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husbando general! Anonymous 34374[Reply]

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)
94 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 36253


I have fallen in love with gregory fucking house. My beautiful princess with a disorder. I see myself in him so much- his avoidance, self loathing, how he acts arrogantly to try and mask that, his addiction to misery because he doesn't think he can deserve anything better. I don't want to fix him because I know I can't and I wouldn't want to- but we could make eachother a bit less miserable. I want to ambush him with my puppy-dog manic giddy pure love…tackle him and kiss him!!! I want to feel him loosen up, I want to feel all that pent-up tension melt away as I lick his neck…Erm. Anyways. I LOVE HIM Fuucusuuahshrhrjjckfkdjsm

Anonymous 36254


housecito TwT… I want to make him smile… I want to light his cold heart ablaze

Anonymous 36256

Anonymous 36283


I just absolutely adore James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2, especially in the remake. Yeah i know he spoiler]Killed his wife[/spoiler] but he seemed genuinely sorry in some of the endings, plus he's so silly and pathetic sksjskjsksjks i love him.
Sorry s

Anonymous 36305

And this is exactly why i love him so much!


Male dominated fandoms Anonymous 27324[Reply]

I really hate being in male dominated fandoms. Touhou is an example (not only is it male dominated but it's tranny infested too). It's kinda lonely. So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
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Anonymous 36093

i love touhou but yeah most of the fandom r porn obsessed moids or tims (with a large amount of overlap lol)

female fans do exist but any of their work/discussion gets buried under everything else :(

(tokusatsu has this problem too but to a lesser extent imo. less porn brained moids per capita)

Anonymous 36195


Yes I too wish Touhou was not the number 1 greatest porn tag on every hentai site and definitely I wish it was not a total shame to every culture it represents…

Anonymous 36196


Thank you for the cool papes. God bless

Anonymous 36299


I adore gunslinger girl and the male dominated fandom absolutely ruins it for me. I think there's a lot of really interesting stories and it explores the ethics of grooming young girls (physically&psychologically) and how damaging that is, but moids will take those complex ideas and dumb it down to "oh this little girl has a crush on her handler bc she's a pure loli goddess"

Anonymous 36300


lol agreed I’m in the Genshin fandom and it’s mostly troons or gooner guys and it’s makes me so angry istfg


Podcast General Anonymous 731[Reply]

What are you listening to right now, miners?
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Anonymous 28727

i thought this was a music thread not a podcast thread but im still posting this since i went through the effort to find the link

Anonymous 30015

I like the podcast I’m So Popular about the experience of an American drag queen expat living in Japan, his love and knowledge for Japanese art and pop culture makes for a rlly enjoyable listen

Anonymous 36287


best news podcast, all of their predictions come true

Anonymous 36291

Trump would betray his base on immigration

Anonymous 36293

you should start with this one


Music Anonymous 35113[Reply]

What kinda music do you all listen to?
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Anonymous 36258

Thanks nona what are your favorite songs? I tried listening to the This is Number Girl spotify playlist and I didn’t like the songs I’ve listened to so far

Meanwhile I love every singl Pillows song, even the non vocal songs

MARCH OF THE GOD is catchy, yes more light!

Anonymous 36265

Every death metal genres except for deathcore and grindcore (or any retarded-core really)

Anonymous 36277

Mostly anime opening/ending songs tbh

Anonymous 36278

Jojo S4 has the best ending song, Cherry chica cola~

Anonymous 36281

Jojo is a very popular anime so popular it’s a normie zoomie show now. It’s got tons of musical references in it if you want to discover new songs and artists (most are boomer rock)


Infinity Nikki game Anonymous 36244[Reply]

Thread for the game Infinity Nikki!

>Infinity Nikki [a] is a free-to-play action-adventure game with dress-up elements developed and published by Papergames (with publishing outside mainland China under Infold Games), which released for Android, iOS, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows on 5 December 2024. It is the fifth installment in the Nikki series and a sequel to Shining Nikki. The game features open world exploration, platforming, and puzzle-solving.

>Set in the world of Miraland, players accompany Nikki and her feline companion, Momo, on a quest to rescue a mystical god of wishes. Different outfits grant abilities for navigating diverse environments and solving challenges.

Anonymous 36245

(this game has gacha elements btw)

Anonymous 36248

I've honestly been really enjoying it so far. It's the least "gacha" gacha game I've seen. I'm actually kinda shocked it's "free" because of how high quality everything is. The combat is simplistic but encounters are pretty short. I kinda have a feeling they're going to ramp up the microtransactions pretty soon though.

Anonymous 36276

it's not browser friendly and it's incredibly demanding of PC specs, because it is made in Unreal 5
if you have at least some kind of modern phone, you'd have better luck trying to download it there


Movies General Anonymous 2793[Reply]

What have you watched recently?
What is on your to-watch list?

Favorite genre, topic, director, actor/actress, and so on?

Movies that you found memorable as a cinematic experience, movies that you rewatch for the feels or comedy, movies that you found bad (and why)?
221 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35428

Saw it with my mom and we both thought it was just Fury Road again but a little worse. George Miller clearly fell in love with the setting, but it's just not interesting enough for two movies. Not that it was really bad, he just already made the film before.

Anonymous 35431


Anonymous 35875



Anonymous 35876

I refuse to believe this movie is real.

Anonymous 36280


Nigel insisted that I watch this lol. My brain switched off half-way through because I could not understand what they were saying. Literally every moid in it talks like a whispery Texan Batman with high-functioning autism . Do Americans really talk like that? It made the main villain 80% less intimidating . Anyway, if you decide to watch remember to put on subtitles. Would bang Llewyn Moss.


Anonymous 35916[Reply]

Do you like Souls games?
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Anonymous 35944

I don't dislike them but I never felt they were all that challenging like eveeyone says. Just annoyingly punishing for when you do fuck up which is just discouraging.

Anonymous 35945

I like them. The “community” is annoying as hell though

Anonymous 36260

Agree, but only for Dark Souls proper
Bloodborne has something really cool going for it, despite arguably being the ugliest
Elden Ring is beautiful in general, or at least balances the ugly things with pretty ones

Anonymous 36263

Got all of its achievements and I tell you :

Anonymous 36264

Except for demon souls*


Why did they make anime look like this? Anonymous 35910[Reply]

Did anyone feel really disturbed by some anime from the 90s? Post anime styles that just made you appalled

Anonymous 36063


I have the opposite problem where I hate the new modern anime style, your pic looks weird too but definitely not bland and I don't associate it with gacha games.
It's just so boring, no matter how interesting they might make the buildings, environments, etc. I can't handle their empty, generic faces and styles. I would say they look like babies, even if anime styles have always mostly been neotenous, there's something about them that registers as especially child-like to me. Maybe it's the even smaller noses. Maybe it's the blandness that looks like it was made for toddlers.

Anonymous 36064


I will never watch an anime with this copy-pasted art style. It just makes me so frustrated with how lackluster the animation is as well, and I get so much hate for saying that. Vintage anime definitely had more soul put into their work, not the mainstream.

Anonymous 36262

>gacha games
My God, yes. The majority is just some generic Genshin Impact type artstyle.
The mass moefication in anime is just the nippon version of Calarts style.


Anonymous 36249[Reply]

Anyone watching Squid Game?


song suggestions Anonymous 36237[Reply]


artist/song recommendations based off this playlist is much appreciated! please and thanks

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