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paintjo satobrush.…

does anybody else like abusing character AI Anonymous 302078[Reply]

I've already run Gojo Satoru over with a pickup truck seven times

Anonymous 302218


>I've already run Gojo Satoru over with a pickup truck seven times

Anonymous 302219

isnt avatar posting against the rules

Anonymous 302227


Anonymous 302228

That would be a retarded rule, hope it isn't true.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302243

Moved to >>>/media/36477.


Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow? Anonymous 302226[Reply]

Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow?

Hopefylly 4chan will offer this feature at some point, but in the mean time I created a webapp that lets you play 4chan videos one after another. Try it out here: https://depvana.com/topic/344

Simply add 4chan thread URLs (e.g., /gif) – as many as you want. The web app will automatically play all the MP4 videos it finds in a seamless slideshow.


Anonymous 132037[Reply]

Does anyone else miss when social media was based more around niche-specific sites (deviantArt for art, last.fm for music, Steam for gaming, etc.) rather than everything being homogenised into a single general-use site (twitter, discord, etc.)?

I know it's less convenient than having your entire internet presence in one place and what I'm about to say is definitely overstating things, but I can't help but feel like those places encouraged people to foster passion and skill for a core subject-matter rather than just sending out little sentences into the e-void and wasting three hours looking at memes. I also appreciate that those sites, particularly forum-oriented ones, had containment boards for politics so you didn't have to be exposed to soapboxing 24/7. And although this is more to do with technology history and less to do with the type of website, a part of me misses snail mail private messaging. It was such an event to refresh the page and seeing a PM from a person lol.

Y'all have any neat and/or nostalgic stories?
59 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302138

Those are all dead.

Anonymous 302144

Rare forms of cognitive impairment can be exciting as case studies, but short attention spans are too prevalent for that now, like obesity a hundred years ago was so rare that people even paid money to see some lardass, but no one does that now.

Anonymous 302180

>people even paid money to see some lardass, but no one does that now.
Then explain David Blunts.

Anonymous 302181

he is such an obvious industry plant to just parody cliches in the music industry i have no idea how people are tricked by him

Anonymous 302225

I can't believe someone is actually mentioning Dave blunts holy shit. I ADORE horrible music, it's one of my most absolute favorite things to laugh at. You best believe I quote his shit lyrics multiple times a day because he's one of the worst artists I've heard in my life. I will never give him money but I will forever laugh in delight


Gen Y women Anonymous 230927[Reply]

any Gen Y women here who remember the fun days of 4chan like 2007-2010?

There was sexism back then, but nothing like today. The manosphere/mgtow/incel/red pill destroyed that place. Likewise, I feel Gen Z engage in lots of bullying.

I used to pretend to be a guy circa 2007 and never admit to being a woman and it was fun. I also feel this was before politics and echo chambers. /pol/ destroyed 4chan. I remember before /pol/ existed.

Anyway, this is my first post ever here. Just want to get this off my chest. I feel bad that I can no longer enjoy a message board I grew up on.
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Anonymous 297631

i can't believe that it's even worse now. being full of ai slop on every board and no genuine/funny interactions does that to you i guess

Anonymous 297634

I was born in 1995 (so, just barely a zoomer) and I remember early 4chan from when I was a kid. It was even worse than it is today - far worse, in fact. You would see CP posted every single day on many boards.

Anonymous 301449

I still think 2007 was worse in this regard, but the same cp site with the same picture is posted a dozen times a day on /b/ now. It's probably a honeypot, but it's disgusting either way.

Anonymous 301765

Do they still run the kik honeypot? When in there once because I was curious and immediately got flooded with illegal shit, was paranoid for weeks that I was gonna get a knock on my door. Mods didn't do shit about those threads being posted every day, that was probably 5 years ago

Anonymous 301794

I forgot about the kik stuff. No, it seems to be all signal now. It's the "activist's choice" messaging app run by former Google execs and only available from Google Play.


Anonymous 299587[Reply]

>people dont have the attention span to make it from their bed to the front door without opening their phone
>if you don't reply instantly, they say you're ghosting them
>walk by schools and all kids are constantly looking at their phones
>walk by cafes and restaurants and dates are constantly looking at their phones
>walk in the gym and everyone is constantly looking at their phones
>go shopping and everyone is constantly looking at their phones
>dudes staring at phone all day and looking at porn and instagram girls
>everything is instantly forgettable now
>everyone just move on to the next thing. they have low attention spans
>grab their phones and start scrolling through social media then can't remember what happened

Is this just where we're at now?
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301739

Yes. Its kinda depressing. I was never the kinda person to be addicted to social media but once I started wageslaving I started winding down every day watching YT. Then I hated myself for letting myself fall into it. So I disabled youtube. Im afraid for the children though. I grew up on screens, but I feel like it wasnt as bad because there was no tiktok when I was a kid. Idk. It makes me sad to think about.

Anonymous 302045

For me, it's music. I've had to consciously prevent myself from getting bluetooth headphones so I don't always have music blasting in my ears all the time, which means I can go outside and listen to silence and birds occasionally. Otherwise I'd lapse into the old habits of not talking to anyone for weeks on end and just listening to music all the time. It does mean that I don't dance as often as I would with headphones, since I live with other people so I don't want to crank my speakers too loud.

