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MOST favorite animals Anonymous 228179[Reply]

Post your MOST favorite animals. EPAULETTE SHARKS are GOOD creatures, and AREN'T loved ENOUGH.
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Anonymous 266031


Wombat! Their butts are made of thick leather apparently, so tough that they escape predators by just running into a hole and staying there until the attacker loses interest, being unable to do damage.

Anonymous 266039


moids fear the country girl

Anonymous 266040


giant ant eater <3

Anonymous 266447

golden mole.jpg

Moles especially golden moles

Anonymous 268452


Fuzzy caterpillar!


Autism Anonymous 133367[Reply]

Any female autistics here?

What do you think about the DSM-IV-TR? Also, autistic women general I guess
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Anonymous 267206

Autism aside, if you want to be taken seriously as a woman you need to act like a woman, not a woman-child.

Anonymous 267211

Everyone is autistic now, I don't believe them. New indigo children

Anonymous 267217

Or is it that our world is polluted and unhealthy to the point more neurological disabilities are popping up? It's not just self-diagnosed "high functioning" autistics, there's been a boom in severely disabled children as well.

Anonymous 267264

there's also better screenings for autism now so less autists go unnoticed

Anonymous 268388

I hate how people claim to be all accepting of spergos until we start acting like one. I hate when I have very clear symptoms I get yelled at and told its not an excuse even though im having a symptom of being a spergo. It was so much worse in school as well and the so called "disability" teachers were the worse. They were tard wranglers that could only handle actual retards and not someone like me who was in fight and flight mode 24/7.
I fucking wish there was a cure as I can hardly leave my house or be triggered by the lights or too many colours. I cant stand being this way and people arnt helping


Anonymous 267135[Reply]

i'm getting an iud at the end of the month cause of my endometriosis. i'm a virgin. how bad is it gonna hurt?
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Anonymous 267137

sorry bout that! my blind ass thought i was on /hb/ LOL. mods feel free to banish me.

thanks for the advice, i think i'm getting numbing cause i disclosed my autism to them.

Anonymous 268387

Once it's in I didn't find any problems aside from things touching my cervix. It hurt a decent chunk to put it in, but the main thing afterwards to be careful about is anything touching the cervix cause it will be rather tender or painful. At least in my experience it was. Also the string-like thing will poke at first but soften inside with time. It's not going to feel weird inside for you but fingers and penises will feel it. It might poke the dick a little bit for a few months, but you'll be fine. If anything it'll be a sharp poke to stop them from ramming the cervix and hurt it while it's recovering kek.
For the insertion of the iud the docs gave me a softner pill I think. I don't remember what it was exactly but I think it was supposed to soften to cervix and I also got one advil/tylenol. Try and see if you can request something to soften the cervix if you can

Anonymous 268400

can't speak for hormonal IUDs since mine is copper, but holy shit the insertion hurt SO MUCH and the worst part is I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD HURT AT ALL. First and only time I felt so much pain that I literally thought I was gonna puke and the medical staff was giving me rubbing alcohol to sniff so I wouldn't vomit. I'd still have gotten it knowing that, bc the copper IUD is non-hormonal and im bipolar so I rly dont need the extra mood swings that hormonal bc gives me. I just really wish they had used some kind of local anesthetic, ffs why wouldn't that be the norm, with that level of pain.

Maybe the hormonal ones have less painful insertions than the copper IUD bc they seem to be made out of silicone or something else that is definitely more flexible/able to bend than copper.

Also, the copper IUD gives you longer, heavier, more painful periods. I was told I'd simply get used to it and it would get less pronounced over time, which it hasn't. But as I said, hormonal bc makes me cry for days for literally no reason so I still prefer the physical pain over feeling suicidal for days and days every time I menstruate. Ofc your mileage may vary if your brain isn't defective like mine.

Anonymous 268401

copper IUD haver here, can confirm its worth it, but no anesthesia was ever even discussed as a possibility. they did give me prescription ibuprofen like 30 min before but yea, most pain ive ever felt.

the good news is that the pain is not prolonged.

felt like i had to use the bathroom after but I in fact did not really have to

Anonymous 268402

lmao my moid compared the feel of recent-IUD-sex to fucking SOUNDING xD i kekd


Anonymous 261696[Reply]

What do you think the world would be like if men never existed? If they stopped existing right now? What’s the first thing you would do?
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Anonymous 268343

World would feel so much safer and cozier without men. I'd dress however I want, post whatever pictures of me I want, and I'd do night walks to obscure places every day.

Anonymous 268356


I would go to the arcade and play DDR because there would be no stinky men to harass me off of the machines.

Anonymous 268373

I dunno, I don't want to go out and socialize either way. I'm still straight and have sexual desires so it won't be the best thing ever. Guess I'll just be sad that my Nigel is gone and happy women won't be hurt by shitty men anymore.

Anonymous 268385

If my moid and my bff's moid disappeared we'd probably start dating once we got over the initial shock/sadness. Such is life for bihets like us.

Anonymous 268386

Indigo Soirée_ An …

as cliché as it is, the first thing I'd do is go outside and stay there past nightfall
I'd just enjoy the starry skies free from my fears and just fuck about while it's late. Maybe walk in a park, the city streets in a new neighbourhood, the options are endless!


Studying gen Anonymous 237326[Reply]

Study tips, time management, etc.
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Anonymous 238517

Yes!! We’re currently talking about trig integrals, trig subs, partial fractions
I got a 57 on my first exam so I can’t fail this one too :(

Anonymous 238543

yes but not if you spend too long making it cute. You can have a digital one on notion and paste cute pics into it. it just needs to be a place where you keep track of whats done and what needs to be done

Anonymous 267236

I've been writing my thesis and developed a little personal biohack for concentration.

