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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 301626[Reply]

What is your favorite things about Latin America? From Mexico to the DR to Chile.

>North and Central America

Costa Rica
El Salvador

>South America

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Anonymous 301629

There used to be a kid from Colombia in my class when I was in middle school. When he went to visit his family he would always bring awesome candy back as a souvenir.

Anonymous 301653

I like how piracy is so common there. most of my cracks come from south americans. I also like how they redistribute music and are singlehandedly keeping certain subcultures alive (like visual kei, lots of reuploaded lost media like mvs and concert recordings are uploaded by south americans)


Adhd thread Anonymous 301642[Reply]

how does adderall affact you

Anonymous 301643

I have an addiction on nicotine right now - hopefully ill get my diagnosis soon so ill get adderall and itll actually improve my cognitive performance

Anonymous 301648


Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine help me stay focused on one thing for longer (~60-70 mins without a break versus ~20-30 mins without a longer break) so I think adderall and adhd meds would make me more functional but I never tried them cause of all the testimonies about feeling like a meth zombie. Even rl friends have told me as much unprompted. For me taking magnesium helped fix my adhd. For me magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate work to cure it (magnesium oxide's cheaper since you can get it in a powder and mix it with seltzer for 2 weeks of doses. It just tastes like a mix of salty and slightly oceany/seafoody so pills may be better for some of you). Lions mane has worked to cure adhd in my friends but not me, its another option to try. Basically I dont like the idea of being dependent on my prescription and this fixes me 80% of the way where just a cup of coffee or zyn pouch throughout the day keep me functioning fine.

Anonymous 301649

Tried to find the website I learned this from but couldn't. In case anyone wants to try mixing magnesium hydroxide (not oxide like I said previously) heres the process.
You'll need a 1 liter bottle of club soda/carbonated water/seltzer water (I can find it for a dollar at walmart)
You'll also need a bag of magnesium hydroxide (I've had luck with the bulk supplements brand. Spent $15 on a bag a year ago and still using the same one. ~2 year shelf life according to the exp. date)
Measure a teaspoon of magnesium and sit it aside.
Open the seltzer water and put a large funnel inside it. (The one I use is a bit bigger than a coffee cup)
have the cap ready in one hand and the measured magnesium in the other.
slam the spoon in the base of the funnel and then immediately pull the funnel out. Immediately screw the cap back on (you'll have ~5 seconds before it spews everywhere. It needs the carbonation so the magnesium sticks to the water and gets distributed)
once capped shake for 30 seconds. sit in the fridge for an hour. shake again for 30 seconds. You now have ~2 weeks of magnesium. 2-3 swigs a day.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301651

Moved to >>>/hb/21189.


Anonymous 300945[Reply]

Is there ANY way to age gracefully?

Or does life just go to shit after like 36 and there's no real way to avoid this?
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Anonymous 301109

women age gracefully by default
moids don't and they have no chance to

Anonymous 301567

This is as helpful as a subliminals YouTube video.

Have a good haircut, dress well, smile, be worth for more than just your appearance.

Anonymous 301616

Don't get fat, don't let your skin go to shit (protip: UV radiation, liquor and tobacco are your biggest enemies) and take care of your hair.

That's like 90% of the physical side of "aging gracefully" right there.

Anonymous 301640

yes im aging gracefully like my mom did

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301652

Moved to >>>/hb/21193.


Anonymous 298312[Reply]

thoughts on this?
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Anonymous 301544


Picrel retard

Anonymous 301554



Anonymous 301560


Please don't come to San Francisco. They poison people here and I'm so fucking depressed.

Theyll give someone a disease where they absorb plastic into their head and then it attacks the brains ability to sleep or think creatively. They're evil and fucked up. Please don't come here.


Oh and some guy that's like cosplaying as like an evil munchkin from glengarry glen Ross is monitoring my posts and posting in metafilter as lemkin. It's fucking bizarre. People have started "believing in" movies. Holy shit man this is fucked up. The amount of crazy bullshit from people that have lost it is bizarre. It's from people poisoning each other with plastic as far as I can tell.

Anonymous 301620

>changed nothing
>largely forgotten after a few weeks
>didn't even get to actually enjoy any of his 15 minutes of fame on account on being in jail
>will now spend decades if not the rest of his life in prison

Was it worth it?

Anonymous 301633

>activiely being suppressed by all major media and government just delaying his case because they kept fucking up

Nah dude it’s a wait for the court date at this point.


Anonymous 298808[Reply]

Honest thoughts on the UK?
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Anonymous 300766

Never been to England/Wales, but Scotland was reasonably comfy on both of my trips there

Anonymous 301210

I don’t believe it’s as bad as a lot of people say it is. I just think the worst parts of the country get the most attention.

