
Anonymous 16017

witchcraft anonnettes can one of you hex BTS
Anonymous 16021
>>16020Now I understand why anons call this a retard containment thread
Anonymous 16022
>>16014>>16014You nailed it tbh. I’m an ex btsfag who has grown very jaded towards them. I have a LOT of legitimate criticisms and some contempt, but it’s nowhere near what I see here. The hate here is very obviously from bitter smfags at this point. I could give a fuck about Exo or NCT.
Anonymous 16023

Look at the date of the tweet:
- Jungkook and another stage in directing, he will not be only direct his own videos!
Anonymous 16024
>>16022Barely anybody talks about Bts in these threads anymore, it’s just Nctzens spamming their shit faves acting like they hate them.
Also this thread is full with KPC refugees from LC so it’s really not bitter “Exohags” lol
Anonymous 16025
>>16016>>16022Not ratmys pretending that the only way you could hate bts is If youre a bitter exofag kek
Anonymous 16026
>>16021Yes, to contain people like you.
Anonymous 16027
Irene always came of as a bitch, good that it’s now confirmed. I hope she treats the other members not the same way. I feel sorry for them
Anonymous 16028
what does everyone think about the twice teaser? it kind of sounds more retro and im lowkey kind of excited, but always ready to be disappointed per usual
also the fucking people sperging about nctfags are more annoying than nctfags, just bring up new topics instead of screeching about how it's not what you want to talk about
Anonymous 16029
>>16023I’m very sorry anon but I had brain aneurysm trying to decipher what you just wrote
Anonymous 16030
>>16028I like it but why does JYP spoil the entire hook for their teasers lol.
Seems like Nayeon got a vocal coach because she’s singing in her range finally.
Anonymous 16031
>>16027yup, she always had that stanky diva face on camera, like the conversation we had in the previous thread, it's literally her job to be smile and not glare and be a bitch on camera
glad she's getting exposed for being a diva and bitch, i wonder if the other rumors about sm divas are true (mainly krystal lol)
Anonymous 16032
>>16028no, no one is as annoying as the nctzens itt
Anonymous 16034
>>16028It sounds really good. Jihyo looks pretty
Anonymous 16035
>>16028I don't really care for it but at least it sounds like a step-up from More & More, that song was complete ass.
How do anons feel about the fact that two members (Mina and now Jeongyeon) have had to take breaks from the group due to anxiety?
Anonymous 16036
>>16031Krystal isn’t a bitch, she’s just real
Deal with it
Anonymous 16037
>>16028Twice teasers are always better than the actual song
Anonymous 16038
>>16035honestly seeing how the industry is im not surprised at all, it's sad but it's how it is
at least they're given the option to take time off instead of being forced to prance around on camera and pretend everything is ok
as much as i dislike nayeon for her botched face and stanky attitude (another irene?), do have to give her props for not completely losing it when she had that stalker situation, i would be terrified to step outside even with protection because that dude was actually unhinged
Anonymous 16039
>>16035They are obviously overworked so not surprising
Anonymous 16041
>>16035Everyone’s always preaching about how JYP idols have the best treatment among idols but seeing Twice’s situation …. lol
Anonymous 16042
>>16036i bet thats how you see irene then too kek
being "real" is not an excuse to be a bitch and treat other people like shit, sorry not sorry
besides, like people have said, it is literally their job to at least look palpatable on camera, and no one wants to see your grumpy ass face pouting and sulking, having one bad day is fine but she literally is always sulking or otherwise pissed on camera
Anonymous 16044
>>16022Maybe this has been talked about before but as former stans/fans of any group, what criticisms do y’all have?
Anonymous 16045
>>16042Sorry but lol when did Krystal ever treat anybody badly like Irene did. Pd’s and people BTS always praise her for her attitude at the work place.
Remember this is exactly the sort of shit people said about Sulli and Krystal during Red Light era, I won’t fall for it
There are so many male idols who have the same indifferent attitude like Krystal but they’re complimented for it even if they half ass shit on stage and trash talk fans
Krystal never did shit that warrants this attitude from you guys so knock it off lol, girl suffered enough.
Anonymous 16046
>>16043Is your entire shtick to reply “ok fan of this idol fag”
Fucking contribute newfag
Anonymous 16047
>>16040i followed twice in the beginning and fell off for a few years and became more of a casual listener, but she came off super bitchy (either by her own fault or through editing) during the entire filming of sixteen, not to mention there's quite a few clips of her looking visibly annoyed or mean at members and then switching her expression when she realizes there's a filming camera on her
ngl she gives me total aoa jimin vibes, maybe it's the punchable face that's making it worse, but she was always my least favorite because she felt the most stuck up
always happy to discuss (please dont attack me for my opinion), but would love to see cases where she isnt being a bitch
plus ive seen "insider" rumors on various forums saying a gg member was being an asshole to staff (now we know its likely irene), but the other biggest speculation was always nayeon and i dont think that comes without at least some evidence
Anonymous 16048
>>16038Her stalker is still active, unfortunately. But he's currently getting cockblocked by the coronavirus which is keeping him out of South Korea, at least.
Anonymous 16050
>>16045thats what they all said about irene before all this started coming out, do you really think she switches off the bitchy vibe when she goes backstage and is nice and bubbly around staff? no one wants to work around someone who's snobby and cold and has a diva attitude, and maybe yes she's not verbally abusing staff, but its unlikely she's very nice to them either just considering how unprofessional she is on camera
netizens gave jennie so much deserved shit for being half assed and a bitchy diva on camera and even though i dont like her, you do have to give her credit for changing the way she interacts because she knows its her job
but yeah, poor krystal's been through a lot (even though all the shit that's happened has occurred recently, and her criticism has followed her entire stint with fx)
you can stan an artist and also acknowledge her flaws, krystal's biggest one is that she's not fit to be an idol because she cant (rightly or wrongly) maintain the attitude needed to be one
girl wouldve been better off as a model honestly since they're all fine with them being frigid bitches
Anonymous 16051
>>15995>Receipts?>>15940>>15936>>15917>stylistsit wasn't a stylist, but a female fashion/magazine editor.
Anonymous 16052
>>16046you do realise there's multiple anons who do that, right
Anonymous 16053
>>16049im pretty sure he hates physical fanservice, i dont think he minds stupid comments
also this just sounds like him purposely taking the piss and being annoying with yuta because theyre friends but it's cringey af
Anonymous 16055

>>16051>receiptscouple more in this article (sorry it's koreaboo) but tldr in case you didnt want to give them traffic:
>2 videographers/directors subtweeting about it>several "insiders" chiming in, apparently she had a habit of bunging and throwing shit when she was upset lolhttps://www.koreaboo.com/news/industry-insiders-red-velvet-irene-speak-criticize-editor-attitude-problems/ Anonymous 16056
>>16027not to mention they always said how she got her own practice room because trainees were too scared of her, but ofc her stupid fans always chalked it up as
"omg shes so pretty she intimidates them"
so much stuff now just sounds worse, the chick has been a bitch for a long time and it's been allowed because she's pretty, im glad she's going down for it
usually female idol criticism is unwarranted and nitpicky, but if you're regularly making people cry over stupid shit and throwing stuff on a regular basis you deserve to get dragged
Anonymous 16057
>>16055Throwing shit? That's insane and definitely needs to be addressed. But are you sure you got that from the Koreaboo article? Because I don't see any mention of throwing things anywhere in that article.
I did find this on a different article, though:
>The insider recounts moments including Irene grabbing onto her stylists’ heads for balance as they fitted her shoes while kneeling down, of her flicking her staff’s heads as well as a staff being deathly afraid when she was asked to wake Irene up for a filming.https://www.koreaboo.com/news/industry-insiders-blackpink-irene-red-velvet-controversy-editor-support/ Anonymous 16058

>>16057yup, here's the comment about her throwing stuff (its a blanket but still, thats so disrespectful and unprofessional to be flinging things off your lap just because you're annoyed)
also grabbing someone's head for balance…what the fuck? why not just use their shoulder or something, especially since it's a big nono in asia to be touching other people's heads without their permission…i feel like this is going to start a storm of accounts, she honestly sounds horrible to work with
Anonymous 16059
>>16050Well she isn’t an idol anymore lol she was for like 5 years
She never has had any attitude in fan events or on stage so it’s unfair to say she is unfit to be an idol because she doesn’t bother to have a happy face on a few variety shows, an idols job is to be appealing to fans, be pretty, skinny, dance and sing which she does well
I would be pissed an grumpy 24/7 had I been pimped out by my parents to a talent agency at a young age and especially somewhere like SM who overworks her until she faints enough for her to be known by it
Anonymous 16060
>>16059your fave is a bitch, just deal with it lol
you can still like her and watch her shit, no one's going to hold that against you. it's not a crime to be a bitch, but blindly defending her despite her having quite a bit of evidence for being at least a frigid diva is just dumb
move on lady
Anonymous 16061
>>16057i wonder if this will be the nail in the coffin for her then, there probably are going to be more accounts coming out and the public already is hard on female idols, she probably wont be able to come back from this
honestly rv can do perfectly fine without her, did she even contribute much to begin with other than her face?
Anonymous 16062
>>16058Oops, sorry, I don't know how I missed that part. Thanks, anon.
I'm glad it wasn't anything that could break and harm anybody but it's still very immature and unprofessional behavior. She's 29 now, she should know better than this.
Anonymous 16063
>>16027was a red velvetfag (and irenefag by proxy) since debut and i can't say i'm surprised? i tend to feel bad for female idols who are constantly called bitch-y or "ice queens" by knetz for not looking 100% bubbly and happy all the time (i.e. krystal, taeyeon, etc.) since a lot of criticism of female idols is usually nitpicky and overly critical anyway. (especially with irene, considering incel uncle fans lost their fucking minds over her reading a book that discusses feminism.) treating staff badly is pretty shitty and inexcusable though.
Anonymous 16064
>>16061samefag from above but 3/5 of the rv members are basically dead weight compared to wendy/seulgi. neither joy, yeri, or irene can really sing and a lot of the rap parts (and rap parts in kpop songs in general) seem really shoehorned in. at least irene brings in money from cf stuff.
Anonymous 16065
I really want her to release the recording I want to know what she exactly said
Anonymous 16066
>>16064honestly id be down for a wendy/seulgi subunit, i have a soft spot for wendy especially after what happened to her and seulgi genuinely seems to be liked by idols and staff alike
im laughing at how when this first broke people started speculating it was seulgi and droves of stylists etc. came out to her defense and no one defended irene…that alone should've spoken volumes
i want to see this recording, the reason why sm had irene apologize so quickly is probably because that recording is damning as hell and wouldve been hell if it got out
Anonymous 16067

the fact that RV fans are trying to do damage control by saying the editor is a man when she's clearly a woman and there being several articles translating the editor's instagram post just tells me everything.
https://mobile.twitter.com/mdnightyves/status/1319306003758927874Anonymous 16068
>>16065me too, funny part is it'll be the most anyone ever heard irene talk, she's honestly so boring and nothing more than a pretty face (and i guess a raging bitch bts)
Anonymous 16069
>>16067not to mention she admitted it? how is it "ruining her life" if she actually did it, bitch ruined her own life acting like a pissy diva when she could've shut up and smiled into a camera like yoona and raked in the cash
Anonymous 16070
>>16064wendy seulgi joy subunit pls, even if joy's kinda useless
some anon last thread brought up that rv cliques are separated in irene+yeri and seulgi+joy+wendy. care to elaborate anon? I'm interested since yeri always gave me mean vibes as well but I shrugged it off as knetz criticism getting to ny head
Anonymous 16071
>>16070nta you mentioned but wouldn't it be weird for irene and yeri to be clique-y with one another? they're almost a decade apart in age and if i were almost 30, i wouldn't want to be friends with a 20 year old. if anything, rv seems like it would either be a miss a situation or the members just all kind of do their own thing
Anonymous 16072
>>16067>even if irene was rude… she could do better, ofc but she is also human? you never had bad day? stylists set rv up on literally daily basis w the ugly and uncomfortable outfits. i would be bitchy about it too if that happened to me lmao.The absolute state of RVfags. I've had bad days too but I never took it out on other people the way Irene does. That shit just would not fly as a normal person, which people need to remember, Irene still is underneath her celebrity persona. Never bite the hand that feeds you.
Anonymous 16073
>>16072imagine justifying screaming at someone until they cry for almost half an hour because they put you in an ugly outfit kek
rvfags are losing their shit and im here for it
Anonymous 16074
I know that the rest of the members aren’t obligated to be responsible for the others actions but do you think it’s bad that they didn’t say or do much?
Anonymous 16075
>>16074i mean you never know if they did say anything backstage, but the fact that these accounts seem to fully focus on irene means that the staff probably didnt have a bad experience with the rest of them (as of yet)
this very likely could spiral into an aoa jimin situation, it wouldnt be out of the ordinary if the rest of them were bullied too especially considering how much older irene is compared to the rest of them
Anonymous Admin
Hello everyone, I have decided to stop hosting kpop threads after this one and the next. Please use the remaining posts to find a new space to congregate. Please note that we don't allow discord invite links here because of the risk of invasion. I recommend making a thread on a larger imageboard to keep discussing further options. Please don't make /meta/ posts asking for kpop threads to be reinstated or for a kpop board to be made. For the time being, the answer is no. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you find a pleasant platform to continue your posting.
Anonymous 16078

>>16076Thanks for the great work, mod. We will surely miss you. Have a pleasant rest of your day.
Anonymous 16080
>>16076thanks mod, was nice posting here
could imageboard anon share the link to the new kpop one so we can migrate?
Anonymous 16082
>>16076Thank you for being so kind and patient with us up until now. You really had to put up with a lot.
Anonymous 16083
>>16076You were a rad host, hope everything goes well from here on out.
Anonymous 16085
>>16076it's been fun anons, let's hope the other imageboard will be done soon
Anonymous 16086
>>16080>>16085other admin actually put the site into maintenance mode so it cant be accessed at all right now. it'll be done before this thread hits limit so we'll post it then. thanks for waiting, i know its taking a little longer than originally stated
Anonymous 16087
>>16086Even if it is taking long you’re a real sweetheart for creating a space to let us talk our shit, tysm!!
Anonymous 16088
>>16086Don't worry about it. You're the ones doing everyone a favor here. Thanks for all your hard work!
Anonymous 16089
>>16052nta but they all sound like newfags who have never been on a board besides cc, not even lc, and are trying way too hard to fit in. it's excessive and cringe.
Anonymous 16090
>>16040No lmao. She definitely has RBF though, so retards here automatically assume she has a horrible attitude despite seeing no evidence of that. Total silence regarding other bitchy female idols except Irene.
Anonymous 16091
>>16089>way to excessive and cringeimplying that the rest of us aren't excessive and cringe kek
im totally fine with that honestly, i love being able to shit talk and sperg on here
Anonymous 16092
>>16086thank you anon, can’t wait for our own kpop board
Anonymous 16093
Lucas selfie is the least liked on twitter of all members, his fancams are the least watched by far, crazy how many fans he lost due to fatshaming lol. Looks like twitterfags will defend anything oppar does except making fun of fat people because it hits to close to home kek
Anonymous 16094
>>16093Is that really the reason? Wouldn't Chinese and Korean fans not give a fuck and outnumber them?
Anonymous 16095
>>16093I mean they kinda forgave him the first 5 times it happened, seems like they can't excuse him anymore
Anonymous 16096
>>16022Nah, I'm also a fellow ex-ratmy and just have a love/hate relationship towards them and hate with passion the fandom, specially new fans who just got into kpop and buy their narrative at face value.
Anonymous 16097
>>16022I actually never cared about bts or even knew their scandals until this thread. I think it's some dedicated ex fans who post about them constantly especially the jimincel posts that come up every week but no one really responds to
Anonymous 16098
>>16091yeah I'm sure it's a nice break from pretending to be woke for your moots on twitter all day, eh? case in point
Anonymous 16099
>>16023so she must have some legit ssng connections. I wonder how many of her posts are just bs and how many are actual rumors.
Anonymous 16100
>>16094He always had more international fans than korean or even Chinese fans, that’s why he was chosen for sperm. He is finished lol
Anonymous 16101
>>16023Junglebook """participating""" in their MV shoot has been known way before this tweet though. They've said months ago what which member would be in charge of.
Anonymous 16102
>>16101Her tweet was from last year on 26-09-2019
Anonymous 16103
>>16093I promise the sad fat white girls of stan twitter no longer retweeting/liking his pics doesn't mean much. Most of his fans are on Instagram and Weibo, remember.
Anonymous 16104
>>16102their "self produced" album was decided this year though. if isn't wasn't for the pandemic they would be on tour.
Anonymous 16106
>>16102True but specifically in regards to jungkook they've been saying this for a while bc of the GCFs, whenever he appeared filming stuff in dvds the members would say sth along those lines.
I don't doubt that she is able to get hand of legit info every once in a while, but for me this is another generic prediction
Anonymous 16107

Pic related lel
Guys, whom should I stan in RV now? Yeri is ugly and has a brick waist, Joy's personality is unbearable, looking at Wendy's jaw is downright painful (plus she hates whities and blackies) and Seulgi's dyke fans are annoying…
>>16093Close to nobody of his fans cancelled him for that, he was never even popular to begin with, Lucasfag simply tricked us into assuming that he's a big shot.
Anonymous 16108
>>16093And where is lucasfag? Its Thursday we have gone almost a week without discussing him on here.
Anonymous 16109
>>161081) Grieving because somebody was racist towards her baby's skin color
2) Cancelling the perpetrator on twitter
Anonymous 16110
Screen Shot 2020-1…

At least Lucas has been saving his money diligently. He'll need those savings since SM shafted him and he's not doing Chinese running man anymore, arguably the only relevant income he had going for himself.
Anonymous 16111
>>16098what? i dont use twitter
why are some of these anons just hellbent on pissing in everyone else's cheerios
Anonymous 16112
>>16107I didn't know that about Wendy.. She doesn't like white/black people?
Anonymous 16113
>>16093wait he made fun of fat people again? where lol
Anonymous 16114

>>16010>this thread is full of nct and exo stans in disguiseWrong, I always announce that I'm an exofag and I've seen fellow exofags do the same. I'm not ashamed of liking my oppars (unlike others…)
>>16022>I don't even care about BTS anymore but also all their haterz are jelly eggs! See? In denial.
We might hate them but we're definitely not the only ones, when it comes to ratmys all other kpop fandoms always manage to unite lol
Anonymous 16115
>>16114>when it comes to ratmys we all unitethis..i have never seen people set down their differences and petty fights to collectively shit on ratmys in such an organized fashion before
would likely be because theyre insufferable kek
Anonymous 16116
Screen Shot 2020-1…

>>16100>Jaehyun 4.7 milHe still has the most followers on instagram followed by Jaehyun. Wonder if that will change since he's hated now.
Does anyone know how many followers he has on Weibo?
Anonymous 16117
hooppity hoppity i…

>>16108I have no idea were the og Lucasfag or the other ones went, but personally I was busy with making fanarts of Lucas and studying korean to find actual tea.
Anonymous 16118
>>16116He has 3.1 mil followers on weibo. Is that good or not? I didn't check other wayv members.
Anonymous 16119
>>16111she did a black girl impersonation and a valley girl impersonation on tv two years ago, and did the same thing before added with a black guy impersonation on a radio show back in 2014.
Anonymous 16120
>>16116Jaehyun's individual selfies have more likes or the same amount of likes as Luca's even though he has less followers. Not sure what that means though with regards to popularity.
Anonymous 16121
>>16118for a star on weibo thats not a ton…for reference tao (the most irrelevant) has 2.9 whereas luhan has almost 8.5
Anonymous 16122
>>16113No it’s from last time where he called kun fat and he hasn’t recovered from this yet
Anonymous 16123
>>16121Surprised about Tao, he's always got work and is on shows a lot.
Anonymous 16124
Arab sasaeng tweets:
- I hope the day will come when it reveals the truth about N and her rude behavior as well
- An idol will leave SM before the end of 2020
- The leader and the maknae are involved in scandals..
- A lot are going to join Bighit in the coming year … most of them will be solos and actors
- A famous idol got into a verbal fight with a girl who was chasing/stalking him and he insulted her .. she was recording his voice
- Lay was threatened to be killed by an exol, she told him to leave EXO officially and cut off his ties with the members
- The foreign member was talking about how much she misses her family .. Well, what did that bitch do? She deliberately called her mother infront of her and began to boast that she would visit her soon, she made it so clear that the member burst into tears ..
- A surprise from Baekhyun
- A Chinese idol sent(?) his support to BTS in their recent controversy with China
- I heard that this agency is looking for a girl with a Western Korean beauty, even if she is of mixed race, it is okay .. They really care about the next group's visual standards carefully.
- If you want to know who is his girlfriend, look at him .. they are really the same in everything
- A member of NCT has been dating a trainee for nearly a year, and their relationship is going very well
Anonymous 16125
>>16119was meant for
>>16112 , sorry.
here's the one from 2018
Anonymous 16126
Someone from China or who knows Cent please chime in, but is it true that Chinese fans don't like Lucas because he is half Thai and dark skinned? Is that just blown up by fans and he's actually fine?
Anonymous 16127
>>16126i feel like thats blown up, i frequent weibo/chinese forums and speak chinese and theres very little discord about him being half thai, not sure where those two cc anons got that bit of info
most of the complaints i see is that he's dumb, but overall feedback is positive especially after his season on keep running
Anonymous 16128
>>16124this shit is so vague, of course they're going to hit once in a while
this legitimately reminds me of "saesang thread #4" shit on allkpop
Anonymous 16129
>>16125She got called out at the RV Chicago fan meet
Anonymous 16130
>>16127Sorry for this interview but is he considered good looking by Chinese fans? Western fans hype his looks a lot because of his built and height also because he has western features, so I'm curious if Chinese fans view him as good looking as western ones.
>he's dumbIs it the same" jock" stereotype that Western fans come up with?
Anonymous 16131
>>16120Obviously jaehyun is more relevant, he's been an idol for way longer and gets more push.
Anonymous 16133
>>16130chinese fans definitely find him attractive, and no i dont think they see him as a dumb jock (dont really have that narrative in asia), but they definitely give him considerable shit for being perpetually confused (whether scripted or otherwise) on his shows
not sure if any of you have watched keep running, but he definitely needs to have the rules explained to him multiple times and often is one of the couple members who's on the receiving end of slapstick humor
i dont think the "criticism" i mentioned is malicious for the most part, more so good natured ribbing about how he's not super bright
but yes, overall the comments ive seen have been positive, but i dont really care to go digging into china's version of lc or cc or whatever to find the criticisms which im sure exist
Anonymous 16134
>>16124>I hope the day will come when it reveals the truth about N and her rude behavior as wellConsidering the discussion we had earlier in the thread, maybe N is referring to Nayeon.
Anonymous 16136
>>16134would not be surprised in the least, shes always had a bitchy attitude (even on their show she was given a "villain" edit but….you gotta at least act somewhat bitchy to get edited bitchy, they cant put words in your mouth)
i hate these rabid fans (we have some in this thread too) who insist they know their idols and that there's no way theyre anything outside of a perfect angel when they cant even school their expressions on camera
obviously as evidenced by the irene situation fans dont know their idols, and this blind defending/attacking anyone who theorizes otherwise is so dumb
Anonymous 16137

