead of giving me healthy food they just called me fat/made fun of me. it disrupts my daily life heavily because i cant eat anything without purging after, and it just ruins my mood and has disrupted my health. ill be devastated if i go up 0.1 a pound
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Anonymous 20530



>do you have an eating disorder


>which one

im anorexic (like, "real" "actual" uw anorexic) but i started above bmi 35. i developed it after i lost 20 lbs on accident after converting to ethical veganism (which i later betrayed because vegan safe foods are super limiting, and i feel terrible for giving up my morals to be able to eat fat free yogurt)

>are you attempting recovery

i absolutely refuse to access recovery treatment because it is biased towards people with a healthy or low-overweight starting weight who can maintain a healthy weight without ED behaviors and i dont think i have it that bad in the ED behaviors department anyway. i wholeheartedly believe i am built with genetics where normal people food freedom cannot exist for me without making peace with an obese body and dying in middle age. both sides of my family are universally obese, even the healthy eaters. absolutely insatiable even on a diet of black beans and rice

>how long have you had it?

vegan started 5 years ago at 17. i track any other milestones really. uw happened by accident during a stint of not weighing or tracking. i didnt starve the whole time and i think it was subclinical for most of the time tho

>what caused it?

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Anonymous 20531

>i track any other milestones really.
*DIDNT track any other milestones

Anonymous 20544

weak willed consumer cultre victim…

forget everything you know about eating and apply the youthful curiosity to it. reading your textwall made me think that this is something you never did.

you could find out what food will end up make you looking what way but honestly it is a moot point. that's just wasting your short little life.

humans are dumb and so are you. they eat stuff they should not be eating and just because they don't drop dead from it instantly, does not mean it is 'safe to eat'.

most products in the supermarket will make you fat and sick. find out what your human organism has evolved to best digest and eat that and stop eating the stupid industry food and you will reach your goal of being thin. it's normal to want to be thin. if you only ate what your body could handle, you could eat unlimited amount and never get fat.

is very unfortunate that you gave up the veganism and it is also very unfortunate that you only sit on chairs and couches instead of moving about all day every day. hard work is nice. when you are a slave and work in a diamond mine for some greed capitalist asshole, that sucks. but working hard on yourself, that's such a wonderful feeling, i hope you experience it soon.

best of luck you enormous elephant aka honey booboo's mother.

Anonymous 20552

I’m literally underweight now work on your reading comprehension

Anonymous 20607

>do you have an eating disorder?
>which one?
anorexia but i binge and purge often
>are you attempting recovery?
>how long have you had it?
in some form or another since my early teens
>what caused it?
in the beginning it was just a stupid diet to try to fix my acne. later the main driver is wanting people to expect less of me because they can see i'm ill.
>how does it disrupt your daily life, if it does?
it goes in cycles. i almost recover every winter, but as soon as the weather starts heating up I relapse (this aligns with my uni schedule). when i'm restricting I get really bad brain fog like spacing out in the middle of a sentence like im Biden or someone. and it restricts my social life a bit because i'm super weird around food and 90% of social gatherings are about eating.


Anonymous 20585[Reply]

Do you think that some women are naturally beautiful?

Anonymous 20587


Most women are average

Anonymous 20588


Sure, but I don't spend time thinking about gay things like that.


No sew/minimal hand sewing kawaii upcycles? Anonymous 20571[Reply]

I am on a budget but love kawaii/weeby coquette/cutecore(hyperfeminine 2000's anime inspired) fashion. I've added bows and lace to things but would like some advice/links to tutorials on how to cuteify/upcycle clothing.

Anonymous 20580



something i wanna do that i have not gotten around to is use this nice ikea velcro to connect fabric to stuff. it's super easy. it is velcro with a type of hotglue on the other side and i have used it to attach fabric to a window to make quick and easy curtains without sewing. just needs to be warmed gently somehow. (i have seen it used with a little burner thingy people use to make creme brulee with, probably a regular lighter could be used too for small pieces. i have also seen it used with a hot air gun, probably works with a blowdryer too because it doesn't have to be that hot, just hot enough for the glue to melt)

it comes with both sides of the velcro. melt one side, press it gently on the fabric, melt the other side, press it gently above the window on the window frame.

since it was hotglue, it was easy to remove from the window frame when the first positioning did not come out that good, remelt it and position it again. i'd assume it is also not impossible to remove it from the fabric again.

pretty nice stuff. i was bummed out when the fabric section in my local ikea was reduced to maybe 10 different fabrics i did not like but i did stumble upon this nice hot-glue velcro in the once vast fabric aisle.

reposition it from the fabric


scars Anonymous 19908[Reply]

nonas with cutting scars, how do you deal with them?
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Anonymous 20301

I did a bleach bath for skin issues and it somehow resurfaced cutting scars I didn't even know I had fml. If I ever have a kid that cuts I am going to beat it.

Anonymous 20342

Luckily I don't have that many so they aren't super noticeable but I cover them with jewelry (on my wrists)

Anonymous 20343

applying glycolic acid a few times a day and then thick moisturizer/bio oil/cocoa butter. and keep them out of the sun cause it'll make them much worse

Anonymous 20496

I don't think it's worth stressing yourself out. i have pretty bad ones on my legs but eventually it gets hot enough outside that i stop giving a fuck and just wear the shorts. There is a lot of societal pressure for people to just mind their own business so even if they notice things like that they aren't gonna go through the awkwardness of bringing it up with you. I've only ever had like 2 people mention it to me in a solidarity type way which is still pretty awkward but not rude or anything.

Anonymous 20520

i have scars on my inner upper thighs, so not very noticable.
I make sure to exfoliate them more as part of my shower routine and used lemon and baking soda when they were pinker. A tattoo (whether temporary or not) is something i have been considering, probably like a robot/cyborg looking body tattoo.


Lips Thread Anonymous 20312[Reply]

What is your favorite lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm etc?

Anonymous 20325


My current favorite is Judydoll's Lip Mud!

Anonymous 20326


Omg , judydoll's rose cherry blossom is my favorite!

Anonymous 20332


Love tinted ChapStick

Anonymous 20510


Covergirl Bliss Berry tinted lip balm for comfortable everyday wear

Anonymous 20515

I love the DHC lip cream. My lips are permafucked from isotret and lanolin is the only thing that helps.


Anonymous 20369[Reply]

Why is being skinny considered so important?
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Anonymous 20433


>>staunchly against protien and omega3s D8<

Anonymous 20439

strange perspectiv…


i don't think your perspective on the human organism is all that valid…

Anonymous 20458

I think it's as easy as the fact that, short of having literal deformities, a skinny body is almost guaranteed to look nice. Whereas chub aesthetics are very dependent on the person's genes. I used to weigh 15 kilos above my usual average for a couple of years and guess what? It all fucking went into my shoulders and belly.

Anonymous 20497


I don't know and I wish I knew how to not care so much but I just want to be beautiful and skinny.

Anonymous 20498

you just live your life wrong. without responsibility and reason.

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