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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

comments and comlp…

Comments & Complaints Pt. 3 Anonymous 9259[Reply]

because the last thread is full
271 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11510

well imageboard culture seems more normal now
i never used to see 4chan ss get posted on IG or facebook before
but here we are

Anonymous 11511


Is there any way I can just buy a pass or maybe an exclusive trip to prove im a woman? I am using VPNs and keep getting my effortposts deleted because some tranny decided to stir the pot in some thread and use the same IP.
>just don't use VPNs
I am borderline paranoid schizophrenic and don't log into any social media without a TOR node, VPN or proxy. If there is a discord contact or server or IRC or anything I would be pretty happy.

Anonymous 11512

*If there is a discord contact or server or IRC or anything I can talk it over I would be pretty happy.

Anonymous 11513

Mods pls don't listen to the lc posters, they’re just gonna try and shit things up.

Anonymous 11514

Please do something about the farmers being disruptive, spamming and overall engaging with this website in bad faith. We don't want them here, it was nice and peaceful before they came


ban appeal Anonymous 11355[Reply]

a few months ago, i got banned indefinitely and for an unspecified reason. i don't post often so i only noticed last week but i know admin doesn't check appeals often

i don't think i've ever posted anything inflammatory or retarded here so i'm very confused why i got banned

am i doomed to just lurk forever
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Anonymous 11483

welcome to cc

Anonymous 11485

I used to use cc years ago and there were actual moderators and janitors giving out bans rather than some janky automod. it's a stupid thing to implement because all it's doing is banning regular posters off the site plus driving away any new ones - meanwhile since spamming scrotes have no life they just scrape for proxies so it has no effect on them. it's very counterproductive. they could at least change it to a cooldown or temp ban, or have a way to appeal. getting a permaban for using some innocuous internet slang is insane.

Anonymous 11486


Same, was perma banned with no reason given. I've been a good, contributing poster here for years and much preferred this board over LC.
Automod actually explains alot because it happened immediately after I made a certain post. I'm sad how moderation on IBs is turning into Twitter and Reddit 2.0. They were supposed to be my only escape from saying all the shit I could never say on social media but now it's the same thing. LC always gives non-stop stupid bans too. What gives? It doesn't have to be so liberal that its like 4moids that casually allows CP and gore, but I shouldn't have to get as banned as easily as I could be in a Discord server for saying "tranny" either.

Anonymous 11499

how could they possibly do this

Anonymous 11500

this terrified me because if i sent an appeal mods would have to acknowledge all my schizo sad posts


auto banned? Anonymous 11362[Reply]

tried to post a thread and got banned instantly, are there certain trigger words that just auto ban? it didnt specify a reason for ban
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Anonymous 11366

well then im not sure what i did, saying retard certainly isnt bannable, i guess ill try and make the thread again

Anonymous 11367

blackpill feminist

Anonymous 11368

not op but i got autobanned for saying youre too p0​or for the​rapy

Anonymous 11465

so are there words that. get autobanned or something because i got banned on my computer and my phone both for “unspecified reasons”

Anonymous 11487

I don't know but I'll never appeal mine because I know I did nothing wrong and I'm not a jannie bootlicker.


why cant we say "n0nny"? Anonymous 8776[Reply]

:( i will delete if i get an answer. i really liked this word.
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Anonymous 11454

maybe she wrote it using a different keyboard?

Anonymous 11458

Nonas and miners

Anonymous 11471


CC and LC userbases used to be hostile towards each other. I haven't been here in months (maybe a year) but it seems to me that's starting to change

Anonymous 11473

i've always called everyone anon

Anonymous 11474


CC help a LC out in her time of need. I will always love CC


Cece the lizard Anonymous 1255[Reply]

Meet Cece the lizard - or the lizbian - crystal.cafe's answer to Pepe the frog.
Based on an article about a certain type of lizard that is female only.
feel free to make your own versions of her or even edit mine, anything's a contribution.
By the way - this does not snuff out the miner waitress mascot girl. She would be the wojak equivalent.
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Anonymous 11344


Anonymous 11346


Anonymous 11349


Anonymous 11446

I am once again begging for Elsie x Cece pics!

