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Google sued by Russia for over $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Anonymous 300625[Reply]

Thoughts on this? Do you think this will be taken seriously or will Google just shrug it off? How high do you think it will go? It’s doubling every week as well. Did you know what a decillion even was prior to this (I did!)? I haven’t followed this situation in a while so feel free to share any updates I just find this very funny


Anonymous 300645

Russia is a a deeply unserious country

Anonymous 300691


Anonymous 300699


Anonymous 301391

That's not saying much at least not compared to land of the corporations

Anonymous 301395

Who cares lol? What's Russia gonna do? Even if it was somehow unlawful to ban blatant lies, if Russia expects Google to obey these nonexistent laws maybe they should start by obeying the existent laws themselves kek


Anonymous 273609[Reply]

Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
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Anonymous 301334

The words I write are fake
Each post is just a mistake
The bots create and reply
Real voices slowly die

Anonymous 301345

most retarded argument i've ever seen itt. are any of you even real

Anonymous 301356

Fuck don’t remind me of them. On par with dolphins, the rapists of the seas

Penguins live a miserable existence. Imagine a long march in an icy landscape
Imagine starving to protect your eggs and keep them warm for months
Imagine every time you want to hunt for food, there’s a risk that the first penguin who jumps dies and gets eaten by an orca or leopard seal

I’m glad I wasn’t born a penguin

Anonymous 301361

Obviously not.

Anonymous 301379


racist nona


Nuclear energy Anonymous 296300[Reply]

Do you have opinions on nuclear energy? Does your place already use it?
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Anonymous 296329

Capitalism is the reason why.

Anonymous 296330

It’s one of the most efficient ways of making electricity ever and completely safe but wrinkly old morons with childhood trauma about nukes hate it for no reason. Or maybe they hate it because they want to prop up the fossil fuel industry. Idk.

Anonymous 296336

Coal and natural gas ought to be conserved as supplements or substitutes for petroleum in the production of synthetic fertilizers. We need to refactor all aspects of food production because the advancements of the Green Revolution rely on depleting resources, and we don't even know if it is really possible to find a substitute for our current synthetic fertilizers.

But there's a lot of disinfo around nuclear power.
Mining uranium does involve producing tail-end products which are worse than lead mining tail ends. Once it is in the plant it may be cleaner than coal electricity, but uranium extraction is not cleaner than other forms of heavy metals mining. Not that solar is entirely clean either–China has entire rivers rendered uninhabitable from cadmium tail ends.
The heavy water involved in plant processes IS required in a specific balance sustain life, and VERY small changes in deuterium concentration affect cell metabolism and apoptosis (you know, the process where a cell decides to kill itself rather than kill you via cancer):
–so there IS an effect on the environment inherent in reducing freshwater heavy water balances. And nuclear reactors DO require freshwater since sodium activates.
"Plant safety" is not just about safety against accident or circumstance. The United States and Israel proved, with StuxNet, that deliberate attacks on nuclear processes can succeed and are highly nationally rewarding. StuxNet was designed specifically to not cause environmental catastrophe, but not every attack will be based on prudence. There are treaties against any attack on nuclear power plants which describe any attack including accidental artillery strike as "nuclear terrorism" to be subjected to immediate international military retaliation, but those treaties were shown for bluff and bluster when Russia (a primary signatory of such treaties) shelled Ukrainian plants.

Anonymous 296363

Not as bad as what people say

Anonymous 296386

The real reason is pretty boring. It's expensive. If reactors with cheaper fuels become available, it'll become way more common.


Artificial Wombs Anonymous 296961[Reply]

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
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Anonymous 298247

kinda a derail but I was autistically interested in snakes since being a kid, I've thought it's so lame how humans have to carry a baby and breastfeed it I wish we could just lay an egg and be over with it except for keeping it warm lol

Anonymous 301313

An artificial womb would be disastrous for every female on the planet. Andrea Dworkin herself said that it would lead to the end of femalekind. Think about it, right now we have a total monopoly on who reproduces. Regardless of any cons associated with that fact, it is a major reason why we haven't been killed off yet. Remember Pygmalion? Moids have been dreaming about getting rid of us for literally thousands of years. Combine this tech with those stupid sexbots and we could see a total femicide.

We must maintain our control of reproduction if we want to continue our harvesting of the moid labor.
The purpose of males in the evolutionary scheme is to be either a stud or a draft horse. The fact of the matter is that its very easy to master the art of manipulating moids, to the point to where it is a perfectly viable strategy to live entirely off their labor as a glorified NEET as so many women have done before.

