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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298808[Reply]

Honest thoughts on the UK?
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Anonymous 299246


How bad are they nowadays?

Anonymous 299267

as a britfag myself, it is not very good
the shows are funny though even if the bbc are a bunch of oxide-huffing idiots

Anonymous 299289


I'm so tired of walking through literal garbage and broken glass. The UK is incredibly overpopulated and polluted, and the people here don't even understand what nature is (they think spans of desolate farmland and grazing pastures are natural) (also most people are really inconsiderate and trash everything) the only natural wilderness left on the island isn't even 20 miles across, it's embarrassing, and many "nature reserves" are deadly silent artificial conifer forests because no wildlife can survive in them. It makes me upset thinking about it, I want to emigrate asap

Anonymous 299331

It shocked me how polite and friendly they were when I visited, specially rich people, such class and very humble, not like richs in south america.
Food was awfull, weather even worst, airport looked like a pakistani embassy.
Would not live in london, but is a great visit..

Anonymous 299627

Move out of your chavvy town, anon.


Anonymous 299429[Reply]

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America
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Anonymous 299577

You can make a shit ton of money here but the cost of living is so high. Rent and groceries are high but even minimum wage is crazy money in other countries. That's why there are so many illegals because they can send back 50$ and feed their family for almost a month. But all you can do here is work and work and the landlords and corporations take all your money and taxes. And they use your tax money to fund wars and build more missiles so we can keep being the most powerful country. It's all a big fucked up scheme to be the most powerful.

Anonymous 299580

Lmao out of what donkeys asshole did they pull that 2200 annually on premiums. That shit won't give you full coverage and they will find any reason to deny you any of the money you put into your premiums even if you're paying 500 a month (which is typical for full coverage but can be more)
That article was probably paid for by united lmaoooooooo

Anonymous 299589


Are they really the best states?

Anonymous 299614


The only places in the US I would bother visiting from a different country are the National Parks, Southern California, Hawaii, and I guess NYC if you're into that sort of thing. I've also been wanting to do Florida, but only if I could make it an extended road trip. Many Americans are completely delusional about what cities here are worth an international vacation. And if you don't want to rent a car, just forget about it.

Anonymous 299625

>what cities are worth a vacation
In America? Imo they all kind of suck shit unless you wanna buy stuff. There's not much culture in the cities in America. I like European cities better. Much more walkable and prettier buildings/city parks.


Mayo Anonymous 299624[Reply]


Anonymous 297766[Reply]

Do you like Australia?
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Anonymous 299253


Anonymous 299285

TAFE is used for certs and diplomas, lower levels of education. You can study things related to what you might get a bachelors degree in Uni for, or lower entry jobs in similar fields (i.e., animal studies in TAFE, veterinary science in uni). TAFE is also used for trades and makeup artistry and stuff like that which you can't really get at uni. TAFE is way cheaper, a few grand for a diploma or cert compared to (at least) 10s of thousands at uni. TAFE also has pretty well no entry requirements (besides speaking english maybe).

Nope there is genuinely nothing. We don't have any interesting history, nothing that makes us unique. Not even a historical piece of clothing. (ignoring Indigenous culture because everyone who lives here is white now). We had a gold rush once and we had prisons. We used to celebrate Australia day which would've maybe been modern culture but most people don't celebrate it anymore.

Anonymous 299426


Have Australians ever felt that they are living in a land that does not belong to them?

Anonymous 299449

I mean we don't really feel out of place, but we don't have traditions or cuisine that a group of people that were always living here would, if that makes sense.

Anonymous 299472


Don't let them fool you with the false image they're trying to present of themselves as wild free tanned cowboys and surfer chicks living with kangaroos in the Outback

>Australia is really southern UK. John Curtain who was prime minister of the country was of the opinion that Australia should be the southern outpost of the British race.

