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Kraina Grzybów TV Anonymous 34337[Reply]


Self-post Thread? Anonymous 2236[Reply]

Mods/admin, please remove if inappropriate.

I was wondering if you ladies would be interested in a self-post thread so that we can share social media that you'd want other miners to follow and connect with.

There's already a discord thread so I guess that leaves us with everything else: twitter, insta, tumblr, snapchat, LINE?

If others are eager for the idea, I'll share my links below.
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Anonymous 34138

Yeah, I kinda feel you. Decarabia is a good boy, but his design could be way better.

I KNOW, RIGHT? Back in the day, he was my demon husbando.

Anonymous 34319

I would self-post but I don't want it to be public knowledge that I post here or even lurk. Sorry ladies.

Anonymous 34323

yeah me too, I have no problem with anons here seeing my main social media, but the people from tumblr would crucify me if they knew I frequented the terf 4chan

Anonymous 34326

honestly I'm not even a full-on TERF, (I do condemn prostitution and consider myself gender critical) but visiting a website even being open to ANY gender critical discussion is grounds for cancellation on like 90% of the internet. So, while it would be lovely to share my social media with women who are likeminded, I must refrain. Orwellian shit, tbh

Anonymous 34334

ayrt exactly


Anonymous 32379[Reply]

Cue the worst game with the shittiest fanbase of the year.
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Anonymous 33672

Anonymous 34031

I'm really proud of the internalized misogyny in this thread! It's not like the developer is a woman making modest short stories for fun, nononononono this game is a moid propaganda piece for manic pixie dream girls—never mind that this is an otome horror game, where ANDREW is the manic pixie dream boy and the manipulator, not Ashley.

Anonymous 34160

I've seen an impressive number of women on youtube saying that the negative response this game has garnered represents the "death" or "decline" or "fall" of "media literacy."
Some of these women make good cases and some of them make very bad cases, but for some reason or another most of them make very, very Millennial cases. Even if they're Gen Z women themselves there's a very strong tendency to point to the irony-poisoned and or audience-antagonistic media of the mid-90s to early-2010s and argue that it was too sophisticated to be understood by a modern audience. And it does make some sense, there are ways in which the game captures some of the feel of a period piece about the deviantArt days despite it being obviously inspired by Wuhan Novel Human Coronavirus 2019 SARS-II The Revenge.
But, even if that's true, even if we concede the idea that audiences have lost the detachment and abstraction and culture of irreverence necessary to appreciate millennial art - is it really worth bringing back?

Behold the response to "Interior Semiotics." A 2010 performance art piece representing the depths of millennial feminist ironic art (using Northrop Frye's classification system referring to art in "The Ironic Mode."). Interior Semiotics consisted of the artist, Natacha Stolz, opening a can of expired spaghetti-os, rubbing them over her shirt, masturbating, and urinating in a can. This represented the futility of the attempt to elevate existence above itself through art, the degradation of art through contact with inherently degrading subjects such as sexuality, the perversion of art appreciators whose true interests are prurient rather than analytical, and the degradation of women by and for a perverse audience and the position of women being entrapped on one side by a hypocritically perverse audience and on the other by repressive patriarchal norms. It does this by… just… being it. Very plainly performing that role, but with the expectation that you understand that it understands that role and understands that you understand th–
In front of a gathering of art appreciators who were themselves too eager to play the role of eiron to understand that their engagement with the piece was part of the piece. "Yay, art." The scrote who said that at the end there genuinely believed he was witty. And perhaps he was, if he understood the piece and understood that you also understand the piece and understood that you uPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 34161

cute couple

Anonymous 34332

both of the characters are unlikeable, the sister is annoying and the brother doesn't keep his sister in line after she sends threats to his gf and goes "Oh but I can't control her" when he has every opportunity to tell her not to treat his gf like that, there's murder and cannibalism but it isn't graphic enough to appeal to the people who are really into that shit
it's possible to write characters who are flawed/outright bad people but still make them interesting and the game rly fails to do that smh


Otome Games Anonymous 143[Reply]

Anyone else here who’s a fan of Otoge?

>English Otome Games


>Otoge Subreddit


Remember to tag your spoilers!
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Anonymous 25330


>with sexual content

>80 results
lmao, even

Anonymous 25411

Are you laughing because it's too few? Yeah, the number of R18 otome that is actually good and translated is disappointing.

Anonymous 25490

Anonymous 27284


my actual boyfriend.

Anonymous 34321


Anyone playing love&deepspace?
I'm loving all the activities you can do with the romances like take pictures with them and "spending time" with them such as studying or working while they are doing their own thing. The story is pretty interesting and I'm enjoying it. I also love the dates you can go on with the guys so much. There's just so much side romance content it's fantastic.
Rafayel is my favorite with Xavier as a close second. Rafayel just feels made for me though. A hot artist who flirts and plays with you but has clearly fallen hard already. My pictures of him are some of my favourite things right now. They just bring me joy


Female Auteur Media Anonymous 34015[Reply]

I feel like the only female auteurs that I ever know about are always writers or mangakas, which are driven by a single person most of the time. I'd like to get to know more in other mediums, like film, animation, video games, etc.

BTW what I mean by auteur is someone that has complete creative control if not sole authors of their respective works

Anonymous 34020

How about music?

Anonymous 34296

Maybe not what you had in mind, but the first woman to come to mind is EL James. While her books started as fanfic of something else, she wrote them herself and they got published that way with only minimal changes for copyright reasons. She also had full control over the movies.

I'm surprised she isn't championed more as a business woman as she was very smart about gaining popularity for very mediocre writing and then leveraging that in book sales and then controlling the movies. She's also been smart enough to stay quiet and avoid controversy (excluding over the contents of her books).


