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Disability general Anonymous 11446[Reply]

I don't think there has been a thread for those who might have some form of disability here. This thread is for discussing any problem related to a disability, it can be a mental or physical problem as long as this thread can help you feel less alone in this struggle it is all that matters. I personally have issues related to my hearing, I am curious to see if other anons do too here.
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Anonymous 19547


rooting for you nona!!!

it took me 2 years to get on ssi and secure a housing voucher but now I have achieved a peace like I have never known.

Anonymous 19579

Please tell more

Anonymous 19757


I'm now officially disabled and recognized by the governement but they don't give me disability bucks. Just a little card that says i'm a disabled worker. I wanted the money REEEE

Anonymous 20155

Any Crohn's baddies in here?

Anonymous 20256


Rant incoming I don’t think there’s any advice that could ever help me out. I’ve been struggling with vision problems for the past 7 years of my life due to some rare disease I don’t want to name so I can’t be identified. My left eye is the one that is being affected by it and I’ve had DOZENS of procedures varying from eye injections, eye surgeries, even implants put into my eye. Doctors don’t know what caused it. I’m just sick of this shit I haven’t seen a specialist in a year now even though my vision is worsening. I don’t know why but I can’t bring myself to go into the doctors anymore. I now have a big blind spot in my left eyes central vision. That amongst the many surgeries and needles they put into my eye are causing my eye to become lazy/droopy. I’m very self conscious of this, not even that long ago some normie asked me what was wrong with my eye and why does one look tired and one looks awake. I also live in fear that this disease will also somehow start effecting my other eye as well. I can’t enjoy anything outdoors anymore because I have major light sensitivity and I have a bunch of floaters in my vision. I can barely even read on a screen because I just start seeing double once my left eye gets tired. I’m ready to just rip my eye out and wear an eyepatch for the rest of my life.


Anonymous 20230[Reply]

I’m gonna start birth control because of my PMDD
How much is my body going to change? My doctor said I’ll gain weight/boobs
Also, will this give me hips? I really don’t want a feminine figure

I’m anorexic, I just want to know how much it will affect me so I don’t freak out and end up killing myself

Anonymous 20237

Hormonal bc never made me gain weight, you're neurotic

Anonymous 20238

nta but weight gain is a common side effect. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it's not a real possibility.

Anonymous 20250

Don't do it, you may drastically gain weight. Especially since you are underweight and unhealthy. It also will make you even more miserable, you might have nausea. Don't stop your body's natural process of shedding eggs every month.


Small Breasts Thread Anonymous 3427[Reply]

Let's discuss our thoughts on our small breasts and offer solutions and bra recommendations. Please, no derailing with people saying how we have it "easy" or anything like that.

>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
>Do you prefer going braless?
>What are your favorite types of bras, if you wear bras?
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
>What are your favorite aspects of having small breasts?
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
>Any other advice for other small-breasted ladies, stories related to your small breasts, etc.
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Anonymous 19363


A little bit over a 4” difference for a D cup, so sorta a d-cup. 30D is the last pair i bought a couple years back, and i might have it sitting somewhere in a drawer.

For the healing process, this was a time where I was practically living in the hospital. I had lung surgery frequently, and so recovery was long and extended. Only until 2021 have I really been in full recovery since my lung transplant.
But recovery and healing from the mastectomy almost went unnoticed in comparison to much worse medical issues.
For the immunity part, with a total simple mastectomy they simply remove breast tissue and the surrounding outside skin, making sure to leave the lymph nodes intact. If i remember right, they didn’t remove either of the nodes.

In my very unprofessional opinion, they simply removed my breast out of frustration with dealing with them for my surgeries, but the medical anomaly could have been fully real. But to me, they simply chopped me however they liked under the knife.

Anonymous 19448

I love my small breasts and I hope they never get bigger. Sucks that so many buy into the moid propaganda and feel bad about it for no reason.