>Stolen generation. Attempting to breed Aboriginals out of existence. Take their kids at a young age educate them and show them how to act in British society. Get the women to marry white men who have mixed babies. Within 3 generations you could breed out almost all physical aboriginal traces.
>We had a white (anglo only) Australia only immigration policy up until the 70s
>If someone tells you that Australia has an identity, they are lyring. We are about as rootless cosmopolitan as you can get
>Aussies have no manufacturing base, no tech sector, essentially produce nothing as a country. Everyone laughed at them during COVID.
>The old "melting pot" idea was to erase all traces of different cultures and have one bland "American culture." to create a melting pot slave system of compliance lol
>Australia is an economic zone based solely on the worship of money and absolutely nothing else. They don't have any real identity or culture.
>Australia is the most americanized country in the world after Canada. You're americanized enough to annex tomorrow without much of a difference to anyone. You're actually more americanized than Hawaii which is an actual state
>ABC here in Aus did a vox pop segment where they walked around the University of Technology campus which happens to be right next to their studio and asked students about their opinion on Trump, because we're obsessed with being American
> Whitlam dismissal. Whitlam annihilated manufacturing forever and Australia is permanently dependent on USA and China
>Got rid of most the manufacturing capabilities in the 80's, outsourcing it to elsewhere
>Pauline Hanson said Aussie women having kids only do it for the government handouts because she Pauline says was a single mother andPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 299586[Reply]

Who would you rather be confined with? Japanese or Koreans?


Alcohol Anonymous 297722[Reply]

I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk
I’m normal now
I’m comfy now
I love being drunk
my fellow nonas please share your drink of choice that you chug for the ultimate comfy vibes
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Anonymous 298621

whiskey and philosophy are cozy together, all the greats were drunk or high on something

Anonymous 298638

Either wine or amaretto, amaretto for sipping and wine for when you don't want to sip.

Anonymous 298640

mostly wine and gin. i tried a coffee liqueur recently and that was a disaster i couldnt sleep after
i loove booze too i love how it makes me feeli get more relaxed and less anxious and less inhibited and it's easier for me to talk to people. wish i could be drunk all the time tbh i wish it wasn't bad for you :(

Anonymous 299418

I smoke weed like a chimney when I get home everyday and take gin shots like candy when my period rolls around. I was doing well with no alcohol recently but oh well

Anonymous 299558

Ok Rena


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
461 posts and 165 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298151

>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
movies, video games, music,crafts
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Anonymous 298314


cotton5495 on discord
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
I'm into anime and manga, mostly shoujo. Really into Pokémon but I stopped buying games in 2017. I still play all of the old ones and try to keep up with what's new! :D I used to draw but stopped BUT I recently bought an iPad so it would be nice to have some drawing friends. :3 also to motivate me a bit lol. I listen to a lot of music, a bit of everything from jpop to whatever sounds good to me :D I'm a big fan on vocaloid and Odetari
I guess I'm also into skincare stuff and I'd say fashion too a bit. I have no friends online or irl, it would be nice to make a couple of friends and maybe a best friend too… ;w;
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Depends on what's going on in my life… but not really. I work full time from 5am to 2pm so I'm pretty tired all the time but don't worry I'll still reply after work! I mostly work Monday to Friday so I always have the weekends off.

Anonymous 299239

Discord: choseviolence
Central Iowa USA
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
I would like to find someone interested in bouldering and or gym/running. I like sharing stats. Art would be great!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
When I work at my job I prefer to be not bothered.

Anonymous 299475

Don't completely trust anyone who contacts you, just as a reminder. I posted here and immediately received a friend request from someone who I heavily suspect has XY chromosomes. It was so odd, he was so dry and barely even tried to hold a conversation. He told me he got banned multiple times, but when I asked why, he wouldn't elaborate. He just said he uses an VPN and talking to him just creeped me out. He's also one of those moids who use anime girl pictures as his entire personality.

