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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298009[Reply]

I was so scared cc would be down forever. I love this place so much. I'm so happy it came back!
11 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 300906

This is making me feel really sad. Wish I could help it somehow

Anonymous 300907

Make more threads
Post more posts
If we create the illusion of a busy imageboard, it'll attract more users, and the illusion will become real.

Anonymous 300909


>CC is back onlilne
>there's a bunch of CP spam on page 1

Anonymous 300914

I felt the life leaving my body

Anonymous 300916

Fecund chan…


Anonymous 300856[Reply]

Happy new year yall i just watch the ball drop and I’m still dead tired.


lolcow.farm hate thread #12 Anonymous 300787[Reply]

Locked for continued derailing, will reopen after a temporary break

Last thread >>>/b/300060
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Anonymous 300845


I'm worried about my sister and all these moids are trying to get me banned. LCF is toxic and full of pickmes that don't understand the dangers of the real world. Typical stoners kek

Anonymous 300846

I don't think you should be permab& but I've seen you post this multiple times on several threads. Your posts aren't supposed to be recognizable

Anonymous 300847

I wanna post in this thread but at the same time i don't because it's in 2x and it's gonna be a shitstorm i hate blackpillers as much as i hate certain radfems.
I used to consider myself a radfem but now i just call myself a feminist, i don't like that as a woman radfems politicize every little action we do, i don't wanna feel like a walking political statement, i see no problem with taking a deeper look on what certain actions we do say about us and how its rooted in misoginy etc but i just wanna live normally like men do, i envy them for this, no one expects anything from them.
Theres multiple ways to help free women from the patriarchy, we do it everyday, we don't need to obsess over every single little action we do and how it affects the world and our rights, because it doesn't 90% of the time. Also a lot of them are just parroting tradthot talking points online nowadays, being against being gender non conforming and etc due to trannies even though trannies are clearly mentally ill, and in need of being reformed and taking therapy. I feel bad for tifs more than anything.
Am i insane or does anyone understand where im coming from? Happy new year by the way.

Anonymous 300848

I still consider myself radfem because of trannies and I don't support prostitution due to its inherently exploitative nature. But yeah I agree that there's some that take it too far in terms of policing other women. I always figured feminism was about empowering other women and teaching them not to gamble their lives on being completely dependent on males. That doesn't mean I'm against straight women and marriage as long as these women don't depend 100 percent on their husband's for income. There needs to be a failsafe (aka good education and good independent source of income) regardless of whether you are single or otherwise.

I also believe in female supremacy due to women naturally being less dangerous lol.

Anonymous 300852

You don’t free yourself from patriarchy with sleeping with males and dating them, you’re not free from the patriarchy because most women don’t own a good percentage of wealth in their home countries - men do. There’s blaring structural differences that haven’t been addressed by anyone including fucktarded “radfems” who only like to keep harping on about trannies in dressing rooms besides the elephant in the room where women are no where to be seen in actual respectable, materially hardened leadership roles and wealth that brings longevity and change to other women’s lives. I guess it’s fine though, let’s just be a dumb fucking libshit fem and say we do feminist acts everyday in our lives when it’s quite the contrary, we keep women down by supplying more to the system and there’s nothing that’s going to change about it. Women will always be content being disrespected second-class citizens who enjoy laying under penises like a dead fish, rocking the boat will actually mean they would have to stop larping as little girls in grown women’s bodies and piss off males and the powers that be, the last thing they would ever want to do unless they want their little patriarchal crumbs to disappear.


New Years! Anonymous 300770[Reply]

The new year has come!
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Anonymous 300826

it’s not new years for me yet
i’m going to watch sailor moon until i fall asleep

Anonymous 300827

>watch sailor moon

Anonymous 300830

Anonymous 300850


Happy new year. I'm drinking apple juice in a wine glass and pretending it's champagne to celebrate.

Anonymous 300851


Happy New Year to all the Nonas, I hope your New Year's Eve was good, I just stayed at home with my boyfriend eating really good food, but I don't really like parties


Lolcow.farm hate thread #11 Anonymous 300060[Reply]

Blackpill retards edition
Last thread >>>/b/299049
331 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 300778

Tomorrow I think

Anonymous 300780

Yellow fever fags are always creepy misogynists

Anonymous 300781

>what race someone finds attractive
Different from a racial fetish, which is what Luigi has

Anonymous 300784

I swear it seems like one singular schizo doing all the work, spamming this image and the asian girls one, editing his nose etc, it's funny to see her in her natural habitat.

Anonymous 300785

>everyone I don't like is just one schizo!