About an hour or so before bed, I brew some chamomile tea, sit down at my laptop, and do some light work on the text. Nothing too mentally taxing, since I'm about to go to sleep anyway, but I fix up my wording, add a new sentence here and there, go over the concepts that aren't so clearly structured and make mental notes on what I'm planning to change. I don't feel any pressure or expectation to overwork myself since I'm already so limited by time, so it's generally not very stressful.

The next morning, I feel like I understand what I was trying to say much more clearly, and I already know what's waiting in store for me so I don't feel that writer's block at encountering new information and not knowing what to do with it. My concentration and motivation also last much longer than usual. It's like all the intellectual concepts that are normally scrambled get sorted out during sleep, and are neatly delivered to me in the morning. Very convenient.

Anonymous 268300


What are you guys studying?

Anonymous 268335

what major are you


Im lonely Anonymous 268330[Reply]

Im lonely, the only person I have is my mentally unstable long distance boyfriend who i do not love but who blackmails me to be with him. I am 18 and I graduate highschool in 2 months and have no clue what I am going to do
I feel like Im constantly grieving for who I was 3 years ago because even though I was bitterly lonely then, at least I had online friends to help me cope and wasnt trapped in a miserable relationship with a manchild. And at least then, I had some hope. I didnt need to have everything figured out, to have a job and a license. I had so much time
I know people will tell me its not over yet at 18 but it really feels over

Anonymous 268331

> I graduate highschool in 2 months
> I didnt need to have everything figured out, to have a job and a license.
Nona, this might sound strange, but you don't need to have your whole life figured out the moment you become 18 or when you graduate high school.
Society's a mess finding your place within it, is not that easy, it takes time.

Anonymous 268332


Sons or Daughters Anonymous 216037[Reply]

Which would you prefer?
I could see pros and cons for both.
131 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 267131

These pictures scream the romanticization of "traditional" living in a way that doesn't line up with your concerns.

Anonymous 267142

>there's an equal chance of that too if you give birth to a male.
No it isn't. Most sex crimes (most crimes in general actually) are committed by repeated serial offenders.
You can't take 99 innocent people, one person who has committed the same crime a hundred times, and say "on average each of these people has committed one crime, therefore they should all be treated as criminals".

Anonymous 268252

After spending some time with autistic children, I think having a daughter would be much easier. I found the spoiled princess more enjoyable to spend time with, I guess because she was loud and annoying in a way which I found endearing whereas the spoiled prince was just a brat. Although I will say that this was a pretty specific situation. For one thing, we have a very specific kind of sperginess in the family, and two, he is extremely spoiled by my female family members. 'Do his homework for him while he lies on the sofa under a blanket because he whined loud enough' kind of spoiled, which I don't think lends itself to moid psychology even if he is only 9.

Anonymous 268259

I always have this feeling that I'll have a son. and just like the other anon said, if I could find a moid who's worth having a kid with.

Anonymous 268301


Reminder: never have sons.

Screenshot 2024-03…

Anonymous 266109[Reply]

is she /ourgirl/?
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Anonymous 268246

there is nothing wrong with being proud of being black, or white, deal with it

Anonymous 268277


I will let any funny girl be my girl

Anonymous 268283

like, as in gay? ew. homosexuality is a sin anon

Anonymous 268285


We are anon here so Saint Peter can’t see who is doing the sinning

Anonymous 268317

Failmales troon out because they failed as males, and also, males tend to be prone to having more genetic disorders than women because of their XY chromosomes.


STEM Majors Thread Anonymous 266664[Reply]

How many users here went into STEM? Doesn't matter if you actually ended up making a career out of it.

Especially interested in seeing how many engineering majors there are because, for whatever reason, just about every engineering class seemed completely devoid of women at my school. It seems like the majority end up going into life sciences or pre med, personally wasted years poking around with bacteria in microbiology just to end up 'producing' (AI does most of the work) low effort mass produced content for some tiktok dude who pays me way more than this junk is worth. Feels like I sold my soul.

What's your major? Did you end up where you thought you would, or did you basically just end up spending a ton of time and money for a wall decoration? Would/will you do things over again and study a different field?
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Anonymous 266730

thank u

Anonymous 266738

Should I do compsci or it as a second major? I have an associates already but I’m not sure if I’m prepared for all the math and moids in cs

Anonymous 266744

It does. It's a form of hard science, although I guess I shouldn't be exclusive to soft sciences here. Psych majors welcome!

Anonymous 268267

Compsci here as well, I suppose I relate to you in that aspect but I kinda isolate myself from people in general.

You are going to have to deal with moids in most STEM fields. The degree to which compsci is maths heavy really depends on which uni you go to (mine has been overwhelmingly just mathematics and theory, which I personally don't mind too much).

Anonymous 268280

This feels sleezy and dishonest, does the high school popularity contest ever end, why can't I just study and research something and people automatically realize the value of my work and give me credit like honest human beings.


:/ Anonymous 268232[Reply]

i really need to get a job by the end of the month but i'm so afraid. i feel like i will never be able to do anything. it gets hard to breathe and i cry just thinking pf interviews.

Anonymous 268233

You gain confidence by doing things! Trying won't hurt, while staying still does!

Anonymous 268275

dancing kot.gif

looking for a job
looking for a job
time is flowing as i'm going
looking for a job

Anonymous 268276


make a documentary about your job hunt and sell it online

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