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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 297006[Reply]

What the hell is the japanese writing system and how am i supposed to learn it all if i wanna be fluent in japanese? Theres 50000 kanji? And according to wikipedia the usage of kana is much rarer than the usage of kanji? If it was only kana then id be good off
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Anonymous 297702

But if you were say… reading a menu in china? What if you were trying to survive on the street? Could you read grocery store? Could you read police station? Also I mean if the words are rearranged in a sentance couldn't you still make out the meaning most of the time? I know chinese syntax is very similar to english.

Anonymous 297734

> What if you were trying to survive on the street?
You might be able to read signs and understand enough words to make transactions. If you had to talk to people you probably couldn't understand them at all.
> menu in china
You could probably read menu items
> grocery store
I looked up the chinese word for grocery store (杂货店) and I couldn't read it beacause it used chinese characters that aren't used in japan (Specifically 杂 and 货 don't show up in my japanese dictionary). After looking them up in a chinese-english dictionary 货 is a simplified form of 貨 which I do know, and 杂 is a simplified form of 雜 which I know. I know the japanese word 雑貨店 (which means general store) but I wouldn't have known 杂货店 was a simplified spelling of the same word.
> what about police station
The chinese word for police station "警察局" I could understand because the japanese word for police is "警察" and "局" is the kanji for office.
> Also I mean if the words are rearranged in a sentance couldn't you still make out the meaning most of the time? I know chinese syntax is very similar to english.
I don't know much about chinese but I'm pretty sure the grammatical words (called particles) are written in kanji whereas the gramatical words are written in kana in Japanese. So I don't know any of the chinese particles.

Japanese mainly uses kanji for nouns and verbs, and uses kana for grammar. So learning Japanese will help you with learning verbs and nouns but not so much with grammar. If you went out of your way to study chinese particles you could probably somewhat understand sentences.

> Also I mean if the words are rearranged in a sentance couldn't you still make out the meaning most of the time?

It depends on the size of the sentence. The larger the sentence gets, the harder it becomes to guess the meaning. For instance "She pet the dog" would be fairly easy to read, but a sentence like "The owner of the manor will accompany you to the Sunday afternoon meeting if you allow her daughter to join your son's sleepover on Saturday next week" requires a good grasp of English grammar, and would be extremely hard to decipher if you didn't know any of the English Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 297776

Wow you’re really knowledgeable, how long have you been studying for? Did you self teach or take lessons? Do you have any japanese friends you talk / write to on the daily?

Anonymous 297914

this is bullshit don't listen to this anon
there are only like 2000 you need to actually memorize. trust me its actually easy- you've memorized much more than 2000 things in your life, haven't you? you have more than 2000 memories, you're making memories every second. the brain is an incredibly powerful tool.

Anonymous 297922

what memorization technique do you recommend that isn't by radicals?


Dance Anonymous 297861[Reply]

Any other nonas love to dance?
Did you take classes as a child?
Do you take classes as an adult?

For my entire life the highlight of my days has been locking myself in my room to dance the afternoons and evenings away. Nothing is as fun as dancing.

I learned some basic ballet fundamentals from my former elderly neighbor who has a studio in her home. I would go over daily for tea, talks, and ballet.

I want to find an adult class just to have fun with others and learn more than I can on my own.

What about you all?
Feel free to share your favorite songs to dance to as well.

Anonymous 297872

i can't dance for shit but i do like dancing to music. usually any genre but shoegaze and indie makes me feel mysterious and cool even tho if anyone saw me they would think im a sped. here's some random arrangements of songs i really like and maybe you'll like it too


Anonymous 297918

i adore dancing to old j-pop and k-pop songs looking up the title + dance mirror on youtube. they're very fun and make me feel like i'm in a girl group. plus, it's good physical exercise


Alcohol Anonymous 297722[Reply]

I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk
I’m normal now
I’m comfy now
I love being drunk
my fellow nonas please share your drink of choice that you chug for the ultimate comfy vibes
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Anonymous 297870

i dont like the way alcohol makes me feel but cider and malt are pretty comfy. if you want a drink for max comfiness maybe you could try irish milk punch if you havent done so already. its usually whiskey infused into milk it has a spicy kick but its blended with comforting flavours like honey, cinnamon, nutmeg. expensive way to get shitfaced but worth a try. i like it

Anonymous 297896


I like white wine or vodka especially during a rainy day. I should probably stop for a while though. My liver levels are pretty high. I love drinking though…

Anonymous 297897

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm vodka

Anonymous 297913

androphobia is your brain trying to prevent you from being hurt by moids. trust me…moids are irredeemable. i have NEVER met a SINGLE good moid.

