secrets thread Anonymous 261146[Reply]
tell me a secret, nona
25 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.Anonymous 301437

i once got a vibrator stuck up there and lived like that for a day or two until it came out
Anonymous 301480
I tell my bf I paint 5-8 hours a day but I only do it for 2-3
Anonymous 301483
lol same, but I feel bad about it
Anonymous 301663
i steal shit but like, really minor shit that no one would notice
i see some yugioh/hello kitty plush left out on a table? i take it and it's mine now
if i see an eraser and nobody's watching, i take it
i've been doing this for months now and nobody ever found out it was me
i've never actually stolen anything from a store though, there's no way i'd get away with that
Anonymous 301664
I wear men's stretchy boxer briefs
Really comfy and easy to wear