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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Female Reproductive System Anonymous 1288[Reply]

Information, questions, advice, tips and tricks etc.


>menstrual cycle
>birth control
>gyno visits
>vagina talk
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Anonymous 20902

it could be endometriosis? even if you get checked it usually takes 7 yrs to diagnose since symptoms start. periods pains are suppose to fluctuate in intensity during premenopause not be constantly more painful

Anonymous 20903

I'm not sure if the test was ultrasound or what. It was a little uncomfortable.

The change lines up exactly with the onset of stress and a big change in eating patterns (longer periods between meals, less calories). I guess I should do the obvious and work on that.

Anonymous 20904

I have some of those symptoms according to google. I also have a pain in my left side near my waist during the spotting/bleeding which makes me think it's something different.

Anonymous 20905

Periods can definitely get weird if you change your diet and/or are stressed. Mine once stopped for 10 months during a particularly stressful year. But I’d still get a second opinion just to be sure.

Anonymous 20927


i think i might have endometriosis. my periods are heavy and irregular, my cramps are HORRIBLE, i get spotting and i only recently(months ago) started getting lower back pain. my mum also has it so i guess it's likely that i would have it too. i booked an appointment with my gp and in a few days im having a speculum examination and i am fucking terrified. does anyone have any advice on how to manage the pain, paracetamol and ibuprofen dont do much and weed helps but i have an addictive personality and i really dont want to end up losing control and becoming addicted again. and does anyone have any advice about how to prepare mentally for a speculum examination. all i know is that another woman is doing it which gives me some peace of mind but i am not looking forward to the (potential) pain. i've heard from other women that its unbearable. ;_;


Face massages and face workout Anonymous 20721[Reply]

>do they work?
>how effective?
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Anonymous 20772

>nobody has to.
You don't know how the world works. Where I live the only food you'll be able to afford to make from 'scratch' is instant noodles unless you have a high paying, skilled job or you work a lot.

Anonymous 20783

You don't know how the world works. Where I live the only food you'll be able to afford to make from 'scratch' is instant noodles unless you have a high paying, skilled job or you work a lot.

sounds like a horrible place, too bad for you the only way to be alive as a human today is to live in the exact place that you live in and there are no other places you could go where there is food available.

Anonymous 20785

There is plenty of food available, but you won't be able to afford making everything from scratch unless you have the time the money and the energy

Anonymous 20786

>There is plenty of food available, but you won't be able to afford making everything from scratch unless you have the time the money and the energy

i call bs, go prove it. make an example calculation and then i will ridicule it and point out all the flaws and the countless things you don't understand or know so i don't have to hear your silly theater anymore meant to display your highest priority in life: irresponsibility.

Anonymous 20815


Healthy, sensory friendly, & low-effort meal/snack ideas? Anonymous 20611[Reply]

Been struggling greatly with eating, as, not only do I have a diagnosed sensory processing disorder and issues with executive functioning due to neurodivergence and mental illness, but I also have a chronic stomach condition (it is similar to acid reflux but no doc has been able to find the root cause) that will be aggravated if I don’t eat healthily. This has caused eating to be an extremely stressful activity for me and I have lost quite a bit of weight due to this, whereas I used to be a lover of food and look forward to every meal.

Do any nonas have some nutritious, safe, and easy go-to meals and snacks that they’d care to share? Any foods/drinks/activities that you use specifically to help keep your weight up?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out a little
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Anonymous 20874

Oh sorry I bought this fancy bougie healthy hazelnut butter with cocoa powder ($18 for 4 cups of this stuff!!!) and it is sweetened with maple syrup, not corn syrup and other bad stuffs. No soybean oils or anything either. I just said Nutella because I thought it was the universal descriptor for hazelnut chocolate butter lol

Anonymous 20875


>sweetened with maple syrup

that's a bit better but not if you combine it with so many different foods. think of your digestion as a washing machine and you can only do one load at a time and some clothes you can't wash with other clothes.

ideally you would eat similar stuff and then wait a few hours to digest it; which does take a bit of the fun and spontaneity of eating. you have to decide if you want food to be entertainment (in which case it will make you sick) or fuel that keeps you running smoothly.

modern industrial food is contrary to what animals and wild humans ate to successfully made it to today. restaurants want to advertise you complicated gourmet meals with many different side orders and many ingredients (koreans lost their mind with how many side dishes they eat for example). if you want to do yourself a favor, try simply meals with few ingredients, reasonably spaced apart as to give yourself time to digest.

here is what i do currently: nothing but a few apples from morning till late in the evening, coconut water (from the box unfortunately) mixed with grapefruit and limejuice for when i am thirsty (yes fresh squeezed from real fruit!), gigantic serving of soup with vegetables (and sometimes rice noodles) as the big evening meal of the day. i barely cook the vegetables, i just load a huge bowl full of spices, pour boiling water over and then throw vegetables in and i call this soup but i am not getting out a big pot and start cooking the vegetables till they are dead, that'd be too complicated. is more like a broth with vegetables in. love it. gives me energy to go hard every day, if i could give you a spoon full through the screen so you can try how good something this simple tastes, i would.

