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Anonymous 300945[Reply]

Is there ANY way to age gracefully?

Or does life just go to shit after like 36 and there's no real way to avoid this?
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Anonymous 301109

women age gracefully by default
moids don't and they have no chance to

Anonymous 301567

This is as helpful as a subliminals YouTube video.

Have a good haircut, dress well, smile, be worth for more than just your appearance.

Anonymous 301616

Don't get fat, don't let your skin go to shit (protip: UV radiation, liquor and tobacco are your biggest enemies) and take care of your hair.

That's like 90% of the physical side of "aging gracefully" right there.

Anonymous 301640

yes im aging gracefully like my mom did

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301652

Moved to >>>/hb/21193.


Are you more like your mother or your father? Anonymous 138934[Reply]

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Anonymous 295988

I didn't meet my father until much later in life, so I just naturally drew parellels with my mother. Once we did meet I realised we're exactly alike and that's why my mother resents me so much. I don't know if it's an inheritable condition, but we're both quiet, latched into stoicism as teenagers, and neither of us is particularly emotional, yet we're both prone to melancholy and depression, and we're both unerringly calm during stress. Neither of us processes sadness or grief well, though in different ways, and we both fail to be romantic/intimate enough to keep a longterm relationship. We're both naturally good at science, math and technology, chose to pursue a pure-science career and transitioned into more humanitarian-focused fields around 30 years old. We think the same way about moral, ethical, social and even political issues, despite growing up in completely diametrically opposing environments. While we might not look alike, I inherited his hair, eyes, skin tone and height against the odds.

Anonymous 295992

I look exactly like a lanky version of my grandma on my dad's side when she was my age. Personality wise I am nothing like either of them.
My dad's very perfectionist who can redo things 20 times without satisfaction and my mom is extremely opinionated on everything. They're also extremely extroverted and I'm shy as a mofo. I am just a moron who sort of goes with the flow.

Anonymous 296001

like my mother, overall she is a mess so i think i rather just have to accept that im a bit fucked so yes

Anonymous 301578

I'm kind of like my dad but I think I'm becoming more aware of the traits I've inherited from him. I used to not relate to my mum at all but I'm much more appreciative of her now. I also have the same face as her and as she's getting older she looks more and more like her own mum which scares me because it reminds me that her mind will go.

Anonymous 301597

Looks wise I've always been told I look like my father until I got older and now everyone says I'm just like my mother in the way I talk, walk, act, etc. Personality wise way more like my father; highly emotional, insecure, anxious, etc. I hate it but there's not much to do about it.


Anonymous 300965[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?
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Anonymous 301085

i got it from one of those dumb online skincare websites lol. i chatted with a nurse, sent her a pic of my teenage acne, and she gave me the rx

funnily enough i did find out about the breast swelling side effect bc a troon on tiktok made a video about it. it works for women too though as my friend had the same side effect

Anonymous 301535

>Why do skinny girls even want these?

Looks way better.

Anonymous 301549

ive been on spiro for 6 months now and my boobs have stayed the same and I still get the occasional pimple…. Why is life so unfair

Anonymous 301591

I love being flat chested,no tits,nipples only

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301599

Moved to >>>/hb/21174.


Anonymous 301339[Reply]

How do you cope with living in a society?
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Anonymous 301515

shutting the brain off and pretending to be some cutesy shoujo protagonist usually makes daily tasks easier

Anonymous 301517

I lift weights, drink tea, keep a clean home and play vidya. It doesn’t really keep the existential horror at bay but at least I feel stronk and my house is nice

Anonymous 301537

killing myself

Anonymous 301552

Cooking food that is so yummy it makes me forget. Or make up stories in my head that I might as well write short stories about, or comics. But I dont because I am lazy

Anonymous 301556

making my dream life in the sims


Anonymous 301171[Reply]

When was the last time you went out on a date and how was it?
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Anonymous 301349

I hate men

Anonymous 301474

I went to Happy Lamb with my bf. The food was really good but the service was bad and some buffet plates had hair on them. And people were talking way too loudly.

Anonymous 301538

Never been to one, no idea how to get into one either but i don't care lol

Anonymous 301539

I like date nights with my boyfriend. He always pays like a gentleman, but really I wouldn't even mind. I just like being around him.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301600


Anonymous 301513[Reply]

What is the appeal of anime and manga?

