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I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.
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Anonymous 302485

How does keeping infants inside make them autistic rtard

Anonymous 302508

nta but quite directly? humans need to interact with society to during their formative years to develop psychosocially

Anonymous 302540

no i love children and hate the people who hate them, you are demonic

Anonymous 302609

Boy am I glad you lot aren't having children

Anonymous 302773

Who here loves their mother but hates kids?


Anonymous 302760[Reply]

>Celebrating women on international women's day

Anonymous 302761


>>Celebrating women on international women's day

Anonymous 302766


>>>Celebrating women on international women's day


Anonymous 302296[Reply]

What made you want to be childfree?
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Anonymous 302541

just go to japan

Anonymous 302596


But anon… the heckin’ Okinawanos, the brown rice-arinos…

Anonymous 302754

the pic, she is wearing the same outfit as chris-chan and she has things in common with him lol

Anonymous 302762


I’ve lived as much due to an interest in the divine or more specifically - health, self improvement, search of knowledge, and crafts.

There’s truth to this lifestyle. Moids have already cried out about how 80% of women go for 20% of men, and while most of us won’t be successful with the 20% or even want any of them, I think by and large the 80% of men can just learn to be like women like in OP. The women not successful or interested enough for the top 20% can either opt in to sterilize or just do nobler pursuits than denegrate themselves to washing the underwear of men on their 15,000th hour of WoW.

Anonymous 302764

>>collect 1 billion dollars
>>buy an isolated island
>>have a paradisal femme commune there without scrotes
>>the rest of the world can burn
You are giving Jeffrey Epstein vibes.


Anonymous 302679[Reply]

Where are all these dumb moids coming from? go back to your shithole

1741260603376821 (…

Anonymous 302586[Reply]

What went wrong with female influencers?
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Anonymous 302597

I mean this is already kind of what they do. Sell onlyfans to old men? Now she is just fucking them irl? Don't see the problem here

Anonymous 302598

Are the guys even mentally fit to consent to sex?

Anonymous 302599

Imagine paying taxes for sex workers
IRS is the ultimate pimp

Anonymous 302600

With moids sane or not right when those balls drop they’ll consent
Just look at high school moids high fiving each other if they got groomed by the hot teacher
It’s only trauma if it’s gay

Anonymous 302608

t. child molester a


Anonymous 302583[Reply]

Drink a glass of orange juice once a day. Vitamin C is good for your hair and skin.

Anonymous 302594


I lik pineapple joos ^-^

Anonymous 302606

Wouldn't eating an orange be better than drinking a glass of orange juice (unless you make it yourself)? ^_^


Anonymous 301531[Reply]

Do you like clubbing? Why or why not?
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Anonymous 302295

annoying music annoying people. no

Anonymous 302306

Imagine screaming to someone everytime you wanna say something because the shitty ass club music is too loud.

Anonymous 302370

i love it

Anonymous 302587

it was fun when i was able to still drink alcohol. sober? boring and overwhelming.

Anonymous 302604

Based. Generations are a psyop.


Alcohol Anonymous 297722[Reply]

I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk
I’m normal now
I’m comfy now
I love being drunk
my fellow nonas please share your drink of choice that you chug for the ultimate comfy vibes
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Anonymous 302510

Drinking makes my life worse. I waste money, ruin relationships, i do things that i regret, my mental and physical health gets worse too. It doesn't make any sense to drink and yet i do it anyway.

Anonymous 302511

Anon your allergy isn't going to go away.

Anonymous 302512

Had a crazy fun night out with lemon sours, beer, and whiskey high balls!

Anonymous 302561

Last time I drank too much, woke up at 4am, bought some alcohol at a convenience store, and walked around for about an hour without drinking it. I thought I lost my keys but they were in my bag. Now I'm being pressured to stop drinking but I don't want to.

Anonymous 302593

Maybe I smoke weed instead then


Anonymous 302577[Reply]

What are things men can do to you make you feel safe, loved and secure?

Anonymous 302581


File my taxes and do an oil change

Anonymous 302592

make me feel important, loved, and cherished. my bf is really kind and sweet but he forgot my birthday and that made me sad

I want fruit loops

indir (2).jpg

turk anons?? Anonymous 80429[Reply]

ı saw in vocaroo thread that there's turk posters in here. can turkish anons denote themselves in here?
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Anonymous Admin 81529

All posts need to be in English.

Anonymous 302530

Free Kurdistan

Anonymous 302542

>kurds are sexist to women
>better bomb the kurdish women
classic nationalist takes

Anonymous 302554

Exactly same rhetoric with Palestine

Anonymous 302570


Poster above is retarded and fo be ignored. Literally nobody cares, don't try to grab any land or attack the personnel or citizens of turkey and nothing would ever happen to you.
Else, you may lick your hand.

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