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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20299[Reply]

What women's beauty trends do you find ridiculous?
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Anonymous 20952


>rectified by pregnancy aka rebalance of hormons and ofc upkeep by the husband

that would mean a person barely making due healthwise with their regular habits just supporting one body is all of the sudden healthy when a second body is being grown inside through the magic of hormones? make it make sense.

>the decision may or may even not be up to you (not like you assume), also spoiled.

these accident-babies by immature and irresponsible people who just wanna fuck are weighing the species down and ruin the lives of the parents, the responsible thing to do is to have children when the parents are ready and able.

>beggars cant be choosers.

yeah don't be a beggar, look a little into the future and realize that for whatever you are doing in life, your good health, which is a direct result of your habits, is the foundation for it that will help you achieve the impossible and keeping problems out of your path.

>RA°lity is pretty grim. hard struggle, to find a partner from the same ethnic subbranch (multicultural wolrd)

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Anonymous 20953

i see.
it was my mistake to try and spoonfeed the normies occult wisdoms, lest id be trampled
you are right and i am wrong
im sorry to have wasted your time

Anonymous 20954

>my mistake to try and spoonfeed the normies occult wisdoms

i don't see reason to believe the occult has a future in such accelerated times. it might be the case that the rate at which occult wisdom reveals itself to the masses by being used desperately can not be outpaced by censorship and ultimately bringing the entire house of cards to a fall. then there is wasted time. me writing a few lines on the hb, that's not wasted time, it's community service, potentially even benefiting some fortunates and unfortunates.

go get your dance on and find your specific haplotype or however you call it and make your incest babies that are expert blacksmiths

Anonymous 20958

All of them

Anonymous 20976

The lip fillers and BBL shit. Also please stop putting those transparentish corset tops that look like lingerie into dresses or those bondage gear things into fashion

blue eyebags.jpeg

eyebags Anonymous 19349[Reply]

how do you get rid of these?
I've had them for half of my life and barely even notice them. But sometimes when I do I get aware of how creepy I look. My eyebags are basically the biggest ones I've ever seen and even pics on the web don't come close. They are wide and blue with some blue veins being visible on the left and some red veins on the right. It's not actually a bag in that it hangs or is fatty, it's just the color.

Self help sites recommend sleep and low stress but I've had both for at least two years now and it didn't change a bit. Any recommendations please?
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Anonymous 20554

I've also had them my entire life, tried many expensive eye creams, patches, serums. 0 difference. I use a tiny dot of concealer daily, they are still there but not half as bad with a little coverage. If they are genetic there is not much you can do, just something you have to live with.

Anonymous 20596

if u have high cheekbones then the dark circles are caused by the geography of your face, you naturally have less fat under your eyes so the blood shows thru. volufiline can fix this, given that you are a natural responder to it. people have also had luck cutting out sugar, gluten, etc. in our modern day we normalise our consumption levels of these things but really it is too much and has an affect on our bodies. you can also dabble in lymphatic face massage to see if this helps, regular exercise can have similar results. and u can adjust your sleep schedule, everyone is different on what works best for them, eg some people cant get quality sleep if they sleep after 11. as other nonas said, it can also be an allergy, anything from dust to dairy. "genetic" can just mean you have inherited the allergy/issue that can be fixed, not lay down and accept it.

Anonymous 20600

I like my eyebags, I think they're cool.

Anonymous 20609

Try prickly pear oil from Morocco if possible. The vitamin K in it is really good for dark circles

Anonymous 20966

Stop smoking weed

ASMR Real Person A…

Anonymous 20926[Reply]

How do some women have such gorgeous hair? They don't need to brush it, use conditioner, or buy super expensive products. It just works. They don't even know what they have because they're so used to it.

What's their secret?

Anonymous 20929

>What's their secret?

healthy habits. doing stuff all day long, exhausting yourself, eating real food that your body has the ability to digest, not being a monster to others or yourself.

when you eat candy or drink coffee and work a job that pays you good but fucks others over, that's you practicing unhealthy habits, that's the opposite, that's you waiting in line to have problematic health which inevitably results in problematic hair.

unnamed (19).gif

Short & Tall girls Anonymous 3018[Reply]

Which one are you?
Do you wish you could change your height?
Does it even matter that much when it comes to dating?
And for guys, do you have a preference?

Share, I'm curious.

I'm 155cm tall btw. And yes I do genuinely wish I was taller.
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Anonymous 20884

She wrote an entire novel there haha

Anonymous 20889

As a fellow Wasian, this humble bragging is in on an entirely different level of cringe, I feel icky reading this

Anonymous 20893

I'm 184cm. Nothing fits and everything sucks. My head clips the top of doorframes if I wear heels.

>Does it even matter that much when it comes to dating?

You just limit your pool of available men to those who have fewer self-esteem/ego problems.