Moids are slaves, and you are absolutely retarded if you let yourself get mentally overpowered by one. Even the smartest ones are manipulatable to a ridiculous degree.
>p-play with my dick pls
Covert moid post.

Anonymous 301318

Not sure how I feel about this new technology, uneasy?
I think this technology will be beneficial to a minority but harmful to the majority, this technology won't be available to the masses which is good and bad, soon we'll see gene edited children from high society freed from genetic burdens and this could lead to a whole new caste system.
This technology will lead us to the whole overall story of that movie/book, GATTACA.
This is a technology that should be slowly limited, like AI, or else we could be looking at the beginning of the end of standard births, this will come at the entire cost of our agency, should womankind really give up such natural power in the name of equality?

Anonymous 301320

this should be outlawed just for how itll enable pedophile incubation farms and advanced human trafficking trades

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301341

Moved to >>>/hb/21078.


Lolcow.farm VPN hate thread #1 Anonymous 300857[Reply]

I find it extremely suspicious that certain farmers baited the LC hate threads to everliving shit and got them locked, right as the VPN ban got removed on LC and there is an active thread there to discuss the VPN ban itself (of course with anons getting banned for saying negative things about the ban). This thread is specificially for discussing the VPN ban and the future of LC itself, including what future plans the admin might have.
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Anonymous 301009

It's in the mundane shit thread

Anonymous 301015

>Seeing anons saying they want the ban back over some other anon saying she ate soap was bizarre to witness. Whether or not it was a joke or serious, regardless if it seemed unfunny or cringe it's such a strange reason.
Witnessing this infight unfold almost gave me brain cancer. Anons are so sensitive they had a full blown meltdown over fucking eating soap. No one was even saying it was funny, but they kept sperging out. It was so cringey.

Anonymous 301057

That person sounded so bitter and unhappy in general. I really don't understand what's so wrong about having silly little posts, it's the same thing with dumbass shit. I hide or ignore threads I don't like and I ignore posts that don't jive with me. It's easy, fun, and it's free! So nice! I really don't understand the objection to other people having fun even if it's not your cup of tea. Isn't it way easier just to ignore it? Have we lost so much discomfort tolerance that we can't even stand other people goofing off on a non serious Anonymous image board? Is it really that important? I just had something I posted– just to be a little silly and hyperbolic as a treat for a joke– on the lolcows own caps thread calling it an unhinged rant. Is it really so unusual for people to just have fun and goof off? We really have to be so doom and gloom all the time? Doesn't it get tiresome? Lighten the fuck up.

Anonymous 301219

My local IP is banned and I don't get redirected to the mirror site instead when I try to post I get redirected to the post that got me banned with no ban explanation since the mods ban based on a combination of herd rule of other anons, or just your views vs their personal bias. The VPN bans purpose is to curate a echo chamber of the same yes men with no naysayers. The excuse that they need to stamp tradthots is obviously bullshit, most of the sites userbase are some variety of tradthots and sexpos libfems constantly at arms over dick. The crux of many threads is discussing men, dating men, fucking men, fictional men or even here not talking about men like the floor is hot lava proving your male obsession. It's pathetic and sad.

Everytime something controversial is discussed it's moved to 2x where it immediately dies. Even on this site in trying to discuss lc the mods here locked the previous thread for "being off topic" or some arbritrary shit when this may be the last weeks of the site without the ban, like this anon says, there won't be much voices here as they've silenced basically every dissenter >>300860 if anyone cares about the site even to a miniscule degree we need to discuss this now. I do like the honest discussions on lc of media, the art thread, and criticism of retarded women and male violence but The last straw was being temporarily banned for criticising posters posting about their dick sucking. It sucks because there's some really great women on lc but I've had to come to terms with the fact that the site is primarily just autistic sexpos libfem ewhores and tradthots who's only agreements are tranny bad, repeated ad infinitum. The remainder of the site is the catty userbase shitting on other ewhores, other tradthots and mostly female celebrities. Rip the art thread, the media discussion threads, and any minor critique of dick sucking.

Anonymous 301306

The very same Americans who scream that they hate the police state then turn around and support the police.



Anonymous 301301[Reply]

I can't stop eating tomato & mayo sandwiches


Bipolar Anonymous 297994[Reply]

Damn, I think I have it.
Anyone here has it and can leave a message or two? I think I’m losing it, it’s ruining everything, my life, others, and I’m so fed up dealing with just another shit on my plate. I’m genuinely angry succumbing to thoughts and moods I don’t seem to reign in in advance. I don’t have a diagnose yet but it very much looks like it.
Can anyone share meds, treatments, experiences?

