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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 299536[Reply]

Does fan service in anime bother you? Are you straight or bisexual?
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Anonymous 299540

It doesn't upset me unless it's particularly egregious or out of context. You have to just accept some amount of fanservice if you want to watch a lot of anime. That's how the audience and culture is. I grew up with it so I'm accustomed to it.
Using Highschool of the Dead as your OP image is not really representative, the whole point of that show is to be cheap softcore porn. I'm not bothered because I'd never watch it anyway.
If I saw that kind of thing in a Miyazaki film, then I'd be upset. Or if it's little children being sexualized, then I'm upset. But normal anime fanservice I can tolerate fine even if I don't agree with it.

Anonymous 299541

Gosh I love 2D women so much

Unless they're dumb chars, other than that I'm a hundred percent lesbian.

Anonymous 299542

I refuse to watch anything with fan service

Anonymous 299543

Yes, and I'm bisexual. I tried to get interested in anime many years ago but the random ass and titty shots irked me. Couldn't the creators put their dicks away for a second?

Anonymous 299544

Fan service is the main reason I can’t get into anime


Brazilian anonettes Anonymous 154423[Reply]

Where are you? This place seems more active and interesting than most of brazilian chans nowadays.
132 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 296963

Ja voltou

Anonymous 297189

where do you get your clothes?

Anonymous 297210

i dont think this nona is still here but cola num HH da UFSC né porra

Anonymous 297323


that's unfortunate

Anonymous 298306

Nonas, leftypol tem tabua de latino americanos agora, vamos encher de radfem por favor quero vocês lá, os machos são chatos


What's your job like? Anonymous 232819[Reply]

21 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298168

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state, but nothing will change because Americans think everything is just fine.

Anonymous 298226

i work with kids and goddamn, they sure are annoying

Anonymous 298239


Not working rn, but I've worked as vet assistant on dairy farm and pig farm and have mixed feelings about it. At the same time I like veterinary medicine and I honestly enjoyed working with large animals more than with pets, but industrial agriculture is cruel. I want to work with cows, because I liked working with them and cows themselves a lot, but knowing that I will never be able to help them to the fullest extent (because it's easier to get rid of seriously sick cow that to heal her) and that they will be eventually slaughtered is depressing af. I wish there were opportunities to work with large animals other than agriculture

Anonymous 298264

was it a lolcow.farm perchance?

Anonymous 298296

Would be funny but no


Artificial Wombs Anonymous 296961[Reply]

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
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Anonymous 298061

That looks a bit SUS

Anonymous 298063

Anyone who thought the chris chan pregnancy was real is retarded. If you thought he was fertile after he chopped off his dick and took estrogen then I have bad news for you

Anonymous 298074

I knew he took like back alley estrogen and cut open his taint but I didn't know he chopped off his dick

Anonymous 298077

I think at around puberty they should stand trial to see if they are worthy of
A: Sperm harvest
B: Living

Anonymous 298247

kinda a derail but I was autistically interested in snakes since being a kid, I've thought it's so lame how humans have to carry a baby and breastfeed it I wish we could just lay an egg and be over with it except for keeping it warm lol


Anonymous 15463[Reply]

The last 3 digits of your post equals to which Pokemon you are.
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Anonymous 298089


Anonymous 298150


Anonymous 298157

throws a pokeball

Anonymous 298172

let's see

Anonymous 298227

roll them cubones, girls


Traveling Anonymous 140376[Reply]

Have you done it before? Which places did you go to? How was it like? Any recommendations?
295 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298143


I've never been outside the US, maybe someday. Hawaii is the furthest away I've been. Absolutely would recommend.

Anonymous 298146


do you have to wear a burqa when you go outside

Anonymous 298173


what a fun map

Anonymous 298182

You went there/are from there? What do you like about it?

Anonymous 298183



Exciting new technology Anonymous 297842[Reply]

Adventures in science

Anonymous 297853

In a perfect world this would happen to all rapists and pedos

Anonymous 297854

>>297853 I wish , honestly .. like I bet a lot of us would be better off if that did happen


Anonymous 298080[Reply]

What is she drinking?

Anonymous 298082

hidden boba

Anonymous 298085


Anonymous 298086


Anonymous 298087


Anonymous 298117

orange soder


Anonymous 298159[Reply]

I hate being a wageslave I hate having to work bullshit jobs!!!!!!!!!!! Who else ready to quit their job and go back to NEETdom I can’t take it anymore!!!!!


secrets thread Anonymous 261146[Reply]

tell me a secret, nona
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Anonymous 298049

I used to be obsessed with chantal but she's so boring now. Really miss the crackhead era

Anonymous 298059


Pineapples have tiny seeds hidden in them

Anonymous 298090


i made myself a daki of an OC of mine so I can hug him while I sleep…

2D men are the only worthy men

Anonymous 298092

i lied to him about my weight while we were e-dating, lost it two months later, and then never told him about it

Anonymous 298127

They usually don't charge for badges.
Hood ornaments are a different story.
Stealing is wrong m'kay

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