Anonymous 20928


>I'm 184cm. Nothing fits and everything sucks.

that's an easy one to deal with, just stop being a passive idiot-consumer and get into doing stuff yourself instead of being seduced by this toxic idea that all problems can be fixed by throwing money at it. you could keep an eye out for fabric that you like, buy one nice pair of sharp fabric scissors, watch a few youtube tutorials and you would already be in business making clothes for yourself, which is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, way better then jealously looking at others on facebook.

>My head clips the top of doorframes if I wear heels.

because fuck shoes you can walk in, walking is beneath you, you prefer vehicles and you want to be a sexy giraffe all day and make loud noises when your shoe hits the pavement as to announce your presence.

Anonymous 20989

5'11. shit made me anorexic bc at this height im either seen as a supermodel or as an orc depending on my bmi. i only gaf about my appearance bc im stared at a lot by shortfags everywhere i go. moids are intimidated by me except for bisexual napoleon complexes ive encountered. ive struggled a lot to feel feminine, especially when my weight is lower, my dysmorphia tells me i look like a tranny. recently as my prefrontal cortex has been developing ive been a lot less insecure. if nothing else my height is like a filter for insecure moids / a natural social power play


Childfree thread Anonymous 102[Reply]


>"but Anon, you'll want them later!"

Yeah no.
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Anonymous 20909

I have friends who are now spinsters because they did not peak at 30 and got fat instead.

good for you for hanging in there and being charitable to the oinks. i could not hang with my fat friends anymore. everything was about being sick and too tired all the time, about how to be numb and passive, about wishing to do stuff and never doing it, about luxury and entertainment and mindgames and drama. was too much for me. these days i am quite radical about it, i can't even tolerate this attitude of irresponsibility anymore, it corrupts everything.

Anonymous 20912

>Autism is caused by various poisons in the food and environment as well as giving babies 30 vaccines by the time they are 2, God fucking damn

God you're retarded.

Anonymous 20913


Anonymous 20919

I can't believe this glowie moid shit crossed over from that fucking place. No one wants to admit they have shitty genetics and don't screen for defects and then leave it up to god to sort it out after going to every length to ruin their overall health and fertility. I bet most of these parents don't even breast feed or shook the kid cause it cried and are suprised it won't look at them anymore.

Anonymous 20920

>No one wants to admit they have shitty genetics
sometimes i wonder if they believe that technology will save them and 'clean up' their shitty genes and all they are doing is holding out until technology has caught up to the place that they can pretend they have always been very healthy and well-maintained. i had average genes and after many years of living healthy and mindfully i have improved my genes. i guess most people don't know this is possible.

>after going to every length to ruin their overall health and fertility.

i just realized i have never once in my entire life heard anyone discuss the topic of maintaining fertility. while still being downstream from health, it is a topic worth discussing. legend states fruitarian women have very light and easily endurable periods because their overall regeneration is so healthy that there is hardly any blood involved.

>I bet most of these parents don't even breast feed or shook the kid cause it cried and are suprised it won't look at them anymore.

heh 😂 you just described the average parents and the reason most people are so fucked up in a single sentence, i love it.


What's an indicator that you're attractive? Anonymous 17855[Reply]

For me, it would have to be
>someone paying for your meal/coffee
>strangers smiling at you
>having your first kiss <20 years
How about you?
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Anonymous 19761

Kids are not less indoctrinated by society. They have a less nuanced understanding of social rules and roles than adults, but they also have little critical thinking ability to question them.

Anonymous 20619

I’ve been scouted several times by modeling scouts, I guess that means something

Anonymous 20625

It means you were almost trafficked lol

Anonymous 20895

My manager at my job likes me, and I know this because he's given me little gifts/snacks and he was supposed to give me a write-up more than once before, but he never did. Only reason I'm not repulsed is because he's actually hot…

Anonymous 20897

if u grow up near LA this is a rite of passage & it's almost always a scam to get your parents to overpay for some headshots


Anonymous 20715[Reply]

I’m about to get prescribed meds that’ll decrease my appetite. I’m pretty excited about it. Any tips for foods that I can eat so I don’t pass out from hunger? I barely notice when I’m hungry now, until I start to shake. Just because of the meds I already take
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Anonymous 20878

>this would be quite the spectacle for a reality show.

It would, but you're right about them not being able to commit. There are already reality shows about morbidly obese people trying to lose weight, and a lot of the people end up literally dying because they're too fucking obese and can't stick to even the most mild calorie deficit.

Anonymous 20879

>and can't stick to even the most mild calorie deficit.

i think the only way for obese people is to introduce the change in steps so small that they go completely under their radar, since they are not all of the sudden going to rediscover willpower, patience and strong nerves.

i've been thinking about this for many years. something like reducing their portions by 1% and enduring the discomfort until they can reduce another 1% looks to me to be the only way to do it.

might be all in vain though since the underlying root cause of their obesity is never addressed, which is irresponsibility: denial, lack of curiosity, identification with illusion, separation of cause and effect

Anonymous 20881

I would phrase it instead as introducing things into the diet. E.g. you must eat one whole carrot a day before having junk food. You're not banning something (and thus there's no fomo), but you are making a rule that will
A) Make the bad habit inconvenient
B) Slowly introduce good habits

One of the best ways to "quit" something is to not frame it as quitting. Always try and frame it as a gain and you'll generally do better.

