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Post period romance books Anonymous 34818[Reply]

Hey, would anyone have recommendations for good period romances? Preferably some who don't have a womanizing male lead

Anonymous 34939

Popular but Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre are my favorites forever

Anonymous 34940

Villette is an underrated gem

Anonymous 34941

Added to my reading list! Thanks for the recommendation, nona


comfy vidya music Anonymous 30172[Reply]

music from video games to chill, sleep, lurk
soundcloud links for phoneposters

Start a Cult

talk is cheap


Receding Hairline Celebration Party

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Anonymous 34852

Anonymous 34868

I'm kinda torn between this and Null Moon being the chillest soundtrack in the game.

Anonymous 34926


The original game is basically dead, but some people made a reboot of it: https://feralheart-unleashed.com/

Anonymous 34930


i connect a lot of very dear memories playing this game with people close to me <3

Anonymous 34931

I need a game I can play with someone

Screenshot 2023-04…

Youtube thread Anonymous 32910[Reply]

Let's talk about youtubers we like and videos we watch!!!

What youtubers do you watch regularly?
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Anonymous 34436

is other forms of media less paraditic for you?

Anonymous 34445


I have been really liking creepcasts content, wendigoon & papa meat are a funny combo + chill long form videos

Anonymous 34448


i love watching mina lee's and olisunvia's video essays, i also watch cody ko's reaction videos that he uploads daily. also watch not even emily, kurtis conner, tara mooknee, vlad ncl, chad chad when they upload

Anonymous 34928


I love watching her videos. Her views align with mine most of the time and even if they don't her input is still of so much value.

Anonymous 34929


Very underrated channel but i love Judi in the Kitchen. She talks about different foods and goes into detail about them and different recipes you can make with the food. Her 101 series is the best, by favourite YouTube acc by far


Noise rock Anonymous 33003[Reply]

any other nonas into noise rock? I'm into it but it often feels like a sausage fest.If you are into noise rock, what's your favourite band, song, album, weird way of playing instrument

Anonymous 33004

>favourite noise rock band
The Birthday Party
>Favourite noise rock song: Sleep Alone by Rowland S Howard
favourite noise rock album:Songs About Fucking honestly
>weird way of playing the instrument
The way Blixa Bargeld used to play guitar,just torturing it because he hated it

Anonymous 34387


Do JAMC count?

Anonymous 34400

how about just pure noise instead?

Anonymous 34925


hi Anonymous 34895[Reply]

do you like zhongli

Anonymous 34909


Anonymous 34915


Anonymous 34923

He's okay but I hate all of his pairings, especially with Childe.


Anonymous 34765[Reply]

Do you like BL and yaoi anime? Why or why not?

I got into BL because I had already watched the more popular kdrama shows and wanted something similar.. but different if that makes sense.
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Anonymous 34892

i have no idea i just downloaded it from someone else's repost. i tried reverse image searching but nothing came up :(

Anonymous 34903

No, it's honestly never appealed to me even though almost every other weeb woman I know of was into it. I don't find gay males attractive at all even though I like twinks. I'll watch it if it has good characters but I have no particular interest in yaoi as like, an attractive thing. It pretty much does nothing for me

Anonymous 34916


Yes, since I read junjo and gravitation in elementary school. It used to make my heart pump really fast and I'd have to shake out my arms to control myself, but I have since graduated to isekai yuri and CLAMP and am waiting for y'all to hurry up. I love ちぃ

Anonymous 34921

Anonymous 34922

set phasers to gay…

I don't care about/seek out a lot of original BL but I was a slash shipping fiend back in the day. I don't do it a lot any more but sometimes it will hit me like a sleeper activation code and I'll enter Ao3 hell for about a month before the fixation wanes.


Anime: Late Hours Edition Anonymous 17408[Reply]

What are you currently watching? Any shows you've dropped? What's in your backlog? What are you looking forward to in the upcoming season?

A comfy thread to talk about anime, whether it about be your favorite anime to the worst fucking garbage you've ever seen.
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Anonymous 33010

Usually I watch anime in like a 1 or 2 year lag. But this year I got into Jujutsu Kaisen by chance and liked it a lot

Anonymous 33033


I hardly watch newly released anime but Skip and Loafer and Frieren are some that I really like and enjoyed so far.

Anonymous 33111

no love for Spy x Family?

Anonymous 34917

Is dungeon meshi unwatchable for anyone else do to tumblr face?

Anonymous 34919

My Deer Friend Nokotan


What games are you playing today my dear nonna? Anonymous 34689[Reply]

Grinding guardian parts for armour upgrades on BOTW as of right now :) I wish I had a switch when this game first came out, the exploration appeals to my spergism in a way I can't explain. 10+ points for cute protag
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Anonymous 34798


Playing Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance reminded me how cute the main character is. Even though I wish he would show more emotions, he’s still a cute little nacho beano.

Anonymous 34807

every door in the …

The Elden Ring DLC is out! The new weapons are fun. My fav so far is the perfume bottle, that exploding mist Perfumers spew can now be used by the player and the moveset is super fluid.

I hope they adjust the balancing. They had some good ideas but I opted to go in on my overleveled collectionist main for now. Feels like when you're starting out, with generic undead killing you in three hits. While that's fun, I dunno how replayable the DLC will be if I always have to grind to level 100 in the base game first.

Anonymous 34847


What the fuck was this dude's problem?

Anonymous 34910


I love the Miquella party

Anonymous 34914



Anonymous 17393[Reply]

what are some movies that men like that are actually fucking trash?
my brother tried to make me watch this movie and omg it was the most boring experience ever
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Anonymous 34794

that was the unofficial /mu/ anthem of the 2010s lol.

Anonymous 34899

The Wolf Of Wallstreet.

Anonymous 34904

glad to see someone else hates ghostbusters

Anonymous 34906

movie legit sucked

Anonymous 34913


I hate everything with Seth Rogan & Will Ferrell.


Dear Dumb Diary Anonymous 34709[Reply]

Did anyone else read these books when you were younger?
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Anonymous 34756

201 004.jpg

This one?

Anonymous 34757

This shit is so funny. I have almost the entire series at my parents' place and I still read through it sometimes lol

Anonymous 34883

god yeah i remember these lol my mom used to read them to me. i remember when she tried to dye her hair and her natural colour was called "groundhog brown" or something.

Anonymous 34911

I got the 'my pants are haunted' book for christmas one year, it was pretty great. Never got around to reading the rest, though.

Anonymous 34912

I think that was her mom and it was the knees

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