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Male dominated fandoms Anonymous 27324[Reply]

I really hate being in male dominated fandoms. Touhou is an example (not only is it male dominated but it's tranny infested too). It's kinda lonely. So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
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Anonymous 34681

2hu fans are mostly 30 year old moids, fumofags, or toddlers. huge con of being a large doujin community is that moids constantly repost/create fanon depictions of boring, big breasted 2hus. I have a lot of female touhou friends and saw a some at touhoufest. unfortunately ZUN having same faced syndrome and (admitting to) not being able to draw adult faced characters and having many childlike characters makes for a lot of lolicon scrotes. (see: flan, rumia, cirno/dai, every other irrelevant toddler)

Anonymous 34682

saw some*

Anonymous 34711

It's the same when you try to get into some history topics eg. Ancient Rome. Being the only female fan leaves the incel fanboys to go after you.

Anonymous 34784

>Until that point I had spent years in fandom spaces almost exclusively with other girls.
Same. As a preteen I was friends with a lot of nerd girls, both offline and online, so I was surprised to find out that the anime and furry fandoms were actually male-dominated when I had only been exposed to the female side of those as a child and saw them as “girly” hobbies.

Anonymous 34801


Why single out just touhou though? The entire anime fandom in general is full of troons or what could basically be classified as psychologically troon adjacent men. Most normal moids think anime is really dumb or just stereotype it as weird loli tentacle hentai.


girlboss characters Anonymous 29258[Reply]

How do you feel about modern female leads?
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Anonymous 34755


One actually good character would be "The Bride" (Beatrix Kiddo) played by Uma Thruman, it just shows that female characters could be written right if one chooses not to force traits onto them…
Still the movie was made by Quentin Tarantino, a mann with the balls of steel and creativity of an autist, not like something a bunch of lesbians on this website would get lol

Anonymous 34759


I think the problem with female leads lies more in the average audience criticizing them 3x as much as the average male character, and writers trying too hard to appease them. Having female leads in pop media is still pretty new, and people arent used to it so of course they immediately tear them apart by critiquing any aspect about them. They can't be too masculine, and they can't be too feminine or else the audience seethes. Writers try so hard to avoid this that you end up with a ton of shitty terrible "girlboss" characters with the feminazi haircut and overly masculine attitude that people hate. Go the other direction to avoid THAT and you get overly sexualized hyper feminine "girl power" tropes that are equally as bad. If writers would just stop listening to the retarded audience and just try to write authentic characters regardless of gender I don't think it would be as big of an issue. Trying to pander to an audience almost never works and always comes off as inauthentic.
Love these girls

Anonymous 34762

I agree but the same hyper critical attitude is applied to female audiences, which it shouldn't.
If the criticism comes from women it shouldn't be dismissed at all.

Anonymous 34763


Anonymous 34795

I agree with you for the first few seasons, but after becoming a faceless assassin she became insufferable to me.


I Became A Garfield Addict Anonymous 31955[Reply]

I started binge watching everything related to Garfield. Garfield & Friends, the TV specials and even the mediocre live action movies. I've even binge watched the terrible CGI Garfield show and direct to dvd movies. Feels like Garfield is slowly taking over my life.
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Anonymous 34676

Is that cc??

Anonymous 34699

yes it is

Anonymous 34780

Anonymous 34788

Anonymous 34789


bluey Anonymous 32615[Reply]

I haven't watched it but for some reason this kids show has a large adult following? Why? What makes childrens shows like Bluey and MLP have such an appeal to adults? Can someone explain it to me?
I understand cartoons like Spongebob, Regular Show, and Adventure Time having a large adult audience (because they have consistent stories, jokes that appeal to all ages, and there can be some nostalgia involved), but why shows like bluey and MLP?
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Anonymous 32645

my boyfriend loves this show lol
The brony thing was always mostly a meme among 4chan retards. I get there's nonas who love the show too, don't care, we all know it's true. The thing that makes the Bluey phenomenon truly unusual is the fact that this time a lot of the adults who love it are totally normal and not at all online. It is to be fair, definitely an above average quality kid's show. If I had to deal with kids I'd be much happier watching it than anything else for them but it's still a kid's show.
I saw somebody in a record store buying the official soundtrack and the cashier said to the person buying it "I love this show" and then the buyer said "Yeah I wish I had kids so I had more people to show it to."
Very weird times.

In general I think it's yet another example of culture moving in a direction of perennial childhood. I notice this trend in everything from fashion to television to (especially) music.
The interest in content that is truly "for adults" seems to be disappearing and it's really odd because I see nobody talking about it anywhere.

Anonymous 32745

My niece (4) loves it so we frequently end up watching it when she comes over. It's wholesome and cute and there's occasional jokes put in for adults (nothing dirty or raunchy, mostly the parents being cynical and sassy).

Anonymous 34688

I personally can't watch it for opposite of this reason. Bandit playing with his daughters reminds me too much of my deceased dad.

Anonymous 34712

Because they have an earnest, sincere wholesomeness that you really don't get anywhere else, with characters that have a lot of love and talent poured into them.

Anonymous 34781

Never watched Bluey (and don’t plan to) but I’ve read that it teaches people how to be good parents.


albums Anonymous 32737[Reply]

whats your current favorite album(s)?
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Anonymous 34341


Anonymous 34342

Anonymous 34357


Anonymous 34359

Anonymous 34771



I’m not a libfem but…. Anonymous 34364[Reply]

Don’t jump me but I absolutely love Ethel Cains music. I know he’s a troon but his music is just so good. His songs have joined my comfort playlist along with mitski and lana del ray. My favourite songs have to be A House in Nebraska and White Light.
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Anonymous 34587

Eek he's advocating for assassinations now

Anonymous 34592

Ridiculously overrated album & artist. A shame that he got popular when there are plenty of women that have done much better songs than this 2deep4u nonsense album.
Chelsea Wolfe, Weyes Blood, Daugther, Frankie Cosmos, Grouper to name a few, and on an extremely niche side there is Yikii, all with excellent albums that convey emotions and a message without being the fetish of a weirdo.

