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Teeth Anonymous 11451[Reply]

Aer your teeth healthy?
Do they look good?
Any imperfections?
Jaw and maxilla problems?
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Anonymous 20004

I get abscesses now and then it's so painful it makes me wanna kill myself

Anonymous 20009

I have this one tooth on the bottom row that's out of alignment with the others, like it's positioned a few millimeters back. It also sticks just slightly above them and looks unsightly

Anonymous 20027

apparently your teeth can grow extra bone from grinding on the bottom so now I have this tiny bone dot nuisance attached to my lowest gum! fun!

Anonymous 20028

I have this tiny gap in my front teeth and not the cute type. I try to ignore it or think of it as "cute" but it's not and it's pretty noticeable. I did use braces when I was younger and I think there's something wrong with my retainer or maybe I chew incorrectly or something. I kinda hate it. Dentists never say anything about it though.

Anonymous 20067

One of the teeth on my bottom row isn't as straight as the others so it stands out when you can see my teeth


How to Get a Bilateral Salpingectomy? Anonymous 20051[Reply]

>good BMI
>relatively healthy other than ADHD
>took hormonal BC from about 15 y/o - 27 y/o
>normal period flow and duration
>have health insurance and a PCP
>married and already discussed with my husband
>have never ever wanted kids and he stopped wanting them a few years ago
OK ladies what's your advice regarding how best to get myself sterilized? What should I bring to the doctor? Should I find my own surgeon and go straight to them? I've never gotten a major surgery as an adult.
I got sick of taking hormonal birth control for a number of reasons and still cannot believe the difference in my sex drive since I stopped taking it. I refuse to take it again. I need the peace of mind of knowing I'll never be pregnant, whether accidentally with my husband or from a rape. I've read online that it can be quite difficult to get any sort of sterilization before your mid 30s but I obviously want to get this done ASAP. If doctors still ask your husband for some sort of approval/permission, I know he'd give his OK.
If you have any advice or recommendations for a particular sterilization method as well, I would love to hear it. I think a bilateral salpingectomy would be best for me. It'd give me the peace of mind of knowing there's absolutely no way an egg could get into my uterus anymore. I've read some issues with the ablation method allowing that in freak circumstances. I think this would also disrupt my reproductive and hormonal systems the least. I want to keep as much of my reproductive/hormonal system in-tact as possible while still achieving my goal of 100% guaranteeing no children. I've seen how ovary removal can encourage early onset of dementia and who knows what else since women's health research is so neglected.

Anonymous 20064

This isn't directly related to your question but make sure you search the methods well to see if early onset menopause is a possible result. My mom had the lining ablation which doctors swore up and down had no side effects but then she went into menopause and had to keep fighting with them about getting tests because they didn't want to accept the procedure had caused it so they refused to let her get tested until she went herself and found herself in the post menopause stage at 49 and it seems to have caused her menopause to last an extremely long time too cause years later in her mid 50s she's still in post menopause but not past it! The docs still try claiming it wasn't the procedure and some still gaslight her claiming she isn't in menopause even now she has proof but in researching herself she discovered lots of women had the same result of spontaneous menopause, even a woman in her early 30s.
It's really important to do half the research yourself unfortunately so this is more a heads up on that. I'm sorry I don't have anything more for you. I don't have any surgeries to recommend but a copper IUD is a good failsafe while you research if you have the insurance for a temporary solution. But I wouldn't recommend it if your periods are bad cause it'll make them worse. Hormonal IUDs don't do that but then there's the hormone issue of course. It's much lower than BC pills but some are still sensitive to it. I think it made my PMS (I forget the new acronym) worse personally but it could have also been age making it worse cause it's always been an issue for me


Anonymous 19833[Reply]

what do u think about this hairstyle?
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Anonymous 20019

Probably glitter

Anonymous 20020

tbh this girl reminds me of that girl who detrans… Chloe something lol

Anonymous 20021


And I hate glitter in the hair. Euphoria not the visual novel and it’s consequences have been a disaster for hair and makeup trends.