Anonymous 299536[Reply]

Does fan service in anime bother you? Are you straight or bisexual?
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 300608


Fan service doesn’t bother me because it’s raunchy, fan service bothers me because it’s usually cringe and doesn’t contribute to the plot. I’m bisexual but the childish art styles of a lot of anime characters usually de-sexifies it for me. There’s good stuff out there though (pic rel).

Anonymous 300609


Kill la Kill is one of THE most feminist animes
>Every episode passes the Bechdel test
>Every protagonist and antagonist is a woman
>Moids are side/supporting characters
>Most relationships are female to female
>Lesbian kissing

Anonymous 300610


Men should be banned from watching this anime.

There is so much cope when it comes to Ryuko and Mako's yuri-ish dynamic. Because they ship Mako with the weird bondage guy. Or they ship Ryuko with themselves.

Anonymous 300616

Bisexual and I love fanservice when it's tastefully done but that's never the case with anime fanservice. It's always some cringe shinny balloon titty bs like in the op. I prefer something subtler and less retarded which the japanese are unable to provide most of the time.

Anonymous 300761

I'm bi and love it


Anonymous 299586[Reply]

Who would you rather be confined with? Japanese or Koreans?

Anonymous 300754

japan cuz anime and such

Anonymous 300755

Koreans are circumcised, so Japanese

Anonymous 300760

I work with tourists and japanese are more pleasant


Parenting isn't a miracle parenting is a CURSE Anonymous 296651[Reply]

When I see what my siblings go through with kids its like watching someone being actively tortured. I feel like i could wait a thousand years too go near any kind of domestic situation. How many of you actually avoid relationships like they're a plague? Does anyone else just find it really hard to be attracted to moids?
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Anonymous 298066


Lmao something similar happened to me but as a child at a friend’s house. Friend did something bad so dad beat his ass with a paddle in front of me, then went back to what he was doing like nothing happened. Parents are fucking sadistic lol.

Anonymous 298083

Yeah. Like having a child is generally a selfish thing to do. Sure, a handful of parents understand the importance of properly raising a child with a healthy psyche, but the fact is, as long as the only qualifier to reproduce is fertility we will continue to have more and more traumatized children growing up to be traumatized adults.

I get it, kids are fucking insane. But I don't like how parents beat their kids. I get it, kids are retarded. So are dogs. You don't train a dog by beating the shit out of it unless you want a dog with severe behavior issues.

Anonymous 298084

i like kids! but pleasee don't use them as an extension of yourselves or as a hobby… there is something precious about rising somebody that can be a good person, not a scientist or an astronaut, just someone that is kind, the world needs more of that. at the same time, you shouldnt feel like you're missing out if you don't have them, it's fine

Anonymous 299245

As an older sibling, I just can't understand why any woman would wanna have a kid. I've never liked kids nor had the patience for them and watching my mom go through the horrors of pregnancy and then do all the work it takes to be a parent just cemented my decision to never have kids, I know I'd be a pretty bad mom. My life would get RUINED.
I don't want kids but I do want a relationship, which fucking sucks because I'm feeling so lonely and attention starved all the time and like 99% of moids will make it clear they want kids and thus wouldn't even look twice at me because of that, my looks don't help all that much either so now I'm in the process of accepting having a nice relationship is a fairy tale.

Anonymous 300588

the idea of being a mother in the literal sense is actual torture (pregnancy is the stuff of body horror and im irked by small children). maybe i'll consider something like adoption or surrogacy, but it's a bit early for me to think about that.
no one's stopping you from lying!


no subject - chatroom thread Anonymous 143286[Reply]

consider this thread a place to come just to shoot the shit. no specific topic is applied, just talk about anything you like!
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Anonymous 300553

I'll take you out to eat, do you like Chinese food?

Anonymous 300555

Yeah. I love the rice they have at Chinese restaurants. It's really soft, but also really dry. Whenever I make rice at home, it comes out as wet. I think it's because they're cooking gallons of rice at a time.

Anonymous 300556


Anonymous 300559

If you like rice that much and would eat it regularly, it would be worth investing in a rice cooker.

Anonymous 300568

I have one, but it always ends up dry and hard. I prefer stovetop rice to ricecooker.


Anonymous 94311[Reply]

Everyone says I sound like a little boy/man, I’m a female in my early 20s; https://voca.ro/1ceklQukgYUJ
Why do people say this to me
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Anonymous 299423

Anonymous 299438

Easier said than done, at least my online friends have said it's soothing (still puzzled by this) so I cope with that

Anonymous 299446

I'll post mine if you post yours. My voice is grating and sounds like I'm not breathing enough because I'm not. My guy says he likes my voice but I feel like i need speech therapy.

Anonymous 300432

Anonymous 300522

you sound like a girl i used to be friends with

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