Anonymous 20880

Nona are you underweight by chance? Eating apples until evening for your big meal doesn’t sound healthy. There is barely any protein in your day. Wheres the meat? Or if you are vegan, the nuts, the chickpeas, the beans?

Anonymous 20882


nutella popcorn is sooooo yummy. messy tho

Anonymous 20888

>Nona are you underweight by chance?

i have done quite a few experiments with fasting, the lowest i experienced was like bmi 18. when i was this light, my bones actually kind of stuck out of my skin, which was awkward and also i instantly noticed that i can no longer lean against stuff because it would hurt my bones since they did not have their cushion at that time. that was too light.

now in the colder part of the year you find me at bmi 21 because i do still like complicated lavish (mostly raw vegan) meals but the meals can not settle in my body because i am very active, i exercise and i also don't sit around all day, i am constantly doing stuff. eating raw vegan and then sitting around in front of a screen, that is it's own form of torture because it releases so much energy which then wants to be turned into something.

in the warm part of the year i eat even more fruit and i go down to bmi 20, which is my favorite weight. i have tried a few different weights and bmi 20 is my favorite. it is not what you would call underweight, it is being light as a feather and having enough muscle mass to be active all day every day. when i am active all day, not having excess weight to carry around turns life from a boring dystopian chore into an exciting wonderful life-affirming dance full of twirls and dance moves. there is nothing like it, can nobody tell me shit about how being heavy feels good, no. being slim without starving is the best for everything.

>Eating apples until evening for your big meal doesn’t sound healthy.

then how come i have so much energy and do so much all day? you see how much i type? that's me having energy for anything easily available.

>There is barely any protein in your day.

protein is a big myth. the body does not use protein, the protein is cracked into smaller amino acids, which strains the body a lot. i don's strain my body, my food contains all the amino acids directly. think of protein as a box that your body still has to unwrap, why would i do that to myself. that's you just being a follower and looking around to other people on what to imitate in your quest for being normal.

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Nails Anonymous 20226[Reply]

>what is your nail routine?
>What looks tacky or good?
>What products do you like?

I've been a nail biter all my life. I have avoided biting my nails for a while and now theyre the longest theyve ever been. They extend all the way to my fingertip now. The only issue is i dont know how to take care of them.

Anonymous 20227

how do you stop nail biting, it's the worst habit i have

Anonymous 20228

weirdly after trying all the things they reccommend like wearing gloves, putting chile or anti nail-biting polish, keeping my hands busy, nothing worked. I just bit them as much as I wanted for years since I had given up, and all of a sudden a few days ago I realize I have nails. weirdly only on my right hand. i guess i now only bite my left hand. Idk what it is, i guess i got my fix and now my brain decided its done? Sorry I cant help you more, i dont really understand what fixed the habit

Anonymous 20241

I managed to fix my nail biting habit by using anti-biting nail polish, it made them taste awful and after a few weeks I'd basically stopped doing it

Anonymous 21059

I stopped biting my nails in my teens when I got grossed out by pieces of nails getting stuck in my teeth lol

Anonymous 21065

in my experience, a simple gel polish manicure (just color, no design or acrylics) would last me around 2-3 weeks, sometimes longer depending how tempted i was to pick and bite the polish off. obviously it will last longer if you don't do what i did. you can get your manicure redone even if the nail polish is intact though for long term nail health i am not sure if it'd be healthy. if you want acrylics, i've heard the shortest they will last is around 1 week and the longest is 4 weeks but it depends on your nail tech i guess, since acrylics and press ons stay longer when you have clean nails and cuticles pushed back. for just a gel manicure i'd pay roughly 50-80 dollars when i still got them done, i've never gotten acrylics or any fancy designs so i have no idea how much they cost. i'd recommend saving money if this is too expensive for you.


Anonymous 20826[Reply]

Which glasses frame is your favorite?
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Anonymous 20835

I like cateye frame glasses

Anonymous 20836

What shape would you recommend for a roundish/squareish face?

Anonymous 20837


Anonymous 20838

Thank you.

Anonymous 21057

I have a round face and wear wayfarers. I get unsolicited compliments on them so I think they suit me.


inducing vomiting? Anonymous 21035[Reply]

any tips on how to induce vomiting well? I’m trying my best to throw up my dinner, but I can’t manage get much food up at a time. idk, maybe my idea of vomiting is just screwed from TV, but I feel like a should be able to get more food up at once. I’ve gotten a bit out of, but not as much as I’d like to. it’s kind of coming out a little bit at a time, over a long period. how do I get this to happen faster ^^

Anonymous 21036


you shouldn't be doing that, Nona

see a therapist, talk to your doctor

Anonymous 21050

If you are fat, just fucking exercise and eat better. Getting an ED will just fuck with your head and make you gain the weight back instantly as soon as you touch a calorie because it teaches your body you are not to be trusted. If you actually have a normal BMI and just want to be a skelly, please go to a therapist. Trying to look like a Lich isn’t going to solve your body image issues.

