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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 302040[Reply]

Am I weird for dipping apple slices in ranch dressing?

Anonymous 302041

yes, you should be dipping them in peanut butter

Anonymous 302046

I don't like peanut butter

Anonymous 302059

Yes, I've never heard of dipping fruit in ranch dressing.

I like apple slices with cheddar cheese.

Anonymous 302085

It may be weird but eat whatever you like. What do you like about the apple and ranch together? It's such a different combination.

Apples and cheese are fucking amazing together


Anonymous 302096

I like the ranch flavor mixed with the tart flavor of green apple slices


Ice Age Thread Anonymous 302065[Reply]

Anyone else obsessed with the Ice Age? Just the idea of the planet being frozen and animals adapting to the colder climate is fascinating to me. I keep binge watching documentaries on the topic.

Anonymous 302066


I was absolutely obsessed with it i childhood. I recently got into paleontology, so obsession is coming back! Have you heard about recent discovery of homotherium cub?

Anonymous 302068

cece frens.png

Adult friend groups Anonymous 224914[Reply]

Is it possible to find a group of friends as an adult? I can find individual friends, but I really want to congregate in a group with them. Is it possible to form a friend group outside of schooling / college? Sorry for how autistic this sounds

Anonymous 224922

I found an adult friend group, but have the advantage of being part of a minority and being in university.
Otherwise, joining interest groups (eg. Art, particular crafts, music, book clubs, cosplay, etc.) may help you.

Anonymous 224924

I tried a few meet up / hobby
groups, unfortunately I stuck out like a sore thumb because all of the other women who attended were in their 40s and I'm 23.
I might try some crafting / art groups. I've looked at facebook photos of some group meetups I want to go to to see whether the people are actually in my age range but it does make me feel like a bit of a creep ngl

Anonymous 302008


Anonymous 302060

My mom made friends joining an adult women's soccer league.


Make your own Neon Genesis Evangelion episode! Anonymous 302038[Reply]

>Put a random episode number
>Write a funny episode title
>Add a background image
>Add Evangelion characters

Anonymous 302039


Anonymous 302050

This is retarded, only a terminally online discord tranny would laugh at this, or maybe a young person trying to fit in with terminally online discord trannies

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302051

Moved to >>>/media/36423.


Anonymous 296675[Reply]

Anyone here feel a sense of relief that they aren’t the only ones still at home
Do you feel the stigma is dying down now
26 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301362

The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

Anonymous 301371

Almost no countries on that map ae former ussr countries, what are you talking about?

Anonymous 301800

not to be that nona but the statistics are screwed since at least in the Balkans, traditionally the guy stays with his parents and the wife moves in with him, this arrangement allows the young parents to breath since the grandparents act as babysitters, there is also a long ruining cultural joke that the mother-in-law is a bitch since she treats his grown son like a child and dosen't allow him to have house responsibilities like an normal adult would and/or she thinks his wife corrupts him in some way

Anonymous 301807

Yeah boymoms are a menace but they’re even worse in 2nd/3rd world cultures

Anonymous 302044

My girlfriend lives at home and I live in supported acoomodation for the mentally ill. It's pretty cushy. Shes 34 and I'm 29. We're thinking of moving in together but she has a real job and I don't, so I will be a burden on her unless I get well. I want to be good for her I really do but I just have no motivation. I'm trying to get into a volunteering role but the charity shop wouldn't take me because of "the safety of their staff" as soon as I told them I'm on psychs


Dance Anonymous 297861[Reply]

Any other nonas love to dance?
Did you take classes as a child?
Do you take classes as an adult?

For my entire life the highlight of my days has been locking myself in my room to dance the afternoons and evenings away. Nothing is as fun as dancing.

I learned some basic ballet fundamentals from my former elderly neighbor who has a studio in her home. I would go over daily for tea, talks, and ballet.

I want to find an adult class just to have fun with others and learn more than I can on my own.

What about you all?
Feel free to share your favorite songs to dance to as well.

