Are you more like your mother or your father? Anonymous 138934[Reply]
60 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.Anonymous 295988
I didn't meet my father until much later in life, so I just naturally drew parellels with my mother. Once we did meet I realised we're exactly alike and that's why my mother resents me so much. I don't know if it's an inheritable condition, but we're both quiet, latched into stoicism as teenagers, and neither of us is particularly emotional, yet we're both prone to melancholy and depression, and we're both unerringly calm during stress. Neither of us processes sadness or grief well, though in different ways, and we both fail to be romantic/intimate enough to keep a longterm relationship. We're both naturally good at science, math and technology, chose to pursue a pure-science career and transitioned into more humanitarian-focused fields around 30 years old. We think the same way about moral, ethical, social and even political issues, despite growing up in completely diametrically opposing environments. While we might not look alike, I inherited his hair, eyes, skin tone and height against the odds.
Anonymous 295992
I look exactly like a lanky version of my grandma on my dad's side when she was my age. Personality wise I am nothing like either of them.
My dad's very perfectionist who can redo things 20 times without satisfaction and my mom is extremely opinionated on everything. They're also extremely extroverted and I'm shy as a mofo. I am just a moron who sort of goes with the flow.
Anonymous 296001
like my mother, overall she is a mess so i think i rather just have to accept that im a bit fucked so yes
Anonymous 301578
I'm kind of like my dad but I think I'm becoming more aware of the traits I've inherited from him. I used to not relate to my mum at all but I'm much more appreciative of her now. I also have the same face as her and as she's getting older she looks more and more like her own mum which scares me because it reminds me that her mind will go.
Anonymous 301597
Looks wise I've always been told I look like my father until I got older and now everyone says I'm just like my mother in the way I talk, walk, act, etc. Personality wise way more like my father; highly emotional, insecure, anxious, etc. I hate it but there's not much to do about it.