Anonymous 301225

Americans say that you should just put your head in the sand and ignore the lessons of history because debt, wars, and tyranny never have consequences.

Anonymous 301390

A pedophile's paradise

Anonymous 301623

>Be Brit
>Watch Britain will plunge into a year-long recession this autumn in which households will be hit by the deepest fall in living standards on record, the Bank of England has warned
>Inflation will now peak at 13.3 per cent in the final months of the year as average energy bills trebel from £1200 to £3500 by October
>It's impossible to get anything to rent in any major town in the UK for less than £900
>Liz Straight up says Chinese workers are better than lazy, low productivity Bri'ish workers who don't know the meaning of graft because British work culture is crap and and Brexit voters are idiots who just chose something because of hollow messages
>UK loves the NHS, But they can see it's going downhill and needs more funding. Hence why the Tories use that £350m as a carrot to their Brexit stick
>America wants to export race mixing, BLM and LGBT issues and pushing non-binary/genderfluid/trans
>average house earns more by just sitting there all year than the average worker earns in a year
>houseprices: rose by 30k in the last year and growing as a result of a tax break that cost the taxpayer £3.6bn
>modern English tv: a black man and a paki gleefully cheering for the last white man
https://youtu.be/s9etnCbimNg [Embed]
>Hey Northerners, we've decimated your industry, slashed nurse's wages by a quarter and we're spending 90% of your taxes on London
>Wow the northern is falling apart why do you keep asking us for money
>BBC video shows 6-year-old schoolkids being made to write 'gay' love letters
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Dance Anonymous 297861[Reply]

Any other nonas love to dance?
Did you take classes as a child?
Do you take classes as an adult?

For my entire life the highlight of my days has been locking myself in my room to dance the afternoons and evenings away. Nothing is as fun as dancing.

I learned some basic ballet fundamentals from my former elderly neighbor who has a studio in her home. I would go over daily for tea, talks, and ballet.

I want to find an adult class just to have fun with others and learn more than I can on my own.

What about you all?
Feel free to share your favorite songs to dance to as well.

Anonymous 297918

i adore dancing to old j-pop and k-pop songs looking up the title + dance mirror on youtube. they're very fun and make me feel like i'm in a girl group. plus, it's good physical exercise

Anonymous 301577

Took classes in a lot of different genres up until puberty but didn't enjoy it due to being unathletic and shy. Honestly I think I'd be more willing to start again now with a new mindset about it, I used to like flamenco.

Anonymous 301584

ive always wanted to learn to dance but i always feel so shy and awkward dancing, especially in front of people. it looks so fun tho

Anonymous 301618

I've danced pretty much my whole life. I've done tap, ballet, hiphop, jazz, locking, kpop, and ballroom, but nothing has stolen my heart like pole dancing. I started about half a year ago and I fell in love. Feels completely different to any other dance I've done and it's the most fun I have nowadays. I'm not comfortable being sexy but I'm light and strong and I love climbing and pulling off dynamic maneuvers. It's my least skilled genre of dance (duh, I just started), but by far the only one I've felt so strongly for. Every one should try dancing once in their life :P


Anonymous 301531[Reply]

Do you like clubbing? Why or why not?

Anonymous 301534

Hate it, only done it twice. Expensive, loud, drunk idiots everywhere, dudes smell bad and creep on you. I don’t have the personality type to enjoy it.

Anonymous 301536


No. Normies fucking disgust me and being forced to be with them in the same room and hear their music is literal hell.

Anonymous 301540

not at all no. too loud, too many strangers, too much music i dont like. i prefer staying home

Anonymous 301571

I hate it.

Anonymous 301617

I like it. It's fun stress relief to drink and dance to loud music. It's too loud for small talk. I aged out of it, though.


Anonymous 299587[Reply]

>people dont have the attention span to make it from their bed to the front door without opening their phone
>if you don't reply instantly, they say you're ghosting them
>walk by schools and all kids are constantly looking at their phones
>walk by cafes and restaurants and dates are constantly looking at their phones
>walk in the gym and everyone is constantly looking at their phones
>go shopping and everyone is constantly looking at their phones
>dudes staring at phone all day and looking at porn and instagram girls
>everything is instantly forgettable now
>everyone just move on to the next thing. they have low attention spans
>grab their phones and start scrolling through social media then can't remember what happened

Is this just where we're at now?
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Anonymous 301526

I've noticed this in myself and have taken steps to mitigate my phone addiction lately. Mostly purging a bunch of apps, deleting social media (including anonymous SM like Reddit and Xitter, never really used IG or FB to begin with), setting time limits on the apps I've retained, and putting my phone in greyscale. What I've noticed is that I've grown accustomed to using my phone as a security blanket/pacifier in public – it's easy to avoid eye contact and drown out sensory overload by turning to my phone. It takes a lot of discipline to train myself to just sit there and absorb my surroundings, but I'm working on it. It's actually refreshing to feel the constant pull of the phone recede. Now I'm hoping some of my friends pick up the same habits, since it's getting to be annoying going out to dinner and seeing everyone dive into their phones the moment there's a lull in the conversation.