>>16108it's a little known fact about me: i have a life of my own.
plague be upon every member of nct who is not Lucas, and may Baekhyun go to war and die.
Anonymous 16138
>>16121Huh? Where do those numbers come from?
Tao has 10 million on insta and 59 million on weibo
Luhan has 12 million on insta and 62 million on weibo
Anonymous 16139

I thought it was well known that Irene has an attitude problem. I remember that in weekly idol the members of rv had to fill out a form that basically had stuff about her relationship with the members, strengths, and weakness and just simple stuff basically, and Irene left it almost blank, so the production staff had to fill it in for her in order to put it on the broadcast. She always seemed to have an attitude problem so this news is not very surprising to me.
Anonymous 16140
>>16139lol this made me laugh, this isnt even that hard of a task and she had enough diva attitude to decide she was above this
how did fans shield this when it came out?
Anonymous 16141
>>16137>and may baekhyun go to war and die.Why, cause your oppar called him fat? lmao
Anonymous 16142
>>16139it really isn't surprising to me. RV fans on twitter had always passed it off as her being cute or "haha irene hates men"
Anonymous 16145
>>16142ive seen tons of stupid deflecting, my favorite one is "you dont understand what it's like to be that pretty, she has to be like this or she'd get taken advantage of"
like lol ok bitch, way to speak from experience right
i cant see how she'll recover from this one, and that recording had to have been bad, i dont think sm's ever moved this fast, even when they had artists literally pass away
Anonymous 16146
so joy hangs out with yerin
wendy caricatures races as a talent
seulgi had a fling with jimincel and smelly JB
yeri is a social climber
now misandrist icon irene is a schizo
we have lost girls
Anonymous 16147
Now that Irene is confirmed an asshole all this old info is coming out makes me wonder how much of the "overanalyzing" or reading is actually not. Like the Jaemin and Xiaojun situation. Fans always interpret everything their idols do as "cute" and "savage" and filter it through a positive lens.
Anonymous 16148
>>16139not gonna lie been lurking on the allkpop forum since this broke and the progression of denial to the multiple stages of grief in the span of 12 hours has been highly entertaining
Anonymous 16149
>>16147there are some situations that definitely cannot be categorized as overanalyzing
>mark haechan fight is not, it was pretty cut and dry and theres no explanation around it>jaemin xiaojun…definitely discordance there considering you can see xiaojun's brain and hand fighting whenever he tries to touch jaemin or play it off, there has to be a reason therethe theorizing as to why etc is the crackpot stuff, but pointing out obvious tension really isnt
Anonymous 16150

>>16137Relax hardcore lucasfag. Lucas will be fine.
The only legitimate thing to worry about with that man is his ana body which seems to be getting more ana every time I see him. He has almost no fat in his face anymore and his legs are literal sticks.
Also yikes at the Weibo followers, babyboy has a long way to go to actual popularity.
Anonymous 16151
>i dont think sm's ever moved this fast, even when they had artists literally pass awayliterally. they also responded to the rumors about their trainee whose confirmed to debut in SMNGG, yoo jimin, way faster than this. it took almost a day and a half for them to respond to the articles about irene.
>>16147jaemin makes me a bit suspicious after k-nctzens pointed out that he and jeno were doing the same hand motions and saying the same terms that this famous misognyistic korean youtuber used
Anonymous 16152
>>16151regarding the jaemin situation, i think a lot of international nctfags dont understand how bad it is and always try to deflect when kfans call stuff out. being associated with ilbe isnt like being associated with 4chan, it's like being associated with far-right groups. no one "casually" surfs ilbe the way people in the us casually surf 4chan. it's not something people want to be remotely connected to.
im half korean and talked to some kfan cousins, and theyve all agreed some of it is pretty damning, it's really not overanalyzing at that point. kfans have been talking about it forever, but whenever it drifts to twitter international oppapologists just clear the searched and attack people who dare bring it up until they delete their tweets
maybe the guy's just dumb and picked it up from someone, but that combined with some of the other stuff he's been called out on makes for a very concise case
Anonymous 16154
i just find it funny seeing the reaction towards a bitchy female idol vs a bitchy male idol lol
people on pc are comparing irenes fans defending her to quote un quote
**''It's disgusting. They keep saying "but theres two sides to every story! they did something to make irene mad!"
like first, that reminds me so much of people blaming victims of rpe or assault. "They must have done something."*
its a loss for my fellow edgy misandrist gg stans out there
bitter day.
Anonymous 16155
>>16154im sorry i tried to read your post 3 times and still feel like im having an anerysm
are you defending or calling out irene
Anonymous 16156
>>16153i remember alot of leaker accounts on twitter posting about this
i unfollowed a while ago but @mes_yeux__ on twitter might have a thread of them, shes public and only talks vanilla stuff and ships so just ur luck, there were more solid evidence in the private accounts but i cant seem to remember their @'s
Anonymous 16158
>>16141my oppar has only called botched, racist manlets "pigs" desu. he is correct.
Anonymous 16159
>>16154There's a lot of people (especially misandrist gg stans) defending Irene right now, though. You're just looking for it in the wrong place.
I personally don't care about the gender of the idol when it comes to scrutinizing their actions. If they act like shit, I will be shitting on them, it's that simple. A lot of K-pop stans let their attraction get in the way of seeing things objectively and that's a problem. It doesn't matter whether it's oppapologists or misandrist lesbians. Both are equally bad.
Anonymous 16160
>>16151>being associated with ilbe isnt like being associated with 4chan, it's like being associated with far-right groups. no one "casually" surfs ilbe the way people in the us casually surf 4chan. it's not something people want to be remotely connected to.holy shit. i knew that kfans were connecting them to some incel youtuber but i had no idea this involved illbe. i've went on there and that place is a complete cesspool. when kfans brought this up (which happened at the same time as jaemin/jeno/jisung called haechan a retard) international nctzens had already filled up the searches with keywords. when will they understand that they don't know their oppar personally
Anonymous 16161
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>>16151I literally cannot see Jeno being an incel ever. Someone slap me out of my delusion if I'm wrong.
>>16152Anon do you have any screenshots of the proof. It's all been wiped from Twitter. What I remember:
A. Disproven that the way he says "hello" is copying the dude
>other stuff he's been called out on Whats the other stuff?
Also is my screenshot the ilbe YouTuber? Omg jesus he has a wife wtf.
Anonymous 16162
>>16161the big one is the kimochi issue, which arguably in my opinion is more damning and less shield-able than the saying "hello" weirdly
kimochii is a very, very well known term in alt-right circles as the overlap between incels and degenerate hentai is high, and kimochii is something the girls say when they're about to cum
i believe jaemin was seen writing 기모띠 on a table in some vlog, and the only shielding fans were able to do is deny that he wrote it despite earlier shots showing that the word wasn't there, and he was seen scribbling on the paper
worst case scenario the dude has ties to alt-right or at least is familiar enough with the scene to randomly use their lingo, and best case is he's a fucking weirdo with no social skills thinking it's funny and normal to write essentially "im gonna cum" on a table
Anonymous 16164
>>16151>> jaemin makes me a bit suspicious after k-nctzens pointed out that he and jeno were doing the same hand motions and saying the same terms that this famous misognyistic korean youtuber usedWasn’t this with jungwoo?
Anonymous 16165
>>16152Can you please explain more what ilbe is?
Anonymous 16167
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>>16163There is an entire thread with clarification though.
https://twitter.com/__980219jw/status/1246658197722718209>>16162>kimochii is a very, very well known term in alt-right circles as the overlap between incels and degenerate hentai is high, and kimochii is something the girls say when they're about to cumI'm confused, who is lying here. I don't speak Korean.
Anonymous 16168
I don’t want to defend Jaemin but writing I’m cumming could also be an edgy tennager thing. He surely has watched porn and heard it there it doesn’t have to be because he is altright
Anonymous 16169
>>16162>>16163Not to derail your point, but technically "kimochii" means "it feels good" rather than "I'm gonna cum." I get it might have different implications in Korea though (it can definitely read as sexual either way) and yeah, it's still a weird thing to write on a table.
Anonymous 16170
>>16166What makes it worse than 4chan? Is it illegal do they post molkas there?
Anonymous 16171
Grabbing someone’s hair for balance?? This bitch is unhinged, how can anyone defend her
Anonymous 16172
>>16167>>16169>>16168Kimochi has always been branded like that though, even I.M. from Monsta X got into controversy for saying it on a live broadcast, the reason its connected to this Ilbe stuff is because Ilbe users have an obsession with Japanese women and use it as a degrading term, its basically a buzzword incels use or porn sick weirdos
https://namu.wiki/w/%EA%B8%B0%EB%AA%A8%EC%B0%8CIf you scroll down up until the references for the article it mentions that right wings or anti feminist men use it
Its not like how Japanese people use Kimochi, its basically a misogynistic meme buzzword for a lack of better words.
Anonymous 16173
>>16167that entire thread seems very defensive, a bunch of their tweets are claiming it's not his handwriting (which ok, it might not be)
i havent spent too much time in korea (only some summers recently) with my cousins, but i can say ive never heard kimochii used "by the youth" as they claim. it is, however something i'll see once in a while playing games as the gamer crowd does seem to pick up some random slang here or there
however it's not as harmless or prevalently used as this twitterfag seems to claim, saying this irl would still be strange and they even admit it themselves
kimochii is, like i said still a very well used word in the ilbe circles with the negative connotations, it's not a direct flag of ilbe, but it definitely is not as harmless as this twitter anon seems to be claiming
Anonymous 16174
>>16172Samefag but
Kind of like how young western guys use terms like ''she belongs to the streets'' or ''Chad'' its used as a niche meme but we all know its used to degrade women so hope you guys understand ..
Anonymous 16175

>>16158Y'all heard something?
Keep seething, Lucasfag.
Anonymous 16176
>>16174yup, i think thats a pretty good example, it would be like calling a girl a "roastie" or a "stacy", its not totally obscure to say, but its very obvious its not normal slang or something someone would pick up unless they frequented some of the seedier forums or knew about it
Anonymous 16177
For people who have no idea what ilbe is search up
''일베'' on google and click images and gifs.
Its 4chan but 10000x worse.
Anonymous 16178
>>16164https://twitter.com/NjMxw6T1ivBneRb/status/1112242526210056192it seems like it was jungwoo as well. the link has a video of jungwoo saying the "hello" thing with jaemin and it was mentioned in the thread
>>16163 linked that jungwoo has shown signs as well as jaemin and jeno
Anonymous 16179

>>16168>I don’t want to defend Jaemin but writing I’m cumming could also be an edgy teenager thing.This. There's a japanese band I like and they have a video of doing that "My fav food? Kim(o)chi(i) teehee" joke already back in the 90s, that doesn't mean all of them are incels, they're just painfully immature.
Jaemin, a somehwat nugu idol getting to date an older and very attractive actress speaks for him having an ok personality and not being a male who's seething on the internet about "roasties" not liking him.
Anonymous 16180
>>16179its different when a japanese person speaks his own language and when a korean uses foreign terminology associated with incels in his country
cope nctfag lol even koreans called him out, obvioisly it has a problematic meaning
Anonymous 16181
>>16170it's basically 4chan without the funny tard stories and frog memes and a whole big heaping serving of incel-fueled misogyny and women-hating
it's quite a place to go, there's a reason anyone accused of being associated with it adamantly and vehemently denies association immediately
Anonymous 16182
>>16173>i'll see once in a while playing games as the gamer crowd does seem to pick up some random slang here or thereJaemin is a gamer and he has like two huge computer monitor in his room. That may be where he picked it up too. The gamer community is nasty so if he's part of that there is a hight chance he's used to that kind of talk or believes it. A huge portion of NCT are hardcore gamers as well so….
Anonymous 16183
>>16179who linked this site on twitter again
Anonymous 16184
>>16179Nctfags are a disease. Jeno is not nugu Noone in Nct is save for the two newbies are. If what
>>16173 &
>>16172 said is true ofc saying kimochi wouldn't be weird to japanese people but when its koreans using it in a derogatory way towards women its different.
besides im sure incels somewhere have gfs that doesn't mean they're not still an incel
Anonymous 16185
>>16182yup, i feel like no one has outright accused him of being an ilbe user by any means, but there has been a lot of discussion in the kfan space about the problematic terminology
it doesnt matter where he got it or if he is an incel, it's just not a very polite thing to say or be scribbling on stuff, which i think is the main painpoint by people calling him out
even korean nctfags admit this is an issue, the only ones blindly defending him are ifans like
>>16179 who refuse to believe the term isnt harmless and using it (regardless of where he learned it) isn't a good look
Anonymous 16187
>>16175If he's attractive then so is Venus Angelics ex husband, Exofag. Something about post-wall men and still acting cute for teenage girls gives me the creeps.
Anonymous 16188
>>16187the gif is from 7 years ago though
Anonymous 16189
What I'm getting here is that there is no definitive proof, just implied things.
>>16163Thread with evidence
>The way Jaemin says hello is copied from an ilbe youtuber>Jaemin writing "Kimochi" on a table which is lingo used by ilbe users>Conclusion= Jaemin knows ilbe terms and may watch/engage with those communities which are very anti women and degenerate >>16167Thread of clarification
>Jaemin has said hello like that since 2013 as a cute way to say it, and it was not copied. Evidence - anecdote by Jeno.>Jaemin may not have written "Kimochi" on the table as his handwriting does not match it. Based on evidence by
>>16172 and
>>16173I'm more inclined to believe that Kimochi is not something your everyday normal Korean just uses.
This is the only concrete evidence. Everything else like him having a hot gf, or being a gamer is just us analyzing/assuming his personality against the evidence.
Anonymous 16190
>>16177Girl no thanks I don’t want to see that shit lol. I prefer to go through life never knowing what that site is like
Anonymous 16191
i wish i was a ugly manlet idol so i could get shielded for whatever i do
Anonymous 16192

You guys are so obsessed with nct that you rather drop fresh drama to talk about an issue that was months (or is it years?) ago. I've never witnessed another fandom having so much infighting, 99% of the hate a nct member get's seems to come from stans of a different nct (or wayv) member.
Let's play a game, guess who that is
Anonymous 16194
hope the admin of the new imageboard bans u nctfags
Anonymous 16196
>>16194i hope the admin bans complaining about topics you dont like, just fucking talk about something else, there was a 3-hour conversation about irene earlier
Anonymous 16197
>>16196sorry i dont want the thread to get maximised to its limit because nctfags were arguing on which nct member is the least problematic for 3 days straight
sincerly sorry
Anonymous 16198
>>16188Really? Wow, he's always been a dog. But he still acts like that at age 30, and his fans still eat it up and treat him like he's an 8 year old.
Anonymous 16199

If I learned anything from the Irene drama it's that we actually CAN get a glimpse into what idols are like at least a little bit. I mean look at all the evidence of her attitude before brought up again.
Idols nowadays also do so much content that you can't hide behind a mask as well. It's just that fans blindly take everything idols do and put a positive spin on it.
Anonymous 16201
>>16197then bring something up you want to talk about and see if people bite, christ theres like three anons in here who always whine about topics they dont like but never even bring up what they want to talk about, its always just "waaaah i dont want to see this"
Anonymous 16202
But honestly isn’t almost every korean men a misogynist?
Anonymous 16204
>>16194There should just be thread for nctfags and any excessive nct discussion anywhere else on the site should result in a ban
Anonymous 16205
honestly for the new imageboard i'm excited to make banners, even though i haven't made one before.
>>16202yes. not to turn this into a korean culture discussion but a lot of korean feminists unironically say not to come to korea because of the molka cameras.
Anonymous 16206
>>16199>we actually CAN get a glimpse into what idols are like imagine if v was a female idol. do you think he'd get shit for his behavior?
Anonymous 16207
>>16199facts, irene has been a snobby bitch for forever, its just her stupid fans thinking its "real" and "savage" that she cant do her basic fucking job of not looking like someone shit in her shoes
Anonymous 16208

admin is asleep post lucas eating raw hotdog
Anonymous 16209
>>16206v would be evicerated for acting half as shitty as he does, male idols do really cruise through life on easy mode
Anonymous 16210

>>16198Heart hands are hardly the cringiest thing an idol's ever done for their fans, anon. They're paid to do this shit.
Anonymous 16212
>>16206Ratmy are in a class of delusion all their own. If anyone else behaved like that they would have been called out. Irene has been called out a lot though, it's just that RV grew a lot and Irene was one of the few female idols who didn't always act like some dumb bimbo on camera pandering to men. A lot of female fans loved that. We wanted her to be our feminist hero but she's just a mean asshole after all.
Anonymous 16213
>baekhyun is in the top 10 of idol vocalists, very good at variety, ok at dancing, still acts enthusiastic and fanservicey towards his fans despite being in the game for a decade already
>"omg lucas was based for calling him a pig!", "ew disgusting, why is he doing aegyo despite being old?"
Bitches, he's one of the only idols who's actually good at his job, one of the only ones who's doing what he get's paid to do.
Anonymous 16214
>>16201yes lets ignore obvious derailing, socketpuppeting, so you retards can go and maximise the reply limit in yet another thread and bait infighting
every anon seems to understand when the topic is over but you nctfags have insisted for 8 threads straight
go to twitter if you wanna sperg with your akgae antics
Anonymous 16215
>>16212can you imagine if anyone dared act the way v does to any bts member? ratmys would have their head on a stick considering the way they still rip into charlie puth on the daily
>>16214youre literally the only one derailing and trying to instigate infighting…just talk about something you want to talk about, the nct conversation is over
Anonymous 16216
>>16213this, not even an exofag but lucasfags can die mad about it.
Anonymous 16217
>>16214anon is it that serious lol? will the world collapse if another thread fills of shit talking about some boyband?
Anonymous 16218
why is sm not micromanaging their idols anymore?
they used to be hardcore with tvxq, exo, soshi and shinee
what happened after the sullistal fiasco in sm??? their idols just keep getting into shit
Anonymous 16219

>>16208I love how you called my pics old while you post the same Lucas pics. Enjoy you unpopular husbando, Lucasfag.
Anonymous 16220

>>16114lmaoo i'm a shameless army and i'm sure i'm not the only one. even though bts is the most hated group here, armys are mostly quiet to not get shit, while nctfags are the most insufferable of all and never stop sperging even after being called out.
Anonymous 16221
>>16218SM just doesn't care anymore. i have no idea what happened
Anonymous 16222
>>16218honestly ive been wondering this too, they literally cannot keep their idols from being shitheads, but i feel that also might be a side effect of them loosening their standards and letting in rich pricks who think their shit doesn't stink from day 1
Anonymous 16223
>>16213lucas was very much
baste and
pink pilled for that. eat a dick, bbhole.
Anonymous 16224

