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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Got any ideas for a new video game? Anonymous 34422[Reply]

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Anonymous 34507

Jurassic Park game, but about a year after building the park, you switch to being a park guest when the park breaks down

Anonymous 34841

game about owning a lot of intelligent cats that like building strange things. you keep them happy so they stay focussed. youd be able to interact with each cat

Anonymous 34842

A game where you cook food to feed your monsters. When they fight other monsters their attacks vary depending on what they ate.

Anonymous 34865

Yeah, it's called… erm, Band Hero and you and your friends play fake instruments and do karaoke to songs they like.

Anonymous 34873

Erm this game sounds frpping sweet. I imagine it could have fake guitar and drums, and errmmm fake trmpet?


What's your least favorite Pokemon? Anonymous 32091[Reply]

For me it's Avulugg
>Generic name
>Boring design
>Boring mono type
>Looks like a coffee table
Nobody even remembers it from Gen 6
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Anonymous 34608


I hate these extremely fugly lizards and the retards who defend/like it.

Anonymous 34609


I feel like he ruined Pokemon idk if that's just me.

Anonymous 34612


I hate the evolution of Lickitung. Made a cool Pokémon look fat and ugly.

Anonymous 34630


I don't think pokemon every really recovered from the polarizing backlash that Black/White got when they released and this thing was pretty much one of the poster children for that.

Anonymous 34872

excuse me please don't bully my son


Pokemon Anonymous 454[Reply]

What is your favorite pokeman?
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Anonymous 34820


espeon, i've always loved psychic pokemon

Anonymous 34835


Anonymous 34861


I herd u liek?

Anonymous 34862


Hell yes

Anonymous 34863

I like murkrow


Anonymous 34836[Reply]

Genres that accurately depict men?

Anonymous 34849


Kingdom Hearts Anonymous 32457[Reply]

What's the best way to get into the series? The games, the manga or the light novels?
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Anonymous 32663

Play the three core games then read the Wiki to fill in the blanks.

Anonymous 32664

Play the games in release order (remasters are fine). But I must warn you: this series is extremely dumb and chuuni and beyond cringe if you're no longer in your teens.

Anonymous 34433


Don't listen to the cynics. There's dumb plot stuff but it's all part of the wild ride and you can easily look past it and have fun if you see it that way and get invested enough in the characters

Anonymous 34837

play in order nona!! its very rewarding

Anonymous 34846

Simple and Clean gives me nostalgia panic attacks.


Anonymous 34741[Reply]

What video game(s) did you grow up with?

Anonymous 34742

Yoshi's Island and Pokemon Sapphire on the Gameboy advanced

Anonymous 34751


Anonymous 34838

Boi i have a lot
>Smash Bros Melee
>Super Mario Galaxy 2
>Warioware DIY
>Tiny Toons ACME All Stars
>Earthworm Jim 2
>Sonic 2
>Super mario all stars
Just to name a few.

2006 Thread Anonymous 34853[Reply]

Post some 2006 era videos and memes
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Anonymous 34856

Anonymous 34857

Anonymous 34858

Anonymous 34859

Anonymous 34860


Anonymous 34767[Reply]

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Anonymous 34769


Anonymous 34811


Why did it take nearly 40 years and 30 games to get Zelda her own licensed game?

Anonymous 34812

Anonymous 34815

Absolute woman victory.

Anonymous 34819


Why did Zelda look so much better two decades ago? I don't even want to play as Zelda in that oily plastic Minecraft toddler world in the OP pic. Nintendo seems to struggle with modernizing retro graphics. For comparison, Octopath and this Star Ocean remake look so cool.
I mean I get why the new Zelda game needs clear tiles but the art direction could be more exciting.


Has anyone else just grown completely bored with the internet? Anonymous 33046[Reply]

Aside from crystal cafe, where do you get your entertainment? The internet feels like a dried up husk. I don't know why I keep trying to draw water from it. My addiction to web stimulation gnaws at me and i dont know how to satisfy it. I keep hearing this is becoming common lately. How are you dealing with the death and hallowing out of the internet?
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Anonymous 34785

lipstick alley used to be fun but now it's starting to feel samey and bot like like the rest of the fucking internet. every place that seems remotely interesting gets invaded by astroturfing and bots in the end ugh

Anonymous 34786

i used to love going on there a couple of years ago to see the interesting perspectives the women there would post but now it's just glorified twitter. places on the internet used to have their own distinct culture but now it's all eroded away and there seemingly isn't anywhere that is refreshing and original

Anonymous 34806

the gossip subs on Reddit I used to enjoy have also gotten overpopulated and stale. possibly by bots and celebrity meddling if I'm being honest. every time a new and interesting gossip blog or forum comes along it starts to be infested with suspicious posts once its big enough. Oh and people like Deuxmoi and enty have gotten really redundant and pathetic, I swear the latter posts about the same four fucking celebrities whose tea he stole from LSA over and over when he's not shitting on Megan Markle for no reason. I do buy into the dead internet theory combined with stan culture being the death of free and easy gossip discussions because if it's not stans fucking ruining everything with their idiotic worship the celebrity's team cleaners and bots are probably in there somewhere. things are so boring. moreover all the gossip discords I joined either devolved into infighting and drama or became inactive

I found some more interesting content when I got access to the darkroom section on LSA but it's hardly a lot of things I hadn't heard before. you'd be better off browsing years old threads and dead sites in wayback machine than the modern wasteland that is celeb gossip discussion

Anonymous 34809


absolutely agree about the snark subreddits. there were a couple which i'd read every morning while i eat like it was a fucking newspaper.
now everything is stale and it all feels the same, boring and uninspired

Anonymous 34810


it's always the most hullabaloo over celebrities like Taylor Swift and never interesting ones. I don't give a fuck about the Sussex couple or the UK royals, Hilary Baldwin is stale, I want to see snark subs about someone cow worthy who actually deserves the backlash, or a response to people actually being retarded and cow worthy, not micromanaging the same milkless five celebrities over and over. Boring. Boring boring boring


Anonymous 34714[Reply]

What's the best romance story you've ever read/watched?

Anonymous 34743

Anonymous 34805


Kinda hard to pick "The" best romance story, but I really loved Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship.

Anonymous 34808


Otoyomegatari. This is Talas, my fav

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