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Anonymous 36377[Reply]

David Lynch only makes pretentious art house slop that's made for film class midwits to pretend they're smart. Name one of his movies that's good on it's merit alone and not because it was made by David Lynch.
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Anonymous 36381

he signed the
>we know roman polanski is a rapist but let's pardon him anyway

Anonymous 36386

I'm not Lynch's strongest soldier by any means, but if you think his films are "cringe and dumb" you either don't care about art or are just being a contrarian for the sake of it, which I suppose is the same thing. Regarding the "merit" of his films, Blue Velvet is very good. If you think that it's "pretentious" then I don't know what to say. Besides asking: pretensions of what?

However, there's something more important than me defending the late David Lynch's honour. It's that you start thinking about film and culture more deeply. Even if you don't like his films it's vital that you learn to criticise them without falling back on odious slogans like "film class midwits" and "art house slop".

Anonymous 36410

David Lynch's movies are not pretentious in the slightest.

Anonymous 36411


Try playing a David Lynch movie at a party or family gathering

Anonymous 36414

>appealing to normie taste
i'm not the biggest lynch head either but some of his work is undeniable, and if someone can't see that it's probably because they can't tolerate anything abnormal in art. twin peaks is fantastic and i like mulholland drive a lot too. if you think he's too weird try the straight story, it's the most normal thing he's done


music? aurora? Anonymous 36396[Reply]

thoughts on AURORA? her music, her vibe, etc

Anonymous 36399

pretentious as fuck


Tamers12345's My Little Pony Parody Anonymous 36387[Reply]

Anonymous 36389

fuck off moid

Anonymous 36397

My Little Pony End…

Anonymous 36398

My Little Pony End…


Anonymous 35877[Reply]

I want to read books but I don't know where to start
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Anonymous 36015

just find stuff that interests you! unless you're reading something heavy like classic literature, most books from ~1950 onwards are easy to read :)
books from before then tend to be heavier to read because of the way they're written. because of that, i disagree with the nona who suggested moby dick. its incredibly heavy lol
I don't read a lot either, i've completed less than 10 books in the past 5 years probably…i'm trying to change that. but, my favorite books are: cats cradle by kurt vonnegut and a scanner darkly by p.k dick. look up their summaries and see if they interest you! :D they're both really experimental books, and cats cradle in particular is an easy read because of its short chapters.
i also really liked my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh, it has 2 female main characters and it was really relatable to me. I found it recommended on this board, I think a lot of nonas like and relate to moshfegh's works. they deal with isolation as a woman. i wanna read more books with female narrators because from the handful of books i've read theyre mostly male dominated.
anywho, my main point is, don't stress about it too much, just look online for people posting about what they like, then look up the summaries and see if they interest you!

Anonymous 36025

pretend you're a preteen getting into reading and read books for preteens like the hunger games or something, this will ease you into real books for adults.

Anonymous 36044

The Bible

Anonymous 36342

start wherever; if there's any movies you like that are adaptations start with those. That and short stories.

Anonymous 36388


Go to the young adult section of your biggest book store and pick out some anthology series. I like reading short horror story collections


Anonymous 36344[Reply]

What is the appeal of anime and manga?

Anonymous 36345

Cartoons and comics are entertaining, and Americans don't make good cartoons and comics any more, so naturally people fly to the Japanese.

Anonymous 36363

I am slightly autistic and like that almost everything is bright, colorful, and exaggerated. Realism usually turns me off of media and a lot of western stuff gets caught up in it.

Anonymous 36366

Screenshot 2025-02…

Much more variety than western media. Granted I know theres more to comics than cape shit but its harder to find the interesting stuff, and these days even that stuff is just trying to emulate anime (poorly)

Anonymous 36384

On average, good anime/manga have better writing compared to even the best American live action TV shows. Many anime/manga include creative ideas that you would never see in a normal TV show. They can write a detailed mystery that keeps you intrigued while still eventually explaining the plot in a comprehensive way. I love how many of my favorite series add lots of little details throughout the plot that make you think and feel like they are creating an actual world. While regular TV shows can start with an interesting premise, they seem to be made up as they are going along, full of plot holes and introducing more questions than answers and padding most of their runtime with pointlessly drawn out character drama and sex scenes. Anime/manga cuts out most of that nonsense so you can see more actual story. Regarding action scenes, both types of media can be visually impressive, but I have seen several scenes in anime that went far beyond anything I have seen in a TV show. It's probably just easier to 2D animate really fantastical ideas rather than make realistic looking CGI for it. But that is what I think, as someone who enjoys all kinds of shows and manga.