>>16217it is, always has
we are getting booted because of moafag and nctfags
even ratmys arent this loud, you nctfags really are shameless
>go on for 8 threads about which nct oppar isnt problematic and ''fatkun''>i just cant see why you're so triggered lul Anonymous 16225
This thread has definetly been making rounds on twitter and random discord chats. Saw a few posts that were copy paste from a discord group i'm in… anonettes need to be more subtle
Anonymous 16226
>>16223im sorry i find the nctfags annoying too but how is
>>16208 >>16219 and
>>16220allowed but having a decent but tiresome conversation about nct worth sperging over
im tired of the same recycled topics and prefer the irene shitfest earlier more, but id much rather have people actually talking about drama rather than spamming ugly dudes
Anonymous 16227
>>16218Idols slip up on social media and potential victims can easily expose idols on social media. Plus the internet never forgets anything, if an idol does one bad thing, all the other things they did will get dug up too. That makes having full control a lot more difficult for SM.
Having full control is also more difficult because many trainees and idols are so rich. They're no longer willing to do anything, they say fuck you SM I can just go and do something else or they have parents who are downright paying SM.
Also: Super Junior wasn't micromanaged either - which is why there's barely anybody left lol
When RV and NCT started they were also very much on guard and stiff, only later on SM saw how much BTS had with their approachable, boy-next-door image and thus decided to make their idols also play up the we're best friends! shtick.
Anonymous 16228
what in the bootleg shinee
Anonymous 16230

>>16187Not an Exofag, I just find Lucasfag annoying. Baekhyun IS cuter than Lucas, though. And at least he can actually sing.
Anonymous 16231
Irene First Movie is coming out soon, pretty much killed a future acting career. Hopefully this means that sm gonna debut a new girlgroup now that red velvet is tainted
Anonymous 16233
stop wasting the thread posts, what if we get locked out and we dont get the link for the new kpop board, retards
Anonymous 16234
>>16231wonder if sm is gonna boot yoo jimin after this Irene drama they cant let female Taeyong debut
Anonymous 16235
>>16230I'm not gonna claim he's cuter, because that will trigger lucasfag to post a dozen ugly pics of him, but there's enough other stuff he's miles above him, basically anything besides being tall.
Anonymous 16236
>>16213exactly. we can debate about idols having shitty personalities but i'd take a group member that can sing and has a shitty personality over one that sounds like a frog and acts like a retarded magcon boy
Anonymous 16237
>>16231smngg is just their nuclear "oh shit" button i feel at this point
just like how rv comebacks used to be the "o shit" button for whenever some other sm idol fucked up
i am wondering though, do they even have female trainees left to debut? it seems like all the ones they used to parade around have all left
Anonymous 16238
>>16233then the new admin will just post it in meta, i doubt the cc admin is unreasonable enough to not allow that
Anonymous 16239

aside from baekhyuns retard personality and his height he is actually cute
Anonymous 16240

>>16220>shameless army>not even one thread was graced by praises or thirsting towards bts>only hate towards Jimincel and Bvitchyou call this shameless?? improve
>>16228isn't this like 8th or 9th previev? when are they gonna finally drop an mv
Anonymous 16241
>>16233I think that's what some people want, t b h. Pretty sure it's the same situation with Lolcow where this thread attracted the Twitter stans and they want us to stop talking shit. But at least the admin said she won't boot us out until after the next thread is filled up. Surely you guys won't waste 2000 posts on this shit, right?
Anonymous 16242
>>16230>cuterKEK even your fellow hag basically admitted he's clapped, give it up. I'll remember this post when the shaved head pics drop and knetz roast him like a pepper.
Anonymous 16243
>>16238IF there's a new board, which I'm starting to doubt
I guess I'll just have to get used to posting on reddit and getting downvoted to hell kek
Anonymous 16244
>>16238plus there is uboachan and sushgirl kpop threads to post it in. Relax its not that serious.
Anonymous 16245
>>16237Yeah, I'm seriously wondering which female SM trainees we have left at this point. Does anyone know? I haven't been keeping tabs.
Anonymous 16246
ignore the nctfags and lets not waste the thread arguing newfags and bait.
Anonymous 16247
>>16245They're all hidden except the Yoo Jimin trainee
all the original sm rookie girls that trained with nct and rv got kicked out.
Anonymous 16248
>>16243>if there is a new boardthe new admin posted a preview of it, they said it'll be ready by end of week
besides, theres plenty of other board as well, it'll just take a few days for people to disperse and settle into whichever one they like the most
Anonymous 16251

>>16231>Hopefully this means that sm gonna debut a new girlgroup now that red velvet is taintedRV debuted to cover up baekyeon's dating scandal, so i'd say SMNGG is coming soon.
>>16234https://www.soompi.com/article/1431682wpp/sm-entertainment-takes-legal-action-for-malicious-rumors-about-trainee-yoo-ji-minSM actually said they were going to sue people who kept spreading rumors about her as she is a "a trainee who has her debut ahead of her." her debut is basically insured
Anonymous 16252
>>16247interesting, i guess they learned that parading around undebuted trainees and then not debuting them for a decade wasnt a great idea kek
Anonymous 16253
>>16247I feel so bad for all those girls that were on Mickey Mouse club and never got to debut. They all follow each other on instagram and even hang out so their relationship was good too.
Anonymous 16254

xiumin in a military uniform makes me tingle
didnt understand his hype but now i do
Anonymous 16255
>>16247There is also Helen (?) she is Australian and ningning I think and hina was the last old Trainee that recently left/got kicked
Anonymous 16257
>>16255Helen is a new trainee so im not sure she could get into the line up
and Ningning is rumored to have left since she has a IG account, Hina had the same rumors as well before she left
Anonymous 16258
Since all the SM trainees that gave off a very SNSD, girls next door vibe are gone, I'm assuming that this new girl group will have the opposite image.
Very pretty, tough, maybe a hip hop concept? I've always liked SM girl groups I hope it's something similar to fx.
Anonymous 16259

>>16250>S-Seethe, 30 year old manlet-hating p-pleb Anonymous 16260

>>16257i know hina was a favorite, but she was so unattractive i could not get into her
she legitimately looked 10 years older than she actually was
Anonymous 16261

Let's discuss how little clothing kai will wear for his solo
Anonymous 16262
>>16258i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt a more "hip hop" style, i feel like that's what all the gg are doing now, trending towards that "girl crush" style and i doubt sm is going to try for the flowery balllad look since it isn't working anymore, and the harder "girl crush" style for seulgi x irene seemed to be well received
Anonymous 16263
>>16258they already have had 6 experimental groups (suju, shinee, fx, exo, rv, nct debut in row so i doubt that they'll be mini fx
they'll probably go soshi, s.e.s and boa's path with the coming of age concept
>>16260eh, shes cute to me, looks like mini Sooyoung
I found Herin more weird looking lol
Anonymous 16264
>>16060nta but krystal is definitely not a bitch. there were no actual instances just rbf syndrome.
why are irenefags desperately trying to drag all other female idols to shield irene?
Anonymous 16265
>>16264>krystal is definitely not a bitchLiterally how would you know?
Krystal is only one thing definitely and that is being very bad at her job.
Anonymous 16266
SM is just unhinged to me lately.
I'm surprised that Yoo Jimin is debuting since she was born in 2000 and was like a popular ulzzang before. Usually SM idols are really young and never have social media. Like compare it to the nct 2000 line who were scouted as fetuses
Anonymous 16267
>>16264there was no one shielding irene? krystal being the most famous frigid bitch in the industry before irene is not a outlandish or hater claim
there are tons of other female idols with mad rbf, but theyve all learned to school it and tone it back a bit (most notably jennie, who i still think is probably mean as hell bts but still) but apparently krystal just gets a pass?
Anonymous 16268
>>16266i didnt know she was a famous ulzzang before, with that and recruiting shotaro off of tiktok (unsure if rumor but wild af if true) makes me wonder if they just dont have people breaking down their doors like they used to trying to be trainees
Anonymous 16269
>>16267I never followed f(x) so what is this "difficult past" that anons have been bringing up to excuse her for her RBF? Being forced into child stardom?
Anonymous 16270
>>16239Lol I'm a Baekhyun fan and I don't find him thirst worthy in the slightest. I guess he can be kind of cute in a puppy-like way, particularly at their debut, but those types of faces age really badly. He's also gonna look really bad when he goes to the army like
>>16242 said, rip.
>>16258>>16262>>16263I recall an anon saying that this song (sorry I only have a teaser atm) was supposed to be the debut track for SMNGG. Definitely sounds nothing like SNSD and more like the girl crush shit that's been popular in recent years. Given that SM clearly lost their touch years ago I wouldn't be surprised by them choosing this basic concept to follow the trend when they're literally SM.
Anonymous 16271
>>16264i like krystal but i've heard from people who met her at concerts from when they did those SMTOWN concerts in LA that she is indeed not very nice
Anonymous 16272

>>16261I wonder if he could pull off the JYP pants. But realistically I hope for something like the red suit in Love shot.
Anonymous 16273
>>16267>krystal just gets a pass?why are you so mad about her rbf
if she was being obnoxiously cutesy you would probably hate her for that as well lol
the camera panning to her resting face here and there is you're reasoning for her being a ''bitch''?
Anonymous 16274
>>16269i guess? i dont really know where that narrative came from either, sulli was also a child star (arguably even younger than krystal), not to mention sm has tons of very very young trainees, but literally none of them have attitude controversies the way krystal did
Anonymous 16275
>>16268I'm honestly really curious as to how/why they scouted Shotaro. Like did they just decide one day "oh, we need a new NCT member!" and a staff member just picked him out from Tiktok, because that pre-debut/training period was indeed really short.
Anonymous 16276
>>16271how would they know her personality just by going to a concert
Anonymous 16277
>>16268>dont have people breaking down their doors like they used to trying to be traineesThere is a lot of recent and pretty insta style pictures of her floating around and kfans are super pressed about this girl.
There have been rumors that they have no girl trainees since 2015. Wouldn't be surprised if they recruited a lot f members from this new girl group as there aren't pictures floating around.
SM trainees usually have sasaengs following them around, so for these trainees to be hidden means they must have joined recently.
Anonymous 16278

>>16273Krystal looked like this her entire career. Doesn't matter whether it's her actually being mad or only looking that way, it's still incredibly unpleasant for the people around her and definitely not something a popular idol should allow herself to do.
Anonymous 16279

>>16273this is not a resting face lol
girl is pissed af about something and sorry honey, its your job to keep that shit to yourself like every other idol out there
she isnt special for having a bitchy face, and she isnt the last one who has rbf, she's just famous for it because she's so unprofessional at events it's become her everything
you honestly sound like the irene defenders at this point lol
Anonymous 16280
>>16269fxfag since 2014 here but honestly i think krystal just has rbf. her and her sister are both known for having rbf and jessica's nickname was ice princess because of her unsavory face. but i can definitely believe people saying she's unprofessional and rude.
>>16275i believe that they scouted him from EXPG more than him being scouted from tiktok.
Anonymous 16282
>>16275im sure with him being a backup dancer for a famous japanese singer, he was on their radar to some extent
but yes, would not be surprised if they just saw him tiktoking and plucked him from japan, that seems about on brand for SM at this point
Anonymous 16284
>>16279i sound like an irene defender?
what has krystal ever done that was as bad as irene??
making faces you personally dont like?
i promise you that actual fx fans dont give a shit, and if the fans dont then you shouldnt either.
theres so many idols with this issue, an idols job isnt to smile 24/7 unless its when interacting with fans
>>15568 you keep recycling the same posts its actually tiring, attempt to atleast not make your posts obvious newfag
Anonymous 16285
>>16283>>16281yes being pissed because youre forced to stay at the stage of the chick that kicked your sister out of her group is bitchy boohoo
might want to treat that obsession you have with krystal
Anonymous 16286
>>16284actually im the one who didnt post the gif, it just stood out to me so i posted it again, and it seems like another anon had the same idea and posted right before me.
you can report it for samefagging if you'd like to test the theory that it isnt the same person, but krystal being a bitch isnt exactly new news
Anonymous 16287
>>16276by meeting her… as i said in the post.
Anonymous 16289
>>16284>i promise you that actual fx fans dont give a shit, and if the fans dont then you shouldnt either.>you're a newfagUhm… Maybe try to sound less like an underage twitterfag desperately trying to fit in.
Krystal has retired years ago as an idol and you still lick her pussy like there's no tomorrow.
Anonymous 16290
>>16289and you're still nitpicking her facial expression claiming shes a bitch
you're grasping at strings and calling me an underage twitterfag wont make you seem less desperate
>you still lick her pussy like there's no tomorrow.nailed it anon, i wish i could
Anonymous 16291
>>16270nta, but i agree with you on the cute in a puppy-like way. he's very normal looking, but i find it endearing. much like how i feel about mark.
Anonymous 16292
>>16288fucking what. this is my first post on krystal? i don't even dislike her and what is a sockpuppet this isn't livejournal
Anonymous 16293
all i gotta say is the new admin has her work cut out for her weeding out all these infighting spergs, godspeed newadmin
Anonymous 16294
>>16282SM has some of the wildest scouting stories. Like a grown woman chasing elementary school aged Sehun around for half an hour, bribing Taeyong with toast and simping after Winwin for 2 years (and then never using him after getting him into NCT).
Anonymous 16295
>>16294that sehun story is terrifying, i cannot imagine being a "failed recruit" and being fucking terrorized by a fat pig who thought my 12 year old ass was hot for 2 hours
Anonymous 16296
>>16294while we're on the topic of krsytal didnt they want to cast her when she was like 5 lol
Anonymous 16297
>>16285>believing that taeyeon actually kicked jessica out of snsd in 2020 Anonymous 16298
>>16297but anon didnt you read jessica's tell all? she basically outed taeyeon as a mean mean bitch and she and her poor rbf sister did nothing wrong ever in their life
Anonymous 16299
Sm is dumb if they debut yoo Jimin she talked shit about her seniors and the company, she is nothing special mediocre visuals stiff dancing.being a former ulzzang is kinda trashy. She seemed to have joined sm just to fuck idols.
Now that one of they most loved idols was exposed for her attitude they can’t have a girl who had rumors about her even before debut
Anonymous 16300
>>16297lets be honest the members probably had something to do with it
seeing how exo had the same opportunity to kick out Chen after his marriage scandal that was probably the situation with Soshi
Anonymous 16301
>>16299Were the rumors actually true? I know SM denied them, but you know how it is sometimes.
Anonymous 16302
>>16299i dont rly know much about the situation, but i thought another anon posted some evidence that it was all fabricated and she never said any of that? i have no idea honestly so i may be completely off base
>>16295if i as a parent found out a grown woman was following my child for 2 hours, i would be fuming, not allowing my son to join that company. half of these trainees have fame-hungry parents who peddle their children into this at a young age, it's really not 100% the company's fault when the parents are obviously complacent at every point in the process
Anonymous 16303
>>16301the text messages were fake but way before that there were already rumors of her hanging out with iljins.
theres no smoke without fire
Anonymous 16304
>>16300>seeing how exo had the same opportunity to kick out Chen after his marriage scandal that was probably the situation with SoshiDid they?
Also in regards to Jessica: if everybody hates you while getting along well with each other then maybe you are the problem…
Anonymous 16305
jyp idols presence is so weak compared to sm and yg lol
Anonymous 16306
>>16267and who's claiming she's a frigid bitch? any industry insiders to back up your claim?
seriously the only ifans seething about krystal are amber's dyke fans who were mad about krystal hogging all the spotlight.
i always hated irene but she's not an excuse for this blind misogyny.
Anonymous 16307
>>16304http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2020/02/sm-reiterates-that-chen-will-not-be.htmlThis was the response to EXO-L's petition to boot Chen out. They basiclly said that Exo members had a meeting and they stated that they didnt want Chen to leave
also i dont really care about the soshi scandal but getting kicked out by a few of your members when you have spent 10 years with them is pretty oof worthy content
apparently some members voted her to stay but majority vote wins
Anonymous 16308
>>16307Lol at snsdfags screaming misogyny when her own members wanted her out.
And kudos to exo for staying with somebody who had the worst non-criminal scandal despite everybody dunking on them since their debut for having shit group chemistry.
Anonymous 16309
>>16299I agree that debuting Yoo Jimin isn't a good idea but then again SM debuted Taeyong even when he had that online scamming scandal and is still shilling him when he has zero vocal and rap talent.
This is potentially a stupid question but does anyone know if it's illegal for entertainment companies to poach trainees at other companies? I was thinking that SM
could potentially do that (make them an offer to buy out their contracts and debut them) as there's always one hot/talented idol in a failing group. Why not make those kids an offer to debut in their group, under a more 'reputable' label instead and buy out their contracts? SM certainly has the money for any it already, and plus the return on investment for good-looking, talented trainees would be better than debuting a group that's already tainted with a scammer.
Anonymous 16310

I feel like I already know the answer but has anyone here been desperate enough to buy dating info from those sasaeng twitter accounts? I did it tbh and got some basic info but I kind of regret it. I'll never know if the info is real or if I got scammed but somehow knowing the potential "truth" made me feel terrible. it wasn't problematic or w/e but idk. maybe I just need to take a break. picture not related.
Anonymous 16311
>>16310anon ill send u my paypal i have some info too kek
Anonymous 16312
>>16310You definitely need to take a break, anon. It's not just the fact that these things are usually fake and you're being scammed, but buying sasaeng dating info and feeling bad about what you found (assuming it's even true) clearly shows you're in too deep.
Anonymous 16313
I searched all threads and found nothing about this. What do you guys think of it? It's Doyoung and Haechan in the Kick It dance practice video, around 04:03
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zIGLeE8gvUAnonymous 16316
>>16308>>16307The essence of SNSD-Jessica scandal is that the less popular jealous bitches like Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Tiffany & co and their families were all super pressed about Jessica launching her clothing brand. That's it. SNSD was always a cesspool full of bitches (I think the only decent ones were Yoona and Sunny), so spinning the story as if it was good girls kicking out the meanest bitch is not what you should be doing.
Anonymous 16317
>>16313>>16315Are you srs? That fujo pandering thing was screencapped and extensively talked about months ago.
Anonymous 16318
>>16316>the less popular jealous bitches like Taeyeonalready lost me there
Anonymous 16319
>>16315knowing sm it was probably deliberately staged to pander to fujoshits
Anonymous 16320
>>16317I have all threads opened and found nothing that. Link?
Anonymous 16321
>>16318Taeyeon was always popular for her singing but she was never the "it" girl Jessica was. That's why they hated her. The only one who still keeps in contact with Jessica is Yoona, which is understandable because she's Korea's sweetheart and has no reason to be bitter.
Anonymous 16322
did anyone read jessica's novel?
Anonymous 16323
>>16320…all threads? I literally just searched "lolcow haechan doyoung gay 2020" and it took me 2 seconds to find it. How many anons weren't on the original LC threads? Jfc.
https://lolcow.farm/m/res/81890.html#q83315 Anonymous 16325
Twitterfags everywhere jesus regurgitating the same shit we've talked 3 threads ago, at least lurk for a while before sperging
Anonymous 16326
>>16325Shut the fuck up neetila, some people have lives.
Anonymous 16327
>>16326No you dont retarted you just spend it with your pathetic obese fellows on twitter
New board gonna ban the autismo who post this stale haechan dooyoung pic again
Anonymous 16329
>>16311you don't have to pay lmao it was probably fake like the other anon said. it was just about these two
Anonymous 16330
>>16325>>16327Just ignore the newfags anon, not worth it tbh
Anonymous 16331
>>16329i was more so joking that ill send them my paypal so i can pull shit out of my ass since they're guillible enough to pay for it
Anonymous 16332
>>16330I can't believe you fags are acting all self-important on fucking crystal cafe.
Anonymous 16333

This Timothee could fit right in as a kpop idol lmao
Anonymous 16334
Why didn't they try to process her vocals before posting this? Yikes.
I hope that we get more idols exposed like the Irene scandal. I prefer it sooner than later because I stan a grand total of 0 groups and only follow kpop for the scandals (does anyone else here too?).
Anonymous 16335
>>16333i wonder how popular a white bg member would be. as long as he didn't look like the members of exp edition
Anonymous 16337
>>16334That was not good. It wasn't as bad as Junkooks screeching but not good at all.
No… I mean unless you liked some of the music or concepts why would you bother? I'm not a "stan" in the sense that beyond this forum I don't engage in any discussion or whatever, but I enjoy kpop songs and I like the dumb gossip too.
Anonymous 16338
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JFC at Yangyang letting that smelly dog on his bed. I thought only Western white people did that too, not Chinese people.
Anonymous 16340
>>16329do u think haechan would date a girl
Anonymous 16341
RV's performance at a concert on the 24th of october just got canceled along with their planned fanmeet
Anonymous 16342
>>16341Damn she’s taking the whole team with her, something like this would have never happened if it was Super Junior
Anonymous 16343

>>16341poor wendy. some chinese stylist red velvet worked with came out and said bad things about irene. too bad the audio will never get released.
>>16342honestly I don't think they'll disband even with all the hate. she just has to lie low until next year and hope nothing else comes out.
Anonymous 16344
>>16341praying for disbandment and seulgi solo
Anonymous 16345
>>16322I tried but i couldn't get pass the viral duo thing because the writing was too bad, the info is mostly was been around about that trainee life sucks, the other thing I read (somewhere because I don't get that far) was how the male lead was unaware about how much harder is for female idols compared with male idols, I also remember the dude sad story being that he has no creative freedom or something like that.
Maybe if there's was an audiobook I would finish it but the writing is fanfic tier.
Anonymous 16346
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Interesting since everyone jumped to help the others. Is Lucas losing favor with his fans and NCT as well? Some may say it's scripted, but seeing how some of them behave I don't think you can force them to do anything they don't really want to do.
Anonymous 16347
>>16346I watched most of these videos and Lucas got up, cheered for the other guys a lot. So many times. Maybe he's an extrovert but people don't really like him back? Really weird.
Anonymous 16348
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>>16347What were they supposed to do though? Help him chew the gum lol?
Anonymous 16349
>>16348Ikr? Would've just looked stupid
Anonymous 16350
Irene is even trending on weibo.
WayV could never.
Anonymous 16352
>>16275>that pre-debut/training period was indeed really shortI think it's actually pretty common for SM to debut idols with short training periods if they were picked up for specific talents. EXO Baekhyun and Chen, Suju Ryeowook and Kyuhyun and TVXQ Changmin all only trained for a few months before they debuted.
Anonymous 16353

