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Anonymous 34614[Reply]


would any nonas be interested in getting together and playing this game? it's free on steam and supports multiplayer
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Anonymous 34618

anime girls used to be cute in the 2000s. Now they're ugly as fuck, what happened

Anonymous 34619


Anonymous 34620

as long as you're not a moid/tranny sure

Anonymous 34621

Mercury poisoning.

Anonymous 34707

They all became p3do bait


I just bought Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout New Vegas Anonymous 34639[Reply]

Which should I play first?
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Anonymous 34675


I blew up Megaton

Anonymous 34677

No 1 and 2?

Anonymous 34683

I don't like the gameplay and lack of voice acting in Fallout 1 and 2

Anonymous 34701

3 > NV > 4 is how I played them, and would recommend. imo each seemed like an improvement upon the previous. 76 though is skippable imo, it's somewhat fun but a downgrade to the singleplayer games in many ways. I quit it and went back to 4. seems like an unpopular opinion but 4 will always be my favorite. feels like the biggest game, and I for one have got a lot of enjoyment out of the settlement management.

Anonymous 34704

I finished Fallout 3 and started New Vegas.


Movies General Anonymous 2793[Reply]

What have you watched recently?
What is on your to-watch list?

Favorite genre, topic, director, actor/actress, and so on?

Movies that you found memorable as a cinematic experience, movies that you rewatch for the feels or comedy, movies that you found bad (and why)?
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Anonymous 34523


i just watched this and i'm in awe of how good al pacino looks

Anonymous 34524

Anonymous 34533


I watched Godzilla Minus One. Literally spent the entire film waiting for King Kong to show up.

Anonymous 34684

Anonymous 34685

Did anyone see mad max furiosa? I saw it with my friend group and it was fucking incredible, it sucks it's not selling well.


Anonymous 31012[Reply]

Why did they cast every ugly man in Hollywood as Ken?
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Anonymous 31629

kinda based

Anonymous 31667

ryan seems sweeter than most “attractive” guys in hollywood. imagine if some misogynist like henry cavil was cast

Anonymous 31689

I wouldn't be surprised if he took the role because it was a surefire way to get attention on Dead Man's Bones. I had no idea he could sing or was in a band until I heard him sing I'm Just Ken.

Anonymous 34555

We had cuties like Sessue Hayakawa in old Hollywood, then WW2 happened and we're stuck with Mr Yunioshi, what a fucking tragedy

Anonymous 34680


Simu is okay…he's an attractive normie. He'd be attractive if he was just a regular guy we met on a dating app or in real life. He's just not heartbreakingly Hollywood-tier attractive. My personal fave is the Asian guy from Dance Academy.


Anonymous 2569[Reply]

your 2 cents on oyasumi punpun
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Anonymous 4371

I heard that it was good, but the first chapter was too boring for me to read any further. Since the appeal seems to be its "art", I'm glad I didn't continue.

Anonymous 4445

i started reading punpun mainly because of this thread. I really like the art, and find the story and characters pretty interesting. Like most I do see some similarities between myself and punpun. I had to stop reading actually because it was making me lowkey depressed, I'm on volume 10 rn.

Anonymous 20985


very good manga
i the same read it when i was a low times
sorry if my english isnt good

Anonymous 20995


Like everyone else, I related to Punpun and later to Akio. I read it at a fragile part of my life and it seriously messed me up. I would take walks at night while it was freezing and just spend time under an overpass thinking about my life.

It caused me to write a spergy email to my mom where I really opened up about some things and admitted that I desperately needed her help and have needed her help for a long time and I finally built up the nerve to ask out of desperation. When she read the email she was really concerned at first but thought I was just having a bad day because "none of those things are big deals." I shortly afterward made one small improvement to my life, but I'm still just as helpless as before.

Punpun really fucked me up emotionally. It's the only Asano work I've read and I kind of don't want to lessen the effect by reading others, although I bet I will. I'm not even sure if it's a very good manga on its own merits since some of the plotlines were kind of weak. But it made me weep.

Anonymous 34645

i read it like 2-3 years ago and although i don't remember that much from it i think it was rly good. like many others, i was going through a pretty sad time period in my life while reading punpun and i think the manga really exacerbated all of it for a pretty long time. the art and panel composition were also really good. sachi was my favourite character. maybe i should read it again over the summer.


Anonymous 34634[Reply]

She is literally me. Loves coffee, cats, and nicotine, closed off and rather abrasive, tries to be the voice of reason but is just as emotional as anyone else, prefers woman but throws herself to men who treat her like shit, and above all constantly feeling inadequate because her mother was a famous academic.

Anonymous 34635


Watching ritsuko self sabotage in NGETV was painful. The manga amplifies her guilty tendency to hate Rei too if you haven't read it yet (in parallel to Naoko, she chokes Rei II but doesn't kill her). I found my young adult self connecting with her in NGETV (not the manga) and her remaining neutral faith tendencies to be a realistic voice towards Misato in 3.0 (and 3.0 + 1.0) more akin to my current self. Nona, you seem self aware, keep trying your best to put that into action and make mental note when you find yourself being swayed by a moid who doesn't truly care about you. Be kind to yourself, but being kind to yourself takes the self discipline to choose who is best for you when dating.

Anonymous 34638



The Amazing Digital Circus Anonymous 32329[Reply]

How do you think of this show?
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Anonymous 34603

>cocomelon slop
Lol thats a bit much. The show isn't great but it's clearly got more care put into it than third worlder farm content.

Anonymous 34604

"It's free on youtube" seems to be its main appeal, we're desperate for another rwby to appear

Anonymous 34610

I would have liked the show if it wasn't made by a tranny with multiple gross autistic fetishes.imagine if it was made by a woman instead…

Anonymous 34611


Ragatha is basically just dollar store Raggedy Ann and that makes me so mad.no originality whatsoever in her design.

Anonymous 34637


Weird how even with the fall of RT RWBY will continue on


Alfred's Playhouse Anonymous 34627[Reply]

Anyone else heavily relate to this miserable dog? He is so literally me it's insane. Alfred needs love, boys and girls. Alfred needs love. Alfred needs…pity. :)

Anonymous 34628

I hope both you and Emily get the genuine help that you need.

Anonymous 34629

off yourself

Anonymous 34631

The Alfred Alfer movie is pure nightmare fuel

Anonymous 34632


Any Games Similar To Pokemon? Anonymous 32518[Reply]

I like the turn based combat, team building and high repeatability. Any games that meet those criterias?
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Anonymous 33695

buddy simulator 1984

Anonymous 33696

i think pokemon copy games are an entire genre on steam

Anonymous 34554

Monster Hunter Stories 1/2

Anonymous 34598


Based OFF enjoyer.

Anonymous 34602

I don't know if it's any good but Heartbeat is supposedly a cute Pokemon clone AND the developers might be cool. Check out that controversy.


Colouring Anonymous 34561[Reply]

Does anyone else like colouring line art or colouring books? I thought it might be fun to share our fun colouring activities or discuss the hobby.

Do you use markers, colouring pencils, or something else? Use anything special like copics or just whatever tools you could find? Do you print art to colour or buy colouring books? What kind of things do you colour?

Anonymous 34562


I try to colour something a few times a week because it's so happy and relaxing to me. I got a bunch of books for my birthday with some knock off copics and have been really enjoying colouring in pretty monster girls. I'm hoping I can get decent at blending and figuring out shadows but for now I'm just happy when the colours look nice together

Anonymous 34590

That looks really nice, Nona. Please share some stuff with shading when you try it!

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