Anonymous 34752

none of those are niche

Anonymous 34758

What do you love so much about this unoriginal skinwalking incel's music about his horrifying fetishes?

Anonymous 34770

that is against the christian god


Last.fm weekly chart Anonymous 32855[Reply]

Show me your week, musically, nonas.
The website to do this collage is tap music.
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Anonymous 34696

I wish I could get into their new albums. Cant stand anything past 1999 that's not Hau Ruck. Nothing but bangers from 1990-1997 tho (Ive never listened to Adios)



if you havent heard heaven knows by pink patheress then go listen

Anonymous 34698

How can someone be so based yet so utterly trash at the same time. god only knows.


liiiiisten i only listen to a few songs off most of these albums so its not super duper accurate, im not a big lana fan but like a handful of her songs, i just listened to the new billie just to hear it and it has some good songs, i listen to like 2 amy winehouse songs, but yea idk bad but trash lowkey summarizes my existance outside of music lul

Anonymous 34749


saw cannibal corpse live recently, was tons of fun


Writers of Novels Anonymous 34329[Reply]

Nonas, are any of you writers for fun? I'm writing a horror novel rn centered around college-aged girls and women's rights rn
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Anonymous 34596

Yeah I am writing a novel about vampires and its based on real people haha
70 pages so far and I got positive reactions so far

Anonymous 34599

distressed possum.…

I have a million billion ideas for the grand Tolkienesque fantasy epic I'm definetly gonna write some day… But I've only actually written some notes and a few assorted paragraphs that I'm just too embarassed to read again. So basically same as it ever was for me

Anonymous 34721

I want to write a graphic novel based on a bunch of vignettes from my life but I suck at drawing so its really demoralising

Anonymous 34722

use ai. for a story to work you don't need perfectly matching characters or surrounding as long as your storytelling fixes these flaws. if you're autistic about it then see this step as a draft and not as final product. still the draft allows you to get into the process and produce something

Anonymous 34731


I'm more of a scriptwriter. Have a bunch of ideas for cartoons, and I am even making one myself right now, but I won't reveal what it is. I don't really know what to do with all the other ideas, for now I'm just keeping them for future use. The cartoon I'm making is an enthusiastic endeavor, it's indie. Do I need to have the education at some institution that teaches how to write to score a job as a scriptwriter? Or will a good portfolio do? I've read so many books on writing, so I'd say I know what I'm doing, sorta.


Anonymous 34594[Reply]

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Anonymous 34601


it's been years since I read the VN, so I will pick it up again when the official English version is released. Though it's the Realta Nua edition, which I've not played anyway.
I managed to read it without really knowing any spoilers, as I'd never seen the anime. I just remember, after finishing it, how surprised I was at the fandoms innate hatred for Sakura. She seems to have picked up in popularity these days after the movies, but damn did the fandom hate her back in the day.
I crushed on Saber so hard though after watching the Zero anime.

Anonymous 34713

Favorite sevants are Hector, Abigail, and Hans Christian Anderson. Favorite master is Rin.

Been years since I read the orignal F/SN and I'm also excited to pick up the official translation. Maybe eventually we'll get an official release of CCC.

Anonymous 34726


Me personally? I love Liz.

Anonymous 34727


Anonymous 34728



Survival Horror Thread Anonymous 30958[Reply]

All things survival horror!
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Anonymous 31342


Anonymous 31365

It inspired the genre.

Anonymous 34540

Twin Peaks was adapted from Deadly Premonition.

Anonymous 34567

maybe you wrote that wrong but twin peaks influenced deadly premoniton

Anonymous 34708


CV is kino

In Code Veronica you're exploring this mysterious island, you find footage of these two kids feeding a centipede to ants, you meet this crazy guy called Alfred and learn he has a sister, Alfred is accusing you of attacking the island. See that? Mystery, intrigue, who is attacking the island? You eventually find out Wesker is the one attacking the island and he now has superpowers. Then you find out Alexia isn't even alive and Alfred has been going Norman Bates. Then you end up in the Antarctic and kill Alfred, but not before learning Alexia has been alive the whole time

>Best and coolest Claire has ever looked (opening cutscene)

>arguably the best or second best villain after Wesker
>Chris' story is about personal obsession and desire to go it alone endangering those who care about him
>Claire is trapped in the heart of a recreation of Arklay
>Wesker taunts him over his failure to protect his sister and avenge his comrades
>Steve is another failure for him, his death literally benefitting Wesker
>Alexia and Alfred represent a twisted dynamic for Chris and Claire, where Alfred will do anything to reunite with his sister, only to die just before it happens
>the literal reason for Claire getting wrapped in two outbreaks is because of her search for Chris, but the one on Rockfort specifically was caused by Wesker
>when Claire meets Wesker, he describes himself as a "Ghost" coming back to haunt Chris
>Wesker acts a literal representation of why Chris is fighting against Umbrella- to avenge his fallen comrades, so when Chris meets Wesker in the Rockfort Base, Wesker beats him down because Chris has gotten sidetracked from his original goal thanks to his desire to protect his family (this also ties into the parallels between Chris/Claire, Alexia/Alfred and Steve)
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