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Anonymous 295949[Reply]

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Anonymous 295953

If you are watching from a put together playlist, you are linking the wrong videos. Should be this:

Anonymous 295976

lmao she's just as into it as he is
i've watched some of this couple's videos, they met on okcupid and he was on there looking for a wife that would guarantee him success or some shit so when they started dating he said he was trying his hardest to AVOID falling in love with her because he needed to logically evaluate her value as a wife. basically he's an egomaniac and she's into it

Anonymous 295978

That's actually hilarious

Anonymous 296586


Anonymous 296588

do a lot of guys inevitably absorb their gf's nighttime menstrual leakage? are their dudes dating chicks with other chicks period blood already in his system

MS Paint _ Microso…

rough. Anonymous 296538[Reply]

Anonymous 296539

it really do be like that these days

Anonymous 296568

there's too many men
too many people
making too many problems
and not much love to go around


20$ amazon gift card Anonymous 296409[Reply]

I got a 20$ amazon gift card in a survey, what should I spend it on? I don't have prime and am a college student.
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Anonymous 296423


hmm sum yummy snacks?… nice pens/pencils? a journal? what’s something you want, a little something to treat yourself?

Anonymous 296435

I always like saving that kinda thing that I need but dont wanna spend money on eg; i had a brewing airlock break so i bought a new one with a gift card. The old breaking felt less frustrating since I didn’t have to pay for a new one :)

Anonymous 296455

My mom actually just bought me a bunch of yummy japanese snacks because she is the best mom ever. I don't really know what I would want… Maybe like, an anime girl figurine or some posters? Or maybe some stickers. Surely someone here has some suggestions though.

Anonymous 296471

spicy dried sea weed snack. Or maybe some Caramel popcorn?

Anonymous 296476

Kettle popcorn and sour gummy worms


Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

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Anonymous 274050

Honestly my home made burgers are better than anything ive had from a restaurant.
1lb 80% lean ground beef
1 cup crumbs of garlic&cheese croutons you ground in blender
1 egg
4- tbsp worcestershire sauce
salt, pepper, onion powder liberally

pan frying:
slice up thin onion slivers, cut them radially
in lightly oiled pan put down patty sized pile of onion slivers ahd crush it under raw hamburger patty so it becomes compressed inside and sticks to the patty when you flip it

cook until brown and a tiny bit blackened

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Anonymous 274067

My vote used to go to,Wendy's but after having a beconator after not having any fast food for about 4 years it was just totally meh. Not sure if I've grown disatisfied with them or if they've gotten worse.
Them being a whole $4 more than they used to be didn't fucking help

Anonymous 274068


Anonymous 274076

probably burger king since it's actual food. Five guys is better but too expensive so burger king.

Anonymous 296416



Nuclear energy Anonymous 296300[Reply]

Do you have opinions on nuclear energy? Does your place already use it?
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Anonymous 296329

Capitalism is the reason why.

Anonymous 296330

It’s one of the most efficient ways of making electricity ever and completely safe but wrinkly old morons with childhood trauma about nukes hate it for no reason. Or maybe they hate it because they want to prop up the fossil fuel industry. Idk.

Anonymous 296336

Coal and natural gas ought to be conserved as supplements or substitutes for petroleum in the production of synthetic fertilizers. We need to refactor all aspects of food production because the advancements of the Green Revolution rely on depleting resources, and we don't even know if it is really possible to find a substitute for our current synthetic fertilizers.

But there's a lot of disinfo around nuclear power.
Mining uranium does involve producing tail-end products which are worse than lead mining tail ends. Once it is in the plant it may be cleaner than coal electricity, but uranium extraction is not cleaner than other forms of heavy metals mining. Not that solar is entirely clean either–China has entire rivers rendered uninhabitable from cadmium tail ends.
The heavy water involved in plant processes IS required in a specific balance sustain life, and VERY small changes in deuterium concentration affect cell metabolism and apoptosis (you know, the process where a cell decides to kill itself rather than kill you via cancer):
–so there IS an effect on the environment inherent in reducing freshwater heavy water balances. And nuclear reactors DO require freshwater since sodium activates.
"Plant safety" is not just about safety against accident or circumstance. The United States and Israel proved, with StuxNet, that deliberate attacks on nuclear processes can succeed and are highly nationally rewarding. StuxNet was designed specifically to not cause environmental catastrophe, but not every attack will be based on prudence. There are treaties against any attack on nuclear power plants which describe any attack including accidental artillery strike as "nuclear terrorism" to be subjected to immediate international military retaliation, but those treaties were shown for bluff and bluster when Russia (a primary signatory of such treaties) shelled Ukrainian plants.

Anonymous 296363

Not as bad as what people say

Anonymous 296386

The real reason is pretty boring. It's expensive. If reactors with cheaper fuels become available, it'll become way more common.


Women Furries Anonymous 295673[Reply]

What's your opinion of women furries?
I follow a lot of princessfurs, something about them tickle my brain.
This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
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Anonymous 296318

You say that like there isn't a German pedo who comes to this site to post actual PC and probably has been doing that for a while before I started coming back to this hellhole.