To add to Xiaojun and Jaemin drama. Xiaojun sees that Jaemin may need a mic so he tries to hand him one, but Jaemin just points at him and turns around, when Jaehyun hands him his mic he takes it though lol. Why is he acting like a 6th grade mean girl?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFVtUC1r8VsAnonymous 16356
>>16353not denying there could be beef but it might be that xiaojun’s mic was off, they don’t use it at all and when he sings into it nothing happens.
If that’s not the case then jaemin seems delightful to work with
Anonymous 16357
>>16353If he acts like this in front of the camera I wonder how he treats him bts. What the Irene scandal showed is that you can tell when a idol is an ass but fans excuse their behavior as them being introverted or savage. I don’t believe the shit fan say he is awkward or introverted. It’s quite obvious now that he hates Xiaojun for some reason
Anonymous 16358
Looking that this again I think Jaemin didn’t want a mic because he didn’t want to sing his part. He is obviously he bad singer and probably didn’t want to embarrass himself
Anonymous 16359
>>16356to anyone curious I'd recommend actually watching the clip starting at 2:08 it shows more than the gif. basically:
>Jaehyun puts the mic near Jaemin for his part>mic doesn't seem to work?>Xiaojun sees this and offers Jaemin his extra mic>Jaemin just points at him? with a super serious dead expression and says nothing>Xiaojun turns around to continue singing>Jaehyun, in the middle of this, hands Jaemin his mic instead and Jaemin takes it>Jaehyun turns towards Xiaojun for the rejected micJaemin is starting to look like a major asshole, especially sine Xiaojun is professional and hasn't shown any malice.
>>16358 He sings the chorus tho towards the end lmao
Anonymous 16360
>>16353It looks like he's pointing at whoever's handing out mics, the MC?
Anonymous 16361
>>16359Lmaooo what is he being so petty for? He's pathetic.
Anonymous 16362
>Shaky vocals with weak projection
>Voice cracks from beginning to end
Yeesh what happened to sm's vocal standard? These guys sound terrible
Anonymous 16363
>>16354Women frowning are bitches
When male idols do it it’s okay
Thought you already knew/s
Anonymous 16364
>>16354great actor. i didn't watch his latest movie swing kids, but he was great in cart and it's okay that's love
Anonymous 16365
>>16354Kyungsoo has astigmatism, he can’t wear contact lenses when he doesn’t have glasses so he does that face to see better from afar apparently
Anonymous 16366
>>16365it’s 2020 and idols still claim they can’t wear contact lenses because they are “annoying” while body slamming rabid fangirls at the airport
… how sensible do you have to be to not wear lenses if you can’t see without them… astigmatism has nothing to do with it, these personlity-defining “they just have bad eyesight that’s why they seem so scary uwu” stories have been overused
Anonymous 16367
>>16365if it's an idol's job to not have stankface then he should just suck it up and learn to live with not being able to see faraway things
Anonymous 16368
>>16366i don't think i've ever seen ksoo wear color contacts at all so he definitely doesn't wear contacts. ksoo squints so he can see and exo-l's often called him a devil because of how he looked when he squints. that was before we knew he had an actual problem with his eyes though. i think he should wear glasses so he can see properly. i mean kai wears contacts since he's practically blind, i can't imagine how kyungsoo even sees anything clearly.
Anonymous 16369

>>16354He has a legit reason
>>16365 and he's very open about it so that it won't cause misunderstandings.
>>16366He's the only one claiming bad eyesight. The reason other idols get hate is because they don't give an explanation to their fans or even claim being the ice princess of the group as their personality.
Him actually being talented might help with his reputation as well…kek If you can't sing, can't dance, aren't funny and have a stank face, then being pretty might not be enough for people to like you.
Anonymous 16371

>>16354I liked him a lot when I was 16. I'm in my mid twenties now and I kinda regret fawning over a guy who doesn't like being an idol. But you can't really choose the person you fall in love with when you're a teen. He changed so much since his debut.
Anonymous 16372
>>16359Ok this is very telling, I wonder if they had a fight or Jaemin just dislikes Xiaojun. Xiaojun gets teased a lot but gets along well with everyone, no one outwardly dislikes him from what I can tell. I don’t know Jaemin well but how is he in dream, does he get along with everyone?
Anonymous 16373
>>16369yeah he has an actual reason, his astigmatism can't be corrected with contacts so he can only wear glasses.
Anonymous 16374
>>16371I actually like him more now lol, his more mature/natural styling really works for me
Anonymous 16375
>>16366People with that eye condition can’t wear it because it slips off, he said himself he can’t wear them and wears glasses outside of promotion because SM didn’t allow him to wear his glasses lol. I’m literally this anon
>>16363Ladies are you a huge bitch if you can’t see without glasses?
Anonymous 16376
do looks like a very genuine guy. and hes cute with a nice voice, plus he loves to cook and do laid back, relaxing shit. he really is bf material.
Anonymous 16377
I like people like Krystal and D.o. who are more serious and mature
An idol doesn’t need to be smiley and cute all the time, it’s a palate cleanser from seeing their members really loud all the time. To see a laidback real kpop idol is rare so don’t ruin it for us who like it.
Anonymous 16378
>>16376kek i remember someone on LC posting gifs of him hitting chinese members. he looked mad af.
he's def not an angel.
Anonymous 16379
>>16372Since jaemin is somewhat linked to the korean alt-right, I think it might "just" be xenophobia. Xiaojun looks so lost and confused as to why he's being ignored, and he keeps trying to at least be nice to jaemin.
Anonymous 16380

Here you can see that he's definitely not just looking bored/bitchy/like he doesn't want to be here, he clearly pays attention yet still looks scary because he has to tilt his head down in order to see the comments they wanted him to read there.
In the end whether his excuse is true or not doesn't matter, because since right after debut all members always helped clear his reputation by constantly mentioning how bad his sight is. If f(x) or BP had done the same for Krystal and Jennie they wouldn't have gotten so much criticism either.
Anonymous 16381
>>16367Wow some of you are Debby downers
From dragging Krystal and claiming she is a bitch because she doesn’t smile and being misogynistic to blaming a Kyungsoo for his eye condition and grimacing he can’t control
Relax sometimes.
Anonymous 16382
>>16379yeah he's pitiful. xiaojun is actually nice but very awkward guy, i'm afraid he's being relentlessly bullied by that lunatic.
Anonymous 16384
>>16353if you watch the whole video too jaehyun looks a bit baffled by jaemin's behavior, he literally does a double take between the two of them and then goes to take xiaojun's mic
really making jaemin look like a fucking diva here, even if shit went down behind the scenes that's such a mean girl move LOL
Anonymous 16385
>>16354>>16363I was never into EXO and can barely remember who is who but I don't recall DO being an asshole? tbh
>>16365 explanation does make sense, sorry for the blogposting but I have astigmatism and can't wear contacts (my eyes don't receive enough oxygen supply), if I'm not wearing glasses I make that same exact face and look like a total bitch. Unless has done some questionable things before then please spill the tea, I love when idols or actors prove to be pos, kinda reminds me that money and good looks don't buy a good heart. Also the fuck is wrong with that photo, Xiumin looks like my aunt, whoever did his makeup should be fired.
Anonymous 16386
>>16383whoaaa look at that astigmatism
Anonymous 16387
>>16383tao was annoying as fuck, it's probably justified. tao and baekhyun would playfight and hit each other all the time and fans thought they were serious
Anonymous 16388
>>16378>>16383This, he always had some unresolved anger issues that just slips through sometimes. Some fans say that he's reserved, but it's more like he's repressing a lot of natural behaviour, his anger, extroversion, his funny side. The sasaengs really fucked him up.
Anonymous 16389
>>16383He's immediately scooting closer towards him again, doesn't really look traumatized, does he?
Tao is a literal billionaire, he'll live
Anonymous 16390
>>16387that really doesnt look like playfighting though…im all for shitting on idols when they cant keep their expressions schooled and ok maybe he has astigmatism, but smacking someone like that is not excusable even if they're annoying, we learn not to do that in kindergarten
Anonymous 16391
do you girls not know how men act lmaooo
they hit each other all the time solely because theyre retarded and male, i doubt theres anything deeper than that. all the guys i knew from high school to even college act like this
Anonymous 16393
>>16382does xiaojun speak enough korean to even get into an argument? i wonder if its just jealousy, xiaojun's been getting quite a bit of traffic and talk (especially for him) on various sites for his performance, this is the first time he's really being "seen" by the greater nctfag population
i genuinely wonder if its just jaemin being jealous that the attention isn't on him since he's supposed to be the "visual"
Anonymous 16394
>>16392not the anon you replied to but does anyone also remember when a sasaeng also managed to get their pee from the pipes and froze it in blocks in their freezer and snuck into their dorm and recorded audio of tao singing in the shower
Anonymous 16395
>>16394>get their pee from the pipesim sorry what??
Anonymous 16398

Is like Chenle the only Nct member we like on CC
Anonymous 16399
>>16394I thought they got it directly from the toilet bowl lmao
Anonymous 16400
>>16398>weSpeak for yourself, hivemind-chan.
Anonymous 16401
>>16398Everybody likes Mark. And have you forgotten about all those wayv fags? Especially stans of Lucas and Xiaojun
Anonymous 16402
>>16401>everybody likes MarkSurprisingly I’ve seen people on these threads not like him
Anonymous 16403
>>16393no i think he's just a sadist who enjoys bullying vulnerable people
Anonymous 16405
>>16403the theory ive seen is that xiaojun is that mystery trainee who opened the door to the practice room jaemin was holed up in and he never stopped holding a grudge over it for some reason
which, if true is fucking petty af lol
Anonymous 16406

Do is based. Only joined exo for the close up irl fujo experience.
Anonymous 16407
>>16398no one actually likes chenle, he's just irrelevant enough that no one hates him either
Anonymous 16408
>>16404I'm just saying that this hivemind attitude is pure discordfaggotry and should be avoided.
Anonymous 16409
>>16406lmao I love seeing other idols react to people doing fanservice
Anonymous 16410
idols that don't come off as assholes to me, from what i've seen
bts: jin, j-hope, suga
exo: xiumin, suho, chanyeol, lay
blackpink: jisoo, lisa
red velvet: seulgi, joy
have these people done asshole-ish things i'm not aware of or do you think there are other members of these groups that could be listed here?
Anonymous 16411
>>16410>sugayour entire list is shit solely because you put suga on there, dude is an arrogant prick who cant even own up to his own mistakes lol
Anonymous 16413
>>16410Twitter tier post, even tumblr has higher quality than this.
Anonymous 16414
>>16412Fuck you so much for making me open this fuuuuuck, NSFL
Anonymous 16415
>>16382I was actually curious and went back to watch the unboxing and the MV reaction because I though people were exagerating exaggerating (I still think the Kai and Lucas "fight" is false) but Jaemin really is being a dick to Xiaojun. He looks at him from time to time but he acts like a wall between him and the rest of the members so you can see how uncomfortable Xiaojun gets because he ignores him- He seems so sweet too I feel bad for the guy, wonder what happened…
Anonymous 16420
>>16417JK used to be so cute what the fuck happened
Anonymous 16421
>>16415im not gonna lie, xiaojun is such an awkward dude and its just amplified when he speaks in korean and i definitely feel like the other members probably cringe a little with secondhand embarassment, but thats not an excuse to treat him with the level of contempt jaemin does
its definitely also noticed by kfans, theres murmurings and theorizing just like how we do here, i wonder if jaemin's gonna see these comments and change his tune considering his image as perfect uwu idol
Anonymous 16422

>>16414i'm sorry anon i should've added a warning. feel better?
Anonymous 16425
>>16423lmfao so dont make ur shit tier list then, why even bother making a dumb post like that if you just want to suck off oppas you think are hot
Anonymous 16427
>>16421He'll probably won't bother, how many interactions will they really have? Maybe he doesn't hate him but is not really interested in getting to know him since he'll be back to Wayv. I think Xiaojun is not awkward on the videos, he really tries to catch other members eyes and you can see how little Jaemin looks his way. He definitely did not make it easier for him to fit in if he acts as a buffer when XJ is on the corner. I hope they don't sit them together in the future.
Anonymous 16428
>>16426i do agree they weren't promoted to their full potential, but saying they were neglected or underutilized is just exofag sperging
i got into kpop around 2013-2014 and exo was legitimately everywhere, they were so dominant and yes, their later years definitely showed a slide as sm began to focus their efforts on flopnct, but saying they were neglected their entire career is just fangirl sperging
i do feel if they had correct promotion, they may have reached bts levels of notoriety, but they also may be too large of a group to easily move around in the international space
Anonymous 16429
>>16426>we argued that chanyeol and xiumin were ourscringe
Anonymous 16430

>>16420he still looks cute sometimes, depends of the styling
Anonymous 16431
>>16428I never said they were neglected, but SM’s handling of them broke Exo down.
Had they treated the Chinese members better the fame would’ve lasted longer
And the fact that SM threw Exo to the curb 4 years into their career for Nct says a lot of the handling of the group
SM has made many mistakes like this, Disbanding H.o,t. And SHINHWA during their 4th year and the JYJ fiasco, mistreatment of The Grace etc
SM has the best groups but the worst management it’s just a fact
Anonymous 16433

>>16426Deserved. They at least gave proper fanservice and spread their legs unlike lazy btshit and nct
Anonymous 16434
>>16426SM destroyed itself the day they admitted Doyoung, Haechan AND Taeil. This ugly as fuck competent singer shtick was never their main thing really, Luna and Onew are exceptions. Junsu, Changmin, Jessica, Taeyeon, Jonghyun, Chen, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. If you have one Tiffany, the rest of the singers can't be hideous. All NCT127 singers are ugly excluding Jaehyun.
Anonymous 16435
>>16410If you're not an SJW who gets offended by shit like Koreans wearing dreads, not really anyone from these groups is a huge confirmed meanie besides Irene and V. If you want to find idols that are actually shitty people, look no further than YG boy groups and other SM boy groups
Anonymous 16436
>>16433bts have an incredibly similar move on the blood sweat and tears choreography lmao
Anonymous 16439

Huge chinese stylist (styled big stars like liu wen, angelababy, etc) called out irene as well
yikes, imagine being such a diva that no one is defending you kek
translated: the irene rumors are true, irene is pretty but has no character (i can say 1000 words about this). anyone who's worked for her knows this, and i think im the only one in china who's styled her, what a waste of a pretty face
Anonymous 16440

former sm trainee also came out and claimed that irene bullied her while she was at sm
honestly i cant see how she'd recover from this, her career is over
Anonymous 16441
I just checked out Enhypens debut teaser
Why is it that everyone’s doing a dark concept these days
Especially the boy groups, atleast the GG’s are versatile nowadays
Even the cutesy Verivery boys switched to a darker concept
It’s so boring
Anonymous 16442
what is going to happen to red velvet? are they over?
i'm kinda sad because i was looking forward to their next comeback. there's no other currently active gg with an equally good discography
Anonymous 16443
>>16439Chinese people are so straightforward lmao
Anonymous 16444

>>16436But without a mirror above them, so it's lame.
If nct had to do dances like that winwinfags would scream that he got raped by the other members
Anonymous 16445
>>16439I think there are some staffers defending her but they seem to be outnumbered by the ones who had bad experiences. Being decent 30% of the time isn't going to save you if you're shitty 70% of the time.
Koreans seem to take this type of stuff pretty seriously and they love to shit on female idols at every opportunity, now that they have a justified reason I doubt they'll stop until she's dead.
Anonymous 16446
>>16442probably a pushed back comeback for a few months, if more allegations come out i entirely could see irene being put on extended hiatus or just straight kicked if this really hits the fan
its going to be very hard for her to come back from this, and she's probably going to lose most of her cfs. would not be surprised if sm decided to cut their losses, but then again kangin clung on like a turd on sm's ass for forever
Anonymous 16447
>>16442At best they'll probably bench Irene for a while or she'll leave the group. They don't have enough members to carry on easily with one out of commission though, it's gonna be rough. At least their older songs are still good but I'm upset that this all went down before Wendy could have a proper comeback.
Anonymous 16448
>>16445im just laughing because apparently her chinese fanclub is trying to sue on her behalf for defamation
she already admitted it, what the fuck are you sueing for?
Anonymous 16449
>>16446SM hardly ever seems to outright kick people from the company, I think even kangin is still technically contracted to them, he's just not part of super junior anymore. They really don't like letting people go.
Anonymous 16450
>>16441Enhypen going dark makes sense because they will be TXT 2.0 if they are cute.
Anonymous 16451
>>16450well most of the dudes are uggo af, id rather see them piled up with eyeshadow and covered up than in flowery boy minimal makeup honestly
Anonymous 16452
bgs need to stop with the fake deep dark shtick and start going full sluts
Anonymous 16453
But what does that say about the other members? I highly doubt that they all have separate dressing rooms, so they must've witnessed some of it too. And none of them have a quiet/shy personality, they're not the type who couldn't speak out just because Irene is older.
Anonymous 16454
>>16452Not sure I wanna see that. BTS is one of the most unsexy and undesirable bgs for me.
Anonymous 16455
>>16353I saw a longer video of this and poor Lucas, seemed like nobody wanted to interact with him so he was just vibing by himself
Anonymous 16456
>>16454not that anon but she clearly meant all boy groups. cute concepts for boy groups are dead unless they are ultra nugu.
Anonymous 16457

>>16454what, anon? you mean you don't like this? kek
Anonymous 16458

>>16448RVfags forced
>>16440 to delete her tweet because they were threatening her that 'irenebar', the chinese fanclub was going to sue her. they're using the fact that she was a former trainee at JYP to make it a false allegation but she did audition for SM in the past and some trainees from different companies are often friends and hang out at each others companies
Anonymous 16459
>>16454just imagine the slutification of a bg you do think is sexy tho
Anonymous 16460
it's amusing to see red velvet burn down, they've been around for way too long anyway and gotten redundant tbh
Anonymous 16461
>>16457All I think of is that one girl group member that said he had smelly ugly feet
Anonymous 16462
>>16461I too require an idol's feet to be in pristine condition before I stan
Anonymous 16463
>>16458she also said this after she deleted her tweet and went on private.
>"I'm writing this because I think there's been a little misunderstanding. When I said that she bullied me, I didn't mean that she did it constantly. I just meant that she scolded me when there was something I did that she didn't like when she didn't like it." Anonymous 16464
>>16461i just know the dude cant keep his fucking shoes on, imagine how vile that must smell on filming set when hes just flinging those trotters around
Anonymous 16467

https://twitter.com/jiminoongi/status/1319656994031214594 anons, what are the chances we will a get a documentary about army's cult like tendencies once BTS fades?
Anonymous 16468
>[+7,539, -186] Apologizing? Apologizing only after the scandal blow up, does that count as a real apology? It gives me goosebumps to think that she was acting like this behind the cameras while smiling like the devil for the public and begging for popularity…
>[+887, -24] Irene and Joy are quite infamous. I do think that she had this coming. These times are new times, celebrities aren't anyone special enough to get away with abusing anyone.
>[+497, -7] SM has several cold, b*tchy female singers that they've glamorized as being 'chic'
>[+344, -15] And this is why Park Jin Young is always obsessing over character and attitude
What's with everybody always asskissing jyp as soon as an idol gets in trouble
The calls for disbandment are getting louder and louder, I don't think it's so unlikely anymore.
Sucks for the other members, but I guess not everybody can be like suju kek
Anonymous 16469
>>16468its the double standard of male idol vs female idol, except this time the female idol actually deserves it
Anonymous 16470
>>16434Anon did you see this
>>16362 ? I wouldn’t even call those guys competent singers.
Anonymous 16471
>>16460I think it's kind of sad. I'm not particularly attached to any of the members, but out of the "big 3" girl groups (Twice and Blackpink being the other 2), RV was the best. They had the best songs, vocals and a unique concept. It'd be sad if this is the way it ends for them.
Anonymous 16472
>>16468what is Joy infamous for? being a bad actor?
Anonymous 16473
>>16467of course it has to be organized hate. people aren't allowed to dislike something it has be apart of some huge conspiracy.
>>16468the jyp stuff is an annoying but have any idols at jype had any scandals as bad as this?
Anonymous 16474
>>16473dont think so, the worst i can come up with is nichkun and his drunk driving, and jay park leaving. that was a huge deal back then, but theyve largely been forgotten
recently i guess the bambam n-word thing was a big problem overseas, but literally no one in korea cared which makes sense
twice had a couple random japanese member controversies, but nothing unrecoverable as its mainly a super minor, vocal group and the gp doesnt seem to care
Anonymous 16475
>>16469Bullying also seems to be considered one of the worst crimes for a public figure in Korea to commit, according to what I've been hearing about the Korean reaction. Work and school bullying in Korea seems to be very vicious and it's something that a lot of people have been affected by, so it's a scandal that's pretty much unrecoverable.
Anonymous 16476
>>16455>haechan hugging xiojun and xioajun rejecting his armSeems like Xiaojun has a no gay allowed policy in place
>after jaemin's mic refusal jaehyun literally crosses the stage and goes to haechan and teail >jaemin and xiaojun wall persisting>lucas being alone and wandering on the stageThese videos are a joy to watch and observe their dynamics.
And honestly, Renjun is a fucking aries prince, he's dancing, singing, having fun and not letting Xioajun be isolated.
Anonymous 16478
is 2016 not recent anymore? i dont get what youre trying to say here
Anonymous 16479
>>164782016 is like 4 years ago i think…
Anonymous 16480
>>16455Lol at least he got a hug in the beginning…
But seriously why are they avoiding him?
He’s taller and better looking than all of them combined so it’s funny to see them have an aloof attitude towards him
Anonymous 16481
>>16473Didn’t just recently come out that someone from got7 bullied a disabled kid?
Anonymous 16482

