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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298326[Reply]

What is the appeal of yaoi and shipping men in manga/anime?

Anonymous 298345

hand fetishism
safe horni

Anonymous 298666

I liked the homoeroticism in Black Butler but I’ve always thought the fanfics were cringe. It doesn’t work with the canon unless you’re into doomed yaoi or whatever


Anonymous 298338[Reply]

It's sad girl hours, girls


Water cooler thread! Anonymous 296657[Reply]

whats up, whats new in your life, what's been on your mind? shows, books, movies etc, all are welcome

Anonymous 296660

I watched The Wild Robot and it was kino

Anonymous 296664


I've been reading The Great Gatsby, cause it is on the list of the Rory Gilmore Challenge, but I'm felling very frustrated cause for me, the book is too boring, like, I could't care less about that rich people drama.
I hate when I watch or read some classic stuff and don't like it, it fells like I'm dumb, and don't know how to appreciate art.

Anonymous 296668

i feel u nona, I feel like I'm too stupid to understand most movies. Thats why I hardly watch anything, I'm faceblind too so i don't recognize actors ever

Anonymous 296681

The in-laws keep asking me how the job hunts going and it’s going very poorly. I get ghosted from so many employers, I don’t even get a call back or email back from over 1000+ job ads I responded to.
Welp, guess I’ll just look like I’m not good enough for their precious wittle boy

Anonymous 296837

i want a gross gf so bad, no one ik irl is dykey enough for me


Traveling Anonymous 140376[Reply]

Have you done it before? Which places did you go to? How was it like? Any recommendations?
295 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298143


I've never been outside the US, maybe someday. Hawaii is the furthest away I've been. Absolutely would recommend.

Anonymous 298146


do you have to wear a burqa when you go outside

Anonymous 298173


what a fun map

Anonymous 298182

You went there/are from there? What do you like about it?

Anonymous 298183



Exciting new technology Anonymous 297842[Reply]

Adventures in science

Anonymous 297853

In a perfect world this would happen to all rapists and pedos

Anonymous 297854

>>297853 I wish , honestly .. like I bet a lot of us would be better off if that did happen


Anonymous 298080[Reply]

What is she drinking?

Anonymous 298082

hidden boba

Anonymous 298085


Anonymous 298086


Anonymous 298087


Anonymous 298117

orange soder


Anonymous 298159[Reply]

I hate being a wageslave I hate having to work bullshit jobs!!!!!!!!!!! Who else ready to quit their job and go back to NEETdom I can’t take it anymore!!!!!


WV or Pittburgh nonnies? Anonymous 298021[Reply]

Am I truly the only WVfag on here? I feel like there's no hope. Live close to SW PA though.

Anonymous 298022

isn't wv really white trash and maga? feels like hell to live in if you're a miner

Anonymous 298026

It is, but I am in a college town so it's less shit. However it is sadly troon infested.

Anonymous 298030

yeah they're everywhere it seems. at least you're around younger people so you don't have to deal with annoying boomers


Anonymous 297006[Reply]

What the hell is the japanese writing system and how am i supposed to learn it all if i wanna be fluent in japanese? Theres 50000 kanji? And according to wikipedia the usage of kana is much rarer than the usage of kanji? If it was only kana then id be good off
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Anonymous 297702

But if you were say… reading a menu in china? What if you were trying to survive on the street? Could you read grocery store? Could you read police station? Also I mean if the words are rearranged in a sentance couldn't you still make out the meaning most of the time? I know chinese syntax is very similar to english.

Anonymous 297734

> What if you were trying to survive on the street?
You might be able to read signs and understand enough words to make transactions. If you had to talk to people you probably couldn't understand them at all.
> menu in china
You could probably read menu items
> grocery store
I looked up the chinese word for grocery store (杂货店) and I couldn't read it beacause it used chinese characters that aren't used in japan (Specifically 杂 and 货 don't show up in my japanese dictionary). After looking them up in a chinese-english dictionary 货 is a simplified form of 貨 which I do know, and 杂 is a simplified form of 雜 which I know. I know the japanese word 雑貨店 (which means general store) but I wouldn't have known 杂货店 was a simplified spelling of the same word.
> what about police station
The chinese word for police station "警察局" I could understand because the japanese word for police is "警察" and "局" is the kanji for office.
> Also I mean if the words are rearranged in a sentance couldn't you still make out the meaning most of the time? I know chinese syntax is very similar to english.
I don't know much about chinese but I'm pretty sure the grammatical words (called particles) are written in kanji whereas the gramatical words are written in kana in Japanese. So I don't know any of the chinese particles.

Japanese mainly uses kanji for nouns and verbs, and uses kana for grammar. So learning Japanese will help you with learning verbs and nouns but not so much with grammar. If you went out of your way to study chinese particles you could probably somewhat understand sentences.

> Also I mean if the words are rearranged in a sentance couldn't you still make out the meaning most of the time?

It depends on the size of the sentence. The larger the sentence gets, the harder it becomes to guess the meaning. For instance "She pet the dog" would be fairly easy to read, but a sentence like "The owner of the manor will accompany you to the Sunday afternoon meeting if you allow her daughter to join your son's sleepover on Saturday next week" requires a good grasp of English grammar, and would be extremely hard to decipher if you didn't know any of the English Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 297776

Wow you’re really knowledgeable, how long have you been studying for? Did you self teach or take lessons? Do you have any japanese friends you talk / write to on the daily?

Anonymous 297914

this is bullshit don't listen to this anon
there are only like 2000 you need to actually memorize. trust me its actually easy- you've memorized much more than 2000 things in your life, haven't you? you have more than 2000 memories, you're making memories every second. the brain is an incredibly powerful tool.

Anonymous 297922

what memorization technique do you recommend that isn't by radicals?


Anonymous 296658[Reply]

Why are humans such cruel animals?
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Anonymous 297483

my boyfriend says that i am literally temple grandin. i take that as a complement.

Anonymous 297500


>humans have empathy and are able of going against instinct


Anonymous 297501

Alright, women have empathy and are capable of going against instinct.

Anonymous 297513

Proving her point…

Anonymous 297875

Yeah. Apparently scrotes fought her every step of the way even though any retard with two brain cells to rub together realized less stressed out animals are easier to manage and therefore can be slaughtered more efficiently.

Anyways, scrotes are disgusting. I want humans to be replaced by whiptail lizards

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