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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 299556[Reply]

Anyone with disabilities / health issues here?
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Anonymous 299579

People with Down Syndrome can have normal intelligence. It's a misconception that they are all retarded.

Anonymous 299615

I had no idea.

Anonymous 299723

I've never seen a downie with an average IQ but downies in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues. Has anyone else noticed that? I don't know how to put this right, but it seems like they're good at picking up on complex emotional bids that average adults don't pick up on.

Anonymous 299729

I never actually considered this before but looking back on the downies I’ve interacted with, you’re right. They struggle intellectually, but they’re often the first to pick up on someone being upset and quick to try and cheer that person up.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 299732

Moved to >>>/hb/21008.


/int/craft 40 - Modern American Civil War Anonymous 299664[Reply]

/int/craft is a geopolitical roleplay Minecraft server that has been running since 2015 and is now in preparation for its 40th iteration which will launch on January 4th.

This Iteration is set in the near future after political & economic turmoil in America has boiled over into an all-out civil war. Will you help the Government restore order? Or will you join up with the Trumpists, or maybe a regional power? Maybe it's high time to stake your own claim and make a run for the Capitol.

The iteration will feature Modern Guns, Cars, Nodes territory plugin, Brewery, An all new custom made map with easter eggs, many custom textures, and of course War and Conquest.

If you are curious, you can try out the mechanics on our test server.
IP: intcraft.lol
Version: 1.20.1

For more info, check out our website.

Join our discord to stay up to date with new features and events.
https://[[read the rules]]/cbkxj8xr7e
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Anonymous 299665

Anonymous 299666

discord embed fail as brainless zombie copies and pastes
https://[[read the rules]]/cbkxj8xr7e


Mayo Anonymous 299624[Reply]


Anonymous 299425[Reply]

Do you like driving? Did you ever have driving anxiety or fear of driving?
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Anonymous 299450

Tbh it's roundabouts that keep me from driving. They're everywhere here so I can't really avoid them.

Anonymous 299453

I love driving, I used to transport car parts across multiple states for retail as a job before COVID fucked everything up. Nothing better than the open roads and some tunes, especially during the summer. I'd get back into the industry if I wasn't riding solo as a woman this time around. Fucking hate most of the people on the roads though, Honda and Nissan drivers need to seek God.

Anonymous 299463


I don't know how to drive and I don't plan on learning. I walk if I need to go somewhere. If I ever die from getting ran over then I guess it was my time to go.

Anonymous 299468


I don't hate roundabouts, I hate other people who don't know how to use them. They're way better and safer than crossroads if used correctly.
Indicate reeeeeeee

Anonymous 299518

trains man.png

I'd rather not drive. Thankfully my city has decentish public transport, and my job pays for it.


Anonymous 298199[Reply]

Does anyone else want to get married someday but also is loser with no friends. Like who would I even ask to be my bridesmaids?? I'd be one of those brides with literally two bridesmaids..who would I even invite..i dont know why im thinking about this
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Anonymous 299047

idk I don't mind wedding websites, it's a useful way to collect rsvps/ share gift registries and a lot of websites where you can do it for free.

Anonymous 299137

What do s think about the correlation between expensive weddings and divorce? I go back and forth on wanting a wedding or marriage at all, but I was thinking of a beach side micro wedding for around a few thousand.

Anonymous 299183

Oh same here. My moid’s family are extremely rude and trashy and his mom is overprotective.

Anonymous 299209

Best bet option. Just have it casual with beach games set up ideally it’s not a windy day. If not tent rentals aren’t too bad. I was thinking of booking the largest cabin in a state park near me as my venue.

Anonymous 299447

I have no friends too. My guy had two friend coworkers show up and we took a video in a nice park. We later had a reception cause my mom paid for it and really pushed for it.


Polish thread Anonymous 205011[Reply]

A thread for nonas from Poland to connect and talk!
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Anonymous 208680

I moved out of Poland together with my parents when I was 14. I lived in an unremarkable town and I always hated the atmosphere and how depressing it was. Maybe if I was from a bigger city like Kraków I would have liked it, I only visited it once in summer and it was nice. I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to Poland but I want to visit again at least.

Anonymous 220696

hymn śląska.webm

anyone from silesia here?

Anonymous 221649

do you visit polish imageboards?

Anonymous 221905

don't really know all that many

Anonymous 237983

Not at all.


Anonymous 298346[Reply]

anyone employed here? or are you like me
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Anonymous 298366

I'm employed. Just your average citizen, nothing to see here o society

Anonymous 298376

How old are you, anon? I'm employed and also a college student and it's pretty miserable. I didn't feel any sort of guilt when I was a neet and I wish I could go back to it every day

Anonymous 299054

Unironically I'm too unwell to work

Anonymous 299055

Just have rich parents that buy you a house. 2ez

Anonymous 299056

Yeah, full time employment and college. But my job is super easy, and I love it. I can knit at work.