>>16372Jaemin had some tense moments with Chenle and Haechan at times, but he never treats anyone like this.
>>16379I would be surprised if he's actually xenophobic considering how many foreign members NCT has that he's known for years now. Jaemin sucks at every language except Korean so I don't think he's very close to any of the foreign members, but he has no problems with Lucas, Renjun, Yuta ect….
Anonymous 16483
>>16480>better looking than all of them combined kek, this is what some people actually believe
anyway, looks don't make up for an annoying personality, lucasfag
Anonymous 16484
>>16481i think it came out as disproved, the kid wasnt disabled and he and youngjae did have an argument, so he made up a bunch of shit to get back at youngjae
again, take with a grain of salt because i got this from random articles and have no idea if its fan-driven or not
Anonymous 16485
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NCT fandom is an absolute mess over the colorist/fat remarks. Twitter stans were banding together and making plans to call out the members during their fan phone calls with them and poor Shotaro, who has done nothing but smile and dance in his whole month of being in NCT, got a fan telling him about the situation kek.
https://twitter.com/tarocakey/status/1319674386614349825Anonymous 16486
>>16485shotaro seems like a random choice does he even know english? but good on them for trying
Anonymous 16487
>>16485honestly i was a big shotaro hater but the kid is so sunny and smiley i cant help but like him a little….man he probably walked in expecting to be all happy and bubbly and got hit with a lecture
at least it seems he took it well/seriously on camera? its not even anything to do with him kek, the staff behind him were probably losing their shit
Anonymous 16488
>>16485This generation is so insane. I can't believe that shithead did that to him. And more than one hundred people agreeing with this bs. I don't remember international fans being that horrible to exo.
>>16486Kill yourself, twitter faggot.
Anonymous 16489
>>16488>i cant believe they did that to himi mean he probably was a little taken aback, but i dont see this as abuse or mistreatment, if anything he was probably just baffled and confused
i do agree that these "woke" twitterfags are just preaching to a stone wall and its annoying to see the hivemind just center in on something like this
Anonymous 16490
>>16488how will he ever survive the mental scarring of such an intense encounter.. he didn't even understand it lmao he will be okay
Anonymous 16491
>>16488It's a weird mix between insane overprotectiveness and babying of idols but also being super demanding and entitled when it comes to their own american-centric interests and issues.
Anonymous 16493
>>16485i get being upset over racism and whatever other garbage idols get up to, but shouldn't fans be taking up the issue with the members who perpetrated the behavior? shotaro is one of the newbies, so i can't imagine he's very high up on the totem pole, despite how well he performs
i'm not gonna lie, i got strong second hand embarrassment just from reading your cap, anon, how the hell these girls function irl is mystifying Anonymous 16494
>>16491>american-centricmost Twitter kpop fans have from SEA though
Anonymous 16495
>>16485tldr for anyone who doesnt want to have to listen to her grating ass voice:
fan starts going on about how recent comments has "hurt" fans a lot and they want success but also want to bring it up, no indication of what exactly was said (people are assuming the colorist/fatphobic comments)
the entire thing is awkward and i did skip around a bit because she is obnoxious and grating, and there is a translator in the back but shotaro just looks confused and smiles and nods
Anonymous 16497
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>>16495The fan wasn't rude at all, she was super careful and vague, but the whole thing is just so awkward first of all and second Shotaro has nothing to do with it which is why its so funny.
I hope their staff take a look at stan twitter and make some marketing strategy because a lot of fatties are fuming.
Anonymous 16498
>>16494But cultural appropriation and whatever nowadays idols usually get accused of are things that mostly americans care about. Maybe SEAfags adapt the woke talking points muricans on twitter.
>>16493>racismWhy are people acting as if an east asian person calling another east asian person (lucas) tan is racist?
Anonymous 16499
>>16496she probably is white but most people are complaining about mudras or w/e xiaojun and taeyong did
Anonymous 16500

>>16496this is that dumb twitterfag's "notes" for the call lol
apparently it was more so about cultural appropriation rather than fatshaming etc. not sure if this twitterfag is white or not (she does sound white af) but either way shes all over sm right now trying to make herself out as some martyr and champion of justice kek
Anonymous 16501
>>16499it was, but these fags realize that nct isnt the one doing the choreography and have little to no say in it right?
and like other anons said, CA is a very western-centric idea, i get calling out idols for fatshaming or whatever the fuck more but talking to a newbie about CA around something he couldnt even control just seems like a waste of time and money
Anonymous 16502
It’s so awkward when people who aren’t even apart of the culture that was supposedly “appropriated” are the loudest about it.
I’m Ethiopian and when I see dreadlocs worn by idols I literally don’t care, the diversity in concepts and style is what makes Kpop so fun.
As long as it’s not mocking my culture I find it fun to see them reference African or Black culture.
Also saying this to idols themselves and explaining how it’s problematic won’t help.
I remember a SF9 member had a fan ask him to modify his hairstyle from those clown looking dreads that was worn during Mamma Mia era and he was shocked but the next day he wore it again.
Speak with the management if it bothers you so much, Shotaro must have been so confused lol
Anonymous 16504
>>16503kek as if sm is going to do shit, they know these fans are all lipservice and they'll still buy the merch and screech about hot oppars regardless
and its true, this will all be forgotten in a few days until the next controversy, and then they send another wave of emails with their piggy fingers and cry for a few days and then get over it again
man it must be exhausting manning that email inbox though, i feel for that poor intern stuck with that job
Anonymous 16505
>>16502agreed though I don't think it's just outsiders trying to decide what's problematic. people on twitter live for being seen as victims so every offense is treated as a literal hate crime. it's funny seeing people act like durags are some deeply respected cultural item though. Anonymous 16506
what about our new board? ;_;
Anonymous 16507
>>16506other admin has been working on it all day and it should be ready by tomorrow at the latest. it'll be posted here once its ready
Anonymous 16509

Sorry for the soap box post but I need to vent.
I find it high-key hilarious how international kpop fans consume and fetishize so many aspects of Korean culture and also comment on so many aspects of Korean society without proper knowledge and zero stake in it, yet whenever anything happens that concerns THEIR culture they become the most holy, woke, PC people ever giving fucking UN speeches to these dudes.
Like they don't spend their time thirsting over Korean dudes and their shallow fucking music, consuming fanfics where they make these dudes fuck each other, literally counting down the minutes these dudes turn 18 and looking for pics of their abs flashing for fap material and want these dudes to act in a way that fulfills their fucking emotional needs like some social inept retards.
Anonymous 16510
>>16509yup, the hypocrisy baffles me, they'll prance around in hanbok and butcher the language but in the same breath will accuse idols of CA
but thats just the nature of twitter, hypocritical pigs trying to appear woke for social media kudos
Anonymous 16511
>>16509idk I feel like there's a lot of people that like kpop but hate everything else about korea. they don't want to be seen as koreaboos so they'll shit on koreans especially kfans and act like whoever they stan is an exception.
Anonymous 16512
>>16511Korean culture isn't compatible with Western culture at all so they are never going to like Korean culture, BUT imagine like Koreans making comments about American culture and current political events just because they listen to Katy Perry and watch American tv shows. Ifans act so entitled towards a whole country because they listen to boybands.
Anonymous 16513
>>16509cringe but weeaboos are cringier
Anonymous 16514
>>16512do you really think koreans don't make comments about American culture and American political events?
as an American living in Asia, you get subjected to extremely weird unsolicited takes about American culture from random people all the time
Anonymous 16515
>>16500Funny that she's acting like she did anything because I just watched the clip and not only did she not get to say anything about the cultural appropriation but Shotaro looked like he understood literally none of it. The translator didn't even bother translating anything after OP started talking about NCT offending fans, she said one short thing to him at the end and that was it (if someone here knows Korean and wouldn't mind telling us what the translator said that would be great, I would be really surprised if she told him what OP was actually saying).
Anonymous 16516

Our favorite bully prince uploaded a photo without snow filter.
Anonymous 16517
>>16516If you look closely you can see the blur on his face that’s caused by photoshop
Anonymous 16518
>>16511I do hate Korea and I hate when westerners praise their culture. I won't go into details but this also applies to Japan and its whiteknights.
Anonymous 16519
I hope that Irene can somehow recover form her scandal. RV has the funnest songs and best concepts I don't want them to die because of this. I hope SM makes her go the Taeyoung route and she apologizes and just deals with the backlash for a couple of years unit people forget.
Anonymous 16520
>>16519i honestly want her to leave, she wasnt really anything outside of a pretty face, RV can definitely survive without her (and rake in the pity points if she does leave)
i dont think korea is ever going to let RV live it down if she stays, her presence is more of a death sentence for them imo
Anonymous 16521
>>16518I love Korea for its skincare Using Korean products changer my face
Anonymous 16522

>>16520It's fx all fucking over again. RV on the decline about to be replaced by this hidden group.
Anonymous 16523
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Interesting … hope this takes off like the MBTI thing and more idols do it so people can relax with all the China/Japan/Korea who is superior tension.
https://www.allkpop.com/article/2020/10/mamamoos-solar-surprised-to-find-out-that-shes-not-100-koreanAnonymous 16524
>>16509Tbh in this case they'd just say that it's ok because those girls are poc too and thus never have or can't oppress koreans.
>>16511They like kpop because asian representation but can't stand korea because most korean's mentality is closer to the average conservative boomer
Anonymous 16525
>>16516Looks immediately a lot better
I agree with all you anons being sad about rv, I mostly listen to bg but amongst gg they had the best songs and concept, neither male pandering nor fake strong
I honestly don't think that they'll survibe this…
Anonymous 16526
>>16522it's really a waste of a pretty face
Anonymous 16527

>>16516Xiaojun is like the epitome of an awkward ass theater kid so no wonder he's getting bullied. He should grow a backbone seriously imagine getting bullied by some anachan potential incel.
Anonymous 16528
>>16527all i know about nct i learned from these threads. until now, the cutest nct member posted here is xiaojun.
Anonymous 16529
>>16527Nice victim blaming here.
Anyways, I watched the fancam posted earlier about Jaemin denying the mic. Doesn't he look pissed already from the very beginning? Never seen Dream content, so I don't know if he has a RBF or not.
Either way, he is a grown up in the industry long enough to just deal with it, even if he has problems with Xiaojun.
Anonymous 16530
>>16529im just laughing because if this happened the other around (xiaojun being bitchy to jaemin) jaeminfags would have his head on a pike and be spamming hashtags like #justiceforjaemin and #protectjaemin
must be nice to have a big following, the dude has been problematic for a long time but he always will have shields kek
Anonymous 16532
>>16527>xiaojun is a theater kidWhere's this coming from?
Anonymous 16533
>>16532here lol
he is 100% a geeky theater kid and honestly it's kind of endearing
doesnt translate well on camera, dude is so squirrely and cannot look comfortable in front of a lens
Anonymous 16534
>>16523>0.05% sub-saharan africanShe's going to get bullied by k-netz
Anonymous 16537
>>16534the Japanese and Chinese part would warrant more bullying imo especially sine it indicates Chinese great grandparents.
Anonymous 16538
>>16536im sorry can you just read any of the previous 4 threads, wayv wealth is brought up literally every single week, just look there
i dont mind nct talk as much as some of the anons in here, but i really dont want to scroll through 6000 posts of "lucas is poor/lucas is rich, x member is rich/poor" again
Anonymous 16539
>>16536yes please
>>16538 there are literal essays with proof written about this. its been discussed to death on here, lipstickalley, quora, lc twitter ect
Anonymous 16540
>>16533>and cannot look comfortable in front of a lensThen why does he look so hot and confident in this performance?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Jj3yFgUlk Anonymous 16541
>>16536>>16539sorry, i usually ignore all nct related posts, i just got curious about the guy.
Anonymous 16542
>>16540sorry, i meant casually
i think he performs well because of his theater background, but dude legitimately is so cringey and awkward on vlives and any non-rehearsed content
Anonymous 16543
>>16525rv not male pandering? sure not as much as twice for example, but they still pander
Anonymous 16545
>>16543as much as i wish it wasn't, i feel like pandering to gross male fans is kind of crucial to the business model of most girl groups?
Anonymous 16546
>>16545it used to be, but i think with the prevalence of "girl crush" groups it's not as much a requirement
plus there's groups like mamamoo who pander to sjw dykes, so the gg scene has definitely grown quite a bit
Anonymous 16547
I’ve always found it odd how gg have to pander to male fans for relevance, bg do it too but they seem to stick around longer and end up having more revenue. Is it a pattern or a double standard too?
Anonymous 16549
Why do you guys act like koreans don’t get insanely outraged whenever someone says or does something to offend them? Or how they hate it when anyone mixes up their culture with another asian culture? They expect everyone to be aware of what they find offensive and continuously harass people until they apologize. Idk why everyone seems to forget that and acts like it just a “western” or “american” thing.
Anonymous 16550
>>16549theyre just as picky and finicky as the rest of them, but they dont do what international fans do which is actively reach out to stars etc to "educate them" as to what they do wrong
you never see korean fans writing petitions to cancel american stars for being shitheads, they just rant on pann and dont consume their content anymore
international fans feel the need to always be "educational" and i think that's what annoys most normal non twitterfag fans
Anonymous 16551
Underage nct and wayv fags if you plan to stay on crystal.cafe even after the kpop threads are gone you should at least learn how to integrate…
Right underneath where you type in your text are 2 other fields and on the first one is written "YouTube". This means that if you want to post a video you should put your youtube link into this field and not into the normal text box. This is called "embedding" and will make your link show up as video that can immediately be watched on this site.
Anonymous 16552
>>16550Except they do for example I don’t remember everything but the son of John Lennon posted the rising sun flag and Koreans harassed him and demanded apology until he caved inÖ
Anonymous 16553
>>16547Male fans are not nearly as loyal as female fans. So girls have to gear to female fans once they established themselves to the general public but can't get them CFs no more due to age.
Anonymous 16554
>>16552Japan really fucked over Korea and China during WW2, of course it is still a sensitive issue, and you don't have to be korean to understand that posting the rising sun flag is fucking stupid. On the contrary, CA is a very petty, US-centered issue, and "educating" your faves about it is absolutely ridiculous. You can't compare the two.
Anonymous 16555
They don’t just get angry at ww2 stuff, koreans go crazy even if a blogger criticizes a k-beauty brand
Anonymous 16556
>>16554It’s not about Japan or ww2 it’s about the fact that when they feel offended they will rage no matter the topic, a different example is the Sam okyle debacle.
Also most westerner’s don’t know that the rising sun flag is offensive. And if koreans are allowed to be angry because they were oppressed so can other countries like India etc. Korea is Not the only Country that was fucked over due to colonialism war etc
Anonymous 16557

>Since jaemin is somewhat linked to the korean alt-right, I think it might "just" be xenophobia. Xiaojun looks so lost and confused as to why he's being ignored, and he keeps trying to at least be nice to jaemin.
>yeah he's pitiful. xiaojun is actually nice but very awkward guy, i'm afraid he's being relentlessly bullied by that lunatic.
>no i think he's just a sadist who enjoys bullying vulnerable people
>Jaemin really is being a dick to Xiaojun […] you can see how uncomfortable Xiaojun gets because he ignores him- He seems so sweet too I feel bad for the guy
>Nice victim blaming here.
>if this happened the other around (xiaojun being bitchy to jaemin) jaeminfags would have his head on a pike and be spamming hashtags like #justiceforjaemin and #protectjaemin
…and that's just a small excerpt of what was posted within the last few hours.
You bitches are crazy. Reading this one would think that Jaemin was outed like Seungri but it's just you analyzing mere seconds of interaction. Don't you realize that you sound exactly like insane ratmys babying their "boys"?
I knew nothing about WayV prior to the threads on lc and cc. What I learned through you is that
>Lucas get's bullied by Kai
>Lucas calling his members fat is based because he's hot
>everybody is racist against Lucas
>Xiaojun is about to get murdered by Jaemin
Not once have you posted something nice, something positive, that would make others interested in your favs, it's always just them supposedly being the biggest victims on this planet.
Anonymous 16558
>>16557Im not a fan of Wayv but posted about the Jaemin Xiaojun tension just because I find it funny when idols can’t hide they dislike for other members
Anonymous 16559
>>16556Like I don’t care about Twitterfags complaining ca but to say that koreans don’t harass people till they apologize when they feel offended is a lie
Anonymous 16560
>>16557i just like talking shit, it's not that serious lol
its not a fan's job to bring more people into their group, just let us shit on idols and talk about dumb stuff
i dont give a shit either way about any member, i just think its funny that two of them obviously have tension and cant even hide it on camera
Anonymous 16561
>>16557I'm really not sure if collecting posts from hourse ago just to complain isn't more crazy, but you know, you can always just post about something you are interested in instead.
And if you want to learn about new kpop groups, go to youtube and listen to their music, instead of trying to find stuff on an imageboard full of gossip?
Anonymous 16562

>>16557I'm not their pr team. I just come here to sperg and say things that would get me banned elsewhere.
Anonymous 16563
>>16557you do realize most of these people arent taking this shit seriously (including the "lucasfags"), most of us are just shitposting and taking the piss out of idols
meanwhile you're here compiling posts and taking specific quotes, who's actually the insane one here
Anonymous 16564
>>16558>>16560>Im not a fan of Wayv but posted about the Jaemin Xiaojun tension just because I find it funny >i dont give a shit either way about any member, i just think its funnyYet you use words like xenophobic, lunatic, sadist for Jaemin and vulnerable, sweet, victim for Xiaojun. Who are you trying to kid? Those posts are very obviously very emotionally charged, something you clearly care much about personally. A non-fan wouldn't get so passionate. A non-fan who just wants to have a laugh about two dudes not getting along also wouldn't search for the newest videos, they wouldn't watch them and they certainly wouldn't look out for possible tensions between the members.
Anonymous 16565
So are Red Velvet disbanding? Or maybe Irene will take a break?
Anonymous 16566
>>16564i…wasnt the ones who posted those comments? i dont get why youre getting so agitated, the general majority of kpop cc users are just here to shittalk and trigger people like you who do take it seriously
you can be a casual fan and enjoy shitposting, i honestly dont understand how you're so triggered over other people just taking the piss out of idols, just ignore it and bring up a new topic
Anonymous 16567
>>16566There are several dozen of these posts every single day and it gets annoying af
Anonymous 16569
>>16564have you seen the alt-right youtubers Jaemin is a fan of? they're completely deranged and anyone who enjoys them is a sociopath who should be thrown out of idol industry
Anonymous 16570

>>16557>Not once have you posted something nice, something positive, that would make others interested in your favsGuys have you ever noticed Jaemin's thick daddy hands? So much nicer than Taeyong skinny, little weiner fingers. Imagine having your ass slapped by those
Anonymous 16571
>>16556Damn I was just about to say something in a similar vein as this. It's nice to know some anons feel this way too because it was feeling real dense in here. Thanks
Anonymous 16572
>>16569No, I haven't. Must have missed that amongst the hundreds of posts talking about poor Xiaojun being looked at weirdly.
Anonymous 16573
>>16567you do realize 99% of cc posts are negative right, there is little to no positive fangirling in here because its fun to shittalk without getting banned/downvoted/brigaded
if you want to see pretty kpop recommendations and listen to cute comments about perfect oppas, maybe the allkpop or reddit forums are better for you
Anonymous 16574
>>16572then why are you acting as if you know everything? people aren't simply talking out of their asses
Anonymous 16575
>>16557>Lucas get's bullied by Kai>Lucas calling his members fat is based because he's hot>everybody is racist against Lucas>Xiaojun is about to get murdered by JaeminOmg this recap made me laugh a little too hard
Anonymous 16576
>>16573There's a difference between normal negative posts and your sociopath Jaemin vs vulnerable victim Xiaojun posts. That's not having fun, talking about drama, that's stans raging.
>>16574Yet you only focus on what he supposedly does to your Xiaojun…
Anonymous 16577
>>16575the first three is lucasfag shitposting which imo is fucking hysterical, especially when fags like the original op get triggered over it
people need to realize cc and most other anon kpop threads are going to be primarily negative and shitpost-y, they just keep taking the bait instead of moving on
Anonymous 16578
can the jaeminfag claim down, everyone is having fun shittalking except you
Anonymous 16579
>>16576nobody really cares about xiaojun imo me included. you just have to realize you're on an imageboard. people aren't here for virtue signalling we just want to vent
Anonymous 16581
I don't care about you shitting on idols, that's what this thread is here for afterall. But when you do it while at the same time relentlessly asskissing another idol, it simply takes on a very different perspective. That's no different from twitterrats fighting tooth and nail for their oppar.
>>16578>>16579I could believe you if the likes of you wouldn't react like this to somebody who dares to say something less than praise to Xiaojun. See for example here
>>16529 "Nice victim blaming" - you couldn't sound any more like a twitterfag. Apparently only certain people are okay to get shitposted about.
Anonymous 16582
>>16564>A non-fanYou're not on LC anymore dumbass
Anonymous 16583
Any song deephouse/synthpop recs for nct? im an exofag and ive never been too into nct
Anonymous 16584

