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Anonymous 34714[Reply]

What's the best romance story you've ever read/watched?
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Anonymous 35515

Mostly a fujo, but I really liked it too

Anonymous 35560

NANA. It's realistic to the T.

Anonymous 36074


I barely read romance in general but the first thing that comes to my mind is Paperbag-kun Is In Love/Kamibukuro-kun wa Koishiteru. It's a short but very sweet and comfy story, also, having a masked character it's a plus for me.

Ooooh, the art is so detailed, I'll check it out sometime.

Anonymous 36075

the one I made up in my head…

Anonymous 36116

MARS by Fuyumi Soryu


r Anonymous 36049[Reply]

Anyone like Scooby Doo? What's your favorite series?

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Anonymous 36051

Never played any of them. What are they like? Is the experience nostalgic?

Anonymous 36052

I used to love the special(s?) with Vincent Price.

Anonymous 36053


Anonymous 36054

Scooby doo and the loch ness monster was the height of scooby doo films.

Anonymous 36091


Wicked Anonymous 35987[Reply]

Did you enjoy it?
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Anonymous 36072

that high note at the end

(this song isn't a spoiler, it's the opening song)

Anonymous 36078

Gee, I didn't know Cynthia Erivo posted here? You see any more triggering movie poster edits?

Anonymous 36080


Anonymous 36081

Making the black woman green seems really weird. I only read the books, didn't see the play, but Elphaba being green was because the Wizard of Oz was her bio dad after he gave Elphaba's mother some green snake oil. She wasn't a racism allegory. The talking Animals were the allegory (worse, I know.) Just looks so uncanny to make her green.

Anonymous 36090


Grande on her way to win Best Supporting Actress awards


Genshin Impact Anonymous 19845[Reply]

How do you feel about Mihoyo, Genshin Impact and their playerbase?
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Anonymous 29401

congrats ! I lost my pity to Jean but I saved a lot of quests and exploration so im gonna grind now and hopefully i will get him soon

Anonymous 35225


Sorry for the shitty screenshot but picrel just explains natlan problem as a whole. Not only is her outfit super modern, but her sword has this sci fi thing where it shows like the beat of music? Like how the hell is natlan so technically advanced compared to the other nations. The other nations, even fontaine are behind for centuries.

Anonymous 35497

Does anyone want to sperg about the beautiful Natlan scenery / exploration / music / lore / quests? When I heard this song playing in Tecipac Peak during sunset I had to pause and take my characters to gaze out over the horizon, filled with an emotion stronger than tears. This game's soundtrack makes me want to learn how to play music.

Anonymous 35873

How is fontaine behind a "few centuries" ? Each nation does things how they want to. The way I see it, natlan is the one who is behind. Fontaine is full of advanced robots, from the guards in the city to the random monsters you fight during open exploration.

Anonymous 36088

I like Natlan but it's shaping up to be Inazuma 2 for me–I don't care for the Archon quest but I really like all the side content.


Has anyone else just grown completely bored with the internet? Anonymous 33046[Reply]

Aside from crystal cafe, where do you get your entertainment? The internet feels like a dried up husk. I don't know why I keep trying to draw water from it. My addiction to web stimulation gnaws at me and i dont know how to satisfy it. I keep hearing this is becoming common lately. How are you dealing with the death and hallowing out of the internet?
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Anonymous 34809


absolutely agree about the snark subreddits. there were a couple which i'd read every morning while i eat like it was a fucking newspaper.
now everything is stale and it all feels the same, boring and uninspired

Anonymous 34810


it's always the most hullabaloo over celebrities like Taylor Swift and never interesting ones. I don't give a fuck about the Sussex couple or the UK royals, Hilary Baldwin is stale, I want to see snark subs about someone cow worthy who actually deserves the backlash, or a response to people actually being retarded and cow worthy, not micromanaging the same milkless five celebrities over and over. Boring. Boring boring boring

Anonymous 36077

Too many bots, the people who aren't bots are basically mini-corpos concerned with building a following, the end goal for both is monetization, instead of old internet which was just for fun without monetary gain

Anonymous 36082

I miss IRC chats. There’s still some going, but it seems to be dying off. When discord was killing off radfem / gc spaces I made an irc chat for that on a node I knew was friendly. But no one wanted to try to figure out how to get on there, even though I explained it over and over how to do it, and they could just google it. It makes me so sad that so many self hosted things that are available to people aren’t used because it’s “too hard” compared to the commercialized, sterilized, sanitized web. I guess IBs are kinda like that these days too. II’s sad. Like people will say “go make your own” like it’s that easy, but people are still stuck on the globo dead botted web.

Anonymous 36086

tumblr, pinterest, facebook and instagram. In order to satisfy your curiosity, start by developing hobbies outside of being on the internet. Eventually (I hope) you'll want to learn more about the hobbies you're engaging in and you'll clean out your feed to reflect what you're interested in.


