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Screenshot 2023-10…

Moid Ls Anonymous 257303[Reply]

Let's have a "moids posting their Ls online" thread. I have a small folder of screenshots that I mainly collected from 4chan. If any of you suffered from the misogyny on that website (which I'm sure a lot of you did), remember that these are the kind of moids that shit on women.
31 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 261707


Anonymous 262123

This has been living in my head for a few days now, and I just have to ask myself: am I that much better than him? Instead of forming relationships with rl people I get attached to fictional characters and content creators.
I mean, I guess I'm not at the point where I'm buying their stupid merch or otherwise spending money on them…

Anonymous 262128

I hate that I know that it's a pathetic coomer moid, but still can't help but feel bad for him for some reason. Probably because he doesn't look like the kind of unhinged person who would actually buy a sex doll.

Anonymous 266896

This one could go in a modern art exhibit.

Anonymous 266978

Finasteride cost 7 dollars


Nature and Outdoors Anonymous 238704[Reply]

Thread is for all things outdoor and outdoor-life related. Do you feed any foxes? Birds? Corvids? Like to occasionally be a child and catch a gecko? Everytime I see something like a small snake outside I get excited. I like to feed herps crickets, etc, when I find them.

Anyone here into nature photography or jumping spiders? Or just hiking, beachgoing in general?

Discuss all things outdoors here.
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Anonymous 266691

There are hummingbirds going to my feeder I'm so excited. I was watering plants and this one guy was 2 ft away from meeee.

Anonymous 266695

I wish my country had hummers. Beautiful little bird-insects

Anonymous 266760

Thank you for your service! o7

Anonymous 266949

I just started renting with a guy who owns the house and he keeps a beautiful garden that is absolutely filled with wildlife because it backs onto a fenced nature reserve. I started feeding the birds just a few days ago and I had no idea these beautiful frogmouths could be so tame. I hand feed them and they let me stroke their feathers. They even lean in and extend their necks to let me stroke their sides before they fluff up and take off. The bees, both honey and native, are so used to a human presence in the garden that they give us a wide berth and simply pollenate all the native flowers that've escaped the wildlife preserve to flourish here. I have a bittersweet feeling seeing two native bee nests here, knowing they're like calm refuges for them during their own little apocalypse.

Anonymous 266974

this is literally my dream


Do you? Anonymous 266106[Reply]

Is there any crypto user on this board? I need your help.

Anonymous 266862

I'm in crypto, specifically in a memecoin project that has a lot of potential, but what do you want to know exactly? Also how well can you tolerate being around moids in telegram groups? Because if you join some shitcoin you will want to be in a telegram channel surounded by sexist stupid moids

Anonymous 266869



Anonymous 266944

How much you are holding if may I ask?


TiM/TiF Clocking Quiz Anonymous 264622[Reply]

Less than happy with my initial 2 tries, but doing well since 3 and 4 here. What about the rest of you miners?

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Anonymous 266746

I got a 70% for mine, the image won't post for some reason

Anonymous 266748


Here's the results card

Anonymous 266765

Anonymous 266852

You Will Never Be Weezer?

Anonymous 266860


70%, but most of these pics were just filtered faces. If you took these as full-body mugshots with no filter, hands/hips/head ratio visible, and no angle fuckery it would be 95%. Most of the 5% left for the women who can trick you into thinking they're men because women are amazing and can do anything. It would go to 100% in real life because I feel the same way about an initially-passing transman as I do about very sick people. The hair on the back of my neck stands up.

Is pic related a woman? She just looks like my kindergarten teacher with weird eyebrows.


BIO CHAN thread #3 Anonymous 237226[Reply]

Previous thread:
Thread for posting your artworks, memes and general OC for Bio chan.
>Who is Bio chan?
She is a terf character often represented by wearing a science coat and with DNA-like hair that likes to remind trannies that they will never be their desired oposite sex. Bio chan as in "Biology chan": reminding troons of their inherent and inescapable biology. Her personnality changes based on the artist because she isn't fully established yet. If there are little tweaks and things you want to change/add feel free! There are currently 2 designs for Bio chan: one labelled GNC (with shorter hair as seen in in picrel) and one who isn't (with long pigtails and more traditionally femenine appearance). Feel free to draw either.
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Anonymous 265419

Fascinating phenomena. You're my favourite biochan now

Anonymous 266785

>inherent and inescapable biology
As a PhD in molecular biology, this is funny. Biology is much more complicated and flexible than what normies tend to imply. In reality trannies who took hormones and got surgery have changed their genetic expression, and the earlier they block their testosterone the more notorious the phenotypical effects are. I don't think they are biologically female perse but they are also not biologically male. Neurology is not my field and this is more an anecdote but in my experience interacting with both, some appear to be more female-like minded while others appear to be autistic moids with a fetish. The former tend also to blend as women.

Anonymous 266801

damn pretty good bait you got there sis

Anonymous 266803


Anonymous 266808

holy shit this is fucking GOLD


hi Anonymous 224124[Reply]

hi hello this is my first time posting i dont know if its okay to make stupud threads here

how are you guys doing? let's talk and post your pets
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Anonymous 224258


Least we have these dopey babies to keep us sane:)

Anonymous 224262

Sadly not, hes terribly skittish, he doesnt let me pet him even when hes eating. Hes wont hide if hes outside but he’ll stay at least 3ft away though

Anonymous 224515

cats with scarfs are so cute

Anonymous 266680


My lizer, I love him a lot :)

Anonymous 266681

Omfg this is precious


Are you more like your mother or your father? Anonymous 138934[Reply]

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Anonymous 266575

Grandma (in appearance) :D
In personality my father, but we aren't that similar. Though I picked some of his traits.
I don't look that much like my mom but I look like her more than my dad

Anonymous 266597

I am more like my dad.