Anonymous 301514

Cartoons and comics are entertaining, and Americans don't make good cartoons and comics any more, so naturally people fly to the Japanese.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301516

Moved to >>>/media/36344.


accountability thread Anonymous 181390[Reply]

Post long-term or short-term goals you have so other nonas can keep you accountable. Updates, honesty, and kindness are encouraged.
94 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 271662

updated my routine a bit:

bunpo app
akebi kanji practice
anki sets
read news or novel

Anonymous 297161

I haven't been using my textbook. I finished the bunpo jlpt n1 course but I still do reviews. I've been slacking on news articles, too.

new daily routine:
anki kanji and grammar decks
read 1 news article
read novel or manga
write at least 3 sentences and have them corrected

Anonymous 299166

Changed my routine, I can feel a lot of improvement lately:

business Japanese anki
jlpt all levels grammar anki
kanji radicals anki
grammar app n1 review
nihongo no mori n1 grammar videos
read manga

Anonymous 299217

Exercise 3 days a week M W F
Ride bike 3 days a week at minimum T T S
IPL 3 days a week T T S
Memrise and Anki every day
You’re doing amazing and it’s so heartening to see your updates. I’m rooting for you!

Anonymous 301484

my goals are to
-stop craving fast food
-lose weight..
-get more female friends


Anonymous 288085[Reply]

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Anonymous 301464

I'm saying it makes me sad that most women don't have the funny gene. I mean you do you and I'm sure most suggestions here will probably taste fine, but guess what, 99% of everything you can reasonably think of will probably taste good. It's fucking rice, you can eat razor wire and broken glass shards and it will probably still taste ok. This is a facebook-mom tier engagement bait question. Why not at least make it funny?

Anonymous 301465

if by moids you mean your mom and by rice you mean strap-on, and by eat you mean fuck, then yes, I do indeed like to eat moids with my rice.

Anonymous 301469

>Oke so not to derail
too late nona, this thread is about rice and the culinary possibilities it entails. No other discussions will be tolerated. You're going straight to prison for that one, no bail, no trial. Please choose a gang you wish to join prior to incarceration from this list here, unless you wish to remain gang-less and be forced to eat lunch alone and risk getting judgemental stares from across the dining hall every time you eat.

Anonymous 301470

my beautiful angel of an ex and 100 mice

Anonymous 301475

chicken and broccoli


Nichole from Class of '09 is my ideal self Anonymous 301426[Reply]

I can't describe how much I identify with her, how much better my life would have been if, instead of being a stuck up naive little girl until 25, I'd said what I thought and very clearly told everyone who wanted to take advantage of me to fuck off, if I'd given no importance to what others were thinking of me and I'd had the courage to do the opposite of what my parents wanted me to do.

Sorry if you think /feels/ would have been a better place to post this.

Anonymous 301434

Just watch a Let's Play on youtube
Also, check out these animated shorts

Anonymous 301439

another class of 09 nona, Jecka is my ideal self xD

Anonymous 301441

It's just a visual novel, you can either pirate it or watch a let's play online.

Anonymous 301453


Literally just Patrick Bateman for women.

Hates the opposite gender? Check.
Insanely rude? Check.
Egotistical? Check.
Attractive? Check.
Drug addicted? Check.
Hates almost everybody around them? Check.
Money obsessed? Check
Looked up to as "literally me" by many? Check.

I could go on and on, but the biggest difference is obviously gender and that one of them is far more open about what they think. But I repeat myself. Overall, almost every character in the Co09 and AP is absolutely messed up in the head and I personally do not wish to look up to every single aspect of their personality, but some parts, such as Nicole's wariness of being taken advantage of, can be useful to some extent. To be able to sacrifice a little bit of kindness for safety can go long way, but not to the point of turning everybody against you and being an asshole, such as in the prison and Ari routes, where even Jecka starts to hate her.


Brazilian anonettes Anonymous 154423[Reply]

Where are you? This place seems more active and interesting than most of brazilian chans nowadays.
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Anonymous 295993


Cadê o Magali??? Alguma anã sabe de algo?

Anonymous 296963

Ja voltou

Anonymous 297189

where do you get your clothes?

Anonymous 297210

i dont think this nona is still here but cola num HH da UFSC né porra

Anonymous 297323


that's unfortunate

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