BOOK GENERAL Anonymous 3098[Reply]

Subject says it all.
Discuss everything to do with books. Writing, reading, burning, etc. Ask for recommendations and stuff.
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Anonymous 33198

More novels about war, love and anything related to japanese mythology

Anonymous 33199

Japanese Classical…

Kenzaburo Oe (1994 Nobel Prize) write a lot of good short fiction about war.
Heart of Darkness, by J. Conrad inspired Apocalypse Now.
Henry James, Daisy Miller. Imagine James as an American Austen in the early 20th century. Very good psychological portraits of American and European youth clashing.
Edith Warthon, The Letters. This should be mandatory CC reading. Can't really talk about it without spoiling.
Tolstoi, The Devil: a man with morals is trying to not cheat on his wife
Goethe, The Sorrow of young Werther: a classic which introduced desperate, romantic love. Beware: it's old.
>japanese mythology
Can't help you there. Maybe pic related.

Anonymous 33200

Thankyuu, Nonya! I will check them out after In Stahlgewitter

Anonymous 35200


Currently reading picrel. It deals with the topic of wartime sexual violence by telling the stories of the women who have experienced it and their struggles to get justice against their rapists. The subject matter can be difficult to read about, but doing so is nearly, especially since this topic is often swept under the rug.

Anonymous 36085

I re-read His Dark Materials again after seeing the 2007 movie as a joke, and I’m surprised that they kind of suck now that I’m not a 3edgy teenager in a repressed religious household. I think Pullman hit the mark with the first book and then sort of worked in the “kill god” and “Lyra is Eve” stuff in the second ones. It just seems a little post hoc, idk how to describe it. And Scoresby’s daemon was totally forgotten about in the first book so he had to make her super obvious in the second. I also don’t like that Lyra got turned into an idiot the second she met Will. There’s literally no romantic tension between Will and Lyra. Everyone’s characterizations are all fucky wucky. The wheel aliens are just… not that interesting and don’t play a role at all. The so-called amber spyglass in the last book doesn’t do shit. And the last part of the two characters not being able to be together because the subtle knife makes specters is so hackney’d and dumb, just to add tragedy to an otherwise jumbled story. It just kinda sucked. I’m sort of stuck on stuff to read right now.

Why is Chappell Roan Camp? Anonymous 35017[Reply]

Why is Chappell Roan considered camp? Writing an essay on her for the fun of it. "She's like Dolly Parton but Gay"

Anonymous 35018

i feel like the makeup and wig idk enough ab pop to know how the music is camp. i guess it's kinda cheesy like spelling out h-o-t-t-o-g-o, that song is catchy

Anonymous 35106

I think she's camp because she knows what her music is and she's "in" on what it is. This was a huge part of the appeal for Katy Perry's Teenage Dream album. It's dumb pop and Perry was "in" on it. It's played in an ironic way. Chappell Roan is more earnest imo, but she still plays up the "camp" aspect with the bold and intricate costumes and visuals.

Anonymous 36076

I don't believe she is camp. She seems to take herself very seriously and comes off more as a try-hard instead of doing things in jest. If she was camp, I think she wouldn't be beefing with ant random music journalist she encounters.


i want to get into vidya but i'm dogshit at them Anonymous 35925[Reply]

i'm 19 bored with life and extremely lonely so i tried getting into video games. i never had the chance to get into them when i was younger because i didn't have a pc. the first one i tried out was hotline miami but i'm absolutely shit at it, i have bad reflexes. fpses are already a nightmare for me. how do i get better at them? do you guys have go-to games where you build up skill?
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Anonymous 35972


Play the Nancy Drew games!
Point and click to move, casual but with the occasional timed puzzle or action that can initiate a funny game over sequence. But you just click "try again" and it puts you back where you were with no loss of progress.
Fun mysteries and stories, they're consistently mostly great which is admirable for a series with over 30 entries. The plots are intriguing and the characters are usually interesting to talk with and try to figure out. The plots are linear but they feel more open because you are free to go around the map and there are numerous things that trigger the next stage in a game so you really feel like Nancy Drew wandering around a place figuring out what's going on.
UHS website gives hints on solving puzzles (and the straight up solutions if you need). A must for players and so much better than just following a walkthrough which gives you the answer (also cause you'll do things in a different order from the walkthrough and might spoil yourself if you try finding the solution to your current dilemma).
For women by women in the best way (fantastic female characters from crazy old ladies to an interesting evil Paris Hilton, focuses on women of history when it can, nothing there upsetting to women so you can shut your brain off from the world and have unfiltered fun).
If interested I highly recommend the game "danger on deception Island". It's probably the best written of the mysteries with some of the best characters. Another is treasure in a royal tower which is older but I personally love for how it weaves in stories of Marie Antoinette and humanized her through the mystery. Also the first instance of a great character Beatrice Hotchkiss who shows up again in other games on telephone calls.

