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Children Media Anonymous 1497[Reply]

Let's talk about our favorite media that's mainly targeted at children

Disney movies, cartoons, games and even toys/collectibles in general

The genre itself, the adult fanbase andthe possible stigma around it can also be discussed.
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Anonymous 32266

>My Life as a Teenage Robot & Wild Thronberry

Anonymous 34040

Hilda had so much potential, why cant Pearson do one more season? It's everything I've ever asked for in a show. You will be forever missed, thank you for making me happy.

Anonymous 34893


Every once in a while I'll pop one of my little bear DVDs into the player. I kept all of them from my childhood.

Anonymous 34894

little bear was absolute peak. Such a cozy show, it was one of my favorites as a kid. I even named my pet snake no feet

Anonymous 34908


The atmosphere is amazingly wholesome. I remember one episode where he went to the beach to have a picnic with and tell stories to a whale. I still think that shit's cool.

If I had to choose a fictional universe to live in, this is it.


Vtuber Anonymous 30347[Reply]

Have any of you tried or are vtubers? How is it?
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Anonymous 32567


Most of those comments seem genuinely worried about her not upset about the real girl.

Though you're probably right that most of them wouldn't care without the avatar.

Anonymous 33103


I’m a VTuber. I hate moids even more since I started, I’ve never been that close to a male community before and sometimes I can’t understand their logic and how they act. But it’s good money, and I actually have fun playing games and being silly.

Anonymous 33109

>most of the comments are expressing concern for her privacy or employment
I don't understand what this picture is supposed to demonstrate.

Anonymous 34440

There's a niche for most. Botan and Selen (now Dokibird) have plenty of fans, and they're absolutely cracked gamers

Anonymous 34907

I've been doing it for about two years. It's the best decision I've ever made but you have to mask a lot of things to be palatable to an audience that caters to the most sensitive demographics the transgenders.
If you really want to try it use a premade model or a vroid model first so you don't spend too much money and just start streaming.

It's exhausting always trying to be happy but it's the most social interaction I get most days so I like it a lot. I also get to talk about how much I hate men and people actually listen, but at least I'm talking to somebody.


“Hated” characters that you like Anonymous 22908[Reply]

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Anonymous 32819


I absolutely love Raymond and cats in general. He's super cute and has an overall nice design with the business/office theme. It's sad that some people hate him because he's popular, sold/trade at an unfair price and fetishized in a maid outfit even to the point of wanting to hurt or remove him from the game. I think people who hate Raymond are Ankha fanboys, contrarians who think it's cool to hate on very loved and popular things or people that had been bullies in the past given that Raymond isn't offensive in any way but cute and kinda nerd-looking.

Anonymous 33707


Emma Bovary. Yes, she's problematic and I often just wanna scream "Emma, why?!"but she's relatable. She feels like a fellow unfulfilled woman with no stable identity that she tries to find in dubious things like affairs, surface religiousness, impulsive purchases. Also I see her as a victim of circumstances that was deprived of more opportunities for fulfillment and excitement by patriarchy. I think she could do well in modern times. She's a bad person but I do love her and relate to her even if it makes both of us a couple of dumpster fire girlies. I think Emma is a wonderful character.

Anonymous 33709

I think most people hate Raymond because of his personality (smug)

Anonymous 34825


Anonymous 34905


his routine does get tiresome after a while but i feel like that can be said for a lot of the cast of KnY. dont see why people seem to hate him specifically so much


favorite female characters Anonymous 28352[Reply]

Post any that you like, why you like them etc
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Anonymous 34866


Yuki from Vampire Smile

Anonymous 34877

Don't worry I have the same type

Anonymous 34878

Not garbage taste, nice

Anonymous 34882


Anonymous 34901



Anonymous 17531[Reply]

Who is your favorite writer?
>inb4 this thread gets moved to /media/
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Anonymous 21055


So many to choose from…

Anonymous 34754

maxresdefault (45)…


Anonymous 34761

I like Junji Ito's Tomie series

Anonymous 34881

I hate Neil Gaiman especially with the recent allegations, but I grew up reading his children's novels and eventually read the more mature stuff in high school and they stuck with me the most.

Anonymous 34897


Richard Adams


Watching cartoons while on codeine and xanax Anonymous 34365[Reply]

Need some cartoon recommendations to watch in a semilucid dream state

Anonymous 34383


i’ve been rewatching invader zim lately

Anonymous 34386

My Little pony Friendship is magic.
Littlest Pet Shop.
Dan Vs.