Anonymous 297918

i adore dancing to old j-pop and k-pop songs looking up the title + dance mirror on youtube. they're very fun and make me feel like i'm in a girl group. plus, it's good physical exercise

Anonymous 301577

Took classes in a lot of different genres up until puberty but didn't enjoy it due to being unathletic and shy. Honestly I think I'd be more willing to start again now with a new mindset about it, I used to like flamenco.

Anonymous 301584

ive always wanted to learn to dance but i always feel so shy and awkward dancing, especially in front of people. it looks so fun tho

Anonymous 301618

I've danced pretty much my whole life. I've done tap, ballet, hiphop, jazz, locking, kpop, and ballroom, but nothing has stolen my heart like pole dancing. I started about half a year ago and I fell in love. Feels completely different to any other dance I've done and it's the most fun I have nowadays. I'm not comfortable being sexy but I'm light and strong and I love climbing and pulling off dynamic maneuvers. It's my least skilled genre of dance (duh, I just started), but by far the only one I've felt so strongly for. Every one should try dancing once in their life :P

Anonymous 302043

I dance to electronic music in my room (trance, psytrance, arena, house, drum and bass) and it's honestly one of the most cathartic things in my life, alongside going to the gym. Anything that gets your body moving is good for your soul in a sedentary age. Also there's this way some women dance to psytrance and goa where they really use their booty to get low and shake around. It's something I want to get into, but I'm self-conscious about my butt.


Anonymous 236003[Reply]

Am I the only one who thinks that girls dabbing into occult shit like thelema and wicca are fucking cringe?
50 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 249139

Actually, now that I say that, go to church full of hypocrites. Go see how people abuse each other and then hide the crimes from the public in order to save face for their little empire of vanity. It actually does wonders for faith.

Anonymous 249208

it honestly makes me cringe but ill always support women's weird hobbies. i'm confused when it's presented as a healthy alternative to male religion since they constantly harp on about divine sacred femininity, sex magick or whatever. it's still a fun subject to study, just not as much as more established faiths since there is less material (centuries-long autistic debates about the meaning of x or y).

Anonymous 249249

or C you experience and meditate on it through art or craft.

Anonymous 302042

God isn't merely invisible. God is right before your eyes, but obscured by the tendency to label things using thought. If you sit and notice that the apple in front of you has the word "apple" attached to it, but that the word "apple" and the actual apple are different things, you will get closer to what I'm talking about. I suggest you try this immediately with an object in your environment rather than leaving it as a thought experiment, since I am typing it for you as words on a website and that can be misleading.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302052

Moved to >>>/x/11077.


Anonymous 302018[Reply]

Putting ketchup on a salad makes it taste like a hamburger

Anonymous 302022

anon this is something I would have said when I was anorexic are you ok

Anonymous 302026

Nono they're onto something. For me putting bbq sauce on cucumbers makes it taste like a Subway sandwich.


Posture Check Anonymous 295734[Reply]

Don't ruin your spine lovelies.
Be sure to get up and stretch. Scientist still debate if there is such a thing as the correct posture but they all agree that it is good for your health and spine to move and shift your body occasionally.

Anonymous 295762

thanks for the reminder nona

Anonymous 302020

>but they all agree that it is good for your health and spine to move and shift your body occasionally
fuck, thank you for the reminder

Anonymous 302024

who the fuck sits like this. you creature


Anonymous 275902[Reply]

Tomorrow I become a wagie. What should I expect?
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 275930

You get used to it eventually and this goes away but yeah, the first week or so suck for your feet.

Anonymous 275938

Invest in better shoes. Will save your life. And your feet. And your back.

Anonymous 276426


I had a job like this once. Could not walk normally the first few weeks. I quit cuz I got followed to the bathroom by a moid so I never rl got used to it.

Anonymous 295928


A disposable income and with it temptation to buy a bunch of dumb shit you'll regret wasting money on later on.

Also this >>275920
Brooks tend to be great over all walking/standing shoes. Speaking from experience as someone who works in a large grocery store and is constantly restocking shelves.

Anonymous 302019

how was it, we need updates

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