Anonymous 35973

Thanks for the recommendation anon, I constantly forget about Nancy Drew because I'm not american so she's not part of the pop culture of my country. I randomly came across a playthrough of one of her games on yt and I immediately loved it. I wonder if there's a thread to discuss detective themed media, I read/watched a lot when I was younger and I'd like to sperg with others about that.

Anonymous 35974

My mom got me into Agatha Christie's Miss Marple stories when I was a kid so I absolutely adore mysteries and detective novels and media to this day. I'd love a thread to nerd out over detective stuffs

Anonymous 36014

i'd recommend overwatch too, its the only fps i've ever been good at because it has soo many different heroes to play as, so many different playstyles, its probably the most flexible fps with a very low barrier of entry because it matches you with others at your skill level. it gets a lot of hate but honestly I don't understand the hate…overwatch is fun!

Anonymous 36073

The only way to improve is to practice (if you have the motivation for that) and play more games. A lot of skills are interchangeable between games, fortunately. So much so that at some point it becomes a matter of only having to get used to that particular game's physics and controls. If you're not gonna autistically obsess over a game and practice it, the best way to improve is to just beat a game and any extra challenges/levels it may have, then move on to the other. You'll build up the needed skills as you go. It's also a matter of having the patience and perseverance to not throw the towel if you hit a roadblock, putting in the effort to think and revaluate how you're approaching that particular challenge and maybe come up with a new strat by experimenting or looking up a guide online or some shit.

By sucking at FPS I am unsure if you mean you lack the needed eye-hand coordination, if you're not good at aiming, or both. In any case, if your brain still gets confused by WASD + mouse just ease into it by playing slower games so you get used to the basic movement, I recommend Minecraft since you can still have fun by yourself and take things at your own pace. If you want to improve at aiming try out Aim Lab. And honestly the average FPS is just boring imo so once you feel like you got a good grasp on the mechanics of PC gaming try out TF2 since it's slower and more casual and if you wanted to you can play it in many other ways that don't involve shooting either. If you become autistic about it there's also a comp scene in the game you could look into if you wanted. And if you still wanna try out the other boring, cookie-cutter FPS just give them a go after you played those previous games.
After becoming average at most games, it's usually a matter of just how good you wanna become at them, or not if you don't want to.


The Last Night at Tremore Beach Anonymous 36070[Reply]

Netflix's intense, compelling 8-episode Spanish psychological thriller miniseries The Last Night at Tremore Beach will surely be a staple on lists of the darkest and most disturbing television series ever made. The show follows a talented musician who begins having terrifying visions after being struck by lightning, along with his relationship with his girlfriend who has a deeply traumatic past. Acclaimed filmmaker Oriol Paulo keeps audiences hooked from the very beginning with non-stop twists and turns that become increasingly wild, dark, and unexpected as the series progresses, and the miniseries is also a perfect example of how a show can repeatedly depict incredibly graphic and harrowing violence and sexual violence without ever feeling the slightest bit like lurid exploitation. Only a director as skilled as Paulo could film a brutally violent 20+-minute gang rape scene (in episode 4) without the scene feeling like exploitation in the least. The performances are all top-notch as well, especially that of Ana Polvorosa as profoundly traumatized rape victim Judy Garmendia, who makes the audience feel every bit of her pain and trauma on a deeply chilling level. Watch this along with Baby Reindeer (2024) - which also deals heavily with the trauma of rape (in that case, from a male perspective) - for two of the darkest, most impressive miniseries on Netflix.

Some reviewers felt that the sexual violence in The Last Night at Tremore Beach was excessive and unnecessary. I strongly disagree. I personally thought that it was exactly how rape should be portrayed in film: horrific, disturbing, not the slightest bit eroticized or male gazey, and perfectly conveying the pain and trauma of rape. I was especially impressed with the show's masterful portrayal of female rape trauma since it was done by a male director. If male viewers are traumatized by it, that's a good thing - they should be traumatized by it, and I hope that it helps them to understand just how traumatic rape is.

What did you think of this show and its portrayal of rape?


Anonymous 36031[Reply]

Honest thoughts on My Chemical Romance? Was Gerard your husbando?
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Anonymous 36038

What is the appeal of MCR and Gerard

Anonymous 36039

Is he the guy who wrote umbrella academy?

Anonymous 36042

the appeal is that the music is good and the man is (or used to be) pretty. You either get it or you don't. It helps to have been depressed as a teenager.

Anonymous 36043

Yes, and co-created Peni Parker from Spiderman
music was his side gig of all things

Anonymous 36045

I used to be super involved in the fanbase but I grew out of it. Unfortunately, it seems the band members themselves never really matured (except Ray), so I'm at a weird place now where I still enjoy their music but participating in fan culture anymore is embarrassing, due to actions of the band members themselves and the new generation of fans being unbearable.

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