Anonymous 11459



Anonymous 2780[Reply]

How did you all find this website?
313 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11329


s4s? s4s

Anonymous 11390


from youtube

Anonymous 11435

Radfem tumblr. The only good things I found were from there tbh

Anonymous 11436


Anonymous 11453

I just wanna say thank you so much to the mods of CC for being so accommodating to this influx of farmers


Anonymous 11432[Reply]

how many posters here are actually men
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Anonymous 11434

probably a lot to be honest

Anonymous 11437


Anonymous 11438

the mods should do an anonymous survey at some point.

Anonymous 11440

too many but they get deleted and defeated fast enough!

Anonymous 11441

the internet is run by moids and staffed by moids and traversed by moids nowhere has a majority female population


can one of the mods please copy what was on my detleted thread Anonymous 11396[Reply]

I wrote something on a thread last night called confessions thread, it was a really long text block. Could you please copy and paste what I wrote in the second post so I may post it elsewhere? thank you.

Anonymous 11397


im not a mod. im not sure why your thread was deleted. but here.

its great you feel better now nona. i hope things work out for you.

Anonymous 11398

I made the thread because there is something l need to get off my chest and I have no one else to tell.
I recently lost my job, I've been with this company for several years, at that location for 2 years, and in my profession for a decade. Basically, since I was in high school I got the same kind of job I have today. Or had, until recently. I had a mental break about a week ago, quit, and haven't gone back. I don't regret it at all.
Working there made me suicidal. I gained so much weight because all I would ever eat was the junk food I could get my hands on during my breaks because I didn't have time to get anything healthier, or energy to make anything beforehand. I gained 100 pounds in like 5 years. I hate the way I look. I hated everything about that job, the customers, the employees, the management, the store, and the company itself. I would constantly fantasize about killing myself, or hope that the store would get shot up or burnt down do I'd never have to be there again.
Every day I hoped on the way to work I'd get hit by a car, or that the store would get robbed, anything so I could go home. In the decade of retail I worked nothing was ever anywhere near as bad at that store, not even that store but that specific location. I would get drunk all the time just to escape it all. I considered going back to cutting too, despite being clean since 2019.
I'm so fucking happy I left. I was worried about being hungry and stuff, but tbh the hunger is worth it. Not only am I losing weight but the hunger pain is nothing compared to the fucking dread and depression I felt going there every day. It's freeing. I have a few hundred dollars saved up. Originally, I was just going to get another job. I put in for something, I was pretty hyped for it, and I ended up not getting it.
But now, honestly? I think I'm just going to stay unemployed. Maybe I'll feel otherwise after a while, but I was blowing all the cash I had anyway and I live with my mom. I don't feel bad leaching off her like this. She left my siblings and me when we were younger. She abandoned us and put us through a fuck ton of trauma. I figure this is the least she can do. I'm pretty confident she's willing.
I don't feel bad for applying for unemployment either. I no longer feel like I owe anything to society. I'd rather rot in my room than rot in that fucking store. I'm hoping I can still make some money off commissions, both art and written. But yeah, for now, I feel contenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11399

thank you both, I appreciate it


Contributions Anonymous Admin 5[Reply]

Use this thread to post:

- banners (300x100)
- alternate 404 images
- alternate spoiler images
334 posts and 218 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 9466

Unico Banner 02.gi…

Anonymous 9467

So cute i love Unico.

Anonymous 9520


Dokis :)

Anonymous 9989


madotsuki is walking through rain :)

Anonymous 11394

Can we update the banners with some of the newer ones? The ones we have are so old


Anonymous 11382[Reply]

why does crystal cafe leave up such old posts? how far back does the site actually go in terms of currently-surfable content?

thank you

Anonymous 11383


also: how does this board feel about posting in years-old topics??? i am not sure how talking to someone in the past is supposed to go, it seems a lil schizo (but i love it)

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