Anonymous 19482


nonas my breasts are a joke. i have A-AA cups despite being on the cusp of normal and overweight bmi. my breasts have a horribly ugly shape. they are flat on top and dont have my fat on the underside either, all the fat seems to be on the side of them, yet i have no cleavage. the worst part about them is the nipples. my areolas are puffy and stick out when my nipples arent hard, and theyre also fucking huge compared to the rest of the breast.

theyre ugly in crop tops if its a tight one and i have no bra, cuz theyll look like waffle cones from the side, and theyre ugly with no shirt on, because i have a horrible shape and theyre small for my body.

the ONLY time they look semi presentable is when im cold, and the all the skin on my breast tightens. they look rounder and the areola shrinks SIGNIFICANTLY like to a normal size, but then my tits go back to the same relaxed fugly shape. im doomed

Anonymous 20151


>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?
It has made everything better. No sexualizing from outsiders (well.. as little as possible as a woman), I can jump and run without having to think/prepare, and I love being flat. I got made fun of a little for being so flat in highschool, but I’m so grateful for it I don’t mind. Probably helps I had a mom who hyped me up throughout my childhood.
>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
Meh, I advise against it. It’s a waste of time and money you could spend on trying to learn to like yourself. Easier said than done, of course. My mom was Acup and got doubleDs after breast cancer took her breasts, which I mean… eh.. I just don’t understand the logic behind a breast augmentation.
>Do you prefer going braless?
yep. no bras fit me except training ones…
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
no. i like to show off my chest/collarbone area more than cleavage.
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
jump up and down without worry
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
B/small C. a little to grab and look at, but not too big.

Anonymous 20248

as much as i hate cops 2, i have the same opinion as them and your neighbours. There IS a difference betweeen a man and a woman going around topless


Lifting Anonymous 13775[Reply]

Anyone here lifts weights? I'd love to have a lifting buddy
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Anonymous 20134

>first time
You'll probably be really sore tomorrow, but I just wanted to post to tell you that level of soreness when you start from zero is normal and to not be alarmed. Keep it up!

Anonymous 20136

It's ok, Nona! That's how everyone's experience is when they first start going to the gym.
The more you go, the easier it gets.

I recommend bringing an experienced friend to help you with your form next time. You can also record your sets to see how you can improve your form.

Good luck, Nona! I'm proud of you. :)

Anonymous 20138

>Favorite and least favorite exercises?
I fucking hate lateral raises. I'm able to lify 30-40 pounds while doing any other exercise but as soon as I get to lateral raises, I have to grab some 15s. They always make me feel like I'm a weak ass bitch, but I'll get there one day.

>What's your workout routine?

-60 dumbbell russian twists
-60 alternating Knee tucks
-30 leg raises
-30 crunches
-60 second plank

-cable bent over bar pullovers
-cable chest press
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Anonymous 20225


Has anybody had any luck growing delts? My triceps grow way faster so it makes my arms look really weird with overdeveloped triceps and underdeveloped delts and biceps. I have cut back on tricep exercises so now the only thing I do that works triceps is bench press. Other than than im focusing on lateral raises and bicep curls to make my arms look more proportionate.

Anonymous 20246

Nonas there is a hot butch girl at my gym what do I was doing free weights next to her for a few sets but I was worried I was creeping her out. I need to buy cute gym clothes instead of wearing these frumpy outfits


Period pain tips? Anonymous 19157[Reply]

I have extremely bad period pains on the first day. So bad I have to skip school or anything I have planned that day because of the pain. It usually includes cramps along with vomiting and an aching pain in my uterus. I refuse to get on birth control so does anyone know any at home remedies to ease the pain? Sorry if this was TMI.
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Anonymous 19169

Gyno + laparoscopy would remove any Endo/cysts making periods painful. No hormones needed

If a doctor immediately throws you on BC with no further testing do not see that doctor again, BC can make endo worse

Anonymous 19180

Honestly, masturbation is probably the most immediate and effective period pain relief there is

Also staying hydrated + taking ibuprofen. I drink a lot of sugar-free Gatorade or something with electrolytes during my period

Anonymous 19181

Anons are right you should probably go to a gyno, but it you can't/don't want to, try painkillers with a different active ingredient than what you've been using so far. Not all active ingredients work the same.