Anonymous 296319

Anonymous 296320

>This is all idiot techbro speak.
I wish I could have come up with a better and more appropriate term than "democratizes," but I can't. "Slop" seems less correct since the effect is caused by availability, not artistry–it's happening in the sphere of furry porn which is a commodity with a function, utility value, not museum pieces. Still, I don't think I've seen too many techbros speaking about AI as a way to ruin the commercial value of a previously-thriving economy. Can you elaborate?

>many being Disney spergs
A little embarassing to say that I'd completely forgotten that entire demographic. Still, over the last 20 years it seemed like Disney's bet the house on humanistic rather than anthropomorphic animation. When I think of a Disney Adult girlsperg I think of that Japanese woman who divorced her husband because he didn't want to watch Frozen every single weekend, not some lost-in-time DuckTales fanatic.
>or wolfaboos into animal fantasy
Xenofiction's always seemed to have an ambiguous relationship with the furry scene. Lots of crossover of interest but not really an inherent and necessary overlap. A Star Wars and Star Trek kinda thing, if you really like one you will encounter the other but upon that encounter there's no higher chance of adoption than with the general population.

Anonymous 296323

>Female whalers are not as common as you think,
If female furries are extremely uncommon, and the female furries that do exist are extremely disproportionately represented amongst high commission fursuit/cosplay/merch/art sellers, then the reason that female whalers are uncommon has more to do with female furries being uncommon than with whalers being unrepresentative.
>you can't just show up only willing to do slightly risque stuff. Particularly now that AI has taken the low IQ coomers who'd ask for stuff like "POV generic fox girl riding my cock" out of the pool, you really have to either be skilled (draw things with a specificity that low IQ coomers can't wring out of AI) or willing to draw very degen niche stuff (draw things AI doesn't even have data for), but more likely both.
You are describing the lower rungs of the economic ladder being cut off by AI. How are the next generation of whalers going to earn their sea legs if they have to already be as skilled as Queequeeg and as prudent as Starbuck before they can set foot on the Pequod?

Anonymous 296324

Also "as gay as Ishmael before…" Very important.


Here's how my morning went, friends. Anonymous 295942[Reply]

>7:40ish, wake up
>No work today, bummed that I am awake so early
>Flop out of bed anyhow
>Realize the rest of my family is not home even though it's a bit early for them to have left.
>Half-ass my morning routine while I contemplate what I am gonna do today
>Step outside, still barely awake.
>Walk toward the backyard. No idea why, just felt like it.
>Gasp in terror as a little black man comes storming out through our front gate
>Wearing nothing but an unzipped hoody and some trashed jeans, dufflebag slung over his shoulder and like 4 laptop cases dangling off his back
>He runs out into the driveway
>I am still taken back by this surprise
>No idea what to even say.
>He looks back at me, puts his hand up and says "yoyoyoyoyoyo! I'm just passin through! all this my shit. I'm just tryna pass through I ain't lift nothin"
>I finally collect myself enough to say "Uh… okay…."
>"Yeah I real sorry about that miss. stay safe!"
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Anonymous 295947

He may not have stolen your stuff, but he stole my heart~~

Anonymous 296259

Update even though this thread went nowhere: I am pretty sure there's already 2 new squatters moving in that same building lmao
I walked by it going somewhere and saw 2 teen/early 20s looking guys hanging on some steps outside it and on the way back just a few minutes ago, I heard what sounded like a bunch of bags being dragged across the floor in there.


Anonymous 296023[Reply]

What is it about Taylor Swift that normie women love so much? Idgi
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Anonymous 296036

I saw an explanation that makes complete sense. Her songs are "universally feminine" because she sings about shit that most people would experience in their life: breakups, growing older, falling in love. While this seems like something that can be found in many other artists, pop music at the time was mostly about partying and had a male perspective. So she seems revolutionary to women who aren't into other genres

Anonymous 296041

I unironically never listen to Taylor Swift on purpose. I am sure I've heard it when I shopping in a store but never paid attention to it. Like I can argue that with a lot of other famous musicians.
It just doesn't hit for me.

Anonymous 296108

It's because she started off as a cool girl/mean girl type but became dorkier, more feminist and more relatable over time. It's like when one of the popular girls hangs out with you for a bit and you feel this urge to be like "OMG she's SO nice!"

Anonymous 296210

she took off because her early country music actually had something to say. then she coasted on the coattails of genuine quality into regurgitated, overproduced power pop. after she got slandered onstage, she marketed herself as a feminist and gay icon. i liked one or two of her new songs but the life has been sucked out of her music. it's easier and quicker to make bland pop and the endless remixes of her "girl anthems" will keep her circulating on the charts. not sure why anyone was surprised by the coconut endorsement.

Anonymous 296219

Cause she’s just easy listening, pop with a steady beat and lyrics that you don’t really need to listen to because her vocal skills are acceptable


Care and Love of Jumping Spiders Anonymous 295419[Reply]

Discuss the care and keeping of spoods itt

Anonymous 295425



Anonymous 295437


I have a phidippus regius that looks like this. I don't think my cam would do her justice I found him or her on my porch. She has a heart shape on her bum.

Anonymous 296189


here is how you care for a hairy ass spider


Anonymous 296090[Reply]

This is a real man

Anonymous 296112

>no bowl of boiled eggs

Anonymous 296115

kek was going to say this is v boiled eggs bowl vibe

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