Anonymous 301527

As for me personally, I got app fatigue years ago and now only have one app on my phone that isn’t a native app, and it’s a web browser. I deleted and disabled as many native apps as I could. I still use a few of them like Calendar, Maps, and Mail. I realized I was still using my phone way too much, so I went into Screen Time settings and changed the web settings to “limit adult websites” and plugged in the most addicting websites. Out of habit, I will still open my mobile web browser, but now I stare at it blankly trying to remember which website I can easily browse until I put my phone away. As for my computer activity, I also got account fatigue years ago. Now I sperg out on going through my emails and deleting any account I have as well as deleting all my emails. I want to eventually delete both my Apple ID and Google account and just…not do the technology anymore, but I have a long way to go.

Anonymous 301529

I've become so anti phone/internet it's crazy. I grew up for years and years browsing the internet so I've been very put off by what things have become. Sometimes I think about throwing my phone into a river and running off into the woods. Everyone in my life that is addicted to their phone has suffered and I've seen the consequences first hand, so I refuse to become a part of the system. The major problem is I feel so lonely and disconnected from everyone since people my age seem to be obsessed with social media.

Anonymous 301613

I use my phone mostly for music and texting and audiobooks. Going on any sites for entertainment and looking stuff up is for my computer. When I have the money, I am going to buy a dumb phone. I don't care if I have music in public until i get an mp3. Funny thing, I was hearing people complain about the tiktok ban but those people truly do not get the mental health and societal impacts of screen usage. Social media, in my opinion has led to more jealousy and divisiveness and a general lack of empathy and has messed with our social bonding potential.

Anonymous 301614

I still use a dumb-phone with buttons. But i don't mind when my friends just quietly poke their phones in a corner, then at least i don't have to listen to their monologues.


Anonymous 149385[Reply]

Have you ever pretended to be a man online?
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Anonymous 299002

>man pretending to be a woman on cc, claiming to go on 4chan pretending to be a man

Anonymous 299004

>women hide their identities on the internet so they don't get men simping or harassing them
>it looks like mostly men are posting
>men think they're the default on the internet

Anonymous 299136

Elle suit.jpeg

I pretended to be a boy on a forum for girls back in the day because I wanted to woo them.

Anonymous 299160

I dont know why everyone is doubting you. I do the same and depending on the angle I use it tends to work pretty well in making them feel ashamed of themselves for a few seconds at least

Anonymous 301611

When interacting with larger groups for niche hobbies i become John Weewee from Penistown, helps avoid sexual harrasement


Are you more like your mother or your father? Anonymous 138934[Reply]

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Anonymous 295988

I didn't meet my father until much later in life, so I just naturally drew parellels with my mother. Once we did meet I realised we're exactly alike and that's why my mother resents me so much. I don't know if it's an inheritable condition, but we're both quiet, latched into stoicism as teenagers, and neither of us is particularly emotional, yet we're both prone to melancholy and depression, and we're both unerringly calm during stress. Neither of us processes sadness or grief well, though in different ways, and we both fail to be romantic/intimate enough to keep a longterm relationship. We're both naturally good at science, math and technology, chose to pursue a pure-science career and transitioned into more humanitarian-focused fields around 30 years old. We think the same way about moral, ethical, social and even political issues, despite growing up in completely diametrically opposing environments. While we might not look alike, I inherited his hair, eyes, skin tone and height against the odds.

Anonymous 295992

I look exactly like a lanky version of my grandma on my dad's side when she was my age. Personality wise I am nothing like either of them.
My dad's very perfectionist who can redo things 20 times without satisfaction and my mom is extremely opinionated on everything. They're also extremely extroverted and I'm shy as a mofo. I am just a moron who sort of goes with the flow.

Anonymous 296001

like my mother, overall she is a mess so i think i rather just have to accept that im a bit fucked so yes

Anonymous 301578

I'm kind of like my dad but I think I'm becoming more aware of the traits I've inherited from him. I used to not relate to my mum at all but I'm much more appreciative of her now. I also have the same face as her and as she's getting older she looks more and more like her own mum which scares me because it reminds me that her mind will go.

Anonymous 301597

Looks wise I've always been told I look like my father until I got older and now everyone says I'm just like my mother in the way I talk, walk, act, etc. Personality wise way more like my father; highly emotional, insecure, anxious, etc. I hate it but there's not much to do about it.

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