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Anonymous 296798[Reply]

Have any of you joined the military or considered it?
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Anonymous 296990

I am literally considering joining the chair force because it's the only way I believe I can get a real job in my desired field at this point. I actually do have a 2 year degree in cybersecurity. I don't even know if they would take me though, I don't know how much lying about my medical history I could get away with.
>you will hate most of the other women you meet because the military is very attractive to some very specific kinds of women
pls elaborate, also what job did you do?

Anonymous 296992

A lot of women join the military because they're over-masculine pickmes who want to prove they aren't like other girls. They see joining the military as proof of just how totally cool and different they are, then find themselves surrounded by extremely fit, Type A men. They will spend the rest of their career being a sex toy for as many "high value" men as possible, living off their validation and desire; totally unaware they're not just using her, but using her up. Eventually being a barracks bunny will limit your career options down to menial deskwork and marrying your E-3 babydaddy. The only escape is cultural liason, but that's just graduating to being a sex toy for special forces.

I signed up for engineering corps because it'd pay for an engineering degree. Technically my job was to oversee technical relief and repair efforts, but outside of restoring some infrastructure in Iraq, all I did was a lot of office work and manage a team considered so dumb they were a liability to the motorpool.

Anonymouse 296994

I consider the army every once in awhile. I want to join for the experience it'll give me. I'm 30; still got time before the cut-off age

Anonymous 297024

Do you know anything about the quality of life in the air force vs the army? The reason I'm considering the air force is because everyone has always told me it's for more reserved nerdy types. The type of women you mention generally eat me alive. I'm a passive little bitch but i'm used to being yelled at and stuff

Anonymous 297029

The air force is much slower tempo, more focused on academics and technical fields and generally requires higher IQs, lower physical scores. You'll still have to do some pretty gruelling tests, but most of it will be in considerably more luxury than the army. Rucks are shorter and lighter, courses have fewer obstacles and easier time requirements, even morning PT is lighter and a lot nicer. The kind of women who join the air force and navy will still include barracks bunnies, but they'll be a lot less intense. They might not be any nicer, but less aggressive and you'll find a lot more women like yourself or at least compassionate enough not to haze you for it.


Anonymous 258666[Reply]

What kind of jobs can you have as a woman that doesn't require you to have a degree or to deal with people? Working in food service or in retail makes me depressed
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Anonymous 296540

Become a deep sea welder Nona. That job pays well too.

Anonymous 296922

try landscaping, Its a labour job but I enjoy it alot

Anonymous 296957

Night shifts are a paradise tbh. No matter the type of job, they're generally more chill - no rush hours, no people to deal with. Plus not as much competition I guess, since not a lot of people are willing to compromise their lifestyle for a job

Anonymous 296975



>usually don't need a degree for a more specialized publication
>-> can later apply to a better but less forgiving place with more experience
>can work from home
>-> no office drama or transportation expenses
>get to express at least some creativity

>need to be good at writing and with your native language in general
>likely the same for English if ESL speaker
>might have to cover uncomfortable topics (troon/handmaiden/gossip/other) if unlucky
>might get green ink from nutters

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymouse 296995


Anonymous 296940[Reply]

Anonymous 296969

Cool but I have better things to waste 80 minutes at.

Anonymouse 296993

Thank you


Anonymous 296636[Reply]

New Zealand

Anonymous 296921

got my car impounded at the last boyracer meet. fml. I hate Masterton

Anonymous 296928



What do you think of marriage? Anonymous 255619[Reply]

In an ideal world, I'd never get married. What's your views on it?
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Anonymous 296912

A rich moid would be lucky to have a nona.

Anonymous 296915

>lucky to have someone leave him and take half his stuff in alimony

Anonymous 296916


>Lucky to have a Nona rake half his stuff

Anonymous 296917

In your head

Anonymous 296926

I'm married and I hate it. My husband turned super controlling as soon as we were married even though we were together for a very long time begforehand. I'm infinitely jealous of people who "married their best friend." I kind of think they're all lying but it's probably cope on my part.

Screen Shot 2024-1…

Moment of Silence For 4chan Anonymous 296860[Reply]

It is so shocking they actually did it. They actually implemented email verification on every board. I noped out of there so fast and never going back. RIP our imageboard friend. I'm sure we all have such fond memories from the one that started it all.
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Anonymous 296880

Thanks to the CSAM through the internet, this will only get worse. Maybe lolcow and cc should implement this too

Anonymous 296885

It doesn't actually work.