Anonymous 298837[Reply]

Board got raided again with child exploitation materials
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Anonymous 298874

probably all the above

I thought CSAM was usually traded between pedos rather than paid for. Money can be tracked, paywell thing sounds like a scam or fed honey pot.

Anonymous 298880

it is; the paid thing is an exception rather than the rule, just not in this particular context (cp spam on boards)

Anonymous 298949

this one schizo cel dude was recently banned so it could be him or one of his allies possibly. It is probably some deranged dude from r9k. Not sure why feds would have any interest in this board.

Anonymous 298950

What’s with the poop posting recently?

Anonymous 298973

Even then, most of the places offering sales are fed honeypots


Lolcow.farm hate thread #9 Anonymous 281208[Reply]

Last thread: >>>/b/276304
503 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 298948

You’ve got good points that no one likes bait, trolling, sperging, etc. LC seems like the most moderated IB I’ve ever seen, and the meaning of “infighting” is as much as having a quick bant with another vs shitting up an entire thread with back and forths. Or mods banning people for obvious satire posts because of their severe and terminal autism.
I only ever posted on /x/ on 4chan and on a spanish language board. I left 4chan once it wasn’t fun anymore and just spam of “DAE summon succubus?” and “what’s the rake guiz?” over and over. The spanish language board just died out sadly. None of them were a free for all or anything like that, but I also don’t think we’re specifically asking for a free for all infighting, bait, chaos board.
Having a more resilient userbase who no longer gets rewarded for reporting “infighting” like “user called me a retard” will have better long term reduction on mod workload than banning vpns. On the whole we agree so i’m not crabbing at ya.
There’s a lot of boards that aren’t like that tbf, or there used to. Maybe things have changed significantly, but 4chan’s sfw boards were never like that for the most part, just tistic sperging about cartoons and tabletop. /b/ was a retard containment zone, not a model for the whole site.

Anonymous 298951

no, i was just talking about Luigi in the corresponding thread and then i randomly got banned.

Anonymous 298952

farmers aren't capable of banter. part of why the regina george persona they adopted ~2018/2019 never worked is because they are actually seething and having an aneurysm over the smallest thing.

Anonymous 298953

does anyone know how long admin takes to respond to emails? i actually wanna discuss being wrongfully banned with them and i emailed last night and still haven't gotten a response.

Anonymous 298958

farming their own milk from the userbase

I'm not about to post milk witout a vpn; I think that's so for many other users as well.

I've noticed that when I report something, the redtext is exactly what I typed in, even when it's more of a unique report. I definitely don't think they read the threads for context.


Crochet/knitting/sewing etc Anonymous 137729[Reply]

A thread dedicated to garment and textile making, including, but not limited to, crocheting, knitting, and sewing.
Share patterns, questions/advice, what you're working on, etc.
Questions to get started:

>What craft(s) do you enjoy

>what is your skill level
>how long have you been at it
>what got you into it
>what have you finished recently
>what are you working on now
>what do you hope to make in the future
>what materials do you prefer using (brands, fiber, etc)
>how often do you get to participate in your craft?
>any other online spaces oe resources good for discussing your craft?
>what do you think is beneficial about your craft
>advice for any beginners
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Anonymous 218853

That isn't even knitting, thats crochet lol.
Look up beginner amigurumi projects and start learning

Anonymous 218854

>beginner amigurumi projects

Anonymous 219125


I think not much at all. I'm a beginner crocheter and have completed like 7 simple amigurumi + 2 beanies, and I'm going to make this one now.

Anonymous 298191

I love sewing and making things and the creativity that comes with it!

My only income right now is self-employed, sewing covers and stuff for boats and outdoor things. I don't love it.. I want a chance to make creative things again.

Anonymous 298908

>What craft(s) do you enjoy
Knitting, crochet, sewing. I've tried spinning wool into yarn and dyeing yarn, too.
>what is your skill level
I'm best at knitting, bad at crochet, medium good at sewing, and bad at spinning wool and dyeing yarn lol
>how long have you been at it
Since I was a kid for knitting, for 6 months for sewing, 3 months for the other stuff
>what got you into it
My grandma taught me how to knit. I wanted to learn how to sew so I could tailor some of my clothing. Crochet and other fibercrafts came from knitting, I guess
>what have you finished recently
A wool soaker for my friend's future baby. She wants to cloth diaper but a lot of the commercial wool soakers are way too expensive
>what are you working on now
More wool soakers lol
>what do you hope to make in the future
I want to make some fingered gloves at some point.
>what materials do you prefer using (brands, fiber, etc)
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