Anonymous 20242

take your preferred painkiller at the first hint of pain, and drink lots of water. also, avoid overeating or eating too many sugary things. i used to puke from how bad my cramps were, and doing all that has helped me so much.

Anonymous 20244

>take your preferred painkiller at the first hint of pain
Honestly I take painkiller immediately when I first start bleeding. Whenever I don't, I regret it within 12 hours.

But OP should probably see a doctor.


I wish I could have sex Anonymous 20222[Reply]

Posting this here in case someone who relates has advice.

I'm bisexual and have been with both men and women. It's always the same story. I feel sexual attraction toward them, and I can orgasm through masturbation just from thinking about them, but as soon as we go to have sex my vagina clenches and I can't feel aroused by any stimulation, much less orgasm. Partners in the past lost interest in me for it, even though I figured out how to get them off while not feeling anything myself. I'm not uncomfortable during it, nor do I feel awkward, more frustrated that my body doesn't allow me to feel aroused when another person is there.

Right now I'm with the perfect guy who is a lot more understanding than the others, although he says he feels bad that I'm pleasuring him but he can't pleasure me. We relate to each other and love each other so much. He's the kind of guy I would marry and start a family with, but I can't even do PIV.

I have blurry memories of what could have possibly been sexual abuse as a child from a parent, but I'm not entirely sure it was. I'm currently in DBT therapy with a good therapist who's helping me work through a lot of childhood trauma but because my therapist is male I'm embarrassed to ask him about help with sex.

I don't know what to do.

Anonymous 20223

How long have you been with him?
How long have your past relationships been?

Anonymous 20224

Been with him about 8 months. Past relationships lasted a few weeks to 6ish months.

Anonymous 20243

I have this issue due to memories of possible childhood abuse as well. I was finally able to have PIV with my partner last year but I still don’t feel anything pleasant, or really anything at all. I’ve been told that’s common for women but idk if that’s true or if maybe a ton of women are sexually traumatized and experience that as a result. My OB/GYN told me to go to a sex therapist and I’m still considering it. What’s most important is communicating things with your partner. If someone gives you shit for this, they’re not worth it. You literally can’t control it.
But anyways my best advice is to seek a separate female therapist who has experience with sexual dysfunction etc. because opening up about it and feeling uncomfortable might make everything around the experience feel worse


Nails Anonymous 20226[Reply]

>what is your nail routine?
>What looks tacky or good?
>What products do you like?

I've been a nail biter all my life. I have avoided biting my nails for a while and now theyre the longest theyve ever been. They extend all the way to my fingertip now. The only issue is i dont know how to take care of them.

Anonymous 20227

how do you stop nail biting, it's the worst habit i have

Anonymous 20228

weirdly after trying all the things they reccommend like wearing gloves, putting chile or anti nail-biting polish, keeping my hands busy, nothing worked. I just bit them as much as I wanted for years since I had given up, and all of a sudden a few days ago I realize I have nails. weirdly only on my right hand. i guess i now only bite my left hand. Idk what it is, i guess i got my fix and now my brain decided its done? Sorry I cant help you more, i dont really understand what fixed the habit

Anonymous 20241

I managed to fix my nail biting habit by using anti-biting nail polish, it made them taste awful and after a few weeks I'd basically stopped doing it


How to get smaller shoulders Anonymous 20186[Reply]

So i have these awful broad man shoulders (like its ridiculous) and I really want feminine, smaller, curved shoulders, what can I do? Please help!
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Anonymous 20192

>>20190 thank you sm!
>>20188 I just meant like exercises and stuff lol

Anonymous 20194


Don't be dumb

You cannot make your skeleton smaller. There are no "exercises" for this. There is no mechanism by which developing your muscles would magically make your bones and joints look smaller. Fashion tips which claim to "disguise" broad shoulders only create dissonance and make you look weird.

You will always have broad shoulders. If you believe they are "man shoulders" you have internalized stupid ideas about what women's shoulders look like and probably have body dysmorphia. Accept and embrace your build, or suffer and make a fool of yourself.