Anonymous 296886

There is literally no discussion on there at all anymore. It's just mindless culture war gotcha sperging and race spam. You'll just get met with trolls if you try to talk about ANYTHING else. They need to just start forcing mods to moderate for quality control, not just US law violations. That's the only way they could fix the site, but then all the subhuman faggots who "miss the old /b/" will get assmad.

Anonymous 296903

That’s what I really don’t understand about these new “anti-spam” measures like the countdown captcha and email verification. All it accomplishes is turning the few remaining human users away for good and makes it easier for AI bots. Time doesn’t matter to them, but humans can just exit the tab and go find an altchan to post on.

Anonymous 296904

I used to think it was fed entrapment, but I have a hunch that CloudFlare is the one behind that to extort websites into becoming customers.


maki is so fire Anonymous 296854[Reply]


It's Spooky Month Anonymous 295816[Reply]

Post something spooky
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Anonymous 296698

like seriously imagine not leaving someone alone / not directly talking to someone who a very specific group of people has a problem with, making other people pay for it because
they are fucking
cowards i hate them i hope they choke on their own blood i hate them stupid fucking cowards they need to die

Anonymous 296707

Anonymous 296828

Anonymous 296829

Anonymous 296833

gonna show this to my therapist so she can give the green light for them to euthanize me. why are moids like this?


Princess movies brainwashing little girls Anonymous 164486[Reply]

Last night I was babysitting and remebered a little film I used to watch when I was little called Thumbelina. I turned it on because I hadn't seen it in a long time, not remembering much of the plot.

The whole damn movie is about this teenage girl getting KIDNAPPED by creepy rapey old moids obviously intended to be old enough to be her father, or being coerced into marriage by creepy women who stand something to gain from her marital prospects.
Thumbelina herself doesn't have much of a character, she's just "uwu sweet and soft and beautiful wittle girl" and for no reason side characters who also have no personality jump to help her.
Of course she gets saved by le handsome prince at the end, who she knew for 2 seconds, and he ALSO risked his life for her.

The takeaway:
"women are prizes to be bargained and sold to the male of highest value"

Also the character design for the toad family is frankly really racist. Its hilarious. I think she is kidnapped by them at 20 minutes of the movie https://youtu.be/QwgGnYUhqOg
Her son's name is literally "gringo", and here is thr hilarious over sexualized design of Mrs. Toad.
And this wasnt a 50s movie like lady and the tramp (don't let the garbage animation let you think otherwise) its from 1994!! The racism really can't be excused.

This is the RAPIEST and most RACIST princess movie of all fucking time.
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Anonymous 296749

A lot of white moids have this attitude of knocking up non white women and running eldest like in Philippines
Think it was a native woman that married a Spaniard and having his kid , played a big role in helping conquer aztecs and other native tribes

Anonymous 296768

Spaniards aren't white

Anonymous 296779

they are lmao

Anonymous 296791

A good life lesson is the one that is true. For the last 1000 years if you see a powerful man he had 99% of the time a beautiful wife, sometimes there was more than just beauty, but this is not the point. Keep in mind women have equal right for ~100 years and this is not the case for every part of the world. Almost all muslim countries restrict women right and muslims become larger % of earth population year by year. Also we are one nuclear war away from going 1000 years back as species if not more.

Shrek straight up is propping you for fail if you take its lesson at face value. Sure its message look good on paper but in real life it will be a disaster unlike the old fairy tales.

Also please be honest do you think prince Charming or Farquaad are worse than some random Saudi prince? What do you think it will happen to someone who not try to court his arrange marriage future wife but also is sitting on something said prince desire? If the answer is not ending up chopped up in suitcase your answer is wrong.

>>275164 what is the point to live your life just trying to prove everyone everyone wrong (and failing at that), you just wasted your life and you only have one.

tldr Old fairy tales give may come as shallow but the lesson they give still holds true because people are shallow, stories like Shrek are too idealistic to work in real life, if you adhere to some unrealistic moral code you will just get endlessly screwed by people who take shortcuts and have no morals.

Anonymous 296794



Anonymous 296196[Reply]

Is posting on Lolcow not working for anyone else? I get a message saying "A system error occurred. Please try again in 30 seconds." when I try.
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Anonymous 296514

doesn't work

Anonymous 296515

samefag tried without a vpn, same result so it's definitely not a vpn issue

Anonymous 296525

Wtf were the deleted posts?

Anonymous 296526


Anonymous 296788

I have never seen a place so openly self-loathing and aggressively cannibalistic. The mods seem to hate their own website. It's like they don't even want to talk about lolcows with their obsession of saging and red texting posts. For example, how are YouTubers NOT considered lolcows? Frankly, all YouTubers are lolcows by virtue of publicly uploading on YouTube.

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