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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 11843[Reply]

CSAM site was posted again to /b/
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Anonymous 11896


Anonymous 11901


dang the scrotes are really chimping out today

Anonymous 11902


Anonymous 11903


Anonymous 11907


I want my rib back womb-man


Anonymous 2780[Reply]

How did you all find this website?
340 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11898

I was on r9k on 4chan and said something about wishing there were a 4chan just for women, then someone mention cc and now I'm here

Anonymous 11899

Anyone calling themselves a femcel is 90% a troon

Anonymous 11900

newfag here. sadly a certain imageboard party's wiki..

Anonymous 11904

from endlessly searching for communities for weird femcels. I think it was a thread on an eating disorder site.

Anonymous 11906

4cuck is down so now I'm back here again…and this site is ded as ever. fucking great…


Anonymous 4776[Reply]

How can we grow this community while avoiding moids?
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Anonymous 11729

Speak for yourself

Anonymous 11760

You don't want them either, . Not really. This isn't your heart.

Anonymous 11830

The more interesting question is how to avoid troons at the same time.
Avoiding regular moids seems easier by comparison

Anonymous 11892

I think i like it being a small niche part of the internet, no need to expand it. Everyone here is genuine and interesting, expanding crystal.cafe will only lead to it being watered down

Anonymous 11905

being explicitly male-exlusionary has the adverse effect, it needs to be implicit and quiet. in stead focusing on what crystal cafe does best, and what makes it unique, which at this point is much more than being a nicer lc is the way to go.
Adding a more academic board wouldn't hurt either, something like /lit/ or /sci/

comments and comlp…

Comments & Complaints Pt. 3 Anonymous 9259[Reply]

because the last thread is full
381 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11835

This^, like they already have the "off topic" board on their own website to shitpost in, why they got to come here in the first place

Anonymous 11839

Is it just me, or is cc slower than before?

Anonymous 11851

Autoban bot has becoming worse than usual and theres still no trace of snailmin to this day. many users just gave up and cut chase (probably ran out of free ips to use)

Anonymous 11876

I noticed a lot of posts and replies randomly disappearing for seemingly no reason lately. None of them broke any rules, so I don’t know if they are self-deleted or removed. I suspect that’s why it appears so slow.

Anonymous 11890

spam on /b/


i want a technology board Anonymous 11631[Reply]

im a compsci freak especially cyber security but i wonder if a technology board will ever be added, i only used 4chan for the technology board but i got ip banned for using a vpn -_-
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Anonymous 11708


Would love to have a tech board here. Every other female dominated tech space is filled with troons and/or filled with incessant complaining about moids instead of, you know, technology.

Anonymous 11880

Make a /g/eneral thread. Keep it reasonably active. Then when it gets big enough that its cumbersome to just reply to nonas posting about what tech you enjoy, a board would be an actually good idea. Just write an OP covering technology as a whole and start.

Anonymous 11881

I don't think a technology board would turn out the way anyone wants it to.
I enjoy posting on technology boards on other sites, but I enjoy doing it because it's an opportunity to pretend to know more than I actually do in a subject I have a pretty tenuous knowledge about while roleplaying as a low life high tech rebel punk. My mental projection of myself at those moments involves a neon-pink mohawk. And this is always in keeping with how each and every other poster on those boards is also talking. It is a fun atmosphere when you realize that not only is nobody really serious they are also not usually all that knowledgable. They are each of them illustrations of how so much fakery and flimflam gets out of control in an environment like Silicon Valley. And I would 100% bring that attitude and practice here.

Anonymous 11888

unfortunately I think a tech board would just attract more troons here than we already got.

Anonymous 11889

I think we don't have enough users for a technology board, but we could have a technology thread on /b/.


First post ever! Anonymous 8880[Reply]

Hello! I posted in lgbt that I was a cis lesbian looking to chat with other cis lesbians. I was told to come to this website? So hello! I’m really new to all of this but I’d love to make some friends!! I’m 22, female, a scientist, and I love seals! It’s nice to meet everyone!! :D
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Anonymous 9134

why cant you be happy

Anonymous 9383

because they're probably XY or lolcow

Anonymous 11865

>because they're probably XY or lolcow
sad but most likely true

Anonymous 11869

nona what are you doing

Anonymous 11878

Nona is going to be peaked so hard after a couple weeks on here


Anonymous 9443[Reply]

Can crystal.cafe get an archive? Sometimes I come across a thread with bunch of replies to a deleted post and I think it'd be useful to be able to see the whole discussion in the archives.
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Anonymous 10054

Imageboards archives rarely stock the images. That make archives loose 99% of their point.

Anonymous 10055

Anonymous 10056

does this site even have an admin

Anonymous 10102

this made me laugh. thank you nona

Anonymous 11866



Anonymous 3080[Reply]

What's the % of male posters here and how to identify them?
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Anonymous 4794

reread my post slower

Anonymous 4796

Why does it have to be either?

Anonymous 4803

This is a TERF climate, which means extremely liberal except when it comes to the subjects of transgenderism and men, then it's reactionary and politically incorrect. Overall, this place is liberal, but edgy, if you know what I mean. You can't discuss any kind of politics that isn't identity politics btw.

Anonymous 11845

they talk and post in a matter that is consider ''''cute''' at least by their standards, its very fake and to use an old internet word ''quite gay'', there is no sincerity in the way the post and is very clearly done for the sake of a fetish

Anonymous 11846

>Transmen are female so they can participate.
yeah i can agree with that but they are quite annoying, most of them i interacted with are just stuck-up tomboys who think they are better then ''normal'' or ultra feminine women


Anonymous 7202[Reply]

Is it possible to make crystal cafe work with 4chan X?

4chan X (despite the name) enables a thread watcher across a bunch of tiny imageboards across the internet:

I've found this functionality to be pretty useful and would like if I could use 4chan X on crystal cafe as well.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 7275

Thanks, anon!

Anonymous 7380

>that there's already an old thread with instructions on how to use 4chan X here
can you pls post it

Anonymous 7399

Nta but there's info here https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x

Anonymous 9115

Super late reply but I hope someone is still around. Can you help me set up 4Chan X to work here on CC? A thread watcher would be amazing ;__;

Anonymous 11837

This website is sllloow as hell, why would you need a thread watcher in the first place, you eventually gonna find that thread by normal browsing, sorry if I come off as rude I really don't see a point in it


Board mascot Anonymous Admin 223[Reply]

We're looking for a board mascot! As is traditional for imageboards, our mascot should be an anthropomorphic representation of our community. You're free to interpret this in any way you like, as long as it results in a visually cohesive character design.

All submissions to this thread will be put up to vote in 10 days. We'll vote on the design of the character, not the artwork itself. Have fun!
217 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 1959


Rip off? Of what? Although it wasn't the one I voted for, it is cute too.

Anonymous 11297

i missed when people did that, website mascots where such a treat, i hope it makes a comeback someday

Anonymous 11836

Can we bring this back? I miss it

Anonymous 11841

jealous bitter anon from 6 years ago. she is a beautiful queen and the rightful winner.

Anonymous 11908

back when cc was heaven

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