>>16557Calm down lady. We are here to gossip and be dramatic about boybands for no reason, taking any of this too seriously will result in a bad time.
Anonymous 16585
>>16583literally none of their discography is good kek
Anonymous 16586
>>16581>I don't care about you shitting on idols, that's what this thread is here for afterallYou're not on LC anymore dumbass
Anonymous 16587

>>16585Can't tell if you're calling exo bad or not (sorry Im literally SEA ESL)
I really like Summer 127. Also like Superhuman and Heartbreaker. Was wondering since there's so many nctposters here that I could get any recs
Anonymous 16588
>>16586Shitposting on a friday night I see
Anonymous 16589
>>16572>No, I haven't.Then you shut the fuck up and educate yourself.
Anonymous 16590
the new admins are gonna have their work cut out for them trying to keep these moralfagging spergs off the new site, its going to be a cesspool unless they really silo everything, but then we might not have conversation
Anonymous 16591
>>16569Girl ur acting dense on purpose, there is only one (God-tuk) people were speculating on and its not even proven 100%.
Anonymous 16592
>jaemin is alt-rght
wtf I love nct now
Anonymous 16593
>>16587I was just about to recommend Heartbreaker to you, that was the first song I could think of when you said synthpop. Summer 127 and Superhuman are also great choices. It'd be helpful to know which songs/albums you haven't listened to so we can recommend some you haven't already heard.
Anonymous 16594
>>16590Solution is simple, make a "overanalyzing NCT words and actions thread". Nctfags can have the time of their life sperging there and everyone else never has to hear about NCT ever again.
New board is going to be heaven.
Anonymous 16595
>>16592korean alt-right is fucked up though
as fucked up as megalia
they both take it to extremes
Anonymous 16596

>>16593I've listened to almost all their title tracks, not really a fan of their usual style. I've hardly listened to their bsides because I assume most of their music is in the hip hop EDM style and it's just not my thing.
Looking for songs that are more vocal-heavy and less rap. Thanks in advance!
Anonymous 16597

Lets say a movie scenario happened and for some reason you and Jaemin are stuck in a room together for two weeks, with enough food and water to keep you alive. Do you think you'd end up fucking by the end or nah?
Anonymous 16599
>>16595Alt-right was a movement led by Richard Spencer in 2016. It's entirely about white identitarianism. It died around 2019 when the people in the movement turned against Spencer. It's not a synonym for far right wing and it has nothing to do with male supremacy or whatever.
If you want to say he follows misogynistic groups, say that. I am very aware of the huge gender divide in SK, it's badshit crazy. Megalia and ilbe take it to a whole nother level.
Anonymous 16601
>>16590they should just make seperate threads like there was on lc
Anonymous 16603
>>16598just scroll up someone went deep into the discussion yesterday about it
Anonymous 16604
>>16583You might have some luck with NCT Dream, none are heavy because of their concept, but some have synths
Anonymous 16605
>>16589Ok, I did now.
So Jaemin said Hello weirdly and wrote kimochii and therefore people assume he watches a certain bad youtuber and anons here changed that into him watching multiple alt-right youtubers, being alt-right himself, being xenophobic, being a sadist, being a lunatic and being a sociopath. Gotcha.
>>16597He's probably a rapist, anon.
Anonymous 16606
>>16597Lmaooo anon. Is this asking us if we would fuck Jaemin or if you think Jaemin would be trying to fuck us
Anonymous 16607
>>16596Just search for "nct soft/chill songs" and you'll get tons of results like vid related. See if you like any of these
Anonymous 16608
>>16600nctfag lol I'm tired of ppl acting like the world will end whenever anyone posts about nct especially if anyone dares post something somewhat positive
Anonymous 16610
So looks like the stylist will not release the recording, very disappointing. I still hope that this pretty much killed irenes career
Anonymous 16611

>>16595Forgot about NCT Dream. I've listened to a lot of their songs and nothing's really stuck out to me. Not a fan of I liked We Go Up mainly for the metronome beat (love when that's used in kpop like Trick It by Twice and The One by Exo-cbx)
The one you linked had a nice style and I liked the violin a lot, has a similar sound to what I like about exo. Not immedietly hooked since the mixing is a bit weird sounding(?) but thank you
>>16607Hm I guess I could listen to that, it's just that I'm not too big on lofi beats and such. I appreciate the suggestion though!
Anonymous 16612
>>16605Why did you decide to become a jaemin apologist? Not even Haechan is fucked up like that.
Anonymous 16614
>>16599Yep it's basically just pure misogyny.
Anonymous 16615
>>16611Since we both (kinda) liked We Go Up and My First and Last, I will recommend that you try listening to Nct Dream's We Young (don't watch the MV, it's badly made), Boom and Drippin'.
Puzzle piece is a soft song with acoustic guitar that reminds me of Kyungsoo and Fx's goodbye summer. These are what I think that is NCT Dream's best.
Anonymous 16616
>>16613Why obviously? Asking whether a kpop idol would fuck greasy western fatty-chans and hags who spend their friday night shitposting anonymously about him on imageboards is a valid question, anon!
Anonymous 16617
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>>16605damn ur really gonna get this worked up over fucking Jaemin from nct.
Go outside sis take a walk run the shower faucet over your clit and relax nobody is taking any of this as serious as you
Anonymous 16618
>>16616Let the losers just be, anonnie
Anonymous 16619
>>16605We've also discussed his emoji-heavy psychotic posts to fans after fucking up. That is also problematic
Anonymous 16620

>>16615I've listened to We Young and although I like the fact that they were in sailor uniforms (very cute) the song itself was just kinda eh? Like I'm just not big on tropical house type music. Was never a fan of Kokobop either. As for ballads I only really like the orchestral vocal-heavy stuff like Sonatine by Loona 1/3, One Of These Nights by Red Velvet, and Let Me In by Haseul. Any songs where nct's vocal line are given lots of spotlight? I love doyoungs voice a lot. Wish he would cover less Engrish songs desu
Anonymous 16621

What most of us on here look like taking shit about Jaemin being an incel who hates women.
Anonymous 16623
>>16617Never noticed Jaemin has a really long torso
Anonymous 16624
>>16618oof get off your moral high horse hannamfag
Anonymous 16625
so we can all agree that exo is peak gaypop right
Anonymous 16626
We are apparently ugly fat chicks because we don’t wanna fuck Jaemincel and call out his behavior
Let’s weep ladies
Anonymous 16627
>>16624>hannamfagFinally we have a word for them
Anonymous 16628
>>16620>I only really like the orchestral vocal-heavy >Any songs where nct's vocal line are given lots of spotlight? I love doyoungI wouldn't know, I'm sorry. I like kpop songs bc they're good for working out. You will probably have some luck if you search "nct member"+solo. They have quite a few cover songs especially for that purpose, showing off their voices. Have a Renjun's cover engrish solo as a gift.
Anonymous 16630
>>16628I am living for Nctfags scrambling for their life to find a good vocal oriented song Nct has done lol
Anonymous 16632

>>16625That's how kpop should be like. Nowadays groups like nct could never - because their own stans would attack them for their problematic gaybaiting homophobic behavior kek
Anonymous 16634
>>16630Ever heard anything besides the main tracks? Because on b-sides vocal line shines a LOT more, People that complain that some members don't have any lines or are not utilized as much clearly haven't checked out any of their albums.
Anonymous 16635

Jaemin gives me Chad vibes, not incel vibes at all. Why would a dude who could get his dick sucked by hordes of women be on ilbe talking about how much he hates them? He's famous, wealthy, good looking can hook up with his pretty costars not to mention he's been catered to his whole life.
Anonymous 16636
>>16629Like who tf is doing it like them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSMz_uRYRwo&ab_channel=MBCkpopThe visuals, the fanservice, the music
The gaypoop industry if btfo without them
Anonymous 16637
>>16635you'd be suprised how many korean men are like this
Anonymous 16638
>>16596Since you said you like synths/house music (or maybe not, I just read your last post saying no tropical house lol), maybe you'd like Wake Up or Replay (PM 01:27)? Those kind of seem to fit the genre you're talking about. Sorry if my recs are off the mark, though.
Anonymous 16639
I am here to remind you Nct is Sm’s shame and failure
Enjoy JoJo by SHINee oppar
Anonymous 16640
>>16620I like love song, dreams come true, knock on, and highway to heaven by 127. 1,2,3 by nct dream is one of my favorite songs out of all the units. I'm pretty genre dumb though.
Anonymous 16641

Wake Up is way too noisy for me
I liked Replay a lot, the bassline is great! Thank you :)
Anonymous 16642
>>16632PG 13 cuddling is all nct is allowed to do without stans freaking out about poor babies being forced by SM. Haechan sitting on Doyoung's lap in a millisecond clip caused outrage.
Anonymous 16643
>>16635That Jung Joon-young guy was also a chad and a womanizer yet he was a distributor of molkas
Anonymous 16645
>>16635Ilbe isn’t a incel site
Jaemin seems to browse misogynistic community sites (community sites in Korea are like imageboards) rather than Ilbe lol
He’s not smart enough to understand the politics behind it he site, it’s not like 4chan filled with underage edgy entitled bitches.
If Jaemin was Amurican he would most def visit 4chan
Anonymous 16646

>>16632>rat getting all that actionlove him so much
Anonymous 16647
>>16645no he would frequent r/kpopfap
Anonymous 16648
>>16646this dude makes me feel a type of way I am so ashamed to say this Anonymous 16649
>>16637Are you from Korea? If so, why? In America the guys who are incels are those that go to Korea to teach English because they can't accomplish anything in their home country. There are men that are more traditional in America but they are normal and capable of functioning in society.
>>16643Damn you're right… I think he and co were actual perverts and sociopaths though, no normal person can do that.
Anonymous 16650
>>16645No ilbe is definitely known for its inceldom. Dc insider is more like something he would browse.
Anonymous 16651

>>16648hes such a cute little twink even at his old age and is probably the most effeminate idol ever. cant wait for him to come back home, miss my man so much.
Anonymous 16652
>>16639real by SHINee is also very good
Anonymous 16653
>>16639>nct will never release a song like thisis sm even trying at this point
Anonymous 16654
>>16628This cover sucks. He made troye sivan sound like an amazing singer, that's how bad it it
Anonymous 16655
>not a single track in Eyes Wide Open is produced by Monotree or Ollipop
being meguca is suffering
Anonymous 16656

>>16642>PG 13 cuddling is all nct is allowed to do without stans freaking out about poor babies being forced by SM. …and without their spoiled lazy members complaining about feeling 'uncomfy'.
Anonymous 16657
>>16641>>16644Aw no problem, I'm glad you liked at least one of them, anon!
Also, I saw that you like Doyoung's voice (great choice!), have you ever heard Star Blossom? I hope you don't mind that it's a duet, but I personally find Sejeong's voice gorgeous and it seems like you're okay with female idols if the pictures you're posting are of any indication.
Anonymous 16658
>>16650Just like some anons said they’re just the korean Equalivant of alt right, that includes a lot of misogynistic behavior but I wouldn’t say necessarily Incel it’s hard to explain the stigma surrounding the site.
Incels do frequent the site but they have different boards so it’s not like people will call someone with Incel behavior a Ilbe user>>16649Lol im not Korean, I used to live there on and off ever since I went on exchange there so I read about Korean social issues a lot. To put it simply ILBE users are a almagation of hikikomori, Incel, far right activist, MRA, Otaku ppl Anonymous 16660

>>16657Holy shit I love this so much!!!! This is the EXACT type of songs I like from ballads. Their voices and the orchestral music is so beautiful. Thank you for this!
Anonymous 16661
>>16659i'm literally waiting for the day both of them come back from the army. i miss them so much.
Anonymous 16662
>>16653They stopped after Red Velvet debuted lol
The AR team sucks, like who even greenlit Make a Wish
Anonymous 16663

>>16659>looks and acts like a catboyso kino, so precious, i love him
Anonymous 16665

Chad to Incel meter NCT
Ultra Chads
Would browse 4chan
Possibly Incel
I have no idea
Anonymous 16666
>>16630Nobody listens to NCT for their vocals you delusional cow
Anonymous 16667
>>16662I'm quite incompetent with music, but even I could make something better than that. Like what the fuck. Were there intentions to make the worst possible song ever and see if people would notice?
Anonymous 16669
>>16666They’re from Sm and can’t sing
Sm’s failure and shame indeed.
Anonymous 16670
>>16666i used to but everything after limitless sounded bad to me so i stopped following them
Anonymous 16671
>>16665If Jungwoo is not gay he's definitely a miso incel.
>chad>Doyoung>YangYang>HaechanAnd ur definitely blind and deaf.
Anonymous 16672
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-eXjFJZY9U&ab_channel=%EC%9D%BCeilThere is literally nothing hotter than kpop men who can pull off a beautiful acapella harmonization.
Anonymous 16673
Screenshot (353).p…

Xiumin is also a woke king who teaches his young fans to not starve themselves
Anonymous 16674
>>16660I'm so glad you liked it! I also think you might like No Longer if you haven't heard it already - it's a ballad made just for the vocal line and Doyoung gets quite a few lines in it! Sorry for spamming you with recs haha.
Anonymous 16675
>>16672And all that with almost no ksoo.
Anonymous 16677

>>16672I love Exo but pls embed your links here fellow Exohag
Anonymous 16678
>>16671YY is a millionaire
Doyoung has social skills and dates around
Haechan is not an incel anon no matter how ugly u thin he is
Anonymous 16679
>>16678Haechan isn’t an Incel but Chenle is?
Share your wisdom o wise anon
Anonymous 16680
>>16672>their smilesi miss them so much it's unreal.
>>16673 Anonymous 16681

>>16674Piano ballads are just kind of eh for me. With there was more violin. I think their best vocals are Doyoung and Taeil. Would be great as a trio with Jaehyun to provide balance.
Anonymous 16682

>>16678Haechan is uglyhot, I don't how he manages to pull that off with that fucking face
Anonymous 16684

>>16677I usually do, it's just very early hours where I am and im still very sleepy. Thank u though
Anonymous 16685
>>16665>forgets johnnywhen you're so irrelevant kek
>>16646>>16648>>16659>>16663did we just settle that xiumin is the only idol we like along with mark or is it just two exohags agreeing with each other?
Anonymous 16686
>>16685It's just two Exohags, lol.
I don't think there's any idol who's universally liked on here, not even Mark, as much as I like the little guy. Anon who said we were all whiteknighting Xiaojun was off the mark too since I saw just as many people shitting on him before.
Anonymous 16687

>>16680cant believe i forgot about this….. love him so much
song also slaps so hard
the choreo is so tight too, i love how graceful he is when he dances
Anonymous 16688
>>16686> people shitting on him beforeWhat did he do?
Anonymous 16693
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>>16679I'm looking back at my choice and questioning but recently Chenle has just been giving messy tmi since he started that radio show anon. First saying he hans't been able to cry since 2016, then saying he has no interest in the world anymore and recently he said he's never had a crush like?
hes starting to sound a bit unhinged.
Looking at my own screenshot though, he said "secret crush" so he may be a ultra chad after all who just goes up to the ladies he likes and swoons them. He's also a billionaire so that ads ultra chad points.
Anonymous 16694
>>16687same. i love this song so much and choreo goes so well it. he's just so great, his voice has this softness to it that you usually don't hear these days
>>16689when i saw this pic i instantly thought of this song
Anonymous 16695
can the exohags please stop posting that rat. idk how much longer we can ignore these cringe delusional posts anymore.
Anonymous 16698
>>16682That one fanaccount anon gave of what they look like irl was hilarious and described him so well he looks both 15 and 25
Anonymous 16699
>>16694I dont know if one man can be so perfect. A soft cute voice, graceful dancing, adorable face that never ages, how does he do it?
Anonymous 16700
>>16681another anon here, but have you heard try again? tbf ik you said you didn't like piano ballads but it's one of the few nct songs i like and i'm also an exofag
>>16695seems like some twitterfags found their way here… again
Anonymous 16701
>>16697kyungsoo has such a gorgeous face why is he 5'3 God
Anonymous 16702
>>16700I like the chord progression here a lot, wow, it sounds really good!! So jazzy. Love this one a lot too. Thank you again for the rec!
Anonymous 16703
>>16693Anon, I'm by no means a Chenlefag nor do I know what kind of TMI he's spilled on his radio show but not being able to cry and not having a crush doesn't necessarily make you "unhinged." The "no interest in the world anymore" comment is concerning and leads me to believe he's depressed though, I hope he gets it checked out for his own sake.
Anonymous 16704
>>16702Forgot to unlink, like I said its early SEA hours for me lmao
Anonymous 16705
>>16701Exactly what I think, if he were 6 foot he would be perfect
Anonymous 16706

Hi everyone, one of the imageboard admins here. The site is finally up and ready for use.
Welcome to choachan.cafe!
We currently have a kpop, offtopic and meta board. Please head over to /site/ if you have any questions or suggestions for us.
https://choachan.cafe/boards.jsAnonymous 16707
>>16405https://twitter.com/jaeminpic/status/1308013970570256385This is like the male version of Doyoung's story of Irene's practice room and how all of the trainees were afraid of her.
https://www.koreaboo.com/news/nct-doyoung-red-velvet-irene-poor-attitude-controversy/>>16617NTA but seriously, go back to twitter or learn to integrate fag. It's embarrassing how many anons in here type in obvious twitter speak which just alerts the other anons that you have a [NCT] stan account and only use LC and CC because you're too scared to share honest opinions on your feed. Based on some of the unironic mentions of 'CA' in here (though some anons have laughed at the sjw shit) I'm gonna guess that at least some of you also exercise the same performative wokeness for kpop stan twitter points. And that includes the people who laughed at the twitter idiot that tried "eDuCaTiNg ShOtArO" but probably spew the same bullshit themselves when they're not anonymous. At least TRY to make this all less obvious because these threads are going to shit. I'm happy to talk about Jaemin obviously bullying that kid but don't jump to his defense like you would on your twitter.
Anonymous 16708
>>16706thank you new admin(s) for your hard work!
Anonymous 16709
>>16706Thank you! The new site looks adorable!
Anonymous 16710
>>16706thanks admins-nims, you are jinjja daebak, neomu saranghaeyo
Anonymous 16711
>>16707> And that includes the people who laughed at the twitter idiot that tried "eDuCaTiNg ShOtArO"Oh you shut the fuck, you paranoid fuck
>>16706I love that the main theme is pink.
Anonymous 16713
>>16703I feel like not crying for 4 years is really strange anon, am I the only one? Fans were super concerned for him and even did a little hashtag.
Anonymous 16718
>>16717No one has made a thread yet for some reason
Anonymous 16719
>>16713Well I mean it depends, did anything happen in those 4 years that was worth crying about? I know you guys brought up how he was one of the only ones who didn't cry at the last Dream concert. It could be a sign of depression, or it could be something else. "Unhinged" isn't the right word to use, though, that makes it sound like he's a psychopath or something.
Anonymous 16721
fuck two nct thread were made already
Anonymous 16724
I made the overanalyzing thread but it's dumb to have two threads about nct i feel like one would be good or? should there be a general and a shit talking one?
Anonymous 16725
>>16721proof this thread is full of nctfags tbh
Anonymous 16727
>>16725Nothing wrong with that, ratmonster fucker
Anonymous 16728
The new board is fucking cute
Anonymous 16729
Choachan is officially a male board, with 4chin's /kpg/ posting girl idols.
Anonymous 16730
>>16729there's like 10 solo threads for male groups. what do you expect to be posted in the general thread
Anonymous 16731
Plotwist the thread was actually made by moafag after all
Anonymous 16732
>>16729Girls like girls too
But I’m kind of scared of male posters will disguise themselves among us
Anonymous 16733
>>16371he looks like a western chinese guy to me lol. he's attractive but not in a kpop way imo, like a normal guy way?
Anonymous 16734
>>16688Sorry for late reply anon but people were saying he was rude because he blew a fan in a staff member's face once (vid related at the 3 minute mark). They also got mad at him for saying his ideal type was a housewife or something. I don't think there's anything else he did. The rest of it was just nitpicking like calling him ugly or socially awkward.
Anonymous 16735
The posters on the new board are already insufferable
Anonymous 16736
>>16735Which thread are you talking about?
Anonymous 16737
>>16735post in the critical thread, i think thats a thread for you
Anonymous 16738
>>16455the dude to the left of taeyong (whats his name?) and lucas are the only ones who look like adult men lol.
also, taeyongs microexpressions come off as very gay vibes to me. idk maybe hes just very flamboyant but he comes off as not straight to me lol
Anonymous 16740
The new board had to have been leaked or something so many stray kids fans and the general thread is dead af.
Anonymous 16741
>>16740The general thread is not "normal", it's from 4chan.
Anonymous 16742
>>16741ngl i liked the vibe here more even with the constant bitching. Who's gonna call me out when I thirstpost manlets now.
Anonymous 16743
>>16742I made a "chat" thread in hopes that it would be similar to this one but it got deleted and 4chan's general thread won. Well, that's life.
I really liked the vibe here too.
Anonymous 16744
>>16740>>16742>>16743you can just select to watch the kpopcrit thread and ignore all the other ones
Anonymous 16745
yeah I'm going to post in the critical thread, hopefully the vibe here can be recreated minus the constant infighting
Anonymous 16746
>>16744>kpopcritUnironically, even tho we criticize each other, this CC thread has a really different vibe from LC and critical threads. It's softer, somewhat.
Anonymous 16747
>>16742>>16743>>16745This, I was meaning to come back here and tell you all how much I preferred the CC thread. Yes, there was infighting and NCT derailing constantly but I liked how cohesive and discussion-based it was. I appreciate the admins' hard work on it but the new site just seems like a thirstposting/image-spamming general. Also, I greatly prefer not having to share a space with blatant 4chan scrotes here.
Anonymous 16748
>>16743Can we ask adminsama to let us have a thread separate from the 4chan coomers and degenerates? That was my biggest fear, coomer moids taking over the board while the entire purpose for the site was a refuge for us from lc/cc. Men win again kek
Anonymous 16749
>>16748the critical thread seems fine for now. If we feel like scrotes are on it we can report them or ignore.
Anonymous 16750
>>16742Lol come to kpc and I will gladly call you out
Agree with other anons that the kpg thread was off from the beginning
Anonymous 16751
arab sasaeng anon please come to the sasaengs thread asap
Anonymous 16753
>>16749Admins don’t delete obvious scrotes posts so I doubt they’ll ban them
They’ll probably let men into the imageboard slowly but surely and it will be plastered with pedo shit.
Anonymous 16754
>>16735They sound like underage 4chan fags.
Anonymous 16755
I regret suggesting for someone to make a Kpop imageboard like 2 threads ago. We should’ve fought more to keep this thread I like the vibe here.
Anonymous 16759
i love my tiktok fujo sisters <3
fighting the anti-fujo terfs 24/7 in a coalition
Anonymous 16760
>>16759Ur on cc are u gonna fight an entire imageboard full of terfs or what
Anonymous 16764
>>16754you're too focused on group's thread. the critical thread is pretty much the same.
the problem is that we can't fight over moafag or lucasfags anymore because they are allowed to spam their oppas.
after some time i'm sure the new board will have its own identity. if you people don't post their we will sure miss something.
Anonymous 16775
Didnt admin say that we have this thread and the next one? Or did I read it wrong, anyway I think it’s best for now to enjoy it while it last
Anonymous 16776
Why can't we press the admins for one central thread on choa?
Anonymous 16780
Choachan admins posted this regarding male posters and that they would ban the reports against the people reporting suspected male users rather than the suspected male poster I
>I know this might annoy some of you but we would like the board to focus more on the content rather than the posters behind it.
Absolutely fucking retarded,
Anonymous 16781
>>16780Choachan admins are trannies confirmed.
Anonymous 16782
>>16780I mean, only a male would decide like that.
Anonymous 16784
>>16783Beg LC admin for kpop threads to be allowed again?
Anonymous 16785
We really got tricked by these trannies to jump ship and further ruin the thread so now there’s really no going back to LC or CC
It hurts
Anonymous 16786

