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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Air up ads Anonymous 298361[Reply]

These Air up ads give me piss kink vibes. Who the hell thought these were a good idea?

Anonymous 298362

>Every time somebody makes a gross joke they're actually a fetishist.
This line of thinking is annoying. The ad is stupid and not funny but come on. Also we have the technology to block these now.


Anonymous 298274[Reply]

Can anyone link to me the old iq thread on crystal cafe?

Anonymous 298277

yall have to stop being obsessed with this pseudoscience bs. even if it's for shit and giggles

Anonymous 298356

that comment sounds like the 3L psychosophy type …


Anonymous 298141[Reply]

I made a new meme template. Help me fill in the blank with something funny.

Anonymous 298177

Cringe tamers.

Anonymous 298184

His Sonic stuff is cringe but his mlp parody is actually really good. Watch his Death of Twilight Sparkle movie if you don't believe me.

Anonymous 298355

i think i know you


Anonymous 298348[Reply]

This movie ruined white men

Anonymous 298354

not to mention the whole hangover franchise


Anonymous 298326[Reply]

What is the appeal of yaoi and shipping men in manga/anime?

Anonymous 298345

hand fetishism
safe horni

Anonymous 298666

I liked the homoeroticism in Black Butler but I’ve always thought the fanfics were cringe. It doesn’t work with the canon unless you’re into doomed yaoi or whatever


Anonymous 298338[Reply]

It's sad girl hours, girls


Anonymous 296675[Reply]

Anyone here feel a sense of relief that they aren’t the only ones still at home
Do you feel the stigma is dying down now
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Anonymous 298237

Public housing? That sounds like communism. People here move into student housing when they're 19. If they're not studying they'll rent or buy something else a year or two later. In Stockholm there's no way to rent unless you're a boomer or rich enough to afford black market sublets. There's a queue for housing, and you need like 20-25 years in the queue to get something. Those apartments are dirt cheap and serve as a form of universal basic income for boomers to rent out to struggling youth for three times the price.

Anonymous 298282

ideally we should live up to 100, so 50 is middle age

Anonymous 298289

bernadette 30th bi…

i moved out of my parents house when i was 19 and never looked back. i can't even imagine how horrible it would be living with one's parents in your 30s

Anonymous 298310

spain and italy have no work ethic

Anonymous 298329

I think I should move to Denmark.. (don't come for me, I'm not serious). The average sales price for a home is nearing 500k euro in my country (while space has halved)


Nuclear energy Anonymous 296300[Reply]

Do you have opinions on nuclear energy? Does your place already use it?
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Anonymous 296329

Capitalism is the reason why.

Anonymous 296330

It’s one of the most efficient ways of making electricity ever and completely safe but wrinkly old morons with childhood trauma about nukes hate it for no reason. Or maybe they hate it because they want to prop up the fossil fuel industry. Idk.

Anonymous 296336

Coal and natural gas ought to be conserved as supplements or substitutes for petroleum in the production of synthetic fertilizers. We need to refactor all aspects of food production because the advancements of the Green Revolution rely on depleting resources, and we don't even know if it is really possible to find a substitute for our current synthetic fertilizers.

But there's a lot of disinfo around nuclear power.
Mining uranium does involve producing tail-end products which are worse than lead mining tail ends. Once it is in the plant it may be cleaner than coal electricity, but uranium extraction is not cleaner than other forms of heavy metals mining. Not that solar is entirely clean either–China has entire rivers rendered uninhabitable from cadmium tail ends.
The heavy water involved in plant processes IS required in a specific balance sustain life, and VERY small changes in deuterium concentration affect cell metabolism and apoptosis (you know, the process where a cell decides to kill itself rather than kill you via cancer):
–so there IS an effect on the environment inherent in reducing freshwater heavy water balances. And nuclear reactors DO require freshwater since sodium activates.
"Plant safety" is not just about safety against accident or circumstance. The United States and Israel proved, with StuxNet, that deliberate attacks on nuclear processes can succeed and are highly nationally rewarding. StuxNet was designed specifically to not cause environmental catastrophe, but not every attack will be based on prudence. There are treaties against any attack on nuclear power plants which describe any attack including accidental artillery strike as "nuclear terrorism" to be subjected to immediate international military retaliation, but those treaties were shown for bluff and bluster when Russia (a primary signatory of such treaties) shelled Ukrainian plants.

Anonymous 296363

Not as bad as what people say

Anonymous 296386

The real reason is pretty boring. It's expensive. If reactors with cheaper fuels become available, it'll become way more common.


Water cooler thread! Anonymous 296657[Reply]

whats up, whats new in your life, what's been on your mind? shows, books, movies etc, all are welcome

Anonymous 296660

I watched The Wild Robot and it was kino

Anonymous 296664


I've been reading The Great Gatsby, cause it is on the list of the Rory Gilmore Challenge, but I'm felling very frustrated cause for me, the book is too boring, like, I could't care less about that rich people drama.
I hate when I watch or read some classic stuff and don't like it, it fells like I'm dumb, and don't know how to appreciate art.

Anonymous 296668

i feel u nona, I feel like I'm too stupid to understand most movies. Thats why I hardly watch anything, I'm faceblind too so i don't recognize actors ever

Anonymous 296681

The in-laws keep asking me how the job hunts going and it’s going very poorly. I get ghosted from so many employers, I don’t even get a call back or email back from over 1000+ job ads I responded to.
Welp, guess I’ll just look like I’m not good enough for their precious wittle boy

Anonymous 296837

i want a gross gf so bad, no one ik irl is dykey enough for me


Anonymous 299536[Reply]

Does fan service in anime bother you? Are you straight or bisexual?
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Anonymous 299540

It doesn't upset me unless it's particularly egregious or out of context. You have to just accept some amount of fanservice if you want to watch a lot of anime. That's how the audience and culture is. I grew up with it so I'm accustomed to it.
Using Highschool of the Dead as your OP image is not really representative, the whole point of that show is to be cheap softcore porn. I'm not bothered because I'd never watch it anyway.
If I saw that kind of thing in a Miyazaki film, then I'd be upset. Or if it's little children being sexualized, then I'm upset. But normal anime fanservice I can tolerate fine even if I don't agree with it.

Anonymous 299541

Gosh I love 2D women so much

Unless they're dumb chars, other than that I'm a hundred percent lesbian.

Anonymous 299542

I refuse to watch anything with fan service

Anonymous 299543

Yes, and I'm bisexual. I tried to get interested in anime many years ago but the random ass and titty shots irked me. Couldn't the creators put their dicks away for a second?

Anonymous 299544

Fan service is the main reason I can’t get into anime

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