Anonymous 297999

>I think I have it
See a professional about it if you can. If you don't get a proper diagnosis you can't really start to find ways to treat it

Anonymous 298005

I will make an appointment. I strongly suspected it, but I was terrified of the medication (and still am) and another feature to take care of. Im trying to get a new job asap, but clearly not with this mess as a vehicle. Why even be surprised, this bs gets annoying and exhausting. Fml fr

Anonymous 301229


I was diagnosed with it very early and shipped off to a padded room rape dungeon from 7 - 12 years old. Addressing the trauma from being mouthfucked by nightschool RNs and drugged to nearly death, and using mushrooms sparingly to commit to goals that require me to be less chaotic helped. I really would not recommend medication. Not a single thing in my life went well at all until I stopped taking psych pills. Sincerely, maybe bipolar, 15 years and three continents away from that experience, doing an elite job.

Anonymous 301232

I recommend looking into and considering DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) once you see a professional about it and have a proper diagnosis. I'm Bipolar I. I've tried all kinds of therapies.
Here's a brief on each!:

IPSRT (Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy): Focuses on helping people with bipolar disorder regulate their daily routines.
Targets: Eating patterns, sleep-wake cycles, social interactions, work, and hobbies.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
FFT (Family Focused Therapy): Help improve understanding in relationships and improve relationships
Targets: Teach family to recognize signs of an episode, educate family on how to support you the best way, improve conflict management, improve communication, create a plan for preventing relapse.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): [most common type of therapy for bipolar disorder] aims to help people recognize and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to their symptoms.
Targets: learning to identify triggers for mood episodes, developing coping strategies, and strengthening emotional regulation skills.
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy): aims to help individuals with bipolar disorder learn new skills for regulating emotions, improving relationships, and reducing impulsive behaviors.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 296798[Reply]

Have any of you joined the military or considered it?
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Anonymous 297024

Do you know anything about the quality of life in the air force vs the army? The reason I'm considering the air force is because everyone has always told me it's for more reserved nerdy types. The type of women you mention generally eat me alive. I'm a passive little bitch but i'm used to being yelled at and stuff

Anonymous 297029

The air force is much slower tempo, more focused on academics and technical fields and generally requires higher IQs, lower physical scores. You'll still have to do some pretty gruelling tests, but most of it will be in considerably more luxury than the army. Rucks are shorter and lighter, courses have fewer obstacles and easier time requirements, even morning PT is lighter and a lot nicer. The kind of women who join the air force and navy will still include barracks bunnies, but they'll be a lot less intense. They might not be any nicer, but less aggressive and you'll find a lot more women like yourself or at least compassionate enough not to haze you for it.

Anonymous 300964

Based. Screw fighting for moids in moid-led wars caused by moidery. None of these judeoalliedreakmason conflicts benefit women.

Anonymous 301026

I really want to tbh. Idk is it possible. And my mother wouldn't let me.

Anonymous 301105

I have thought about it multiple times because the job search fucking sucks, but I have a college degree so they don't really want me to enlist (not that I ever really tried) and always encourage me to go the officer route instead. Like I said, I have considered it. Ultimately, the military seems like such a hierarchical and authoritarian hellacious nightmare with no escape. If you get a bad commanding officer or peers in your unit, there is nothing you can do about it. You're just stuck in whatever abusive environment the military assigned you to. Yeah, rape is also so common for women in the military that it's pretty much guaranteed to happen. Unless you're ugly, then everyone would just bully you instead. Plus, the officer process is so insanely competitive that I'm not sure it's worth even trying.


Anonymous 15463[Reply]

The last 3 digits of your post equals to which Pokemon you are.
450 posts and 157 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301107



Anonymous 301121


Anonymous 301122


Cool, I guess

Anonymous 301156



Anonymous 301157


quilava is my literal favorite i'm so lucky


Anonymous 301061[Reply]

I really need some advice. I applied for a government role and gave a reference but they told me I need a supplementary contact as well. None of my family wants to do it and I don't know anyone else at my old job. Am I fucked? Is there anywhere I can pay someone to be a referee? This is the only thing holding me back.

Anonymous 301062

Something within tells me that helping someone who starts threads with such atrocious images to achieve a leading role could have negative consequences for society.

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