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Anonymous 26787[Reply]

who are your favorite female musicians? pic related
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Anonymous 36021

YES its such a good cover she changes it so much!! If you haven't already you should listen to Tibet on the same album!

Anonymous 36022


k.d lang
indigo girls
selena (r.i.p <3)

Anonymous 36024


I love Rita Lee

Anonymous 36030

Your taste is so good nona I am also surprised no one has mentioned her! Sorry for Rosetisming but Rose has a cover of a song from the Wicker Man (Gothic movie) if you ever need more Rose covers… It's more acoustic than her individual and Strawberry Switchblade work but it's still very good (Wicker Man Song, Nature & Organisation)

Anonymous 36205

Screen Shot 2024-1…

rila ogawa in febuary (picrel). also, not a fan of japanese breakfast but i love michelle zauner in little big league. more asian women fronting emo bands pls


Anonymous 36179[Reply]

What's some depressing literature by women?

Anonymous 36183

Swastika Night by Katharine Burdekin.

Anonymous 36204

my diary desu


What's your favorite Christmas movie? Anonymous 36131[Reply]

I'm planning to binge watch every movie in this thread for Christmas.
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Anonymous 36133

anna and the apocalypse

Anonymous 36157


Anonymous 36188

The Muppet Christmas Carol

Anonymous 36189

How did your binge watching go?

Anonymous 36193

Hoodwinked was alright


Do You Prefer BL/Yaoi Manga or Manhwa? Anonymous 34468[Reply]

When it comes to reading BL/yaoi do you prefer the style of Japanese manga or Korean manhwa? I’ve noticed that manhwa has become incredibly popular in the BL scene in recent years, especially after Killing Stalking came out and I have to say I prefer it over manga.

Anonymous 34470

I like manhwa more too. Purty colors.

Anonymous 34472

Manhwa is so ugly to me. Could be a case of "new thing bad" to my old ass but I just can't jump this hurdle, not even for yaoi. I've bounced off of every Korean BL I've seen the girlies who live in my computer praise.

Anonymous 34477


Not a fujo, but eventually I like to read BL and yaoi, although I hardly consume nowadays.

Manhwa has never been my cup of tea. I really dislike the style, it is so rare to see someone who does not look like some sissy BTS-ass dude. Besides, I'm not a fan of the layout either.

Anonymous 36182[Reply]

Anonymous 36184

Do you think scott cawthon voted red this year too

Anonymous 36185

Doesnt matter. He can vote whoever je wants to vote.

Anonymous 36186

"Je"? Je, jim, jeself?


The Amazing Digital Circus Anonymous 32329[Reply]

How do you think of this show?
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Anonymous 34611


Ragatha is basically just dollar store Raggedy Ann and that makes me so mad.no originality whatsoever in her design.

Anonymous 34637


Weird how even with the fall of RT RWBY will continue on

Anonymous 35237


Months late reply but I'm so glad there are other IHNMaIMS nonas here. I could not care less about Goosetranny's series, but I Have No Mouth is peak fiction to me. I wonder if anyone else is up for it getting its own dedicated thread here?

Anonymous 35492

I didn't even know this show existed, until I saw a local ad for a musical version that would be performed in my town. As soon as I saw Pomni in the ad, I knew it was the newest quirky, dark, thinly-veiled fetish media for children on the internet. Like others have said, her design is cute, but it's also very clearly made by the kind of scrote who gets off to cute, depressed female characters being tormented (and I was right. He doesn't even try to hide it and probably gets off to announcing his fetishes, too).

I watched an episode and it's just blatant torture fetish porn and edgy unfunny jokes for a very specific kind of terminally online nerd.

Anonymous 36175


I'm late to the party but I have the excuse a new episode came out.

I love it. The characters are fun and have some depth and I like that they actually care about making them interact with each other and have distinct dynamics between characters. It's not the best show ever but you can tell the creator cares about it and puts a lot of thought into it which I cannot say about a lot of more popular indie shows, you probably know the one I mean.

Also Gangle is literally me


Anonymous 34594[Reply]

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Anonymous 34728


Anonymous 35511


Always thought nobunaga was the coolest

Anonymous 35512


My favorite Fate is the cooking show one kek, so wholesome and comfy

Anonymous 35530

Summer event is so damn boring, but I have to beat it for Ordeal Call 3. Which will probably also be boring.

Anonymous 36164


Can you keep up with me?


Anonymous 36160[Reply]

Any recommendations ?
Need artists / songs based off this playlist c:



Need help finding video Anonymous 35811[Reply]

I vaguely remember seeing a video recently, between the months June-October, it was a video of two celebrities on a private yacht/boat, celebrating something together. The woman was half naked(?), whilst the man was recording. This might be old media, because I remember the quality of the video was a little bad. It could’ve been filmed in 2008 for all I know… But I really want to find it! It’s just a bunch of clips of them having fun on the yacht together. Some celebrities came to mind, like Diddy, or Katy Perry and one of her exes, but nothing comes up. Please help me.

Anonymous 35812

Screenshot 2024-10…

the tommy lee and pam anderson sex tape mayhaps?

Anonymous 35821

Do you have the link?

Anonymous 36151

Looked at the vid of her , isn't it. Still on the hunt for it !!


Jacket Id? Anonymous 35825[Reply]

Anyone know the ID on the jacket the woman is wearing on the right?

Anonymous 35830

Huh? Where's the ID? I don't see it anywhere on the image.

Anonymous 35871

Anonymous 36150

thank u bby

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