Anonymous 20026


Anonymous 20047

I try not to think about it


Anonymous 20278[Reply]

i'm getting an iud at the end of the month cause of my endometriosis. i'm a virgin. how bad is it gonna hurt?
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Anonymous 20283

copper IUD haver here, can confirm its worth it, but no anesthesia was ever even discussed as a possibility. they did give me prescription ibuprofen like 30 min before but yea, most pain ive ever felt.

the good news is that the pain is not prolonged.

felt like i had to use the bathroom after but I in fact did not really have to

Anonymous 20284

lmao my moid compared the feel of recent-IUD-sex to fucking SOUNDING xD i kekd

Anonymous 20285

Mine went in fine it didn't hurt

Anonymous 20286

Get Nexplanon, the arm implant instead. Same mechanism, but no one has to shove their fingers up you.

Anonymous 20287

it's gonna make it way worse


What's a better metric than bmi? Anonymous 1963[Reply]

AFAIK it excludes some factors like body fat % and doesn't work well for others like height if you're rather short or tall, and the constant used in the formula is petty arbitrary. It doesn't really matter if your bmi is just slightly under 18.5, as long as your body is getting all the macro and micronutrients you need in more than sufficient amounts, right? According to a number of sources the ideal bmi is between 20 and 21 for caucasians but most people look a little flabby sans clothes at that number, and that most underwear models who look perfectly healthy otherwise would be classified as underweight.
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Anonymous 1965


Anonymous 1966

Thank you! This seems very expensive though, might settle for some cheaper methods like calipers.

Anonymous 1967

People of African descent have a standard that's higher than Caucasians, iirc it's a few points higher than Caucasians. A non hispanic white woman is considered Obese at a bmi of 30, a black woman is the same at 32. So a white person's bmi 25 is similar to a black person's 27.

Anonymous 1968

This. I'm caucasian, very athletic with BMI of 20-21 and my body is a lot like OP pic, but with more muscle and definition.

If you're very athletic, BMI becomes unreliable, just as it's unreliable if you're sedentary.

Anonymous 20022


If anyone is interested, checking your fat levels can be a better test. Basically take a pair of calipers (or use your fingers and a measuring tape) and grip the fat layer around a few places. This website is a good calculator http://www.linear-software.com/online.html and a wikihow for how to do it https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Body-Fat-Calipers. It won't work if you're already too fat iirc but it's a great indicator of being skinny fat and for if you're unsure if you're getting to overweight territory


Self/fake tan Anonymous 19928[Reply]

For those of you that self tan; whats your favorite product and why?

Anonymous 19934

I no longer fake tan but when I did, the only brand that worked for me was MineTan because they were the only brand that sold cool toned self tanners for very pale skin that stayed quite light. I'm very pale and cool toned naturally and everything else, no matter how good the quality and non-orange, still looked unnatural on me. Maybe cool toned tanners are more common now idk.


Sustainable beauty products Anonymous 18986[Reply]

Does anyone here use zero/ low waste/ natural products? Eh shampoo, deodorant, makeup products. What has been your experience? What would you recommend/ avoid and why?

Anonymous 18987


op here, just bought the Wild deodorant that comes with a case and 3 different scents, will post a review once it arrives. Pretty expensive but i got a discount code that gives 50% off, let me know if you want me to post it.

Anonymous 18991

I use bar shampoo. It's okay? It takes some getting used to and it's a little less convenient than bottled shampoo because it doesn't spread at easily, even if it lathers up between the hands. I also tried a crystal deodorant stick, hated it. It only applies on wet skin so I brought it with me in the bathroom to apply after showering but I kept dropping it on the bathroom floor so it eventually broke. So I'm back to regular deo. I don't use low/zero waste make-up, I buy little make-up and use everything up so I feel like I don't have to go low/zero waste on top of that honestly.

Anonymous 19902


Yes! I've been using this brand of deodorant and I'm pretty happy about the format (cardboard tube) and the efficiency of the product. I want to try the coconut one. I've also been using solid shampoo for over 2 years and I'm also satisfyed with the results because my hair stays clean for 4-5 days, also I never forget to do the ACV rinse, which is a cheaper and more enviromentally friendly option than conventional synthetic hair masks. If my hair needs a bit more of softness I use olive oil, which my family buys in gallons, so it's another aspect where I reduce packaging waste. When it comes to face care I've been switching between conventional face cleaners in mousse/cream format and solid ones. I'm currently expecting to recieve a couple of organic solid soaps from the brand Clémence & Vivien, one from the baby line and one with active carbon, they look promising. As for makeup I barely have any but it's mostly lip pencils and eye pencils, another format that reduces the use of plastic. I have a lipbalm with the same format of the deodorant I posted and it's very practical as well. Instead of buying hand cream I put a bit of body lotion in a tiny metal box that actually contained handcream that I finished off and mixe it with rosehip oil to make it more nutritive. Solid non-perfume hand soap is something I buy constantly because I have pets at home and I wash my hands constantly, I recommend the Carrefour Bio one, it's cheap, decent and doesn't aggravate my seasonal dermatitis. I feel like such a granny talking about all of this but I actually enjoy looking at soaps and stuff.