Anonymous 297917

aggretsuko gif… day un-ruined


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
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Anonymous 297563


The neonaticide shit is only slightly skewed higher towards women because moids don't get a chance to kill the baby.
Every other form of baby/child killing after newborns (which is 97 percent of all child deaths) is dominated by scrotes.

Also the highest cause of death by a pregnant woman is homicide by scrote.

Anyways, the small gametes stats are bullshit. Even with most moids abandoning their babies and women being 8 times more likely to raise a child alone than your average pump-and-dump scrote, moids still chimp out and can't resist beating and murdering their own offspring because they are courageous n shit.

Anonymous 297567

Thanks for the insight nona, what you say is definitely making sense. Just curious about your thoughts: Have you personally made the conscious decision to stay out of relationships with moids, no matter what? It sounds like it from your post. Many radfems are trying to shill 4b and I kind of get why…
If anything this is pushing me more into the radfem direction. Why focus on child abuse and bring up some random statistics without any context or source?
Yes, I said that I feel like being evil doesn't come as natural to women as it does to moids, I still acknowledge the existence of some women who are doing evil. So what exactly are you trying to do here? Even if it were about the statistics, this is probably one of the only ones which supports your standpoint of women doing more evil, with all other crime rates showing quite the opposite. Which I highly doubt is just because of women being too shy lmao.
Generally I'm not a big fan of the whole statistics thing, because people always find a way to twist it, just like you did.
>Fathers responsible for 29% of Child abuse cases, mothers responsible for 71%
>meaning women are two and a half times as likely as men to commit child abuse
You are saying this as if your conclusion that women are two and a half times as likely to commit child abuse came naturally out of the percentages when it does not. If that percentage were to be accurate, that'd simply mean in cases of child abuse, it'd be two and a half times as likely to be committed by a woman, which is not the same as any woman is two and a half times as likely to commit child abuse compared to any moid.
So either you are purposely trying to misinterpret the data or you genuinely don't know any better, it does make you an unbelievable source either way (even if you hadn't been to begin with lol).
Do I have to explain why it's not the same thing now or can you get there on your own? lmao

Anonymous 297678


I noticed that the majority of the edgelords depicted on here are moids and trannies.

Anonymous 297790

It's very funny how troons are always 180cm or taller. It's as if there was a tranny height cutoff and men under 180cm felt literally incapacitated to troon out when short.

Anonymous 297902

Why are troons obsessed with cat memes and being "silly"? Its just something i noticed.


Anonymous 296658[Reply]

Why are humans such cruel animals?
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Anonymous 297483

my boyfriend says that i am literally temple grandin. i take that as a complement.

Anonymous 297500


>humans have empathy and are able of going against instinct


Anonymous 297501

Alright, women have empathy and are capable of going against instinct.

Anonymous 297513

Proving her point…

Anonymous 297875

Yeah. Apparently scrotes fought her every step of the way even though any retard with two brain cells to rub together realized less stressed out animals are easier to manage and therefore can be slaughtered more efficiently.

Anyways, scrotes are disgusting. I want humans to be replaced by whiptail lizards


Exciting new technology Anonymous 297842[Reply]

Adventures in science

Anonymous 297853

In a perfect world this would happen to all rapists and pedos

Anonymous 297854

>>297853 I wish , honestly .. like I bet a lot of us would be better off if that did happen


Anonymous 297785[Reply]

Take the snake pill and eat eggs for dinner instead of breakfast

Anonymous 297836


snail pilled

Anonymous 297837


more snails

Anonymous 297847

aww they're kissing


Anonymous 297766[Reply]

Do you like Australia?