As far as internet goes, I've essentially decided to identify as a netizen. I'm much more "from the internet" than I am from either the country I was born in or the country I live in. I'm happy to be addicted to technology, because as a millennial I remember when it was kind of a cyberpunk futuristic thing to be online all the time. But since I don't use normie social media most of the time, I get to learn a lot. It's nice to still be on the frontiers.

Anonymous 302186

Belkis Ayon.png

Music rarely noticed but its effect is huge. Sounds constantly eliciting mind states and emotions. This is self-brainwashing, I feel.
I've dropped reddit and music (three weeks). The result is more reading, actual writing, lucidity, and I've been able to follow some train of thoughts further away. I also spend some time on smaller websites (nothing compared to the hours lost on the big R).
Time will tell, but it feels like things are getting worse in terms of content manipulation. Now looks like a good time to quit, yesterday was better, tomorrow will be harder I suspect.

Anonymous 302187

What about music in public spaces?

Anonymous 302189

#2's not that crazy in a world where people ghost multi year relationships and friendships - it can happen at any time, to anyone, for any reason

Screenshot 2025-02…

Anonymous 302174[Reply]

Who would you side with in this case ? Apparently she also stole $120k of his money and gave it to a man she was cheating on the fatso with.


Anonymous 302175

They are both fat so sympathy is limited, but he is significantly fatter, uglier, bald and retarded so like what was he expecting. It's like "retaliatory" violence after getting knicked while playing a carnival knife game where the carnival makes you sign a waiver stating that you understand you might get knife related injuries in their knife games.

Anonymous 302176

Screenshot 2025-02…

what do you think of the all-female jury who gave him just 10 yrs ? Keep in mind this is in Texas, where there's death penalty for 1st degree murder.

Anonymous 302178

As states go Texas is the drunken neighbor who accidentally killed his own dog when he backed up his pickup truck five years ago and is desperately trying to spend just one night too drunk to remember burying his barkie buddy.

Anonymous 302179

idk if i should love or hate texas after this. i love guns though

Anonymous 302188

From things I have read secondhand, I was more saddened to hear she apparently took money that was supposed to go to her kid for college.


This thread passes the Bechdel test Anonymous 288104[Reply]

You know what it is about, in this thread it's not acceptable to talk about anything that refers to people of a gender or sex different than the female one
19 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 289448

What's a good Linux distro for someone that's never used it before?
I'm moderately computer literate and mostly use my PC for web browsing, vidya, and occasionally programming

Anonymous 290155

I tried Ubuntu for a while a few years ago. I hope you can manage cuz mine couldn't play videos and the guides they write for Linux users assume you're a computer nerd when I despise computers.

Anonymous 301194


Does anyone here likes birdwatching?

Anonymous 301205

+ Well supported, well maintained, large corporate base - you don't want to start out on a distro that isn't used by professionals in the workplace, and SUSE is the oldest Linux corporation in the world.
+ YAST is the closest you're going to get to an equivalent to Mac OS Preferences or the Windows Control Center in a graphical Linux environment, and it runs and can be used to manage your software in text mode through a terminal/TTY login in the event that something goes catastrophically wrong with the graphics environment without requiring you to learn every name for every controls command or kernel module. So if you can only start in textonly safemode and need to connect to the internet you can just enter yast, follow a few simple menus to get to networking controls, and enable networking in order to download whatever is necessary to fix the system.
+ easy install
+ Lizard mascot
+ RPMs
+ huge library of games in repo - people use the suse build services even if they don't use sue itself.
+ an officially supported distro for NVIDIA and other large manufacturers who make Linux drivers.
+ an actually useful wiki that describes problems that real people have in real life with real examples and solutions.
+ officially supports an ARM/embedded variant, will not die if/when x86 desktop loses ground to newer or different technology.

- German. (This used to make the distro nearly unusable due to their Erlangen.DE repo servers lacking a North American mirror–they have mirrors now and had them for years but the reputation is still impacted).
- Poor audio support on ARM devices, if you're running a raspberry pi just use raspian.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 301208

cute hobby


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
505 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302210


I've drawn terf Kuromi, hope it's okay to post here.
Should I draw more?

Anonymous 302224

i’m in the same boat, it’s so hard to unwind and enjoy my womanchild activities when it always feels like i’m being watched by HR thanks to the TIFs.

she’s so cute, !! i’d like to see more, are you sticking to sanrio or will you be doing cute characters in general?

Anonymous 302240

I wanted to stick to Sanrio characters for now since they're simple to draw, but maybe I'll be willing to accept more cute suggestions in the future!

Anonymous 302242


Here's another one ^^

Anonymous 302325

why can't there be an online discussion without a troon being like, "ermmm ackshually I'm trans" when it has no relevance to the discussion at hand.


Anonymous 302073[Reply]

I just learned McDonald's doesn't sell onion rings or fish tacos. I left the house for no reason today.

Anonymous 302074


Anonymous 302090

Filet o fish is the closest thing to fish tacos.

Anonymous 302134

>MLP pic

tell me you're a troon without etc.


Anonymous 302040[Reply]

Am I weird for dipping apple slices in ranch dressing?

Anonymous 302041

yes, you should be dipping them in peanut butter

Anonymous 302046

I don't like peanut butter

Anonymous 302059

Yes, I've never heard of dipping fruit in ranch dressing.

I like apple slices with cheddar cheese.

Anonymous 302085

It may be weird but eat whatever you like. What do you like about the apple and ranch together? It's such a different combination.

Apples and cheese are fucking amazing together


Anonymous 302096

I like the ranch flavor mixed with the tart flavor of green apple slices

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