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Obscure music general Anonymous 36224[Reply]

This thread is for discussing and sharing obscure, little-known music. Post hidden gems and talk about your favorite musical obscurities.

I'll start with a few:






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Anonymous 36329

best song of 2024

Anonymous 36360

this is obscure in the UK lolol

Anonymous 36415

whoa, didn't think i'd see this band here. i found cold fish a couple years ago and loved it. check out this album, it's more punky and scuzzy but it hits some of the same notes for me
that c89 song is so cute :-) i love all that twee stuff.

Anonymous 36448

love die Welttraumforscher

Anonymous 36450



#22 | CaptainBlackbeard Radio | To William, With Love



Anonymous 32042[Reply]

Playing through all of TLoZ in order and I want a general thread.

Beat Zelda 1 a few days ago and am curious what other peoples favorites are. When I was a kid my were Majora's Mask and Minish Cap.

>Favorite Game

>Favorite Character
>What do you think of the Timeline?
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Anonymous 35650

>Playing through all of TLoZ in order
I did this when I was younger and it was a lot of fun. I'm assuming you used a guide for 1? I had to use cheats for 2 as it was too hard for me :(
>Favorite Game
TP, LA, DS Games
>Favorite Character
Linebeck, greatest redemption arc
>What do you think of the Timeline?
It's so messy, confusing and dumb. As someone who thinks OoT is overrated I do love making the joke that it was so shit it created multiple timelines.

Anonymous 36443


She deserves her own game!

Anonymous 36444


Anonymous 36445

I don't really see them coming back because they were a thing to make Link feel comfortable in the forest. Koroks are Kokiri.

Anonymous 36447

Screenshot 2025-02…

>Fave game
MM for the usual reasons, but also because the world always felt more alive than OoT. I am gaining a new appreciation for TP though I didnt like it as a kid.
>Fav character
Weird since I dont particularly dont care for BotW and totk, but I always found Daruk and the champions endearing. Daruk in particular is very fun and charming, granted I've always thought the gorons were cool…
its bullshit but what can ya do… I do wish we could see more in the fallen link timeline, that Sheikah game Rare was working probably would have been very fun. Also Want the Kokiri to come back as well, always thought the koroks were a massive downgrade even as a kid. We've had 3 games with these tards and we still barely know anything about them, the freaking picori have better lore than them.


Anonymous 35392[Reply]

There's Minecraft let's plays and random podcasts with over 500 episodes but with less than 10 views per video. Why do they do it?
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Anonymous 35443

Maybe it feels less lonely? A desire to perform? A love for the game? LARPing as a twitch streamer? Who's to say, the human mind is a beautiful thing

Anonymous 36391

>Why do they do it?
the same reason my mom buys scratch-off tickets. she wants to hit it big even if she knows the odds are next-to-impossible

Anonymous 36392

Why the hell not, I personally see it as the digital version of when people discover ancient human footprint is about leaving your insignificant mark on the world just for somebody's else to find it and think "wow that's neat, hope they had a great time when they did that" I mostly spend my times going to dead websites and archiving images/photos and leaving the last message and positive commentary on art before the domain expires, is my way of saying goodbye to the lost and forgotten since other people might not care anymore but I do, I miss the era when true passion about doing something so useless in the grand scheme of things was king

Anonymous 36394

By your reason
>why do you spend your time on a slow as hell dead 2chan clone?

Anonymous 36446

I've noticed this myself, even with YouTube recommendations in the righthand column. It makes me wonder about the state of the world/society and how a vast number of individuals don't work and just produce content absolutely no one will ever watch. How do these people afford to even stay housed?

paintjo satobrush.…

does anybody else like abusing character AI Anonymous 36477[Reply]

I've already run Gojo Satoru over with a pickup truck seven times

Anonymous 36478


>I've already run Gojo Satoru over with a pickup truck seven times

Anonymous 36479

isnt avatar posting against the rules

Anonymous 36480


Anonymous 36481

That would be a retarded rule, hope it isn't true.


ne zha Anonymous 36439[Reply]

who has seen the new ne zha movie?


deviantART Anonymous 4452[Reply]

I know it's dead now, but I wanted to talk about deviantART nostalgia.

Who did you follow?
Did you create and post on there?
Ever used the forums?
Memories and anecdotes?
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Anonymous 21880

Try instagram maybe. it's image based and people can't save your art

Anonymous 21884

IG is an algorithmic nightmare, a lot of artists have abandoned it because you have to fight for your own followers to even see your posts on their feed. Also taking a screenshot instead of right click and save is not a hurdle for art thieves.

I think Twitter is the best right now to have your work seen and shared.

Anonymous 36412

one of these 2 active users is me, i never left and i will never leave, social media is way to scary for me and tumblr is way to political

Anonymous 36413

could be that your algorithm got reset caz of inactivity. the front page now is personalized
id tried tumblr and i never got any reblogs or likes also i am afraid of the political people so i left before somebody asked me if i support x thing i have no knowledge or expertise in
>i haven't been able to post art online again ever since the website sort of "fell off", social medias like twitter are so intimidating to start with.
just do it on there, who cares, just use it as an online archive for your art
Instagram is a nightmare, there is a loud minority of ''repost this on your reels or you are a bigot'' types

Anonymous 36431


Growing up I was more a newgrounds kid, between the edge and psuedo otome games it got me hooked pretty fast. Also even though it was infamous for an being an edgelord playground, there was actually allot of girl artists making cute weeb stuff and more avant-garde stuff too. I tried using DA but I just couldnt get into, I don't think I liked the UI very much. Weird porn like inflation being the top result when I looked up stuff like Sonic didnt help.
NG has made a serious comeback since the pandemic, very active now, I would argue its the best spot for archival purposes and talking with other artist, though unfortunate Xitter is probably still a necessity if you want to blow up big…


Alfred's Playhouse Anonymous 34627[Reply]

Anyone else heavily relate to this miserable dog? He is so literally me it's insane. Alfred needs love, boys and girls. Alfred needs love. Alfred needs…pity. :)

Anonymous 34628

I hope both you and Emily get the genuine help that you need.

Anonymous 34629

off yourself

Anonymous 34631

The Alfred Alfer movie is pure nightmare fuel

Anonymous 34632

Anonymous 36428

omg you understand.
it helped me cope with some events.
but i'm also sorry - for both of us


Strip clubs in Amsterdam Anonymous 36426[Reply]

Anyone from Amsterdam know any strip clubs @ red light district where you can smoke inside. Saw you can’t smoke weed but just normal smoke


LADs Anonymous 36401[Reply]

Isn't this trying too hard? Id rather something more vanilla

Anonymous 36407

It's gross.

Anonymous 36408


how do i play the video, i am not a computer type

Anonymous 36416

VLC media player generally works

Anonymous 36419

hmmm, i like it? you might be right about it trying too hard, but i'm just glad that a mainstream otome game is willing to take a turn that isn't super fluffy

Anonymous 36422

gross its got the face of a teen


Magic the gathering Anonymous 36421[Reply]

Does anyone here like magic the gathering?

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