Radio stations Anonymous 20811[Reply]

I've been into radio.garden as of late. I'm also interested in other good and/or interesting radio stations that are available online. Take a look and share if you come across something nice!

Some things I've found
French pagan music — http://radio.garden/listen/witches-radio/KFzzEoqv
Post-Soviet space age pop — http://radio.garden/listen/soviet-wave/GEjt7pxT
NYC payphone calls — http://radio.garden/listen/payphone-radio/Vqbk96aA
I'd also recommend Shirley & Spinoza Radio but it's increasingly hard to reach for some reason.

I'm especially interested in radio channels playing Asian oldies, I occasionally think I've finally come across some but every single one of them has been just a temporary program.
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Anonymous 21022

The "new" WQXR station in New York is not bad.
It was originally the Classical station (and my go-to) for years, I used to listen to it nightly far back as ~2011, but they just moved it to a different station now and renamed it WQXW. The new station now is called "New Sounds" and plays experimental or 'different' stuff.

I found this song on that station - this can give one an idea of the type of music you might hear here

Anonymous 34083

These revolve around the same genre (shoegaze, dreampop, post-punk, etc):
DKFM https://decayfm.com/
Big Sonic Heaven https://www.bigsonicheaven.com/
Ignoreradio https://ignoreradio.com/wp/
Ear Drum Buzz https://www.eardrumbuzz.net/

And this one is inspired by John Peel:
Dandelion Radio http://dandelionradio.com/

Anonymous 34158

soma.fm is the bomb. I like the groovesalad, the trip and the suburbs of goa stations the most. they've been running for ages and are consistently high quality listening. they have a ton of stations, so give them a look over.

Anonymous 34159

Gosh this takes me back to the shoutcast and Di.fm era

If the site gave you the song info it would be perfect

Anonymous 34293

For me, it's Secret Agent and Illinois Street Lounge.

best boy.jpg

Husbando Thread Anonymous 45[Reply]

Post pics of your husbando (or waifu!)
Bonus for explaining why + any merch you may have for them.
Pic related.
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Anonymous 34144


Anonymous 34291


i want death by snu snu with akuma-sensei… i want to wash his back and pet his hair while he falls asleep in my lap… waaaah, i love ancient muscular martial arts masters

Anonymous 34292

Scrote post

Anonymous 34294

women like baras too, are you retarded?? lmao

Anonymous 34898


I've been so obsessed with her lately that she's been appearing in my dreams.


Anonymous 30555[Reply]

I watch FNAF lore and theory videos. Despite never playing any of the games.
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Anonymous 31882

I've only watched that ripoff movie with Nicolas Cage.

Anonymous 32146

>Withered bonnie

Anonymous 32708

New Project.gif

>I also think Scrap Baby looks really cool at the very least with the roller skates and giant claw. Too bad she never uses those
It's been 6 long years…

Anonymous 33581

mangle and springtrap.

Anonymous 34290


I watched FNAF lore videos in the hospital giving birth I wore headphones dw

Best one I’ve seen that sums up all the pre security breech games perfectly. ID’s Fantasy is a good option for those facing moid fatigue

Anonymous 34169[Reply]

Thoughts? How would you feel about hiring him? He's had a book written on him as well, with more examples of his requests and details into the motivation behind it.

Japan is pretty notorious for its various relationship-selling services, and part of it definitely comes down to their social norms (sensitivity to obligation and imposition, which makes relationships strained). However, the way it looks to me, it seems that their state of society is in fact way ahead of the curve, and not in a good way. Seems like in the years to come, with automation and AI taking over our jobs, and only the soulless drudge of exploitative manual labor too complicated for machines to do being left, a new niche will open up in the job market - playing the role of a human by selling closeness and compassion. What's even more interesting is that this guy doesn't even really offer anything more than his presence, and yet his clients still feel like he helps them.

Anonymous 34172

He seems like a reliable professional so he would be good to have around. He could follow me as I shop and act very nonchalant and every 5 minutes or so he asks me something mundane. If someone bothers me he stands between them and me and I slink away.

_ (1).jpeg

For the anonnettes who are DDLC enjoyers. Anonymous 34570[Reply]

I started playing DDLC today, i have watched gameplays about it and i know what's about, im not new. I can't help but notice the intense foreshadowing it has. For example, in the poems Monika writes, the little "It's not long before you won't need me anymore" sayori says to us when she asks if we would walk home with her or yuri (yuri in my case, i like her a lot), and also the little details, how monika is the only one looking directly at us, how the other ones just pop up in the scenes while monika slides and appears moving, also after showing her our second poem, she says something about saving the game before making a big decision "you might change your mind!" when i tell you it sent shivers down my spine… I don't know if i just notice this because i have watched gameplays about the game and i know what's about or because it really has a lot of little details, hints and foreshadowing.
Anyways, the art is very cute, Monika is scary, i feel intimidated every time she shows up on my screen, i also love the soundtracks.
What do we think, anonnettes?
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Anonymous 34580

it isn't that bad. i did the route of the artist girl (the one without arms) and honestly i was surprised, because the MC has to waste a lot of time listening to the ramblings of an autistic teenager and doing favors to get close to her. and the romance was like any other angsty teenager bullshit. in fact, she was more realistic than most female characters in VNs.

Anonymous 34581

surprised no one has thought to mention kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi. my favorite vn and predates ddlc by 4 years.

Anonymous 34582

i really like it. if you watched chainsaw man monika reminds me of makima

Anonymous 34583

“What if romantic visual novel but surprise it’s actually disturbing and messed up!” is a really trite concept.

Anonymous 34589

to be fair when it came out it felt pretty refreshing. Although the "cute but actually scary" trope has been heavily popularized since then. I don't personnaly mind as long as it's done in an interesting way.

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