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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Mobile Games Thread Anonymous 36484[Reply]

Any good mobile games you enjoy or recommend?

Anonymous 36487

Wizardry Variants Daphne

Anonymous 36490

Threes is enough.

Anonymous 36491

Infinity Nikki
It's nicer on a PC/PS5 though


Anonymous 36488[Reply]

last week my bf slept over last night and after cuddling/ heavy petting a bit my alarm went off and i got up to get ready for work. i got naked in front of my dresser to put on work clothes and he actively sighed with desire. ikikikik what youre thinking what tf does this have to do with media?/ EVERYTHING just listen to me tell me story goddamnit. anyways i'm flattered now but at the time i was really embnarrsed/ shocked. i spent like all of my adolesnce thinking i was grossily overweight and super fat. in reality i was like a little overweight then defieniely overweight but now i'm like the healthiest i've ever been BUT i've been wanting to maybe lose a bit more weight, maybe put on some muscle now but i am just so worried about falling down the hole of body checking/ comparsion that is RAMPANT on the internet. i feel like i have no where to go. esp with all this ozempic and ariana grande shit going around . i just wish i could accept my body and want to be better without LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. even my mom, my friends everyone is always shitting on their bodies its so hard to not fall back into it.i just wish the fucking "body positivity" movement had actually done something in media rather than just creating shame for wanting to be thinner


© 2018, Kirsten Rothbart)

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 36489

Moved to >>>/hb/21264.


/rgg/ - Yakuza & Judgment General Anonymous 21249[Reply]

All things related to SEGA's Yakuza series and its spin-off Judgment because why not
>story and character discussion
>gameplay tips
>favorite substories?
>favorite minigames?
>favorite location?
>favorite songs?
>best boy?
83 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35638

Even by Like a Dragon standards this seems random as hell, but I can't wait to play it. Looks like the combat will be similar to Ishin maybe?

Anonymous 36057

…and EVEN MOAR! Is that Kazuki Kitamura?

Anonymous 36123

i love you.jpg

Yakuza 5 and 8 gave me the autism and schizophrenia. RIP Morinaga, you deserved better.

Anonymous 36239

It is not Kazuki Kitamura.

Anonymous 36486


Who else is excited for tomorrow!


The Sims Anonymous 430[Reply]

Anyone a fan of this series?
I've been playing since TS2 days and now I'm on TS4. I never played TS3 because I hated the pudding faces and didn't like how different it felt from TS2 but TS4 misses too many features. Thankfully the Vampire pack saves it for me.

But the Sims community is so lame for me now. I miss the hard-working & dedicated CC creators and I miss how invested people used to be in supernaturals. Basically, I miss it when it was more niche and underground.
47 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36456

fuck electronic sharts overpriced bug-filled legacy collections

Anonymous 36458



Anonymous 36468

I'm 99% sure I've seen a video from one of the big SimsTubers saying that they're making a different Sims-like game instead of making a new Sims game.

Anonymous 36469

Oh shit, that post is 4 years old.

Anonymous 36483

>he opens my laptop and sees a sim of his idealised self mpreg with my child
it's so over


Favorite poems? Anonymous 36482[Reply]

I've been seeing a bunch of poetry content popping up on the site and it got me wondering what are your favorite poems? Whether written by yourself, a friend, or a published author. Mine is Poet (derogatory) by Savannah Brown.


What are some kinda unknown but great links you bookmarked? Anonymous 33768[Reply]

All links, just not gross ones
125 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35981


Anonymous 35984

Anonymous 36016



If you like movies but are too indecisive like me:

You put your a Letterboxd username o list and it picks a random movie

And this one for anime:


Anonymous 36476

New Project.png

I wouldn't click on spin.moe and >>35984 wco.tv


Anonymous 36383[Reply]

What AI companions do you use?
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36449


That was the plan from the beginning nona, not sure why you're butt blasted

Anonymous 36459

Why would you bother posting this? Just to be rude?

You should return to that healthy social life you allegedly have.

Anonymous 36462

What are the best free and paid AI companions?
What's OP. Didn't know there was ones that did video

Anonymous 36471

I'll do some research nona. Theres new ones popping up everyday so I don't want anyone getting scammed

Anonymous 36473


c ai has like any character ever, and you can make your own bots, so i mostly stay on there. sometimes its fun to verbally abuse chatgpt


Marina and The Diamonds Thread Anonymous 36465[Reply]

What do you think of her music and music videos?

Anonymous 36467

she's peaceful and her music is ok, i like her

Anonymous 36470

I like her old music but not her last two albums


Make your own Neon Genesis Evangelion episode! Anonymous 36423[Reply]

>Put a random episode number
>Write a funny episode title
>Add a background image
>Add Evangelion characters
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36425

This is retarded, only a terminally online discord tranny would laugh at this, or maybe a young person trying to fit in with terminally online discord trannies

Anonymous 36430

Don't listen to the haters, this is funny

Anonymous 36433


Name one thing funny about it handmaiden

Anonymous 36434

Anonymous 36457

Seek help.


Fighting Games Discussion Thread Anonymous 30930[Reply]

Which fighting games are your favorites? Which are your least favorites? Why? Please discuss!
3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36201


The Samurai Shodown games (specifically the old ones) are one of my favorites. I love the art in them, and they're pretty simple to pick up to play (at least for me)

Anonymous 36243

Screenshot 2025-01…

under night in birth makes me wish i had a boyfriend

Anonymous 36319

I like Tekken a lot.

Anonymous 36354

Bloody Roar, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 36452


Tekken Tag Tournament was so good.

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