Anonymous 266602

i look like a female version of my father and nothing like my mother, and my mother loves to remind me that i'm nothing like her, that i'm a failure unlike my siblings who resemble her, and she wishes i would have died when she cracked my skull open as a baby.

Anonymous 266670

Hm, I am short like my mom (wish I was tall like a dad), but I don't closely look like neither her, nor my father.
Personality-wise, I'd say, I am a mix of both. On the inside, I am angry and impulsive like my dad, but I manage to somehow control my emotions (unlike him) and come off as calm and kind person like my mother. She also passed down her neuroticism on me, while father passed down his analytical thinking and sense of humor on me.

Anonymous 266673

I have my father's face and I hate it. My mom divorced him when I was 3, he did a lot of terrible things to us when he was drunk. I saw him in a wedding picture and our resemblance has haunted me my whole life. I'm so close to coming in terms with my ugly manly face but every time I see a photo of myself - he's looking back at me. He's been gone my whole life but he still manages to hurt me, this is so unfair.


I have crafted about 10% of the posts on this image board. Anonymous 266600[Reply]

You don't know me but I'm a 37 yo who gets bored as hell at her job and at home. I come online and screw with you all.

And this board is still dead! what more can I give you cc? Let us make an offering to the image board g0ddess CICI and pray for her health and longevity.

The rat in my talon represents a ratfuck internet moids everywhere.
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Anonymous 266603


Blessings and praises to our reptilian internet goddess

Anonymous 266611

Same i'm always here, love you nonas

Anonymous 266612

thank you for your service

Anonymous 266669



Hail to Cece!

(picrel is how her species look like)

Anonymous 266671

cc ftw


crush thread Anonymous 26570[Reply]

tell us/gush about your crush!

anything - be it just an exchange you two had, a whole story of how you two met/started liking eachother, a bit about them? do they like you back? whatever!

i'll go first - i really like this guy whos nicer than anyone else i've met. he has blonde hair and a very cute grin and glasses. he walked up to me and told me i seemed lonely and he made me feel so welcome around others. we've had a few brief conversations and he's exactly my type. i don't know if he likes me back or not for sure but we've exchanged a few heart emojis. the first time he sent me one i thought it was a mistake and ignored it (whoops) but he walked up to the glass of a room i was in and made a heart at me through the glass, and that's the most romantic thing i've ever experienced. (yes i have never had bf)

your turn!!
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Anonymous 265995

My mind went blank and I remembered the horror of finding out all my crushes are misogynistic

Anonymous 266019

junior year at uni, transferred from a community college cause poor childhood and all
significantly older than my peers, always feeling alone because of that
still regularly exercise (its my hobby), take care of myself, and keep my hopes up (young adults are way too worried about what other people think about them, that high school mentality)
in one of my classes theres this hot guy, deep voice, glasses and perfect facial hair and not balding, hes social yet focused on school, plus hes my age and a bit older
see him in the gym, he has an absolutely amazing body and great work ethic, start imagining a life together
start talking to him in class more about our hobby of working out and he's super nice and we share useful information per our specialties
i even make him laugh uncontrollably one day in class, his bellowing laugh filing the room
i talk to him more about class and everything, ask him if he'd like to do some of our coursework together
hes super busy but i am too so i get it, joke its because his girlfriend wont let him which he confirms a week or two later
invite him out to a halloween party one day when i caught him outside of the gym when i was leaving and he was arriving, he gives me a tentative yes
he showed up super late but we spent over an hour talking about the rough stuff we went through in life and how we've managed to make it past it all
other people at the party see us together and boys even rowdily talk about how hot he is, interrupting our conversation to get a look at him and shout about it to the others lol?
for once i actually feel understood and safe. he walks me home, im a bit drunk but hes okay because hes sober (he had just like a drink that night cause he was visibly nervous (so cute))
practically tucks me into bed after our deep conversation walking to my apartment in the dark, and stays a bit at the threshold of my room talking to me. i still imagine him there sometimes
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 266064

this is the most stupid thing i have ever read, the prime age of men for marriage is unironically 18, everything after that they only collect mental issues and other lifestyle problems.

Anonymous 266559

Having crushes on men gave me a permanent dissociation from reality out of emotional trauma. Do not recommend

Anonymous 266659

She's so fucking shy, we talk to each other everysingle day but im not sure if she likes me or not.
i have never had a crush like this before, older than me but shy af


Anyone have experience working in coffee shops Anonymous 256736[Reply]

How was it? Would you recommend it as a temporary job?
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Anonymous 257013

I hated my coffee shop job more than any other job I’ve had and I’ve worked at McDonald’s but it was a fancy coffee shop with an…intense customer service ethos. Some of those jobs want you to create the friendship experience with customers which is honestly sick as they are customers so it’s a one sided delusion that you have to smile through. Baristas can also be nasty and intense.

Anonymous 266131

Had a friend who used to work for a small chain in Northern California what would take everyone's tips from every chain and then split it up evenly. She didn't like that had a big fight with the boss then quit.

Anonymous 266136

I wanted to work at Starbucks when I was younger but they rejected me. Kinda glad I never ended up doing it now.

Anonymous 266567

i kind of want to work as a waiter, im not that afraid of shitty costumers but of bad employers who underpay you for long hours. im also thinking of doing delivery or being a taxi driver. dont really fear my safety or anything i just have a feeling they wont accept a woman there easily

Anonymous 266646

Current local coffee shop worker here. In terms of dead-end jobs, it isn’t too bad. Co-workers are fairly high IQ compared to other dead end jobs I’ve worked and customers tend to be polite.

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