Anonymous 297777

Australian accents really do it for me tbh.

Anonymous 297809

Australia has less scrotes than america, therefore it's superior.

Anonymous 297825

My boyfriend is Australian and we're visiting it right now before summer. Everyone is calmer, happier and more laid back than most other Western countries. People and even cities are a little crude, but in a charming way (Everyone swears very ugly curses but it's like they're always amused by what's bothering them. People talk like they're lower class or uneducated, but it's not with any anger, so it's not abrasive or gross). Cities, suburbs and all the houses are ugly on the outside, but very comfy inside and everyone has huge front and back yards. There are almost no homeless people or staggering drug addicts, except for one or two beggars at big train stations. Violence is rare and very shortlived (my boyfriend has been in plenty of fights, but someone escalating beyond a few punches and leaving the loser alone is extremely rare and very looked down on). Women are safe enough and feel safe enough to go out late at night alone, and in secluded areas the local governments install huge lights and cameras to scare away attackers. Countryside communities are very nice and much more modern than in other places.

The weather is too hot, too dry and too sunny. I had to buy a giant hat with a face-shield and completely cover myself to stop being burned, and I still get red rings around my eyes from reflected sun. Drinking is very common and day drinking is not looked down on, but seen as "cheeky" (something that's a little bad and shouldn't be done, but is ok in small doses if you feel a little bad about it first). All the tourist sites I wanted to visit (not many of them, because all the best stuff is out in the bush, desert and coasts) were filled with incredibly loud, rude and annoying Asian tourists who think paying a tour guide means they own the site for the length of their stay. The cities and suburbs are all built for cars because everything is so far apart and taking public transport to someone requires walking for 1km, 2 train exchanges and 3 buses. Everything is very expensive and you need a local to show you where to buy things, because all the small businesses almost everywhere are just tourist-traps. HOT.

Anonymous 297841

I love it. There is so many marsupials there. Maybe one day I go there

Anonymous 297844

> The weather is too hot, too dry and too sunny. I had to buy a giant hat with a face-shield and completely cover myself to stop being burned, and I still get red rings around my eyes from reflected sun.
Well, damn. I don’t think I’ll be visiting anytime soon. I’m like a vampire and can’t stand the sun and heat


secrets thread Anonymous 261146[Reply]

tell me a secret, nona
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Anonymous 262358

Period poops are no fun though.

Anonymous 262365

>she doesn't skin the pelt and nab the best cuts for bush-tucker

Anonymous 297791

I lied about a guy saying some awful shit to me in school. He deserved it though, he was one of the dickheads who thought it'd be funny to harass me.
I told them i "couldn't repeat what he said" and they just…bought it lol
10/10, would lie again

Anonymous 297833

Work had me sent to a few days ago and stole a Mercedes hood ornament and porsche horse badge. I want to make a necklace or something out of the former. Not sure what to do with the latter.

Anonymous 297834

*sent me to a junkyard and I stole

Holy fuck I know I put that in wtf is up?

This is a hard moment for Argentina Anonymous 274872[Reply]

The Argentine people are suffering. There is 100% inflation in 6 months, poverty does not stop rising, reaching 45%, taxes are increasingly higher, and although our president is called a neoliberal conservative, the reality is very different, since even with the strong and brutal adjustment that people suffer, the government allocated more than 8 million dollars in estrogen for the feminization of adults, the elderly, and children.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the solidarity of all the anons.
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Anonymous 297645

we 100% have the potential to be an industrial powerhouse but el problema de argentina son los argentinos and we keep shooting ourselves in the foot every fucking year for the past 200 years and keep bootlicking foreigners for some reason

Anonymous 297663


This man is cuter

Anonymous 297676

he has great hair

Anonymous 297688

he was cute af when younger but he's gross now

Anonymous 297811

I don't want to be abroad but I know I will have a much worse quality of life if I go back. s my dream would be to live in la Patagonia or something, having a farm in the countryside, taking care of as many animals as I can… if only Argentina would have a stable economy.

no he doesn't, it looks greasy yet dry at the same time.

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