Pubic hair Anonymous 3508[Reply]

Do you shave everything, trim it? Have you gotten laser?

I want to keep my vagina as smooth as possible but that's not easy with a razor
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Anonymous 19312


I have a boyshort style bikini set that I got for that reason, but the legs roll up anyway. If I need to hide it, I shave and apply anti-inflammatory stuff like witch hazel or tea tree cream.

Anonymous 19361

How do yall get a smooth cooch with nair? I tried it once but it only removed some of my hair. I ended up going in with a razor after to get rid of some patches. But then it ended up burning like hell.

Anonymous 19621

can i get a laser removal of just the hair on my labia? it's really annoying and uncomfortable but i don't want to be fully bald, i'd rather keep some on top. will i get weird looks if i ask for that?

Anonymous 19799

I epilate it. All of it.

After the first 2 times it doesn’t feel as excruciating and it lasts a long time, is not messy like waxing, I get no ingrowns or keratosis pilaris, and save for some redness a few minutes after, my kitty looks baby smooth.

Also, after doing it for all these years, it damaged the follicles enough that it grows very sparse now. Even if I let it grow, it still looks bald unless you get really close to it.

If you can stand pain, that’s the best choice imo.

Anonymous 19809

putting an epilator on your cooch is insane.


Color analysis Anonymous 19661[Reply]

>Color analysis (American English; colour analysis in Commonwealth English), also known as personal color analysis (PCA), seasonal color analysis, or skin-tone matching, is a term often used within the cosmetics and fashion industry to describe a method of determining the colors of clothing, makeup, hair style that harmonizes with a person's skin complexion, eye color, and hair color for use in wardrobe planning and style consulting.[1] It is generally agreed that the wrong colors will draw attention to such flaws as wrinkles or uneven skin tone while harmonious colors will enhance the natural beauty of the individual making them appear healthy, brighter, and possible more attractive or put-together.

General thread for color analysis discussion, ask for/share advice, color palettes, etc.
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Anonymous 19707


Yeah I kept saying videos about it on my fyp and YouTube shorts and tbh I think it's placebo effects or just something that limits your creativity.. also are those places wayyyy too expensive for the services they offer, even consider they lay out a bunch of colored towels on your shoulders in front of a mirror and talk you into picking a side. I've seen the results of some of these and I was just left utterly shocked.
Yeah, maybe some people look better in certain tones and colors but it certainly doesn't apply to the majority of us. It feels like such a scam

Anonymous 19713

I remember this from the 90s/00s. It's just another rehashed trend

Anonymous 19715

light blue eyes, white with olive undertones, brown eyebrows with darker brown hair, streaks of blonde due to dye fading.. i have the blobfish phenotype

Anonymous 19791


Honestly, shit borders on astrology. But it has some merits: I had never really wondered what color suited me best, I just used to pick whatever I liked.

Anonymous 19792


tiktok lady.png

Face yoga Anonymous 19574[Reply]

Do you think face yoga is legit? does anyone here have experience doing face exercises?
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Anonymous 19577

probably. i think that just being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better

Anonymous 19581

This is photoshop, make-up, lighting and plastic surgery.
>being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better
Apparently, lifting (strength training) specifically does that.

Anonymous 19596

I am doing guasha and girl, I see the result! My jawline is more defined. I’ve been doing that since this summer!! It also help with your facial muscle! Do it!!

Anonymous 19619

>maybe if I look in the mirror and make funny faces for 15 minutes every morning, I'll change my facial bone structure
nona, no… that's not how genetics works. the closest you'll ever get to actually changing the shape of your bones without the use of plastic surgery is several years of weightlifting and adherence to a diet that is conducive to testosterone production. i'm not saying "take troonpills", but rather, "eat lots of red meat and dairy and work out 3x a week".

Anonymous 19779


You mean using a gua sha ?

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