Anonymous 36385

I wished there was more variety in the artstyle, I am sick of the moe bug eye shit


Anonymous 36379[Reply]

>see Rin
>cool character design
>watch Fate/stay night UBW
>Saber and Sakura both revolve around Shirou in FSN. Rin doesn't. She can and often does go off to do her own thing. Independence and self-sustainability is a really, really appealing trait in a character.
>Rin has no such dynamic with Shirou's core beyond being a tard wrangler, and not a particularly good one at that

Why are anime writers like this?

Anonymous 36382

Moids making beautiful and interesting femake characters who simp to boring men is so retarded istg

Anonymous 36400

you watched one third of the of the vn


2024 Election / American Politics General Anonymous 35582[Reply]

What’s your thoughts on the election this year? Who are you voting for? Are you watching the presidential debate tonight? Do you think it will go better than the last one?
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Anonymous 35850


Now this is interesting.

Anonymous 35864

Well… Haha

Anonymous 36218


Elon Musk has fallen out of good grace with MAGA. Oh boy the next (at least) 4 years are gonna be oh so fun and not filled with the worst political infights!

(Repost I’m dumb and forgot the link kek)

Anonymous 36219

LOL. elon the (formerly) illegal alien who got gender-affirming surgery is now the enemy of the trump crowd? who would have thought.

Anonymous 36376

well, this is… something. this administration is crazy.

Screenshot 2025-02…

Anonymous 36375[Reply]

How do we feel about The Eltingville Club?
I prefer The Ososamtsu as far as boyfailures go


Anonymous 30963[Reply]

What did you think of this book?
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Anonymous 31195

I really need to get this one. I only read some excerpts and a review
I love how she didn't let her mother turn her into a vengeful angry and spiteful person despite how horrible she was. She didn't give her mother the power to change the kind happy person that she truly wanted to be. I even enjoyed the fact that she still mentioned how much she loved her. The fact is, even if a person causes you so much pain and suffering, you can still have love for them. It's strange, it may seem illogical, but it's true.

Anonymous 36213

as the eldest daughter of an abusive mother, i think i'd really like this book. i'll pick it up sometime.

i want to hate my mother, but… i lived with her most of my life. it's hard. she's an evil person. i'm covered in scars. still, i can't completely hate her. even though i want to, i just can't.

Anonymous 36215

I remember when this was still a hot topic. I haven’t read the book but I have checked in on Jennette McCurdy’s social media presence and I do fully support her especially ever since Dan The Foot Man got outed

Anonymous 36343

It was a great book, even if the descriptions of sexual abuse and terrible sexual experiences were horrifying. I have a lot of respect for how she managed to be so open and vulnerable without making it sappy, dwelling too much on a victim identity or infantilizing herself.

Anonymous 36368

me and my fiance listened to the audiobook while we were on zoom and we were working. We would have to pause it just so we could calm down and discuss about the things she was going through and we even compared it to my own childhood. we ended up finishing it all in 2 days and honestly, I would buy the book just to read it myself. I find Jennette retelling of events and her own personal experiences to be refreshing but also just a straight up punch. As another user said it didn't feel sappy, but painfully real and I found myself being amazed at the way she described small but meaningful events with her father and Miranda contrasted heavily with what she was going through while working, her ED, and her mom…


Anonymous 36257[Reply]

What books do you wish more men would read?
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Anonymous 36327

You'd have to actually pick up a book and turn the fist page for that to happen but everyone knows trannys and tranny colonies such as this site will never read a book

Anonymous 36333


What books have y'all recently read?

Anonymous 36334


Anonymous 36350

Anonymous 36364

Don't know what's up with the men don't read thing. People in general don't read including myselfnot counting manga

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