Anonymous 20195

if you do exercises youll make your shoulders bigger

Anonymous 20198

Just go for an androgynous-yet-femme look

Anonymous 20220

Not possible. If your shoulders are naturally broad it's because of the skeleton underneath.

I've never seen a woman with "broad man shoulders" even if she was tall btw unless she was super muscular, you're probably just imagining things to be much worse than they are.


Rate Menstruation Products. Anonymous 14073[Reply]

What is your list to the most usefull to worst menstruation products?
Mine is:
>№1 Sanitary Pads.
>№2 Tampons.
>№3 Menstrual Cup.
>№4 Reusable Sanitary Pads Made Out Of Cloth.
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Anonymous 20163

For your consideration nona


Anonymous 20165

i grew up muslim and literally never heard this. what kind of shit hole do you live in?

Anonymous 20167

It's not just a Muslim thing, I'm in Canada and I've encountered a small catholic town in Quebec that didn't sell tampons cause they're supposed to be virginity stealers. I also noticed menstrual cups were hard to find in Nova Scotia because they're more conservative too. It was a few years before they were in every major pharmacy. A friend of mine from a small village in Newfoundland told me some girls who bought tampons keep it quiet causes it's associated with being a whore cause men believe they are pleasurable for us to wear and plus they think it breaks the hymen so some assume you must have already lost your virginity if you wear it. I presume some rather backwards countries which still allow virginity checks on the wedding night would ban tampons for that reason seeing as this is the state of some provinces here in the west. My mom is from Pakistan and she said growing up tampons weren't a thing to buy but women just stuck cotton up there cause pads were just cotton since disposable pads like today with the plastic film didn't exist back then. Last time I was in the country you could buy always tampons at any pharmacy at a bazzar so I presume it's different now but some places are probably stuck in the past. I wouldn't trust the tampons though, a cousin warned me she imports pads cause she gets rashes from the crap brands sell there vs elsewhere. God knows what's in it and that you wouldn't want to insert it into you

Anonymous 20213

5. Cups - Top tier 10/10 my beloved
Used since 2012, no major failures. Literally only used other options in emergency situations once i adopted them
4. Tampons 5/10 mid not a fan
Kinda hate them because they can hurt like hell when taking out. Kinda hurt in general when putting in too because of how dry.
4. Reusable Pads 3/10 literally only becasue they're reusable, never used
3. Disposable pads 2/10 shit tier diaper crinky bullshit. Plus I have to wear panties which I'm against because theyre a huge scam. No one needs to wear underwear, literally fake useless piece of clothing. Just to siphon money out of your pocket.
4. Period panties 0/10 shit tier, would genuinely just rather freebleed so the blood isnt smooshed up against my bush to dry out and clot up. Gross gross gross.

Anonymous 20253

Period cups changed my life. Period discs even more so. They are easier to empty, to insert and to remove, plus I've always hated the idea of the cup creating suction inside me.


Ideal Body Type thread? Anonymous 1672[Reply]

What's your ideal body type, anons?

Are you into being thin, or curvy, or maybe fit? Were you born a cone shape but long to be a pear? Or maybe you're a banana but would rather be an hourglass?

I'd like to hear your opinions and what you're doing to get there!
457 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 20153

honestly would love to be super thin

Anonymous 20180


Imo, thin and curvy is ideal (as in mostly narrow but with wider hips). Unfortunately I'm not curvy, I'm more rectangular, I have to stay thin or else I look bad.

Anonymous 20185

thin and flat but with nice waist, just extremely small sick looking

Anonymous 20189


I wish i was tall I seethe every time somebody brings up how short I am i hate it so much. I dont care what body type I just wish I was tall so I could look at people beneath me the way talls look at me now. They mess around with me too saying shit about how theyre letting middle schoolers in wherever I am and asking if i lost my parents. fucking talls should turn short for a day to know what its like. In high school they used to just pick me up just to mess with me. I hate all talls.

Anonymous 20210

I’m happy with my general body shape but sometimes I wish I was petite. I also wish my tits weren’t as saggy.

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