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Survival Horror Thread Anonymous 30958[Reply]

All things survival horror!
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Anonymous 31365

It inspired the genre.

Anonymous 34540

Twin Peaks was adapted from Deadly Premonition.

Anonymous 34567

maybe you wrote that wrong but twin peaks influenced deadly premoniton

Anonymous 34708


CV is kino

In Code Veronica you're exploring this mysterious island, you find footage of these two kids feeding a centipede to ants, you meet this crazy guy called Alfred and learn he has a sister, Alfred is accusing you of attacking the island. See that? Mystery, intrigue, who is attacking the island? You eventually find out Wesker is the one attacking the island and he now has superpowers. Then you find out Alexia isn't even alive and Alfred has been going Norman Bates. Then you end up in the Antarctic and kill Alfred, but not before learning Alexia has been alive the whole time

>Best and coolest Claire has ever looked (opening cutscene)

>arguably the best or second best villain after Wesker
>Chris' story is about personal obsession and desire to go it alone endangering those who care about him
>Claire is trapped in the heart of a recreation of Arklay
>Wesker taunts him over his failure to protect his sister and avenge his comrades
>Steve is another failure for him, his death literally benefitting Wesker
>Alexia and Alfred represent a twisted dynamic for Chris and Claire, where Alfred will do anything to reunite with his sister, only to die just before it happens
>the literal reason for Claire getting wrapped in two outbreaks is because of her search for Chris, but the one on Rockfort specifically was caused by Wesker
>when Claire meets Wesker, he describes himself as a "Ghost" coming back to haunt Chris
>Wesker acts a literal representation of why Chris is fighting against Umbrella- to avenge his fallen comrades, so when Chris meets Wesker in the Rockfort Base, Wesker beats him down because Chris has gotten sidetracked from his original goal thanks to his desire to protect his family (this also ties into the parallels between Chris/Claire, Alexia/Alfred and Steve)
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Anonymous 36210

it's bad, yeah. at least they didn't ruin Miku's character.
oh… wait…


favorite female characters Anonymous 28352[Reply]

Post any that you like, why you like them etc
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Anonymous 35316


Anonymous 35318


ff13 was mid but i gotta rep my 500 year old crystal lesbians

Anonymous 35319


Anonymous 35388

yes lol, nice to meet another lesbian yumejo. Feels like we are getting rarer and rarer everyday.

Anonymous 36209


Third Birthday was such garbage, but i just finsihed replaying the original Parasite Eve and fell in love with Aya all over again. she's so fucking cool.


video games Anonymous 18609[Reply]

i believe the last video game thread at >>79 is full so here's a new general for video game discussion
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Anonymous 35399


playing core keeper
its like stardew valley plus fighting so far

Anonymous 35400

it looks beautiful & perfect. thanks anon

Anonymous 35477

any of you play multiplayer stuff?? I found this server with a few people that play pretty often FGSxAhz8
lots of anime fans too

Anonymous 36207

maybe YOU haven't but i certainly have. i grew up with the games because i was the only girl in my house, but i wanted to play ACTUAL quality games. not dressup sims. this was over 20 years ago, so the dreamcast sonic games were what i had to work with, among other things.

my girlfriend is a huge fan, too. so was her ex. it's a good series, if you stick to the older releases. before 2010, you have plenty of choices.

Anonymous 36208

i like action games, but i really do adore role playing games, especially with story focus. give me Skies of Arcadia or Persona 2 over dark souls any day.


Anonymous 26787[Reply]

who are your favorite female musicians? pic related
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Anonymous 36021

YES its such a good cover she changes it so much!! If you haven't already you should listen to Tibet on the same album!

Anonymous 36022


k.d lang
indigo girls
selena (r.i.p <3)

Anonymous 36024


I love Rita Lee

Anonymous 36030

Your taste is so good nona I am also surprised no one has mentioned her! Sorry for Rosetisming but Rose has a cover of a song from the Wicker Man (Gothic movie) if you ever need more Rose covers… It's more acoustic than her individual and Strawberry Switchblade work but it's still very good (Wicker Man Song, Nature & Organisation)

Anonymous 36205

Screen Shot 2024-1…

rila ogawa in febuary (picrel). also, not a fan of japanese breakfast but i love michelle zauner in little big league. more asian women fronting emo bands pls


Anonymous 36179[Reply]

What's some depressing literature by women?

Anonymous 36183

Swastika Night by Katharine Burdekin.

Anonymous 36204

my diary desu

Anonymous 36309

My rants on here desu


Anonymous 35996[Reply]

Who do you like best?
Zack, Cloud or Sephiroth?

Anonymous 36004

fuck cloud, marry zack, kill sephiroth.
I used to have a bigger crush on sephiroth, but I think I the remake made me appreciate cloud more.

Anonymous 36117

This is all the thread needed to be.

Anonymous 36203



80s/90s anime Anonymous 35486[Reply]

Recommend /discuss the best and most aesthetically pleasing 80s/90s anime
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Anonymous 36194

Ginga Nagareboshi Gin. Dogs are pretty cool I guess.

Anonymous 36197


I'm weirdly fascinated with that anime. I used to have friends from Norway/Finland who'd play this MMO called Feral Heart with me years ago, and they'd always make their wolf characters to look like Ginga characters since they loved that anime. Never got to watch it as it wasn't dubbed in my language though.

Anonymous 36198


Not someone who has watched a lot of anime due to the time constraints on me, but one really cool anime I know from my auntie is Elfenlied. If you exclude the scenes which are meant to filter normies who cant handle cringe, as well as the general coombait which pretty much any anime has to attract an audience, I really liked the aesthetics of the anime, as well as the moral of the story. Something about the main character really resonated with me.

Anonymous 36199

I guess I was a part of the same demographic.

I've always been more interested in animal characters than human characters. For example I watched Sailor Moon primarily for Luna. And my favorite Ghibli movie is Princess Mononoke.

Anonymous 36202


SA, Gamba no Bouken also comes to mind when it comes to anime with non-human characters.


What's your favorite Christmas movie? Anonymous 36131[Reply]

I'm planning to binge watch every movie in this thread for Christmas.
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Anonymous 36133

anna and the apocalypse

Anonymous 36157


Anonymous 36188

The Muppet Christmas Carol

Anonymous 36189

How did your binge watching go?

Anonymous 36193

Hoodwinked was alright


Do You Prefer BL/Yaoi Manga or Manhwa? Anonymous 34468[Reply]

When it comes to reading BL/yaoi do you prefer the style of Japanese manga or Korean manhwa? I’ve noticed that manhwa has become incredibly popular in the BL scene in recent years, especially after Killing Stalking came out and I have to say I prefer it over manga.

Anonymous 34470

I like manhwa more too. Purty colors.

Anonymous 34472

Manhwa is so ugly to me. Could be a case of "new thing bad" to my old ass but I just can't jump this hurdle, not even for yaoi. I've bounced off of every Korean BL I've seen the girlies who live in my computer praise.

Anonymous 34477


Not a fujo, but eventually I like to read BL and yaoi, although I hardly consume nowadays.

Manhwa has never been my cup of tea. I really dislike the style, it is so rare to see someone who does not look like some sissy BTS-ass dude. Besides, I'm not a fan of the layout either.

Anonymous 36182[Reply]

Anonymous 36184

Do you think scott cawthon voted red this year too

Anonymous 36185

Doesnt matter. He can vote whoever je wants to vote.

Anonymous 36186

"Je"? Je, jim, jeself?

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