Anonymous 21051

Inducing vomiting will break down your teeth enamel then you will be fat with rotten teeth too. Heal your relationship with food.


Anonymous 21008[Reply]

Anyone with disabilities / health issues here?
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Anonymous 21011

People with Down Syndrome can have normal intelligence. It's a misconception that they are all retarded.

Anonymous 21012

I had no idea.

Anonymous 21013

I've never seen a downie with an average IQ but downies in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues. Has anyone else noticed that? I don't know how to put this right, but it seems like they're good at picking up on complex emotional bids that average adults don't pick up on.

Anonymous 21014

I never actually considered this before but looking back on the downies I’ve interacted with, you’re right. They struggle intellectually, but they’re often the first to pick up on someone being upset and quick to try and cheer that person up.

Anonymous 21021

>in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues
Not really. They might be less inhibited in that area but that doesn't make it "high IQ." It just shines more because everything else is poop.


Anonymous 20245[Reply]

Should I use mineral or chemical sunscreen? Which one do you use?
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Anonymous 20255

>Chemical sunscreen does cause cancer though.
Not all of them do.

Anonymous 20291

Mineral sunscreen because it's more protective. Only with zinc oxide though. Was titanium dioxide not banned?

Anonymous 20296

In skittles

Anonymous 20502

i'm just staying out of the sun during the hottest hours (10 am to 2pm) and let my skin handle it.

Anonymous 20506

The sunscreens I use are a mix of both, but I do prefer chemical sunscreens as I also make an effort to stay out of the sun.


Gyaru Culture/Fashion Anonymous 20440[Reply]

Anyone else like any Gyaru fashion types? I know there’s a lot but please anyone. I hate the Gyaru Reddit and Gyaru on most other sites are annoying they/them egirl types who get the style wrong. I want Gyaru in its purest form untainted by TikTok or twitter. I know it’s unappealing to some people because most styles are tacky/extreme/or straight up against conventional beauty, but I like it because it feels free and unrestricted by beauty standards. It’s about being crazy and wild so it’s fun. I’ll be dumping Gyaru pics from most styles but if you like Gyaru feel free to add any or we can all discuss Gyaru.
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Anonymous 20523


hi nona, im a big gyaru fan too!! have been for a while. so nice to see a thread about this lol
the type of gyaru you seem to like is called manba and ganguro theyre all pretty "extreme" or just well, over the top. my fashion preference when it comes to gyaru fashion is more agejo, goshikku, rokku and oneegyaru..hime is also a really common fashion style which i like too

Anonymous 20524


Anonymous 20525


Anonymous 20526

Why is cosplaying as british girls a thing in Japan?

Anonymous 20586

Does that look British to you anon?


Anonymous 20313[Reply]

I would like to remind everyone that the ladies working at ulta and saphora don't know wtf they are talking about
>in ulta
>ask girl where they keep their CeraVe products
>she scrunches up her face
>"you know, we have some much better skin products for the same price"
>she shows me some jar bottled skincare that's more perfume than product
>read ingredients, has alchohol and a bunch of other shit I know is bad

I should have known, considering she had a bunch of acne under her makeup

Another story
>go to saphora
>ask girl for a gel eyeliner that will stay in place really well and not smudge
>she shows me some popular, expensive brand and I buy it
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Anonymous 20864

western skincare in general is pretty fucked.
maybe it changed recently but i remember there was always this huge emphasis on 'removing oils' from your face with aggressive products and scrubbing, when thats actually the worst thing you can do for acne and dryness (and dryness and lack of oils causes acne).
look to the east, you can do really well with basic level toners and stuff from japan or korea.

Anonymous 20918

Asian products are soo much better. I stopped using some western products. I can't always afford it but those months I don't run out of my fullkit its great. I started using less make up over all too and tried to learn some different techiques. They actually care about keeping you youthful in Korea. You get what you pay for.

Anonymous 20933

They are there to sell you expensive stuff. Look at reviews online instead.
I love asian skincare products and make up. They all feel so light-weight and still do a great job at keeping my dry skin moisturized. I think the only western products that I still bother to buy for my skin are Cera Ve and some cheap stuff from the drugstore.

Anonymous 20962

They don't give a fuck about what you want, they just want you to buy something and leave the store asap

That's why you do your own research and buy the thing you want instead of relying on customer service

Anonymous 20963

their sunscreens, moisturizers and cleansers are great but toners are just useless shit that do nothing for your face, same as serums and eye patches etc

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