Anonymous 299555

>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
All types of video games (PC), any crafty cozy hobbies (knitting and reading), fitness.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever? Not usually busy


Anonymous 299425[Reply]

Do you like driving? Did you ever have driving anxiety or fear of driving?
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Anonymous 299450

Tbh it's roundabouts that keep me from driving. They're everywhere here so I can't really avoid them.

Anonymous 299453

I love driving, I used to transport car parts across multiple states for retail as a job before COVID fucked everything up. Nothing better than the open roads and some tunes, especially during the summer. I'd get back into the industry if I wasn't riding solo as a woman this time around. Fucking hate most of the people on the roads though, Honda and Nissan drivers need to seek God.

Anonymous 299463


I don't know how to drive and I don't plan on learning. I walk if I need to go somewhere. If I ever die from getting ran over then I guess it was my time to go.

Anonymous 299468


I don't hate roundabouts, I hate other people who don't know how to use them. They're way better and safer than crossroads if used correctly.
Indicate reeeeeeee

Anonymous 299518

trains man.png

I'd rather not drive. Thankfully my city has decentish public transport, and my job pays for it.


no subject - chatroom thread Anonymous 143286[Reply]

consider this thread a place to come just to shoot the shit. no specific topic is applied, just talk about anything you like!
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Anonymous 298698

I also started reading one piece lately. I had no idea it was so funny. The character designs are straight out of a naughty elementary schoolier's math notebook.

Anonymous 298910

I have some barn owls nesting in my barn (typical) and I love seeing them, they're so cool. I do kind of wish their call wasn't such a scary scream, because it can be creepy to hear. I was hoping I'd get to see owlets, but not this year.

I also have a pair of great horned owls living in my cottonwood tree. I love hearing their duets when they call. Nice classic hoots. They're so cool. I love owls.

Anonymous 299344

i don't understand why the voice actresses in anime sound like 5 year old girls? i tried to watch a non-dubbed japanese cartoon that i really love and i cringed out within 20 seconds and had to turn it off and go back to the normal english version. why are they like this? are they just inherently all pedos and pedo-caterers or what?

Anonymous 299382

Not sure I have this right but a reason that was explained to me:
voice training for actresses and voiceactresses in Japan came almost immediately on the heels of westernization in the Meiji era.
That means that training for women was adapted from three extreme sources:
–the voice training MALES would get when they were expected to perform female roles in exaggerated falsetto
–the voice training given to non-geisha prostitutes (specifically higher income "goke" widows–older women with worn down and more haggard natural voices). This was intended to be specifically artificial to take the client out of the headspace of interacting with a normal person so that they wouldn't be thinking "this is a widow or a divorcee, she has kids, she is old enough to be my own mom or my aunt–". This was also aimed at making them sound like they were 20 again, since we're talking about a type of prostitutes who were generally late 30s to early 50s in age. These techniques when applied by women who were 20-30 and nonsmokers sent the target age much lower.
–Most foundational anime from the 40s through the 70s genuinely was targeted at children and most voice actresses had to be able to take on children's roles for stable employment, and not all of them were capable of doing a good "boy" voice for that purpose.

Anonymous 299484

wow thanks, this was very informative. do you know if times are changing in their world and they're going to slowly start to do normal voices or is all too ingrained now?


Places Like Crystal Cafe Anonymous 221488[Reply]

I'm relatively new to imageboards and crystal cafe and wanted to know if there are any similar websites made for women. Also, I mostly lurk and this is my first post so hello fellow nonas!
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Anonymous 298906

I remember posting on Asherah's Garden. Checked it but its not online anymore. Shame, it was comfy.

Anonymous 298909

I remember that one too. I was hoping someone would get it going again, and I thought they were. But I guess not.

Anonymous 298985

Fujochan has been cool

Anonymous 299046

They deleted the shota board and I'm still fucking pissed about it.

Anonymous 299445

I believe youre right on this. I think we would get raided less/not at all if people just learned to stop replying to males. Just stealth ban them maybe

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