Anonymous 34398

The Problem Solverz

Anonymous 34399


I watched one episode and died from an epileptic seizure. 10/10

Anonymous 34896

I've been binge watching Bob's Burgers since last month. I found it very heartwaming and comfy to watch after the first season


Recommend free emulation and retro game links here. Anonymous 34886[Reply]

Please post links to free retro games you know of or just love.

Bonus if they are RARE, unheard of, translated japanese rpgs, shoujo, dating simulations, fighting games, shooting games, puzzles etc, especially from the 80s, 90s.

Anonymous 34887


Anonymous 34888



What's the last film that made you cry? Anonymous 34864[Reply]

Anonymous 34867


Anonymous 34869


Anonymous 34874


this film wrecked me as a child
i went on to have my own parrot for a few years as an adult and i eventually had to rehome him. thought of this movie and how his journey ended up all the time after. i still occasionally dream about him. the love these creatures experience is so deep

Anonymous 34880

I can relate. I've always had parrots throughout most of my life and they have touched my heart more than any dog or cat I've owned. That's why the movie had such an effect on me.


What media screams “femcel”? Anonymous 31937[Reply]

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Anonymous 34544

What is a “semi-normie”?

Anonymous 34622

nayrt, they probably mean their semi aware of internet subcultures but exclusively through tiktok

Anonymous 34625

Disney, Harry Potter, MLP, shitty Broadway musicals like Legally Blonde and Beetlejuice, yaoi/yuri, disturbing porn in general, Skyrim, Dark Souls, K-Pop

Anonymous 34876

Only right answer

Anonymous 34879

Chie (319).png

What's the Consensus on Persona Anonymous 26106[Reply]

How we feel about Persona, sisters?
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Anonymous 34563

wario thumbs up.pn…

I just picked it up. (3)
I'm liking it quite a lot, but it takes its time for things to start rolling.

Anonymous 34564

P5R was the first of the games I played. I liked it a lot, especially killing Yaldaboth or whatever, and all the references to gnosticism were cool considering I already had been reading the gnostic gospels out of interest. I also liked the extra semester and the whole arc of it, especially how akechi chose to die rather than live in an illuspry reality controlled by someone else. I thought that made his character much more interesting.

I bought the P3 remake and it was fun at first and I did want to get to know the plot/characters more but… is it just me or are there no dungeons in this game? I was playing it and it just seems like climbing the tower is all there is to do? Are there ever any actual levels in this game (in which case Id actually revisit it) or is it all basically just like being in mementos for the whole game? Was disappointed to say the least, maybe I'm just retarded.

Oh and about P5R, my favorite storyline was coffedad/futaba, I was genuinely moved to tears. Rarely are games so emotionally impactful for me. However I was creeped out by the fact that the game treats the teacher hitting on Panther as a gross pedo creep (he was) but then Joker and Kawakami basically blackmail each other into a relationship and somehow he's not a creep and she's not a creep? Seems like blatant double standards and male wish fulfillment but I ignored it for the sake of enjoying the rest of the game. Also I wish the MC could date male characters or that you could simply make the MC female because imo Joker and Akechi had so much obvious sexual tension and seemed more like they would date than any of the other characters. I'm not even a fujoshi or anything I just thought they had the most chemistry. Was fun to get with Anne just to cuck Mona though, lol. Also didn't expect human Mona to be so damn hot though, seriously wtf.

In conclusion, dragon dildos.

Anonymous 34584

Can someone please explain why there hasn't been a Persona for women? No, P3P doesn't count because it wasn't made with women in mind, though it's pretty good.
Can someon just steal the concept of the game and make it with woman as the protagonist? IS IT SO HARD???

Anonymous 34644

omg devil survivor is so much fun, 2 is especially charming
this pic is a bit confusing, who's getting married here?
the teacher was hot but I felt bad about romancing her bc of the fact she's technically a nonce

I really hope persona 6 lets you actually play as a girl and tons down the agegap crap and the waifufag pandering.. or at the very least gives us an actual gay option

Anonymous 34875

2 got boring as fuck for me so i stopped sorry..the mc is cool though. playing 3 and it's the same but i want to meet a character so ill keep going

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