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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 301937[Reply]

post your dream custom cakes
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Anonymous 301942


Anonymous 301949


I can only dream

Anonymous 301965


Anonymous 301966

Fairy house birthd…

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301978

Moved to >>>/img/29787.


Anonymous 301861[Reply]

What AI companions do you use?

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301864

Moved to >>>/media/36383.


Anonymous 301837[Reply]

>see Rin
>cool character design
>watch Fate/stay night UBW
>Saber and Sakura both revolve around Shirou in FSN. Rin doesn't. She can and often does go off to do her own thing. Independence and self-sustainability is a really, really appealing trait in a character.
>Rin has no such dynamic with Shirou's core beyond being a tard wrangler, and not a particularly good one at that

Why are anime writers like this?

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301849

Moved to >>>/media/36379.


Anonymous 299429[Reply]

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America
27 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301773


Anonymous 301776


>Free speech
Only as long as it doesn't offend jews or go against their agendas.

Anonymous 301790


Anonymous 301792

good. drugs are BAD nona.
the less liquor in the world the better.

Anonymous 301838



Anonymous 301738[Reply]

Is it normal to find oral sex disgusting?

Anonymous 301742

yeah because oral sex where a woman is pleasuring a male literally is an act of degradation instead of love/romance. insults based around the idea like "suck my dick" do actually have a meaning and it means for you to submit totally to someone in an act that doesn't give you any pleasure/return any to you like a slave to a master

Anonymous 301743

I find it disgusting because the average person doesn't practice good hygiene
Most men don't even brush their teeth or tongue
I doubt men even properly wash their genitals and don't trim well enough, can't imagine getting hair in my mouth, let alone pubic hair

Anonymous 301752

I find it disgusting too. Porn has normalized it to such a degree that it’s expected in every relationship now

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301756

Moved to >>>/nsfw/14650.


Anonymous 301741[Reply]

What romance stories have made you cry?

Anonymous 301747

Anonymous 301748

When I saw "When Harry met Sally" for the first time


Anonymous 301662[Reply]

These puzzle books are actually really fun. I can kinda see how boomers were entertained before videogames were invented.

Anonymous 301677

Speaking of, I’ve been wanting to visit my Dollar General for one or two of these!

They are really fun and also very good for when you want to zone out while seeming like you’re being productive, too, instead of being “on that goddamn phone all the time”.

Anonymous 301705

Sudoku are my fave, loved doing that in the nuthouse when I was committed. They wouldn't give us pencils with erasers in case we ate them so that added an extra challenge.

Anonymous 301714

Man, I love crosswords and word search. I am too stupid for sudoku tho

Anonymous 301717

i love these types of games so much! whenever i'm on the bus or when i'm listening to youtube videos i always play these. i also play wordle, quordle and octordle every day lol. if you like sudoku check out kakuro and killer sudoku (they're on google store if you use android like me)!


Anonymous 301675[Reply]

I wish gensokyo was real so bad we could have cool outfits and awesome abilities and not have to deal with annoying moid bullshit. Every time i listen to 2hu tunes I daydream of living in a beautiful land without taxes and societal bullshit. We’d just be dueling eachother and engaging in our hobbies, no pickme-isms or annoying het desires for moids. Idk can any other nonas relate

Anonymous 301704

As a child I felt the same.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301979

Moved to >>>/media/36405.


Lolcow.farm hate thread #10 Anonymous 299049[Reply]

last thread >>>/b/281208
505 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301688

its better if you dont see it. you would not want to use lolcow after reading the /w/ farmhand's PMs. its worse than you can imagine. stop posting there

Anonymous 301689

please post them!! anons wont believe it without proof

Anonymous 301690

can you at least share some parts of it?

Anonymous 301691

If it's so bad then we deserve to know.

Anonymous 301692

This. I don't want to use a site if the Admin is a degenerate enough that it can't be shared.


secrets thread Anonymous 261146[Reply]

tell me a secret, nona
25 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301437


i once got a vibrator stuck up there and lived like that for a day or two until it came out

Anonymous 301480

I tell my bf I paint 5-8 hours a day but I only do it for 2-3

Anonymous 301483

lol same, but I feel bad about it

Anonymous 301663

i steal shit but like, really minor shit that no one would notice
i see some yugioh/hello kitty plush left out on a table? i take it and it's mine now
if i see an eraser and nobody's watching, i take it
i've been doing this for months now and nobody ever found out it was me
i've never actually stolen anything from a store though, there's no way i'd get away with that

Anonymous 301664

I wear men's stretchy boxer briefs
Really comfy and easy to wear

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