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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Fujochan Bunker Thread Anonymous 221596[Reply]

Fujochan is down for maintenance, so here is a thread for fujosisters to fujosperge their fujoneeds.
222 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 250423

I unironically wish more men would troon out and chemically castrate themselves.

Anonymous 250425

why troons? so they can invade your spaces? I'm sure you dont want to see bearded, fat autistic moids in frumpy dresses in your changing rooms.

Anonymous 259209

is fujochan accessible to anyone else? it suddenly started setting off my antivirus whenever i try to access it, like it’s fraudulent or something. i’m a bit retarded about technology (sorry) and this is the only place i could think to ask.

Anonymous 298325


Anonymous 298732


Thoughts on animal boys?


What is going on with Luigi Mangione Anonymous 298701[Reply]

What the hell is happening? Did he do it? Any true crime girlies wanna tune me in amidst finals?

cat furlita2.jpg

Non sexual furries Anonymous 257233[Reply]

I'd like to join a furry community that isn't sexually degenarate, full of porny art, and disgusting coom fantasies, especially the ones bordering on zoophilia. Disgusting.
I have no idea where to look, since most of the western fandom is tranny adjacent, "sex positive" degeneracy oriented.
All the non sexual furries I've encountered online are japanese, btw. And I don't speak japanese.
>pic related
Do they even exist in the west?

I love cute anthropomorphic animals like in the Beatrix Potter illustrations, Louis Wain paintings, sylvanian families/calico critters, or even the cute mice in Cinderella animated movie. I also love medieval tales and illuminations featuring animals behaving like humans. They're technically "anthros" but completely unrelated to the gross western furry and their art style that reeks of coom even when it's not directly sexual.
36 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 297715


I actually have a semi-appropriate image just for this.

Anonymous 297716

No, no, that fits perfectly, actually.

Anonymous 297717

Did she ever come back? I left that dumpstersite.

Anonymous 297718

Nah. Fiddle's been gone for years now, shame.

Anonymous 298654

Can you stop shitting every thread with your sperging about Americans? No one gives a fuck


r Anonymous 298385[Reply]

Anyone like Scooby Doo? What's your favorite series?

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298387

Never played any of them. What are they like? Is the experience nostalgic?

Anonymous 298491

I used to love the special(s?) with Vincent Price.

Anonymous 298641

Anonymous 298645

Scooby doo and the loch ness monster was the height of scooby doo films.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 298731

Moved to >>>/media/36049.


Anonymous 298494[Reply]

newfag here whats the significance of the cross country race picture pinned cuz im 95% certain i was at that race and its making me paranoid

Anonymous 298639

I have never once questioned it until now. Never read the sticky, either.


Studying/Focusing tips thread? Anonymous 298253[Reply]

Lazy procrastinator nona here. Have been struggling a lot with putting things off and concentrating lately, in my first year of college. My job and family obligations have been nagging me a lot lately and it's been difficult to handle the workload.
Have any of you nonas been able to overcome procastination and laziness?
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298287

Screenshot 2024-12…

If you're in uni or whatever literally just use AI. I've been putting the transcripts of lecture recordings through NotebookLM and having it make the notes I'm too lazy to write, then putting them through gpt and getting it to make essay templates for an upcoming exam. What would have taken a couple days took me a couple hours it feels like cheating. Just don't copy the AI word-for-word during the exam or they might catch on lol.

Anonymous 298305

It feels like cheating because it is. Waste of time and money to go to school just to cheat. You're not learning anything.

Anonymous 298315

So I finished college years ago but there's still some stuff I've been learning, but I don't need to get into my whole story here so I'll get to the part where I tell you this life hack I came up with. Now this only works if it's compatible with your schedule of course but it works for me. Look at the calendar. Even numbered days = have fun do whatever I want unless there's something important I absolutely need to do. Odd numbered days = study, do any kind of work or chores that need doing, anything someone else wants me to do, or any serious stuff. I guess you can flip the even and odd days if you like that better. Also I agree with the nonas mentioning caffeine, a coffee a day is healthy enough, and for an extra supplement an energy drink once or twice a week can be a good supplement if you need an extra boost but limit it to that because yeah it can be very addictive and probably not good to do too much.

Anonymous 298341

This is a super unique solution, I may have to try it out this week and report back on how it goes. Does it help with school/work/life balance?

Anonymous 298471

no it has caffeine


Air up ads Anonymous 298361[Reply]

These Air up ads give me piss kink vibes. Who the hell thought these were a good idea?

Anonymous 298362

>Every time somebody makes a gross joke they're actually a fetishist.
This line of thinking is annoying. The ad is stupid and not funny but come on. Also we have the technology to block these now.


Anonymous 298274[Reply]

Can anyone link to me the old iq thread on crystal cafe?

Anonymous 298277

yall have to stop being obsessed with this pseudoscience bs. even if it's for shit and giggles

Anonymous 298356

that comment sounds like the 3L psychosophy type …


Anonymous 298141[Reply]

I made a new meme template. Help me fill in the blank with something funny.

Anonymous 298177

Cringe tamers.

Anonymous 298184

His Sonic stuff is cringe but his mlp parody is actually really good. Watch his Death of Twilight Sparkle movie if you don't believe me.

Anonymous 298355

i think i know you


Anonymous 298348[Reply]

This movie ruined white men

Anonymous 298354

not to mention the whole hangover franchise

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