Anonymous 20883

NTA but this is how I quit vaping, actually. It also ties into this discussion regarding weight loss: I slowly phased in exercise and over time I didn't want to vape as much because doing so made exercises more difficult after I got the hang of enjoying the movements. I'm no longer overweight.

Anonymous 20886

>making a rule

your overall approach would work but getting the person to do it by making a rule; that is you not understanding the depth of the underlying psychological problems responsible for obesity. the whole reason the obese person bends itself into a prezel psychologically (including multiple personality behavior) to do harmful things is to avoid the many disadvantages of a life of rules. rules are not the solution, they are the underlying problem. they may work for you but that is because you have cut off the spontaneous and creative parts of you that the obese person tries to protect from a life of rules. look at the people who do what they do because of rules, not because they understand and agree with something and you will find a host of problems, mostly of the mental health; emotional damage but also physical in terms of cramps, various stiffnesses in all systems of the body, heart issues and a general disconnectedness and difficulty to relate to other members of their species that are not part of their bonded group.


Suppliment Thread Anonymous 20827[Reply]

I'm getting really into supplements recently and I honestly feel amazing on them.
My current setup is multivitamin + glutathione + NMN, and I'm thinking of adding CoQ10 next. I basically want to repair all my cells and DNA.
Any experience with these or others? Any recommendations?
Let's talk about supplements.

Anonymous 20828

>I basically want to repair all my cells and DNA.

how'd they get broken

Anonymous 20841

op has cancer I guess

Anonymous 20843

People accumulate DNA damage through exposure to UV and oxidants. The body has repair mechanisms for these but it eventually builds up. So I've been boosting the repair pathways and also trying to reduce the damage rate in the first place via antioxidants.

Anonymous 20855

>People accumulate DNA damage through exposure to UV and oxidants.

this would sound very nice in a marketing paragraph but i don't have the means to verify this sadly. so i don't know but i would expect this to be bs just from living in a culture of weaponized for-profit health products.

plus fundamentally the human digestion has been learning how to digest alive nutrients since the begining of life and processed food only for a few hundreds or thousands.

your capsules and tinctures are all highly processed dead isolates foreign to the human body and may be hard to digest while potentially doing little to no benefit. since digestion is a process requiring a lot of the body, you might be weakening yourself for little to no benefit, which is the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.

unless you are talking about herbal supplements, which i very much respect.

Anonymous 20862

Well everything I take is endogenous to the human body or plants (the glutathione comes from white tomatos) so it's not synthetic molecules per se. I do get what youre saying about getting it from foods and stuff rather than pill form, however its not fully practical because of the massive amounts of tomatoes, grapes, etc. you'd have to eat every day to get the effective doses.


Why am I the only one who notices this? Anonymous 20832[Reply]

I always notice how girls want their eyebrows to be thicker and acting like it's the beauty standard, but if that's the case why do most of the prettier girls (usually asian) have lighter, thinner, almost nonexistent eyebrows? In addition how do i get mine like that? I've already tried waxxing and plucking but when i look at their pictures in comparison their eyebrows are just lighter. Am I supposed to dye them or something? I feel like having light/thin eyebrows is one of the factors you need to be a cute doll-looking girl, along with all that other easy stuff you can just fraud with make-up. I feel like having thick, dark, arched eyebrows just gives a masculine drag queen look that I'm not sure why other women think looks good
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Anonymous 20840

Because beauty is mostly subjective and different countries ahving vastly different and sometimes opposite beauty standards is a concrete proof of that. You just basically said "why do others think it's pretty when i don't?

Anonymous 20842

evil gang stalking asshole

flower like faces and curly hair. entangles people in their mess. deserves to get people of their gender attacking them they dont even know

Anonymous 20844

>to be a cute doll-looking girl

wow what an effortlessly irresponsible life you must have to worry about unimportant details like how your eyebrows look. i could appreciate you taking the time and energy to look a certain way, but i don't. it is a waste of the short human life to worry about superficiality.

Anonymous 20845

thick eyebrows are ugly and only look good on social media and not irl

Anonymous 20861

Fashionable "beauty" is different from true beauty.


Anonymous 20622[Reply]

What hairstyle do you like on guys?

Anonymous 20623


They left out his TMH era. He was so hot. Anyway I don't mind buzz cuts or short hair, but I really adore long hair.

Anonymous 20642


Love it but I also have mixed feelings cause I can't have my own hair be as pretty ffs

Anonymous 20643


This new kind of mullet.

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