Choachan was a retarded ass name for a site I should’ve known retards were behind this
They really came for scamyong’s brand
Anonymous 16788
>>16786>retards just say tranny, anonnie
Anonymous 16789
Looks like we were all thinking the same thing lmaooo. I tried giving the nct thread a chance but way too many non fans trying to stir shit up. Someone even fucking suggested that a terrorist group was going to bomb the Korean embassy over nct having a Shia Islamic prayer written somewhere on their stage.
Anonymous 16790
>>16789Holy shit lol I saw that
Honestly in some other threads the racebaiting is crazy, just another proof gaypg 4channers took over.
They can’t hold a serious convo even if their life depended on it, the spergouts are amazing.
And the fact that the Admin said that the gaypg fujos have intergrated well is another proof that the tranny is one of them.
Topkek we just got trolled how naive of us to believe they would make a imageboard for us to migrate to with no ulterior motive
Anonymous 16792
>>16790But what is the ulterior motive? Could it be anything more sinister than pretending to be a woman? Are they harvesting our data, our IPs?
Anonymous 16794
>>16790I don't think it's that dramatic. I'm sure that word got out about a thread being made and everyone just ran on over. the amount of threads and posts is insane for something creating like 3 days ago and I'm sure more people will join.
Anonymous 16796
>>16788I’m torn between the admin being a crazy tranny fujo ally or the admin actually being TIM
I can’t tell
Anonymous 16797

>>16792Eh probs just worded it wrong but are u the Admin lol
Anonymous 16798
>>16797No, I'm the one doing the questioning. What else should I ask? Pls, post your hand with a ruler just like the LC admin?
Anonymous 16799
>>16798>I’m the one doing the questioning?? What the fuck lol
Anonymous 16801
>>16798 >Pls, post your hand with a ruler just like the LC adminIm dead
>>16797Owner doesn't sound entitled like a man or violent like a tranny so I'm willing to believe.
Anonymous 16802
>>16800Your whole post gave me aneurysm, learn to put words together in a coherent sentence before calling anybody a retard
Anonymous 16803
>>16801Admin and the minions have come
It’s over girlies
Anonymous 16804
>>16802You're the only illiterate asperger here, go do your homework
>>16803I also want to believe because a k-pop board is something cool.
Anonymous 16805
>>16804Admin is a stay, fujoshi, and a raging mtf, what did we do to deserve this
Anonymous 16806
god you guys are fucking retarded no wonder every place kicks you out
Anonymous 16808
>>16807for being bitter paranoid stuck up losers preoccupied with other anonymous strangers and the way they behave
Anonymous 16809
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I hate how politics have seeped into kpop. Politics ruin everything and kpop is no exception. From this to preteens on Twitter bothering yangyang on his virtual fanmeet about colorism in nct.
Anonymous 16810
>>16808Eh. Admins a schizo too add that to the list.
Anonymous 16813
>>16812Just read for context lol wtf
Anonymous 16814
>>16813rly showing us all how totally not paranoid u are
Anonymous 16816
>>16814NTA, but imagine thinking a large amount of your userbase is full of wealthy white psychic women who somehow all know your race and target you over it because they think you owe them free labor.
And after you rant about that, you proceed to talk about "pajeet coons". But it's totally them, not you who's racist.
How is that not schizo?
Anonymous 16817
>>16816who tf is talking about lolcow. do you guys ever move on
Anonymous 16818
>>16816Oh, Admin, not Board owner. You're right, I agree. She's a bit paranoid indeed.
Anonymous 16822
>>16820I don’t see the appeal in Jaemin, he looks like the twink version of the guy Yoona dated. They’re both so ugly
Anonymous 16824
>>16780I think admin just wants more people/traffic on the board, that's it
Anonymous 16827
i tried the new board but it's full of ratmies and starkidsfags. i already miss this thread vibe
the problem is not the admins but just the spamming over photoshopped idols.
Anonymous 16828
>>16827The posters are all brain dead spammers. I don’t even have a single picture of an idol saved on my phone so I find it all very tiresome to look at. I was scared of the new board being too stan-like but that’s exactly what it is smh
Anonymous 16829
>>16828And the fact that they say they’re a board derived from LC but let this autistic s circle jerk on their board is just lol
Anonymous 16830
>>16829lolcow had the idol spam threads though? just post in the critical thread? it feels like everyone here is just mad they can't infight anymore because everyone went to their respective fandom threads to shill kek
Anonymous 16832
>>16830srsly. The shilling is mostly contained in the group generals and I don't notice any culture change in the kpop crit/general. Just avoid the threads if it's so full of autistic spamming
Anonymous 16837
>>16827i think the critical board is our best bet, i spent some time on it today and the admin is forcing the nctfags out to their containment thread, and there was decent talk about music recs and the new smgg
feeling optimistic about that thread but im sure eventually the spergers will get bored and try to stir up shit, so its entirely on mods to keep that out
Anonymous 16838
>>16828>brain dead spammersYou're a fucking idiot, you know that?
Anonymous 16843
I think sushi girl has the same vibe although thread rn is dead it can be revived if we gather enough girls
https://sushigirl.us/hell/res/3114.htmlAnonymous 16844
>>16843I was gonna say if the vibe in choachan doesn't improve why not just go to shushigirl and continue the thread although I think we pretty much lost everyone
Anonymous 16845
>>16827The BTS thread was milky goodness at first but then it devolved into edgy stan twitter
Anonymous 16846
>>16845Group threads are bound to become full of stans. I mean, ?
Anonymous 16847
>>16844choa will be fine once it slows down more. gaypg anons got bored after admin allowed them to stay. they're contrarians. you have to actually post on it though? the crit thread doesnt get a lot of engagement it seems
Anonymous 16849
Choa is very dead rn
It should have limited the number of new threads
Also they're handed out warnings for posting that nct drama on kpc but that was kinda milky and should be allowed. What they should be giving warnings for are those retardeds spaming "i want to peg jungkook". Fags, troons and fujos are the unholy trinity of chan ruin
Anonymous 16850
>>16849>Fags, troons and fujos You say it like that and I can almost see a confederate flag in your post.
Anonymous 16851
>>16849honestly i get that nct sperging/fighting is annoying, but when theres actual drama and discussion it should be allowed in the critical channel
so if youre telling me if bts inevitably fucks up again, we have to discuss it in the "containment" thread where all the batshit stans are who will try their hardest to sperg and derail?
we'll see i guess how things settle, but fragmenting the discussion into 500 groups and then selectively banning in discussion threads will kill it off real quick
Anonymous 16852

>>16849What are the lucasfags supposed to post about exactly? nct drama was a bit milky and the nct thread is completely dead so where to discuss?
Admin posted this
>TL;DR Direct your oppar-posting to your respective oppars' threads until one of them dies or commits a crime or something else that would be interesting to non-stansnct will never reach this level of drama.
Anonymous 16853
>>16851>>16849The issue may be that we never defined the thread. I just says post dislikes of idols and the industry. We should have come up with a definition of what the thread is about (more serious discussions based of milky or slightly milky drama/topics) and list of rules for the thread so people know what to post and what not to.
Anonymous 16854
>>16852>>tdlrThat mod "global volunteer" xx luv seems annoying as fuck
Anonymous 16855
>>16853I think the problem lies when the industry as a whole isn’t producing any milk. At that point it slows down or we revert to speculation. If you go on the sasaeng thread there is a lot it discuss in terms of hypotheticals. If you want to talk kpop critically as a whole then at some point it becomes nitpicky or just dragged to hell
Anonymous 16856

Damn Yuta must have tremendous self esteem to take several pictures next to Lucas. Jaemin could never.
Anonymous 16857
>>16855The sasaeng thread is choachan's only saving grace. The thread is fun as fuck even though its mostly bullshit.
Anonymous 16858
>>16855There are four threads that mirror the LC/CC threads
kpop crit
breaking news
Just decide here, in this very thread, which one will be the CC successor instead of spreading yourselves thin. I say this as a nctfag.
Anonymous 16859
>>16856Since none of the NCTs became bffs with Lucas, I do think they are a bit afraid of being mogged by him.
Anonymous 16860
>>16858yup, except the new admin seems to want to make an allkpop forum instead of a cc/lc forum with all the rules she's set
i vote moving to sushi if this continues, the thread is so dead bc people dont know or afraid of posting in the wrong thread
Anonymous 16861
I want to know where all the nctfags went? nct thread has been dead even though nct is promoting rn and there is some drama going around. Its also the smallest thread with even the exofags spamming seem to have more posts
Anonymous 16862
>>16861Maybe the lurkers are not posting because there was a fight and now they are afraid of being called out? The comfy vibes went away with all the nitpicking and aggressiveness by the mods and the posters. Me included.
Anonymous 16863
>>16858The problem is there shouldnt have been those 4 separate it all could be under kpc/kpg. Doesnt matter what we ""decide"" here, anons will keep being aimless with that amount of freedom and options
There have been more posts here in the past couple of hours or more than in all these threads combined btw… it's a failed model, congrats
Anonymous 16864
>>16858kpop crit seems the most reasonable successor since that is kind of the vibe/purpose.
but like
>>16860 said the mod is watching that thread and they have their own rules.
>>16863Agree with you. What made this thread interesting was that everyone was forced to share one thread but the general consensus was that you weren't supposed to be too "stan" like so you would get all kinds of interesting posts from negative to positive and milky.
I'm not going to comb through 50 pictures of jimincel on the BTS thread to get the latest dumb gossip on them. Here I just had to only endure around 5 pictures of jimincel and could get the newest shit on them spoonfed to me.
Anonymous 16865
>>16862>there was a fight >afraid ??
We posted shamelessly for the entire 10 threads on here despite being called out daily. Lets bring that kind of energy back to choachan.
Anonymous 16867
maybe you guys should post these complaints on there. seems kind of weird to complain here because nothing's gonna change that way
Anonymous 16868
The absolute lack of contrasting opinions and confrontation makes everything die down fast and it all prone to simping & shilling
Anonymous 16869
>>16864exactly, and what deems "news" for kpopcrit? i feel like the admin is just going to cherrypick shit that she finds interesting/tolerable and ban the rest
like the irene drama would be classified as kpopcrit material, but theres bound to have been people who didnt care about it
yes, i agree these cc threads were nct dominated and some of the nitpicking (mainly ree yuta is ugly/lucas is hot) was annoying and could do with being quarantined, but some of the true drama (the twitter meltdown about ca, members being harassed etc) probably could remain on crit
i guess im just frustrated the admin is just brute forcing what she wants and as a result destroying conversation bc no one knows where to discuss
Anonymous 16870
>>16867except the admin has already shown her colors of being pretty intolerant of other opinions, plus she's outed herself as a hard stayfag
i understand that its impossible to remain totally neutral, but saying shit like "just stan bangchan" makes me leery of posting and facing potential ban backlash because she obviously cannot remain relatively neutral
Anonymous 16871
>>16870where did she say that what?
Anonymous 16872
>>16870I wonder how is she satisfied tho because the skz thread is dead af. and before i was at least exposed to skz and even gave them a second and third chance as a consequence. now i wouldnt even know anything about them because their drama isnt enough to make it to kpc kek
Anonymous 16873
>>16871i saw someone else complaining about it, but all i see in the feedback thread is her posting a picture of bangchan so not sure
hopefully as more people feel comfortable posting we'll see some cc/lc culture feed in but its honestly dead af rn
Anonymous 16874
>>16873its been up for 3 days and this thread was never all that active anyways if you take out the nct posting. honestly i think everyones being a bit too critical and paranoid about the new board im surprised it even got close to 4k posts in that short amount of a time. if we want changes we should let them know personally though i dont think anyones been banned for complaining so far?
Anonymous 16875
>>16874yeah I agree, most of the posts on cc were about nct and then more infighting. Take that out, and you're not left with that much content. Although the brute shutdown of any milky nct content in the kpc thread on choachan isn't great, otherwise I think that thread is fine on choa
Anonymous 16876
>>16875i guess you're right, im happy to be able to discuss new releases and such without getting derailed by nctfags, but i do have to admit the condescending ass "luv, a mod xx" attitude admin has shown is annoying as fuck
hopefully the new mod team she sets up isnt as edgy and holier than thou, it just rubbed me the wrong way
Anonymous 16877
>>16876i agree that was annoying but it was a mod not admin. maybe we can convince her to fire her kek
Anonymous 16878
>>16877oh, was it an actual separate mod? i thought it was literally just admin running point so not sure
but yeah, hopefully they let up and the powertripping gets better, that entire psa rubbed me the wrong way with screeching about autism and irrelevant oppars kek
Anonymous 16879
>>16877it says global volunteer instead of board owner so i assumed it wasnt her? her feedback postings sound different too. i agree though, they should consider being more relaxed at least at the start
Anonymous 16880
>>16879well hopefully they see these comments and are humble enough to try and curb it, not gonna lie i dont want to risk it and post it on their meta in fear of getting rage ip-banned since the board is so new and i have zero idea how these admins and mods are going to be
Anonymous 16881
>>16880>fear of getting rage ip-banned Does that happen outside 4chan?
Anonymous 16882
Somebody posted about twitterfags unironically "educating" nct members during video calls in the critical thread, I also chimed in and then that anon and I immediately got banned because this should have stayed in the nct thread. Admin could've given a warning first or explain what exactly is allowed and what not (based on my post history she could've also seen that I'm not a nctfag trying to spam them everywhere)
All major groups have their own threads, so what are we supposed to post in the critical thread, only drama about nugus? I thought the individual containment threads are supposed to be a for fans and the critical thread for outsiders who want to be mean to an idol or a group?
Anonymous 16883

>>16882Samefag but I just saw this:
>anachans that inspire youYou can't convince me that these aren't 15-year-olds from ed twitter…
Anonymous 16884
>>16843i went to read the rules and it doesn't seem to be an all girl image board. i'm not sure i'm ready to share a thread with males we wouldn't be able to ban if they out themselves
Anonymous 16885

Just saw this
Damn, the scrote jumped out, probably salty that gg threads are dead kek
Sounds exactly like those fags who infiltrated lipstick alley, that's how males type in an attempt to copy women - only difference is that the vast majority of actual women aren't stereotypical queen bees who go all condescending "honey, sweetie,…" on you.
Anonymous 16886
>>16885this is retarded and you just sound like someone from gaypg trying to stirr shit up
Anonymous 16888
>>16886Dumbass why would I want to call out fags if I was a fag myself
Anonymous 16889
>>16888>trying to shill the idea that gaypg is for gay men and not just fujos from twitter larpingyep you're from there
Anonymous 16890
>>16885>t. annoying nctfag salty you can't flood the entire site with those ugly flops Anonymous 16891
>>16884i feel the same…not to mention all this powertripping that's already so obvious by the admin and her mod leaves a bad taste in my mouth
>males allowed>if you complain about a male we'll ban you>also bringing up valid news in a brand new board where everyone is getting used to the rules constitutes immediate ban>shitty "xx luv" announcement that reeks of scrote not to mention the board is dead as hell, and theres some racist bait spammer hitting all the threads but not banned kek
Anonymous 16892
>>16891>not to mention the board is dead as hell, and theres some racist bait spammer hitting all the threads but not banned kekwhere? i don't see anything. also anon you replied to was talking about sushigirl…… pretty sure choa still doesn't allow males
Anonymous 16893
>>16892nta but choa allows males as long as they aren't "obvious" about it
Anonymous 16895
>>16893just like every other female imageboard including this one kek do you want them to make a verification board where we all post our hands next to rulers
Anonymous 16896
>>16892in the critical thread there was one, and when i was scrolling down the main homepage i saw the comment in like 4 threads
>>16895i know its hard to "ban males" and honestly idgaf if they integrate, but making an explicit rule of "if you report for being male/theorize we ban u" just feels scrote-pandering
> We will also consider handing out warnings to people who consistently accuse other users of being men because their posts seemed "suspicious".
> If a poster doesn't explicitly state that they're male or makes it obvious without a shadow of a doubt that they are (robot posting) please don't report the posts because we will not ban them Anonymous 16897
>>16896eh it was already clarified that reporting it wont get you a ban. you guys are really nitpicking the only place that will take us and will ban scrotes that out themselves on sight and idgi
Anonymous 16898
>>16885What is this faggotry
It kind of annoys me how they are being passive aggressive to suggestions, type like edgy twitterfags etc like I don’t want anybody like that modding a site we use
Also it’s weird how they’re constantly in this thread replying with nonsense and egofagging
Anonymous 16899
>>16897>>16895Can you fuck off lol, if you like choachan so much go there, obviously people still here are the ones not satisfied with the board.
If you’re ego-fagging mods and admins atleast try to be discreet.
Anonymous 16901
>>16895i'm the anon you replied to. i wasn't mad, just trying to answer your question lol
Anonymous 16902
>>16899>>16898this unhinged samefagging
>>16900well its been deleted since then because i dont see it anymore
Anonymous 16903
>>16899im not happy with the board either imo, its mainly revolving around the way the mods and admin have communicated with the users and complete lack of regard for suggestion
not to mention admin seems to have a huge ego/powercomplex, i saw her sperging about server fees and stuff in the meta board
just seems like a trainwreck way to start a board imo
Anonymous 16904

>>16903>not to mention admin seems to have a huge ego/powercomplex, i saw her sperging about server fees and stuff in the meta boardThis? Or was there something else I missed?
Anonymous 16905
>>16904yup, it just seems stupid to respond to people with shit like "but im paaaaaying for it", i get some of the people are annoying accusing her of being a scrote/being skeptical of the board, but she 100% could've ignored the comments instead of fighting lol
as much as lc and cc had their issues, neither admin got into tumbles like this with baity salty posters, especially right off the bat
Anonymous 16906
>>16905Doesn't really seem like fighting to me I gotta be honest with you here…
>lc didn't get into tumbles with baity salty postersIs this a joke?
Anonymous 16907
>>16906are u admin sama
sorry we dont like the way youre turning the site into allkpop
Anonymous 16908
>>16907No? I was just confused as to how that could be considered fighting and thought I missed something else. Also saying that LC Admin didn't fight users is just plain wrong
Anonymous 16909
why can't everyone from the CC thread just migrate to kpop critical on choa? the only reason why it's so dead and doesn't have a lot of interesting/conflicting opinions is because it's basically three or four people talking with each other
Anonymous 16910
>>16909because a bunch of this page was driven by nctfag fighting with non nctfags, and the mod axed that so there's no kpc conversation
it comes and goes though, ill see a burst of replies once in a while but it seems to be pretty dead
on another note, how do these sites make money? i dont see ads but i assume admin is trying to make a buck off running this thing
Anonymous 16911
>>16910if theres no ads theres no money to be made
Anonymous 16912
>>16910Image boards are a passion thing. God, how new are you?
Anonymous 16913
>>16903>complete lack of regard for suggestionThis. So many people said they'd prefer one thread, and one anon said the admins can actually merge threads.
Anonymous 16914
>>16913They can't literally merge threads, they just can order them to be merged after the next bump, like it was done on LC. Or even just lock already all the current ones and make a new one
Anonymous 16915
>>16914lol the admin is definitely lurking here, she just made an announcement in kpc that she wanted to merge kpc and kpg
Anonymous 16916

>>16913it seems she's making some changes and taking stuff into account, im going to stay optimistic and hope powertripping "xx luv mod" will keep her stupid shit to herself and announcements are less twitterfaggy from now on
Anonymous 16917
>>16915She even wrote that people told her to go and look at cc
Anonymous 16918
>>16902Do you even know what samefagging is.
Anonymous 16919
>>16916Why are they so nice when we are so mean? I bet they have real office jobs, admin speaks as an adult.
Anonymous 16921
>>16916The tone of the nct post about fans educating nct on CA wasnt like that at all. It was just making fun of them being so delusional
Anonymous 16922
>>16919you do realize most of us have office jobs too right, its just one or two troll-y spergers that make the rest of us look bad
Anonymous 16923
>>16912they're clearly just trying to antagonize the admin as a social experimenting, info harvesting, exploitative scrote tranny
>inb4 i get accused of being admin-sama or tranny mod Anonymous 16924

>>16921Right, these posts were only shitting on fans, no babying of idols
Anonymous 16925
>>16924im going to hold out, admin seems at least open to change and opinions from her newest update, im going to chalk up the trigger finger banning to a mod
also apparently there are two admins, so at least one of them seems to be reasonable if she's the one making the update posts
Anonymous 16926
>>16925agreed. lc and cc mods aren't going to change their minds about hosting a kpop thread, so like it or not, people will have to move somewhere else and choa's kpc is probably our best bet. aren't sushigirl/uboa both run by moids anyway?
Anonymous 16928
>>16924Im gonna complain about it there, hopefully I'm not rage banned bc I'm not even a nctfag
Anonymous 16929
>>16928the admin did say they weren't going to ban people for asking questions and stuff, so godspeed anon
Anonymous 16931
choachan admins are nice and normal yet you unhinged faggots tried to ruin that too. cant take you anywhere
Anonymous 16945
>>16931Admins and mods shouldn’t be nice, especially since moids are everywhere spreading our imageboard.
Anonymous 16954
kek have you all seen wayv and their costume dance? its something else
Anonymous 16964
>>16954That was just weird and embarrassing. Is SM punishing them for something? What direction is WayV going anyway they are all over the place. I like their rich chinese boy sexy vibe so much more than this fucking kpop 2007 bullshit.
Anonymous 16995
Did everyone move again?????
Anonymous 16999
>>16995yeah … read the thread… or are you talking about how dead choa is?
Anonymous 17005
i'm lurking because i'm kinda interested but also have nothing to contribute
a friend of mine is really into kpop
frankly she's obssessed with it
so i got curious and decided to check for myself but i don't see the appeal
it's not for everyone i guess
i just don't like the way korean sounds lol
Anonymous 17042
I’m feeling this Stayc group, seems like their company is doing pretty well with their promotion
Anonymous 17417
Any lolcow nonette still here? Choachan fucking sucks now that retards from gaypg took over
Let's slide a 20 usd bill to a farmhand so we can get our thread back
Anonymous 17418
>>17417told you bitches that their leniency re:moids was a red flag
Anonymous 17427
>>17418not to mention they banned me as a "known spammer" for posting pictures of idols when other anons were doing the same
bitch there's no tea other than the same 6 recycled, old-ass topics and infighting/screeching is allowed but apparently posting pictures isn't
i just want our old thread back, im so tired of seeing the same 3 anons fight over "ur oppa uggo"
Anonymous 17430
>>17427kek you do realize that that's an automatic ban that happens if you use a VPN and the VPN IP is on the chan spam list right? happens to me all the time. your persecution complex is a bit wild
Anonymous 17440
>>17427>i just want our old thread back, im so tired of seeing the same 3 anons fight over "ur oppa uggo"way to out yourself as a newfag who's larping having been around for lc kpc threads because those threads were exactly that but on steroids
Anonymous 18508

choachan is gone girlies… sad! Finally found enough nctfags to start a community with…
Anonymous 18509
>>18508Wait, is it gone gone or is it just down?
Anonymous 18510
>>18509Even I am confused. Like I had checked in there a few hours back and now it shows error.
Anonymous 18512
>>18508noooo really what happened? havent been on there in a while but i liked it. i refuse to use kpg on 4scrote
Anonymous 18513
Holy shit what happened to choachan???
Anonymous 18518
>>18508I found nice community for my group as well. Where to go now
Anonymous 18519
>>18518I was on there every day. Is it definitely gone for good??
Anonymous 18525
it says technical difficulties now so hopefully it's just down and not gone for good. I like choachan. People generally stick to their threads and there are funny posts and topics.
Anonymous 18526
404 means the site got removed by the owner?
Anonymous 18527
>>18526ugh that site was getting me through lockdown. i'm lowkey depressed if it's gone for good.
Anonymous 18529
>>18528oh good news. where did you see that?
Anonymous 18530

omg ccc sisters god i hope they fix it its been 2 days now
Does anyone know anything about Jeon Somi?
Anonymous 18539
>>18530so depressing lmao. but i'm kinda questioning why i rely on that site so much. maybe i need kpop friends irl
Anonymous 18542
it went from 404 error to 502.. not sure what that means.
Anonymous 18544
just want ccc back it was helping me survive college plus i wanna discuss the loselose situation… and kingdom… god… i miss it
Anonymous 18546

>>18539i liked the anonymity of it i cant stand a lot of kpop stans on other platforms so thats why i liked it so much plus it was pretty much a scrote user free haven
Anonymous 18547
hate sounding dramatic but i miss my ccc girlies wtfff
Anonymous 18548
>>18546It was fun, you could shitpost freely, but it also was kinda free of the vitriol you find in other ib, i miss it
Anonymous 18550
ccc please come back i need my funnies
Anonymous 18552
im wondering if it's gone for good. if so, idk why. it was a good site
Anonymous 18554
the page is saying 504 rn thats a server error right? i dont think its gone for good but eeeeee im getting restless
Anonymous 18556
im just saying hypothetically- where the tf would we go after like ccc had specific threads for each group other sites are meh theyre too generalized i dont wanna be lumped with btsfags no offense
Anonymous 18559
>>18554Same it was a good stress release
Anonymous 18560
>>18556exactly, except I’m a btsfag and I was in the bts thread everyday lmao
Anonymous 18561
>>18560Same, and K hip-hop thread was entertaining too
Anonymous 18564
yeah, just saw this. willing to wait longer, relived the site isn't gone for good. we'll be back soon girlies!
Anonymous 18565
Thank you for the update anon!
Anonymous 18567
god yes. i came to this thread specifically to say that i miss ccc and get information. didn’t realize how much i loved that site before it went down for so long kek
Anonymous 18569
>>18567Someone need to make a thread on ccc for ccc stans. Gosh there interface is so clean and sleak. Hoping this thread dont bring new fags there.
Anonymous 18572
deobi anons i love you guys so much
Anonymous 18574
god i hope ccc comes back. daily sperging was the only thing keeping me from dying from exam fatigue
Anonymous 18576
Another NCT member caught smoking
Anonymous 18577

>we're working on resolving the issue but it may take some time
Anonymous 18578
what the fuck is happening?
Anonymous 18580
Screen Shot 2021-0…

win win hanging out with girls and smoking! One by one the nct members become hotter and hotter. Winwin is finally remotely interesting after 5 years. Nobody seems to care at all except kfans who are anti chinese.
Anonymous 18581
April bullying confirmed… So who in your fave group do you think is getting hazed?
Anonymous 18582
>>18580>cfans dont give afwhen will twitterfags get it? you dont see cfans getting mad because they barely have any
>>18581my fav group already got hit by karma, the victims freed themselves and are doing better than ever while the others are getting more and more irrelevant…funny and sad at the same time
Anonymous 18583
>>18582lol true actually, especially win win.
Is it Exo? Ahh I wonder how is getting hazed in nct. I honestly feel like Jaemin is a bit off in dream
Anonymous 18584
Does anyone remember this Tea compilation?
https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/asian-celebs-lxxv.2459299/page-3081The Seo Yeji tea was there months ago before her scandal blew up with some other truthful bits. This may have actual insider info.
Anonymous 18586

>>18581well, speaking of this… i'm a winnerfag and they're pretty tight as of now, but i've always been sure that the fifth member left early on because the other four couldn't stand him, lmao (i don't believe his mental health was the only reason). it's just very obvious on their reality shows, plus the current members always talk about how some hardcore shit that they cannot disclose went on behind the scenes at the beginning. i don't think they bullied him out of the group (kek), but definitely there were tensions.
i wonder how many groups have to go through this, it's hard for several people to really get along after all. especially in a stressful, competitive setting. i can only imagine how crazy it is for 5+ member groups. having to maintain the "besties 4ever uwu" image makes it even worse, and people fall for it.
Anonymous 18590
>>18586Yeah, I feel like when a member leaves a group that is huge red flag that shit really went down. The excuse of mental health and that he didn't like the direction winner was going in was so bogus tbh. He continued to try and be in the limelight after winner. Winner wasn't some unpopular group too I don't think anyone who work so hard to debut would give it all up, especially in a popular group.
IKON also obviously had bullying with Hanbin being the obvious boss in the group.
Anonymous 18591
In groups like BlackPink I can't see any one member getting bullied because they all seem pretty hardcore.
Anonymous 18593
i can imagine some older nct members hazing or coercing younger members. nothing major like bullying, and hopefully nothing to do with the big male idol gc…
Anonymous 18595
>>18590>IKON also obviously had bullying with Hanbin being the obvious boss in the group.i remember hanbin slapping chanwoo, gosh that was such a freak moment. completely uncalled for. it's shit what happened to hanbin and i wouldn't wish that on anybody, so before i say this i want to make it clear that i hated to see him lose his career and i think that he is talented, but to me hanbin always gave off a very aggressive vibe, like not a "nice person" vibe.
Anonymous 18597
>>18591i don't know if i can call blackpink "hardcore" but i think being four makes it easier, the more people you are the more there is a tendency to form groups and a hierarchy/"micro society", not to mention it gets harder for everyone to be equally close
Anonymous 18600
>>18597I don't sense any of them being too weak. People like to baby Lisa and Jisoo like they are sad, delicate angels but I think they are quite ambitious and smart and can't see them being bullied
Anonymous 18601
>>18593I can see Chenle, Jisung, Jungwoo and winwin being actually bullied. Winwin leaving 127, his low confidence and the wayv members telling him to "stand up" for himself are all glaring red flags.
SM pulling him from 127 instead of just adding some other chinese member to wayv is super weird and it leaves 127 without a proper chinese member to gain interest from the chinese market.
Also in recent promotions the "love" they give winwin and how they are all over him was almost like too over the top like they were obviously acting or being sarcastic. I dint' watch the earlier stuff with winwin so I don't know but that's my analysis.
Anonymous 18602
>>18600no you're right. i don't think they are weak it's just that "hardcore" to me is a very strong word, but they are not soft. i hate that their fans always portray them as helpless damsels in distress and victims to be protected, it's annoying. i agree that they are all ambitious and lisa and jisoo particularly strike me as smart/calculated.
Anonymous 18606
>>18584omg yes thanks for the reminder about this. i honestly think most of it is v believable / ties in with other gossip ive heard
Anonymous 18610
damn, without the gei pee gee posters this place really feels like a quora lsa twitter convention. choa unnie we need you
Anonymous 18612
did people actually continue going on ccc ? I stopped after a week because i was banned for like a day and the reason was "shut up". I posted like 20 times in a week, is that spam ?
Anonymous 18614
i wanted talk about this weeks kingdom but with choa sisters this fucking blows
>>18612i think ccc is more fun bc the users arent uptight like other boards theyre hilarious but im not sure why you got banned tho sis get a vpn
Anonymous 18615
>>18612I posted there so much kek, it probably wasn’t because you were posting too much
Anonymous 18617
>>18614same christ im vibrating with pent up energy i just wanna discuss kingdom kek guess u never really know what u have till its gone. missing ccc hours
Anonymous 18618
>>18615Same. I posted there often. I have so much to talk about about the groups I frequent too. Ccc spoils you with dedicated threads so much.
Anonymous 18619
>>18563That misspelled technical. Classic ccc.
>>18612Moderating is extremely lenient imo. The first few days after the launch had the original cc/lolcow culture but it turned pretty quickly into thirsting and just an edgier form of stanning.
It went from being a place strictly for criticizing the entertainment industry and stars into a more laidback and somewhat self aware fangirling. No one is complaining so I guess most people enjoy the transition but the difference is drastic. No thread in ccc has anywhere near the same bite as lolcow.
Anonymous 18620
>>18619Agree. lolcow and even here were much more critical and hilarious.
The problem in ccc critical thread is that only new scandals and news are allowed to be posted so no one posts random gossip or updates of their groups allowing others to shred them to pieces. It's been months since I've heard any bts gossip or juicy info because btsfags just keep to their own thread now.
Anonymous 18621
did you all hear about the mcdonalds "bts meal" launch, it's just some nuggets with fries and a coke… the sauce isn't even typically korean kek. the lack of effort is so fucking hilarious, like it's so stupid. they just slapped the bts logo on some nuggets
Anonymous 18622
>>18620i agree, people were happy about specific threads but honestly it just means that different communities don't interact anymore which was the core of lc/cc
Anonymous 18624
>>18621 the nuggets aren't in the shape of bts members? Disappointing.
Anonymous 18625
Screen Shot 2021-0…

V's rude and toxic attitude celebrated with an article… Imagine running into this guy when he as a bad day and having fans trying to ruin your career as a result smh
Anonymous 18626
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Anyway lol who do y'all think is one of the best male idol dancers out there now?
My vote is for Shotaro because his movements and style are my type. I think he's limited to only one genre of dancing though
Anonymous 18628
>>18625This vibe check shit is so stupid. It’s just people projecting that he hates white people on taehyung. He’s said don’t take his expression seriously. He has a rbf.
>>18626I think Jimin is a good dancer and probably deserves the 1 spot. He probably wouldn’t win every year if he wasn’t in bts tho
Anonymous 18629
>>18628>He probably wouldn’t win every year if he wasn’t in bts thoofc the most popular group is gonna win, if it was Astro, it would rightfully be Rocky, dude has a unique music sense and so easily move his body, ballet or hiphop
OT i may be stupid but don't saged post don't bump a thread ? could we stay longer on this thread if we saged every messages ?
Anonymous 18630
>>18626For me hopeful, Taemin and San.
Special Nods to Kai, yunho, shotaro
Anonymous 18631
>>18626I'd say Taemin. Jimin has always been a very impressive dancer to me though, despite the fact that I don't like his character or BTS. I know nothing about technique, but his dancing really stands out "emotionally".
Anonymous 18636
>>18629Sorry, completely forgot to sage. Yeah let’s be sure to sage.
Anonymous 18638
>>18626he isn't even the best dancer in the group
Anonymous 18640
ccc is back online everyone
Anonymous 18649
>>18640Says the threads are locked tho so I can’t reply on them
Anonymous 18716
>>18620you're being retarded there's literally no rule preventing you from posting news of whoever you want because kpc is algo kpg. as long as you have the basic common sense of not posting some random nct member hair color change, it should be fine.
Anonymous 18717
>>18716all these lc posters are afraid to post anything it's ridic, specially considering that the chances of you getting banned in ccc are much lower.
Anonymous 19434

anyone interested in reviving this thread? I'd like to discuss kpop with people but Twitter is a hellhole and I'm not fond of choachan
Anonymous 19435
What does everything think about aespa? I just stumbled upon them
Anonymous 19439
>>19435The "worldbuilding" sm has been trying to do is ridiculous, they've done that before with their artists and it's been a colossal fail (remember EXO's "superhero" concept that was scrapped not long after debut?). I do like their music, though, sans the cringey lyrics, Next Level has grown on me a lot. I admit I watched the mini film and it was cool, but I can't help feeling this lore concept is going to fail and they'll abandon it. I'm a loonafag who could care less about my current gen fav's "lore"? I don't really understand why kpop of all genres is trying to push this lore concept as if you need to make a deeper connection with the artist. It's so pretentious and tryhard.
Red Velvet is having a comeback in August, I wonder if thereafter they'll throw yeri a solo album bone and this'll be their last cb, and SM will shelve them for the aes. With Irenes scandal, maybe.
Anonymous 19441
>>19435I don’t like their whole VR concept but I fucking love themmmm. I can’t wait for them to release a full album, and I hope we get to see them with a "normal" concept/aesthetic. Next Level is all over the place but it’s still somewhat cohesive and you can really hear the old school SM vocal training in Ning Ning and Winter. The members are super pretty and charming too. I’m a little bit of a hag and I thought I’d be done with k-pop after 3rd gen but these girls are sucking me back in.
Anonymous 19442
>>19441I'm an SMfag so I'm just happy they have another girlgroup besides red velvet. I could only get into sections of NCT and otherwise can't stand most of them, like I can't stand the majority of boy groups in general, and it's nice to have them release aespa from the dungeon after their debut was delayed again and again
Anonymous 19599
great ccc has another bad gateway situation going on
Anonymous 19600
>>19599i miss her already i hope its not long this time
Anonymous 20044
ccc has ANOTHER bad gateway rip. I wanted to tell the atinyanons that because of them, I like ateez now… They’re really cute. I hope the site comes back, I love the idol cringe thread. I liked using cc for talking about ggs when the threads were active, and ccc for bgs.
Anonymous 20196
is it me or is it down again?
>>20044that's cute, they're some of the chillest posters
Anonymous 20197
>>20196Yeah, it's down for me too. hopefully it's temporary
Anonymous 20199
>>20197it's still down
i miss my nonas..
Anonymous 20202
>>20201i know sis, lets hope it comes back to life soon…
Anonymous 20220
Sadness ccc is gone… rip
Anonymous 20221

i woke up to ccc being down and its still not up im bored
Anonymous 20222

reeee i didn't get to post my daily 8pm post in the boyz thread
Anonymous 20711
does anyone else here like BLACKPINK – i've been getting into their music a bit lately and i was wondering if you s had any similar artists/groups you'd recommend
tysm in advance! ~✩
Anonymous 20734
>>20711aespa or everglow
everglow is even better they have great bsides
Anonymous 21824
why does there seem to be animosity between boy group and girl group fans?
Anonymous 22113

Posting this here because choachan gives me the creeps Enhypen comeback actually SLAPS but Drunk-Dazed is still superior.Also kek at the weekly idol episode
[BE ORIGINAL] Teaser :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4wTDzU_RCgComeback Vlive:
https://www.vlive.tv/video/265117 Anonymous 22116

I'm liking this new comeback a lot wtf,It's so fresh
Anonymous 22117

He's so cute,I'm going to put a ring on him
Anonymous 22136
>>21824One of those groups has a lot of creepy male fans, guess which.
Anonymous 22139

Love of my life that was born in October 15 2001,how awesome.
Anonymous 22164

No skip album but I still miss Border:Carnival era…
Anonymous 22188
>>22187makeup, plastic surgery, and filters
Anonymous 22190
>>22189people need that pointed out? they went from asian noses to european ones. really obvious even without the before pics
Anonymous 22195
nonnette if you're gonna spam the website with pictures of your faggot you should take it to choachan. you're sticking out like a sore thumb, this thread is more like kpc. and you sound like an underaged twitterfag.
Anonymous 22564

>>22563>please go to choachan>pleasesuspiciously kind…
Anonymous 22565
>>22564what do you think, we are all nice and sweet at ccc…plus they made a hybeshitting thread so you can post your nugu husbando there
Anonymous 23506
is there any new kpop thread or did this one simply died?
Anonymous 23559
>>16650late but i'm korean and dc inside is definiely the mother of ilbe. You can't seperate those two and it's the same incel shit regardless that made this nation this mess full of edgelords accepted by the gp
Anonymous 23560
PSA: As a local i'm anouncing no one listens to kpop anymore domestically. It's become a niche thing like anime and the industry relies heavily on foreign exports, the more music suits western tastes the general public has turned against it. Just use them for fun and throw them away guys dont be serious about it
Anonymous 23561
>>23506 No there isn't a new thread idk
Anonymous 23758
>>22838What group is this? Treasure?
Anonymous 27794

I miss you all so much s, you were the funniest bitches on the internet.